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Timing of Travel and Settling Abroad

 Movable ascendant are more capable of moving a person to foreign lands

 Malefic influence on 4th house or 4th lord

 12th lord influence on ascendant or 4th house

 Ascendant in 12th, 7th or 9th house

 Nakshatra of Mirghsira, Rohini, Swati, Ashwini, Bhadrapada, Punarvasu, also contributes to

foreign lands

 Rahu influence on ascendant, 4th, 7th house or ascendant lord brings foreign travels and

 Moon is the karaka of travel, Moon dasha naturally makes a person travel to foreign places.

 Jupiter naturally rules the 9th and 12th house, it, too has the ability make a person travel but
more so for religious purposes.

 Rahu dasha is the most commonly seen for foreign settlements. I myself came to united states
in my Rahu Mercury dasha.


 Major-sub periods of Rahu and Moon
 Major-sub periods Rahu and 12th, 3rd, 7th or 9th lord
 Major-sub periods of planets sitting in 12th house
 Major-sub periods of MK + GK
 Major-sub periods of Pada of the 12th and 7th house
 Major period of planet whose nakshatra lord is in 12 th or 9th house.
 Major-sub periods of palnets whose nakshatra lords are sitting in 12 th and 9th house
 Look for the same conditions in the D4 chart. Planets in 6, 8 th or 12th house also either lands a
person in foreign lands or far away in the same country.
 foreign lands or one takes foreign trips.

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