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2017 2nd International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing

Face Recognition in Real-world Surveillance Videos with Deep Learning Method

Ya Wang, Tianlong Bao, Chunhui Ding, Ming Zhu

Department ofInformation and Technology
University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei, China

Abstract-Robust face recognition in real-world surveillance mappings, thereby significantly outperforming hand-crafted
videos is a challenging but important issue due to the needs of features. It is a very promising idea to apply deep learning
practical applications such as security monitoring. While methods to face recognition in real-world surveillance videos.
current face recognition systems perform well in relatively As we all know, to exploit deep learning methods to a
constrained scenes, they tend to suffer from variations in pose, new target domain, vast amounts of training data are critical.
illumination or facial expression in real-world surveillance For example, Deep Face [8] collected 4.4M face images to
videos. In this paper, we propose a method for face recognition do model training. However, labeling such a large scale
in real-world surveillance videos by deep learning. First, a
dataset is a very tedious task. We cannot get a dataset of
novel dataset from target real-world surveillance videos is
sufficient scale that is required for the depth of network as
constructed automatically and incrementally with the process
of face detection, tracking, labeling and purifying. Then, a many ordinary research institutions or companies do. So, it is
convolutional neural network with the labeled dataset is fine- not realistic for us to re-train an entire model suitable for face
tuned. On the testing dataset collected from the campus recognition in real-world surveillance scenes from scratch
surveillance system, the network after fine-tuning achieves with random initialization. Using the parameters of existing
recognition accuracy of 92.1 %, which obviously outperforms trained deep learnings model is another solution. While these
the network without fine-tuning, which returns a recognition models perform well on the public testing datasets, their
accuracy of 83.6%. performance is not satisfactory when applied to real
scenarios. Taking VGG face model [9] as an example, when
Keywords-face recognition; surveillance; deep learning we tested the model on our real-world surveillance video
dataset, the accuracy dropped to 83.6%, while its
I. INTRODUCTION performance on the YTF dataset is 92.8%. To make the
models more suitable to a real scenario, one of the solutions
Surveillance systems have been widely deployed in both
is fine-tuning the pre-trained models with the dataset
public and private venues in recent years for the purpose of
collected from the target domain [10].
recognizing/verifying the subjects of interest in terms of
Motivated by this, we propose a method for face
security monitoring, and most of these systems are
recognition in real-world surveillance videos by deep
monitored by human operators. However, monitoring by
learning. The contributions of this paper mainly lie in two
humans inherently involves problems in reliability and
folds: First, an approach is proposed for creating a
scalability [1]. Hence, an intelligent approach to recognize
reasonable face dataset from target surveillance videos while
the identities of different subjects by applying computer
vision strategies has attracted the attention of researchers. requiring no or only a little help of human for annotation.
Enough labeled data of the target domain is needed for fme-
Face recognition in surveillance videos is one of these
strategies. Face recognition is natural, non intrusive, and tuning the deep model. However, labeling such a dataset
convenient to use, and face recognition systems have a wide manually is tedious and costly. We construct a dataset
range of applications in the public security, entertainment, novelly by a process of face detection, tracking, and graph-
attendance management, financial payment and other fields. clustering. It is collected and labeled automatically. Then, a
While current face recognition systems perform well under method for face recognition in real-world surveillance videos
relatively controlled environments [2], [3], they encounter by fine-tuning the deep model with the new dataset is present.
great challenges when employed in practical surveillance In Section II, related work is discussed and Section
videos due to the variations in image resolution, background IIIdescribes the details of the proposed method. In Section
clutter, illumination, facial pose and expression [4]. IV, the experimental results are presented. The paper IS
Deep learning is considered to be the greatest fmally concluded in Section V.
breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence over the II. RELATED WORK
past decade, and has achieved great success in image
classification [5], object detection [6], semantic segmentation In general, the methods of recognizing faces in videos
[7], .as well as face recognition [8]. Thanks to its deep can be divided into two categories: 1) Spatio-temporal
archItecture and powerful learning capacity, discriminative recognition which is based on both static and dynamic
features can be learned through hierarchical nonlinear information; 2) Frame-based recognition in which only one

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(or a few) static image(s) are available for recognition [11]. parts. In the first part, a dataset was constructed by
Videos can benefit face recognition by providing many automatically collecting and labelling the data from real-
frames that include abundant temporal dynamic information world surveillance video. In the second part, we fine-tune the
such as motion, pose and expression. Previous works show VGG face recognition model by our dataset. The two parts
that it is necessary to make the most use of temporal will be described in detail in the following subsections.
information to improve the performance of face recognition.
In [12], the information from different cameras and the A. Dataset Collection and Labeling
temporal characteristics in a video sequence were As mentioned above, the dataset is important for fine-
incorporated by a dynamic Bayesian network. A hidden tuning. Since our target domain is real-world surveillance
Markov model (HMM) was exploited to analyze the video, massive data from the target domain is necessary,
temporal clues over time in [13]. Some work has also been including the number of identity classes and the amount of
done to construct a 3D face model by using the dynamics in each identity class, to fine-tune our model. The dataset is
videos. For example, in [14], the author utilized a 3D head established by four stages, as summarized in Table I.
model which used features like hairline, to deal with large • Stage 1: Rough dataset generation
pose variations in head tracking and video-based face Our goal is face recognition in real-world surveillance
recognition. videos. One of the advantages of videos is that they involve
When it comes to frame-based recognition, normally an many different person objects, so we can get enough identity
automated face detector is first used to extract the faces from classes from massive videos. Besides, each identity often
the video frames. Subsequently these faces are used for face appears in a series of frames. Thus enough face images for
recognition. It is similar to still-to-still image face each identity are able to be obtained. These face images are
recognition, which has been researched for such a long time various in illumination, pose, expression, and are even
that so many methods have been developed for it. According shaded to some extent. We build our dataset roughly
to whether the deep learning is used, the face recognition utilizing the combination of face detection and face tracking.
methods can be divided into traditional methods and deep As showed in Fig. 1, when a video is input, the faces are
learning based methods. Traditional methods rely on feature detected by frames.
representation given by hand-crafted descriptors such as LBP
[15], Gabor [16], eigenfaces [17] and so on. They perform TABLE !. THE PROCEDURE OF D ATASET COLLECTION AND
well in constrained conditions, but encounter many
challenges when used in unconstrained scenarios such as Stages Aims Methods
real-world surveillance videos due to the large variations in Stage I Rough dataset generation
face detection and
illumination, pose and low resolution. Many deep neural tracking
Purification within each graph-clustering by
networks have been proposed for face recognition. Deep Stage2
class VGG feature
Face [18] employed an explicit 3D face model for alignment Purification between
and represented the face with a nine-layer deep neural Stage3 similarity measure
network, which was trained on a labeled dataset including 4 Filtering according to
Stage4 quantity statistics
million facial images belonging to more than 4,000 identities. amount
A supervised metric, i.e. theX2 similarity and the Siamese
network, was used for the verification metric. Experiments
showed the method reached an accuracy of 97.35% on the l a b el in§ ~
Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset [18]. The Deep ID
series of papers [19] [20] [21] increased the performance on
labelinwI identity 2 I
LFW incrementally but steadily. In [8], the author trained a face detection
deep architecture, one that we call the VGG face model,
using a triplet loss and achieved comparable state of the art
results on the standard LFW and YTF [22] face benchmarks.
labelinw I identity n
In this paper, the deep learning is employed to solve the
problem of face recognition in real-world surveillance video.
A relatively large scale face dataset is collected from our Figure 1. Rough dataset generation.
school monitoring system. Then, VGG face model is fine-
tuned with the new dataset. Testing on our real-world
surveillance videos dataset, the recognition accuracy of the
fine-tuned model reaches 92.6%, improved by about 9% in
comparison with the model without fme-tuning.
Figure 2. Some examples ofan identity. The images with the red boxes
We propose a method for face recognition in real-world are labeled incorrectly.
surveillance videos using deep learning. It consists of two

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ygg feature

purifying graph-clustering

Figure 3. Some examples of an identity. The images with the red boxes are labeled incorrectly.

Once a face is detected, it will be tracked to get several • Stage 4: Filtering according to amount
face images of the identity and classed as an identity class. In this stage, identity classes for which there are not
• Stage 2: Purification within each class enough(less than lOO) images are eliminated.
The dataset created by stage 1 is mixed with some In summary, by a combination of face detection and
erroneous faces within each identity class set. Fig. 2 shows tracking, purification within and between identity classes,
some examples of that. The aim of this stage is to remove and filtering according to amount, a dataset is established
them by the use of graph-clustering with the VGG face accurately which meets the requirement for fme-tuning.
feature, which are extracted by the VGG face model.
Specifically, the VGG feature is fust extracted for each face B. Fine-tuning
image in the identity class set and the cosine distance In the fine-tuning stage, the VGG face model [8] is
between each face image is calculated. Then if the cosine exploited as the pre-trained model. The VGG face model
distance between two images is under a tight threshold T, the was trained on a large scale face dataset collected from the
two images are linked by an edge. By integrating all the web (2.6M images, over 2.6K people). It comprises eight
edges and images, the graph is constructed. Considering the convolutional layers and three fully connected layer. Each of
fact that most of the images within the identity class set are them are followed by one or more non-linearities such as
labeled correctly, which means they are related to a true ReLU and max-pooling [8]. The weights of the pre-trained
identity, the image which owns the most edges is chosen as VGG face model are fine-tuned by continuing the back-
the center image and it represents the identity class. propagation with our dataset. Only the fully connected layers
Naturally, the images linked to the center image directly or are fine-tuned with our new dataset to make the model more
indirectly are selected to construct our new dataset. The suitable to our target domain. This way of fme-tuning is
procedure mentioned above is illustrated in Fig. 3. accepted widely for the explanation that the features
• Stage 3: Purification between classes extracted by the earlier layers of a deep neutral network are
There are some duplicate identities between identity class generic and should be useful for most tasks, while the later
sets as showed in Fig. 4. They are cleaned by measuring the layers are inclined to extract more specific details of the
similarity of the center images. A threshold is set to decide target domain.
whether the two identity classes are duplicated.
The effectiveness of our method is verified in two ways.
More specifically, it is proved that an accurate dataset from
real-world surveillance videos are able to be built by the
method proposed with little participation from humans. Then,
it is that the new dataset that the VGG face model can be
fine-tuned and the perfonnance on the target domain is
The surveillance videos are collected for two consecutive
Figure 4. An example of duplicate identities. The first row is an identity weeks from our school surveillance system and our dataset is
and the second row is another identity. However, they are the same identity constructed following the method described in section 3. In
in fact. The images with red boxes are center images. the face detection stage, the haar face detector [23] is utilized

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and KCF tracking method [24] is applied in the tracking step. TABLE I!. THE R ECOGNITION ACCURACY OF PRE-TRAINED AND
Finally, the dataset includes 320 identity classes and over 80
face images for each identity class. Some examples are Modes Identity class scale Recognition rates
showed in Fig. 5. One of the evaluation indexes of the Pre- -- 83.6%
dataset is the purity and the purity of the dataset established trained
by our method is 99.2%. The purity of the dataset is defmed Fine-
140 91.4%
tuned I
as follows:
240 92.1%
Purity = N 1M (1) tuned2

N is the amount of images labelled correctly and M is the V. CONCLUSION

amount of all images. In this paper, a face recognition method for real-world
surveillance videos was proposed by constructing a face
dataset and fine-tuning the VGG face model. It is worth
noting that the dataset was collected and labeled
automatically from real-world surveillance videos with no or
little participation of manual work for annotation, and, with
Figure 5. Some face images collected from real-world surveillance videos.
our new dataset, it becomes possible to fine-tune the VGG
face model to improve its performance in real-world
surveillance scenarios. Also the VGG face model can be
replaced by other probe models. On our testing dataset, the
VGG face model after fine-tuning achieves a recognition rate
of92.1%, which obviously outperfonns the VGG face model
without fme-tuning, whose recognition rate is 83 .6%.
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