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University of RWANDA

School of Medicine and Pharmacy



Duration (2hours) sections

I. Choose the single (single) answer

1. All of the following are true EXCEPT:
a) The external and middle ear parts function is transfer of sounds to the inner ear
b) The inner ear contains the organ of equilibrium and for hearing
c) The eardrum separates the outer ear from the Middle Ear
d) The eardrum separates the inner ear from the Middle Ear
e) The pharyngotympanic tube (ET) connects the Middle to the nasopharynx
2. About the middle ear
a) The tensa tympani and the Eustachian tube are located in the anterior aspect of the middle ear
b) The incus is the largest of the ossicles
c) The stapedius muscle and the tensa veli palatini are the muscles found in the middle ear
d) The base of the stapes is firmly fixed in the round window
e) The Mastoid antrum communicate the middle ear to the temporal lobe
3. About the tympanic membrane:
a) It is attached to the bony tympanic ring
b) Attached to the malleus; manubrium and short proces of malleus by ligaments
c) The tensor tympani muscle is attached to the stapes
d) Pars tensa is the major portion of eardrum in the mesotympanum
e) All of the above is true
4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the ossicles
a) It is a chain of 3 small bones across the tympanic cavity
b) The malleus is the largest and has a head articulating with the incus, the neck, the lateral
process and the handle
c) The incus is in between the malleus and the stapes
d) The stapes has a head and articulates with the lenticular process of the incus
e) None of the above is true

5. Concerning the relations of the middle ear cavity

a) The external auditory canal and the Eustachian tubes are found in its lateral aspect
b) The carotid artery and the mastoid air cells are located in its floor
c) The mastoid air cells and the middle cranial fossa are located in its roof
d) The tensor tympani and the Eustachian tube are located in its anterior aspect
e) All of the above are not true
6. All about the contents of the middle ear is true EXCEPT:
a) It contains the Ossicles and the Facial nerve
b) It contains the Corda tympani
c) It contains the Stapedius and tensor tympani muscle
d) It communicate with the oropharynx through the eustachian tube
e) a and b are true
7. About the bony labyrinth
a) Contains the fluid called endolymph
b) It is contained with of the otic capsule of the mastoid part of the temporal bone
c) The vestibule communicate anteriorly with three semi-circular canals
d) The vestibule communicate posteriorly with the spiral cochlea
e) The membranous labyrinth if filled with endolymph
8. One answer is THE BEST statement about the vestibule
a) The vestibule of the bony labyrinth is a small chamber
b) It contains the Utricle and saccule and part of the balancing apparatus
c) It features the oval window on its lateral wall
d) It is continuous anteriorly with the cochlea
e) All the above is true
9. Choose the RIGHT answer among the following:
a) The saccule and the utricle, each contain a macula to detect angular acceleration.
b) Each hair cell of the macula contains 40 to 70 stereocilia and one true cilia, called a kinocilium.
c) The semi-circular canals are responsible for linear acceleration
d) The crista ampullaris consists of a thick gelatinous cap called a cupula and many hair cells.
e) In the scala tympani the pressure vibrations become waves
10. The internal auditory canal is characterised by all of the following EXCEPT:
a) It is a narrow canal within the petrous part of the temporal bone
b) It is closed laterally by a thin perforated plate of bone
c) It contains the Facial Nerve ,the vestibule-cochlear nerve and the labyrinthine vessels
d) The None labyrinthine artery supplying the inner ear is a branch of the basilar artery
e) of the above is true

II. Name the following structures

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