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Division of City Schools


Senior High School Department
Masbate City

Humanities 2: Creative Nonfiction

SUMMATIVE TEST 1 (Quarter 1, 2nd Semester, 2021- 2022)

NAME (Last Name First): ______________________________________________ DATE: __________________

GRADE AND SECTION: _________________________________ TEAM NAME: ___________________________

I. Test your knowledge of different literary elements and devices by identifying them as described in each number.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together.

A. Rhyme C. Assonance
B. Sonnet D. Onomatopoeia

2. A description of one thing as being similar to something else.

A. Metaphor C. Simile
B. Personification D. Idiom

3. An example of figurative language in which inanimate objects are given human characteristics.
A. Trope C. Hyperbole
B. Onomatopoeia D. Personification

4. A contrast between the audience's expectations and the reality of events.

A. Satire C. Situational irony
B. Paradox D. Dramatic irony

5. An object, person or colour used to represent an idea.

A. Theme C. Symbol
B. Mood D. Simile

6. A story in which everything symbolises something else.

A. Fiction C. Allegory
B. Motif D. Narrative

7. Non-literal language; metaphorical or rhetorical language.

A. Formal language C. Creative language
B. Figurative language D. Informal language

8. The repetition of the 's' or 'sh' sound.

A. Sibilance C. Scansion
B. Alliteration D. Simile
9. An example of figurative language which treats one thing as if it were another.
A. Metaphor C. Paradox
B. Alliteration D. Utopia

10. A word which recreates the sound which it represents.

A. Onomatopoeia C. Assonance
B. Alliteration D. Consonance

II. Identify the theme in each story. Remember: Themes are big world ideas extracted from the small world of the
story. Write the theme in a complete sentence.
Theme reflects big world idea/Illustrates critical thinking - 3pts
Theme expressed in complete sentence and correct grammar - 2pts
TOTAL 5pts
Tim hated his old baseball glove. He wanted to play with a new glove, but he didn’t have any money, so he
decided to steal it. But when Tim got caught stealing the glove, his parents said he couldn’t play baseball all summer.

Sample Answer: Tim shouldn’t steal. 2pts (demonstrates comprehension of the text but it doesn’t show
higher order thinking. The student is stuck in the small world
of the story)
1pt (expressed in a complete sentence but used contraction-
shouldn’t. = should not)
Total: 3pts


What is the theme of the story? _____________________________________________________________________


What is the theme of the story? _____________________________________________________________________


What is the theme of the story? _____________________________________________________________________


What is the theme of the story? _____________________________________________________________________


What is the theme of the story? _____________________________________________________________________

Total 35pts

Prepared by: ___________________

Humanities 2: Creative Nonfiction Teacher
Grade 12- Love
Grade 12- Prudence
Grade 12- Peace
Grade 12- Wisdom
Grade 12- Kindness

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