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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Ambal, John Carlo F. ESSAY ACTIVITY

TCPE 3-2 November 26, 2023

Encryption Techniques

Data encryption is the process of converting plain text or any other form of data into ciphertext
using an algorithm and a key. This ciphertext is unreadable until it is de crypted using the appropriate
key. Data encryption is a common and effective security method—a sound choice for protecting an
organization’s information. Data encryption is a security mechanism that converts your company’s
plaintext data into encoded information called ciphertext. The cryptic text or numbers can be decoded
only with a unique key that’s provided at the time of encryption.

Data encryption encompasses various techniques designed to secure information by converting

it into a scrambled format (ciphertext) that can only be deciphered with the corresponding decryption
key. Here are several key techniques used in data encryption: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): A
widely used symmetric encryption algorithm with key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits. It's efficient and
secure, commonly used in securing data at rest and in transit. Data Encryption Standard (DES) and
Triple DES (3DES): Older symmetric encryption algorithms that operate on fixed-size blocks of data.
DES has been largely replaced by more secure options like AES. Rijndael: The algorithm behind AES,
known for its security and efficiency in both software and hardware implementations. Encryption
techniques find extensive application across various domains and industries to secure sensitive data,
communications, and systems. Here are some real-world applications: Messaging Apps: Services like
WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram utilize end-to-end encryption (E2EE) to ensure only the intended
recipient can read messages, making them inaccessible to service providers or hackers. Email
Encryption: PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) and S/MIME are used to encrypt and sign emails, protecting the
content and verifying the sender's identity. Cloud Storage Encryption: Services like Google Cloud,
Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft Azure offer encryption options to secure data stored in the
cloud, protecting it from unauthorized access. File Encryption: Tools like BitLocker (Windows), FileVault
(Mac), and VeraCrypt encrypt entire disks or specific files to prevent unauthorized access to stored


Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Few notable case studies highlighting the importance and impact of encryption techniques in
various contexts like: Apple vs. FBI (2016): Scenario: After the San Bernardino terrorist attack, the FBI
requested Apple's assistance in unlocking an iPhone used by one of the attackers. Encryption Role: The
iPhone was protected by encryption, and Apple's refusal to create a backdoor to bypass it sparked a
legal battle. Apple argued that creating a backdoor could compromise the security and privacy of all
iPhone users. Snowden Leaks and NSA Surveillance (2013): Scenario: Edward Snowden, a former NSA
contractor, leaked classified documents revealing extensive global surveillance programs by the NSA.
Encryption Role: The leaks highlighted the importance of encryption in protecting communications and
data from unauthorized government access. It emphasized the need for robust encryption techniques
to safeguard privacy. While encryption is a crucial aspect of cybersecurity, it faces several challenges
and limitations like Key management, generating strong encryption keys and securely distributing them
to authorized users or systems without interception is a challenge, particularly in symmetric
encryption. Safeguarding encryption keys is vital. If keys are lost or compromised, data encrypted with
those keys becomes inaccessible. Quantum Computing Threats: Quantum computers have the
potential to break widely used encryption algorithms, such as RSA and ECC, by quickly solving complex
mathematical problems on which these algorithms rely. Computational Overhead: Strong encryption
algorithms, especially asymmetric ones, can impose significant computational overhead, impacting
system performance and response times. Lost Keys: If encryption keys are lost or forgotten, accessing
encrypted data becomes impossible. Balancing security measures with accessibility in case of key loss is
a challenge. Performance Overhead: Computational Resources: Some encryption methods, especially
asymmetric encryption, can demand substantial computational resources, potentially impacting
system performance, especially in resource-constrained environments. Latency: Encryption and
decryption processes might introduce latency, affecting real-time applications or systems requiring
rapid data transfer. Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have significantly enhanced threat
detection capabilities, allowing for more proactive and effective cybersecurity measures. For example,
Machine Learning and Behavioral Analytics: Anomaly Detection: Machine learning algorithms analyze
vast amounts of data to establish normal behavior patterns. They can detect deviations or anomalies
that might indicate potential threats, such as unusual network traffic or user behavior. Behavioral
Analysis: AI systems can learn typical user behaviors and identify aberrations that might signal a
security breach, like unexpected access attempts or irregular usage patterns. Predictive Analysis:
Threat Prediction: AI-driven models use historical data and current trends to predict potential threats
or vulnerabilities. This proactive approach enables security teams to mitigate risks before they
escalate. Symmetric Encryption: Uses: Fast and efficient encryption method using a single key for both
encryption and decryption. Challenge: Securely distributing the key without interception is a key
challenge. Examples: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), DES (Data Encryption Standard).
Asymmetric Encryption: Uses: Employs a pair of keys—a public key for encryption and a private key for
decryption. Advantage: Eliminates the need for secure key exchange but is computationally intensive.
Examples: RSA, ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography).


Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Hybrid Encryption: Integration: Combines the strengths of symmetric and asymmetric

encryption for secure data transmission. Method: Uses symmetric encryption for data and asymmetric
encryption for securely exchanging the symmetric key. Hashing: Function: Converts data into fixed-size
strings (hashes), primarily used for data integrity verification. Properties: One-way function; output
cannot be reversed to obtain the original input.


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