Higher Education System

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UGC NET Higher Education System Syllabus
 Institutions of higher learning and education in ancient India.
 Evolution of higher learning and research in Post Independence India.
 Oriental, Conventional, and Non-conventional learning programs in India.
 Professional Technical, and Skill-Based education.
 Value education and environmental education.
 Policies, Governance, and Administration.
 Brahmanas,
 Kshatriyas
 Vaishyas
 Shudras.

The concept of Education might have originated from the
Vedic period
Panini , Aryabhata, katyana and Patanjali their writings
Charaka and Sushruta were also some sources of learning
( History , Logic , interpretation , architecture , polity ,
agriculture , trade , commerce and animal husbandry and
 Physical education

RIG – Prayers
YAJUR – Rituals, Sacrifices
SAMA – Chants and Music
ATHARVA-Charms & Spells

ARANYAKAS – Lifestyle of
UPANISHADS – Philosophical
texts criticizing the rituals
SHIKSHA- Phonetic
KALPA – Ritual
NIRUKTA – Etymology
CHHANDA – Metrics
JYOTISHA- Astronomy

SRAUTA – Rituals of Sacrifice

GRIHYA – Domestic Life
DHARMA – Ethics & Conduct
SULBA - Measurements
Education during Buddhist period

 Buddhism is an religion based on the teachings of a

Gautama Buddha
 Buddhism Sects
 Goal ( attain Wisdom)
 Entry Stage : Shramana
 Admission : Upasambada
 Institution : Monastries , Viharas
 Students : Bhikkus , Bhikkunies
Education during Gupta period
 Encouraged higher learning by promoting
centres higher education at Nalanda,
Takshila, Ujjain, Vikramshila (Bihar),
Vallabhi (Gujarat), Sarnath and Ajanta.
 (Padmavati, Ayodhya , Mathura , Nasik and
 Learning are known as Ghatikas
 The Upadhyas took teaching

 Centre of learning, including religious

teachings of Buddhism.
 (ancient scriptures, law, medicine,
astronomy, military science or arts)
 Noted pupils (Panini, Jivaka,Chanakya
 North-western Pakistan.
 It is an important archaeological site and the
UNESCO declared it to be a World Heritage
Site in 1980.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO)

Aims to promote the identification, protection, and preservation of

cultural and natural heritage that is of exceptional significance to
people around the world.
68 subjects were taught at this university
 Vedas
 Commerce
 languages
 Documentation
 Grammar
 Music dance and other performing
 philosophy
 medicine
 futurology
 surgery archery
 the occult and mystical sciences
 Politics
 Complex mathematical calculations
 Warfare
 Astronomy
 accounts

 Worlds First and oldest

 Mahayana Buddism , Nyaya
 5TH Century destroyed by Huns
 Rediscovered by Alexander
Cunningham( 19th Century)
 Takshashila was also known for imparting knowledge of medical
science and surgery in ancient times.
 According to historical records, Taxila had a hospital that was
equipped with various surgical instruments, and students were
trained in the art of surgery.
 Charaka, who is known for his contributions to Ayurveda
 5th century
 The university was built under the rule of
Kumara Gupta
 20 years of age
 2,000 teachers and 10,000 students.
 The library of Nalanda, known as Dharma
Gunj (Mountain of Truth) or Dharma Ganja
(Treasury of Truth)
 I-Qing and Xuan Zang visited ancient Nalanda
University during the 7th century CE.
 Two years
 He visited Champa Monastery, Bhagalpur.
 “Yogashashtra”
 Xuan Zang studied logic, grammar, Sanskrit, and the
Yogacare school of Buddhism during his time at Nalanda.
 1193 It was destroyed - Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji
 It is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
 Monasteries And Viharas Buddhist Scholars Carried Out The Educational Work
 Established by kings of Bhattarka, Gujarat
 Subjects taught are Economics , Law , Politics , Medical Sciences,
Literature , and Hinayana Buddhism
 Scholars : Gunamathi , Sthiramathi
 University Destroyed by Arabs
 Chinese Travellor : Itsing , Xuanzang & Yijing
 It was renowned for religious tolerance and mental freedom
 After 2017 , Central govt took the decision for renew the oldest university
 During the Upanishadic age, Videha, also known as
 The Brahmanical system of education focused on
studying and interpreting the Vedas, which were ancient
sacred texts of Hinduism.
 Nyaya(logic) / Jurisprudence(Law)
 located in present-day Bihar, India,
Vikramshila University
 Located at east of Bhagalpur in bihar
 Established by king Dharmapala
 Centre for Vajrayana Buddism
 1000 students and 100 teachers
 1203 AD , destroyed by Muhammed Bin Bakhtiyar khilji
 Vikramashila was a centre for Vajrayana and employed Tantric
Jagaddala University / Mahavihraha
 Established by Rampala and located in
 ( Sanskrit , Vajrayana Buddhism)
 A.K.M Zakaria Historical Researcher
 Jagaddala University, a large number of
Tibetan sacred texts were written or
 Located in ancient kalinga
 Emperor Ashoka
 Its campus :
 Ratnagiri,Lalitgiri and Udayagiri.
 Pushpagiri University was a
prominent Buddhist seat of higher
 Mahayana Buddhism (or) Vajrayana
Somapura University
 King Dharmapala , ( Bangladesh)
 Buddhism , Hinduism and Jainism
 "Paharpur Buddhist Vihara".
 Somapura Mahavihara was a major centre of learning of "Dharma
traditions" such as Buddhism (Buddha Dharma), Jainism (Jain
Dharma) and Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma)
 Vajrayana Buddhism
 UNESCO Heritage List 1985
 Vanga army
Given below are two statements:
Statement l: Universities of Nalanda, Taxila, and Vikramshila of ancient
India are now all located in the Indian Territory.
Statement II: The entrance test of its own kind was prevalent in the
ancient seats of learning of India.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer
from the options given below:
A)Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
B)Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
C)Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
D)Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Given below are two statements:
Statement l: Universities of Nalanda, Taxila, and Vikramshila of ancient
India are now all located in the Indian Territory.
Statement II: The entrance test of its own kind was prevalent in the
ancient seats of learning of India.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer
from the options given below:
A)Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
B)Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
C)Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
D)Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Xuan Zang visited India and became a student of Takshashila University.
Statement II: Xuan Zang visited India and became a student of Yogashastra.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options
given below:
a) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
b) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
c) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Xuan Zang visited India and became a student of Takshashila University.
Statement II: Xuan Zang visited India and became a student of Yogashastra.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options
given below:
a) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
b) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
c) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
d) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.
Medieval period

 The Mughal ruler established elementary and secondary schools

 Mughal rulers promoted urban education by bestowing libraries and literary

 Primary schools (maktabs)
 Secondary schools (madrasas)
 Iltumish was the first ruler to establish madrasas

 The system of education in medieval India was under the control of
 Medicine, Arabic literature, grammar and philosophy Women

 Raja Jai Singh of Jaipur encouraged learning of scientific subjects
Education in British Rule

2)1813 -1853
 For the first 60 years of its dominion in India
 The East India Company Trading And Profit-making Concern
Education in different periods
British Period
 During the British rule in India, several academic
institutions were established by the East India Company
 Establishment of universities for European education in
Bombay, Calcutta and Madras.
 Setting up of English Schools, promoting English in the
Higher Education level
Education in different periods
Gupta Period
i)Nalanda (all branches of knowledge)
ii)Takshila (study of medicine)
iii)Ujjain (study of astronomy and mathematics)
Buddhism : Pali language was the medium of instruction in the
Sarnath University (study Buddhism)
Ajanta (art, architecture & painting)
Mughal Period
Establishment of Primary, secondary schools & colleges. Education system based on
Hindu Philosophy also existed side by side.
Nalanda was established in
A)2nd century
B)3rd century
C)4th century
D)5th century
Nalanda was established in
A)2nd century
B)3rd century
C)4th century
D)5th century
In ancient India: the eligibility criterion in respect of age for
students seeking admission to Takshashila University was set at
A)22 years
B)20 years
C)18 years
D)16 years
In ancient India: the eligibility criterion in respect of age for
students seeking admission to Takshashila University was set at
A)22 years
B)20 years
C)18 years
D)16 years
Taxila was one of the chief centres for imparting:

a) Veterinary science

b) Trade and Commerce

c) International relations

d) Medical science and surgery

Taxila was one of the chief centres for imparting:

a) Veterinary science

b) Trade and Commerce

c) International relations

d) Medical science and surgery

The ancient system of education in India included education of which of the following ancient
A. Vedas
B. Brahmanas
C. Upanishads
D. Dharma sutras
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
a) A and C Only
b) B and D Only
c) A, C and D only
d) A, B, C and D
The ancient system of education in India included education of which of the following ancient
A. Vedas
B. Brahmanas
C. Upanishads
D. Dharma sutras
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
a) A and C Only
b) B and D Only
c) A, C and D only
d) A, B, C and D
In the Upanishadic age, Mithila became a prominent seat of the
Brahmanical system of education.

It was named :

a) Vidisha

b) Videha

c) Nyaya Sutra

d) Vadahi
In the Upanishadic age, Mithila became a prominent seat of the
Brahmanical system of education.

It was named :

a) Vidisha

b) Videha

c) Nyaya Sutra

d) Vadahi

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