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 Data Structure is a named group of data of different data types which is

stored in a specific way and can be processed as a single unit. A Data
Structure has well-defined operations, behavior and properties.
 Python has implicit support for Data Structures which enable you to store
and access data. These structures are called List, Dictionary, Tuple and Set.
 Python allows its users to create their own Data Structures enabling them to
have full control over their functionality. The most prominent Data
Structures are Stack, Queue, Tree, Linked List.


 A Stack is a linear Data Structure implemented in LIFO (Last In First Out)

 Insertions and deletions both operations occur only at only one end known
as TOP
 We can create a Stack in python using the built-in List Data Structure which
comes with methods to simulate Stack

To implement a Stack, we need two simple operations:

 push - It adds an element to the top of the Stack.

 pop - It removes an element from the top of the Stack.
Applications of Stack

• Expression Evaluation
• Expression Conversion
• Parenthesis Checking
• String Reversal
• Function Call
Operations on Stack
 The Stack supports the following standard operations:
 push: Pushes an item at the top of the Stack. It returns an error if the
Stack is overflow.
 pop: Remove and return the item from the top of the Stack. It
produces an error if the Stack is appeared to be underflow.
 peek: Returns the item at the top of the Stack without removing it.
 size: Returns the total number of items in the Stack.
 isEmpty: Checks whether the Stack is empty.
 isFull: Checks whether the Stack is full

Overflow: Overflow refers to condition when one tries to PUSH an item in Stack
which is full already

Underflow: Underflow refers to condition when one tries to POP an item from an
empty Stack

Implementation of Stack

 The implementation of Stack using list in Python program is the easiest of

all programming languages.
 It offers a convenient set of methods to operate lists as Stack.
 Python’s built-in Data Structure list can be used as a Stack. Instead of
push(), append() is used to add elements to the top of the Stack while pop()
removes the element in LIFO order

Key Words:

 Postfix notation refers when operator is placed after its operands e.g. ab+
 Prefix notation refers when operator is placed before its operands e.g. +ab.
 Infix notation refers when operator is placed between its operands e.g. a+b.
 While conversion of an Infix notation to its equivalent Prefix/Postfix
notation, only operators are Pushed onto the Stack
 Nested lists: When one or more elements of list is another list, it is called a
nested list.

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