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Institute of Forensic Science & Criminology

Panjab University, Chandigarh.

M.Sc. 1st Year (IInd Semester)
Paper Code: MFS-T1-C3 Instrumentation Date: 22.03.21
Max. Marks: 80 Time duration: 3 hours
Instructions: Q 1. is compulsory. Attempt any one question from Unit I, II, III, IV
All questions carry equal marks

Q1. Short questions:

(a) What are soft and hard X-rays?
(b) Explain Beer Lambert law.
(c) What is the advantage of FT Raman Spectrophotometer than FTIR?
(d) Which types of Neutron are used in Neutron Activation Analysis? How this technique will identify
the explosive samples?
(e) How will you examine the originality of diamond in Forensic Laboratory?
(f) What is the basic principle of NMR and use in forensic science?
(g) How normal phase HPLC is different from reverse phase HPLC?
(h) Describe ion discharge source and its working.

Q2. Explain working principle of scanning electron microscope. How it is different from transmission electron
microscope? (8,8)
Q3. Discuss working and instrumentation of transmission electron microscope with role of each detector. What
are the forensic applications of electron microscope? (8,8)

Q4. (i) Explain the applications of RAMAN Spectroscopy in Forensic Science. What are the limitations of
UV-Vis spectroscopy? (4,4)
(ii) Explain the working of FTIR spectrophotometer. Which type of detectors is used in IR spectrometer?
Q5. How atomic absorption spectroscopy differs from atomic emission spectroscopy on the basis of working
principle and instrumentation? (12)
(ii) What is the concept of forbidden transition in UV-Vis Spectroscopy? Explain with diagram. (4)

Q6. (a) How X-ray is produced? Explain principle of X-ray diffraction using Bragg’s Law. (4,4)
(b) Differentiate X-ray fluorescence from X-ray diffraction. What are the limitations of NMR? (4,4)
Q7. (i) Write instrumentation, working and forensic applications of NAA. (12)
(ii) Explain TGA in brief. (4)

Q8. (a) “HPTLC is the advanced form of TLC.” Justify this statement. (8)
(b) How HPLC can be used in forensic investigation? (8)
Q9. (i) Explain detailed working, instrumentation and forensic uses of Mass Spectrometer. (10)
(ii) The mass spectra below correspond to which compound (2)

m/z Int
39 13.
50 16.
51 19.
52 20.
(ii) Explain in brief about
Gas 76 7.0 Chromatography.
77 15.

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