God Never Gives Us More Than Enies

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God never gives us more than we can handle

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/47340088.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Blue Lock (Manga), Blue Lock (Anime)
Relationship: Michael Kaiser/Yukimiya Kenyuu, Isagi Yoichi/Michael Kaiser, Isagi
Yoichi/Yukimiya Kenyuu, Isagi Yoichi/Michael Kaiser/Yukimiya Kenyuu
Character: Yukimiya Kenyuu, Isagi Yoichi, Michael Kaiser
Additional Tags: Angel Kaiser, Demon Isagi, Priest Yukimiya, Church Sex, Blasphemy,
Anal Sex, Double Penetration, Vibrators, Sex Toys, Religious Guilt, Top
Isagi Yoichi, Top Michael Kaiser, Bottom Yukimiya Kenyuu, Body
Worship, Praise Kink, Threesome - M/M/M
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-05-21 Words: 7,000 Chapters: 1/1

God never gives us more than we can handle

by numberoneisagifan


“You have a beauty mark here…” Kaiser says, like it’s a wondrous thing and not just a
normal mark on his skin. His head tilt must give away his confusion, because Kaiser

“If you have one near your spine, you’re likely to be a leader,” Kaiser reveals, and
Yukimiya didn’t expect angels to fall for such superstitious beliefs.

Isagi laughs, “like… a minister.”


I’m not active on twitter, but I always see your tweets and you inspire me to write
sacrilegious kiykis… thanks

I hope tagging your account isn’t too forward, but I’d like to credit you for opening my
third eye (aka love for this ship)

Happy reading <3

See the end of the work for more notes

Isagi slowly strolls behind Yukimiya, resting his hands on the back of the chair he is seated in.
Candles illuminate the otherwise dark room of the church, everyone cleared out except for, of
course, the priest. They’ve been doing this for a while now, not long per say- but long enough to
have a routine and mutual understanding.

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” Isagi drawls, and the room feels like it’s dropped in
temperature since his arrival. He doesn’t look at Isagi, if this was going to be a real confession he
wouldn’t look.

“You want to confess? Tell me what weighs on you,” he says, ready to accept anyone’s
confession- even a demon like Isagi.

Isagi hums like he’s thinking, and then he whispers in Yukimiya’s ear. “I touched myself thinking
about you, moaning your name, thought about bending you over and fucking you to blasphemy.”

Yukimiya gulps, but he doesn’t look back, “you can still request penance…”

“No…” Isagi says, his tail swishing around. “I think I want to drag you down with me.”

“Is Kaiser joining us…” he trails off, staring pointedly in front of him, at the Bible opened to the
page he was reciting.

“Yes, Father,” Isagi says, as sultry and seductive as usual, pressing Yukimiya further into the seat
with his hands like steel on his shoulders. Isagi tugs Yukimiya’s head back by the hair on the nape
of his neck, and he grunts when Isagi starts to pepper kisses and bites across his skin. His skin feels
like it’s crawling, but not in a bad way. It reminds Yukimiya of hot electric wire stinging just below
his skin, his blood pumping and his nerves on edge to receive everything Kaiser and Isagi want to
give him today- his own personal sin. The first taste of red wine at mass.

He bites his lip, things like this never got old. There’s a flash of light, and he flinches at the
affronting ray temporarily blinding him, Isagi stays perfectly still and sighs in annoyance.

“Yoichi,” Kaiser says in acknowledgement, his feathers ruffling as if he is unfolding them after
having them tucked close to his body- like he’s stretching. “Yuki.”

Yukimiya looks up at Kaiser, his height even more daunting from their position. He takes in
Kaiser’s angelic features, blonde tresses and sky blue eyes taking Yukimiya’s mind to an image of
heaven. Which is where Kaiser happens to be from, as an angel. His tattoo draws the eye in, makes
one stare inquisitively. Kaiser’s face is almost as heartstopping as his build, toned muscles barely
hidden by thin white robes, the back open to let Kaiser’s wings spread to their full width. They’re
huge, spanning across the entire room before Kaiser lets them relax and they tuck back closer to
his body. Yukimiya can’t help himself, subconsciously reaching out to pet the silky white feathers
of Kaiser’s wings. He realizes his hand is moving seemingly on its own, and he tries to tug it back
but Kaiser’s tattooed hand clasps around his. Kaiser pulls his hand towards his feathers, lowering
to one knee in front of Yukimiya like a mock prostration, giving him easier access to run his fingers
across his wings. Yukimiya bites the inside of his cheek so hard he nearly draws blood, and he
revels in the smooth, delicate feathers under his fingertips.

“You can touch,” Kaiser says as he holds Yukimiya’s hand over his own wings, an, ironically,
devilish grin spreading across his face and showing his perfectly straight and white teeth- all of
him simply void of imperfections.
Isagi makes a rumbling noise, a small pout on his face as he kneels in front of Yukimiya as well.

“Me next,” Isagi says, lowering his head to Yukimiya, and he thinks the devil means to stroke his
hair until black horns- so black they look like a blue midnight sky- materialize at the very top of
Isagi’s forehead. His jaw drops, and he hears Kaiser snicker. Isagi shoulders him where they’re
kneeling, and Kaiser doesn’t so much as budge, but he does let one of his wings unfold quickly and
whack Isagi in the back. Yukimiya brings his other hand down in front of him, slowly stroking
over the glossy horns in front of him. They’re cool to the touch, glowing a dull blue on the inside
like blood and veins. He switches to the other, gently rubbing them like he’s polishing them, and
Isagi makes a keening noise. Both of his hands are slowly caressing the men in front of him, soft
feathers on one and sleek horns on the other.

Isagi pulls back, his adorable face beet red, “sorry- they’re really sensitive.”

Kaiser chuckles, “as if you didn’t know that when you asked him to touch you.”

Yukimiya pauses and lets go of Isagi’s horns as he pulls away, still sliding his hands up and down
Kaiser’s wings, “are you saying.. it’s like an erogenous zone.”

Isagi nods, and his tail whips behind him like a pointed dagger. He knows it’s probably dangerous,
leathery and quick, but the movement of Isagi’s tail only reminds him of a happy dog wagging

“You ready for us tonight?” Kaiser asks lowly, rising from his kneeling position and running his
hand over the Bible on the desk in front of Yukimiya. The words on the cover glow a dim golden
light, and then the book is whipping open and flipping through the pages without being touched. It
stops on a certain psalm, the words lighting up and dying out just as quickly. He looks over at the
pages, a psalm for resisting temptation staring back at him like some cruel joke. He doesn’t realize
his lips were tugging down into a frown until Kaiser giggles in delight and leans down to kiss it off
of him. Isagi finally stands, using his hands on Yukimiya’s knees to push himself up to linger
beside Kaiser, at Yukimiya’s back.

It is just the three of them and their bodies, lust and need tainting the room with a heavy dose of
heat. He registers hushed whispers behind him between Kaiser and Isagi, then a growl, and he tilts
his head back to find them already kissing behind him. Isagi moans loudly when Kaiser’s tattooed
hand wraps around his neck, and Kaiser deepens the kiss when urged with Isagi tugging his hair.
Kaiser pulls back with a wet pop that’s loud in the silent room, and Yukimiya whines before he can
choke it down.

“Let’s not forget our little priest, hm?” Kaiser drawls, his wings rippling like they have a mind of
their own. Kaiser leans in to capture his lips as well, and Yukimiya lets himself be pulled under the
waves, a current of undeniability closing in on him in a rush. His blood heats up, and he feels
himself tremble where he stands as Kaiser hefts him out of his seat and pushes him back against
the desk. His knees are weak, and Kaiser wraps his arms around his waist and his back digs into
the hard wooden surface behind him, and Yukimiya can do nothing but clutch at the rosary that’s
wrapped around his hands in prayer. He might ask for mercy in his head, urge forgiveness and
understanding. Because there is no way he can relinquish himself from their grasp.

His body feels incandescent, every brush of their lips unearthing some kind of deeply buried
instinct and desire within him- the place in his soul hungering for any kind of contact, skin against
skin. He’s been so starved for it, years of abstaining turning him into some sinful beast that howls
at the mere sensation of another’s warm breath against his skin. Before all of this became the norm
for him, decades of guilt and shame would’ve made him want to jolt away, save the last remaining
shreds of his pride- but he just leans into it now, letting that beast claw at him from the inside,
fighting to get closer till there’s nothing between them separating their souls. If this was wrong, if
God didn’t want this for his most faithful, then he wouldn’t have made it so good- wouldn’t have
sent an angel just for him.

He pulls back for air, since Kaiser hardly needed any and sometimes forgot when Yukimiya
needed it, before he’s being pulled back for another kiss, even deeper and more desperate than the
last. Kaiser is hungry for him, the slide of their lips like nothing Yukimiya has ever felt before.
Everything is wet and hot, and then there is the undeniable softness to Kaiser’s perfect lips.
Yukimiya’s other hand cups Kaiser’s cheek, feeling the cool skin of Kaiser’s statue-like jaw
beneath his fingers. He wonders if his own kissing is blatantly inexperienced still, awkward and
clumsy as he tries to reciprocate. His eyes flutter shut, and he vaguely registers the sound of
footsteps as Isagi moves. Kaiser pulls him forward, and he jolts away from the table and into
Kaiser’s arms and his eyes fly open in shock. Kaiser’s wings wrap around him protectively,
shielding him from the outside. The feathers against him are soft, and he’s huddled closer to Kaiser
as they tighten and pull him against the angel’s chest.

“No fair,” Isagi pouts, and Kaiser’s wings slowly unwrap around him and settle normally behind
Kaiser’s back. There’s an almost imperceptible glow in Kaiser’s eyes, like there’s heavenly light-
the power of God- just barely being contained behind his blue irises. Isagi is behind him before he
can blink, hands wrapping around him from behind and groping him through his uniform.

“Wait my cross-“ he says when Isagi’s hands slide up to his chest, and his face feels hot as he
whispers into the air, “it- it might burn you.”

Isagi pauses, and then he takes hold of the cross resting on Yukimiya’s chest, sharp nails as deep as
the night sky tapping against it idly. “This old thing?”

Yukimiya watches in shock as Isagi rubs the cross in his hand, caressing it and then kissing his
neck on the little peek of skin visible above the high collar of his uniform. “You need more than
that to hurt me, Father.”

Isagi laughs, and then Kaiser reaches a hand up to tap at the cross as well, and it lights up in a
bright flash. Isagi hisses, pulling his hand back like he’s been stung, and Yukimiya watches smoke
rise from where his skin has been stung by the hot metal, now cooling in Kaiser’s unscathed hand.
Isagi shakes his fingers, and they’re back to smooth, unmarked skin in the blink of an eye. Isagi
glares at Kaiser like a petulant child.

“It works when a heavenly body has blessed it, little demon,” Kaiser retorts, letting the cross fall
back down onto Yukimiya’s chest. “Back off.”

“You blessed it for me?” Yukimiya whispers, oddly touched, staring into Kaiser’s glacier blue
eyes. He’s not sure if Kaiser can blush, but the slight glow to the golden flow of his hair and the
way his feathers ruffle makes it seem like he’s flustered.

“…Yes,” Kaiser says, and then he’s gently taking Yukimiya’s glasses off of his face and he
watches intrigued as they dematerialize in thin air with a small blink of light.

“Safe keeping, so it’s easier to kiss you,” Kaiser says, leaning in for another kiss.

“Gross,” Isagi notes, sticking his tongue out and pulling away from both of them. Kaiser’s tongue
glides across his teeth, and Yukimiya reciprocates as best he can. He wants to make it good for
Kaiser, show him his faith and devotion in turn as Kaiser’s tongue pushes further into his mouth.

The remnant of dreams he's had of angels of golden hair and demons with piercing blue eyes live
beneath his eyelids, his lips moving against Kaiser’s with as much grace as he can manage.

Kaiser makes a noise, deep and rumbling from low within his chest, and the vibrations send shivers
through his spine. He moans, letting Kaiser slide his tongue against his own, wet and fast like he’s
trying to eat Yukimiya alive.

Kaiser pins him to the desk again, holding Yukimiya by his waist and cradling his face with the
other. His hand slides from Yukimiya’s waist to his hip, pushing the small of his back into the hard
edge behind him- his hand big enough to span nearly all the way across his hip bone, long fingers
splaying across his skin over his robes. It’s then that he decides he wants to start already.

He wants to know how those fingers feel against his bare skin, vivid fantasies sparking in his mind
and blurring his vision as he weakly forces his eyes open to stare at Kaiser through his lashes.
Kaiser is so close, taking his mouth and moaning low against Yukimiya’s lips, and Yukimiya can
see the way the candlelight plays against those blonde eyelashes that cast shadows against the
angel’s cheek.

He lets himself be carried away by the ebb and flow of Kaiser’s body melting against his, let’s the
room fade away- except for the blue eyes across the room watching him and flickering with heat.
They’re breathing heavily, breath mingling in the small space between them as they part, and
Kaiser takes him again and again with a burning mouth and hands that own him, entirely and

Kaiser moves them again at a speed Yukimiya’s eyes can’t pick up, and he’s back in his seat and
staring dizzily at the Bible in front of him at his desk. Kaiser is behind him once again, Isagi at his
side, and they both rest one hand each high up on Yukimiya’s shoulders. Kaiser gently slips his
round glasses back onto his face for him, pressing them to sit just right on his nose and brushing his
knuckles against Yukimiya’s skin as he pulls back.

“I picked up a little human-made toy, just for you,” Isagi says, snapping his fingers and a small
device pops into existence in his hand.

“What is it?” he questions, staring at the mechanism in Isagi’s hand, the black silicone looking to
be curved for someone to hold it.

“The human there said it was a ‘vibrator’, look,” Isagi says, switching it on until a light buzzing
noise is humming in the room. He holds his hand over it as he presses it into Yukimiya’s own
hands, and the sensation of vibrations tickles his skin.

“How does that… how do we use that for this?” he says, his cheeks on fire at Isagi’s knowing
look. The word sex goes unsaid.

“So eager for carnal sin these days, aren’t you,” Isagi chuckles, switching the vibrator off, “we'll
show you.”

Kaiser begins to strip him of his outer layer, his robes hitting the floor in a heavy black heap, his
collarino deftly unbuttoned by Isagi’s hands until he’s bare from the waist up. He shivers, his
metal cross cold against his bare skin. Kaiser takes the vibrator from Isagi, settling on his knees
just in front of the desk and between Yukimiya’s legs- that have spread unconsciously. Yukimiya
can see the desk in front of him, Kaiser’s hands gripping his thighs through his slacks, leaning
down to kiss his knee. He undoes Yukimiya’s belt, sliding his pants off and tossing them to the
side until he’s just in his boxers. Kaiser kisses his cock through the cloth, leaving the fabric wet
before pulling back. Yukimiya’s hands are clenched on his lap, and he tenses in anticipation as
Kaiser takes his boxers off and leaves him entirely bare. Isagi, still completely dressed also,
whistles appreciatively. Yukimiya shivers, the bead of precum at the tip of his cock wet against his
own abdomen.

“If you can read the whole psalm,” Isagi starts, sucking a hickey into his collarbone as Kaiser lifts
his leg and starts peppering kisses against his calf like a worshiper, “we'll do whatever you want.”

It’s a double edged sword, Isagi knows he has trouble asking for what he wants, always happy to
just do as he and Kaiser instruct. It’s not like he had much of an idea what could be done in
general, they were his firsts for everything.

His hands, unsteady and trembling, rise to the book in front of him. He runs a hand down its worn

“Go on,” Kaiser says against his skin, his hand holding the vibrator ready to use in a way
Yukimiya can't anticipate. Some magic, or trick that Kaiser uses, flips the pages again- urging him
to read what is there. He inhales deeply, staring down at the page.

“O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar,” he starts, his stomach flipping, it’s his favorite psalm. “You
search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.”

“E-Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in,
behind and before, and l-lay your hand u-upon me- mmh,” he stutters, Kaiser slowly wrapping his
hand around Yukimiya’s cock, “s-such knowledge is too wonderful for me, it is high, I cannot
attain it.”

“Good,” Kaiser rewards, and stroking him only twice, Yukimiya’s thighs tensing and shaking at
the shock of pleasure and cold hands against his boiling skin. Kaiser rests a tight fist at the base,
not moving. Yukimiya gets the hint. He’s about to speak again, before the low hum of the toy turns
on, and his breath hitches. Kaiser brings the vibrator towards the tip of his cock, pressing it down
and every nerve in his body sparks to life like a firework.

“Oh g- Michael!” he moans, flinching away, the vibrations too strong, and his senses feel
heightened as he’s thrown into the void of pleasure. His hands come down to grab at Kaiser’s hair,
wrapping his blonde hair around his fists and pulling. Kaiser doesn’t budge, and Yukimiya bends
in half like he’s trying to escape the rush of heat coursing through his stomach.

“Wait,” he whimpers, and he can barely keep his eyes open to see Kaiser’s eyes, decorated with
delicate red makeup, darken in both lust and concern. “No-“

“No? Does it hurt?” Kaiser asks, easing up just a little but leaving the vibrator at the very tip of his
cock. Cruel.

“It feels good, doesn’t it?” Isagi purrs near his ear, hands coming down to circle his nipples until
Yukimiya can’t take it anymore and jolts away.

“It’s too much, I-“ he groans, his chest heaving as his breath speeds up, a pleasure he’s never quite
felt before torturing him. It feels like fire against him, his sensitive skin breaking out in

“Keep going,” Kaiser orders, and he feels like his eyes are drawn to the page against his will, and
his lips part to read the wavering words.

“Ah- W-where shall I g-go from your sp-sp-spirit? Or shall.. I-I- flee f-from your presence? If I
ascend to heaven you are there- mmh Kaiser, Kaiser-“ he manages, his voice hitching, the faintest
movement of Kaiser moving the vibrator against him hard enough to make him gasp. He makes a
noise embarrassingly like a mewl as he flinches away from the stimulation, his stomach flexing
and tightening. He moans, spreading his legs further apart as the toy presses against him.

“Yeah, you like that,” Isagi whispers, nibbling his ear lobe and then trailing hickies down his neck-
where the high collar of his uniform will cover. Kaiser’s thumb strokes over his bare thigh, and he
takes a steadying breath to keep reading on. “I knew you would, so good.”

“Isagi,” he whines, unwinding a hand from Kaiser’s hair and grabbing one of Isagi’s horns, he was
blindly reaching and grabbed it by accident- wrapping his hand around it to ground himself. His
eyes swim as he tries to focus on the page in front of him, and he distantly recognizes Isagi’s low
groan as his hand squeezes around the horn in his fist.

“If I-I take the w-wings of the- the morning a-and dwell in the uttermost p-parts of the s… sea,” he
moans, Kaiser’s sacred wings preening when Yukimiya looks down at him, and he adds his hand
to the mix to slowly stroke Yukimiya up and down as he keeps the vibrator steady. “E-even there
your h-hand shall lead me, and y-your right hand shall h-hold me.”

Kaiser speeds up his ministrations, running the vibrator up and down the length of his cock and
holding it right at the underside of the head as Yukimiya leaks pitifully. His body feels separate
from his mind, and moans flow from his lips as he rocks his hips against the toy. He can hardly
keep his voice steady, gasps of pleasure escaping his mouth as Kaiser clicks up the strength of the
vibrations and keeps pressing it against him in small circles. Isagi kisses up his throat, his fangs
just barely puncturing skin.

It’s dizzying, seeing Kaiser at his feet, worshipping like he’s an altar, waiting for him to crack.
He’s arriving at the edge, and he feels breathless as he utters Kaiser’s name over and over again.
He loved the name ‘Michael’, a gift from God. God’s chosen emperor, to be exact. It makes him
wonder what position Kaiser actually held in heaven- how powerful he was. It suits him, and he
liked to think of him, the both of them, just like that. As gifts.

“I-If I say, ‘surely the darkness shall c-cover me, a-and the light about me be night’ oh- yes!” he
moans, his recitation wobbly and giving away how close he is. Kaiser and Isagi watch as he comes
undone. His eyes feel hot and he can’t hold the tears back as they spill over his cheeks, leaving hot
streaks against his flushed skin. His moans take on a sobbing edge, and his whole body is shaking
and trembling as the pleasure mounts. It’s overwhelming, but Kaiser and Isagi don’t stop- teasing
him with light caresses and the toy incessant on his dripping cock.

He writhes in place, flinching away and pressing his back into the chair as his legs kick out in front
of him. The vibrations are so intense that he almost begs for them to stop.

“So talkative, Kenyu. Feels that good?” Kaiser says, the power of his voice lulling him into a
space deep in his mind. His body seizes up as a wave of indescribable pleasure rocks through him,
mouth sputtering out incoherent noises.

His cock is an angry red between his legs, leaking everywhere and against the vibrator, and he
needs to come so badly. He needs it, he begs for it. “Please- let me come-“

“A little more,” Isagi urges, and he tries to keep his composure as Kaiser’s hand at the base of his
cock grips tighter and starts stroking him faster. Isagi doesn’t stop gliding his nails across
Yukimiya’s skin, scratching red trails all over- it hurts so good. His hips buck up, making the toy
glide across him and it drives him nearly insane. He shudders, sucking in a deep breath to keep
“Ev-e-n uhh t-the da-darkness- oh! -i-is mm n-not dark to you… oh, oh! I- th-the night is bright as
the- ah! -day for darkness is.. a-as light with you! Oh, Isagi! Yes, yes, yes! Michael!”

His head drops forward now that he’s finished the psalm, bent over the desk as the force of his
orgasm shakes through him. He cries out, thrusting his hips against the vibrator and his back
arching into a painful curve, coming all over Kaiser’s hand with a broken shout.

Kaiser pulls away, licking his fingers clean of Yukimiya’s cum and he watches as Kaiser tosses the
vibrator into the air and it disappears. His glasses are slighting crooked on his face from all his
movement, and he slumps against the desk in exhaustion. His cheek hits the smooth wood of the
desk, and Isagi pushes the Bible away from him and to a far corner. He might be drooling onto the
surface, but he can’t care as his head feels completely empty, white hot pleasure fizzling into an
airy sensation in his head- like cotton and warmth. He basks in the mindless afterglow, Kaiser
rising up to stand and gently card deft fingers through his hair. He looks up at the angel, blonde
hair curtained around him like a halo with sky blue tips to match his eyes. The toothy grin, that
reveals perfect, straight white teeth, is full of want and mischief. Yukimiya would give him

“You won,” Kaiser says, looking at Yukimiya like he’s much more special than he actually is. It
makes his heart pang. “What do you want us to do.”

”…use me,” he says, shyly yet resolutely, and he revels in the smiles they flash at him for his
answer. They know just what to do, how to take care of him.

Isagi too leans in and kisses him till his lip bleeds, sharp teeth digging into his sore bottom lip.
Kaiser nudges Isagi aside, kissing Yukimiya till it heals over into a smooth, unblemished surface.
His heart skips a beat, and he grips Isagi’s leathery tail in a tight fist where he’s invaded
Yukimiya’s senses with the scent of ash and smoke. Isagi pushes Kaiser aside again, as if fighting
for attention, and he moans into his mouth. Then he’s yanking Yukimiya up to stand on wobbling
legs and bending him over the desk, his glasses clattering off his face and off to the side of the
table. Kaiser’s hands cover over his eyes, forcing his eyelids shut and resting his fingers gently
over them as if to block Yukimiya’s vision from the outside. Yukimiya feels his eyes water, and
then he blinks rapidly as Kaiser pulls back- his vision entirely restored. He brings a hand up to
touch frantically around his eyes, and he turns his neck- cranes it, to be able to see Isagi and Kaiser
around him crystal clear.

“Y-you-“ he gasps, still blinking like he can't believe it, and Kaiser smiles like he’s trying to act
nonchalant about fixing his eyes- as if he didn’t just perform a miracle.

Kaiser runs a hand down his back, soothingly, “I only know to do it temporarily- sorry, baby.”

Yukimiya shakes his head, looking around and getting used to the lack of spots in his vision and
not needing his glasses to see. “No it… thank you.”

“Yoichi and I searched for how to do it,” Kaiser explains, and then he's pressing Yukimiya harder
onto the desk by the nape of his neck, so he’s forced to look forward. “It should last till we’re

“You both…” he trails off, head becoming oddly fuzzy as the air is being pressed out of him by the
hand on his throat. Isagi drags his nails from Yukimiya’s lower back to his ass, and then he feels
the claws retract and Isagi presses a slick finger inside him. They’re both behind him, Kaiser still
pressing him down so he can’t squirm and Isagi stretching him open on two fingers now.

He writhes under their bodies, and his cock twitches pathetically against his stomach. Kaiser pokes
a spot on his middle back, and Yukimiya feels their eyes on him.

“You have a beauty mark here…” Kaiser says, like it’s a wondrous thing and not just a normal
mark on his skin. His head tilt must give away his confusion, because Kaiser explains.

“If you have one near your spine, you’re likely to be a leader,” Kaiser reveals, and Yukimiya didn’t
expect angels to fall for such superstitious beliefs.

Isagi laughs, “like… a minister.”

Yukimiya pouts, he’s definitely being poked fun at. He has another one under his eye, he has
plenty of them. He didn’t know they liked them.

“My favorite is the one on his upper lip,” Isagi says to Kaiser, like they are ignoring Yukimiya
even while his fingers twists inside him- though slower, teasingly. Yukimiya grunts in frustration,
well, more like he whines like a kicked animal but he won’t admit that. “What does that one mean,

“It means you have a lot of knowledge about chants.. rituals,” Kaiser says, drawing circles into
Yukimiya’s back. “You really are a born devotee, aren’t you.”

Made just for us goes unsaid.

Isagi makes a scissoring motion inside him, stretching him out for another finger, and Yukimiya
garbles like he’s drowning on dry land.

“I love your noises,” Isagi hums, and Kaiser slips two fingers into Isagi’s mouth- effectively
gagging him. “‘Ff- Kai-“

“Open him up faster, don’t you want to fuck him?” Kaiser says, leaning over Yukimiya to leave
hickies all across Isagi’s neck, and Isagi’s fingers inside him amp up their pace. Kaiser pulls his
fingers out, saliva breaking in a thin, transparent silvery spool between Isagi’s lips and his hand.
Yukimiya’s been craning his neck back to watch them with his new eyes, delirious in the way they
enjoy each other.

His eyes water, and his heart feels so full like his chest might burst, and he thinks he might break.
He swallows down his next sob, circling his hips back as Isagi presses a third finger into him and
fingers him fast and wet. The sound of skin on skin resonates throughout the room, and the noises
of Isagi and Kaiser sloppily making out above him.

Isagi pets his insides like he’s playing a harp, stroking and pressing at every angle inside him until
he’s pleading for more. He leans down and presses a delicate kiss to the center of Yukimiya’s

“Please! Please, more, yes!” he wails, and Isagi curves his fingers up and he’s reduced to a
warbling mess as he hits his prostate just right. He thrashes, and he drools right onto the desk
where his cheek is flat against it. Isagi continues to torment that spot, leaving Yukimiya teary eyed
and limp, bent in half and pushing his hips back to get Isagi’s hand deeper. Isagi teases four fingers
at his rim now, pushing in and turning his wrist, and Yukimiya feels impossibly full. Isagi is
fucking his hand in brutally, ramming into that angle over and over and then pulling back all

He feels Kaiser move out of the way to give Isagi space, the devil in question unbuttoning his
pants and slicking his cock up in a tight fist. Isagi doesn’t ask if he’s ready, he just wraps a hand in
Yukimiya’s hair and groans, sliding in with one deep thrust that sends them both lurching.
Yukimiya claws at the desk in front of him, gripping the edge as Isagi pushes in and out, rocking
his hips into Yukimiya and pulling every little noise from him. He babbles under his breath
between every single noise punched out of him, like he’s praying for Isagi to move, to fuck him
faster. He feels Isagi’s thighs hit his own, and Isagi makes a rumbling sound deep in his throat like
a growl as he picks up speed, thrusting wildly into him.

“You’re so beautiful,” Kaiser says, almost reverently, and Yukimiya squeezes around Isagi.

“Fuck, he got tighter,” Isagi grits out between clenched teeth, nailing Yukimiya into the desk.

Kaiser squeezes a hand under Yukimiya, ignoring his aching cock to splay his fingers across his
stomach, feeling Isagi move beneath the skin. Yukimiya moans, and Isagi snickers something like
‘pornographic’ under his breath but Yukimiya can hardly register it. He pushes back on the cock
inside him, shivering apart and tightening around Isagi.

He feels sweat drip down his back, and then Kaiser speaks.

“Think you can take us both?” Kaiser asks, and Yukimiya gasps when he feels a finger press into
him alongside Isagi’s cock. It’s too much, it’s too much but it’s so good, he wants to have it all.
Whatever they’ll give him he wants. He nods, even though he’s not sure if that wouldn’t split him
in half, and Kaiser chuckles and presses another finger into him to make room. Isagi slows down so
neither of them come too soon, and Kaiser has managed to stretch him enough to get three of his
long fingers stuffed up next to Isagi’s cock that’s still slowly thrusting in and out.

They manhandle him to his feet, Isagi staying rooted deeply inside him even as Yukimiya is
positioned between them. Isagi is behind him, hefting him up and suspending him in the air and
Yukimiya wraps his legs around Kaiser’s waist, his arms looping around the man’s neck in front of
him. Kaiser kisses him, both him and Isagi holding Yukimiya up between them, and Yukimiya
arches his back painfully tight as Kaiser tests him again, sliding his fingers back in and stretching
him. He pulls back, apparently satisfied at how loose he is, and then he sheds his white robes.
They float to the floor like white clouds, Kaiser completely bare and invading Yukimiya’s space.

Yukimiya can’t stop shaking, Isagi already filling him up and it’s enough- but he’s gone and asked
for more like a greedy sinner. It’s not painful to be this streched, but his chest heaves with the
effort to stay present as his head fills with static. He keens when he feels Kaiser add more lube, and
he squirms between the both of them as best as he can with the way he’s being cradled in between
two bodies. He presses his face into Kaiser’s neck in front of him, drooling like he has no control
over his body. Kaiser lifts him, so he’s just barely on Isagi’s dick, and then he presses up against
Isagi and slides in slowly next to him. They start to lower him as they push up, and he hiccups on a
wet sob.

It’s- it’s too much he can hardly think as they press into him, stretching him impossibly wide and
he thinks he might break even as they go slow, not even fully in yet. Kaiser whispers soft
encouragement into his ear, and he pushes in deeper and deeper until Yukimiya is sobbing- shakes
wracking his frame but he takes it.

They’re fully seated inside him, bottoming out until both Isagi and Kaiser are fully inside, hot and
pulsing and filling him up till he can't breathe, and he can’t think and then they lift and drop him
lower onto their cocks and he stutters out-

“O-Oh God!”

Kaiser and Isagi freeze where they were beginning to pick up a pace, staring at Yukimiya with
wide eyes.

“Did you just say-“ “The lord's name in vain?”

He’s just conscious enough to process their synchronized question, and his own heart jumps in his
chest. He can’t breathe with how full he feels.

“I- I-“ he stumbles over his words, his tongue feeling too heavy for his mouth while being stuffed
to his breaking point. He sobs, tears wetting his hot cheeks and his chest rises and falls rapidly. It’s
overwhelming, he thinks he might pass out.

Kaiser and Isagi share a look over his shoulder, and they start to move, working in and out of him
by lifting him up and dropping him down onto their cocks in sync with their thrusting, he feels like
he’s losing his mind. He feels like he might choke, all the air pressed out of him.

“Oh! Oh my God!” he shouts again, his head thrown back and lolling on Isagi’s shoulder, the
hands on him grip tighter and start to move him faster, rougher. “Please! Ah-“

He feels Isagi’s breath on his skin and Kaiser leans in to suck on his neck, his body trapped
between them as they push and pull him apart to their whim. His arms stay wrapped around
Kaiser’s neck like his lifeline, he’s shivering uncontrollably.

Kaiser’s hair tickles his skin as he licks Yukimiya’s throat, and their hips are moving faster and
harder with the steady stream of moans and ‘ah ah ah’ falling from his lips as they pound into him.

“Oh God, please, God, Michael,” he whispers against the seam of Kaiser’s mouth, once he’s
started he can’t stop, “fuck.”

Kaiser’s eyes widen incredulously, and Yukimiya’s words all slur together as Kaiser heeds his wish
and picks up the tempo, Isagi’s body undulating against him.

The feeling of them using him roughly, fucking him hard and ruining him- he loves it, he can’t get
enough and he lets himself float away as pleasure takes over.

He starts to go limp between them, and he hangs on to Kaiser and begs them to keep going. Isagi
grips his waist tighter, and then they’re ramming into his prostate at different times, one after the
other as they shift their rhythm. “Isagi- Isagi, harder!”

Everything feels like it’s on fire, and it burns so good he can hardly stand it anymore.

“I can’t, I can’t- you-“ he whines, his voice hoarse from all his moaning, and Kaiser gently shushes
him and presses a light kiss against his crying mouth, murmuring sweet nothings against his skin
and Isagi breathes hard into his neck. He babbles on, complete nonsense and prayers and pleas and

“You can,” Kaiser says, his voice strained and a little shaky around the edges, not a drop of sweat
on him, but his face is pinched in pleasure. His wings make a noise as they start to twitch, opening
wider and flexing as Kaiser loses some of his control. “God never gives us more than we can
handle, isn’t that what you always say.”

Isagi takes one hand off of where he was supporting Yukimiya’s weight by his thighs, reaching that
free hand to wrap around Yukimiya’s neglected cock, stroking him painfully. He feels his orgasm
building, like he might crack and splinter right down to his core. He knows they’ll take care of
him, he lets go. Isagi tweaks a nipple and he jolts forward, his cries turning into loud moans as he
sings with pleasure and lets them have him with no resistance. It feels so good, he doesn’t know if
he can live without this again. They’ve ruined him. Kaiser moans when he tightens up, and Isagi
muffles his own voice by clamping his jaw shut around Yukimiya’s shoulder. He feels like the
pleasure is slicing through him, burning like lava in his veins.

“I- ‘m gonna come!” he cries, and Kaiser whines into the space between them and starts to thrust
into him impossibly fast- he’s close. Isagi is close too, and he speeds up and pulls Kaiser by his
hair closer until their foreheads are touching and they’re snarling at each other. Kaiser’s wings
tense, ruffling, and Isagi’s tail whips like a knife through the air and they’re consuming every last
inch of him. He screams, and his voice shatters and he falls quiet around a silent scream as his
orgasm cuts through him. Every muscle locks and he spills all over Isagi’s hand, trembling like
he’s freezing. He goes taut like a bow pulled past its limits, and he collapses against Kaiser in front
of him, going totally limp. Kaiser and Isagi rock their hips as he comes, riding him through it and
draining him of every last bit of energy left in his body as he writhes and moans.

Being used, it’s incredible, and he knows he’s crossed a line and it’s too late to turn back. He’s
oversensitive and his nerves are buzzing and he makes a needy sound. The world washes away, the
overwhelming sensations bleeding into nothing and he feels light.

He feels cum start to leak out of him, trickling down his abused thighs, and he just can’t take it
anymore. His vision starts to go black at the edges and the last thing he feels is the both of them
pulling out and he succumbs to the darkness.


He wakes up in his room, a higher level of the building, and he slowly turns on his side. Kaiser and
Isagi are, of course, butting heads on the other side of the room.

“There’s no way to tell who won the bet, we were both inside him,” Kaiser whisper-yells, his
wings spread out now that he has more room. Isagi’s eyes flash red, and he swears he sees little
fangs as the demon snarls back.

“Fine, guess we have to make another one,” Isagi says, and Yukimiya groans as he sits up. Their
eyes shoot to him almost immediately on alert, and then they soften. They approach him, daggers
turning into butter knives as they pet and caress him.

“You feeling alright, love?” Kaiser asks, climbing into bed with him, Isagi close behind. He
grumbles, nodding his head and tucking his face into Kaiser’s shoulder. He breathes Kaiser in, the
scent of roses and flora soothing him.

“Sore,” he says, and Kaiser lifts his hand and runs it down Yukimiya’s back, up and down lightly.

“I can make it go away, if you want?” Kaiser offers, and Yukimiya shakes his head. His face feels
like it’s on fire as he refuses the offer, but he wants to feel them for as long as possible. Remember
what they did to him as he stands and demonstrates, when he sits down and when he bathes and
sees their marks all over. Kaiser smiles and laughs fondly, hugging him tighter. Isagi spoons up
against him from his side, playing idly with Yukimiya’s hair. Yukimiya starts to lull back into his
sleep from before, and he swears he sees a halo of golden light and black wings slipping from his
room in the middle of the night. He wakes up alone, and he looks at his folded glasses on his night
stand, and he knows he’s not really.

End Notes
Kaiser and Isagi had a bet on who could make Yuki say ‘god’ during sex first, since he
adamantly refused to say the lord’s name in vain. Kinda hard to pick a winner when they
were both fucking him at the same time.

Would tag this as virginity kink but.. they took that from him wayyyy before this fic
(maybe I should make a prequel) Also fun fact, the psalm is a real one and the beauty mark
analysis is based on Chinese fortune telling.

Kaiser is also slightly based on Archangel Barachiel bc of the flowers- but I suppose
Michael as well bc of his name

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