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Science SAS Preparation Exam

1. Karina places an ice cube into a glass of hot water.

a. What will happen to the ice cube after some time?

b. The process called as ……………..
c. The ice cubes ……………………. Heat while the hot water ………….. heat
d. Draw the particles of the ice inside the box below

e. What will happen to the water if Karina adds some more ice cubes inside the glass?
f. Complete the missing step t show how the heat transfer correctly
…………………………….. ice cubes + …………………………..
2. Complete these sentences
a. Energy cannot be …………………………. , used for ……………………………..
b. Heat can be transferred from a ………………………… to a …………………………
c. Energy is present in ……………………….. , sound and ……………………………
3. Circle the correct statement that shows bothwater and an eraser
They take up space
They have fixed shapes
They have the same weight
They have no fixed volumes
4. Tania made an experiment with water. She fills a bottle with some water and puts it in a
certain place. The next day, she found out the water had already changed its state and has
the same form of the container in a fixed arrangement.
a. What is a possible place for Tania to put the bottle?
b. Why do you think the water change its state? What is the process taking place?
c. Draw the particles before and after the experiment inside the box

Before Experiment After Experiment

5. Circle the energy found in each of the following activities

A boy plays pianica Candle Flashlight Hot Chocolate

Heat Heat Heat Heat

Light Light Light Light
Sound Sound Sound Sound
Television Alarm clock Play mobile phone Stove

Heat Heat Heat Heat

Light Light Light Light
Sound Sound Sound Sound
6. Energy
a. What do you know about renewable energy? Explain it
b. Cone example f fossil fuel is ……………………………………………………………
c. Scientists focus on using renewable energy that can be transferred from ……………
and ………………………………….
7. Nancy is standing next to a refrigerator. After sometime she feels warm. Why is it so?
8. Lala & her friends will meet to have a little party. They are preparing some food to be
cooked n her backyard
a. When they cut some veggies and meat ………………… changes are shown in that
process. It is because ……………………………………………………………………
b. The food needs to gain heat to make it cook before it is ready to be served.
This process is known as ………………………………… changes because
c. Lala accidentally touched the pan and she felt hot on her fingers. Why is it so?
d. Draw how the energy is transferred correctly.
………………………… ……………………….. …………………………….
e. The energy released by this cooking activity are …………….. and ……………..
f. Mention one other example that has the same energy as your answer at (c)
9. Tanti bought a container of butter from a market. She put butter on the balcony. After one
hour, she opened the lid and found the butter has already become liquid.
a. Fill in the blank
The butter gain ………………………… from the stove. It changed from …………….
to …………………….. The process is called ………………. . It shows a ……………..
change because the changes only in the appearance.
b. Mention two properties of the butter.
…………………………….. and ……………………………….
c. Draw the particles from melting butter

10. While Lucia was taking a nap, she was shocked by a loud alarm from her clock near her
a. The energy that appears is …………………………
b. It proves that energy ……………………………………………….
11. Tom is playing drums.
………………………… is needed to move the sticks. When the sticks ………….. the
drums, there will be …………….. If you hit drums ……………….. there is …………….
Energy transferred, and the sound will be …………….
12. Complete the table. Use the following words.
Ice milk oxygen orange juice rock sun sand water
Solids Liquids Gas
13. Aini notices that sand behaves like a liquid. It takes the shapes of the container that it is
poured into. Aini draws the particle model below to show the particles in sand.

a. Is Aini correct? Explain.

Aini Shows an another diagram particle model of a substance.

b. What is the state of the substance?

c. Describe the way the particles are arranged and how they move.
14. Complete the sentences. Use the following words.
Material Particles Substance State
A ……………………… is made of one type of matter.
A ……………………… can be made of one of more substances
All matter is made of ……………………………………
15. Which of these sentences is/are correct? Circle the answer
Materials can be solids only (true / false)
Materials are made up of particles (true / false)
16. What happens when a liquid change into a solid? Circle the correct answers.
The particles lose / gain heat.
The particles move faster / slower
The particles move further apart / together
17. Dylan burns a candle. He notices that the candle wax is melting.
a. Which diagram shows how the particles of the candle wax change? Circle the correct

b. Complete the sentences to describe what is happening what is happening to the
particles. Choose from the following words.
Closer fixed gain lose faster random slower further
Particles of the candle wax ……………. Heat. They vibrate …………….. and move
………… apart. When they have enough heat, they break away from their …………….
Positions and move around one another.
18. A chemical reaction takes place when substances are mixed to form a new substance.
Which of these are chemical changes? Circle three correct answers.
a. Burning wood
b. Cooking an egg
c. Crushing a drink can
d. Freezing fruit juice
e. Iron rusting
f. Tearing paper
19. We may observe some changes when a chemical reaction is taking place. Baking a cake is
a chemical reaction. What changes may be observed when the chemical reaction is taking
place? Write down one change.
20. Give a tick (✔) to the statements below
Chemical change takes place when substances react to form one or
more new substances.
A material can be made from one substance only
All particles in different states of matter have the same arrangements
When substances are mixed, they interact or form another substance
When batter is baked in an oven, a cake is formed. This is a physical
We can have the original form of material back in a chemical change.
Heat is either taken or given to create a chemical reaction.
Particles move around more freely and faster in a solid compared to
a gas.
When an increase in temperature is applied to ice. The ice melts,
changing from a solid to a liquid
Solid has a definite shape and can flow.

21. Two important changes are melting and freezing

a. What are two properties of a solid?
b. What are two properties of a liquid?
c. What is the similarity changing happened to the two process above? Explain
22. Put the words that indicate physical changes under the correct definitions
Freezing water Tearing paper Bending play dough Melting Wax
Breaking a pencil Crumpling paper Boiling water

Change in state No change in state

23. Kai observes an iron nail. The iron nail has a brown substance on it.
His mother says that a chemical reaction has happened to the iron nail. Why?
24. Fill in the blanks using the words below
Liquid substances chemical physical
When baking a cake, you mix a variety of ……………………… together before placing
them in a heated oven. Baking changes mixed substances from a …………………….. to
a solid. The use heat in baking allows a …………………… change to happen.
25. What are some examples of chemical reactions? Match them


26. Observe the two figures below

a. What is the similarity process happened to two pictures above?

b. What kind of reaction happened picture A? What makes this happen?
c. What kind of reactions happened to B? Why is this happened?
d. Some reactions are fast, some are slow. Which are they?

Review End Examination SEM-1

1. A tadpole eats algae, which can make its own food. A tadpole can be eaten by a pond skater
or a great diving beetle. A pond skater is eaten by a frog or a great diving beetle. A great
diving beetle is eaten by a kingfisher, a type of bird.
a. Write down a possible food chain from the organism given above.
b. What does the arrows in the food chain show?
c. What does is food chain always start with?
d. Write down the herbivore and the carnivore from the food chain that you have made.
Herbivore: ……………………………………………………………………………...
Carnivore: ………………………………………………………………………………
2. Study the food chain below and answer the following questions based on the food chain

a. Draw a food chain by the living things above (WRITE THE NAME ONLY)

b. What is the producer in the food chain above. How does it get energy from?
c. What is the possible habitat of the food chain above?
d. Write down all the predators in the food chain above.
e. Write down the two carnivores in the food chain above.
f. What do you know about omnivores?
3. Write ‘T’ if the statement is TRUE and ‘F’ if the statement is false.
No Statement True/False
1 X ray pictures are special photographs that show what is inside our body
2 Plants cannot get infectious diseases
3 Our skull protects the brain
4 Vaccines can be used to prevent some diseases but not to treat them
5 We would still be able to live without muscles
6 Take a bigger amount of medicine to get well more quickly
7 We have different shapes and sizes of the bones in our body
8 Germs can be passed by saliva from mouth
9 An exoskeleton supports and protects the body if the animal
10 All vaccines have to be taken by an injection

4. Draw a line to match each health problem to the proper medicine

Health Problems Proper Medicines
Runny Nose Lozenges
Itchy skin Eye Drops
Sore throat Tablets
Cough Mouth Gel
Red Eye Cream
Ulcer Cough Syrup
5. Fill in the missing words
Lungs Skeleton Cage Exercising
Brain Femur Growing Fibula
Dairy Stomach
There are 206 bones in a grown up ……………………….. The largest bone in our skeleton
is called the ………………… and it is located on the upper part of our leg. Our bones keep
…………………. until we are about 25 years old. Our rib bones are important, they form
a ………….. to protects our heart, our liver and our ………………… Our skull is very
important bone because it protects our ……………… We should take very good care of
our bones by ……………….. and by making sure we drink lots of milk and eat …………
daily products.
6. Look at the animals in the picture below

a. What are two similarities found in the animals above? (something to do with bones and
 ………………………………………………………………………………………
 ………………………………………………………………………………………
b. What is a difference between those animals? (something to do with bones and muscles).
c. Explain anything you know about exoskeleton
d. Can an exoskeleton move? Explain your answer
e. Explain how do our muscles work in order to make our bones move
f. What should you do to keep our bones and muscle strong and healthy?
7. Sam conducted a survey with 50 people to find out how long each person took to recover
from flu. The result of the survey are shown in the table below.
Day to recover from Number of people recover from flu
1 7
2 13
3 4
4 9
5 12
6 5

a. How many people took four days to recover from the flu?
b. How many days thirteen people recovered from the flu?
c. What is the aim (purpose) of Sam conducting this survey?
d. Is influenza an infectious disease? Explain it.
e. Write down two common infectious disease
8. Observe the different forms of medicine below and answer the following questions.
a. Why do we need medicines when we are sick?
b. Who usually prescribe medicines and where can we buy them?
c. Explain one way we have to use medicine safely.
9. Fill in the black

a. The skeletal system is made of many ………………………………………….

b. Muscles relax and …………………….. to move bones in our body.
c. An ……………………………. has 206 while a ………………….. has 300 bones
d. Our skeleton gives our body its ……………………………………….
e. Our ……………………. And bones work together to allow us to move our body.
f. The rib cage protects ………………………… while the brain is protected by ………
10. Cindy filled two containers with water. She put the bottle A on the table in the living room
and bottle B onto a certain place. The next day, she observed both of containers. She was
able to pour out the water in the bottle but not in bottle B.
a. What had happened to the water in bottle B?
b. Where did Cindy put the jug so she got the result of observation as your answer in a?
c. What state of matter is it? How are the particles arranged?
11. Give a tick (✔) if the statements CORRECT and cross (X) if the statement is WRONG.
a. We should not prevent ourselves by drinking vitamins and also eating healthy food
b. Infectious disease can only spread to animals and not to humans
c. Andy suddenly got a fever his visit to his cousin’s house. Several hours after that
he starts to sneeze and cough. Andy directly drinks the medicine and gets enough
sleep to recover soon from his illness
d. A mosquito can spread disease to humans
e. Recently government ask people to get vaccinated to prevent themselves from
f. A few days ago, Nina has a score throat. The best medicine that she has to take os
g. We have to follow the doctor’s instruction and should not drink the medicine by

12. Study these pictures below and answer correctly

a. a. Name of the habitat: …………………………………………
b. Two animals lives in this habitat ……………………………
c. A plant lives in this habitat …………………………………
d. Type of soil …………………………………………………
e. Two characteristics found in this habitat ……………………
b. a. Name of the habitat: …………………………………………
b. Two animals lives in this habitat ……………………………
c. Two characteristics found in this habitat ……………………
d. How do living-things you mentioned at ‘b’ can survive
in the extreme temperature?
13. Use the word below to fill the blanks
14. Look at the list of animals below. Match the habitat with the animal
ANIMAL Habitat
a. Camel Marine
b. Octopus Polar region
c. Leaf insect Grassland
d. Polar bear Desert
e. Penguin Rainforest
f. Deer
15. What di animals need to survive in their habitat? Circle THREE correct answers
Clothes Food Shelter Sunlight Water
16. It is very dry and hot with very little rainfall. What is this habitat? ……………….
17. Write down one way in which these animals are suited to live in oceans. ………………...
18. What will animals do if the environment in their habitat changes?
19. How are polar bear suited to live in the North Pole
20. Can polar bears live in the desert? Why?
21. What do birds do to adapt with their environment when the season changes?


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