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CH – 2

Early Nationalist Movements

1. What is a nation ?
Ans. : The people who inhabit a common territory , speak a common language and belong to a common
culture are referred to as a nation.

2. What does revolution mean ? Which period is termed as a period of revolution ?

Ans. : Revolution means a drastic change , that affects society , economy , politics and cultural atmosphere
of life .
The 18th century can be termed as a period of revolution . During this century revolution broke out in
America and France .

3. Who was referred to as “ Pilgrim Fathers ” ?

Ans. : During the period of colonialism in European history , a group of people migrated to North America
from Europe for reason such as, religious causes or to get better lifestyle are known as “ Pilgrim Fathers” .
They settled and formed 13 colonies in North American continent .

4. Write a short note on Stamp Act 1765

Ans. : The Stamp Act was a tax put on the American colonies by the British Parliament in 1765. The tax
was imposed on all papers and official documents in the American colonies. In the past, the British only taxed
imports and exports. The Americans protested it and boycotted British goods and forced the British Parliament
to withdraw this act. The actions of Americans to protest the Stamp Act led to its cancellation by the British
government on March 1766.

5. Write a short note on Boston Tea Party .

Ans. : The most famous of all the anti-British protests of the settlers in history is known as Boston Tea
Party incident . The major concern for merchants was the Tea Act gave the East India Company a monopoly on
the tea trade , and they were feared that this government created monopoly might be extended to other goods in
future . As a result of it , one night in 1773 , some settlers disguised as Red Indians raided a British ship at the
Boston harbor and threw creates of tea into the sea . The Boston Tea Party had a huge significance and was
responsible for the start of the American Revolution .

6. What were the Causes of American Revolution or Declaration of Independence? What does it state
? What was its impact ?
Ans. : On 4th July 1776 , representatives of the 13 colonies held a conference at Philadelphia and
adopted the declaration of Independence to grant freedom to America from Great Britain . American
philosopher Thomas Jefferson , was the principal author of the declaration who is also called as “Father of
Declaration of Independence ”. As the British Government refused to respect the rights of that declaration , the
people launched a mass movement which eventually turned into the war of independence .
The declaration of Independence the formal explanation to grant freedom to America from Great Britain
. It stated that all men are born equal and are awarded with the unconditional right to life , liberty and happiness
. It also asserted the right of people to form their own government .
As the impact of Declaration of Independence , the colonial British rule ended following the American war
of independence . American force defeated British army in 1781 . In 1783 , Treaty of Paris was signed and 13
colonies of England merged to form the United State of America (USA) and adopted a republican form of
Government. George Washington became 1st President of America in 1789 .

7. Why was the American Civil war fought ? What were its effects ?
Ans. : Firstly , to support the Industrial Revolution in Europe huge quantity of cotton and labour were
required to the southern states of U.S.A. Slaves were brought from Africa and were engaged to work in cotton
plantation in the southern states. The slaves were in very much distress condition and were not given any
wages . On the other hand Northern states wanted to remove slavery system and began to anti-slavery
movement . This anti-slavery movement was a threat to the southern states as their economy was supported by
labour of these slaves.
Secondly , the southern states wanted to remain independent and wanted to take their own decisions . On
the other hand the northern states decided to remain as one nation . When Abraham Lincoln who was against
slavery system become the President in 1860 , the southern states quitted from the Union . The 11 states
established a new nation called the Confederate States of America . Jeffer Davis became its President. This
separation ultimately became the outbreak of the Civil War on April , 12 , 1861 which ended in 1865 . A civil
war is a war between members of the same society.
After the American Civil war came to an end , slavery was abolished from Unites States and there were
significant improvement in the relation between Northern and Southern states . When the Civil war ended , all
the states reunited.

8. “ The fall of the Bastille was a victory for the French people ” – Substantiate the statement.
Ans. : The fall of the Bastille set off a series of events that led to the removal of King Louis XVI by force
and the French Revolution. The success of the revolutionaries gave common people throughout France the
courage to rise up and fight against the nobles who had ruled them for so long. So , definitely we can say that
the fall of Bastille was a victory for the French people .

9. Which was the important law that came into effect soon after storming of the Bastille in the
summer of 1789? How did it change the lives of the common people?
Ans. : In 1789, The important law that soon came into effect after storming of Bastille was the abolition of

Censorship was a law which allowed people to introduce anything in press or plays only after the permission of
ministers appointed by king.

10. When and why did the French Revolution break out ?
Ans. : The French Revolution began in 1789 and lasted until 1799 when Napoleon Bonaparte resumed the
leadership of France.
The causes of French Revolution are as follows :
i) French society was divided into three classes i.e., the clergy, the nobility and the commoners. The
first two classes lived in luxury and were not under the burden of taxes. The commoners and the middle class
bore the burden of all the taxes. Even they did not have political rights.
ii) The king of France, Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette had emptied the French treasury with
their pleasure-loving lifestyle.
iii) French philosophers like Voltaire and Rousseau inspired people with revolutionary ideas of liberty
and equality of all men in society.
11. How did the Revolution led to the growth of new ideas in Europe ?
Ans. : The French Revolution was a historic event and inspired people all over Europe. It spread the ideas
of liberty, equality and generated the spirit of nationalism. The feeling of brotherhood and unity inspired people.
Nations began to be formed by those who shared a common history.

12. How was the French Revolution inspirational to the world ?

Ans. : The French Revolution was inspired people all over the world. It spread the ideas of liberty, equality
and generated the spirit of nationalism. The feeling of brotherhood and unity inspired people .
13. What is the basic similarity and difference between the American war of Independence and
French Revolution ?
Ans. The similarities found between them that both the revolutions American war of Independence and
French Revolution have similar issues , both of them stated that all men are born equal and are endowed with
the inalienable right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Both of them also asserted to right of people to
form their own government.
The difference found between American war of Independence and French Revolution is the American
Revolution was based on independence from British rule and the French Revolution was based on removal of
the French Monarchy.

14. What were the impacts of French revolution?

Ans. : The French Revolution unified France and enhanced the power of the nation . It played a vital role in
establishing democratic institutions such as elections, representative government, and constitutions. The Revolt
reached its conclusion when on 9 November 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte resumed the leadership of France.
15. Write Short note on Napoleon Bonaparte .
Ans. : Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a French military leader and emperor who conquered much of
Europe in the early 19th century and became a terror for all European monarchs. In 1804, he crowned himself Emperor
of France. Napoleon, during his rule, introduced in 1804 common laws that would apply to everyone in the
empire is known as “ The Napoleonic Code ”. This Code was not the first legal code to be established in a
European country but influenced the law of many of the countries . He introduced a uniform system of weights and
measures provided by the decimal system and others. Finally, in 1815, Napoleon was defeated by the European allies at
Waterloo and was exiled to the remote island Saint Helena, in the South Atlantic Ocean. He died there on May
5, 1821, at age 51.

16. What is “Napoleonic Code ” ?

Ans. : Napoleon, during his rule, introduced in 1804 common laws that would apply to everyone in the
empire is known as “ The Napoleonic Code ”. The Napoleonic Code is also called the 'French Civil Code of
1804'. It is officially the Civil Code of the French . The Napoleonic Code was not the first legal code to be
established in a European country but influenced the law of many of the countries .
17. What is called “Hundred days ” ?
Ans. : The Hundred Days marked the period between Napoleon's return from eleven months of exile on the
island of Elba to Paris and the second restoration of King Louis XVIII .
18. Why the year 1848 is called the year of revolution ?
Ans. : In the year 1848 , a series of revolutions against European monarchies were observed . It began from
Sicily and spread to France , Germany , Italy and the Austrian Empire . This is why , the year 1848 is called the
year of revolution in European history .
Stamp Act of England 1765
Boston Tea Party 1773
Declaration of Independence (USA formed ) 4 July , 1776
America defeated British army in war of independence 1781
Treaty of Paris was signed 1783
George Washington became the 1st President of America 1789
Bill of Right was adopted in 1791
Abraham Lincoln became the President of USA 1860
Outbreak of American civil war April 12 , 1861 -
The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris , France 14th July 1789
French Revolution started 1789 to 1799
Napoleon Bonaparte declared himself as Emperor in 1804
Waterloo Battle 1815
“ Year of revolution” is known the year 1848
Gettysburg Speech by Abraham Lincoln July , 1863
The 13th amendment of the American constitution to abolish
Germany succeeded in establishing their nations in 1871
Photo study Question

1. Name the famous incident .

Ans. This is the picture of most famous incident in European history known as Boston Tea Party .
2. When did this incident take place ?
Ans. One night in 1773 , some settlers disguised as Red Indians raided a British ship at the Boston harbor
and threw creates of tea into the sea .
3. What was its significance in American history ?
Ans. The Boston Tea Party had a huge significance and was responsible for the start of the American
Revolution .
Photo study Question

The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris, France,

on 14 July 1789 , execution of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette .

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