Feladatok Iskola, Napirend 2

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1 Do you remember class 5?

1 Write in the missing letters.
A B __ D E F __ __ I J __ L M N __ P __ R S __ U V __ X Y Z

2 Make sentences.

1 days / week There are seven days in a week.

2 months / year ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3 hours / day ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4 weeks / year ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5 minutes / hour ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6 seconds / minute ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Write the dates.

1 26/12 December the twenty-sixth / the twenty-sixth of December

2 15/03 __________________________________________________ / ______________________________________________________
3 24/12 __________________________________________________ / ______________________________________________________
4 20/08 _________________________________________________ / ______________________________________________________
5 01/01 _________________________________________________ / ______________________________________________________
6 31/12 _________________________________________________ / ______________________________________________________
7 05/11 _________________________________________________ / ______________________________________________________

What special dates are they? Name some of them.

7 – Guy Fawkes Day
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

4 Find the rhyming words.

B – ____________________ P – ____________________
C – pea
____________________ R be eye – ____________________
I – ____________________ you no T – ____________________
see tea are
J – ____________________ U – ____________________
why May
O – ____________________ Y – ____________________

4 My English Workbook 6

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5 Look at exercise 7 on page 7 in your book. Write the sentences.

1 It’s a fat and pink pig. ________________________ 6 _______________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________ 7 _______________________________________________________
3 _________________________________________________________ 8 _______________________________________________________
4 ________________________________________________________ 9 _______________________________________________________
5 ________________________________________________________ 10 ________________________________________________________
Now you draw.

1 a fat yellow cat 2 two happy green rats 3 a sad black monster

6 Finish the sentences with an adjective.

1 My Maths teacher is __________________________ . 6 A Suzuki Wagon R+ is _______________________ .
2 A gorilla is ____________________________________ . 7 My bedroom is________________________________ .
3 Being at school is ____________________________ . 8 Disco music is ________________________________ .
4 The English language is _____________________ . 9 Doing homework is __________________________ .
5 Little babies are ______________________________ . 10 Hamburgers are _______________________________ .

Write two more for your partner to do.

11 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 Choose a letter. Write a male and a female name, a country, a job and an object.


letter male name female name job country object

8 Listen and fill in the table.



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9 Have got or has got? Complete the sentences.

1 I _________________________________ a computer. 4 Yozo and Pozo _______________________ a spaceship.

2 My brother ______________________________ a lot of CDs. 5 You _________________________________ three hamsters.
3 We ______________________________ two cars. 6 She __________________________________ beautiful eyes.
10 Turn the sentences in exercise 9 into questions.
1 Have I got a computer? 4 ________________________________________________________.
2 ________________________________________________________. 5 ________________________________________________________.
3 ________________________________________________________. 6 ________________________________________________________.

11 Turn the sentences in exercise 9 into negative.

1 Have I got a computer? 4 ________________________________________________________.

2 ________________________________________________________. 5 ________________________________________________________.
3 ________________________________________________________. 6 ________________________________________________________.

12 Read the description in your book and draw the monster.

13 Write the questions.

1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________? My name is Barbara Williams.

2 ___________________________________________________________________? England.
3 ___________________________________________________________________? 52, Oak Street, Hastings.
4 ___________________________________________________________________? 1712 455 322.
5 ___________________________________________________________________? Yes, I’m a student.
6 ___________________________________________________________________? No, I haven’t got a brother or a sister.
7 ___________________________________________________________________? Yes, we have.
8 ___________________________________________________________________? A dog and two cats.

14 Write about Barbara.

Her name is Barbara Williams. She is from _____________________________________________________________________________


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15 Look at exercise 11 on page 8 in your book. Choose a boy and a girl. Write a description of them.

a) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16 Answer the questions. If you can’t do something, give a reason. Use ‘too’.
1 Can you drive a car? No, I can’t. I’m too young.
2 Can you swim in Lake Balaton in winter? _______________________________________________________________
3 Can you get up at 4 am? _______________________________________________________________
4 Can you pronounce ‘occasionally’? _______________________________________________________________
5 Can you draw a horse? _______________________________________________________________
6 Can you run for 20 minutes? _______________________________________________________________
7 Can you buy a Mercedes? _______________________________________________________________

17 Mingling!

Stand up and walk around the classroom.

Find someone who can…
… swim. name: _______________________
… sew. _______________________
… cook. _______________________
… ride a horse. _______________________
… play tennis. _______________________
… dance. _______________________
… sing ‘My Bonnie’. _______________________ you sew?
… speak (a little) German. _______________________
… ride a bike. _______________________
… play the piano. _______________________

18 Write the sentences with a correct punctuation.

1 sheilasgotdarkhairandbrowneyes ______________________________________________
2 sheswearingawhitetshirtandjeans ______________________________________________
3 myfriendsnamesanna ___________ ______________________________________________
4 herdogsarecalledbennyandbobby ______________________________________________
5 canyourfathercook ______________________________________________
6 nohecantbuthecanspeakspanish ______________________________________________
7 wherestheswimmingpool ______________________________________________

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19 Ask and answer. Fill in the tables.

What? I like… :-) I don't like… :-(



What? My friend likes… :-) My friend doesn't likes… :-(



20 Choose the right word.

1 Hi, … Pozo. a) my b) I’m c) I d) me

2 I’m from Mars, but now I’m … the Earth. a) on b) in c) from d) under
3 I … here with my friend, Yozo. a) working b) works c) ’m work d) ’m working
4 I … really like the Earth. a) don’t b) not c) ’m not d) doesn’t
5 I think … very strange. a) it b) its c) it’s d) they’re
6 And … are boring. a) peoples b) mans c) womans d) people
7 But Yozo … the Earth very much. a) like b) likes c) don’t like d) don’t likes
8 He … think people are boring. a) – b) not c) don’t d) doesn’t
9 He says … nice. a) they b) their c) they’re d) there are
10 I think the food … O.K. a) very b) is c) are d) –
11 I like icecream and … . a) cake b) cakes c) cook d) cokes
12 And what … we like doing here? a) do b) does c) are d) can
13 Yozo loves listening … music. a) the b) him c) to d) to the
14 … favourite singer is Disco Metal Baby. a) His b) He’s c) Hes d) He
15 I hate music. I like …! a) sleep b) sleeps c) sleeping d) the sleeping

21 Write the questions. Then answer them.

1 Yozo / discos / like / does Does Yozo like discos? Yes, he does.
2 like / he / heavy metal / does________________________
__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________
3 do / like / you / disco music
__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________
4 food / Pozo / like / what / does
__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

8 My English Workbook 6

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22 Look at exercise 17 on page 11 in your book. Write the sentences.

1 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
2 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
3 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
4 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
5 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
6 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

23 Look at exercise 18 on page 11 in your book. Write the questions.

1 What does she do at 6.15? _________________ She gets up.

2 __________________________________________________________? At 6.40.
3 __________________________________________________________? No, she doesn’t. She leaves home at 7.10.
4 __________________________________________________________? It starts at 8 o’clock.
5 __________________________________________________________? Six.
6 __________________________________________________________? She has lunch at school.
7 __________________________________________________________? Yes, at 15.10.
8 __________________________________________________________? She does her homework.
9 __________________________________________________________? At 21.00.

24 What about you? Answer the questions.

1 What time do you get up? _______________________________________________________________________________________

2 Do you have breakfast at home? _______________________________________________________________________________
3 How do you go to school? ______________________________________________________________________________________
4 What time does school start? ___________________________________________________________________________________
5 How many lessons do you have? ______________________________________________________________________________
6 Where do you have lunch? ______________________________________________________________________________________
7 What time do you get home? ___________________________________________________________________________________
8 What do you do in the afternoon? _____________________________________________________________________________
9 Do you have a bath or a shower? ______________________________________________________________________________
10 What time do you go to bed? ___________________________________________________________________________________

25 Rhyming rows. Find the words.

1 You sleep in it. A colour. A part of the body.

2 It is between the lessons. A birthday … . Loch Ness, for example.
3 You go there on weekdays. Very good. Swimming … .
4 … a song. You wear it on your finger. St Stephen, for example.

1 B __ __ R __ __ H __ __ __
2 B __ __ __ __ C __ __ __ L __ __ __
3 S __ __ __ __ __ C __ __ __ P __ __ __
4 S __ __ __ R __ __ __ K __ __ __

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2 You are often late for school
1 Complete the expressions.

1 _________________________ evening
2 from _________________________ on
be now
3 _________________________ late _________________________ school
don’t parents’
4 _________________________ asleep
5 be _________________________ fall quiet
6 be rude _________________________ the teachers for so
7 I _________________________ think _________________________. much to
8 so _________________________ to do

2 Give instructions: Don't…

1 Don’t play on the computer. _ 2 _________________________________ 3 _________________________________

__________ _________________________________ _________________________________

4 ___________________________________ 5 __________________________________ 6 ___________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________

3 Write the words: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely and never.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
x x x x x x x always
–– –– –– –– –– –– –– ______________________________________________________
x –– –– x –– –– x ______________________________________________________
–– x –– –– –– –– –– ______________________________________________________
x x x x x –– x ______________________________________________________
x –– x x –– x x ______________________________________________________

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4 Put the words in the correct order.

1 always / you / tired / are ____________________________________________________________________

2 dad / doesn’t / my / TV / watch / often ____________________________________________________________________
3 late / we / never / are / school / for ____________________________________________________________________
4 up / they / usually / at / get / 7 o’clock ____________________________________________________________________
5 Greg / radio / listens / rarely / the / to ____________________________________________________________________
6 sometimes / I / basketball / play ____________________________________________________________________

5 Write true sentences with always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely and never.

1 I always _____________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________________________

2 _______________________________________________________ 5 _________________________________________________________
3 _______________________________________________________ 6 _________________________________________________________

6 Write the possessive forms (’s or of ).

1 Tom’s computer 2 the teacher ____ 3 ____________________________ 4 __________________________

of the fifth class ____________________________ __________________________

5 _________________________ 6 _________________________ 7 ____________________________ 8 __________________________

_________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ __________________________

7 Translate these sentences.

1 Tom gyakran elkésik az iskolából. ________________________________________________________________________

2 Mától fogva nem nézhetsz tévét! ________________________________________________________________________
3 Ma este olyan sok dolgom van! ________________________________________________________________________
4 Néha korán fekszem le. ________________________________________________________________________
5 Apu sose megy el a szülôi értekezletre. _______________________________________________________________________
6 Mindig késôn kelsz? ________________________________________________________________________
7 Nem, nem hiszem. ________________________________________________________________________


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3 A bear doesn’t wash…
1 Match the two columns.

1 Why does he sleep in the lessons? a) No, never. They're horrible!

2 Are you rude to your mum? b) To the cinema.
3 Do you often watch horror films? c) No, I’m not.
4 Who stinks? d) Yes, she plays Go.
5 Has she got a hobby? e) Because he watches TV till midnight.
6 Where do they go in the evenings? f ) Me, I think.
1 – ______ 2 – ______ 3 – ______ 4 – ______ 5 – ______ 6 – ______

2 How often? Write the expressions.

Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun four times a week
–– x x x –– –– x
–– –– x –– –– –– ––

x –– –– x –– –– x _______________________________________________________

–– x –– –– x –– –– _______________________________________________________
x x x x x x _______________________________________________________
–– x x –– x x _______________________________________________________

3 Match the opposites.

1 polite 2 clean 3 late 4 wake up 5 dead 6 rubbish

a) rude b) early c) important d) fall asleep e) dirty f) alive

1 – ______ 2 – ______ 3 – ______ 4 – ______ 5 – ______ 6 – ______

4 Write in the missing words.

1 How often do you have ________ shower? 4 I have a bath ________ Christmas.
2 Keep ________ me! You stink! 5 I bet you hardly ________ read a book.
3 Does she ever clean ________ teeth? 6 Dom has a party ________ his birthday.

5 Write in the missing verbs.

1 your shoes/teeth/the windows/the bathroom…

2 your hair/feet/face/hands…
3 a wash/a bath/a shower…
4 games/the piano/with friends…
5 sports/homework/karate/the piano practice…

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6 Write the questions.

1 how often / you / TV How often do you watch TV?

2 they / ever / computer games Do they __________________________________________________
3 Andy / books Does _____________________________________________________
4 how often / Pozo / a bath ___________________________________________________________
5 you / ever / cinema ___________________________________________________________
6 how often / April and Frank / music ___________________________________________________________

7 Correct the spelling of these words.

1 parents evening __________________________________ 5 somtimes ____________________________________

2 compolsury __________________________________ 6 questionnerie ____________________________________
3 occassionally __________________________________ 7 afternon ____________________________________
4 be qiet __________________________________ 8 exept ____________________________________

8 Look at the questionnaire on page 15 in your book. Write about yourself.

1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9 Pronunciation. Write the words in the correct place.

stink late said bet say rubbish always ever twice times alive tonight

/ei/ /ai/ /e/ /i/

10 Translate these sentences.

1 Menj odébb! __________________________________________________________________

2 Fogadok, hogy sose olvasol könyvet. __________________________________________________________________
3 Minden szombaton úszni megyünk. __________________________________________________________________
4 Milyen gyakran szoktál focizni? __________________________________________________________________
5 Hetente kétszer szoktam hajat mosni. __________________________________________________________________
6 A Medve karácsonykor mosdik. __________________________________________________________________
7 A Nyúl naponta háromszor mos fogat. __________________________________________________________________

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4 What’s your hobby?
1 Find 12 jobs. (You can use a part more than once.)

dri lor
tea ver ok cha nic cher ry
ter foot pas pain law carvbal co
me ler but minis yer wri ac tor doc

1 _____________________________________ 5 ______________________________________ 9 ____________________________________

2 _____________________________________ 6 ______________________________________ 10 ____________________________________
3 _____________________________________ 7 ______________________________________ 11 ____________________________________
4 _____________________________________ 8 ______________________________________ 12 ____________________________________

2 What do they do? Write sentences.

1 teacher A teacher teaches children.

2 painter ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
3 bus driver ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
4 mechanic ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
5 cook ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
6 pilot ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
7 footballer ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 What are they doing? Write sentences.

1 She is knitting. 2 ____________________________ 3 ____________________________ 4 __________________________

____________________________ ____________________________ __________________________

5 _________________________ 6 _________________________ 7 ____________________________ 8 __________________________

_________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ __________________________

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4 Choose the correct word.

1 I’m in the garden/gardening. I like garden/gardening.

2 David and Bobby are cook/cooking. Cook/Cooking is their hobby.
3 Uncle Ben is a cook/cooking. He cooks/cooking. He is cook/cooking at the moment.
4 My sister doesn’t like watch/watching TV, but I watch/watching TV every day.
5 Damian’s hobby is model/modelling. He makes/making models.
6 Do you collect/collecting anything? Yes, my hobby is collect/collecting napkins.
7 A lot of people keep/keeping pets. Their hobby is keep/keeping pets.
What is the rule? Say it in Hungarian.

5 What are these hobbies?

1 collecting dolls 2 ____________________________ 3 ____________________________ 4 __________________________

5 _________________________ 6 _________________________ 7 ____________________________ 8 __________________________

6 Pronunciation. Odd one out.

1 stamp badge angle card 4 knit drive DIY pilot

2 paint play repair game 5 napkin party garden hard
3 collect cook lorry doll 6 keep each week bear

7 Translate these sentences.

1 A modellezés a hobbim. ____________________________________________________________________

2 Én babákat gyûjtök. ____________________________________________________________________
3 Ágota latint tanít, de most épp nem tanít. ____________________________________________________________________
4 Szeretünk kertészkedni. ____________________________________________________________________
5 Az emberek azt mondják, David jó focista. ____________________________________________________________________
6 Társasjátékozni nagyszerû szórakozás. ____________________________________________________________________
7 Mit jelent az, hogy DIY? ____________________________________________________________________


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Just 4 pleasure! 1

CLASSWORK. Read and do it.

1 Read all the instructions before you start.

2 Write your name in box four.

3 Draw a pencil in box two.

4 Stand up.

5 Sit down again.

6 Say ‘Hello, how are you?’

7 Look at page 27 in your book and copy the last sentence in box six.
8 Write the numbers from 20 to 26 in box three.

9 Open your copybook and put it on your head.

10 Put your copybook down on your desk again.

11 Draw a house in box one.

12 Point to the teacher.

13 What time do you get up? Write the answer in box seven.

14 Say ‘I’m fantastic’. 6

15 Underline this instruction.

16 Close your eyes for five seconds.

17 Put up your hand and put it down. 7

18 Circle the word ‘teacher’.

19 Say ‘I’m ready’.

20 Now you have read all the instructions. Do instructions 1, 2, 3 and 4 only.
Don’t do instructions 5–19!!!

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Find seven differences between the two pictures.

Your son always falls Your son always falls

asleep in my lessons! asleep in my lessons!


Write what day it is.

It’s __________________________________ It’s __________________________________

because he is __________________________________ _________________________________________________


Find ten hobbies and four things people collect in the crossword.

G N I L L E D O M B Hobbies:
N K N I T T I N G O _________________________________________ ________________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________________
_________________________________________ ________________________________________
Things that people collect:
O I B I L D I I X M _________________________________________
I N L P L A N T O E _________________________________________
N G E X O B G Y O S _________________________________________

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Let’s revise 1
1 Listen and fill in the table.

Annie Berta Carol


2 Information gap
Ask and answer in pairs. A: Look at this page.
B: Look at page 96.

1 What’s his/her name?

2 What does he/she do?
3 What’s his/her hobby?
4 What’s he/she doing now?
Write in the missing information.


2 spaceship mechanic spacestation worker

3 modelling angling

4 smoking a cigarette listening to music

18 My English Workbook 6

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3 Writing
Now you draw an alien and write about him/her.
(Write his/her name, job, hobbies and what he/she is doing at the moment.)

My alien’s name is ____________________________________________________


4 Choose the correct word.

1 It’s … evening tonight. A: parent’s B: parents C: parents’ D: parents’s

2 Keep … me! You are smelly! A: of B: off C: on D: up
3 … always do my homework. A: I B: I’m C: My D: He
4 Sara cleans … teeth twice a day. A: a B: she’s C: her D: my
5 Are you ever late … school? A: to B: from C: the D: for?
6 Their hobby is … . A: the fishing B: fishing C: to fishing D: fish
7 What … you do? I’m a cook. A: do B: are C: is D: does
8 He … every day. A: cook B: is cook C: is cooking D: cooks
9 A bear … wash. A: never B: don’t C: doesn’t D: isn’t
10 I have a party … my birthday. A: in B: on C: at D: with

5 Riddle-me-ree. Guess the word.

My first letter is in PET but not in CAT.

My second letter is in FISH and also in KILL.
My third letter is in RIVER and also in WATER.
My fourth letter is in SHARP but not in SHEEP.
My fifth letter is in DANGER and also in HUNGRY.
My sixth letter is in TEETH but not in TEA.
My seventh letter is in AMERICA but not in MEXICO.

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