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D~~~~;nt of Computer Science & Engineering

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Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
~-211004 (')fl«f)
Prayagraj-211004 ()ndiaf
Mid Semester Examination 2022-23
Branch: CSE and IT Semester: 5th
Subject N ame: Operation Research Date: 20-10-22
Subject Code: CS15105 Time: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Total Marks: 20 Registration number:

(Instructions: Solve all questions. No graph paper will be provided. Use of calculator is allowed)

1) A company manufactures two products X and Y, by using the three machines A, B, and C. Each
unit ofX talces 1 hour on machine A, 3 hours on machine Band 10 hours on machine C. Similarly,
product Y talces one hour, 8 hours and 7 hours on Machine A, B, and C respectively. In the coming
planning period, 40 hours of machine A, 240 hours of machine B and 350 hours of machine C is
available for production. Each unit of X brings a profit of Rs 5/- and Y brings Rs. 7 per unit. How
much of X and Y are to be manufactured by the company for maximizing the profit? Solve this
Linear Programming Problem using Graphical method. [5 Marks]

2) A machine tool company conducts a job-training programme at a ratio of one for every ten
trainees. The training programme lasts for one month. From past experience it has been found
that out of 10 trainees hired, only seven c9mplete the programme successfully. (The unsuccessful
trainees are released). Trained machinists are- aiso needed for machining. The company's
requirement for the next three months is as follows:
January: 100 machinists,
February: 150 machinists, and
March: 200 machinists.
In addition, the company requires 250 trained machinists by April. There are 130 trained
machinists available at the beginning of the year. Pay roll cost per month is:
Each trainee Rs. 400/- per month.
Each trained machinist (machining or teaching): Rs. 700/- p.m.
Each trained machinist who is idle: Rs.500/- p.m.
(Labour union forbids ousting trained machinists). Build a mathematical model for this Linear
Programming Problem for producing the minimum cost of hiring and training schedule to meet
the company's requirement. [5 Marks]
[N ote: Only an explained mathematical model is required. Do not solve it.]
3) A company manufactures three products namely X, Y and Z. Each of the product require
processing on three machines, Turning, Milling and Grinding. Product X requires 10 hours of
turning, 5 hours of milling and l hour of grinding. Product Y requires 5 hours of turning, l Ohours
of milling and 1 hour of grinding, and Product Z requires 2 hours of turning, 4 hours of milling
and 2 hours of grinding. In the coming planning period, 2700 hours of turning, 2200 hours of
milling and 500 hours of grinding are available. The profit contribution of X, Y and Z are Rs . 10,
Rs. 15 and Rs. 20 per unit respectively. Find the optimal product mix to maximize the profit.
[N ote: Solve it using simplex method] [5 Marks]

4) Solve using simplex method:

Minimize S = la - 3b + 2c
Subject to: 3a - lb + 3c :S 7
-2a + 4b + 0c :S 12
-4a + 3b + 8c :S 10 and a, b, c, all 2: 0. [3 Marks]

5) Explain how a linear programming problem can be solved- by graphical method and give
limitations of graphical method. [2 Marks]

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