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Damped single degree-of-freedom system We have seen in the preceding chapter that the simple oscil- lator under idealized conditions of no damping, once excited, will oscillate indefinitely with a constant amplitude at its natural frequency. Experience indicates, however, that it is not possible to have a device which vibrates under these ideal conditions. Forces designated as frictional or damping forces are always present in any physical system undergoing motion. These forces dissipate energy; more precisely, the unavoidable presence of these frictional forces constitutes a mechanism through which the mechanical energy of the system, kinetic or potential energy, is transformed to other forms of energy such as heat. The mechanism of this energy transformation or dissipation is quite complex and is not completely under- stood at this time. In order to account for these dissipative forces in the analysis of dynamic systems, it is necessary to make some assumptions about these forces, on the basis of experience. mm, 24 1/ STRUCTURES MODELED AS A SINGLE DEGREE-OF FREED Oy, 2.1 VISCOUS DAMPING (Gamiping’ it is the type of damping force that could be developed in Te Strained in its motion by a surrounding viscous fluid. , There are situations in which the assumption of riscove daring in and in which the dissipative mechanism is approximately viscous, Newt less, :he assumption of viscous damping is often made regardless of the dissipative characteristics of the system. The primary reason for such of this method is that it leads to a relatively simple mathematical analysiy *! 22 EQUATION OF MOTION with, viscous damping) as shown in Fig. 2.1(2). Inythi ; (Gamping coefficient. We proceed, as in the case of the undamped oscillato, draw the free body diagram (FBD) and apply Newton’s Law to obtain the; ferential equation of motion. Figure 2.1(b) shows the FBD of the oscillator in which the inertial force my is also shown, so that we can) D’Alembert’s Principle. The summation of forces in the Y direction gives; differential equation of motion, to Fig. 2.1 (a) Viscous damped oscillator, (b) Free body diagram. DAMPED SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM 25 this equation. Substitution of this function into eq, (2.1) segue TA:the-equation ge VTE OF 5 ‘Thus the general solution of eq, (2.1) is given by the superposition of the two possible solutions, namely V(=C, eC, PH (24) 1 The final form of eq. (2.4) depends on the sign of the expression under the radical in eq. (2.3). Three distinct cases may occur: the quantity under the radi- cal may either be zero, positive, or negative. The limiting case in which the quan- tity under the radical is zero is treated tirst. The damping present in this case is called critical damping. 2.3 CRITICALLY DAMPED SYSTEM For a system oscillating with critical damping, as defined above, the expression under the radical in eq. (2.3) is equal to zero; that is, fa) kL ( ss) a 0 (2.5) or Coe = 2m (2.6) where coy designates the critical damping value. Since the natural frequency of the undamped system is designated by w= Vk/m, the critical damping coeffi- cient given by eq. (2.6) may also be expressed in alternative notation as Cop= dmuo= 2. (2.7) a | 28 _ | / STRUCTURES MODELED AS A SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM try In a critically damped system the roots of the characteristic equation Weng and from eq. (2.3), they are one Pi "P2"*~ om" CH Since the two roots are equal, the general solution given by eq. (2.4) woul vide only one independent constant of integration; hence, one independa, solution, namely = (ecr/2)t nore Q ¢ found by using the function ‘Another independent solution may b yaar te This equation, as the reader may verify, eq. (2.1). The general solution for a criti the superposition of these two solutions, y= + Cate ~os/2™)t aay also satisfies the differential eq ically damped system is then given b ane (2) 2.4 OVERDAMPED SYSTEM ¥ In an overdamped system, the damping coefficient is greater than the value fa * critical damping, namely c> Ce. (2.13) ‘Therefore, the expression under the radical of eq. (2.3) s positive, thus the twe q seit the characteristic equation are real and distinct, and consequently th solution is given directly by eq. (2.4) It should be noted that, for the ove: damped or the critically damped system, the resulting motion is not oscillatory the magnitude of the oscillations decays exponentially with time to zero, FiEv ° 22 depicts graphically the response for the simple oscillator with critical damp similar to the motion of the crit ing. The response of the overdamped system is T no ut “0 Tr % a 4 ' Fig. 2.2. Free-vibration response with critical damping. DAMPED SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM 27 ically damped system of Fig. 2.2, but the return toward the neutral position re- quires more time as the damping is increased. 2.5 UNDERDAMPED SYSTEM bey 0c vas oh is expression or i yi ical is negative, the roots of the Characteristic eq. (2.3) are complex conjugates, so that (2.13) where i= V -1 is the imaginary unit. For this case, it is convenient to make use of Euler's equations which relate exponential and trigonometric functions, namely e = cosx +i sin x, (2.14) es cos x - isinx. The substitution of the roots p, and p, from eq. (2.13) into eq. (2.4) together with the use of eq. (2.14) gives the following convenient form for the general solution of the underdamped system: y= 6?" cos wpt + B sin wpt), (2.15) where A and B are redefined constants of integration and wp, the damped fre- quency of the system, is given by k [ey wp = =-(§) (2.16) wp = wvi-#. (2.17) This last result is obtained after substituting, in eq. (2.16), the expression for the undamped natural frequency eae (2.18) m and defining the damping ratio of the system as = (2.19) fa t= 28 1 / STRUCTURES MODELED AS A SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM syg,, ey, nt and velocity, ¥o and y, splaceme" waluated and substitute '% ny ial conditions of di can be ¢ Finally, when the initia introduced, the constants of integration eq. (2.15), giving yeorett(re cos WD can be written as tw cos (Wpt ~ a) 2, a 19 +¥0 & sin wp i) Qx tt Dd Alternatively, this expression (nace where : ahs), GEE gw)" c=V/vot ws Q 2 and tané= (0 +o §#) wpyo Ry A graphical record of the response of an underdamped system with nity displacement Yo but starting with zero yelocity (Yo = 0) is shown in Fig. 23 It may be seen in this figure that the motion is oscillatory, but not period, onstant during the motion but decreay The amplitude of vibration is not ¢ for successive cycles; nevertheless, the oscillations occur at equal intervals ¢ time. This time interval is designated as the damped period of vibration ay is given from eq. (2.17) bv 2m 2a (24 Tp =— = Pion io ie ye Fig. 2.3 Free vibration response for underdamped system. DAMPED SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM 29 ‘The value of the damping coefficient for real structures is much less than the critical damping coefficient and usually ranges between 2 to 20% of the critical damping value, Substituting for the maximum value & = 0.20 into ¢q- 2.17), Wp = 0.98w. (2.25) It can be seen that the frequency of vibration for a system with as much as a 20% damping ratio is essentially equal to the undamped natural frequency. Thus, in practice, the natyral frequency for a damped system may be taken to be equal to the undamped natural frequency. ‘The evaluation of damping from the logarithmic decrement follows. Consider the damped vibration motion represented graphically in Fig. 2.4 and given ana- lytically by eq. (2.21) as we) Tangent points (cos (wot — a) = 1] Peak 30 | / STRUCTURES MODELED AS A SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM Eg, We note from this equation that, when the cosine sees is pak the disp, ment is on points of the exponential curve y(t)=ce™” as bite in Fig. 94 However, trem points ae near bat not equal to-che POST of may placement. The points on the exponential curve appear slightly to the righ, the points of maximum amplitude. For most practical problems - discre is negligible and the displacement curve may be assumed to coinci oe the amplitude, with the curve y(t) = Cer" so that we may write, for tWo eo, secutive peaks, y, at time ¢1 and y2 at Tp seconds later, -ton, . ymzce d stone = yece wn Tp), Dividing these two peak amplitudes and taking the natural logarithm, we obtain twp Qan° or by substituting, Tp, the damping period, from eq. (2.24), 8 =2nt/vi- . (2.28) ‘As we can see, the damping ratio £ can be calculated from eq. (2.28) after de- termining -xperimentally the amplitudes of two successive peaks of the system ia free vibration. For small values of the damping ratio, eq. (2.28) can be ap- proximated by 6 = 2nk. (2.29) A vibrating system consisting of a weight of W=10 Ib and a spring with stiffness k= 20 Ib/in is viscously damped so that the ratio of two consecutive amplitudes is 1.00 to 0.85. Determine: (a) the natural frequency of the undamped system, (b) the logarithmic decrement, (c) the damping ratio, (d) the damping coefficient, and (¢) the damped natural frequency. (a) The undamped natural frequency of the system in radians per second is w=Vkim = (20 Ib/in X 386 in/sec?)/10 Ib = 27.78 rad/sec or in cycles per second w e —= 4s . £ on 42 cps. (b) The logarithmic decrement is given by DAMPED SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM 31 (c) The damping ratio from eq. (2.29), is approximately equal to 6 0.163 g= ie een 0.026. (a) The damping coefficient is obtained from eqs. (2.6) and (2.19) as = Eeer = 2 X 0.026 V(10 X 20)/386 = 0.037 Pose (e) The natural frequency of the damped system is given by eq. (2.17), so that wp =wVi-F, wp = 27.78 V1 - (0.026)? = 27.77 rad/sec. (lastrative Example'2:2) A platform of weight W= 4000 Ib is being sup- ported by four equal columns which are clamped to the foundation as well as to the platform. Experimentally it has been determined that a static force of F=1000 Ib applied horizontally to the platform produces a displacement of 4=0.10 in. It is estimated that damping in the structures is of the order of 5% of the critical damping. Determine for this structure the following: (a) un- damped natural frequency, (b) absolute damping coefficient, (c) logarithmic decrement, and (d) the number of cycles and the time required for the ampli- tude of motion to be reduced from an initial value of 0.1 in to 0.01 in. (@) The stiffness coefficient (force per unit displacement) is computed as _F _ 1000 _ , k= = py = 10,000 Ibjin and the undamped natural frequency =, /4_ ., /19,000X 386 _ o V We aoa 31.06 rad/sec. (b) The critical damping is Cer = 2Vk-m = 210,000 X 400/386 = 643.8 1D 8e¢ in and the absolute damping = Eq = 0.05 X 643,8= 32,19 Se in (©) Approximately, the logarithmic decrement is =in (20) ~ ante - 5 in (5) = ant 2m(0.05)= 0.314 321 / STRUCTURES MODELED AS A SINGLE pEGREE-OF -FREEDOM SyaTy, and the ratio of two consecutive amplitudes Yo 21,37. p amplitude (a) The ratio between the first amplitude Yo and the Yr after cycles may be expressed as Yo, Ya. Dt. Thea. Ye Men? ve ‘Then taking the natural logarithm, we obtain In Yo 2545401 tO AK Ye oO. = =0.314k, 0.01 In 10 - 7.33 > 8 cycles. ke 0314 ‘The damped frequency «p is given by cop = oVT> = 31.05 VI - (0.05 F = 31.02 rad/sec and the period Tp by 2m 20 = 21 = 7 = 0.2025 sec. To* op 31.02 aa ‘Then the time for eight cycles is 1(8 cycles) = 8 Trp = 1.62 sec. 2.7. SUMMARY Real structures dissipate energy while undergoing vibratory motion. The mo common and practical method for considering this dissipation of energy is! assume that it is due to viscous damping forces. These forces are assumed to! Proportional to the magnitude of the velocity but acting in the direction ¢ Posite to the motion. The factor of proportionality is called the viscous damp* coefficient. It is expedient to express this coefficient as a fraction of the criti? eee, en (the damping ratio, § = c/c,,). The critical damping ™ ee i cies ee of the damping coefficient for which the system ¥ saa initially, but it simply will return to the equilib’ DAMPED SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM 33 The differential equation of motion for the damped single degree-of-freedom system is given by my + cy + ky =0. The analytical expression for the solution of this equation depends on the mag- nitude of the damping ratio. Three cases are possible: (1) critically damped system (= 1), (2) underdamped system (<1), and (3) overdamped system (E> 1). For the underdamped system (<1) the solution of the differential equation of motion may be written as + 1 =e-*] y, cos pt + otyok@ vl 0 C08 Wp Dp veep ‘| in which w= Vijm is the undamped frequency, wp = wV1- & is the damped frequency, £=cl¢gy is the damping ratio, Coe = 2Vkm is the critical damping, and Yo and Uo are, respectively, the initial displacement and velocity. A common method of determining the damping present in a system is to evaluate experimentally the logarithmic decrement which is defined as the nat- ural logarithm of the ratio of two consecutive peaks in free vibration, that is, sein 2t, va The damping ratio in structural systems is usually less than 20% of the critical damping ( <0.2). For such systems, the damped frequency is approximately equal to the undamped frequency. PROBLEMS 2.1. Repeat Problem 1,2 assuming that the system has 15% of critical damping. 2.2 Repeat Problem 1.6 assuming that the system has 10% of critical damping. 2.3. The amplitude of vibration of the system shown in Fig. P2.3 is observed to } y Fig. P2.3 | B (UT strucrunes MODELED AS A SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM Syay_,, Secrets S% on each consecutive cycle of motion. Determine ihe damp, Te aticientc of the system. k= 200 Ibjin and m= 10D 24 It ‘48 observed experimentally that the ompltwt dom system, decre,” tain structure, modeled as a single of critical damping? {rom 1 to 0.4 in 10 cycles, What i the PeroentaBe rape "¥8ten, Show that the displacement for Se ae be written as With initial displacement yo and velocity ye" Ly (1 tot) t voll 2s for = 1 |, be tV0ke san ot} for §>1 yaertor [» cosh wip + oe ove! / oscillator with spring constant k = 39 oe a er eaat wo = 25 rad/sec. Experiment it wes found that a force | Kip produced a relative velocity of 1.0 in/see it ‘the damping element. Find: (a) the damping ratio £, (b) the dampeq in period Tip, (c) the logarithmic decrement 5, and (d) the ratio between two ‘D> . 2.4 it is indicated that the tangent points to the displacement cue comrespond to cos (wpt~ a)=1, Therefore the difference wot be tween any two consecutive tangent points is 27. Show that ee ference in wp! between any two consecutive peaks of the curve is also 2m. _ 2.8 Show that for an underdamped system in free vibration the logarithmic decrement may be written as 27 In Fe. on ko Ytek where k is the number of cycles separating two measured peak amplitudes wi 8R8 Yio 29 A single degree-of-freedom system consists of a mass with a weight of 386 tb and a spring of stiffness k = 3000 Ib/in. By testing the system it was found that a force of 100 Ib produces a relative velocity 12 in./sec. Find, (2) the damping ratio £, (b) the damped frequency of vibration fp, (c) logarithmic decrement 5, and (d) the ratio of two consecutive amplitudes, 2.10 Solve Problem 2.9 when the damping coefficient isc = 2 Ib sec/in, 2.11 A system is modeled by two freely vibrating masses m, and m, intercon- nected by a spring and a damper element as shown in Fig. P2.11, Deter- DAMPED SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM 35 mine for this system the differential equation of motion in terms of the relative motion of the masses u = y2~ yy. Determine the relative motion u=y~y; for the system shown in Fig- P2.11 in terms of the natural frequency w, damped frequency Wp and 212 relative damping. Hint: Define equivalent mass as M = mymy/(my + m2).

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