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Republic of the Philippines


Tacloban City
Graduate School

Name: _________________________________ Program &Major Field: _______________

Proposed Working Title: (not more than 15 words)

Education 505 Worksheet #6
Outline of the Review of Related Literature
The review of the literature is provided in a dissertation for a very specific reason. It presents to
the reader the knowledge base on which your study is built. This purpose reflects a time-honored
tradition of scientific research: It acknowledges its indebtedness to the past and shows clear
linkages between what was known in the past about the topic and what was discovered in the
present research.
Develop the Final Outline
After doing an extensive reading on your topic and research problem, you should now be ready
to develop the final outline. The first step in outlining involves identifying the major components
of the literature review.
You have several choices here, depending on your own preferences and the requirements of the
research panel/committee. Some reviews include an explanation of the search process that was
used in assembling the review. Some reviews include a discussion of the theoretical literature.
All include a review of the empirical research. Thus, there are four patterns frequently used.
Pattern 1
The search process
The theoretical literature
The empirical research

Pattern 2
The search process
The empirical research

Pattern 3
The theoretical literature
The empirical research
Pattern 4
The empirical research

In all chapters, but especially in the review of the literature, use different levels of headings to
reflect the outline and make clear to the reader how the chapter is organized.
Sample Outline is presented below; the study is on Teacher’s Professional Development :
(The heading style follows the recommendations of the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association, 6th ed.)
Outline (Pattern 1):
1. Search process
II. Theoretical literature
a. Jackson
b. Burden
c. Huberman
III. Empirical research
a. Stages
1. Entry
2. Stabilization
3. Experimentation/reassessment
4. Serenity/conservatism
5. Disengagement
b. Factors influencing development
1. Personal
2. Contextual
3. Intervention related
c. Means of fostering professional development
1. Supervision
2. Staff development
3. Graduate study
4. External workshops
5. Change in role
6. Change in teaching assignment

Task for this worksheet: Create your own outline of the Review of Related Literature of your
proposed study.

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