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Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable ones,the juries, the participants of creative English speech contests and all audiences.
Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to invite you to thank Allah the Almighty who has
given us mercy and blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also let’s deliver
sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the
brightness. Ladies and gentleman my name is Erika Septi Ramadhani, i’m from X MIPA 4. I stand
here to deliver a speech about the youth pledge day.

Ladies and gentleman, do you know what’s special about the 28th of october? Yeah the 28th
october has always been important moment for all young generation of Indonesia. This day is
celebrated as youth pledge day.

During these 94 years, the spirit and youth that was called for during the historic moment of the
Youth Pledge we continue to guard, preserve, and continue to renew every time. For 94 years, the
commemoration has been carried out continuously so that the younger generation never forgets the
spirit that ignited the struggle of the Indonesian people by these brave young man and women.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Commemorating the Youth Day should remind us as youth to continue,
maintain, and sustain the spirit of unity to defend the independence of Indonesia. The spirit which
had been made should be applied in everyday life so that this nation can walk in its history path in
accordance with the values of the Youth Pledge, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

The commemoration of the 94th youth oath day also contains a very deep and strategic meaning in
the efforts of our nation and state to improve the quality and show its identity as a great, qualified,
authoritative, and dignified nation.

Therefore, in commemorating the Youth Pledge Day/Youth Day, let us increase the spirit of national
unity and integrity, the morals of the nation, it is also required to increase the nation’s human
resources who are disciplined, independent and professional with mastery of science and technology
and skills.

Oleh karena itu, dalam memperingati hari Sumpah Pemuda/Hari Pemuda ini marilah kita tingkatkan
semangat persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa, moral bangsa, juga dituntut peningkatan SDM bangsa
yang disiplin, mandiri dan profesional dengan penguasaan IPTEK dan keterampilan.

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