Cat 2 History of West Africa

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Ways in which the informal and external factors influenced the national consciousness
during the decolonization period in west Africa.
Informal factors that influenced the nationalism in west Africa
Decolonialization is the process of a state withdrawing from a former colony leaving it independent.
One of the informal factors that simulated African nationalism was the role of colonial education. As a
result of colonial education, a group of African elites in west Africa emerged. Few Africans who received
colonial education became aware of their rights thus became leaders of national movements.
The second informal factor for nationalism was lack of unity among [people of west Africa. Variety of
cultures and languages discouraged unity among Africans which made euro [peans learn to play rival
groups against each other.
The third factor is lack of resources. West Africa had financial crunch after the first and second World
War. it ran out of financial resources and bad administration which no longer helped them.
There are also external factors that stimulated African nationalism in the west Africa. To begin with,
World War II weakened the European powers making them unable to maintain their empires. Many
European nations needed help to keep up with their possession in Africa after the war. Due top this, the
nationalists in west Africa could negotiate the decolonialization in west Africa quickly.
The second external factor was the United Nations, nations and international organizations which
supported decolonialization. United national also put pressure on imperial countries to provide
independence to countries west Africa being on of them.
Influence for newly colonized countries is also an external factor for decolonialization in west Africa. It
was influenced by the neighboring countries that were independent. West Africa also had mutual support
from newly colonized countries.
In addition, the United States and the Soviet Union were the strangest victorious nationals which opposed
colonialism. This gave morale to people in west Africa to fight for decolonization.
The last external factor for decolonization in west Africa was the role of missionary churches which
preached against colonialism. Missionaries also emphasized that freeman can work much better than a
slave hence spearheading decolonization in west Africa.
1. Imanuel, Geiss (Jan 1969) Journal of Contemporary History.
2. Kyle Keith (1966) Gandhi, Early African Nationalism.
3. Steveson, J.A New Eusebius Spek 1965, P.269

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