Interview Questions

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Name (Optional): _________________________________________


Instructions: Answer the following questions legibly by checking the box ( )which
corresponds to your answer. Use the legend below for your guidance.

Legend: 4 = excellent
3 = good
2 = average
1 = poor

Indicators 1 2 3 4

A. Strengths

1. Mitch Massage Suites and Homes Spa employees

have skills or expertise that the competitors'
employees lack.
2. Mitch Massage Suites and Homes Spa location
and building gives a competitive advantage.
3. Mitch Massage Suites and Homes Spa have a
wide range of services to offer to the customer.
4. Mitch Massage Suites and Homes Spa offers
discounts to loyal customers.
5. Mitch Massage Suites and Homes Spa maintains
a clean and comfortable facility.
B. Weakness

1. There are complaints Mitch Massage Suites and

Homes Spa frequently hear from their customers.
2. Mitch Massage Suites and Homes Spa has no
room for growth.
3. Competitors do better than Mitch Massage Suites
and Homes Spa.
4. The business's distribution and resources are
5. Employees lack skills or expertise needed to
compete with other massage and spa businesses.
C. Opportunities

1. There are products or services that the customers

are craving.
2. The cleanliness and ambiance of our spa facility
meet the standards for providing a relaxing and
welcoming environment
3. Mitch massage suite believes that our spa staff
exhibit professionalism and contribute positively
to our customers' experiences.
4. Mitch massage suite is confident that our pricing
strategy offers competitive value in the market.
5. Mitch massage suite is satisfied with the
efficiency of our appointment booking system
and its alignment with customer scheduling
D. Threats

1. There are businesses that aren't currently direct

competitors, but could be in the future.
2. There are predicted industry trends that could
hurt the business.
3. Competitors are planning for expansion, new
product or service launches, or other changes that
could hurt your spa business.
4. There are new massage and spa businesses
opening in the area.
5. Mitch massage suite is concerned about the
impact of economic downturns or fluctuations on
the demand for spa services.

I. Organizational Chart
1. What is the business management structure?
2. How many are your employees (staff and service professionals)?

II. Updated Services Offered

1. Do you have new products or services to offer to your customers?
2. What new or improved services your business offers?

III. Target Market

1. What is/are your business target market/s?
2. Do you plan to expand your target market?
3. What is/are your future target market/s?

IV. Vision and Mission

1. What is the vision and mission statement of your business?
2. What are your business goals and objectives?

V. Marketing Strategy
1. What are the marketing strategies your business has in order to achieve your
business objectives?
2. What are the products or services your business offers?

VI. Du Pont Analysis

A. Financial Ratios (ang dire na part is magask na lang ta kung pwede hingiin ang
kanilang financial statement)
• Net Income
• Sales
• Assets
• Equity

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