Career Management Is A Joint Exercise. Discuss

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Student Name: Pertaub Nitish Roy

Lecturer: Mr. Indeeren Vencatachellum

Course: LM 505 MBA General
Module: Managing Human resources
Student ID: 2121834
Date: 09/03/2022

Career Management is a joint exercise. Discuss

A career is a sequence of separate but related work activities that provide continuity, order
and meaning to a person’s life. It is not merely a series of work-related experiences but
consist of a series of properly sequenced role experiences leading to an increasing level of
responsibility, status, power and rewards. career planning provides an answer to his question
as to where he will be in the organisation after five years or ten years or what the prospects of
advancing or growth are in the organization. This is driven by a constructive career
Career Management is the process of designing and implementing goals, plans and strategies
to enable the organization to satisfy employee needs while allowing individuals to achieves
their career goals. There are four key heroes who share the responsibility for an employee’s
career development they are the employees, the organization, the Human Resource and the

1. The Employees
Employees must take individual responsibility for their careers by maintaining their
individual talent profiles, focusing on personal development, demonstrating company values,
and building their professional networks. Employees should understand their strengths and
capabilities, outline career goals, identify development needs, create an individual
development plan to close gaps, and be proactive in watching out for potential career

2. The Organization
The organization provides an infrastructure in terms of the human and financial resources,
business processes, and technology that support career management. It sets and
communicates strategy, values, goals, and objectives, provides information about staffing
needs, consistently supports and funds developmental programs, and promotes an
environment in which employees and managers are recognised for their efforts in talent
3. The Manager
Managers are responsible for providing career coaching and candid performance feedback to
employees, identifying opportunities for development, and advising employees about
potential job opportunities. Managers should actively support employees in setting clear goals
and personal objectives, assessing potential, identifying career options, and providing growth
opportunities through assignments, developmental programs, exposure, and visibility to other
parts of the organization and leaders.

4. The Human Resource

HR’s role is to provide the tools and resources for employees to manage their careers and for
managers to help employees in going so, aligned with organizational and business needs. HR
acts as a facilitator, providing clear information on what it takes to get to the next level,
visibility for developmental initiatives and job opportunities, career counselling, and
technologies that allow access to talent information.

Individual Strategies
Organizations initiate efforts to develop their employees. However, they cannot take the sole
responsibilities to develop each individual’s career. Individual employees must also take
initiatives themselves. The self-management of your career will help you determine your own
destiny and enhance your independence. In career decisions, the individual is the only one
having appropriate information. He must be assertive to express his feelings so that he does
not get deceived with regard to his career. Managing the self is of utmost importance. The
steps involved in successful self-management of career are – do it now, know thyself, analyze
career opportunities, establish career goal, obtain feedback, and manage your career.
 Do it Now
Suppose you have made decisions that will have an impact on your career. Do not delay in
implementing the decisions. Do not wait for an auspicious day to come; for completing an
academic activity, for settling down, and for any other reasons. Pursuing a career will always
have uncertainties. Self-management helps to reduce the uncertainties.
 Analyze Career Opportunities
Try and examine the sources of career opportunities. There are many sources of information
concerning occupations and career opportunities. Many B -schools are publishing placement
manuals or brochures containing information regarding career opportunities. You may also
collect information from some of your friends or relatives who keep themselves informed.
Spend few hours browsing the internet to determine what potential employers are seeking.
 Establish Career Goals
In the preceding three steps, you have learned that you should not delay in implementing
decisions, you need know yourself, and you must analyse career opportunities. Using these as
your arsenal, you should now develop your specific career goals. The goals should be
measurable and attainable; may be for short-term or long-term. The self-determined goals
should stretch your performance. As success breeds success, meeting a short-term goal led to
even higher aspirations and improved performance.
 Obtain Feedback
Feedback from relevant people help one correct his/her errors. You are required to think and
plan how you will gather feedbacks from others with regard to your self-analysis and current
career planning.
 Manage Your Career
Managing career is not just implementing your plan. It is not a one-shot operation; but rather
an on-going process. The self-management spreads over your entire working life. You need
to constantly look for opportunities, and take advantage of them. It is of utmost importance to
build and maintain relationships. Evaluating and modifying career goals and plans should be
a continual process. You must be flexible while taking decisions. You should not be tied up
completely with a particularly job, department, or organization.

Organization Strategies
Being aware of the utmost need of employee career development, organizations are designing
programs for effective management of human resources. The aim of this effort is directly
related to career issues such as reducing employee attrition, exploring potential and providing
matching assignments, developing high-potential candidates, preparing for managerial
positions, enhancing problem-solving abilities, reducing problems arising out of lack of
knowledge and skills, providing ample opportunities for growth, ensuring upward movement
for potential employees, and so forth. Many organizations have instituted a system of career
counselling through workshops, and have employed career guidance specialists. Literatures
suggest a number of specific drives that organizations can take to make the career programs

 Improving Human Resource Planning and Forecasting System

Considering and analyzing the targets of the organization, it should develop the job
specifications and recruit personnel of the required quantity and requisite quality. Companies
need to develop procedures to meet the target in fluctuating situations. They need to select the
appropriate forecasting technique to assess manpower needs.
 Improving Dissemination of Career Option Information
Employees always remain impatient to know about their career and the various career options
available. Companies having career planning system should share the information with the
employees through administrative manuals, circulars, or other documents. The information
calms their restless minds and they can concentrate on the work assigned to them.
Organizations should develop instruments to keep employees informed about the career
 Initial Career Counselling
Career counselling is a way of periodic performance appraisal. In addition to appraising
performance, counselling provides excellent opportunity to discuss career problems of
employees; their goals, and opportunities available for developing in career
 Support of Education and Training
Education and training system supports all levels of employees to improve their careers. The
prerequisites for further career growth are first identified, and need-based training is
conducted accordingly. Furthermore, for enhancing an employee s overall growth, education
is imparted. It is important that the organization must have clearly-defined policies
concerning time-off and the necessary financial supports.
 Career Development Workshops
Considering the importance of employees’ career development, organizations are arranging
workshops and seminars as essential career development activities. These workshops clearly
indicate organizations’ concern for career development. However, the central assumption of
these workshops is the joint responsibility of individual and the organization for career

Once organization has a fair idea about employee’s strengths and weaknesses, attitude and
behaviour, values and future aspirations and skills and competencies, they are able to make
better use of employee skills and put them at the right place. The major benefit of career
development system to employees is that they get helpful assistance and guidance with their
career decisions. They get to know about their own aspirations, objectives and desires and
understand how to shape their career. A career development system helps managers and
supervisors in improving and upgrading their skills in order to manage their own career. Even
they get to where they are heading to and what their aspirations are. Today, management
comes across three major challenges while putting a career development program in place.
These are – (a) who will be ultimately responsible for career development activities, (b) how
much emphasis on career development is appropriate and (c) how the development needs of a
diverse workforce will be met.

Career Development in HRM: Introduction, Steps, Strategies and Problems. [Online]

Available at:


Career Management: Whose Responsibility Is It? | The HR Observer :: HR Blogs | HR

Solutions Blogs | HR Information | HR News and Advice | Talent Management | HRMS
Solutions | Human Resources Blog | HR Tips [ Online] Available at :

Career Management - Meaning and Important Concepts [Online] Available at :

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