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The Chapter summarizes the objective of the study and highlights the research methods
implemented to carry out the survey and from which data can be processed and analyzed. The main
motives of this study are:

1. To Identify the HR Problem that Dante Ryuk Investment Holding Limited is facing
2. How Dante Ryuk Investment Holding Limited is managing the Mental well-being of its
employees during this pandemic.

Questionnaire Design

The designed questionnaire is estimated to take a maximum of 6-10 minutes of the respondent time.
The questionnaire comprises 23 straightforward questions.

The questionnaire consisted of two sections:

I. Appendix A - The Cover letter and the introduction,

II. Appendix B - instructions on how to complete it and four principal parts. The parts were as


SECTION A: This section tries to ask the respondent about the Demographic of Human Capital of
the company

SECTION B: This section tries to ask the respondents about the Current pandemic of Covid-19
and how it is impacting them

SECTION C: This Section tries to ask the respondents about Environmental Wellness, Emotional
Wellness, Intellectual well-being, Social well-being, and Occupational well-being.

Questionnaire Administration

The survey questionnaires, together with a covering letter were sent to the management of
10 Accounting firms in Mauritius. The survey questionnaires were sent via E-mails and WhatsApp.
With the help of the „Google forms‟ application created by Google, questionnaire filling up was
facilitated to the respondents where they can respond to the survey online itself. It was indeed the
quickest and easiest way possible for the respondent to fill out the questionnaire. The survey link
was sent to several companies via E-mail addresses.
Target population

The target population for this research consisted of 10 Accounting firms licensed and registered by
the Financial Reporting Council. This study considers the whole population of Accounting Firm
holding a license from the Financial Reporting Council. However, for this study, the Human Resource
managers and Human Resource employees were selected amongst the targeted audience


 Due to inexperience and time constraints, some difficulties have been encountered,
concerning the design and administration of the survey questionnaire.
 Several managers were reluctant to answer the questionnaire, either due to lack of time or
confidentiality issue
 Some respondents were filling out the questionnaire in a rush as they had other priorities
and there is no evidence that all the questions set were answered honestly therefore there
may be some element of bias in the responses
 By using an online questionnaire via email, obtaining the required information was tough,
with a high degree of reluctance from some respondents who did not have time to fill in the

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