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Middle East Technical University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME 203
FALL 2023

Assigned: 18.10.2023
Due: 25.10.2023

Guidelines for homework submission:

1. About six homework assignments will be given during the semester. The assistants will have
full responsibility regarding homework, so if you have any issues, you must contact them. You are
encouraged to work in groups of up to three students and turn in a single homework for the entire
group. Make sure the names of all the students who contributed appear on the homework sheet. If
you wish, you may turn in individual homework as well. Your homework grade will not be affected
whether you work as an individual or within a group. We hope that you will use the group
homework as a vehicle for cooperative teaching and learning as well as a time-saving device. Late
submissions will not be accepted. It is each group member's responsibility that the homework is
turned in on time.
2. You will submit your homework through ODTÜClass. It can be hand written or typed. Make
sure it is in PDF format.
3. Provide proper and consistent units for all dimensional quantities. Convert the units if necessary.
Omission or incorrect usage of units will cause grade reduction.
4. Your solution should be readable. Neatness can and will affect grading.
5. Cite all the references you used for the solution of the problems, such as, tables, figures,
appendices, other books, internet, etc.
6. The following information must be provided on the submitted homework: Name, Last name, ID

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