The Last Leaf (Notebook Work)

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Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze the characters of Johnsy, Sue, and Behrman, exploring their
traits, motivations, and the impact they have on the development of the

2. Grasp the central themes of friendship, hope, and sacrifice, and be able to
articulate how these themes are woven into the narrative.

3. Develop critical thinking skills by evaluating the choices made by

characters in the story, considering alternative outcomes, and reflecting on
the broader implications of these choices.

Value Points:
 Friendship and Support: The story emphasizes the importance of
friendship and emotional support in times of difficulty. Students will
appreciate the role of Sue's unwavering support for Johnsy.

 Hope and Resilience: The theme of hope and resilience is highlighted

through the symbolism of the last leaf. Students will understand the
power of a positive mindset and the impact it can have on
overcoming challenges.

 Selflessness and Sacrifice: Behrman's selfless act of painting the last

leaf, even at the cost of his health, underscores the value of sacrifice
for the well-being of others.

Main Characters:


Johnsy is a young artist who is initially portrayed as fragile and

pessimistic. She is suffering from a serious illness (pneumonia) and
believes that she will die when the last leaf falls from the vine outside her
window. Despite her physical weakness, Johnsy is emotionally strong-
willed and stubborn. She is initially fatalistic but undergoes a
transformation as the story progresses. Her character serves as a vehicle to
explore the themes of hope and resilience.


Sue is Johnsy's close friend and roommate. She is an aspiring artist and
cares deeply for Johnsy. Sue takes on the role of a caregiver, providing
emotional support to Johnsy during her illness. Sue is portrayed as
optimistic, nurturing, and selfless. Her character highlights the strength of
friendship and the positive impact one person can have on another. She
plays a crucial role in the development of the story's themes.


Behrman is an elderly artist who lives in the same building as Johnsy and
Sue. He is known for being unsuccessful in his artistic career. Behrman
becomes involved in the story when he learns about Johnsy's belief that she
will die when the last leaf falls.
Behrman is a complex character with a gruff exterior hiding a
compassionate nature. He is determined and willing to make personal
sacrifices for others. His act of painting the last leaf, despite his age and
frailty, reveals his depth and adds a layer of selflessness to the narrative.

Short Answer Questions:

1.Explain the significance of the title "The Last Leaf" in the context of the
Answer: The title "The Last Leaf" holds symbolic significance in the story.
The last leaf represents hope, resilience, and the power of positive thinking.
It becomes a symbol of life and inspiration for Johnsy, who believes that
when the last leaf falls, she will also succumb to her illness. The leaf,
painted by Behrman, becomes a metaphor for the will to live and the
impact of selfless actions on others.

2. Describe the relationship between Johnsy and Sue. How does Sue's
character contribute to the narrative?
Answer: The relationship between Johnsy and Sue is one of deep
friendship and care. Sue is a nurturing and supportive friend who takes
care of Johnsy during her illness. She provides emotional support and tries
to lift Johnsy's spirits. Despite Johnsy's pessimism, Sue remains optimistic
and is willing to do whatever it takes to help her friend recover. Sue's
character contributes to the narrative by showcasing the strength of
friendship and the importance of a positive outlook in the face of adversity.

3. Discuss the role of Behrman in the story. What qualities make him a
memorable character?
Answer: Behrman is a failed artist living in the same building as Johnsy
and Sue. Despite his lack of success, Behrman is a character with a heart of
gold. He is motivated by genuine care for Johnsy and Sue. His selfless act
of painting the last leaf in a storm, sacrificing his health, becomes a turning
point in the story. Behrman's character is memorable for his hidden depth,
artistic passion, and the ultimate sacrifice he makes to bring hope into
Johnsy's life.

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Questions:

1: If the story were set in a different location or time period, how might the
symbolism of the last leaf and the characters' actions change? Support your
response with evidence from the story.
Answer: The symbolism of the last leaf and the characters' actions are
deeply connected to the setting of Greenwich Village in the early 20th
century. If the story were set in a different location or time period, the
cultural and historical context would influence the symbols and actions.
For example, the significance of an artist sacrificing for a neighbor might
have different connotations in a contemporary urban setting.

2: What do you think might have happened if Johnsy discovered the truth
about the last leaf earlier in the story? How would it have altered the
dynamics between the characters and the overall message of the narrative?
Answer: If Johnsy had discovered the truth about the last leaf earlier, it
could have shifted the narrative focus. The revelation might have
prompted a different emotional response from Johnsy, impacting her
relationship with Sue and Behrman. The delayed revelation builds
suspense and allows for a more profound impact on Johnsy's perception of
hope and life.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

What is the central theme of "The Last Leaf"?

a. Love and betrayal
b. Friendship and sacrifice
c. Revenge and justice
d. Mystery and suspense

Who are the main characters in the story?

a. Johnsy and Sue
b. Johnsy and Behrman
c. Sue and Behrman
d. All of the above

What illness is Johnsy suffering from?

a. Pneumonia
b. Tuberculosis
c. Influenza
d. Common cold

What does Johnsy believe will happen when the last leaf falls?
a. She will recover from her illness.
b. Winter will end.
c. Sue will leave her.
d. She will die.

Who is Behrman, and what is his occupation?

a. A doctor
b. An artist
c. A chef
d. A musician
What motivates Behrman to take action in the story?
a. Money
b. Fame
c. Friendship
d. Revenge

What does Behrman do to make a significant impact on Johnsy's life?

a. Paints a masterpiece
b. Performs a magic trick
c. Sings a lullaby
d. Gives her medicine

Where does the story take place?

a. London
b. Paris
c. New York (Greenwich Village)
d. Rome

What is the significance of the last leaf in the story?

a. It symbolizes hope and resilience.
b. It represents the changing seasons.
c. It marks the beginning of a new friendship.
d. It brings bad luck.

How would you describe the tone of "The Last Leaf"?

a. Comedic
b. Tragic
c. Romantic
d. Suspenseful


Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

Answer: b. Friendship and sacrifice

Answer: d. All of the above

Answer: a. Pneumonia

Answer: d. She will die

Answer: b. An artist

Answer: c. Friendship

Answer: a. Paints a masterpiece

Answer: c. New York (Greenwich Village)

Answer: a. It symbolizes hope and resilience

Answer: b. Tragic

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