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Before the Meeting

As we are about to begin our program, let me just remind you of our Session etiquettes.

 Identify and name yourself properly.

 Wear proper attire during the session/meeting.
 Find a quiet and comfortable place in your home.
 Keep your audio lines muted.
 Use the chatbox for questions, comments, and suggestions.

Thank you for your kind cooperation and attention.


Mr. Conrad Hilton once said, “Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and
women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” So please join me today, to witness, a
man and three women, who kept moving and who never quit.

To our Dearest principal, Mrs. Eden G. Cado, To our Public Schools District Supervisors, Mr. Mark Joseph
C. Fernandez, to our Senior Education Program Specialist, Dr. Zoren Pepito Gubalane, to our Education
Program Specialist 2, Mr. Joseph C. Nilo, to our Master Teachers, our Subject Coordinators, Project
Owners and to my fellow Teachers, GOOD AFTERNOON and WELCOME TO BAGONG SILANG


We will start our program with the National Anthem; this will be followed by a Prayer and the
Muntinlupa March through an Audio-visual Presentation. May I request everyone to please rise. Thank

For the Acknowledgement of the Participants, May I call, our radiant teacher 3, Mrs. Lennie L. Briones

For the Statement of Purpose, may I call, our fabulous Master Teacher 2, Mr. Jessie T. Castelo

Opening Remarks

For the Opening Remarks, we are pleased to have our dearest Principal, Mrs. Eden G. Cado.

Thank you Ma’am Cado for that motivational remarks.

Preview of the Schools Smart Practices

Before we proceed to the Presentation of our Project Owners, let me first show you a Preview of the
School’s Smart Practices. So sit back, relax and enjoy.
Presentation of Presenters

May I present to you Our Four Hardworking Project Owners

The first Presenter is Dr. Estelita Sagun, with her Project Aklat
This will be followed by Mrs. Asuncion O Bermudo, Project Wins (Kamay ko, Kalusugan Ko)
The third in line, is the Project SMILE of Mr. Patrick John C. Zamora
And lastly, the Project Gulayan sa Paaralan of Mrs. Alma O. Bituin

Presentation of Project Owners Pre-recorded Video

Now let’s watch the Pre-recorded video of our Project Owners, as they briefly introduce their projects.
So let’s be attentive and stay focused as we listen to their presentations.

Recognition and Awarding of Certificates

And now we have come to the moment of truth! The Recognition and Awarding of Schools Smart
Practices to our Project Owners

Allow me to read to you the content of the Certificate:

Congratulations to our Project Owners, you deserve it and more!

Inspirational Message

To give us an Inspirational Message, we are pleased to have our PSDS in Charge, please welcome, Mark
Joseph C. Fernandez

Closing Remarks

To end our program, let’s hear from our Master Teacher 1, Mr. Charito S. Enero

Community Singing

To formally close our program, Let us all sing the SDO Hymn

Photo Opp

At this point, may I request everyone to please turn on your cameras for a photo opp. Thank you.

Before we part ways, let me leave you with a quote from Sir Winston Churchill, and he said, Success is
not Final, failure is not Fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts.
Once again, thank you so much everyone, and congratulations on a job well done!

This has been your host, Ms. Bernadette A. Mateo saying, “Enjoy the rest of your day. Keep safe always.
And Bye Bye!!!

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