Co-Ordination PP

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20 7 (a) Fig. 7.1 is a diagram representing a synapse between a chemoreceptor cell from a human taste bud and a dendrite of a sensory neurone. microvilli \~ cell }-synapse dendrite of sensory neurone Fig. 7.4 In an experiment, different concentrations of sodium chloride solution were applied to the microvilli of the chemoreceptor cell. The membrane potential of the chemoreceptor cell and the membrane potential of the dendrite of the sensory neurone were recorded for each concentration. The resting potential of this chemoreceptor cell is -SOmV and the resting potential of the dendrite of this sensory neurone is -70mvV. The results are shown in Table 7.1. Table 7.1 concentration of membrane potential/mV. ‘sodium chloride solution/gdm-? chemoreceptor cell dendrite of sensory neurone 0.1 -50 -70 1.0 +30 +40 10.0 +30 +40 2 Explain the results shown in Table 7.1 [4] (b) Describe the differences in structure and function between sensory neurones and motor neurones. 8) (Total: 7] 24 9 (a) Fig. 9.1 isa diagram of a relaxed sarcomere in striated muscle. Zine M-line Zine ' ' { ht T-band A-band I-band Fig. 9.1 (i) On Fig. 9.1, use label lines and letters to label: + anactin filament with the letter P + amyosin filament with the letter R. 2] (ii) State what happens to the A-band and the I-band when the sarcomere contracts. Acband T-band soe 1) (b) The plant Strychnos toxifera produces the toxin curare, which can cause muscle paralysis in mammals. The toxin acts by binding to receptors on the cell surface membranes (sarcolemma) of muscle cells at neuromuscular junctions. (i) Suggest how binding of curare to receptors may cause muscle paralysis. 1a) 25 (ii) Suggest why the action of curare may lead to the death of a mammal (2) [Total: 10] (b) The amino acid glycine can act as a neurotransmitter. Aglycinergic synapse is shown in Fig. 7.2. presynaptic neurone © AS — postsynaptic cr neurone Fig. 7.2 (i) The glycinergic synapse and a cholinergic synapse use different neurotransmitters and different postsynaptic receptors. Describe differences between the glycinergic synapse shown in Fig. 7.2 and a cholinergic synapse. (ii) The binding of glycine to receptors, as shown in Fig, 7.2, makes an action potential less likely to occur in the postsynaptic neurone. Suggest why an action potential is less likely to occur after the binding of glycine to receptors. (ii) Neurones need to maintain a resting potential before an action potential can occur. Describe how a neurone maintains a resting potential. - [4] [Total: 10] 7 (a) Astriated muscle cell (muscle fibre) will contract when stimulated by a motor neurone at a neuromuscular junction. Air temperature can affect the temperature of striated muscle cells. Investigations have shown that the efficiency of contraction of striated muscle cells decreases when the air temperature decreases. Suggest reasons why a reduction in temperature can decrease the efficiency of contraction of striated muscle cells. - (4 (b) The greater blue-ringed octopus, Hapalochlaena lunulata, produces tetrodotoxin (TTX). TTX is a neurotoxin. If a mammal is bitten by this octopus, the effect of TTX can cause the death of the mammal Fig. 7.1 shows a greater blue-ringed octopus. Fig. 7.4 TTX binds to voltage-gated sodium ion channels in the axon of a neurone and changes the tertiary structure of the channel protein. Suggest how TTX may affect the functioning of a motor neurone: B) [Total: 7] 7 (a) Sarcomeres are the functioning units of the myofibrils of the muscle fibres (muscle cells) of striated muscle. The arrival of an action potential at the sarcoplasmic reticulum of a striated muscle fibre can lead to the shortening of a sarcomere. This shortening occurs by the sliding filament model. Outline the sequence of events occurring after stimulation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that results in the shortening of a sarcomere - (4 (b) Scientists compared the diameter of samples of striated muscle fibres taken from young mice and adult mice. The results are shown in Fig. 7.1 40 Key — young mice cy - adult mice number of muscle fibres 0. 10 30 50 70 90 muscle fibre diameter/ jum Fig. 7.1 17 With reference to Fig. 7.1: + describe two differences between the muscle fibres of young mice and adult mice + suggest how these differences may affect the sliding filament model. - [4] [Total 8] 9 (a) Dopamine is a neurotransmitter released in some synapses in the brain. The release and action of dopamine is similar to that of acetylcholine. Fig. 9.1 is a diagram of a brain synapse where dopamine is the neurotransmitter. dopamine vesicle — presynaptic membrane postsynaptic membrane Fig. 9.1 (i) Describe how the release of dopamine from the presynaptic neurone can lead to an action potential in the postsynaptic neurone. (4] (ii) In brain cells, the amino acid tyrosine is changed into DOPA, which then is converted to dopamine. Name another compound in the body produced from DOPA. (1) (b)_ In some brain synapses, the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is released. This results in an influx of chloride ions into the postsynaptic neurone. Suggest and explain whether an action potential would be generated in the postsynaptic neurone if GABA is released into a brain synapse. . 3) [Total: 8] 2 Giant axonal neuropathy (GAN) is a rare autosomal recessive disease, which affects neurones (a) Mitochondria can move freely within the axons of neurones. In GAN, the axons of neurones become enlarged and blocked by the accumulation of specific proteins. This prevents the free movement of mitochondria and affects the transmission of action potentials along the axon membrane. (i) Suggest and explain why preventing the free movement of mitochondria within the cytoplasm of the axon affects the transmission of action potentials along the axon membrane. - 2) (ii) Anerve conduction velocity (NCV) test can be used to measure the speed of transmission of nerve impulses along neurones in different parts of the body. NCV tests were carried out on three people with GAN. The speed of transmission of nerve impulses was measured in neurones in two nerves: + the median nerve, one of the main nerves in the arm + the peroneal nerve, one of the main nerves in the leg Table 2.1 shows the NCV test results for the three people with GAN and the expected range for a person without GAN. Table 2.1 speed of transmission of nerve impulse/ms~* location of neurones person1 person2 | person3 | pected range median nerve 47 39 43 50-65 peroneal nerve 44 22 28 40-45 With reference to Table 2.1, describe the effect of GAN on the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. 2] (iii) Walking requires nervous control to coordinate movements. One of the first signs of GAN is having problems with walking. Explain how the speed of transmission of nerve impulses in people with GAN can affect walking. 10 (a) Motor neurones and sensory neurones have different roles in nervous coordination. Contrast the structure and function of sensory neurones and motor neurones. . BI (b) Mammals have many types of neurones, which vary in axon diameter and myelination. Table 10.1 shows the axon diameter and mean impulse transmission speed of four different types of mammalian neurone. Table 10.1 neurone type myelination | mean axon diameter | __ mean impulse Jum transmission speed/mst motor v 13.0-20.0 80-120 motor B v 6.0-12.0 35-75, motor 5 v 1.0-5.0 5-35 motor C x 02-15 0.5-2.0 Using the data shown in Table 10.1, comment on the relationship between: + myelination and mean impulse transmission speed + axon diameter and mean impulse transmission speed. . BI (c) Fig. 10.1 is a graph of an action potential in a mammalian neurone. +40: +20 0 membrane —20 potential imV 49 -60: -80: 0 1 2 3 4 5 time/ms Fig. 10.1 With reference to Fig. 10.1 suggest why: * no further action potential can occur during A and B * _ itis difficult for a further action potential to occur during C. . 1) [Total: 9]

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