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6, JUNE 2021

Novel Efficient Multiwavelet-Based Modulation for Downlink NOMA Systems

Qian Wang , Suwen Xu , Xiao Yan , Member, IEEE,
Hsiao-Chun Wu , Fellow, IEEE, and Yiyan Wu , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—A new modulation scheme using multiwavelets for NOMA can avoid the congestion of data traffic, increase the
downlink non-orthogonal multiple-access (NOMA) transceivers system capacity, and improve the spectral efficiency simulta-
is presented in this work. Multiwavelets leading to remark- neously [4].
able spectral diversity are exploited to modulate/demodulate the
superimposed multi-user signals in downlink NOMA systems,
Conventional NOMA systems usually adopt orthogonal
where the discrete multiwavelet transform and the inverse dis- frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) to modulate and
crete multiwavelet transform are invoked in the new demodulator demodulate the aggregated multiuser signal by use of inverse
of the user equipment and the new modulator of the base station, fast Fourier transform (IFFT) and fast Fourier transform
respectively. The performance evaluation and the computational- (FFT) in the BS and UEs [5]. However, defects of such
complexity analysis of our proposed new NOMA scheme are also OFDM-based NOMA (OFDM-NOMA) systems can be found
conducted. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed new
scheme can significantly increase the system capacity while dra- in [6], [7]. A major disadvantage of OFDM-NOMA is its
matically suppressing the peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR) high peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR) and low spectral effi-
compared to the conventional OFDM-based NOMA approach. ciency due to the indispensable cyclic prefix (CP), which is
Meanwhile, our new scheme can achieve the same system capac- inserted into each OFDM symbol to eliminate the intersymbol
ity as the scalar-wavelet-based NOMA approach but with a lower interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI). In addi-
PAPR at little extra cost of computational-complexity. All of these
three aforementioned NOMA schemes can result in the identical
tion, the rectangular window used to segment the OFDM block
bit-error-rate under the same signal-to-noise ratio condition. (symbol) may inevitably generate high side-lobes, causing
serious interference to adjacent frequency bands and making
Index Terms—Non-orthogonal multiple-access (NOMA), multi-
wavelets, inverse discrete multiwavelet transform (IDMWT), dis-
the system more sensitive to frequency and time offsets.
crete multiwavelet transform (DMWT), peak-to-average-power To combat the above-stated drawbacks, scalar wavelets
ratio (PAPR), bit-error-rate (BER), system capacity. have been exploited to facilitate multi-carrier modulation for
NOMA systems to mitigate interference and enhance spectral
efficiency. Such scalar-wavelet-based NOMA (SW-NOMA)
schemes can outperform OFDM-NOMA counterparts in terms
I. I NTRODUCTION of PAPR and spectral efficiency and give rise to better
INCE the non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) tech-
S nology can simultaneously serve multiple users over the
same transmission resources (in time, spectrum, and space,
resilience to channel noise [8], [9]. However, the SW-NOMA
performance is limited by the solitary property of scalar
wavelets. On the other hand, multiwavelets, which can produce
etc.), it can provide a superior spectral efficiency to that of the multiple features, have desirable properties of short support,
conventional orthogonal multiple-access (OMA) technology. orthogonality, symmetry, and vanishing moments. Moreover,
NOMA has been widely recognized as a promising solu- multiwavelet modulation which usually involves two or more
tion to future radio-access networks (5G and beyond) [1]–[3]. scaling and wavelet functions can provide multiple times
NOMA can assign different transmitting powers to super- the number of subcarriers for a given bandwidth compared
impose multiuser signals at the base station (BS) so as to to the scalar-wavelet modulation [10]; therefore the former
transmit them in the same frequency-band and time-slot, scheme leads to significant improvement in spectral efficiency.
while each user equipment (UE) can retrieve its corresponding Multiwavelets were proposed very recently to construct new
information from the received superimposed signal by apply- pulse-shaping filters so as to improve the NOMA system
ing successive interference cancellation (SIC). Therefore, capacity and the bit error rate (BER) performance [11].
In this letter, a novel multiwavelet-based modulation tech-
Manuscript received December 21, 2020; accepted February 23, 2021. Date
of publication March 2, 2021; date of current version June 9, 2021. This nique for downlink NOMA systems is presented to further
work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China improve the NOMA performance. Multiwavelets are proposed
under Grant 61801093. The associate editor coordinating the review of this here to modulate/demodulate the superimposed multiuser sig-
article and approving it for publication was J. Choi. (Corresponding author:
Xiao Yan.)
nals in NOMA systems by use of inverse discrete multiwavelet
Qian Wang, Suwen Xu, and Xiao Yan are with the School of Aeronautics transform/discrete multiwavelet transform (IDMWT/DMWT).
and Astronautics, University of Electronic Science and Technology Monte Carlo simulation results demonstrate the superiority of
of China, Chengdu 611731, China (e-mail:; our proposed new multiwavelet-based modulation technique to;
Hsiao-Chun Wu is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer the existing modulation techniques of the OFDM-NOMA and
Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA (e-mail: SW-NOMA systems. The rest of this letter is organized as follows. The downlink
Yiyan Wu is with Communications System, Communications Research
Centre, Ottawa, ON K2H 8S2, Canada (e-mail: NOMA system model using our proposed new multiwavelet-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LWC.2021.3063122 based modulation is introduced in Section II. The details
c 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on November 18,2023 at 20:23:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 1. The system diagram of our proposed new MW-NOMA downlink system serving for N users.

of our proposed multiwavelet-based modulation scheme is perfect channel estimation and equalization, the sequentially
manifested in Section III. Monte Carlo simulation results reconstructed signal for the i th user can thus be given by
and the corresponding computational-complexity analysis to ⎛ ⎞
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed new approach are 1 ⎝ ȳi (t) 
ši = √ − Pj šj (t)⎠, i = 1, . . . , N . (3)
presented in Section IV. Conclusion will be drawn ultimately Pi hi
j =i+1
in Section V.
Nomenclature: A denotes a vector, ã denotes a matrix, and
Z represents the set of all integers. III. N OVEL M ULTIWAVELET-BASED M ODULATION
A. Multiwavelet Construction
II. S YSTEM M ODEL : P ROPOSED N EW A multiwavelet with multiplicity r (r > 1) usually con-
M ULTIWAVELET-BASED NOMA sists of r multiscaling functions {φi (t)} and r multiwavelet
Our proposed new downlink multiwavelet-based NOMA functions {ψi (t)}, which can be expressed in vector form by
(MW-NOMA) system is illustrated by Figure 1, a BS transmits

Φ(t) = [φ1 (t), φ2 (t), . . . , φr (t)]T ,
the aggregated signal which is modulated by multiwavelet to N
users, and the total transmitting power of BS is denoted by Pt . 
Ψ(t) = [ψ1 (t), ψ2 (t), . . . , ψr (t)]T .
For the j th user, j = 1, 2, . . . , N , the transmitting power of its
signal sj (t) and the corresponding power-allocation coefficient 
According to [12], similar to scalar-wavelet (r = 1), Φ(t)
are expressed by Pj and αj , respectively, where Pj = αj Pt 
and Ψ(t) must satisfy the dilation and wavelet equations as
and j =1 αj = 1. The transmitted signals to all N users follows:
are first superimposed in the power domain with respect to √ 

Φ(t) = 2 
H̃k Φ(2t − k ), (6)
their assigned power-allocation coefficients so that the ultimate
aggregated signal s(t) can be written as √ 

Ψ(t) = 2 
G̃k Φ(2t − k ), (7)

def k
s(t) = Pj sj (t). (1)
j =1 where H̃k and G̃k specify r × r filter-coefficient matrices.

Note that Φ(t) 
and Ψ(t) contain orthogonal multiscaling and
Then, the aggregated signal s(t) is modulated by IDMWT, and
the modulated signal ŝ(t) propagates through the additive white multiwavelet functions. Based on the multi-resolution analysis
Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. Consequently, the received (MRA), one can build the multiwavelet packets by the iterative
signal by the i th user is given by decomposition using Eqs. (6) and (7) such that
yi (t) = hi ŝ(t) + ni (t), i = 1, 2, . . . , N , (2) W +1,2m (t) def
= 2  ,m (2t − k ),
H̃k W (8)
where ni (t) denotes the corresponding AWGN sample with √ 
zero mean and variance of N0 , and hi represents the corre-  +1,2m+1 (t) def
W = 2  ,m (2t − k ),
G̃k W (9)
sponding channel-attenuation gain. k
At the i th receiver (user), the received signal yi (t) is
where W  0,0 (t) def 
= Φ(t) and W  0,1 (t) def 
= Ψ(t);  and m
first demodulated by the corresponding DMWT such that the
demodulated signal is denoted by ȳi (t). The SIC is subse- specify the indices of the multiwavelet decomposition lev-
quently carried out to recover the original information signal els and the subspaces at the th level, respectively, for
by removing all higher-priority users’ signals from ȳi (t).  = 0, 1, . . . , L, m = 0, 1, . . . , 2 − 1; L represents the
Assume that the channel-attenuation gains follow |h1 |2 > number of decomposition levels. Thus, the multiwavelet-
|h2 |2 > · · · > |hN |2 , where the demodulation-priority packet basis-functions for the orthogonal multiscaling func-
increases with the user index i (i = 1, 2, . . . , N ). Given the tion W 0,0 (t) = Φ(t) is expressed by W  ,m (t) def

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1 (t), W 2 (t), . . . , W r (t)]T . According to orthogo- TABLE I

nality, the elements in W  ,m (t) satisfy
γ γ
W,m (t − p), W,m (t − q) = δ(q − p), p, q ∈ Z, (10)

where γ = 1, 2, . . . , r , “” specifies the inner-product opera-

tor, and δ(p) is the Kronecker-delta function.

B. Multiwavelet-Based Modulation for Downlink NOMA

Once W  ,m (t),  = 0, 1, . . . , L, m = 0, 1, . . . , 2 − 1
are constructed, they are directly exploited to modulate the
low data-rate information signals s,m (t) (implemented by
IDMWT followed by digital-to-analog converter in prac-
tice), where s,m (t) is generated by passing the aggregated
multiuser signal s(t) through a serial-to-parallel (S/P) port.
Consequently, the transmitted signal ŝ(t) from BS is given by
L 2 r
 γ γ
ŝ(t) = s,m (ε)W,m (t − εT ), (11)
ε∈Z =0 m=0 γ=1

where T denotes the symbol duration at level , and ŝ(t) is

emitted by the BS antennae.

C. Multiwavelet-Based Demodulation for Downlink NOMA

According to Figure 1, for the i th user, the received signal
yi (t) is first converted into multiple low data-rate signals by
a S/P port and then demodulated by the same multiwavelet-
packet W  ,m (t) (getting through an analog-to-digital converter
followed by DMWT). The corresponding output signal of
DMWT is given by
L 2
 γ γ
ȳi (t) = yi,,m (ε)W,m (t − εT ),
ε∈Z =0 m=0 γ=1
i = 1, 2, . . . , N , (12)
where yi,,m (t), for  = 0, 1, . . . , L, m = 0, 1, . . . , 2 −1,
γ = 1, 2, . . . , r are the low data-rate signals converted from
the received signal yi (t). Finally, SIC is further carried out
to separate the multiplexed information data corresponding to
individual users, and the original information data intended to Fig. 2. BERs of the NOMA systems using different modulation schemes in
the AWGN channel.
be transmitted to the i th user can be retrieved.

IV. S IMULATION power is Pt = 1, and the rest of simulation parameters are

The performance of our proposed new multiwavelet-based listed in Table I.
modulation technique for downlink NOMA systems is evalu-
ated by simulations, in terms of the BER versus bit-energy A. BER Performance
to noise-spectral-density ratio Eb /N0 , the complementary The BER curves of the three users with respect to the trans-
cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of PAPR, and the mitting Eb /N0 for the three aforementioned NOMA systems
system capacity versus signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Then, in the presence of AWGN are delineated in Fig. 2. Here,
our proposed new MW-NOMA system is further compared Eb /N0 denotes the energy per bit to noise power-spectral-
with the existing OFDM-NOMA and SW-NOMA systems [7]. density ratio [13] and has the relationship with SNR as
Finally, the computational-complexities of the three aforemen- follows:
tioned NOMA systems are theoretically studied and com-
pared. Now consider a downlink NOMA system involving Eb /N0 = SNR × , (13)
three users, and the channel-attenuation gains are set to Fs [log2 (ς)]
|h1 |2 = 0 dB, |h2 |2 = −1 dB and |h3 |2 = −3 dB, respec- where B and Fs denote the channel bandwidth (in Hz) and
tively. Obviously, UE1 is located at the near end of the BS the baud rate (in symbols/second), respectively; ς denotes
while UE3 is located at the far end. The total transmitting the modulation order. According to Fig. 2, it is conspicuous

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capacity than the conventional OFDM-NOMA system. Since

the cyclic prefix which is inevitably used in OFDM-NOMA
systems to combat inter-symbol and inter-carrier interferences
can be avoided in our proposed MW-NOMA system, at least
25% improvement in the bandwidth utilization can be expected
by our proposed MW-NOMA system thereby.

PAPR can cause nonlinear signal distortion and serious
system performance degradation. Therefore, it must be eval-
uated carefully. According to [8], the instantaneous PAPR of
Fig. 3. The ergodic capacities of the NOMA systems involving three users the transmitted signal from the BS can be calculated as
for three different modulation schemes subject to the power-allocation ratio
max |ŝ(t)|2
PAPR = , (14)
E |ŝ(t)|2

where E{} denotes the statistical expectation. The CCDF, or

the probability that the PAPR in a certain modulation frame
(block) exceeds a given threshold value η, is adopted to
evaluate the PAPR performance. It is given by
CCDF(η) = Pr (PAPR > η). (15)

The PAPR performances of the NOMA systems using three

different modulation schemes are depicted in Fig. 4. According
to Fig. 4, the PAPR performance of our proposed new MW-
NOMA system is always superior to those of the conventional
Fig. 4. PAPR-CCDF of the NOMA systems using three different modulation
schemes. counterparts (OFDM-NOMA and SW-NOMA systems) as
η ≥5 dB. The MW-NOMA system can achieve a 4 dB gain and
that no matter what power-allocation ratios are assigned to a 1.7 dB gain in η over the OFDM-NOMA and SW-NOMA
users, the downlink NOMA system using our proposed new systems, respectively, subject to CCDF = 10−4 . Furthermore,
multiwavelet-based modulation scheme (denoted by “MW- numerous PAPR-reduction methods have been reported in the
NOMA” in the figures) can achieve almost the same BERs literature [15], [16]. In our simulation, the selective mapping
as those of the existing NOMA systems using OFDM-based (SLM) approach in [17] is also employed to enhance the PAPR
modulation and scalar-wavelet-based modulation schemes performance of the OFDM-NOMA system, and the resulted
(denoted by “OFDM-NOMA” and “SW-NOMA” in the figures, performance is compared with that of the proposed MW-
respectively). NOMA system. The basic idea of SLM is to generate a set
of rather different OFDM symbols by multiplying the original
data block by M different phase sequences prior to performing
B. System Capacity the inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) and then transmit
The capacity of our proposed MW-NOMA system is also the one with the smallest PAPR. Here, M is set to be 4, 8, and
assessed by simulation and compared with the conventional 16, and the other simulation parameters remain unchanged as
OFDM-NOMA and SW-NOMA systems according to [14]. before. The PAPR performances of the NOMA systems using
Without loss of generality, the BS is located at the center OFDM, SLM-enhanced OFDM, and our proposed new modu-
of a cell, UE1 is closest to the BS, whereas UE3 is far- lation schemes are depicted in Fig. 5. It is obvious from Fig. 5
thest from the BS. The power-allocation ratio 0.03:0.17:0.8 is that our proposed method (MW-NOMA) can lead to the best
adopted here. The channel bandwidth is normalized to 1 Hz, PAPR performance compared to that resulted from the SLM-
and the transmitting signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) varies from 0 enhanced OFDM modulation and the conventional OFDM
to 35 dB. Other simulation conditions remain the same as in modulation (denoted by “SLM” and “Original” in the fig-
Section IV-A. The ergodic capacities of the NOMA systems ure, respectively). As M increases, the PAPR performance of
involving three users for three different modulation schemes the NOMA system using SLM-enhanced OFDM modulation
subject to the power-allocation ratio 0.03:0.17:0.8 are depicted scheme is significantly improved. When M = 16, the PAPR
in Fig. 3. According to Fig. 3, the capacity of the MW-NOMA performance resulting from the SLM-enhanced OFDM modu-
system is almost the same as that of the SW-NOMA system lation can almost reach up to that resulting from our proposed
as both systems can achieve close to the Shannon capacity MW-NOMA scheme. Unfortunately, to improve the PAPR
upper-bound (denoted by “Shannon” in the figure). The capac- performance, the extra computational complexity incurred
ity of the OFDM-NOMA system is the worst among the three. by the SLM-enhanced OFDM modulation is not tolerable,
Our proposed MW-NOMA system can lead to greater system especially when M is large.

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NOMA system. Meanwhile, the theoretical computational-

complexities of implementing our proposed MW-NOMA
scheme and the two other existing NOMA schemes are also
carried out. Our proposed new MW-NOMA scheme can
achieve a significantly better PAPR performance than the
other existing schemes while maintaining the top performances
among the three on other aspects.

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