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A Research Paper Presented to the

Senior High Department

San Isidro High School

Lo. Lodiong Tambulig, Zamboanga Del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strand

Humanities and Social Science

Jhonamery Surdilla

Novie Rose Suico

Jelly Ann Dalo

Dionel Supang

Renz Dela Cruz

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Social media platforms allow users to have conversations, share information and
create web content. Adults and teenagers are joining Facebook, twitter, or instagram to
interact with friends and family, even strangers. The social media has changed the world
in many ways and it affects each individual in different ways. Today, it can be used as a
very helpful tool in personal life but it also affects the students’ academic performance.
While there are some negative effects with social media, there is also a positive effect and
that made the world a better place.

Liccardi et al (2007) argued that students are socially connected with one another
and therefore share their daily learning experiences and do conversation on various topics
through social media. It can increase students’ collaboration, make friends on social
media and are more likely to collaborate on project. Whereas Kuppuswamy and Shankar
(2010) reviewed that social network websites grab students’ attention and then diverts it
towards non educational and inappropriate actions including useless chatting. With so
many social networking sites displayed on the internet, students are tempted to abandon
their homework and reading times in preference for chatting online with friends. Instead
of students reading their books, they spend their time chatting and making friends via the
social media and this might definitely have influence on their academic performance,
because when you do not read, there is no way you can perform well academically.

This research paper will be possible because social media is everywhere and widely
known, ended feasible. At the end, the researchers will be able to generalize and will
make conclusions on which will be the best choice of instrument to use in learning. This
must be a common issue and some researchers studied this matter but there is a still
question that some of the people don’t still have the answer. And this scenario motivated
the researcher to conduct a study on the impact of social media to the students’ academic
performance in San Isidro High School.
Conceptual/ Theoretical Framework

This study anchored on ideas and concepts of notable authors, which gives
support to our study which is the social media in San Isidro High School.

Mensah & Nizam concluded in their study that social media platforms have a
significant impact on students’ academic performance. Nevertheless, among the six
variables used in their study, time appropriateness and health addiction has a stronger
significant influence on students’ academic performance. This is because time
management plays an essential role in determining the success and failure of an
individual. Thus, students who lack time management can easily fall prey to the negative
impact of social media.

According to the study of Owusu-Acheaw & Larson, it was revealed that the use
of social media had affected the academic performance of their respondents negatively
and further confirmed that there was a strong positive relationship between the use of
social media and academic performance.

In Kogi State University study found out that the exposure of the students to
social media have effect on their academic performance. Evident show that social media
have negative influence on the academic performance of the students. Students who
spend more time on social media are likely to perform poorly in their academics this is
because instead of reading books, the spend time chatting and making friends via social
media and this definitely have negative effect on their academic performance.

According to Landry, social media is a tool that could be used for good or bad, it
all depends on the person. Social Media has its layers of good and bad. Yes, it is easier to
remember the bad rather than the good but, social media sites have created opportunities
for people all over the word.

The conceptual framework of this study shows the variable through a schematic
diagram. The independent variable is the impact of social media while the dependent
variable is the academic performance.
Impact of Academic
Social Performance

Impact of Social Media to

Students’ Academic Performance

Figure1.Schematic Diagram of the Study

Statement of the Problem

Students nowadays are engaged in social media. This study aimed to determine
the effects of social media to the students’ academic performance.

This study seeks to find answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the Junior High Students of SIHS in terms of:
1.1 Gender
1.2 Year level
2. What are the impacts of social media on students’ academic performance in
terms of:
2.1 Addiction
2.2 Time Usage

2. How does this impact affect the students’ academic performance?

3. Is there a significant relationship between social media and academic


Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

The School Administration The school administration must aware about the
student’s habit in using social media. By this study, the school must take an action about
the student’s addiction in social media.

The Teachers This research may also help to the teachers. Teachers must be a
role model and educate their students about the limitations of using the social media. This
may help the in planning their own ways in making their students avoid social media

The Parents. This research is also for the parents. It will give guide to the parents
about this matter and counseling their child about their behavior.
The Students This research is important to the students. It will help the students
realize about their behavior. The result of this research will provide them enough
information so they can avoid being addicted to social medias and so that they can
improve their academic performance.

The Researchers. This study enables them to look for strong evidences and
responses from the respondents. It improves their research skills little-by-little. Also, the
researchers can use this for their future proficiency.

The Future Researcher This study may help the future researcher to their
research. This will serve as their source of information and guide on understanding how
this problem emerged and how would they deal with the problem itself.

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research methodology that involves research design,
respondents of the study, research settings, research instruments and data gathering

Research Design. To investigate the problems stated in this study such as the
profile of the students, their social media usage, and the effects of social media in their
academic performance, descriptive method of research was employed.

Research setting. This study will be conducted to Junior High School

Department in San Isidro High School. Lower Lodiong, Tambulig Zamboanga Del Sur.

Research Instruments. A questionnaire was used to achieve the purpose of the

study and was used to assess the respondent’s level of awareness in using social media. A
well-constructed and self-developed questionnaire-checklist was used to get the desired
information from the students.

To determine on how social media affects the students’ academic performance, a 4-point
numerical scale and the adjectival equivalent will be used.
Table 1: Interpretation of a 4-point numerical scale

Scale Weighted Continuum Adjectival Equivalent Interpretation

4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree Highly Affected

3 2.50-3.49 Agree Affected
2 1.50-2.49 Disagree Least Affected
1 1.49 and below Strongly Disagree Not Affected

Research Respondents. A total of 20 selected students from Junior High School

Department in San Isidro High School served as the respondents of the study.

Instrument Validity. To ensure the validity of the instrument, the questionnaire-

checklist is introduced first to the research instructor, research editor and school
statistician to scrutinize and determine the consistency of the questions, grammatical
arrangement, and the comprehensibility of the questions use in interviewing the
respondents. Then, corrections were incorporated into the said instruments.

Data Gathering Procedure. Permission was sought from the School Principal to
allow the researchers to conduct the survey. After the approval, permission from the
teachers of the respondents was sought. Then, the researchers explain the purpose of the
study, and discuss the ethical considerations before the instruments were administered.
After answering the questionnaire checklist, results have been gathered, tallied,
interpreted and analyzed.

Statistical Treatment of Data. To quantify the data gathered and interpret

effectively, mean, percentage and pearson r correlation coefficient were used.

Mean. The mean was utilized to determine the level on how social media affects
the students’ academic performance.

Mean =

x= scores

n= number of scores

Percentage was used to determine the factors with the highest frequency about
the level on how social media affect the students’ academic performance.

Percentage = x 100%


a= frequency of the score range

b= total number of respondents

Pearson r Correlation Coefficient. This was used to measure the strength

between variables and relationships. When conducting a statistical test between two
variables, it is a good idea to conduct pearson r correlation coefficient value to determine
strong relationships between two variables.

r=n ¿ ¿


N= number of pairs of scores

∑ xy = number of products of paired scores

∑ x = number of x scores
∑ y= number of y scores
∑ x 2= number of the squared x scores
∑ y 2 = number of the squared y scores
Definition of Terms

To make the research more understandable, the researcher included some definition
of terms that would in able to have a clearer thoughts and understanding of the problems
that the researchers find a ways to answer.

Academic Performance. The assessment of student success across different

academic subjects. Academic performance was influenced by this problem in this

Addiction. The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance,

thing, or activity. In present study, social media is the rationale why students are

Attitude. A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something,

typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior. In present study the social media
made a big impact to the students’ attitude.

Effectiveness. Effectiveness means having an intended or expected effect. In

present study the score on social media influences the student’s study habits are defined
as effectiveness.

Social Media. Websites and applications that enable users to create and share
content or to participate in social networking. In present study it is the situation that
students are addicted to social media.

Students. One who is enrolled or attends classes at a school, college or university.

In present study, students that are enrolled in San Isidro High School considered as the

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data
gathered in answering the problems connected to the relationship of Social Media with
the Academic Performance of Junior High Department, San Isidro High School.

Profile of the Respondents

Based from the data collected, the respondents profile which is summarized in
Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. In terms of gender, the total respondents has four (4) or
20% male and sixteen (16) or 80% female. As for the respondents’ corresponding year
level, there are five (5) or 25% each year level. Also, in Table 3 is the frequency
distribution of respondents’ time spent on social media was summarized.

Table 2: Frequency Distribution of the Respondents’ Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 4 20%
Female 16 80%
Total 20 100%

Table 3: Frequency Distribution of Respondents’ Year Level

Year Level Frequency Percentage

Grade 7 5 25%
Grade 8 5 25%
Grade 9 5 25%
Grade 10 5 25%
Total 20 100%
Table 4: Frequency Distribution of Respondents’ Time Spent on Social Media

Response Frequency Percentage

1 hour only 0 0%
3-5 hours 9 45%
6-8 hours 8 40%
9-12 hours 3 15%
Total 20 100%
When respondents were asked how much time they spent on their social media
platforms, none of the respondents spent over an hour. 9 respondents representing 45%
spent between 3-5 hours, 8 respondents representing 40% spent between 6-8 hours and
the last 3 respondents representing 15% answers that they spent between 9-12 hours. On
the basis of the study, the majority of respondents spent about 3-5 hours on social media.

Table 5: Frequency Distribution and Academic Achievements of the respondents

Grade Interpretation Frequency Percentage

90-100 Outstanding 13 65%
85-89 Very Satisfactory 6 30%
80-84 Satisfactory 1 5%
75-79 Fairly Satisfactory 0 0%
Below 75 Did not meet expectations 0 0%
Computed Mean/Average 90.56

Table 5 shows the frequency distribution and academic achievement of the

respondents. The computed mean is 90.56. Students who have reached 90-100 grade is
considered as outstanding, 85-89 as very satisfactory, 80-84 as satisfactory, 75-79 is
considered performing fairly satisfactory and grades below 75 are considered failed or
did not meet expectations based from the school's grading system. Moreover, the data
described the following: out of 20 respondents, 65% or 13 respondents got the grade of
90-100 interpreted as outstanding. There are 30% or 6 respondents got a grade of 85-89
interpreted as very satisfactory and 5% or only 1 respondent got a grade of 80-84
interpreted as satisfactory. No one get an average grade of below 79. Based on the
computed mean or average of 90.56, the respondents were outstanding in performing
their academic subjects, the result shown that no respondents in the study has below
satisfactory performance.

Effects of Social Media on Academic Performance of the Respondents

The effects of Social Media on students’ Academic Performance are based on the
respondents of the ten questions. Each question has four (4) choices which is rated 4 for
“Strongly Agree” 3 for “Agree” 2 for “Disagree” and 1 for “Strongly Disagree”. The sum
of the responses of the students was tallied. The questions aim to test their addictiveness
and determine how students balance their time to meet their academic requirements and
use of the social media.

Table 5: Addictiveness

Statements WAM Interpretation

1. Social media distract me from my studies. 3.15 Agree
2. Social media can be the reason why you experienced low 3.1 Agree
self- esteem.
3. Social media decreased your social interaction in real life. 2.9 Agree
4. Social media have negative effects on your academic 2.8 Agree
5. Addiction to online social media is a problematic issue 3.1 Agree
that affects your academic life.
Grand Mean 3.01 Agree
The findings revealed that out of 5 statements, item 1, (Social media distract me
from my studies) got the highest weighted mean of 3.15 with adjectival equivalent of
“Agree”. Followed by item 2 (Social media can be the reason why you experienced low
self- esteem) which obtained a weighted mean of 3.1 with an adjectival equivalent of
“Agree”. Item 5 (Addiction to online social media is a problematic issue that affects your
academic life) also obtained a weighted mean of 3.1 with adjectival equivalent of
“Agree”. Next is item 3 (Social media decreased your social interaction in real life)
which obtained a weighted mean of 2.9 with adjectival equivalent of “Agree”. The lowest
weighted mean falls on item 4 (Social media have negative effects on your academic
performance) which got a weighted mean of 2.8 with adjectival equivalent of “Agree”.
Overall, the findings got a total grand mean of 3.01 which the adjectival equivalent is

Table 6: Time Usage

Statements WAM Interpretation

1. Using social media can be the reason of wastage of time 2.85 Agree
or opportunity.
2. Having hard time to balance your time between studying 3.1 Agree
and using social media.
3. The younger generations are the most active users of 3.6 Agree
social media.
4. Social media affect the way you speak or write in your 2.45 Disagree
everyday life.
5. Social media are more effective in communicating with 2 Disagree
your teachers than in actual class.
Grand Mean 2.8 Agree
The findings revealed that out of 5 statements, item 3, (The younger generations
are the most active users of social media) got the highest weighted mean of 3.6 with
adjectival equivalent of “Agree”. Followed by item 2 (Having hard time to balance your
time between studying and using social media) which obtained a weighted mean of 3.1
with an adjectival equivalent of “Agree”. Item 1 (Using social media can be the reason of
wastage of time or opportunity) obtained a weighted mean of 2.85 with adjectival
equivalent of “Agree”. Next is item 4 (Social media affect the way you speak or write in
your everyday life) which obtained a weighted mean of 2.45 with adjectival equivalent of
“Disagree”. The lowest weighted mean falls on item 5 (Social media are more effective
in communicating with your teachers than in actual class) which got a weighted mean of
2 with adjectival equivalent of “Disagree”. Overall, the findings got a total grand mean of
2.8 which the adjectival equivalent is “Agree”.

Table 7: Correlation Coefficient between Social Media and Academic Performance

Y values X values Computed Interpretation

(Responses of the (Academic Pearson (r)
respondents) Performance)
Mean Mean +0.035 Weak

2.90 90.56

**Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Table 7 shows that there is no significant relationship between Social Media
usage and Academic Performance of the students. This is the result of computed
Pearson (r) value of +0.0353 with mean 90.56 for x values and 2.90 mean for y
values. The computed r value of +0.0353 that the variable denotes weak
relationship. As a rule of thumb, a correlation or relationship of +0.0353 is not
significant and the p-value is +0.0883 which is not less than the significance level of
.05, therefore the null hypothesis is not rejected.
Diagram 1: Relationship between using Social Media to Academic Performance

A scatter diagram shows the relation of two variables: Social Media usage and the
Academic Performance of the selected respondents in San Isidro High School Junior
High School Department.
The y axis is the frequency of the average Academic Performance of the
respondents and x-axis is the frequency of the total responses of the students.

The points fall randomly on the plot, which indicates that there is no linear
relationship between Social Media usage and Academic Performance. It is obvious that it
has a weak relation between the variables. The marks are not related to each other which
mean a student who used social media does not affect their Academic Performance.

It can be noted that students perform in class events, such as projects, doing
assignments, research work, and many others using social media, based on the results,
might not even hinder their performance in school. In support of what most people
assumed also does not affect the academic performance of the students in social media.
However, when they use social media excessively, it may also affect the academic
performance of students, but the important thing here is what the results are.

This chapter provides a summary of the findings of the study, the conclusions
based upon the obtained results, as well as the recommendations forwarded in the light of
the conclusions arrived at.

Using the descriptive method of research, the study sought to investigate the
relationship of Social Media to the Academic Performance of the selected respondents in
Junior High Department, San Isidro High School.

Summary of Findings

1. What is the profile of the Junior High Students of SIHS in terms of:
1.1 Gender

In terms of gender, the total respondents has four (4) or 20% male and sixteen
(16) or 80% female. As for the respondents’ corresponding year level, there are five (5)
or 25% every year level.

1.2 Year level

As for the respondents’ corresponding year level, there are five (5) or 25% each
year level.

2. What are the impacts of social media on students’ academic performance in

terms of:
2.1 Addiction

The findings revealed that out of 5 statements, item 1, (Social media distract me
from my studies) got the highest weighted mean of 3.15 with adjectival equivalent of
“Agree”. And the lowest weighted mean falls on item 4 (Social media have negative
effects on your academic performance) which got a weighted mean of 2.8 with adjectival
equivalent of “Agree”. Overall, the findings got a total grand mean of 3.01 which the
adjectival equivalent is “Agree”. Based from the findings, a social medium distract
students in doing their academic requirements and has negative effects in their academic
2.2 Time Usage

The findings revealed that out of 5 statements, item 3, (The younger generations
are the most active users of social media) got the highest weighted mean of 3.6 with
adjectival equivalent of “Agree”. And the lowest weighted mean falls on item 5 (Social
media are more effective in communicating with your teachers than in actual class) which
got a weighted mean of 2 with adjectival equivalent of “Disagree”. Overall, the findings
got a total grand mean of 2.8 which the adjectival equivalent is “Agree”. Based from the
findings, younger generations are the most active user when it comes to social media.
Also from the data result, students prefer communicating their teachers in actual class.

3. How does this impact affect the students’ academic performance?

Based from the study in Kogi State University, Students who spend more time on
social media are likely to perform poorly in their academics this is because instead of
reading books, the spend time chatting and making friends via social media and this
definitely have negative effect on their academic performance.

Students who use social media are influenced by their academic results on the
basis of the data collected. Social media often distracts students from their academic
requirements and has adverse effects on their academic results. Students are one of them
when you talk about younger generations, so this made an impression on them because
the younger generations are the most active user in social media based on the finding.

3. Is there a significant relationship between social media and academic


The study revealed that there is no significant relationship between Social Media
usage and Academic Performance of the students. This is the result of computed Pearson
(r) value of +0.0353 with mean 90.56 for x values and 2.90 mean for y values. The
computed r value of +0.0353 that the variable denotes weak relationship.

A correlation or relationship of +0.0353 is not significant and the p-value is

+0.0883 which is not less than the significance level of .05, therefore the researchers did
not reject the null hypothesis and that there is no significant relationship between Social
Media and Academic Performance of the students from the San Isidro High School
Junior High School Department.


The following conclusions are drawn based on the results of the study:

o In terms of gender which is summarized in table 1 and table 2, the total

respondents has four (4) or 20% male and sixteen (16) or 80% female. As for the
respondents’ corresponding year level, there are five (5) or 25% each year level.
o That out of 20 respondents, 65% or 13 respondents got the grade of 90-100
interpreted as outstanding. There are 30% or 6 respondents got a grade of 85-89
interpreted as very satisfactory and 5% or only 1 respondent got a grade of 80-84
interpreted as satisfactory. No one get an average grade of below 79. Based on the
computed mean or average of 90.56, the respondents were outstanding in
performing their academic subjects, the result shown that no respondents in the
study has below satisfactory performance.
o In table 5 which is the statements of addictiveness, the findings revealed that out
of 5 statements, item 1, (Social media distract me from my studies) got the highest
weighted mean of 3.15 with adjectival equivalent of “Agree”. And he lowest
weighted mean falls on item 4 (Social media have negative effects on your
academic performance) which got a weighted mean of 2.8 with adjectival
equivalent of “Agree”. Overall, the findings got a total grand mean of 3.01 which
the adjectival equivalent is “Agree”.
o In table 5 which is the statements of time usage, the findings revealed that out of 5
statements, item 3, (The younger generations are the most active users of social
media) got the highest weighted mean of 3.6 with adjectival equivalent of
“Agree”. While the lowest weighted mean falls on item 5 (Social media are more
effective in communicating with your teachers than in actual class) which got a
weighted mean of 2 with adjectival equivalent of “Disagree”. Overall, the
findings got a total grand mean of 2.8 which the adjectival equivalent is “Agree”.
o The study revealed that there is no significant relationship between Social Media
usage and Academic Performance of the students. This is the result of computed
Pearson (r) value of +0.0353 with mean 90.56 for x values and 2.90 mean for y
values. The computed r value of +0.0353 that the variable denotes weak
relationship. A correlation or relationship of +0.0353 is not significant and the p-
value is +0.0883 which is not less than the significance level of .05, therefore the
researchers did not reject the null hypothesis and that there is no significant
o In the scatter diagram, the points fall randomly on the plot, which indicates that
there is no linear relationship between Social Media usage and Academic
Performance. It is obvious that it has a weak relation between the variables. The
marks are not related to each other which mean a student who used social media
does not affect their Academic Performance.
o It can be noted that students perform in class events, such as projects, doing
assignments, research work, and many others using social media, based on the
results, might not even hinder their performance in school. In support of what
most people assumed also does not affect the academic performance of the
students in social media. However, when they use social media excessively, it
may also affect the academic performance of students, but the important thing
here is what the results are.

Nizam Mensah, S. The Impact of social media on students’ academic erformance.

(Malaysia tertiary institution: international journal of education learning and training,

Kolan, Bernard John and Dzandza, Patience Emefa, "Effect of Social Media on
Academic Performance of Students in Ghanaian Universities: A Case Study of University
of Ghana, Legon." (2018).Library Philosophy and Practice( e-journal). 1637.
Landry, T. (2014). How Social Media Has Changed Us: The Good and The Bad.
Retrieved from
Owusu-Acheaw, M.and Larson, A. Use of social media and its impact on
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