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Three, two, one

This session will help players:
• develop scanning, positioning and movement skills
• combine with teammates to make two- and three-player movements
• improve connections and relationships with teammates.

• Set up an area suitable in size for your players – they’ll be playing 5v5 (including
goalkeepers), but you can adapt to your numbers
• Place a goal at each end and some footballs around the edge
• If your numbers are low, you could use end zones instead of goals and play
without keepers

• This is a normal game but with a different scoring system:
○ At the start, each player has a value of three – so, when they score, it’s worth
three points
○ Once they score, their value drops to two – so their second goal is worth two points
○ Every goal after that is worth one point
• To maximise goals, players need to collaborate and combine

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