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1. Introduction

2. Explanation

3. Limits of the project

4. Conclusion
1. Introduction
The aim of designing this project menu is for MIPS arithmetic operation
conversion simulator (Simple Calculator). This calculator calculate general
calculation as well as show MIPS code and binary 32 digit of that decimal
number. The calculator shows the MIPS code and binary number in
Multiline text box. In this Calculator one special feature is added so it can
work with scalability.

1.1 Goals and objectives:

 This being the first release of Calculator software, high level security
measurement issue is taken care of. I can assure that this software is
free from virus.

 The main aim of this software is to calculate numbers in decimal and

to show that decimal number in 32 bit binary numbers and it also
shows the MIPS conversion code. It has some other functionality like
scalability function. With scalability function more than 2 digit can be
calculate. Here in this software it shows all MIPS code and 32 bit
binary numbers in command prompt.
2.0 Explanation:
My project is mainly contains four parts. Main part of my project is
calculation using java class file second part is binary code conversion. This
binary code conversion is made by java also. This converts decimal number
to 32 digit binary number. Third part is to show MIPS code. This MIPS code
is shown by using java code. And all these work with graphical user

Graphical User

Calculation in
Appropriate MIPS decimal using Binary code
code JAVA

In project first open visual studio then make new project (visual j#, windows application)
and add form1.jsl, form1.resx. then add Main.jsl then you can run the program from
visual studio 2005.

First the MIPS arithmetic operation conversion simulator (calculator) is in

normal mode so it works in normal mode. In the below figure it shown that
its working in normal mode.

If I calculate in normal mode the answer should be come in normal mode

and 32 bit binary number and MIPS code should be print. Therefore anyone
can understand how the MIPS arithmetic operation conversion simulator is

Example: Here I am dividing 125 by 5 in normal mode so out come should

be 5 and it should be shown in 32 bit binary code and also in MIPS code.

For scalability mode:

When I enter in scalability mode It gives answer with scalable value. It shows Calculator
with scalable red color. For example we calculate
Here answer should be 1247
3.0 Limits of the project:

While I was checking this program I faced some limitation in this project.

 Here there is no any database exists in the back hand, so it does not
show last calculations. We can not get last few calculations.

4.0 Conclusion:
In constructing this project I apply all the functions as per conditions. Then I
tested my program to make it perfect.

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