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Mental Health

According to the World health Organization (WHO) report, mental health is a state of well-
being, in which an individual realizes her own ability, work productively, copes with normal
stress of life and contributes to her community(Saxena et al., 2006). Considering the factors
hindering mental health include perinatal stress, childhood experience, abuses, discrimination,
homelessness or poor housing, debt, physical illness, or disability. Mental illness, on the other
hand will reduce the quality and life expectancy of the individual, increase the human right
violations, and halter the social and economic development of a country. Hence, it is clear that
there is no health without mental health (Transforming Mental Health for All, n.d.).

Importance of investing to mental health

In many countries, mental health is still a heavy toll on people's lives. Recent analysis shows that
the mental health interventions are utilized only in terms of developing business and
infrastructure. However, the places of the world where it has given some focus, realized that
investing in mental health remarkably reduces suffering and advances public health. It is needed
to stop human rights violations and strengthen the workforce, boost productivity, and improve
social functioning(Transforming Mental Health for All, n.d.).

1) Engaging and empowering people with lived experiences

People with lived experience are significant influencers, who can improve mental health
awareness of the public and encourage the acceptance of the people with mental health issues.
These survivors will have greater knowledge and understanding of the consequences of the
illness and deficit in the human right interventions (Transforming Mental Health for All, n.d.). As
the role model to society, it is of the prime importance to give value to their ideas, insights, and
empowerment to their voices (Linhorst, 2006),

Three areas where these people can be wallowed in

Personal level: Personal decision making and recovery-oriented approaches. Beneficial side of
this involvement is an increase of self-esteem and confidence of the person (Linhorst, 2006),
(Transforming Mental Health for All, n.d.).

Community level: They are part of area service planning, conducting public mental health
awareness campaigns, training mental health staff and allied health staff. The achievement
through community approach is reducing social stigma about people with mental health
conditions. Accurate diagnosis of the issues by the primary care providers with the help of
people with lived experience (Transforming Mental Health for All, n.d.).

Strategic Level: It is the involvement in law and policy making

Empowering people through peer group engagement
Peer–community is a valuable resource by which the affected can be counselled, educated, and
facilitate resources for support of the afflicted. For example, during covid- 19 the psychiatric
disability organization in Kenya offered support for the prison staff. This resulted in equality and
equity at the time of Covid- 19(Khalid et al., 2023)

2) Multispectral Approach in Mental health

It is a multi-facet application of the sectors for mental health support. Each sector has its own
dividend responsibility. Housing sectors managing the housing improvements, education sector
providing School based program. This method of care delivery enables comprehensive care to
the individual from birth. It is designed to cover all aspects of the development of an individual
like perinatal care, nutrition, child – health disease prevention, healthy lifestyle, exercise, sleep,
diet, and evidence-based self-help materials. Non health settings are also part of educating in
prisons, women shelter and working with Schools. Both health settings and non-health settings in
alliance with government or non-government agencies establish a network of mental health
support system. (Transforming Mental Health for All, n.d.).

Emphasizing health in all policies

The concept of health in all policies originated from the connection of healthy citizens and the
progress of a nation. The awareness of these two mutually standing factors assisted governments
to promote mental health-based policy making. In return it profoundly helps with social
remodelling and country growth.

Participation of Mental health experts in the policy making

Another form of multi sectoral approach in mental health is involving mental health experts in
policy making. So that they can suggest in social and housing settings. For example: Making
recreation parks and greeneries around the housing areas (Transforming Mental Health for All,

My role to improve client well being

A nurse is a primary care taker who is enable to provide the optimum care to client with some
improved actions. In order to achieve this goal of optimized care, I will like to improve my area
of work in the following way. To spend more quality time with my client to engage them in the
activities like bus trip, reading, playing cards etc. In order to keep their autonomy in the aim of
recovery-oriented interventions, I will provide mental health education to the client and to the
family. Medication management and safety are two important areas that need follow up
throughout. Shared decision making with medical team and client will enhance a better outcome
and early recovery (Valla & Prescott, 2019). Understanding the client and their inner feeling
through a proper communication and strategies that can help them during the difficult time.
Therefore, I am planning to engage in the communication and to create an action plan that is
client specific.


Khalid, O. B., Qazi, M., Khattak, A. F., Khattak, M., Wazir, M. N. K., Gilani, H., Khalid, O. B.,
Qazi, M., Khattak, A. F., Khattak, M., Wazir, M. N. K., & Gilani, H. (2023). COVID-19
Pandemic Lessons for Creating Effective Mental Health Safety Nets in Lower Middle-
Income Countries. Cureus, 15(9).
Linhorst, D. M. (2006). Empowering People with Severe Mental Illness: A Practical Guide.
In Google Books. Oxford University Press, USA.

Transforming mental health for all. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2023, from

Saxena, S., Sharan, P., Garrido, M., & Saraceno, B. (2006). World Health Organization’s Mental
Health Atlas 2005:implications for policy development. World Psychiatry : Official
Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 5(3), 179–184.

Valla, B., & Prescott, D. S. (2019). Beyond Best Practice: How Mental Health Services Can Be
Better. In Google Books. Routledge.

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