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1(a)Award one mark for each of the following points in context to 2. (a){Sequence / series) of reactions;
amaximum of three marks Each reaction {catalysed / controlled) by a (specific) enzyme;
1.the % increase is the same for the first 16 years/eq; Product of one reaction is substrate for the next;
2.the % increase is greatest in period 1980-1983/eq; (b)Oxidised;
3.smallest increase in strength during 1984-1987/eq; +
Back to NAD( );
(b)Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a
Transfers {hydrogen electrons} to the electron transport
maximum of three marks.
1.Use of testosterone/anabolic steroids/eq
2.Idea of higher dose
1.It will {reduce / prevent} production of ATP / eq;
3.Stronger drugs were taken
2.Reduced activity of aconitase;
4.Use of more effective training routines
5.More suitable lifestyles/eq 3.(Therefore) less NADH+H produced / NAD not reduced;
6.Idea that strength had reached a maximum / genetic maximum +
4.{Reduced NAD / NADH+H } are required for the
7.Weight-lifters choosing not to use drugs production of ATP;
8.More effective screening methods 5.In the electron transport chain / by oxidative
(c)Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a
maximum of two marks.Marks must both be from either agree or 3.
disagreeAgree: (a) Award one mark for each of the following points in
1.can no longer compare weight-lifters/competition is no longer fair; context to
2.illegal; a maximum of four marks.
3.uninformed decision taking; 1.wave of excitation sent from SAN;
4.possibility of death; 2.spreads over atria walls; risks; 3.delayed at atrioventricular septum;
Disagree: 4.wave of excitation sent from AVN;
6.individual has right to make own decision re health risks; 5.passes along bundles of His/purkine fibres;
7.drug free sport is not fair anyway; 6.spreading over walls of ventricles;
8.due to differences in training resources;
9.pressures from coach / sponsors / public; (b)Duration of 1 beat OR rewards; 60 / duration;
Correct answer, 50
(d)Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a –1
maximum of three marks. Beats min / bpm;
1.Phenotype (athleticism) is a result of an interaction between (c)Award one mark for each of the following points in
genes/genotype and the environment/eq; context to
2.Muscle development could be improved by a maximum of two marks.
diet/drugs/training (environment)/eq; 1.Interval between QRS phases longer (in normal rhythm);
3.But the extent of muscle development will also be influenced 2.Credit correctly manipulated figures;
by the person’s genetic makeup/genotype; 3.Lower voltage during QRS phase in normal rhythm;
4.Ref to (inherited) proportion of fast/slow twitch muscle fibres; (d)Award one mark for each of the following points in
5.Ref to polygeneric inheritance and continuous variation in context context to
a maximum of three marks.
1.Cardiac output could decrease if there was insufficient
time to fill the ventricles (between contractions);
2.Cardiac output could increase if ventricles fill sufficiently;
3.The change in cardiac output will depend on whether the
decrease in stroke volume is compensated by the increase
in heart rate/eq;
4.(a)(i)As light intensity increases, initially {little / no} change then pupil size decreases and then levels off /
line {s shaped / sigmoid};
(ii)Circular muscles contract;
Radial muscles relax;
(b)(i)Receptor:{Rod / cone cells / retina / photoreceptors}
Effector:Iris muscle / radial and / or circular muscle;
(ii)Involuntary / does not require thought / autonomic;
(c)Similar shape to acetylcholine;
Attaches / binds to receptors;
Blocks / prevents acetylcholine from binding;
Prevents depolarisation of post synaptic membrane / eq;
(d) 1.Rhodopsin breaks down into retinal and opsin;
2.Closing of {cation / Na } channels;
3.Na influx to outer segment stops;
4.Inner segment continues to pump Na out;
5.(Inside of) cell / membrane {more negative / hyperpolarized};
6.Release of neurotransmitter / glutamate stops / inhibition of bipolar cell lifted;
7.Bipolar Na channels open / cell membrane depolarised;
6(a) Describe the effect of repeated touching on the 5.
time taken for the gill to be exposed again. (a)Impaired synthesis / serotonin reabsorbed before it reaches
1. Recovery time falls steeply initially postsynaptic membrane / reference to vesicles;
2. Stays low (b)An explanation to include six from:
3. Fluctuations 1.{Nerve impulses / action potentials} arrive at {synapse /
4. ref to reinforcement presynaptic
5. credit appropriate manipulation of data ref to membrane};
anomalous point 3 2.Calcium ion channels open / calcium ions enter;
(b) Name the type of learning shown by a sea slug in 3.Vesicles fuse with presynaptic membrane;
this investigation. 4.Correct reference to exocytosis;
Correct answer Acceptable answers Reject Mark 5.Neurotransmitter diffuses across (synaptic cleft);
habituation 6.Binds to receptors on postsynaptic membrane;
(c) Explain how this learned response may be of 7.Leads to opening of sodium ion channels / sodium ions enter;
benefit to the sea slug in its natural environment. 8.Depolarisation of postsynaptic membrane;
Award one mark for each of the following points in 9.{Threshold / action potentials / impulses} in postsynaptic
context to amaximum of four marks. neurone;
1. Ignore unimportant stimuli 10.Neurotransmitter broken down by enzymes / reabsorbed;
2. More receptive to important stimuli
3. Less time wasted with gill covered (c)A suggestion and an explanation to include two from:
4. More time for oxygen uptake 1.Increases serotonin synthesis;
5. Can remain active when being touched 2.Blocks serotonin re-uptake into (presynaptic) neurones /
6. Such as by wave action correct ref. to SSRI;
3.Therefore high levels of serotonin remain in cleft / eq;
4.Binds with postsynaptic receptor;
5.{Threshold / more impulses / more action potentials) in
postsynaptic neurone;

(d)A suggestion to include three from:

1.Similar shape to serotonin / eq;
2.Binds to molecules on {presynaptic membrane / re-uptake
3.Therefore high levels of serotonin remain in cleft / eq;
4.Impulses / action potentials continually generated;
5.Correct reference to postsynaptic neurone;
7(a) 1. DNA { strands separate / unwinds / unzips / hydrogen bonds broken / eq } ;
2. (mono)nucleotides line up against their complementary bases ;
3. on the template strand (of DNA) ;
4. phosphodiester bonds form (between adjacent (mono)nucleotides) ;
5. reference to correctly named enzyme ;
6. reference to mRNA (produced) ;
(b) 1. slows speed of impulse ;
2. idea that impulse { cannot jump from node to node / no
saltatory conduction } ;
loss of vision visual cortex / occipital lobe / cerebral hemisphere / cerebral cortex / cerebrum ;
difficulty in walking
cerebellum / cerebrum /motor cortex;
(d) 1. both parents are { heterozygous / carriers } ;
2. child inherits one recessive allele from { each parent / both parents } OR child is homozygous recessive ;
8(a) 1. after exercise is least reliable because standard deviation largest ;
2. anomalous results included in calculation of mean ;
3. not reliable because { small sample size / only 6 tested / eq } ;
4. idea of not reliable because no information about the 6 people ;
5. reliable because investigation was repeated ;
6. reliable because the ranges do not overlap ;
*(b) 1. less able to hold breath after exercise compared to deep breathing ;
2. exercise increases CO2;
1. deep breathing reduces CO2;
4. reference to change in { pH / formation of carbonic acid / formation of hydrogen ions } ;
5. reference to chemoreceptors ;
6. reference to { medulla / ventilation centre / carotid body / aortic body } ;
7. reference to impulses ;
8. contraction of { diaphragm / intercostal muscles } ;
(c)(i) The only correct answer is C
(c) (ii)1. the volume exhaled by non-smokers is higher than the volume exhaled by smokers ;
2. credit comparative use of data ;
3. idea that non-smokers breathe out faster than smokers ;
4. non-smokers level out sooner / graph plateaus earlier than smokers / eq ;

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