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6.4 Bulk transport utilizes endocytosis.

Bulk Passage Into and

Plasma membrane
Out of the Cell
The lipid nature of their biological membranes raises a
second problem for cells. The substances cells use as fuel
are for the most part large, polar molecules that cannot
cross the hydrophobic barrier a lipid bilayer creates. How
do organisms get these substances into their cells? One
process many single-celled eukaryotes employ is endocy-
tosis (figure 6.17). In this process the plasma membrane
extends outward and envelops food particles. Cells use
three major types of endocytosis: phagocytosis, pinocyto-
sis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis.

Phagocytosis and Pinocytosis. If the material the cell (a) Phagocytosis

takes in is particulate (made up of discrete particles), such
Plasma membrane
as an organism or some other fragment of organic matter
(figure 6.17a), the process is called phagocytosis (Greek
phagein, “to eat” + cytos, “cell”). If the material the cell takes
in is liquid (figure 6.17b), it is called pinocytosis (Greek
pinein, “to drink”). Pinocytosis is common among animal
cells. Mammalian egg cells, for example, “nurse” from sur-
rounding cells; the nearby cells secrete nutrients that the
maturing egg cell takes up by pinocytosis. Virtually all eu-
karyotic cells constantly carry out these kinds of endocyto-
sis, trapping particles and extracellular fluid in vesicles and
ingesting them. Endocytosis rates vary from one cell type
to another. They can be surprisingly high: some types of
white blood cells ingest 25% of their cell volume each

Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis. Specific molecules (b) Pinocytosis

are often transported into eukaryotic cells through
receptor-mediated endocytosis. Molecules to be trans- Endocytosis. Both phagocytosis (a) and pinocytosis (b) are forms
ported first bind to specific receptors on the plasma mem- of endocytosis.
brane. The transport process is specific because only that
molecule has a shape that fits snugly into the receptor. The
plasma membrane of a particular kind of cell contains a
characteristic battery of receptor types, each for a different
kind of molecule. where it can be incorporated into membranes. Cholesterol
The interior portion of the receptor molecule resembles plays a key role in determining the stiffness of the body’s
a hook that is trapped in an indented pit coated with the membranes. In the human genetic disease called hyper-
protein clathrin. The pits act like molecular mousetraps, cholesteremia, the receptors lack tails and so are never
closing over to form an internal vesicle when the right mol- caught in the clathrin-coated pits and, thus, are never
ecule enters the pit (figure 6.18). The trigger that releases taken up by the cells. The cholesterol stays in the blood-
the trap is a receptor protein embedded in the membrane stream of affected individuals, coating their arteries and
of the pit, which detects the presence of a particular target leading to heart attacks.
molecule and reacts by initiating endocytosis. The process Fluid-phase endocytosis is the receptor-mediated
is highly specific and very fast. pinocytosis of fluids. It is important to understand that en-
One type of molecule that is taken up by receptor- docytosis in itself does not bring substances directly into
mediated endocytosis is called a low density lipoprotein the cytoplasm of a cell. The material taken in is still sepa-
(LDL). The LDL molecules bring cholesterol into the cell rated from the cytoplasm by the membrane of the vesicle.

116 Part II Biology of the Cell

FIGURE 6.18 Coated pit Target molecule
endocytosis. (a) Cells that
undergo receptor-mediated
endocytosis have pits coated
with the protein clathrin that
initiate endocytosis when
target molecules bind to Clathrin
receptor proteins in the Receptor protein
plasma membrane. (b) A Coated vesicle
coated pit appears in the
plasma membrane of a (a)
developing egg cell, covered
with a layer of proteins
(80,000×). When an
appropriate collection of
molecules gathers in the
coated pit, the pit deepens (c)
and seals off (d) to form a
coated vesicle, which carries
the molecules into the cell.

(b) (c) (d)




(a) (b)

Exocytosis. (a) Proteins and other molecules are secreted from cells in small packets called vesicles, whose membranes fuse with the
plasma membrane, releasing their contents to the cell surface. (b) A transmission electron micrograph showing exocytosis.

Exocytosis provides a mechanism for secreting many hormones, neuro-

transmitters, digestive enzymes, and other substances.
The reverse of endocytosis is exocytosis, the discharge of
material from vesicles at the cell surface (figure 6.19). In
plant cells, exocytosis is an important means of exporting Cells import bulk materials by engulfing them with
the materials needed to construct the cell wall through the their plasma membranes in a process called endocytosis;
similarly, they extrude or secrete material through
plasma membrane. Among protists, contractile vacuole dis-
charge is a form of exocytosis. In animal cells, exocytosis

Chapter 6 Membranes 117

and Nutrition
Cattle, like sheep, goats, and other ruminants, are able to digest the cellulose
found in grasses because of their highly specialized digestive system.

H umans first domesticated cattle around 8,000 years ago. Cattle are part of a large
group of mammals called ruminants, which use a process of digestion that begins
when plant material is swallowed and enters a large chamber called the rumen. Here, a
Chapter Outline
34.1 Digestive Tracts 642
34.2 The Human Digestive System 645
rich population of bacteria and other microbes break down the cellulose present in plant
material. During this process some solid material is also regurgitated as the cud, which is 34.3 Digestive Enzymes 651
chewed slowly to break down the plant fibers into a more digestible size. 34.4 Nutrition and Human Health 652
This ability of ruminants to utilize the cellulose present in grasses and other plants
is the main advantage of using these animals as a source of meat for human consump-
tion. Rangeland that is not suitable for growing other kinds of crops can be used to
raise cattle (although most beef cattle in the United States are fed grain). However, due
largely to the growing human population and high demand for meat in some countries, Before You Begin
the total number of domesticated cattle on Earth has more than doubled in the last Before beginning this chapter, take a
40 years to its current estimate of 1.5 billion. Estimates vary, but ruminants account few moments to review the following
for about 15–20% of the global production of methane, an important contributor to discussions.
climate change. Most medical experts also believe a diet containing too much red meat Chapter 3 What are some structural
is an important factor in major diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, and many differences between carbohydrates,
cancers. As you will see in this chapter, eating a well-balanced diet is one of the most lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids?
important things we can do to maintain good health. Figure 6.1 How does energy flow from
the sun, into chemical energy, to be
As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions:
ultimately dissipated as heat?
1. What different types of strategies have animals evolved to efficiently obtain nutrients?
Figure 8.10 How do components of the
2. In what ways do the types of diets that humans choose to consume play a role in human diet enter common metabolic
our health, as well as in the quality of our environment? pathways?

Following the Themes

Chapter 34 Digestive Systems and Nutrition
Unit 7

Animal Biology

Animals have evolved a wide variety of strategies to acquire nutrients from their
Evolution environment.

With the incidence of obesity rising in developed countries, medical researchers

Nature of Science seek to learn more about the condition to develop new treatments.

Like all living organisms, animals require a source of energy and the molecular
Biological Systems building blocks needed to construct their components.


34.1 Digestive Tracts

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to pharynx digestive tract
1. Compare the structural features of incomplete versus
complete digestive tracts.
2. Describe several examples of animals that are either
continuous or discontinuous feeders. Golgi
3. Discuss some specific adaptations that are seen in apparatus
omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores.
gastrovascular cavity
a. b.
A digestive system includes all the organs, tissues, and cells Figure 34.1 Incomplete digestive tract of a ­planarian.
involved in ingesting food and breaking it down into smaller com- a. Planarians, which are flatworms, have a gastrovascular cavity with a
ponents. Digestion contributes to homeo­stasis by providing the single opening that acts as both an entrance and an exit. Like hydras,
body with the nutrients needed to sustain the life of cells. A diges- planarians rely on intracellular digestion to complete the digestive process.
tive system b. Phagocytosis produces a vacuole, which joins with an enzyme-
containing lysosome. The digested products pass from the vacuole into
1. Ingests food; the cytoplasm before any undigestible material is eliminated at the plasma
2. Breaks food down into small molecules that can cross plasma membrane.
3. Absorbs these nutrient molecules; molecules are absorbed by the tapeworm from the intestinal juices
4. Eliminates undigestible remains. of the host, which surround the tapeworm’s body. The integument
A digestive tract, or gut, is typically defined as a long tube through and body wall of the tapeworm are highly modified for this pur-
which food passes as it is being digested. The majority of animals pose. They have millions of microscopic, fingerlike projections that
have some sort of digestive tract, but some (e.g., sponges) have no increase the surface area for absorption.
digestive tract at all. Instead, as water from the aqueous environ- In contrast to planarians, earthworms, which are annelids, have
ment flows through the sponge (see Fig. 28.6), food particles are a complete digestive tract, meaning that the tract has a mouth and
removed by cells that make up the inner lining of the organism. an anus (Fig. 34.2). Earthworms feed mainly on the decayed organic
Cells in the sponge called archaeocytes may also ingest and dis- matter found in soil. The muscular pharynx draws in a large amount
tribute food to the rest of the organism. of soil with a sucking action. Soil then enters the crop, which is a
storage area with thin, expansive walls. From there, it goes to the
gizzard, where thick, muscular walls crush the food and ingested
Incomplete Versus Complete Tracts sand grinds it. Digestion is extracellular within the intestine. The
An incomplete digestive tract has a single opening, usually called surface area of digestive tracts is often increased for absorption of
a mouth; however, the single opening is used as both an entrance nutrient molecules, and in earthworms, this is accomplished by an
for food and an exit for wastes. Planarians, which are flatworms, intestinal fold called the typhlosole. Undigested remains pass out
have an incomplete tract (Fig. 34.1). It begins with a mouth and
muscular pharynx, and then the tract, a gastrovascular cavity,
branches throughout the body. typhlosole
Planarians are primarily carnivorous and feed largely on
smaller, aquatic animals, as well as bits of organic debris. When mouth
a planarian is f­eeding, the pharynx actually extends beyond the
mouth. The body is wrapped about the prey and the pharynx sucks
up small quantities at a time. Digestive ­enzymes in the tract allow
some extracellular digestion to occur. Digestion is finished intra- pharynx
cellularly by the cells that line the tract. No cell in the body is far intestine esophagus
from the digestive tract; therefore, diffusion alone is sufficient to
distribute nutrient molecules. crop
The digestive tract of a planarian is notable for its lack of spe-
cialized parts. It is saclike, because the pharynx serves not only as
an entrance for food but also as an exit for ­undigestible material.
This use of the same body parts for more than one function tends
Figure 34.2 Complete digestive tract of an ­earthworm.
to minimize the evolution of more specialized parts, such as those
Complete digestive tracts have both a mouth and an anus and can have
seen in complete tracts. many specialized parts, such as those labeled in this drawing. Also in
Planarians have some modified parasitic relatives. Tapeworms, earthworms, which are annelids, the absorptive surface of the intestine is
which are parasitic flatworms, lack a digestive system. Nutrient increased by an internal fold called the typhlosole.
CHAPTER 34 Digestive Systems and Nutrition 643

Figure 34.3 Nutritional mode of a clam compared to a

squid. Clams and squids are molluscs. A clam burrows in the sand or mud,
where it filter feeds, whereas a squid swims freely in open waters and captures
prey. In keeping with their lifestyles, a clam (a) is a continuous feeder and a
squid (b) is a discontinuous feeder. Digestive system labels are shaded green.
arm tentacle

stomach kidney
digestive gland jaw radula
water flow esophagus

anus digestive gland

intestine stomach

water flow kidney
mouth cecum
siphon mantle

labial palps
gills pen
muscular foot
gonad intestine mantle
a. Digestive system (green) of clam b. Digestive system (green) of squid

of the body at the anus. Specialization of parts is obvious in the less time feeding and more time engaging in other activites.
earthworm, because the pharynx, crop, gizzard, and intestine have Discontinuous feeding requires a storage area for food, which
particular functions as food passes through the digestive tract. can be a crop, where no digestion occurs, or a stomach, where
digestion begins.
Continuous Versus Discontinuous Feeders Squids, which are molluscs, are discontinuous feeders
(Fig. 34.3b). The body of a squid is streamlined, and the animal
Some aquatic animals acquire their nutrients by continuously
moves rapidly through the water using jet propulsion (forceful
passing water through some type of apparatus that captures food.
expulsion of water from a tubular funnel). The head of a squid is
Clams, which are molluscs, are filter feeders (Fig. 34.3a). Water
surrounded by ten arms, two of which have developed into long,
is always moving into the mantle cavity by way of the incurrent
slender tentacles whose suckers have toothed, horny rings. These
siphon (slitlike opening) and depositing particles, including algae,
tentacles seize prey (fishes, shrimps, and worms) and bring it to the
protozoans, and minute invertebrates, on the gills. The size of the
squid’s beaklike jaws, which bite off pieces pulled into the mouth
incurrent siphon permits the entrance of only small particles, which
by the action of a radula, a tonguelike structure. An esophagus
adhere to the gills. Ciliary action moves suitably sized particles to
leads to a stomach and a cecum (blind sac), where digestion occurs.
the labial palps, which force them through the mouth into the stom-
The stomach, supplemented by the cecum, retains food until diges-
ach. Digestive enzymes are secreted by a large digestive gland, but
tion is complete.
amoeboid cells throughout the tract are believed to complete the
digestive process by intracellular digestion.
Not all filter feeders are relatively small invertebrates. A Adaptations to Diet
baleen whale, such as the blue whale, is an active filter feeder. Beyond the general categories of continuous versus discontinu-
Baleen—a keratinized, curtainlike fringe—hangs from the roof of ous feeders, some animals have further adapted to more special-
the mouth and filters small shrimp, called krill, from the water. A ized diets. Some animals are omnivores; they eat both plants and
baleen whale filters up to a ton of krill every few minutes. animals. Others are strict herbivores; they feed only on plants.
Discontinuous feeders have evolved the ability to store food Still others are strict carnivores; they eat only other animals.
temporarily while it is being digested, enabling them to spend Among invertebrates, filter feeders such as clams and tube worms
644 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

are omnivores. Land snails, which are terrestrial molluscs, and

some insects, such as grasshoppers and locusts, are herbivores.
Spiders (arthropods) are carnivores, as are sea stars (echino-
derms), which feed on clams. A sea star positions itself above
reduced canines
a clam and uses its tube feet to pull the valves of the shell apart
(see Fig. 28.29). Then, it everts a part of its stomach to start the
digestive process, even while the clam is trying to close its shell.
Some invertebrates are cannibalistic. A female praying mantis (an
insect), if starved, will feed on her mate as the reproductive act is
taking place!
sharp incisors
Mammals have also adapted to consume a variety of food
large, flat molars and premolars
sources. Among herbivores, the koala of Australia is famous for
a. Horses are herbivores. its diet of only eucalyptus leaves, and likewise many other mam-
mals are browsers, feeding on bushes and trees. Grazers, such as
the horse, feed off grasses. The horse has sharp, even incisors for
neatly clipping off blades of grass and large, flat premolars and
molars for grinding and crushing the grass (Fig. 34.4a). Extensive
grinding and crushing disrupts plant cell walls, allowing bacteria
located in the part of the digestive tract called the cecum to digest
pointed incisors cellulose.
Lion As mentioned in the chapter-opening story, ruminants such as
cattle, sheep, and goats have a large, four-chambered stomach. In
enlarged canines contrast to horses, they graze quickly and ­swallow partially chewed
jagged molars
and premolars grasses into the r­ umen, which is the first chamber. The rumen
serves as a fermentation vat, where microorganisms break down
material, such as cellulose, that the animal could not otherwise
digest. Later on, when the ruminant is no longer feeding, undi-
similarly shaped conical teeth gested, solid material called cud is regurgitated and chewed again
to facilitate ­more complete digestion.
Many mammals, including dogs, lions, toothed whales, and
dolphins, are carnivores. Lions use pointed canine teeth for killing,
short incisors for scraping bones, and pointed molars for slicing
flesh (Fig. 34.4b, top). Dolphins and toothed whales swallow food
whole without chewing it first; they are equipped with many iden-
b. Lions and dolphins are carnivores. tical, conical teeth that are used to catch and grasp their slippery
prey before swallowing (Fig. 34.4b, bottom). Meat is rich in protein
and fat and is easier to digest than plant material. The intestine of
a rabbit, a herbivore, is much longer than that of a similarly sized
cat, a carnivore.
Humans, like pigs, raccoons, mice, and most bears, are omni-
vores. Therefore, the dentition has a variety of specializations
to accommodate both a vegetable diet and a meat diet. An adult
incisors human has 32 teeth. One-half of each jaw has teeth of four types:
pointed canines
two chisel-shaped incisors for shearing; one pointed canine (cus-
pid) for tearing; two fairly flat premolars (bicuspids) for grinding;
and three molars, well flattened for crushing (Fig. 34.4c). Omni-
fairly flat
vores are generally better able to adapt to different food sources,
flat molars which can vary by location and season.
c. Humans are omnivores.
Check Your Progress 34.1
Figure 34.4 Dentition among mammals. a. Horses are
herbivores and have teeth suitable to clipping and chewing grass. 1. Compare the digestive tract of a planarian with that of an
b. Lions and dolphins are carnivores. Dentition in a lion is suitable for earthworm.
killing large animals, such as zebras and wildebeests, and tearing apart 2. Describe some of the limitations of an incomplete
their flesh. Dentition in a dolphin is suitable to grasping small animals, digestive tract.
such as fish, which are swallowed whole. c. Humans are omnivores and 3. Compare the teeth of carnivores to those of herbivores.
have teeth suitable to a mixed diet of vegetables and meat.
CHAPTER 34 Digestive Systems and Nutrition 645

34.2 The Human Digestive System The digestion of food in humans is an extracellular event and
requires a cooperative effort between different parts of the body.
Learning Outcomes Digestion consists of two major stages: mechanical digestion and
chemical digestion.
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
Mechanical digestion involves the physical breakdown of food into
1. List all the major components of the human digestive smaller particles. This task is accomplished through the chewing of food
tract, from the mouth to the anus.
in the mouth and the physical churning and mixing of food in the stomach
2. Compare and contrast the structural features of the small
and small intestine. Chemical digestion requires MP3
intestine and the large intestine.
enzymes that are secreted by the digestive tract An Overview of the
3. Discuss the major functions of the pancreas, liver, and Digestive System
or by accessory glands that lie nearby. Specific
enzymes break down particular macromolecules Animation
Organs of
into smaller molecules that can be absorbed. Digestion

Humans have a complete digestive tract, which begins with a

mouth and ends in an anus. The major structures of the human Mouth
digestive tract are illustrated in Figure 34.5. The pancreas, liver, The mouth, or oral cavity, serves as the beginning of the digestive
and gallbladder are accessory organs that aid digestion. tract. The palate, or roof of the mouth, separates the oral cavity

Figure 34.5 The human digestive tract. Trace

the path of food from the mouth to the anus. The large
intestine consists of the cecum, colon (ascending, transverse,
descending, and sigmoid colons), rectum, and anus. Note
also the location of the accessory organs of digestion: the
pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.

Accessory organs Digestive tract organs

Salivary glands teeth chew food; tongue tastes and
secrete saliva: contains digestive enzyme pushes food for chewing and swallowing
for carbohydrates
passageway where food is swallowed

passageway where peristalsis pushes
food to stomach

major metabolic organ: Stomach
processes and stores nutrients; secretes acid and digestive enzyme
produces bile for emulsification of fats for protein; churns, mixing food with
secretions, and sends chyme to
Gallbladder small intestine
stores bile from liver; sends it to
the small intestine
Small intestine
Pancreas mixes chyme with digestive enzymes
produces pancreatic juice: contains digestive for final breakdown; absorbs nutrient
enzymes, and sends it to the small intestine; molecules into body; secretes
produces insulin and secretes it into the digestive hormones into blood
blood after eating

Large intestine
absorbs water and salt to form feces

stores and regulates elimination
of feces

646 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

soft palate
nasopharynx composed of four layers. The innermost layer next to the lumen is
hard palate called the mucosa. The mucosa is a type of mucous membrane,
uvula and therefore it produces mucus, which protects the wall from the
digestive enzymes inside the lumen.
bolus The second layer in the digestive wall is called the s­ ubmucosa.
epiglottis The submucosal layer is a broad band of loose connective tissue
covering that contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. Lymph
glottis nodules, called Peyer patches, are also in the submucosa. Like other
glottis secondary lymphoid tissues, they are sites of lymphocyte responses
to antigens (see Chapter 33).
esophagus The third layer is termed the muscularis, and it contains two
layers of smooth muscle. The inner, circular layer encircles the tract;
the outer, longitudinal layer lies in the same direction as the tract.
Figure 34.6 Swallowing. Respiratory and digestive passages The contraction of these muscles, which are under involuntary ner-
converge and diverge in the pharynx. When food is swallowed, the soft vous control, accounts for the movement of the gut contents from the
palate closes off the nasopharynx, and the epiglottis covers the glottis, esophagus to the rectum by peristalsis (Gk. peri, “around”; s­ talsis,
forcing the bolus to pass down the esophagus. Therefore, a person does “compression”), a rhythmic contraction that moves the contents
not breathe when swallowing.
along in various tubular organs (Fig. 34.8).
The fourth layer of the wall is the serosa, which secretes a
from the nasal cavity. It consists of the anterior hard palate and the watery fluid that lubricates the outer surfaces of the digestive tract
posterior soft palate. The fleshy uvula is the posterior extension of and reduces friction as various parts rub against each other and
the soft palate (Fig. 34.6). The cheeks and lips retain food while it other organs. The serosa is actually a part MP3
Oral Cavity, Esophagus,
is chewed by the teeth and mixed with saliva. of the peritoneum, the internal lining of and the Swallowing Reflex
Three major pairs of salivary glands send their juices by the abdominal cavity.
way of ducts into the mouth. Saliva contains the enzyme salivary
­amylase, which begins to digest the starch that is present in many
foods of plant origin (see section 34.3).
While in the mouth, food is manipulated by a muscular tongue,
which has touch and pressure receptors similar to those in the skin. mucosa
Taste buds, sensory receptors that are stimulated by the chemical
composition of food, are also found primarily on the tongue as well
as on the surface of the mouth. The tongue, which is composed
of striated muscle and an outer layer of mucous membrane, mixes submucosa
the chewed food with saliva. It then forms MP3 lumen
Figure 34.7
this mixture into a mass called a bolus in Oral Cavity, Esophagus, Wall of the
and the Swallowing Reflex
digestive tract.
preparation for swallowing. muscularis The esophagus,
stomach, small
The Pharynx and the Esophagus intestine, and large
serosa intestine all have
The digestive and respiratory passages come together in the pharynx
a lumen and walls
and then separate. The esophagus is a tubular structure, about 25 cm
composed of similar
in length, that takes food to the stomach. Sphincters are muscles that layers.
encircle tubes and act as valves; tubes close when sphincters contract,
and they open when sphincters relax. The lower gastroesophageal
sphincter is located where the esophagus enters the stomach. When esophagus
food enters the stomach, the sphincter relaxes for a few seconds and
then closes again. Heartburn occurs due to acid reflux, when some
of the stomach’s contents escape into the esophagus. When vomit-
ing occurs, the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm, a muscle that
separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities, contract. Figure 34.8
When food is swallowed, the soft palate, the rear portion of the Peristalsis in the
mouth’s roof, moves back to close off the nasopharynx. A flap of tissue digestive tract.
called the epiglottis covers the glottis, or opening into the trachea. Now These three drawings
show how a peristaltic
the bolus must move through the pharynx into the esophagus, because
wave moves through
the air passages are blocked (Fig. 34.6). a single section of the
The central space of the digestive tract, through which food esophagus over time.
passes as it is digested, is called the lumen (Fig. 34.7). From the The arrows point to
esophagus to the large intestine, the wall of the digestive tract is areas of contraction.
CHAPTER 34 Digestive Systems and Nutrition 647

esophagus produce gastric juice. So much hydro­chloric acid is secreted by

the gastric glands that the stomach routinely has a pH of about 2.0.
Such a high acidity usually is sufficient to kill bacteria and other
microorganisms that might be in food. This
muscles of the low pH also stops the activity of salivary amy- Three Phases of
Gastric Secretion
stomach wall lase, which functions optimally at the near-
neutral pH of saliva.
A thick layer of mucus protects the wall of the stomach from
enzymatic action. Sometimes, however, gastric acid can leak
duodenum of
gastric pit small intestine a. upwards, through the lower esophageal sphincter, where its acidic
pH can irritate the mucosal lining of the esophagus. This gas-
troesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause heartburn and a
number of other symptoms. In people with chronic GERD, the epi-
thelial cells of the esophagus may change from stratified squamous
cells that (see Fig. 31.1) to a more columnar shape characteristic of the small
secrete mucus
intestine. This condition, known as “Barrett’s esophagus,” can lead
to esophageal cancer.
gastric gland
cells that Other individuals may develop gastric ulcers, which are areas
secrete HCl where the protective epithelial layer of the stomach has been dam-
and enzymes aged. For many years these stomach ulcers were attributed mainly
to stress, but through the work of Australian scientists Barry Mar-
shall and Robin Warren, we now know that they can be caused
by an acid-resistant bacterium, Helicobacter pylori. Wherever the
bacterium attaches to the epithelial lining, the lining stops produc-
ing mucus, and the area becomes damaged by acid and digestive
enzymes. If the condition is promptly diagnosed, antibiotic treat-
ment is usually curative. Marshall and Warren were awarded the
100× Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005.
Eventually, food mixing with gastric juice in the stomach
Figure 34.9 Anatomy of the stomach. a. The stomach, which
contents becomes chyme, which has a thick, creamy consistency.
has thick walls, expands as it fills with food. b. The mucous membrane
layer of its walls secretes mucus and contains gastric glands, which At the base of the stomach is a narrow opening controlled by
secrete a gastric juice active in the digestion of protein. a sphincter. Whenever the sphincter relaxes, a small quantity of
chyme passes through the opening into the small intestine. When
chyme enters the small intestine, it sets off a neural reflex, which
Stomach causes the muscles of the sphincter to contract vigorously and close
The stomach (Fig. 34.9) is a thick-walled, J-shaped organ that lies the opening temporarily. Then, the sphincter relaxes again and
on the left side of the body beneath the diaphragm. The wall of the allows more chyme to enter. The slow manner in
stomach has deep folds (rugae), which disappear as the stomach which chyme enters the small intestine allows for The Stomach

fills to its capacity (approximately 1 liter in humans). Therefore, thorough digestion.

many animals can periodically eat relatively large meals and spend
the rest of their time at other activities. Small Intestine
The stomach is more than a food storage organ, as was dis- The small intestine is named for its small diameter (compared
covered by William Beaumont (1785–1853) in the mid-­nineteenth to that of the large intestine), but perhaps it should be called the
century. Beaumont, an American doctor, had a patient who had long intestine. The small intestine averages about 6 m in length,
been shot in the stomach, and when the wound healed, he was left compared to the large intestine, which is about 1.5 m in length.
with a fistula, or opening, that allowed Beaumont to look inside The first 25 cm of the small intestine is called the d
­ uodenum.
the stomach and collect the juices produced by gastric glands. A duct brings bile from the liver and gallbladder, and pancreatic
Beaumont was able to determine that the muscular walls of the juice from the pancreas, into the small intestine (see Fig. 34.12a).
stomach contract vigorously and mix food with juices that are Bile emulsifies fat—emulsification causes fat droplets to disperse
secreted whenever food enters the stomach. He found that gastric in water. The intestine has a slightly basic pH, because pancreatic
juice contains hydrochloric acid (HCl) and a substance, now called juice contains sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), which neutralizes
pepsin, that is active in digestion. Beaumont’s work pioneered the chyme. The enzymes in pancreatic juice and enzymes produced by
study of digestive physiology. For similar reasons, modern animal the intestinal wall complete the process of food digestion.
scientists can surgically create fistulas into the rumen of cattle in It has been estimated that the surface area of the small intestine
order to study ruminant nutrition. is approximately that of a tennis court. What factors contribute to
The epithelial lining of the stomach has millions of gastric increasing its surface area? First, the wall of the small intestine
pits, which lead into gastric glands (Fig. 34.9). The gastric glands contains fingerlike projections called villi (sing., villus), which
Small intestine
Section of intestinal wall villus

lumen lacteal

blood villus microvilli



Figure 34.10 Anatomy of the small nodule
intestine. The wall of the small intestine has
folds that bear fingerlike projections called villi. The
products of digestion are absorbed into the blood lymphatic
capillaries and the lacteals of the villi by microvilli, vessel
which project from the villi. 100×
Villi arteriole

give the intestinal wall a soft, velvety appearance (Fig. 34.10). the small intestine, and much of the remaining portion is absorbed
Second, a villus has an outer layer of columnar epithelial cells, and by the colon. If this water is not reabsorbed, diarrhea, the pass-
each of these cells has thousands of ­microscopic extensions called ing of watery feces, can lead to serious dehydration and ion loss,
microvilli. Collectively, in electron micrographs, microvilli give especially in children.
the villi a fuzzy border, known as a “brush border.” Because the The large intestine has a large population of bacteria, includ-
microvilli bear the ­intestinal enzymes, these enzymes are called ing Escherichia coli and perhaps 400 other species. By taking up
brush-border enzymes. The microvilli Animation space and nutrients, these bacteria provide protection against more
greatly increase the surface area of the Enzyme Action and the pathogenic species. They also produce some vitamins—such as
Hydrolysis of Sucrose
villus for the absorption of nutrients. vitamin K, which is necessary to blood clotting. Digestive wastes,
Nutrients are absorbed into the vessels of a villus, which con- or feces, eventually leave the body through the anus, the opening
tains blood capillaries and a lymphatic capillary, called a lacteal. of the anal canal.
Sugars (digested from carbohydrates) and amino acids (digested Feces are normally about 75% water and 25% solid matter.
from proteins) enter the blood capillaries of a villus. Glycerol and Almost one-third of this solid matter is made up of intestinal bac-
fatty acids (digested from fats) enter the epithelial cells of the villi, teria. In fact, there are about 100 billion bacteria per gram of feces!
and within these cells they are joined and packaged as lipoprotein The rest of the solids are undigested plant material, fats, waste
droplets, which enter a lacteal. After nutrients are a­ bsorbed, they products (such as bile pigments), inorganic material, mucus, and
are eventually carried to all the cells of the MP3 dead cells from the intestinal lining. The color of feces is the result
Absorption of Nutrients
body by the bloodstream. and Water

Large Intestine
The large intestine, which includes the cecum, colon, rectum, and
anus, is larger in diameter (6.5 cm) but shorter in length (1.5 m)
than the small intestine. The large intestine absorbs water, salts,
and some vitamins. It also stores undigestible material until it is
eliminated as feces.
The cecum, which lies below the junction with the small intes- large intestine
tine, is the blind end of the large intestine. The cecum has a small
projection called the vermiform appendix (L. verm, “worm”; form,
“shape”; append, “an addition”) (Fig. 34.11). The function of the
human appendix is unclear, although many experts suggest it may small intestine
serve as a reservoir for the “good bacteria” that help maintain our
intestinal health. In the case of appendicitis, the appendix becomes
infected and so filled with fluid that it may burst. If an infected
appendix bursts before it can be removed, it can lead to a serious,
generalized infection of the abdominal lining called peritonitis.
The colon joins the rectum, the last 20 cm of the large intes- vermiform appendix
tine. About 1.5 liters of water enter the digestive tract daily as a
result of eating and drinking. An additional 8.5 ­liters enter the
digestive tract each day carrying the various substances secreted Figure 34.11 Junction of the small intestine and the large
by the digestive glands. About 95% of this water is absorbed by intestine.
CHAPTER 34 Digestive Systems and Nutrition 649

of bilirubin breakdown and the presence of oxidized iron. The foul

odor is the result of bacterial action.
The colon is subject to the development of polyps, which are
small growths arising from the mucosa. Polyps, whether they are bile
benign or cancerous, can be removed surgically. Some investiga-
common hepatic duct
tors believe that dietary fat increases the likelihood of colon cancer. pancreas
pancreatic duct
Dietary fat causes an increase in bile secretion, and it could be that
intestinal bacteria convert bile salts to substances that promote the pancreatic
development of colon cancer. Dietary fiber absorbs water and adds juice
bulk, thereby diluting the concentration of bile salts and facilitat-
ing the movement of substances through the intestine. Regular common bile duct
elimination reduces the time that the colon wall is exposed to any duodenum
cancer-promoting agents in feces.

Three Accessory Organs Figure 34.12 Liver,

bile canals branch of
gallbladder, and
The pancreas, liver, and gallbladder are accessory digestive organs. hepatic
pancreas. a. The liver artery
Figure 34.12a shows how the pancreatic duct from the pancreas makes bile, which is stored in
and the common bile duct from the liver and gallbladder enter the the gallbladder and sent (black
duodenum. arrow) to the small intestine
by way of the common bile
Pancreas duct. The pancreas produces
digestive enzymes that are
The pancreas lies deep in the abdominal cavity, resting on the pos- sent (black arrows) to the
terior abdominal wall. It is an elongated and somewhat flattened small intestine by way of the
organ that has both an endocrine and an exo­crine function. As an pancreatic duct. b. The liver central
endocrine gland, it secretes insulin and glucagon, hormones that contains over 100,000 lobules. vein
help keep the blood glucose level within normal limits (see Chap- Each lobule contains many
cells that perform the various
ter 40). In this chapter, however, we are interested in its exocrine branch of
functions of the liver. They bile duct hepatic
function. Most pancreatic cells produce pancreatic juice, which remove and add materials to portal vein
contains sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and digestive enzymes for the blood and deposit bile in b.
all types of food. Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes acid chyme from a duct.
the stomach. Pancreatic amylase digests starch, trypsin digests
protein, and lipase digests fat.
If the supply of glycogen is depleted, the liver converts glyc-
Liver erol (from fats) and amino acids to glucose ­molecules. The con-
version of amino acids to glucose ­necessitates ­deamination, the
The liver, which is the largest gland in the body, lies mainly in the
removal of amino groups. By a complex metabolic pathway, the
upper right section of the abdominal cavity, under the diaphragm
liver then combines ammonia with carbon dioxide to form urea.
(see Fig. 34.5). The liver contains approximately 100,000 lobules,
Urea is the usual nitrogenous waste product from amino acid
which serve as its structural and functional units (Fig. 34.12b). Tri-
breakdown in humans.
ads, located between the lobules, consist of a bile duct, which takes
The liver produces bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. Bile
bile away from the liver; a branch of the hepatic artery, which brings
has a yellowish green color, because it contains the bile pigment
oxygen-rich blood to the liver; and a branch of the hepatic portal
bilirubin, derived from the breakdown of hemoglobin, the red pig-
vein, which transports nutrients to the liver from the intestines (see
ment of red blood cells. Bile also contains bile salts. Bile salts are
Fig. 34.12). The central veins of lobules enter a hepatic vein. Blood
derived from cholesterol, and they emulsify fat in the small intes-
moves from the intestines to the liver via the hepatic portal vein and
tine. When fat is emulsified, it breaks up into droplets, providing a
from the liver to the inferior vena cava via the hepatic veins.
much larger surface area, which can be acted upon by a digestive
In some ways, the liver acts as the gatekeeper to the blood.
enzyme from the pancreas.
As blood in the hepatic portal vein passes through the liver, it
removes many toxic substances and metabolizes them. The liver Liver Disorders. Because the liver performs so many vital
also removes and stores iron and the vitamins A, B12, D, E, and K. functions, serious disorders of the liver can be life-threatening.
The liver makes many of the proteins found in blood plasma and When a person has a liver ailment, a yellowing of the skin and
helps regulate the quantity of cholesterol in the blood. the sclera of the eyes called jaundice may occur. Jaundice results
The liver maintains the blood glucose level at about 100 mg/100 when the liver is not helping the body excrete excess bilirubin,
mL (0.1%), even though a person eats intermittently. When insulin which is then deposited in the tissues.
is present, any excess glucose present in blood is removed and Regardless of the cause, inflammation of the liver is called
stored by the liver as glycogen. ­Between meals, glycogen is broken ­hepatitis. The most common causes of hepatitis are viruses. Hepa-
down to glucose, which enters the hepatic veins. In this way, the titis A virus is usually acquired from food or water that has been
blood glucose level remains constant. contaminated with feces. Hepatitis B, which is usually spread by
650 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Theme Nature of Science

Should You Go Gluten-Free?
Jake is a 280-pound captain of his col-
lege football team. A starting offensive line-
man, he lifts weights three times a week
and keeps in good aerobic shape. Looking
at him, no one would suspect that when
he was in high school, he had 3 feet of his
small intestine removed, after he had expe-
rienced weeks of severe abdominal pain,
vomiting, and diarrhea. He was eventually
diagnosed with celiac disease, a serious
condition in which the immune system re-
acts to gluten, a protein found in wheat,
barley, and some other foods (Fig. 34A).
This reaction eventually destroys the mi-
crovilli that line the small intestine. Since
his diagnosis and surgery, Jake has had a
few flare-ups, but he can control most of
his symptoms by taking medications and
eating a gluten-free diet. Figure 34A  People following a strict gluten-free diet must avoid foods like these,
Jake’s story is based on an actual case, which contain wheat, barley, rye, or a number of other grains.
and one that is not unusual. According to
the Celiac Disease Center at the University gluten-related problems seem to be in- For those with unexplained health
of Chicago, at least 3 million Americans creasing, but changes in agricultural prac- problems, many dietary experts recom-
have the disorder, although about 40% tices may have altered the type or amount mend giving up gluten for a month, then
may not have specific symptoms. Celiac of gluten in wheat. reintroducing it and seeing how your body
disease can be difficult to diagnose, often The increased level of concern about responds. They also encourage choosing
requiring an intestinal biopsy to confirm the gluten has not escaped the attention of naturally gluten-free, whole foods—fruits,
condition, and insurance companies often the food industry. More than 2,000 gluten- vegetables, meats, seafood, dairy, nuts,
hesitate to pay for this procedure. As a re- free food products are now available. In seeds, and grains such as brown rice
sult, even when a person has symptoms 2010 Americans spent $2.6 billion on these and quinoa, rather than gluten-free “junk”
such as chronic diarrhea, it takes an aver- foods; in 2013 it was $10.5 billion, with 11% foods. Gluten-free or not, eating a healthier
age of 4 years to confirm the diagnosis. of households purchasing some gluten- diet is always a good idea!
Meanwhile, undiagnosed and un- free foods. Major League Baseball stadi-
treated celiac disease can contribute ums are offering gluten-free options; so are Questions to Consider
to the development of other disorders, the Girl Scouts (chocolate chip shortbread 1. Many foods labeled “gluten-free,”
such as autoimmune disease, osteopo- cookies). when tested at labs, have been found
rosis, infertility, and neurological condi- So should you go gluten-free? If you to contain trace amounts of gluten.
tions. Complicating matters further, some are diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten What are common ways that this sort
people who repeatedly test negative for sensitivity, it’s very likely your doctor will of contamination could happen?
celiac disease may have a different condi- recommend avoiding gluten. For every- 2. When a person with celiac disease
tion called gluten sensitivity. A landmark one else, though, it’s more complicated. consumes gluten, his or her immune
2011 study showed that while people with Gluten-free often means more expensive: system recognizes and attacks not
celiac disease had increased production Gluten-free customers spend an average only the gluten but also an enzyme in
of cytokines associated with the adaptive of $100 per grocery shopping trip versus the intestinal wall called tissue trans-
immune system, those with gluten sensi- $33 for others. Also, gluten-free does not glutamine (tTG), eventually resulting in
tivity had increased expression of innate necessarily mean healthy—one can eat a destruction of the microvilli. List some
immune markers, such as Toll-like recep- gluten-free diet that is rich in sugar and fat, specific immune mechanisms that can
tors (see Chapter 33). or become so obsessed about avoiding destroy tissues (you might want to re-
A variety of other studies have shown gluten that one becomes nutritionally de- view Chapter 33).
that the incidence of celiac disease and ficient. It is also possible that people who 3. One hypothesis to explain the increas-
gluten sensitivity is rising. Some experts test negative for celiac disease but claim ing rates of gluten–related disorders is
think as many 1 in 20 Americans may have they feel better after banishing gluten from that the newer, hybrid wheat strains
health problems due to gluten, ranging their diet are simply eating a healthier diet we are eating today contain more glu-
from digestive problems to headaches, overall, or even benefiting from the pla- ten. What are some other possible
fatigue, and depression. It’s unclear why cebo effect. explanations?
CHAPTER 34 Digestive Systems and Nutrition 651

sexual contact, can also be spread by blood transfusions or con-

taminated needles. The hepatitis B virus is more contagious than
34.3 Digestive Enzymes
the AIDS virus, which is spread in the same way. A vaccine is now Learning Outcomes
available for hepatitis B, however. Hepatitis C, which is usually
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
acquired by contact with infected blood and for which no vaccine
is available, can lead to chronic hepatitis, liver cancer, and death. 1. Describe the overall characteristics and functions of
digestive enzymes.
Cirrhosis is another chronic disease of the liver. First, the
2. Compare the specific types of nutrients that are digested
organ becomes fatty, and then liver tissue is replaced by inactive,
in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine.
fibrous scar tissue. Cirrhosis of the liver is often seen in alcohol-
ics, due to malnutrition and to the excessive amounts of alcohol (a
toxin) the liver is forced to break down.
The liver has amazing regenerative powers and can recover if The various digestive enzymes present in the digestive juices, men-
the rate of regeneration exceeds the rate of damage. During liver tioned earlier, help break down carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic
failure, however, there may not be enough time to let the liver heal acids, and fats, the major nutritional components of food. Starch
itself. Liver transplantation is usually the preferred treatment for is a polysaccharide, and its digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva
liver failure, but currently an estimated 4,000 people in the United from the salivary glands has a neutral pH and contains salivary
States alone are waiting for a liver transplant. amylase, the first enzyme to act on starch.
Because the liver serves so many functions, artificial liv- salivary amylase
ers have been difficult to develop. One type is a cartridge that starch + H2O maltose
contains cultured liver cells (either human or pig). Like kidney
dialysis, the patient’s blood is passed outside of the body and Maltose molecules cannot be absorbed by the intestine; additional
through an apparatus containing the liver cells, which perform digestive action in the small intestine converts maltose to glucose,
their normal functions, and the blood is returned to the patient. which can be absorbed.
Progress is also being made in the area of transplanting a Protein digestion begins in the stomach. Gastric juice secreted
smaller number of liver cells, as opposed to the entire organ. These by gastric glands has a very low pH—about 2.0—­because it con-
cells can be either grown from stem cells or derived from the livers tains hydrochloric acid (HCl). Pepsinogen, a precursor that is
of donors who have died, but whose livers as entire organs are not converted to pepsin when ­exposed to HCl, is also present in gastric
suitable for transplantation. juice. Pepsin acts on protein to produce peptides.
Gallbladder protein + H2O peptides
The gallbladder is a pear-shaped, muscular sac attached to the
surface of the liver (see Fig. 34.5). About 1,000 ml of bile are Peptides are usually too large to be absorbed by the intestinal lin-
produced by the liver each day, and any excess is stored in the ing, but later they are broken down to amino acids in the small
gallbladder. Water is reabsorbed by the gallbladder, so that bile intestine.
becomes a thick, mucuslike material. When bile is needed, the Starch, proteins, nucleic acids, and fats are all enzymatically
gallbladder contracts, releasing bile into the duodenum via the broken down in the small intestine. Pancreatic juice, which enters
common bile duct (Fig. 34.12). the duodenum, has a basic pH because it contains sodium bicar-
The cholesterol content of bile can come out of solution and bonate (NaHCO3). One pancreatic enzyme, p ­ ancreatic amylase,
form crystals called gallstones. These stones can be as small as a digests starch (Fig. 34.13a).
grain of sand or as large as a golf ball. The passage of the stones pancreatic amylase
from the gallbladder may block the common bile duct, causing starch + H2O maltose
pain as well as possible damage to the liver or pancreas. Then, the
Another pancreatic enzyme, trypsin, digests protein (Fig. 34.13b).
gallbladder must be removed.
protein + H2O peptides
Trypsin is secreted as trypsinogen, which is converted to trypsin
Check Your Progress 34.2 in the duodenum.
1. Trace the path of food from the mouth to the large Maltase and peptidases, enzymes produced by the small intes-
intestine. tine, complete the digestion of starch to glucose and protein to
2. Describe the likely selective pressures that resulted in the amino acids, respectively. Glucose and amino acids are small mol-
evolution of taste buds. ecules that cross into the cells of the villi and enter the blood
3. Explain how the stomach, small intestine, and large (Fig. 34.13a, b).
intestine are each adapted to perform their particular Maltose, a disaccharide that results from the first step in starch
functions. digestion, is digested to glucose by maltase.
4. Discuss how each accessory organ contributes to the
digestion of food.
maltose + H2O glucose + glucose
652 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Figure 34.13 Digestion carbohydrate protein

and absorption of
nutrients. a. Starch is
pancreatic amylase bile salts fat globules
digested to glucose, which is
actively transported into the emulsification
epithelial cells of intestinal villi. peptides droplets
From there, glucose moves into maltase
epithelial peptidase lipase
the bloodstream. b. Proteins are cell of glucose monoglycerides
digested to amino acids, which intestinal
are actively transported into the villus amino acids and free
epithelial cells of intestinal villi. fatty acids
From there, amino acids move
into the bloodstream. c. Fats
are emulsified by bile and pH = basic pH = basic pH = basic chylomicron
digested to monoglycerides
and fatty acids. These diffuse lymphatic
into epithelial cells, where they blood capillary blood capillary
recombine and join with proteins
a. Carbohydrate digestion b. Protein digestion c. Fat digestion
to form lipoproteins, called
chylomicrons. Chylomicrons
enter a lacteal.

34.4 Nutrition and Human Health

Learning Outcomes
The brush border of the small intestine produces other enzymes Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
for digestion of specific disaccharides. The absence of any one 1. List the major types of nutrients and provide examples of
of these enzymes can cause illness. For example, approximately foods that are a good source of each.
75% of the world’s adult human population is estimated to be lac- 2. Describe the connection between a person’s diet and
tose intolerant, because of a decreased expression of the enzyme the likely development of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and
lactase beyond the age of childhood. When such a person ingests cardiovascular disease.
milk or other products containing lactose, the undigested sugar is 3. Distinguish among vitamins, coenzymes, and minerals.
fermented by intestinal bacteria, resulting in a variety of unpleasant
intestinal symptoms.
This section of the chapter discusses the components of a balanced
Peptides, which result from the first step in protein digestion,
human diet, as well as some problems that may arise from consum-
are digested to amino acids by peptidases.
ing a poor diet.
peptides + H2O amino acids Carbohydrates
Lipase, a third pancreatic enzyme, digests fat molecules in fat droplets Carbohydrates are present in food in the form of sugars, starch,
after they have been emulsified by bile salts. and fiber. Fruits, vegetables, milk, and honey are natural sources
of sugars. Glucose and fructose are monosaccharide sugars, and
bile salts lactose (milk sugar) and sucrose (table sugar) are disaccharides.
fat fat droplets Disaccharides are broken down in the small intestine, and mono-
lipase saccharides are absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered to
fat droplets + H2O glycerol + 3 fatty acids cells. Once inside animal cells, monosaccharides are converted
to glucose, much of which is used for the production of ATP by
Specifically, the end products of lipase digestion are monoglyc- ­cellular respiration (see section 8.1).
erides (glycerol + one fatty acid) and fatty acids. These enter Plants store glucose as starch, and animals store glucose as
the cells of the villi, and within these cells, they are rejoined and glycogen. Good sources of starch are beans, peas, cereal grains,
packaged as lipoprotein droplets, called chy- MP3 and potatoes. Starch is digested to glucose in the digestive tract, and
Chemical Digestion
lomicrons. Chylomicrons enter the lacteals in the Small Intestine excess glucose is stored as glycogen. The human liver and muscles
(Fig. 34.13c). can only store a total of about 600 g of glucose in the form of glyco-
gen; excess glucose is converted into fat and stored in adipose tissues.
Check Your Progress 34.3 Although other animals likewise store glucose as glycogen in
liver or muscle tissue (meat), little is left by the time an animal is
1. Describe the location(s) in the digestive tract where
eaten for food. Except for honey and milk, which contain sugars,
each of the major types of nutrients is broken down.
animal foods do not contain high levels of carbohydrates.
2. Explain what final molecule (monomer) results from the
digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Fiber includes various undigestible carbohydrates derived
from plants. Food sources rich in fiber include beans, peas, nuts,
CHAPTER 34 Digestive Systems and Nutrition 653

fruits, and vegetables. Whole-grain products are also a good source amount of these essential unsaturated fatty acids, which are found
of fiber and are therefore more nutritious than food products made in high amounts in certain fish and in plant oils such as canola and
from refined grains. During refinement, fiber as well as vitamins soybean oils.
and minerals are removed from grains, so that primarily starch Another type of lipid, cholesterol, is a necessary component
remains. For example, a slice of bread made from whole-wheat of the plasma membrane of all animal cells. It is also a precursor
flour contains 3 g of fiber; a slice of bread made from refined wheat for the synthesis of various compounds, including bile, steroid
flour contains less than 1 g of fiber. hormones, and vitamin D. Plant foods do not contain cholesterol,
Technically, fiber is not a nutrient for humans, because it but animal foods such as cheese, egg yolks, liver, and certain shell-
cannot be digested to small molecules that enter the bloodstream. fish (shrimp and lobster) are rich in cholesterol. Elevated blood
Insoluble fiber, however, adds bulk to fecal material, which stimu- cholesterol levels are associated with an increased risk of cardio-
lates movement in the large intestine, preventing constipation. vascular disease, the number one cause of disease-related death in
Soluble fiber combines with bile acids and cholesterol in the small the United States (described later on).
intestine and prevents them from being absorbed. In this way, Animal-derived foods, such as butter, red meat, whole milk,
high-fiber diets may protect against heart disease. The typical and cheeses, contain saturated fats, which are also associated with
American consumes only about 15 g of fiber each day; the recom- cardiovascular disease. Statistical studies suggest that trans fatty
mended daily intake of fiber is 25 g for women and 38 g for men. acids (trans fats) are even more harmful than saturated fatty acids.
To increase your fiber intake, eat whole-grain foods, snack on fresh Trans fatty acids arise when unsaturated oils are hydrogenated to
fruits and raw vegetables, and include nuts and beans in your diet. produce a solid fat, as in shortening and some margarines. Trans
If you, or someone you know, has lost weight by following fats may reduce the function of the plasma membrane receptors
low-carbohydrate diets, you may think “carbs” are unhealthy and that clear cholesterol from the bloodstream. Trans fats are found
should be avoided. According to the American Dietetic Associa- in commercially packaged foods, such as cookies and crackers; in
tion, however, some low-carbohydrate, high-fat diets are poten- commercially fried foods, such as french fries; and in packaged
tially ­hazardous and have no benefits over well-balanced diets that snacks.
include the same number of calories. In fact, a recent study of over
4,400 Canadian adults found the lowest risk of obesity in people Proteins
who consumed about half of their calories from carbohydrates.1
Dietary proteins are digested to amino acids, which cells use to
Evidence also suggests that many Americans are not eating the
synthesize thousands of different cellular proteins. Of the 20 dif-
right kind of carbohydrates. In some countries, the traditional diet
ferent amino acids, 8 are essential amino acids that normal adult
is 60–70% high-fiber carbohydrates, and these people have a low
humans cannot synthesize and thus must be present in the diet.
incidence of the diseases that plague Americans.
Animal products such as beef, pork, poultry, eggs, and dairy prod-
A current controversy in human nutrition is the relative risk of
ucts contain all these essential amino acids and are considered
consuming high levels of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), com-
“complete” or “high-quality” protein sources.
pared to other sweeteners. HFCS, or corn sugar, is now the most
Most foods derived from plants do not have as much protein
commonly used sweetening agent, found in soft drinks and a huge
per serving as those derived from animals, and some types of plant
variety of foods that end up on our plates. Many websites and a
foods lack one or more of the essential amino acids. For example,
few research studies have suggested that HFCS is a major factor in
the proteins in corn have a low content of the essential amino
the rising epidemic of obesity and related diseases, but many nutri-
acid lysine (although high-lysine corn has been produced through
tionists contend that the type of sugar consumed is not as impor-
genetic engineering technology). Approximately 3% of Americans
tant as the amount. As an example, the typical American obtains
(and millions of people in other countries) are either vegetarians,
about one-sixth of his or her daily caloric intake from HFCS and
who avoid eating animal flesh, or vegans, who avoid consuming
other sugars. It is likely that consuming such a high percentage of
any products derived from animals. Neither group needs to rely on
“empty calories” in the form of simple sugars is contributing to the
animal sources of protein.
increasing incidence of obesity in the United States.
To meet their protein needs, vegetarians and vegans can eat
grains, beans, and nuts in various combinations. Also, tofu, soy-
Lipids milk, and other f­oods made from processed soybeans are complete
Like carbohydrates, triglycerides (fats and oils) supply energy for protein sources. A 2009 report from the American Dietetic Asso-
cells, but fat is also stored for the long term in the body. Dietary ciation states that “well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for
experts generally recommend that people include unsaturated, individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy,
rather than saturated, fats in their diets (see Fig. 3.10 to review lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.”2
these structures). Two unsaturated fatty acids, alpha-linolenic and Although a severe deficiency in dietary protein intake can
linoleic acids (also called omega-3 fatty acids), are essential in the be life-threatening, most Americans probably consume too much
diet, meaning that we cannot synthesize them. Delayed growth and protein. Even further, some health food stores are full of protein
skin problems can develop in people who consume an insufficient supplements, aimed mainly at athletes who are trying to build

1 2
Merchant, A. T., et al. “Carbohydrate Intake and Overweight-Obesity Among Craig, W. J., and Mangels, A. R. “Position of the American Dietetic Association:
Healthy Adults,” J. Am. Dietetic Assn. 109: 1165–1172 (2009). Vegetarian Diets,” J. Am. Dietetic Assn. 109: 1266–1282 (2009).
654 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

muscle mass. However, both the American and Canadian Dietetic as we age, the study authors noted the importance of exercise, as
Associations recommend that even athletes should consume only opposed to weight loss alone, in maintaining good health.
1–1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, which
is just slightly higher than the 0.8 gram per kilogram recommended Cardiovascular Disease
for sedentary people. This means an inactive 150-pound person Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United
would need to consume only about 60 grams of protein per day, States. Heart attacks and strokes often occur when arteries become
which is about the amount contained in two cheeseburgers. blocked by plaque, which contains saturated fats and cholesterol.
When amino acids are broken down, the liver removes the Cholesterol is carried in the blood by two types of lipoproteins:
nitrogen portion (deamination) and uses it to form urea, which is low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein
excreted in urine. The water needed for the excretion of urea can (HDL). LDL molecules are considered “bad,” because they are
cause dehydration when a person is exercising and losing water like delivery trucks that carry cholesterol from the liver to the cells
by sweating. High-protein diets can also increase calcium loss in and to the arterial walls. HDL molecules are considered “good,”
the urine and encourage the formation of kidney stones. Further- because they are like garbage trucks that dispose of cholesterol.
more, high-protein foods derived from animals often contain a HDL transports cholesterol from the cells to the liver, which con-
high amount of fat, and some plant proteins may cause problems verts it to bile salts that enter the small intestine.
for those who have immune reactions to gluten (see the Nature of According to the American Heart Association, diets high in
Science feature, “Should You Go Gluten-Free?,” on page 650). saturated fats, trans fats, and/or cholesterol tend to raise LDL cho-
lesterol levels, while eating unsaturated fats may actually lower
Diet and Obesity LDL cholesterol levels. Furthermore, coldwater fish (e.g., herring,
sardines, tuna, and salmon) contain polyunsaturated fatty acids
As mentioned, the consumption of an excess amount of calories
and especially omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to reduce
(relative to calories expended) from any source causes storage
the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, taking fish oil supple-
of these calories in the form of body fat. Obesity can be defined
ments to obtain omega-3s is not recommended without a physi-
in several ways: (1) a condition in which excess body fat has an
cian’s approval, because too much of these fatty acids can interfere
adverse effect on normal activity and health; (2) weight over 20%
with normal blood clotting.
more than the ideal for your height and body build, and (3) a body
The American Heart Association also recommends limiting
mass index (BMI) over 30. A person’s BMI can be calculated
total cholesterol intake to 300 mg per day. This requires careful
by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared, or
selection of the foods we include in our daily diets. For example,
by using an online BMI calculator. Most estimates indicate that
an egg yolk contains about 210 mg of cholesterol, which would
about 30% of Americans are obese. Obesity raises the risk of many
be two-thirds of the recommended daily intake. Still, this doesn’t
medical conditions, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascu-
mean eggs should be eliminated from a healthy diet, because the
lar disease. The seriousness of obesity as a health-care problem
proteins in them are very nutritious; in fact, most healthy people
is evidenced by the increasing popularity of surgical procedures
can eat a couple of whole eggs each week without experiencing an
designed to reduce food consumption (see the Nature of Science
increase in their blood cholesterol levels.
feature, “New Approaches to Treating Obesity”).
A physician can determine whether blood lipid levels are
Type 2 Diabetes normal. If a person’s cholesterol and triglyceride levels are ele-
vated, modifying the fat content of the diet, losing excess body fat,
Diabetes mellitus occurs when the hormone insulin is not func-
and exercising regularly can reduce them. If lifestyle changes do
tioning properly, resulting in abnormally high levels of glucose in
not lower blood lipid levels enough to reduce the risk of cardio-
the blood. This may occur due to a deficiency of insulin secretion
vascular disease, a physician may prescribe cholesterol-lowering
by the pancreas, as in type 1 diabetes, or to an inability of cells to
respond to insulin (also called insulin resistance), defined as type 2
diabetes. In both types, the excess blood glucose spills over into the
urine, leading to increased urination, thirst, and weight loss. Over Vitamins and Minerals
time, the high levels of blood glucose, and lack of other insulin Vitamins are organic compounds other than carbohydrates, fats, and
functions, can lead to damage to blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and proteins that regulate various metabolic activities and must be pres-
kidneys, and even to death. Type 1 diabetes can usually be success- ent in the diet. Many vitamins are part of coenzymes; for example,
fully managed with insulin injections, but Animation niacin is the name for a portion of the coenzyme NAD+, and ribo-
type 2 diabetes can be much more resis- Blood Sugar Regulation
in Diabetics
flavin is a part of FAD. Coenzymes are needed in small amounts,
tant to treatment. because they are used over and over again in cells. Not all vitamins
In a 2010 report published in the Journal of the American are coenzymes, however; vitamin A, for example,
Medical Association, 4,193 adults were studied for an average of is a precursor for the pigment that prevents night B Vitamins
12.4 years, during which 339, or 8.1%, developed diabetes. Among blindness.
the key findings, people who gained 20 pounds or more after age It has been known for some time that the absence of a vitamin
50 had three times the risk of developing diabetes, and the risk was can be associated with a particular disorder. Vitamins are especially
four times greater for those with the biggest waist circumferences abundant in fruits and vegetables, so it is suggested that we eat
and highest BMIs. Because we tend to lose muscle and gain fat about 4 1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables per day. Although many
CHAPTER 34 Digestive Systems and Nutrition 655

Theme Nature of Science

New Approaches to Treating Obesity
We all know that the most critical factor in through the digestive tract, some people who have a BMI greater than 35 but with
weight gain is consuming more calories than experience side effects such as abdominal weight-related medical problems. Many of
we need for our level of physical activity. pain, increased frequency of bowel move- these procedures require the removal of
But considering the rising rates of obesity in ments, or even fecal incontinence (inability stomach tissue, or bypassing the stomach
developed countries, and the many associ- to control fecal release). altogether. However, less invasive proce-
ated health risks, researchers are investigat- Although several appetite suppressor dures are being developed, and in December
ing factors and approaches that might help drugs are available, some have been re- 2010 a panel of FDA advisors recommended
some people reduce their weight. moved from the market due to safety con- that a product called Lap-Band be approved
cerns. Research is continuing on identifying for use in patients whose BMI is as low as
Adequate Sleep strategies to control hunger using drugs that 30. As shown in Figure 34B, the Lap-Band
In 2011, the National Sleep Foundation’s affect various appetite control mechanisms. is an adjustable plastic strip that is inserted
Sleep in America poll found that 43% of into the abdomen and over the top of the
Americans between the ages of 13 and 64 Surgical Procedures stomach via a small incision. Advantages of
reported that they rarely or never get a good Despite advances in understanding the fac- this procedure over more traditional surger-
night’s sleep on weeknights. The Centers tors behind obesity, many individuals still ies are that the tension can be adjusted for
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) struggle with this problem. The number of greater or less restriction of stomach volume
website refers to insufficient sleep as “a bariatric (weight-loss) surgeries performed and it can be removed. Many experts seem
Public Health Epidemic,” partly because per year in the United States increased from to believe that gastric banding procedures
accumulating scientific evidence points to about 16,000 in the early 1990s to an esti- are not as effective as other types of bariatric
a link between declining sleep and increas- mated 220,000 in 2008. Many types of pro- surgery, however.
ing obesity rates. cedures are performed, but all are intended to
Even a modest amount of sleep depriva- reduce the size of the stomach, to decrease Questions to Consider
tion can cause alterations in hormones that the absorption of nutrients, or both. When 1. From an evolutionary perspective,
control appetite and regulate metabolism. In successful, any procedure that reduces the why are humans predisposed to gain
a 2004 study, 12 healthy college-age males weight of an obese person to a value closer weight when food supplies are readily
were divided into two groups: one that slept to normal can lead to a significant reduction available?
10 hours a night, and a second that slept only in the risk of other health problems. However, 2. Besides diet, exercise, and lack of
4 hours. After 2 days, the sleep-deprived sub- as with any major surgery, there is also a sub- sleep, what are some some other fac-
jects averaged an 18% decrease in serum stantial risk of harm, including death. tors that could cause some people to
leptin (a hormone that normally suppresses Traditionally, bariatric surgery has been be more prone to obesity?
appetite) and a 28% increase in ghrelin (an recommended only for people who are mor- 3. The average cost for various bariatric
appetite stimulator). Those with the greatest bidly obese (BMI greater than 40) or those surgeries is $18,000 to $35,000. With
hormonal differences also reported greater limited health-care dollars to go around,
increases in hunger, especially for high-carb do you think this is a justifiable expense,
foods.1 Other, larger studies have mostly either practically or ethically?
confirmed these findings, suggesting that
adequate sleep may be a significant factor in
avoiding obesity.
Anti-Obesity Drugs
In general, two types of drugs are available
for the treatment of obesity: fat absorption
inhibitors and appetite suppressants. Xeni-
Gastric band
cal (Orlistat), taken three times a day with
meals, interferes with fat digestion by in-
hibiting pancreatic lipase. Various studies
have shown that xenical is more effective
than dietary management alone in promot- Figure 34B The Lap-Band.
ing weight loss, although the typical patient The Lap-Band is an inflatable loop
may lose only a few pounds. Because an in- Larger
that is surgically placed around the
creased amount of fat is passing undigested portion upper part of the stomach to reduce
the amount of food that can enter.
Port It is approved for use only in obese
Spiegel, K., et al. “Sleep Curtailment in Healthy
Young Men. . . .” Ann. Internal Medicine 141: 846–850 people for whom other weight-loss
(2004). therapies have failed.
656 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

foods are now enriched or fortified with vitamins, some individuals much sodium, even double the amount needed. Animation
are still at risk for vitamin deficiencies, generally as a result of poor Excess sodium can cause water retention and Osteoporosis

food choices. contribute to hypertension.

The body also needs about 20 elements called minerals for var-
ious physiological functions, including the regulation of biochemi-
cal reactions, the maintenance of fluid balance, and as components Check Your Progress 34.4
of certain structures, such as bone. Some individuals (especially
women) do not get enough iron, calcium, magnesium, or zinc in 1. Review several reasons a diet that includes plenty of
vegetables is generally better for you than a diet that
their diets. Adult females need more iron in the diet than males
includes excess protein.
(18 mg compared to 10 mg) if they are menstruating each month.
2. Discuss the relationship among blood cholesterol,
Many people take calcium supplements, as directed by a physi- saturated fat intake, and cardiovascular disease.
cian, to counteract osteoporosis, a degenerative bone disease that 3. Define vitamin.
especially affects older women and men. Many people consume too

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• An incomplete digestive tract fulfills the • Observational studies of the digestive • Some animals are simple enough, with
nutritional needs of some relatively sim- systems of animals, ranging from the no cell located far from their aqueous
ple animals. The evolution of a complete simplest to the most complex, have environment, that their cells can obtain
digestive tract has allowed specialization greatly aided our understanding of di- nutrients with no need for a digestive
of function and efficient food processing. gestion and nutrition. system.
• Discontinuous feeders have developed • Basic research on the digestive system • The human digestive system is a good
the ability to store food temporarily while has resulted in screenings and treat- example of the complexity and special-
it is being digested, enabling them to ments for diseases such as ulcers, hepa- ization of the digestive system of an om-
spend less time feeding and more time titis, gallstones, and colon cancer. nivorous mammal.
engaging in other activities. • Through research on the causes of obe- • Humans in modern societies have ac-
• Many features of animal body struc- sity, medical scientists are attempting to cess to types and quantities of food that
ture—including type of dentition, ability develop new strategies and medications were unknown to our ancestors, and this
to catch prey, and structure of the diges- to help reduce weight. may account for the rise of obesity.
tive tract—have evolved as adaptations
to a particular diet: herbivore, carnivore,
or omnivore.

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34.2 An Overview of the Digestive System • Oral Cavity, Esophagus 34.2 Organs of Digestion • Three Phases of Gastric Secretion •
and the Swallowing Reflex • The Stomach • Absorption of Nutrients Enzyme Action and the Hydrolysis of Sucrose
and Water 34.4 Blood Sugar Regulation in Diabetics • B Vitamins •
34.3 Chemical Digestion in the Small Intestine Osteoporosis
CHAPTER 34 Digestive Systems and Nutrition 657

Summarize digestion of starch, and maltase completes the digestion of starch to

glucose. Pepsin and trypsin digest protein to peptides, then intestinal
34.1 Digestive Tracts peptidases digest these to amino acids. Following emulsification by
A few animals (e.g., sponges) lack a digestive tract; others, such as bile, lipase digests fat to glycerol and fatty acids.
planarians, have an incomplete digestive tract that has only one open- Each digestive enzyme is present in a particular part of the digestive
ing. An incomplete digestive tract has little specialization. Many other tract. Salivary amylase functions in the mouth; pepsin functions in the
animals, such as earthworms, have a complete digestive tract that has stomach; trypsin, lipase, and pancreatic amylase occur in the intestine
both a mouth and an anus. A complete digestive tract tends to have along with the various enzymes that digest disaccharides and peptides.
specialized regions. 34.4 Nutrition and Human Health
Some animals are continuous feeders (e.g., clams, which are filter
The nutrients released by the digestive process should provide us with
feeders); others are discontinuous feeders (e.g., squid). Discontinuous
an adequate amount of major nutrients, essential amino acids and
feeders need a storage organ for food.
fatty acids, and all necessary vitamins and minerals.
Most mammals have teeth. Herbivores need teeth that can clip
Carbohydrates are necessary in the diet, but simple sugars and
off plant material and grind it up. Also, many herbivores have a rumen
refined starches are not as healthy, because they provide calories but little
inhabited by bacteria that can digest cellulose. Carnivores need teeth
or no fiber, vitamins, or minerals. Proteins supply us with essential amino
that can tear and rip animal flesh into pieces. Meat is easier to digest
acids, but many Americans consume more protein than is healthy. It is also
than plant material, so the digestive system of carnivores has fewer
wise to restrict one’s intake of meats that are fatty, because animal fats
specialized regions and the intestine is shorter than that of herbivores.
are saturated fats. Unsaturated fatty acids, particularly the omega-3 fatty
34.2 The Human Digestive System acids, are protective against cardiovascular disease, whereas saturated
In the human digestive system, both mechanical and chemical diges- fatty acids may lead to plaque formation, which blocks blood vessels.
tion begin in the mouth, where food is chewed and mixed with saliva Obesity is becoming an increasingly serious problem, especially
produced by salivary glands. Saliva contains salivary amylase, which because it is associated with the development of type 2 diabetes and
begins carbohydrate digestion. cardiovascular disease.
Food then passes to the pharynx and down the esophagus by
peristalsis to the stomach. The stomach stores and mixes food with
mucus and gastric juices to produce chyme. Pepsin begins protein Assess
digestion in the stomach. Beginning with the esophagus, the wall of
the digestive tract has a central space or lumen, an inner mucosa, Choose the best answer for each question.
then a submucosa, muscularis, and outer serosa. 34.1 Digestive Tracts
Partially digested food (chyme) passes into the small intestine.
1. Archaeocytes are associated with
The duodenum of the small intestine receives bile from the liver and
a. digestion in bacteria.
pancreatic juice from the pancreas. Bile emulsifies fat and readies it for
b. the digestive tracts of sponges.
digestion by pancreatic lipase. The pancreas also produces amylase
c. the filter organs of continuous feeders.
and proteases. These and other intestinal enzymes finish the process of
d. the human appendix.
chemical digestion.
e. the ingestion and distribution of food in sponges.
The walls of the small intestine have fingerlike projections called
villi (sing. villus), where small nutrient molecules are absorbed. Amino 2. The typhlosole within the gut of an earthworm compares best to
acids and glucose enter the blood vessels of a villus. Glycerol and fatty which of these organs in humans?
acids are packaged as lipoproteins before entering lymphatic vessels, a. teeth in the mouth
called lacteals, in the villi. b. esophagus in the thoracic cavity
The large intestine consists of the cecum, colon, and rectum, which c. folds in the stomach
ends at the anus. The cecum, a blind pouch at the junction of the small d. villi in the small intestine
and large intestines, has a small projection called the appendix, which e. the large intestine, because it absorbs water
sometimes becomes infected and inflamed, necessitating its removal. 3. Animals that feed discontinuously
The large intestine does not produce digestive enzymes; it does absorb a. have a digestive tract that permits storage.
water, salts, and some vitamins. Reduced water absorption results in b. are always filter feeders.
diarrhea. The intake of water and fiber helps prevent constipation. c. exhibit extremely rapid digestion.
­Polyps in the colon are small growths that can be benign or cancerous. d. have a nonspecialized digestive tract.
Three accessory organs of digestion­—the pancreas, liver, and e. usually eat only meat.
gallbladder—send secretions to the duodenum via ducts. The pan-
34.2 The Human Digestive System
creas produces pancreatic juice, which contains digestive enzymes for
carbohydrates, protein, and fat. 4. Beginning with the mouth and going from a–f, which structure is
The liver produces the bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. out of order first when tracing the path of food in humans?
The liver receives blood from the small intestine by way of the hepatic a. mouth c. esophagus e. stomach
portal vein. Hepatitis and cirrhosis are common disorders of the liver, b. pharynx d. small intestine f. large intestine
and either can result in jaundice due to accumulation of bilirubin. 5. Why can a person not swallow food and talk at the same time?
a. To swallow, the epiglottis must close off the trachea.
34.3 Digestive Enzymes b. The brain cannot control two activities at once.
Digestive enzymes are present in digestive juices and break down c. To speak, air must come through the larynx to form sounds.
food into the nutrient molecules glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, d. A swallowing reflex is only initiated when the mouth is closed.
and glycerol. Salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase begin the e. Both a and c are correct.
658 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

6. Which association is incorrect? 34.4 Nutrition and Human Health

a. mouth—starch digestion 12. Plants generally store their excess glucose as
b. esophagus—protein digestion a. amino acids. c. glycogen.
c. small intestine—starch, lipid, protein digestion b. fiber. d. starch.
d. liver—bile production
e. large intestine—water absorption 13. Lipids
a. are never essential in the diet.
7. In humans, most of the absorption of the products of digestion
b. include fats and oils.
takes place across
c. contain less energy than carbs.
a. the squamous epithelium of the esophagus.
d. are found only in animals, not in plants.
b. the convoluted walls of the stomach.
c. the fingerlike villi of the small intestine. 14. In order to meet their need for protein, vegetarians
d. the smooth wall of the large intestine. a. must consume a small quantity of meat.
e. the lacteals of the lymphatic system. b. should consume plenty of fresh fruits.
8. The appendix connects to the c. can eat combinations of grains, beans, and nuts.
a. cecum. d. large intestine. d. should add powdered protein supplements to their diet.
b. small intestine. e. liver.
c. esophagus. f. All of these are correct.
34.3 Digestive Enzymes
9. Which of these could be absorbed directly without need of Thinking Scientifically
digestion? 1. Imagine you could track a single molecule of carbon that is a
a. glucose d. nucleic acid part of a glucose molecule that, in turn, is a part of a starch
b. fat e. All of these are correct. molecule in an apple. Describe what happens to that molecule
c. protein of carbon, in a chemical sense, after you bite into the apple.
What enzymes are involved, and where, as the starch molecule
10. Which association is incorrect?
is broken down into simpler carbohydrates, then into glucose,
a. protein—trypsin d. starch—amylase
which is absorbed into your bloodstream and eventually into
b. fat—lipase e. protein—pepsin
cells, which use it to produce ATP?
c. maltose—pepsin
2. Snakes often swallow whole animals, a process that takes a
11. Predict and explain the expected digestive results per test tube long time. Then, snakes spend some time digesting their food.
for this experiment. What structural modifications to the digestive tract would allow
the slow swallowing and storage of a whole animal to occur?
Incubator What chemical modifications would be necessary to digest a
whole animal?
3. A drug for leukemia is not destroyed in the stomach and
is well absorbed by the small intestine. However, the molecular
1 2 3 4 form of the drug collected from the blood is not the same as
pepsin the form that was swallowed by the patient. What explanation
pepsin HCl HCl
water water water water is most likely?
4. Suppose you are taking large doses of creatine, an amino
acid supplement advertised for its ability to enhance muscle
egg egg egg egg
growth. Because your muscles can grow only at a limited rate,
white white white white
what do you suppose happens to the excess creatine that is
not used for the synthesis of new muscle?

Biofuels may one day come from modifying the process of photosynthesis.

Chapter Outline
7.1 Photosynthetic Organisms 115
P hotosynthesis is a powerful process. Plants, algae, and some bacteria carry out a
series of chemical reactions that harness CO2 from the air, and they combine water
from the soil with sunlight to create the molecules that living organisms rely on—oxygen,
7.2 The Process of Photosynthesis 117
carbohydrates, oils, and amino acids.
7.3 Plants Convert Solar Energy 119 Photosynthesis can also be the key to solving our world’s fuel crisis. Plant research-
7.4 Plants Fix Carbon Dioxide 123 ers are tweaking the basic chemistry of photosynthesis to create commercially impor-
7.5 Other Types of Photosynthesis 125 tant oils and fuels. One example is work being done with Camelina, a drought-resistant,
oilseed crop. Scientists are modifying how Camelina captures sunlight by genetically
engineering the plant so that the leaves at the top are lighter, allowing sunlight to pass
through to the lower leaves, improving the efficiency of photosynthesis. Another goal
improves the absorption of CO2, providing the raw materials for oil production, which
are precursors for potential biofuels.
Before You Begin Other researchers are focusing on terpene—another end result of photosynthesis.
Before beginning this chapter, take a Terpene is a high-energy organic molecule, produced by pine trees, that makes turpen-
few moments to review the following tine. Ongoing research aims to increase terpene production and process this to make a
discussions. domestic source of diesel and aviation biofuels. In the future, you may be on a commer-
Figure 6.1 How does energy flow in cial flight where the meal providing fuel for your body and the diesel fueling the airplane
biological systems? can both trace their origins to a photosynthesizing plant.
Section 6.3 What role do enzymes play in
As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions:
regulating metabolic processes?
1. What raw materials do plants require, and what do they produce?
Section 6.4 How are redox reactions and 2. How do some plants modify photosynthesis in extreme conditions?
membranes used to conduct cellular

Following the Themes

Chapter 7 photosynthesis
unit 1
the cell

Evolution Plants have adapted and spread to nearly every environment and climate on Earth.

Researchers have created new plant varieties that produce more food and
Nature of Science commercially useful products.

Most ecosystems on Earth depend on photosynthesizing autotrophs as the basis of

Biological Systems their food webs.

CHAPTER 7 Photosynthesis 115

7.1 Photosynthetic Organisms
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
1. Explain how autotrophs are able to produce their
own food.
2. Describe the components of a chloroplast.
3. Compare the roles of oxygen and carbon dioxide in
autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Photosynthesis converts solar energy into the chemical

energy of a carbohydrate. Photosynthetic organisms, includ-
ing plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, are called autotrophs,
because they produce their own food (Fig. 7.1a). It has been
estimated that all of the world’s green organisms together
produce between 100 billion and 200 billion metric tons of
sugar each year. Imagine enough sugar cubes to re-create the
volume of 2 million Empire State Buildings!
No wonder photosynthetic organisms are able to
­sustain themselves and all other living organisms on Earth.
With few exceptions, it is possible to trace any food chain a. Oscillatoria 40× Kelp Sequoias
back to plants and algae. In other words, producers,
which have the ability to synthesize carbohy-
drates, feed not only themselves but also con-
sumers, which must take in preformed organic
molecules. Collectively, consumers are called Solar energy
heterotrophs. Both autotrophs and hetero-
trophs use organic molecules produced by
photosynthesis as a source of building blocks
for growth and repair and as a source of chemical
energy for cellular work. Photosynthesis
Photosynthesizers also produce copious amounts of
oxygen gas (O2) as a by-product. Oxygen, required by
organisms for cellular respiration, rises high into the
atmosphere, where it forms an ozone shield that
filters out ultraviolet radiation and makes terres- Autotroph
trial life possible.
Oil and coal provide about 90% of the
CO2 H2O Glucose O2
energy needed to power vehicles, factories,
computers, and a multitude of electrically ener-
gized appliances. The energy within that oil
and coal was originally captured from the sun
by plants and algae growing millions of years
ago—thus the name “fossil fuels.” Today’s trees
are also commonly used as fuel. Fermentation of
plant materials produces ethanol, which can be Cellular respiration
used to fuel automobiles directly or as a gasoline
additive. Chemical
The products of photosynthesis are critical energy
to humankind in a number of other ways. They Heterotroph
serve as a source of building materials, fabrics,
paper, and pharmaceuticals. Of course, we also Figure 7.1 Autotrophs and the relationship to heterotrophs. a. Photosynthetic
appreciate green plants for the simple beauty organisms (autotrophs) include cyanobacteria (left); algae, such as kelp (middle); and plants (right).
of an orchid blossom, the scent of a rose, or the b. Photosynthetic organisms harness the energy from the sun and provide gases and nutrients for
majesty of the forests. heterotrophs. Heterotrophs generate chemical energy and produce carbon dioxide and water.
116 unit 1 The Cell

Photosynthesis in Flowering Plants The thylakoid membrane contains chlorophyll and other pig-
ments that are capable of absorbing the solar energy that drives
Photosynthesis takes place in the green portions of plants. The
photosynthesis. The stroma contains an enzyme-rich solution,
leaves of a flowering plant contain mesophyll tissue, in which cells
where carbon dioxide is first attached to
are specialized for photosynthesis (Fig. 7.2). The raw materials for 3D Animation
an organic compound and then reduced
photosynthesis are water and carbon dioxide. The roots of a plant Photosynthesis:
to a carbohydrate. Structure of a Chloroplast
absorb water, which then moves in vascular tissue up the stem to
Humans and other respiring organisms release carbon dioxide
a leaf by way of the leaf veins. Carbon dioxide in the air enters a
into the air. Some of the same carbon dioxide molecules enter a
leaf through small openings called stomata (sing., stoma). After
leaf through the stoma and are converted to carbohydrate. Carbohy-
entering a leaf, carbon dioxide and water diffuse into chloroplasts
drate, in the form of glucose, is the chief source of chemical energy
(Gk. chloros, “green”; plastos, “formed, molded”), the organelles
for most organisms. Thus, an interdependent relationship exists
that carry on photosynthesis.
between organisms that make their own food (autotrophs) and
A double membrane surrounds a chloroplast, and its semifluid
those that consume their food (heterotrophs) (see Fig. 7.1b).
interior is called the stroma (Gk. stroma, “bed, mattress”). A differ-
ent membrane system within the stroma forms flattened sacs called
thylakoids (Gk. thylakos, “sack”), which in some places are stacked
to form grana (sing., granum). The space of each thylakoid is
Check Your Progress 7.1
thought to be connected to the space of every other thylakoid within 1. Describe three major groups of photosynthetic organisms.
a chloroplast, thereby forming an inner compartment within chloro- 2. Distinguish the part of a chloroplast that absorbs solar
plasts, called the thylakoid space. Overall, chloroplast membranes energy from the part that forms a carbohydrate.
provide a tremendous surface area for photosynthesis to occur.



Leaf cross section mesophyll

CO2 epidermis
leaf vein stoma
outer membrane
inner membrane



Chloroplast 23,000×

Figure 7.2 Leaves and photosynthesis.

The raw materials for photosynthesis are carbon
dioxide and water. Water enters a leaf by leaf
veins, and carbon dioxide enters the stomata. Both
thylakoid space diffuse into chloroplasts, which have two major
thylakoid membrane parts. The grana are made up of thylakoids, which
are membranous disks. Their membrane contains
photosynthetic pigments, such as chlorophylls a
Grana and b. These pigments absorb solar energy. The
independent thylakoid overlapping thylakoid stroma is a semifluid interior where carbon dioxide
in a granum in a granum is enzymatically reduced to a carbohydrate.
CHAPTER 7 Photosynthesis 117

7.2 The Process of Photosynthesis Figure 7.3

Learning Outcomes releases oxygen.
Bubbling indicates
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to that the aquatic plant
1. Describe the overall process of photosynthesis. Elodea releases
O2 gas when it
2. Compare energy input and output of the light reaction.
3. Compare carbon input and output of the Calvin cycle

The overall process of photosynthesis can be represented by an


solar energy
6 CO2 + 12 H2O 6 (CH2O) + 6 H2O + 6 O2

supply it with light, and you will observe a bubbling (Fig. 7.3).
In this equation, (CH2O) represents carbohydrate. If the equation
The bubbling occurs because the plant is releasing oxygen as it
were multiplied by 6, the carbohydrate would be C6H12O6, or
A famous experiment performed by C. B. van Niel of Stanford
The overall equation implies that photosynthesis involves
University found that the oxygen given off by photosynthesizers
oxidation-reduction (redox) and the movement of electrons from
comes from water. Van Niel performed two separate experiments.
one molecule to another. Recall that oxidation is the loss of elec-
When an isotope of oxygen, 18 O, was a part of water, the O2 given
trons, and reduction is the gain of electrons. In living organisms,
off by the plant contained 18 O. When 18 O was a part of carbon diox-
as discussed in Chapter 6, the electrons are very often accompa-
ide supplied to a plant, the O2 given off by a plant did not contain
nied by hydrogen ions, so that oxidation is the loss of hydrogen
the 18 O. Why not? Because the oxygen in carbon dioxide doesn’t
atoms (H+ + e–) and reduction is the gain of hydrogen atoms.
come from water; it comes from the air. This was the first step
This simplified rewrite of the equation makes it clear that carbon
toward discovering that water splits during photosynthesis. When
dioxide has been reduced and water has been oxidized:
water splits, oxygen is released and the hydrogen atoms (H+ + e–)
are taken up by NADP+. Later, NADPH reduces carbon dioxide to
Reduction a carbohydrate.
solar energy
CO2 + H2O (CH2O) + O2
Two Sets of Reactions
How does photosynthesis occur? The process can be divided into
It takes hydrogen atoms and a lot of energy to reduce carbon two stages, the light reactions and the Calvin cycle reactions. The
dioxide. From your study of energy and enzymes in Chapter 6, term photosynthesis comes from the associations between these
you might expect that solar energy is not used directly during two stages: The prefex photo refers to the light reactions that
photosynthesis; rather, it is converted to ATP molecules. ATP is capture the waves of sunlight needed for the synthesis of carbohy-
the energy currency of cells and, when cells need something, they drates occurring in the Calvin cycle. The light reactions take place
spend ATP. In this case, solar energy is used to generate the ATP on thylakoids, and the Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma.
needed to reduce carbon dioxide to a carbohydrate. Of course, this
carbohydrate represents the food produced by plants, algae, and Light Reactions
cyanobacteria that feeds the biosphere. The light reactions are so named because they occur only when
the sun is out. The green pigment chlorophyll, present in thylakoid
The Role of NADP+/NADPH membranes, is largely responsible for absorbing the solar energy
that drives photosynthesis.
A review of section 6.4 will also lead you to suspect that the elec-
During the light reactions, solar energy energizes electrons,
trons needed to reduce carbon dioxide are carried by a coenzyme.
which move down an electron transport chain (see Fig. 6.12). As
NADP+ is the coenzyme of oxidation-reduction (redox coen-
the electrons move down the chain, energy is released and captured
zyme) active during photosynthesis. When NADP+ is reduced,
to produce ATP molecules. Energized electrons are also taken up
it has accepted two electrons and one hydrogen atom, and when
by NADP+, which is reduced and becomes NADPH. This equation
NADPH is oxidized, it gives up its electrons:
can be used to summarize the light reactions, because during the
NADP+ + 2 e– + H+ NADPH light reactions solar energy is converted to chemical energy:
What molecule supplies the electrons that reduce NADP+ solar energy chemical energy
during photosynthesis? Put a sprig of Elodea in a beaker and (ATP, NADPH)
118 unit 1 The Cell

Calvin Cycle Reactions

The Calvin cycle reactions are named for Melvin Calvin, who
in 1961 received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering the
enzymatic reactions that reduce carbon dioxide to a carbohy-
drate in the stroma of chloroplasts (Fig. 7.4). The enzymes that
speed the reduction of carbon dioxide during both day and night
are located in the semifluid substance of the chloroplast stroma.
During the Calvin cycle reactions, CO2 is taken up and then
reduced to a carbohydrate that can later be converted to glu-
cose. This equation can be used to summarize the Calvin cycle
reactions, because during these reactions, the ATP and NADPH
formed during the light reactions are used to reduce carbon
chemical energy chemical energy
(ATP, NADPH) (carbohydrate)

Figure 7.5 summarizes our discussion so far and shows that dur-
ing the light reactions, (1) solar energy is absorbed, (2) water is Figure 7.4 Melvin Calvin. Melvin Calvin, a chemist, is most
split so that oxygen is released, and (3) ATP and NADPH are noted for his work using a carbon 14 isotope to follow the route that
produced. carbon travels through a plant during photosynthesis.
During the Calvin cycle reactions, (1) CO2 is absorbed and
(2) reduced to a carbohydrate (CH2O) by utilizing ATP and
NADPH from the light reactions (bottom set of red arrows). The Check Your Progress 7.2
top set of red arrows takes ADP + ○ P and NADP+ back to light 1. Explain how redox reactions are used in photosynthesis.
reactions, where they become ATP and NADPH once more, so that 2. Describe the role of enzymes during photosynthesis.
carbohydrate production can continue.



Light reactions

Figure 7.5 Overview of
photosynthesis. The process
of photosynthesis consists of the light
reactions and the Calvin cycle reactions. The stroma
light reactions, which produce ATP and NADPH, membrane
occur in the thylakoid membrane. These molecules are
used in the Calvin cycle reactions, which take place in the
stroma. The Calvin cycle reactions reduce carbon dioxide O2 CH2O
to a carbohydrate.
CHAPTER 7 Photosynthesis 119

7.3 Plants Convert Solar Energy chlorophylls a and b absorb violet, blue, and red light better than
the light of other colors. Because green light is transmitted and
Learning Outcomes reflected by chlorophyll, plant leaves appear green to us. In short,
plants are green because they do not use the green wavelength!
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
The carotenoids, which are shades of yellow and orange, are able
1. Describe the relationship between wavelength and energy to absorb light in the violet-blue-green range. These pigments
in the electromagnetic spectrum.
become noticeable in the fall when chlorophyll breaks down.
2. Explain the role of photosynthetic pigments in harnessing
How do you determine the absorption spectrum of pigments?
solar energy.
To identify the absorption spectrum of a particular pigment, a
3. Examine how ATP and NADPH are produced from redox
purified sample is exposed to different wavelengths of light inside
reactions and membrane gradients.
an instrument called a spectrophotometer. A spectrophotometer
measures the amount of light that passes through the sample, and
from this it is possible to calculate how much was absorbed. The
Solar energy can be described in terms of its wavelength and its
amount of light absorbed at each wavelength is plotted on a graph,
energy content. Figure 7.6a shows the types of radiant energy from the
and the result is a record of the pigment’s absorption spectrum (Fig.
shortest wavelength, gamma rays, to the longest, radio waves. Most
7.6b). Notice the low absorbance reading for the green and yellow
of the radiation reaching the Earth is within the visible-light range.
wavelengths and recall why plants are green.
Higher-energy wavelengths are screened out by the ozone layer in the
A photosystem consists of a pigment complex (molecules
atmosphere before they reach the Earth’s surface, and lower-energy
of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and the carotenoids) and electron
wavelengths are screened out by water vapor and carbon dioxide.
acceptor molecules within the thylakoid membrane. The pigment
Because visible light is the most prevalent in the environment, organisms
complex serves as an “antenna” for gathering solar energy.
have evolved to use these wavelengths. For example, human eyes have
cone cells that respond to color wavelengths, Electron Flow in the Light Reactions
and plants have pigments that are energized by 3D Animation
Photosynthesis: The light reactions utilize two photosystems, called photosystem
most of the same wavelengths (Fig. 7.6). Properties of Light
I (PS I) and photosystem II (PS II). The photosystems are named
for the order in which they were discovered, not for the order in
Pigments and Photosystems which they occur in the thylakoid membrane or participate in the
Pigment molecules absorb wavelengths of light. Most pigments photosynthetic process.
absorb only some wavelengths; they reflect or transmit the other During the light reactions, electrons usually, but not always, fol-
wavelengths. The pigments in chloroplasts are capable of absorb- low a noncyclic pathway that begins with photosystem II (Fig. 7.7).
ing various portions of visible light. This is called their absorption The pigment complex absorbs solar energy, which is then passed from
spectrum. ­ one pigment to the other until it is concentrated in a particular pair
Photosynthetic organisms differ in the type of chlorophyll they of chlorophyll a molecules, called the ­reaction center. Electrons (e–)
contain. In plants, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b play prominent in the reaction center become so energized that they escape from the
roles in photosynthesis. Carotenoids play an accessory role. Both reaction center and move to nearby electron acceptor molecules.

Increasing wavelength

chlorophyll a
chlorophyll b

Increasing energy
Relative Absorption

Gamma Micro- Radio

X rays UV Infrared waves
rays waves

visible light

380 500 600 750 380 500 600 750

Wavelengths (nm) Wavelengths (nm)

a. The electromagnetic spectrum includes visible light. b. Absorption spectrum of photosynthetic pigments.

Figure 7.6 Photosynthetic pigments and photosynthesis. a. The wavelengths in visible light differ according to energy content and color.
b. The photosynthetic pigments in chlorophylls a and b and the carotenoids absorb certain wavelengths within visible light. This is their absorption spectrum.
120 unit 1 The Cell

H 2O CO2
energy Figure 7.7 Noncyclic pathway:
electrons move from water to
NADP+. Energized electrons (replaced
ADP + P from water, which splits, releasing oxygen)
Calvin leave photosystem II and pass down an
sun cycle sun electron transport chain, leading to the
reactions formation of ATP. Energized electrons
(replaced by photosystem II by way of
the ETC) leave photosystem I and pass to
electron thylakoid electron NADP+, which then
acceptor acceptor Tutorial
membrane combines with H+,
energy level

O2 CH2O Noncyclic
becoming NADPH. Photosynthesis

e– e–
e– ele e–
ctro NADP+
n tr e–
por e– H+
t ch
ATP ain
(ET e–
e– e– NADPH

reaction center reaction center

pigment complex
complex Photosystem I
e– Photosystem II
Calvin cycle
2H+ 2 O22

PS II would disintegrate without replacement electrons, and ATP and NADPH are not made in equal amounts during the
these are removed from water, which splits, releasing oxygen light reactions, and more ATP than NADPH is required during the
to the atmosphere. Notice that with the loss of electrons, water Calvin cycle. Where does this extra ATP come from? Every so
has been oxidized and that the oxygen released during photo- often, an electron moving down the noncyclic pathway is rerouted
synthesis does come from water. Many organisms, including back to an earlier point in the electron transport chain. The cyclic
plants themselves and humans, use this oxygen within their pathway, which occurs in many prokaryotes, and at high oxygen
mitochondria to make ATP. The hydrogen ions (H+) stay in the levels in eukaryotes, enables electrons to participate in additional
thylakoid space and contribute to the formation of a ­hydrogen redox reactions, moving more H+ across the thylakoid mem-
ion gradient. brane and through ATP synthase, ultimately producing more ATP
An electron acceptor sends energized electrons, received from (Fig. 7.8).
the reaction center, down an electron transport chain (ETC),
a series of carriers that pass electrons from one to the other (see
Fig. 6.13). As the electrons pass from one carrier to the next, energy Organization of the Thylakoid Membrane
is captured and stored in the form of a hydrogen ion (H+) gradi- As we have discussed, the following molecular complexes are
ent. When these hydrogen ions flow down their electrochemical present in the thyla­koid membrane (Fig. 7.9):
gradient through ATP synthase complexes, ATP production occurs
PS II, which consists of a pigment complex and electron ­acceptor
(see Fig. 7.9). Notice that this ATP is then used by the Calvin cycle
molecules, receives electrons from water as water splits, re-
reactions in the stroma to reduce carbon dioxide to a carbohydrate.
leasing oxygen.
When the PS I pigment complex absorbs solar energy, ener-
gized electrons leave its reaction center and are captured by elec- The electron transport chain (ETC), consisting of Pq (plasto­
tron acceptors. (Low-energy electrons from the electron transport quinone) and cytochrome complexes, carries electrons from
chain adjacent to PS II replace those lost by PS I.) The electron PS II to PS I via redox reactions. Pq also pumps H+ from the
acceptors in PS I pass their electrons to NADP+ molecules. Each stroma into the thylakoid space.
NADP+ accepts two electrons and an H+ to become reduced and PS I, which also consists of a pigment complex and electron accep-
forms NADPH. This NADPH is then used by the Calvin cycle tor molecules, is adjacent to NADP reductase, which reduces
reactions in the stroma along with ATP NADP+ to NADPH.
in the reduction of carbon dioxide to a 3D Animation The ATP synthase complex, which has a channel and a protruding
carbohydrate. Light-Dependent Reactions ATP synthase, is an enzyme that joins ADP + ○ P.
CHAPTER 7 Photosynthesis 121


Figure 7.8 Cyclic electron pathway. Electrons

leave and return to photosystem I. Energized electrons electron

energy level
leave the photosystem I reaction center and are taken up by acceptor e– ATP

an electron acceptor, which passes them down an electron elec e
transport chain before they return to photosystem I. Only nt
e– r e–
ATP production occurs as a result of this pathway.

spor t chain

e– CO2 CH2O
reaction Calvin cycle
center reactions and
other enzymatic
Photosystem I

solar H 2O CO2

NADP+ Calvin
Light reactions
reactions NADPH

thylakoid membrane
thylakoid space
membrane granum

photosystem II electron transport

H+ chain stroma
photosystem I
reductase NADP+ NADPH

e– e

e– e–
Figure 7.9 Organization of
H+ a thylakoid. Each thylakoid
H2O 2 H+ + 12 O2 membrane within a granum produces
NADPH and ATP. Electrons move
H+ H+
H+ through sequential molecular
H+ complexes within the thylakoid
H+ ATP synthase
H+ H+ membrane, and the last one passes
H+ H+ electrons to NADP+, after which it
H+ becomes NADPH. A carrier at the start
ATP of the electron transport chain pumps
Thylakoid hydrogen ions from the stroma into
H+ H+
space the thylakoid space. When hydrogen
H+ ions flow back out of the space into
the stroma through an ATP synthase
P + ADP complex, ATP is produced from
Stroma ADP + P . ○
122 unit 1 The Cell

Theme Biological Systems

Tropical Rain Forest Destruction and Climate Change
Leonardo DiCaprio not only is a famous ac- The Earth Is a System Nearly all land plants in a tropical rain forest
tor but also strives to make global changes Carbon dioxide is removed from the air are woody, and woody vines are abundant.
through his foundation. One aspect of the via photosynthesis, which takes place in It might be hypothesized that an in-
Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation is the pro- forests, oceans, and other terrestrial and creased amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
tection of tropical rain forests. Most peo- marine ecosystems. In fact, photosynthe- would cause photosynthesis to increase
ple think about saving the fragile species sis produces organic matter, which is es- in the remaining portion of the forest. Re-
of plants and animals that live in the rain timated to be several hundred times the cent studies, however, are showing that the
­forest, but globally there is a larger issue mass of the people living on Earth. Thus, opposite is true. Too much CO2 can de-
at hand. these environments act as a sink for CO2, crease photosynthesis, because increased
Climate change is an expected rise in preventing too much from accumulating temperatures can reduce water and mineral
the average global temperature during the in the atmosphere, where CO2 can affect availability. Scientists working with wheat
twenty-first century due to the introduction global temperatures and bring about cli- showed a decrease in the production of
of certain gases into the atmosphere. For mate change. nitrogen-containing compounds; another
at least a thousand years prior to 1850, Despite their reduction in size from an study showed increased herbivory as plants
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels original 15% to less than 5% of land sur- were unable to produce their defense toxins
remained fairly constant at 0.028%. Since face today, tropical rain forests make a sub- at higher temperatures.
the 1850s, when industrialization began, stantial contribution to global CO2 removal. These and other studies show that, for
the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has They are a critical element of the Earth’s the Earth, as for any biological system,
increased to 0.038% (Fig. 7A). systems and, like any biological system, equilibrium is necessary for health. As a
are essential for normal, healthy function. biological system, the Earth is sensitive to
Role of Carbon Dioxide Tropical rain forests contribute greatly to environmental change. Our ability to prop-
In much the same way as the panes of a the uptake of CO2 and the productivity of erly balance human activity with the needs
greenhouse, CO2 and other gases in our photosynthesis, because they are the most of the biosphere requires that we become
atmosphere trap radiant heat from the sun. efficient of all terrestrial ecosystems. educated about how the Earth functions.
Therefore, these gases are called green- Tropical rain forests occur near the
house gases. Without any greenhouse equator. They can exist wherever tempera- Questions to Consider
gases, the Earth’s temperature would be tures are above 26°C and rainfall is heavy 1. How can a rise in temperature affect
about 33°C cooler than it is now. Likewise, (100–200 cm per year) and regular. Huge the production of food crops?
increasing the concentration of greenhouse trees with buttressed trunks and broad, 2. How can increased CO2 levels affect
gases makes the Earth warmer and water undivided, dark-green leaves predominate. the organims that live in water?
more acidic.
Certainly, the burning of fossil fuels
adds CO2 to the atmosphere. But another 5
factor that contributes to an increase in
atmospheric CO2 is tropical rain forest
Global Surface Warming (°C)


Role of Tropical Rain Forests 3 Probable

Many scientists consider tropical rain for- increase at
2 current rate
ests to be the “lungs” of the Earth. Between
10 and 30 million hectares of rain forests
are lost every year to ranching, logging, 1
mining, and otherwise developing areas of
the forest for human needs. 0
Each year, deforestation in tropical rain
forests accounts for 10–20% of all CO2 in –1
the atmosphere. With your body, if you lose
lung capacity, you lose body function. Simi- 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
larly, the consequence of losing forests is Year
greater trouble for climate change, because
burning a forest adds CO2 to the atmo- Figure 7A  Climate change. Mean global temperature change is expected to rise due to
sphere and removes the trees that would the introduction of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. (Source: “Nature Climate
ordinarily absorb CO2. Change,” 3 [October 2012]: 369–73, doi:10.1038/nclimate1716.)
CHAPTER 7 Photosynthesis 123

ATP Production 7.4 Plants Fix Carbon Dioxide

The thylakoid space acts as a reservoir for many hydrogen ions (H ).
First, each time water is oxidized, two H+ remain in the thylakoid Learning Outcomes
space. Second, as the electrons move from carrier to carrier via redox Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
reactions along the electron transport chain, the electrons give up 1. Describe the three steps of the Calvin cycle and when
energy, which is used to pump H+ from the stroma into the thylakoid ATP and/or NADPH is needed.
space. Therefore, there are more H+ in the thylakoid space than in the 2. Evaluate the significance of RuBP carboxylase enzyme to
stroma. This difference and the resulting flow of H+ (often referred photosynthesis.
to as ­protons in this context) from high to low ­concentration provide 3. Explain how glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) is used to
kinetic energy that allows an ATP synthase complex enzyme to enzy- produce other necessary plant molecules.
matically produce ATP from ADP + ○ P. Animation
This method of producing ATP is called ATP Production in the
Electron Transport Chain
chemiosmosis, because ATP production is During the light reactions, the high-energy molecules ATP and
tied to the establishment of an H+ ­gradient Animation NADPH were produced. The Calvin cycle, another series of chem-
Proton Pump
(see Fig. 6.13). ical reactions, will use these high-energy molecules for an amazing
process—carbon dioxide fixation. Carbon dioxide in its gas form is
Check Your Progress 7.3 all around us in our atmosphere. We and other respiring organisms
release it as waste during cellular respiration. Unfortunately, CO2
1. Distinguish visible light from the electromagnetic is unattainable by heterotrophs—we cannot harness or extract CO2
spectrum. from the air and then use those carbon atoms to make sugar. Plants,
2. Describe the movement of electrons from water to NADP+ and other autotrophs, can take the carbon from CO2 gas and con-
in the light reactions. vert, or “fix,” it in the bonds of a carbohydrate. The word fixation
is not limited to photosynthesis. As you will learn in later chapters,
some bacteria can undergo fixation by removing nitrogen from the
H2O CO2 air and fixing it into organic molecules.
The Calvin cycle is a series of reactions that can occur in the
dark, but it uses the products of the light reactions to reduce car-
bon dioxide captured from the atmosphere to a carbohydrate. The
Calvin cycle has three steps: (1) carbon dioxide fixation, (2) carbon
cycle dioxide reduction, and (3) regeneration of RuBP (Fig. 7.10).
reactions NADPH

ATP Metabolites of the Calvin Cycle

3 CO2
intermediate RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate
3PG 3-phosphoglycerate
O2 CH2O 3 C6
BPG 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate

6 3PG G3P glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

3 RuBP CO2 C3
C5 6

CO2 These ATP and

Calvin cycle reduction 6 ADP + 6 P NADPH molecules
3 ADP + 3 P
were produced by
the light reactions.
of RuBP
These ATP
molecules were 3
produced by the ATP 5 G3P 6 NADPH
light reactions. C3
6 G3P Figure 7.10 The Calvin cycle
C3 reactions. The Calvin cycle is divided into
three portions: CO2 fixation, CO2 reduction,
and regeneration of RuBP. Because five G3P
are needed to re‑form three RuBP, it takes
×2 three turns of the cycle to have a net gain
net gain of one G3P
of one G3P. Two G3P
molecules are needed Tutorial
Other organic molecules Glucose Calvin Cycle
to form glucose.
124 unit 1 The Cell

Step 1: Fixation of Carbon Dioxide G3P

Carbon dioxide fixation is the first step of the Calvin cycle.
During this reaction, a molecule of carbon dioxide from the
atmo­sphere is attached to RuBP (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate), a
5-carbon molecule. The result is one 6‑carbon molecule, which fatty acid amino acid
splits into two 3-carbon ­molecules. synthesis synthesis
The enzyme that speeds this reaction, called RuBP carboxylase,
is a protein that makes up about 20–50% of the protein content of
chloroplasts. The reason for its abundance may be that it is u­ nusually
slow—it processes only a few molecules of substrate per second +
compared to thousands per second for a typical enzyme—so phosphate
there has to be a lot of it to keep the Calvin cycle going.

Step 2: Reduction of Carbon Dioxide

The first 3-carbon molecule in the Calvin cycle is called 3PG
(3-phosphoglycerate). Each of two 3PG molecules undergoes sucrose (in leaves, starch (in roots cellulose (in trunks,
reduction to G3P (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate) in two steps: fruits, and seeds) and seeds) roots, and branches)


3PG BPG G3P Figure 7.11 Fate of G3P. G3P is the first reactant in a number
of plant cell metabolic pathways. From this starting point, different
carbohydrates can be produced, such as sucrose, starch, and cellulose.
Fatty acid synthesis leads to triglycerides making up plant oils, and
production of amino acids allows the plant to make proteins.

As 3PG becomes G3P, ATP becomes

ADP + P , and NADPH becomes NADP+.
The Importance of the Calvin Cycle
Energy and electrons are needed for this reduction reaction, and G3P is the product of the Calvin cycle that can be converted to
they are supplied by the ATP and NADPH that were made during other molecules a plant needs. Notice that glucose phosphate is
the light reactions. The difference between 3PG, BPG, and G3P among the organic molecules that result from G3P metabolism
(all with 3 carbons) is that G3P is reduced, has more electrons, (Fig. 7.11). This is of interest to us because glucose is the molecule
and is now more chemically able to store energy and form larger that plants and animals most often metabolize to produce the ATP
organic molecules, such as glucose. molecules they require for their energy needs.
Glucose phosphate can be combined with fructose (and the
phosphate removed) to form sucrose, the molecule that plants use to
Step 3: Regeneration of RuBP
transport carbohydrates from one part of the plant to the other. Glu-
Notice that the Calvin cycle reactions in Figure 7.10 are mul- cose phosphate is also the starting point for the synthesis of starch
tiplied by 3 because it takes three turns of the Calvin cycle to and cellulose. Starch is the storage form of glucose. Some starch is
allow one G3P to exit. Why? For every three turns of the Calvin stored in chloroplasts, but most starch is stored in amyloplasts in
cycle, five molecules of G3P are used to re-form three molecules roots. Cellulose is a structural component of plant cell walls and
of RuBP, and the cycle continues. Notice that 5 × 3 (carbons in becomes fiber in our diet, because we are unable to digest it.
G3P) = 3 × 5 (carbons in RuBP): A plant can use the hydrocarbon skeleton of G3P to form fatty
acids and glycerol, which are combined in plant oils. We are all
familiar with corn oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil, used in cooking.
5 G3P 3 RuBP As mentioned in the beginning of the chapter, researchers are modi-
fying photosynthesis to produce oils that could also be used as fuel.
3 ATP 3 ADP + P When nitrogen is added to the hydrocarbon skeleton derived from
G3P, amino acids are formed, allowing the plant to produce protein.
As five molecules of G3P become three
molecules of RuBP, three molecules of ATP
become three molecules of ADP + P .
Check Your Progress 7.4
1. Describe the three major steps of the Calvin cycle.
This reaction also uses some of the ATP 3D Animation 2. Illustrate why it takes three turns of the Calvin cycle to
produced by the light reactions. Photosynthesis: produce one G3P.
Calvin Cycle
CHAPTER 7 Photosynthesis 125

7.5 Other Types of Photosynthesis As shown in Figure 7.2, leaves have small openings called stomata,
through which water can leave and carbon dioxide (CO2) can
Learning Outcomes enter. If the weather is hot and dry, the stomata close, conserving
water. (Water loss might cause the plant to wilt and die.) Now the
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
concentration of CO2 decreases in leaves, while O2, a by-product
1. Compare the internal location of photosynthesis in C3 of photosynthesis, increases. When O2 rises in C3 plants, RuBP
and C4 plants.
carboxylase combines it with RuBP instead of CO2. The result is
2. Contrast C3/C4 modes of photosynthesis with CAM
one molecule of 3PG and the eventual release of CO2. This is called
photorespiration, because in the presence of light (photo), oxygen
3. Explain how different ways of achieving photosynthesis
is taken up and CO2 is released (respiration).
allow plants to adapt to particular environments.
An adaptation called C 4 photosynthesis enables some
plants to avoid photorespiration.
The majority of plants, such as azaleas, maples, and tulips, carry
on photosynthesis as previously described and are called C3 plants C4 Photosynthesis
(Fig. 7.12a). C3 plants use the enzyme RuBP carbox­yl­ase to fix CO2 In a C3 plant, the mesophyll cells contain well-formed chloro-
to RuBP in mesophyll (photosynthetic) cells. The first detected plasts and are arranged in parallel layers. In a C4 leaf, the bundle
molecule following fixation is the 3-carbon molecule 3PG: sheath cells, as well as the mesophyll cells, contain chloro-
plasts. Further, the mesophyll cells are arranged concentrically
RuBP carboxylase
around the bundle sheath cells:
RuBP + CO 2 2 3PG
C3 Plant C4 Plant




cycle bundle sheath vein bundle sheath vein
3PG stoma stoma
cell cell

C4 plants fix CO2 to PEP (phosphoenolpyruvate, a C3 molecule)

G3P using the enzyme PEP carboxylase (PEPCase). The result is oxa-
mesophyll cell loacetate, a C4 molecule:
a. CO2 fixation in a C3 plant, wildflowers PEP + CO2 oxaloacetate
In a C4 plant, CO2 is taken up in mesophyll cells, and then malate,
a reduced form of oxaloacetate, is pumped into the bundle sheath
cells (Fig. 7.12b). Only here does CO2 enter the Calvin cycle.
Because it takes energy to pump molecules, you would think
C4 that the C4 pathway would be disadvantageous. Yet in hot, dry cli-
mates, the net photosynthetic rate of C4 plants, such as sugarcane,
bundle corn, and Bermuda grass, is about two to three times that of C3
sheath plants (e.g., wheat, rice, and oats). Why do C4 plants enjoy such
an advantage? The answer is that they can avoid photo­respiration,
Calvin discussed previously. Photorespiration is wasteful, because it is
cycle not part of the Calvin cycle. Photorespiration does not occur in
C4 leaves because PEPCase, unlike RuBP carboxylase, does not
combine with O2. Even when stomata are closed, CO2 is delivered
G3P to the Calvin cycle in the bundle sheath cells.
When the weather is moderate, C3 plants ordinarily have the
b. CO2 fixation in a C4 plant, corn, Zea mays advantage, but when the weather becomes hot and dry, C4 plants
Figure 7.12 Carbon dioxide fixation in C3 and C4 plants. have the advantage, and we can expect them to predominate. In the
a. In C3 plants, CO2 is taken up by the Calvin cycle directly in mesophyll early summer, C3 plants such as Kentucky bluegrass and creeping
cells. b. C4 plants form a C4 molecule in mesophyll cells prior to releasing bent grass predominate in lawns in the cooler parts of the United
CO2 to the Calvin cycle in bundle sheath cells. States, but by midsummer, crabgrass, a C4 plant, begins to take over.
126 unit 1 The Cell

CAM Photosynthesis night CO2

CAM stands for crassulacean-acid metabolism; the Crassula-
ceae is a family of flowering succulent (water-containing) plants, C4
such as a jade plant, that live in warm, dry regions of the world.
CAM was first discovered in these plants, but now it is known
to be prevalent among other groups of plants as well, such as day CO2
Whereas a C4 plant represents partitioning in space—carbon
dioxide fixation occurs in mesophyll cells, while the Calvin cycle cycle
occurs in bundle sheath cells—CAM is partitioning by the use
of time. During the night, CAM plants use PEPCase to fix some
CO2, forming C4 molecules, which are stored in large vacuoles G3P
in mesophyll cells. During the day, C4 molecules (malate) release
CO2 to the Calvin cycle when NADPH and ATP are available CO2 fixation in a CAM plant, pineapple, Ananas comosus
from the light reactions (Fig. 7.13). The primary advantage for
this partitioning again has to do with the conservation of water. Figure 7.13 Carbon dioxide fixation in a CAM plant. CAM
plants, such as pineapple, fix CO2 at night, forming a C4 molecule that is
CAM plants open their stomata only at night; therefore, only at
released to the Calvin cycle during the day.
that time does atmospheric CO2 enter the plant. During the day,
the sto­mata close; this conserves water, but CO2 cannot enter the
plant. Photosynthesis in a CAM plant is minimal, because a limited
amount of CO2 is fixed at night, but it does allow CAM plants to better than C4 plants below 25°C. CAM plants, on the other hand,
live under stressful conditions. compete well with either type of plant when the environment is
extremely arid. Surprisingly, CAM is quite widespread and has
Photosynthesis and Adaptation evolved into 23 families of flowering plants, including some lilies
and orchids! And it is found among nonflowering plants, including
to the Environment some ferns and cone-bearing trees.
The different types of photosynthesis give us an opportunity to
consider that organisms are metabolically adapted to their envi- Check Your Progress 7.5
ronment. Each method of photosynthesis has its advantages and
disadvantages, depending on the climate. 1. Describe some plants that use a method of
C4 plants most likely evolved in, and are adapted to, areas photosynthesis other than C3 photosynthesis.
of high light intensities, high temperatures, and limited rainfall. 2. Explain why C4 photosynthesis is advantageous in hot,
C4 plants, however, are more sensitive to cold, and C3 plants do dry conditions.

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• Plants have evolved to capture solar en- • The amount of carbon dioxide in the at- • Autotrophs take in carbon dioxide when
ergy and store it in carbon-based organic mosphere is increasing steadily, in part they photosynthesize. Carbon dioxide is
nutrients. These are passed on to organ- because of burning fossil fuels. This returned to the atmosphere when auto-
isms that have evolved to feed on plants, buildup of carbon dioxide causes global trophs and heterotrophs carry on cellular
in turn to organisms that have evolved to climate change, and we can use the respiration. In this way, carbon atoms cy-
feed on the plant-eaters, and so on in a tools of science to understand the scope cle through living organisms.
food web. of this change. • Energy does not cycle; therefore, all life is
• Plants are called autotrophs because • Scientists are learning how to manipu- dependent on the ability of plants to cap-
they make their own organic food. Het- late photosynthesis to create commer- ture solar energy and produce carbohy-
erotrophs are organisms that take in or- cially important products such as oils and drate molecules from CO2.
ganic food made by other organisms. turpentines.
CHAPTER 7 Photosynthesis 127

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7.3 ATP Production in the Electron Transport 7.1 Photosynthesis: Structure of a 7.3 Noncyclic Photosynthesis
Chain • Proton Pump Chloroplast 7.4 Calvin Cycle
7.3 Photosynthesis: Properties of Light •
Photosynthesis: Light-Dependent Reactions
7.4 Photosynthesis: Calvin Cycle

Summarize Light-energized ­electrons from PS I are captured by NADP+, which

combines with H+ from the stroma to become NADPH. The cyclic
pathway has an electron flow in the light reactions that pumps addi-
7.1 Photosynthetic Organisms
tional hydrogen ions and contributes to ATP production.
Photosynthesis produces carbohydrates and releases oxygen, both
of which are used by the majority of living organisms. Cyanobacte- 7.4 Plants Fix Carbon Dioxide
ria, algae, and plants are autotrophs and carry out photosynthesis. The energy yield of the light reactions is stored in ATP and NADPH.
­Heterotrophs consume the products of photosynthesis. In plants, These molecules are used by the Calvin cycle reactions for carbon
gases enter and exit through stomata, and photosynthesis takes dioxide fixation—a reduction of CO2 to carbohydrate, namely G3P,
place in chloroplasts. A chloroplast is enclosed by a double mem- which is then converted to all the organic molecules a plant needs.
brane and contains two main components: the semifluid stroma and During the first stage of the Calvin cycle, the enzyme RuBP
the membranous grana made up of thylakoids. Thylakoids contain ­carboxylase fixes CO2 to RuBP, producing a 6-carbon molecule that
chlorophyll—a pigment that captures solar energy. immediately breaks down to two C3 molecules. During the second
7.2 The Process of Photosynthesis stage, CO2 (incorporated into an organic molecule) is reduced to car-
bohydrate (CH2O). This step requires the NADPH and some of the ATP
The overall equation for photosynthesis shows that it is a redox reac-
from the light reactions. For every three turns of the Calvin cycle, the
tion. Carbon dioxide is reduced, and water is oxidized. During photo-
net gain is one G3P molecule; the other five G3P molecules are used to
synthesis, the light reactions take place in the thylakoid membranes,
re-form three molecules of RuBP, which also requires ATP. It takes two
and the Calvin cycle reactions take place in the stroma.
G3P molecules to make one glucose molecule.
7.3 Plants Convert Solar Energy
Photosynthesis uses solar energy in the visible-light range. Specifically, 7.5 Other Types of Photosynthesis
chlorophylls a and b absorb violet, blue, and red wavelengths best and Plants have adapted ways other than the C3 plant process to pho-
reflect green light, whereas the carotenoids absorb violet-blue-green tosynthesize in various environments. In C4 plants, carbon dioxide is
light and reflect yellow-to-orange light. Specific wavelengths absorbed first fixed in mesophyll cells via PEPCase, is transported to a different
by pigments determine a pigment’s absorption spectrum. location in bundle sheath cells, and is then released to the Calvin cycle.
The light reactions contain two photosystems (PS), which are PEPCase has an advantage over RuBP carboxylase, because it doesn’t
pigment complexes that capture solar energy. In the light reactions, participate in photorespiration. C4 plants avoid the photorespiration
a noncyclic pathway has an electron flow that begins when solar complication by separating where carbon fixation occurs from where
energy enters PS II and energizes chlorophyll a electrons. The oxida- the Calvin cycle occurs.
tion (splitting) of water replaces these electrons in the reaction-center CAM plants, which live in hot, dry environments, cannot leave
chlorophyll a molecules. Oxygen is released to the atmosphere, and their stomata open during the day, or they will die from loss of water.
hydrogen ions (H+) remain in the thylakoid space. Electrons are ulti- CAM plants fix carbon only at night, conserving water. Stores of CO2
mately passed to PS I via an electron transport chain (ETC), which are released to the Calvin cycle during the day, when photosynthesis is
pumps hydrogen ions across the thylakoid membrane and results in possible. CAM plants avoid drying out by separating when they bring in
chemiosmosis—a gradient used to make ATP via ATP synthase. carbon dioxide from when they release it to the Calvin cycle.
364 UNIT 4 Microbiology and Evolution

1. Crystal violet 2. Gram’s iodine 3. Alcohol wash 4. Safranin (red dye)

is applied. is applied. is applied. is applied.

Gram-positive Gram-negative Gram-positive Gram-negative Gram-positive Gram-negative Gram-positive Gram-negative

Alcohol Alcohol
Crystal violet–iodine complex dehydrates thick has minimal Dark purple Red dye
formed inside cells. PG layer, trapping effect on thin masks the stains the
Both cell walls affix the dye. All one color. dye complex. PG layer. red dye. colorless cell.


Figure 20.8 Gram staining. a. The thick peptidoglycan (PG) layer encasing Gram-
positive bacteria traps crystal violet dye, so the bacteria appear purple after the Gram stain.
Because Gram-negative bacteria have much less peptidoglycan (located between the plasma
membrane and an outer membrane), they do not retain the crystal violet dye and so exhibit
the red counterstain (usually a safranin dye). b. A micrograph showing the results of a Gram
stain with both Gram-positive and Gram-negative cells. b. 1,000×

a. Spirillum: LM 400× b. Bacilli: SEM 13,300× c. Cocci: SEM 6,250×

Spirillum volutans Escherichia coli Streptococcus thermophilus

Figure 20.9 Diversity of bacteria. a. Spirillum, a spiral-shaped bacterium. b. Bacilli, rod-shaped bacteria. c. Cocci, round bacteria.

much different from other organisms. One difference, however, that infect oxygen-free environments in the human body, such as
concerns the need for oxygen. Most bacteria are aerobic and, like in the intestine or in deep puncture wounds.
animals, require a constant supply of oxygen to carry out cellular
respiration. Other bacteria, called facultative anaerobes, are able Autotrophic Bacteria
to grow in either the presence or the absence of gaseous oxygen. Bacteria called photoautotrophs (Gk. photos, “light”; auto, “self ”;
Some bacteria are obligate anaerobes and are unable to grow in trophe, “food”) are photosynthetic (for a review of photosynthesis,
the presence of free oxygen. A few serious illnesses—such as botu- see section 7.2). They use solar energy to reduce carbon dioxide to
lism, gas gangrene, and tetanus—are caused by anaerobic bacteria organic compounds. There are two types of photoautotrophic bacteria:
CHAPTER 20 Viruses, Bacteria, and Archaea 365

those that perform anoxygenic photosynthesis and those that perform • In commensalism, only one species benefits, whereas the
oxygenic photosynthesis. Their characteristics are shown here: other is unaffected.
• In parasitism, one species benefits while harming the other.
Photoautotrophic Bacteria Mutualistic bacteria live in human intestines, where they release vita-
Anoxygenic Photosynthesis Oxygenic Photosynthesis mins K and B12, which we can use to help produce blood components.
- Does not produce O2 - Produces O2 In the stomachs of cows and goats, mutualistic prokaryotes digest cel-
- Photosystem I only - Photosystems I and II
- Unique type of chlorophyll lulose, enabling these animals to feed on grass. Mutualistic bacteria
called bacteriochlorophyll live in the root nodules of soybean, clover, and alfalfa plants, where
they reduce atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to ammonia, a process called
nitrogen fixation (Fig. 20.10). Plants are unable to fix atmospheric
Green sulfur bacteria and some purple bacteria carry out anox- nitrogen, leaving bacteria their only source for usable nitrogen.
ygenic photosynthesis. These bacteria usually live in anaerobic Commensalism often occurs when one population modifies
(oxygen-poor) conditions, such as the muddy bottom of a marsh. the environment in such a way that a second population benefits.
They cannot photosynthesize in the presence of oxygen, and they Obligate anaerobes can live in our intestines only because the
do not emit oxygen. In contrast, the cyanobacteria (see Fig. 20.12) bacterium Escherichia coli uses up the available oxygen.
contain chlorophyll a and carry on oxygenic photosynthesis, just as Parasitic bacteria cause diseases and therefore are called
algae and plants do; that is, they reduce carbon dioxide to organic pathogens; a few are listed in Table 20.2. In some cases, the
compounds and give off oxygen as a by-product. growth of microbes themselves does not cause disease; what they
Bacteria called chemoautotrophs (Gk. chemo, “pertaining release is the pathological portion. When Gram-negative bacteria
to chemicals”; auto, “self ”; trophe, “food”) carry out chemosyn- are killed by an antibiotic, their outer plasma membrane releases a
thesis. They oxidize inorganic compounds such as hydrogen gas, substance called lipopolysaccharide, which acts as a superantigen
hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia to obtain the necessary energy to overstimulate the immune response. The result may be a high
to reduce CO2 to an organic compound. The nitrifying bacteria fever and a severe drop in blood pressure, leading to shock and
oxidize ammonia (NH3) to nitrites (NO2–) and nitrites to nitrates possibly death.
(NO 3–). Their metabolic abilities keep nitrogen cycling through When someone steps on a rusty nail, Clostridium tetani bac-
ecosystems. Other bacteria oxidize sulfur compounds. They live in teria can be injected deep into damaged tissue and produce a toxin
environments such as deep-sea vents 2.5 km below sea level. that causes the disease tetanus. The bacteria never leave the site of
The organic compounds produced by such bacteria and the wound, but the tetanus toxin they produce does move through-
archaea support the growth of a community of organisms found at out the body. This toxin prevents the relaxation of muscles. In time,
vents (see page 369). This discovery lends support to the sugges- the body contorts, because all the muscles have contracted. Eventu-
tion that the first cells originated at deep-sea vents. ally, suffocation occurs.

Heterotrophic Bacteria
Bacteria called chemoheterotrophs (hetero, “different”) obtain
carbon and energy in the form of organic nutrients produced by
other living organisms. For example, parasitic bacteria feed on the
tissues and fluids of their living host.
In many ecosystems, chemoheterotrophic bacteria called
saprotrophs serve as decomposers that break down organic matter
from dead organisms. Probably no natural organic molecule exists root
that cannot be digested by at least one prokaryotic species, and
this plays a critical role in recycling matter and making inorganic
molecules available to photosynthesizers.
The metabolic capabilities of chemoheterotrophic bacteria
have long been exploited by humans. Bacteria are used commer- nodule
cially to produce chemicals such as ethyl alcohol, acetic acid,
butyl alcohol, and acetones. Bacterial action is also involved in the
production of butter, cheese, sauerkraut, rubber, silk, coffee, and
cocoa. Even antibiotics are produced by some bacteria.

Symbiotic Relationships
Bacteria (and archaea) form symbiotic relationships (Gk. sym, Figure 20.10 Nodules of a legume. Some free-living bacteria
“together”; bios, “life”) in which two different species live together carry on nitrogen fixation; however, bacteria of the genus Rhizobium invade
in an intimate way. the roots of legumes, with the resultant formation of nodules. Here the
bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen to an organic nitrogen the plant can
• In mutualism, both species benefit from the association. use. These are nodules on the roots of a broad bean plant (Vicia sp.)

David Blaine displays an amazing ability to hold his breath while under water, which he has learned
through training. Mammals living in aquatic environments have gained this ability through adaptation.

O n April 30, 2008, magician David Blaine set a world record by holding his breath
for 17 minutes, 4 seconds while submerged in a glass globe filled with cold water.
While this was an amazing feat, Blaine may have been aided by an ancient evolutionary
Chapter Outline
35.1 Gas-Exchange Surfaces 660
35.2 Breathing and Transport of Gases 665
adaptation called the “diving response”—simply immerse your face in cold water, and
your heart rate decreases, your spleen may contract (to release stored red blood cells), 35.3 Respiration and Human Health 669
and blood vessels in your extremities constrict. Taken to the extreme, however, this
response—along with decreasing oxygen levels—can lead to painful muscle cramping,
and even tissue damage.
Despite efforts to push the limits of human physiology, the true breath-holding
champions are aquatic mammals, such as the elephant seal, which can dive almost
a mile deep and hold its breath for up to 2 hours. These animals benefit from various Before You Begin
evolutionary adaptations: They have more red blood cells per body weight than we Before beginning this chapter, take a
do; their muscles contain more oxygen-storing proteins; and they have a particularly few moments to review the following
effective diving response. Research indicates that elephant seals also tolerate excep- discussions.
tionally low levels of oxygen in their blood. Wherever they live, animals have evolved Figure 7.5 During which specific parts of
an amazing variety of strategies for delivering oxygen to their cells and removing photosynthesis do plants produce oxygen
carbon dioxide. and use carbon dioxide?
Section 8.4 At what point is carbon dioxide
As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions:
produced inside mitochondria, and why
1. What are some possible evolutionary pressures that might explain why a strictly is oxygen required?
terrestrial species, such as humans, would have a diving response? Figure 32.5 What path does blood travel
2. Considering the adaptations that are required, what kinds of physiological l­ imitations from the heart to the site of gas exchange
prevent elephant seals from being able to hold their breath for even longer? in fish, amphibians, and birds?

Following the Themes

Chapter 35 Respiratory Systems
Unit 7

Animal Biology

Strategies have evolved in virtually all multicellular animals that allow them to
Evolution efficiently extract oxygen from their environment and to eliminate carbon dioxide.

Research studies into respiration are providing the basic biological framework needed
Nature of Science for treating respiratory disease and building functioning lung tissues in the laboratory.

Animal respiratory systems are responsive to changing demands for oxygen. They
Biological Systems also play an important role in the interaction of an organism with its environment.

660 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

35.1 Gas-Exchange Surfaces Some animals are small and shaped in a way that allows the
surface of the animal to be the gas-exchange surface. Most complex
Learning Outcomes animals have evolved specialized tissues for external respiration,
such as gills in aquatic animals and lungs in terrestrial animals.
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
The effectiveness of diffusion is enhanced by vascularization (the
1. Distinguish among ventilation, external respiration, and presence of many capillaries), and delivery of oxygen to the cells
internal respiration.
is promoted when the blood contains a respiratory pigment, such
2. Compare and contrast the gas-exchange mechanisms
as hemoglobin.
of hydras, earthworms, insects, aquatic vertebrates, and
Regardless of the particular external respiration surface and
terrestrial vertebrates.
the manner in which gases are delivered to the cells, in the end,
3. Trace the path of a molecule of oxygen as it passes from
the human nose to an alveolus. oxygen enters mitochondria, where cellular respiration takes place
(see section 8.1). A rare exception to this was discovered in April
2010, when a team of Italian and Danish deep-sea divers discov-
Respiration is the sequence of events that results in gas exchange ered a new species of tiny, jellyfish-like animals called loriciferans
between the body’s cells and the environment. In terrestrial verte- living in sediment more than 10,000 feet below the surface of the
brates, respiration includes these steps: Mediterranean Sea, a depth that contains almost no oxygen. This
discovery represents the first known multicellular animals that do
• Ventilation (breathing) includes inspiration (the entrance not appear to require oxygen! Subsequent studies have indicated
of air into the lungs) and expiration (the exit of air from that the cells of these animals may lack mitochondria, but instead
the lungs). contain structures that resemble those used by anaerobic bacteria
• External respiration is gas exchange between the air and to undergo cellular respiration in the absence of oxygen. For most
the blood within the lungs. Blood then transports oxygen animals, however, if internal respiration does not occur, ATP pro-
from the lungs to the tissues. duction declines dramatically, and life ceases.
• Internal respiration is gas exchange between the blood
and the interstitial fluid. (The body’s cells exchange gases
with the interstitial fluid.) The blood then transports carbon
Overview of Gas-Exchange Surfaces
dioxide to the lungs. It is more difficult for animals to obtain oxygen from water than
from air. Water fully saturated with air contains only a fraction of
the amount of oxygen that is present in the same volume of air.
External Respiration
Also, water is more dense than air. Therefore, aquatic animals
lungs expend more energy carrying out gas exchange than do terrestrial
animals. Fish use as much as 25% of their energy output to respire,
while terrestrial mammals use only 1–2% of their energy output
for that purpose.
Hydras, which are cnidarians, and planarians, which are flat-
worms, have a large surface area in comparison to their size.
CO2 O2 This makes it possible for most of their cells to exchange gases
directly with the environment. In hydras, the outer layer of cells
is in contact with the external environment, and the inner layer
can exchange gases with the water in the gastrovascular cavity
(Fig. 35.1).
The earthworm is an example of a terrestrial invertebrate that
is able to use its body surface for respiration because the capil-
laries come close to the surface (Fig. 35.2). An earthworm keeps
its body surface moist by secreting mucus and by releasing fluids
from excretory pores. Further, the worm is behaviorally adapted to
remain in damp soil during the day, when the air is driest.
Aquatic invertebrates (e.g., clams and crayfish) and aquatic
CO2 O2 vertebrates (e.g., fish and tadpoles) have gills that extract oxygen
from a watery environment. Gills are finely divided, vascularized
outgrowths of the body surface or the pharynx (Fig. 35.3a). Various
tissue cells mechanisms are used to pump water across the gills, depending on
Internal Respiration
the organism.
Insects have a system of air tubes called tracheae through
Gas exchange takes place by the physical process of diffu- which oxygen is delivered directly to the cells without entering
sion (see section 5.2). For external respiration to be effective, the the blood (Fig. 35.3b). Air sacs located near the wings, legs, and
gas-exchange region must be (1) moist, (2) thin, and (3) large in abdomen act as bellows to help move the air into the tubes through
relation to the size of the body. external openings.
CHAPTER 35 Respiratory Systems 661

water flow

gill CO2
gill filament

O2 a.


Figure 35.1 Hydra. CO2

Some small aquatic animals,
such as a hydra, use their body O2
surface for gas exchange. This spiracles
works because the body surface CO2
is large compared to the size of
the animal.



blood vessels
dorsal trachea
vessel CO2
ventral lung O2

CO2 O2

Figure 35.2 Earthworm. An earthworm’s entire external surface

functions in external respiration.
Figure 35.3 Respiratory organs. a. Fish have gills to assist
with external respiration. b. Insects have a tracheal system that delivers
oxygen directly to their cells. c. Terrestrial vertebrates have lungs with a
Terrestrial vertebrates usually have lungs, which are vascular-
large total external respiration surface.
ized outgrowths from the lower pharyngeal region. The tadpoles
of frogs live in the water and have gills as external respiratory
external respiratory surfaces. A human loses about 350 ml of water
organs, but adult amphibians possess simple, saclike lungs. Most
per day through respiration when the air has a relative humidity of
amphibians respire to some extent through the skin, and some sala-
only 50%. To keep the lungs from drying out, air is moistened as it
manders depend entirely on the skin, which is kept moist by mucus
moves in through the passageways leading to the lungs.
produced by numerous glands on the surface of the body.
The lungs of birds and mammals are elaborately subdivided into
small passageways and spaces (Fig. 35.3c). It has been estimated that The Gills of a Fish
human lungs have a total surface area of about 70 square meters, Animals with gills use various means of ventilation. Among mol-
which is about 50 times the skin’s surface area. Air is a rich source of luscs, such as clams or squids, water is drawn into the mantle cavity,
oxygen compared to water; however, it does have a drying effect on where it passes through the gills. In crustaceans such as crabs and
662 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

shrimp, the gills are located in thoracic chambers covered by the Countercurrent flow, in contrast, means that the two fluids flow
exoskeleton. The action of specialized appendages located near the in opposite directions. With ­countercurrent flow, as blood gains
mouth keeps the water moving. In fish, ventilation is brought about oxygen, it always encounters water having an even higher oxy-
by the combined action of the mouth and gill covers, or opercula gen content. A countercurrent mechanism prevents an equilibrium
(sing., operculum; L. operculum, “small lid”). When the mouth is point from being reached, and about 80–90% of the initial dis-
open, the opercula are closed and water is drawn in. Then the mouth solved oxygen in water is extracted.
closes, and the opercula open, drawing the water from the pharynx
through the gill slits located between the gill arches.
As mentioned, the gills of bony fishes are outward exten- The Tracheal System of Insects
sions of the pharynx (Fig. 35.4). On the outside of the gill arches, Arthropods are coelomate animals, but the coelom is reduced and
the gills are composed of filaments that are folded into plate- the internal organs lie within a cavity called the hemocoel, because
like lamellae. Fish use countercurrent exchange to transfer it contains hemolymph, a mixture of blood and lymph (see Chap-
oxygen from the surrounding water into their blood. Concurrent ter 32). Hemolymph flows freely through the hemocoel, making
flow would mean that oxygen (O2)–rich water passing over the circulation in arthropods inefficient. Many insects are adapted for
gills would flow in the same direction as oxygen-poor blood in flight, and their flight muscles require a steady supply of oxygen.
the blood vessels. This arrangement results in an equilibrium Insects overcome the inefficiency of their blood flow by hav-
point, at which only half the oxygen in the water is captured. ing a respiratory system that consists of tracheae, tiny air tubes

Figure 35.4 Anatomy of gills in

bony fishes. a. The operculum (folded
back) covers and protects several layers of
delicate gills. b. Each gill layer has two rows
of gill filaments. c. Each filament is divided
into a series of capillary-laden lamellae,
which are also shown in the scanning
electron micrograph. Blood in the capillaries
flows in the direction opposite that of the
water. d. Gases are exchanged between the
capillaries inside the lamellae and the water
that flows between the lamellae. Blood takes
up almost all of the oxygen in the water as
lamellae a result of countercurrent flow.

a. 900×

Water passes out of the pharynx Water passes by the gill lamellae in Oxygen content of water is
and over the finely divided gills. a direction opposite to blood flow. always higher than the oxygen
content of the blood.
O2-rich blood
O2-poor blood Direction of H2O flow

Direction of lamellae water

H2O flow flow
O2 movement
blood 40%
flow %
0 %

gill arch lamella

filaments gill filament

b. c. d.
CHAPTER 35 Respiratory Systems 663

air sac





Figure 35.5 Tracheae of insects.

A system of air tubes extends throughout the body of
spiracle air sacs an insect, and the tubes carry oxygen to the cells. Air
enters the tracheae at openings called spiracles. From
here, the air moves to the smaller tracheoles, which take
it to the cells, where gas exchange takes place. The
photomicrograph shows how the walls of the trachea are
stiffened with bands of chitin.

that take oxygen directly to the cells (Fig. 35.5). The tracheae Instead, diffusion of oxygen across the body wall supplies the
branch into even smaller tubules called tracheoles, which also tracheae with oxygen. Mayfly and stonefly nymphs have thin
branch and rebranch until finally the air tubes are only about extensions of the body wall called tracheal gills—the tracheae are
0.1 μm in diameter. There are so many fine tracheoles that almost particularly numerous in this area. This is an interesting adaptation,
every cell is near one. Also, the tracheoles indent the plasma mem- because it dramatizes that tracheae function to deliver oxygen in the
brane, so that they terminate close to mitochondria. Therefore, O2 same manner as vertebrate blood vessels.
can flow more directly from a tracheole to mitochondria, where Some aquatic insects have developed a different strategy. Like
cellular respiration occurs. The tracheae also dispose of CO2. most insects, water beetles breathe through spiracles. Because
The tracheoles are fluid-filled, but the larger tracheae contain they live in water however, they capture a bubble of air from the
air and open to the outside by way of spiracles (Fig. 35.5). Usu- surface and carry it with them, exchanging the oxygen inside for
ally, the spiracle has some sort of closing device that reduces water CO2. Water spiders even spin an underwater web, which they fill
loss, and this may be why insects have no trouble inhabiting drier with air bubbles, forming what some scientists have called an
climates. Scientists have determined that the tracheae can actu- “external lung.”
ally expand and contract, thereby drawing air into and out of the
system. To improve the efficiency of the tracheal system, many The Lungs of Humans
larger insects also have air sacs, which are thin-walled and flexible, The human respiratory system includes all of the structures that con-
located near major muscles. Contraction of these muscles causes duct air in a continuous pathway to and from the lungs (Fig. 35.6a).
the air sacs to empty, and relaxation causes the air sacs to expand The lungs lie deep in the body, within the thoracic cavity, where
and draw in air. This method is comparable to the way that human they are protected from drying out. As air moves through the nose,
lungs expand to draw air into them. the pharynx, trachea, and bronchi to the lungs, it is filtered, so that
Even with all these adaptations, insects still lack the efficient it is free of debris, warmed, and humidified.
circulatory system of birds and mammals, which is able to pump By the time the air reaches the lungs, it is at Respiratory Structure
and Function
oxygen-rich blood through arteries to all the cells of the body. This body temperature and saturated with water.
may be why insects have remained relatively small (despite the In the nose, hairs and cilia act as a screening device. In the tra-
attempts of science-fiction movies to make us think otherwise). chea and the bronchi, cilia beat upward, carrying mucus, dust, and
A tracheal system is an adaptation to breathing air, yet some occasionally small bits of food that “went down the wrong way”
insect larval stages, and even some adult insects, live in the water. In back into the throat, where the accumulation may be swallowed or
these instances, the tracheae do not receive air by way of spiracles. expectorated (Fig. 35.6b).
664 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

The hard and soft palates separate the nasal cavities from the passages into the pharynx. The food then enters the esophagus,
oral cavity, but the air and food passages cross in the pharynx. This which lies behind the larynx.
arrangement may seem inefficient, and there is danger of choking if The trachea divides into two primary bronchi, which enter the
food accidentally enters the trachea; however, it has the advantage right and left lungs. Branching continues, eventually forming a great
of letting you breathe through your mouth in case your nose is number of smaller passages called bronchioles. The two bronchi
plugged up. In addition, it permits greater intake of air during heavy resemble the trachea in structure, but as the bronchial tubes divide
exercise, when greater gas exchange is required. and subdivide, their walls become thinner, and rings of cartilage are
Air passes from the pharynx through the glottis, which is an absent. Each bronchiole terminates in an elongated space enclosed
opening into the larynx, or voice box. At the edges of the glottis by a multitude of air pockets, or sacs, called alveoli, which fill
are two folds of connective tissue covered by mucous membrane the internal region of the lungs (Fig. 35.6c). Internal gas exchange
called the vocal cords. These flexible and pliable bands vibrate occurs between the air in the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries.
against each other, producing sound when air is expelled past them
through the glottis from the larynx. Check Your Progress 35.1
The larynx and trachea remain open to receive air at all times.
The larynx is held open by a complex of nine cartilages, among 1. List some features common to animals such as hydras,
earthworms, and salamanders, which are able to
them the Adam’s apple. Easily seen in many men, the Adam’s
exchange gases directly with their environment.
apple resembles a small, rounded apple just under the skin in the
2. Explain why the countercurrent flow that occurs in the gills
front of the neck. The trachea (windpipe) is held open by a series of fish is much more efficient than concurrent flow would be.
of C-shaped, cartilaginous rings that do not completely meet in 3. Describe the role of each of the following in insect
the rear. When food is being swallowed, the larynx rises, and the respiration: hemolymph, tracheae, tracheoles, spiracles,
glottis is covered by a flap of tissue called the epiglottis. A back- air sacs, tracheal gills.
ward movement of the soft palate covers the entrance of the nasal

goblet cell

blood flow
blood flow
nasal cavity movement pulmonary arteriole
mucus venule
trachea lumen
bronchus b. Tracheal lining 250×




a. The path of air c. Bronchiole and alveoli

Figure 35.6 The human respiratory tract. a. The respiratory tract extends from the nose to the lungs, which are composed of air sacs called
alveoli. b. The lining of the trachea is a ciliated epithelium with mucus-producing goblet cells. The lining prevents inhaled particles from reaching the lungs:
The mucus traps the particles, and the cilia help move the mucus toward the throat, where it can be swallowed or expectorated. c. Gas exchange occurs
between air in the alveoli and blood within a capillary network that surrounds the alveoli.
CHAPTER 35 Respiratory Systems 665

35.2 Breathing and Transport force air into the respiratory tract. With the mouth and nostrils
firmly shut, the floor of the mouth rises and pushes the air into the
of Gases lungs. Reptiles, birds, and mammals use negative pressure to move
air into the lungs and positive pressure to move it out. ­Inspiration
Learning Outcomes (inhalation) is the act of moving air into the lungs, and ­expiration
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to (exhalation) is the act of moving air out of the lungs.
1. Compare the mechanisms used by amphibians, Reptiles have jointed ribs that can be raised to expand the lungs,
mammals, and birds to inflate their lungs. but mammals have both a rib cage and a diaphragm. The diaphragm
2. Explain how the breathing rate in humans is influenced by is a horizontal muscle that divides the thoracic cavity (above) from
both physical and chemical factors. the abdominal cavity (below). During inspiration in mammals, the rib
3. Describe how carbon dioxide (CO2) is carried in the blood cage moves up and out, and the diaphragm contracts and moves down
and the effect that blood PCO has on blood pH. (Fig. 35.7a). As the thoracic (chest) cavity expands and lung volume
increases, air flows into the lungs due to decreased air pressure in the
thoracic cavity and lungs. Inspiration is the active phase of breathing
During breathing, the lungs are ventilated. Oxygen (O2) moves into in reptiles and mammals.
the blood, and carbon dioxide (CO2) moves out of the blood into During expiration in mammals, the rib cage moves down,
the lungs. Blood transports O2 to the body’s cells and CO2 from the and the diaphragm relaxes and moves up to its former position
cells to the lungs. (Fig. 35.7b). No muscle contraction is required; thus, expiration is
the passive phase of breathing in reptiles and mammals. During expi-
ration, air flows out as a result of increased pressure in the thoracic
Breathing cavity and lungs.
Terrestrial vertebrates ventilate their lungs by moving air into and We can compare ventilation in reptiles and mammals to
out of the respiratory tract. Amphibians use positive pressure to the relationship between air pressure and volume in a flexible


Rib cage Rib cage

moves moves
up and out. down and in.

External intercostal muscles

pull the ribs outward.
Internal intercostal muscles
pull the ribs inward during
forced expiration.

Diaphragm contracts Diaphragm relaxes

and moves down. and moves up.

air in air out

When When
pressure pressure
in lungs in lungs
rib cage
decreases, increases,
air comes air is
rushing in. pushed out.

a. Inspiration b. Expiration

Figure 35.7 The thoracic cavity during inspiration and expiration. a. During inspiration, the thoracic cavity and lungs expand, so that air
is drawn in. b. During expiration, the thoracic cavity and lungs resume their original positions and pressures. Then, air is forced out.
666 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

container (Fig. 35.8). When the sides of the container move out-
3 air moves ward, air pressure decreases inside the container and air moves
into container in, just as air automatically enters the lungs because the rib cage
moves up and out during inspiration. Conversely, if the sides of the
container are pressed inward, air flows out because of increased air
pressure inside the container. Similarly, air a­ utomatically exits the
lungs when the rib cage moves down and in during expiration. The
2 air pressure 1 sides of container analogy is not exact, however, because no force is required for the
decreases move outward
rib cage to move down, and inspiration is the only active phase of
breathing. Forced expiration can occur if we so desire, however.
All terrestrial vertebrates, except birds, use a tidal ventilation
mechanism, so named because the air moves in and out by the same
route. This means that the lungs of amphibians, reptiles, and mam-
mals are not completely emptied and refilled during each breathing
cycle. Because of this, the air entering mixes with used air remain-
3 air moves ing in the lungs. Although this does help conserve water, it also
out of container decreases gas-exchange efficiency. In contrast, birds use a one-way
ventilation mechanism (Fig. 35.9). Incoming air is carried past the
lungs by a trachea, which takes it to a set of posterior air sacs. The
air then passes forward through the lungs into a set of anterior air
sacs. From here, it is finally expelled. Notice that fresh air never
2 air pressure 1 sides of container
increases move inward mixes with used air in the lungs of birds, thereby greatly improving
gas-exchange efficiency.

Modifications of Breathing in Humans

b. Normally, adults have a breathing rate of 12 to 20 ventilations per
minute. The rhythm of ventilation is controlled by a respiratory
Figure 35.8 The relationship between air pressure and
volume. a. Similar to what happens during inhalation, when the
center in the medulla oblongata of the brain. The respiratory center
sides of a flexible container move outward, the volume of the container automatically sends out impulses by way of a spinal nerve to the
increases and the air pressure decreases. b. During exhalation, increased diaphragm (phrenic nerve) and intercostal nerves to the intercostal
air pressure in the lungs causes air to flow out, similar to the effects of muscles of the rib cage (Fig. 35.10). Now inspiration occurs. Then,
moving the sides of the container inward.

trachea lung exhalation

anterior posterior
air sacs air sacs
lung 1 Inhalation: Air enters posterior 2 Exhalation begins: Air enters lung.
air sacs.
air sacs inhaled air
exhaled air

air sacs
air sacs

4 Exhalation ends: Air exits anterior 3 Exhalation continues: Air enters

air sacs. anterior air sacs.

Figure 35.9 Respiratory system in birds. Air sacs are attached to the lungs of birds. These allow birds to have a one-way mechanism of
ventilating their lungs.
CHAPTER 35 Respiratory Systems 667

brain when the respiratory center stops sending neuronal signals to the
diaphragm and the rib cage, expiration occurs.
respiratory center:
Although the respiratory center automatically controls the rate
automatically regulates and depth of breathing, its activity can also be influenced by nervous
breathing input and chemical input. Following forced inhalation, stretch recep-
tors in the alveolar walls initiate inhibitory nerve impulses that travel
from the inflated lungs to the respiratory center. This stops the respira-
tory center from sending out nerve impulses.
intercostal nerves: The respiratory center is directly sensitive to the levels of hydro-
stimulate the intercostal
muscles gen ions (H+). However, when carbon dioxide enters the blood, it
reacts with water and releases hydrogen ions. In this way, CO2 par-
intercostal muscles ticipates in regulating the breathing rate. When hydrogen ions rise
in the blood and the pH decreases, the respiratory center increases
phrenic nerve:
the rate and depth of breathing. The chemoreceptors in the carotid
stimulates the diaphragm ­bodies, located in the carotid arteries, and in the aortic bodies,
located in the aorta, stimulate the respiratory center during intense
diaphragm exercise due to a reduction in pH, or if arterial oxy- MP3
gen decreases to 50% of normal. Control of

Gas Exchange and Transport

Figure 35.10 Nervous control of breathing. The breathing Respiration includes the exchange of gases in our lungs, called
rate can be modified by nervous stimulation of the intercostal muscles external respiration, as well as the exchange of gases in the tissues,
and diaphragm. called internal respiration (Fig. 35.11). The principles of diffusion

alveolus plasma pulmonary

HCO3– External respiration capillary

H+ + HCO3–
CO2 lung

CO2 H2O Hb O2

CO2 O2 O2
capillary alveolus plasma

CO2 exits blood pulmonary artery pulmonary vein O2 enters blood

systemic vein systemic artery

HCO3 – plasma
plasma tissue cells
H+ + HCO3 –
systemic systemic RBC
RBC capillary capillary
HbH + H2CO3
O2 O2 O2 Hb

HbCO2 CO2 O2

tissue tissue Internal respiration tissue tissue

fluid cell cell fluid

CO2 enters blood O2 exits blood

Figure 35.11 External and internal respiration. During external respiration (top) in the lungs, carbon dioxide (CO2) leaves Internal and External
blood, and oxygen (O2) enters blood. During internal respiration (bottom) in the tissues, oxygen leaves blood, and carbon dioxide enters blood. Respiration
668 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

largely govern the movement of gases into and out of blood ves- heme group iron atom
sels in the lungs and in the tissues. Gases exert pressure, and the
amount of pressure each gas exerts is called the partial pressure,
symbolized as PO and PCO . If the partial pressure of oxygen
2 2
differs across a ­membrane, oxygen will diffuse beta chain
from the higher to the lower pressure. Similarly, Gas Exchange
carbon dioxide diffuses from the higher to the
lower partial pressure.
Ventilation causes the alveoli of the lungs to have a higher
PO and a lower PCO than the blood in pulmonary capillaries, and
2 2
this accounts for the exchange of gases in the lungs. When blood
reaches the tissues, cellular respiration in cells causes the inter­
alpha chain
stitial fluid to have a lower PO and a higher PCO than the blood
2 2
in the systemic capillaries, and this accounts for the exchange
of gases in the tissues.
Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Figure 35.12 Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin consists of four
The transport of O2 and CO2 is somewhat different in external res- polypeptide chains, two alpha (red) and two beta (purple), each
piration than in internal inspiration, although the driving forces of associated with a heme group. Each heme group contains an iron atom,
diffusion are the same. which can bind to O2.

External Respiration. As blood enters the lungs, a small

even wood and charcoal. Because CO is a colorless, odorless gas,
amount of CO2 is being carried by hemoglobin with the formula
people can be unaware that they are breathing it. But once CO is
HbCO2. Also, some hemoglobin is carrying hydrogen ions with
in the bloodstream, it combines with the iron of hemoglobin 200
the formula HbH+. Most of the CO2 in the pulmonary capillaries is
times more tightly than oxygen, and the result can be death. This is
carried as bicarbonate ions (HCO3–) in the plasma. As the free CO2
the reason that homes are equipped with CO detectors.
from the following equation begins to diffuse out, this reaction is
driven to the right: Internal Respiration. Blood entering the systemic capillar-
ies is a bright red color, because RBCs contain oxyhemoglobin.
H+ + HCO3− H2CO3 H2O + CO2
Because the temperature in the tissues is higher and the pH is
hydrogen bicarbonate carbonic water carbon lower than in the lungs, oxyhemoglobin has a tendency to give up
ion ion acid dioxide oxygen:

The reaction occurs in red blood cells, where the enzyme c­ arbonic HbO2 Hb + O2
anhydrase speeds the breakdown of carbonic acid (Fig. 35.11, top
left). Pushing this equation to the far right by breathing fast can
cause you to stop breathing for a time; pushing this equation to the
left by not breathing is even more temporary, because breathing Oxygen diffuses out of the blood into the tissues because the PO
will soon resume due to the rise in H+. of interstitial fluid is lower than that of blood (Fig. 35.11, bottom
Most oxygen entering the pulmonary capillaries from the alve- right). The lower PO is due to cells continuously using up oxygen
oli of the lungs combines with hemoglobin (Hb) in red blood cells in cellular respiration. After oxyhemoglobin gives up O2, this oxy-
(RBCs) to form oxyhemoglobin (Fig. 35.11, top right): gen leaves the blood and enters interstitial fluid, where it is taken
up by cells.
Hb + O2 HbO2
Carbon dioxide, in contrast, enters blood from the tissues
deoxyhemoglobin oxygen oxyhemoglobin because the PCO of interstitial fluid is higher than that of blood.
Carbon dioxide, produced continuously by cells, collects in inter-
stitial fluid. After CO2 diffuses into the blood, it enters the red blood
cells, where a small amount combines with the protein portion of
At the normal PO in the lungs, hemoglobin is practically satu-
2 hemoglobin to form carbaminohemoglobin (HbCO2). Most of the
rated with oxygen. Each hemoglobin molecule contains four poly-
CO2, however, is transported in the form of the bicarbonate ion
peptide chains, and each chain is folded around an iron-containing
(HCO3–). First, CO2 combines with water, forming carbonic acid,
group called heme (Fig. 35.12). The iron forms a loose association
and then this dissociates to a hydrogen ion (H+) and HCO3–:
with oxygen. Because there are about 250 million hemoglobin
molecules in each red blood cell, each red blood cell is capable of
carrying at least 1 billion molecules of oxygen. CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3−
carbon water carbonic hydrogen bicarbonate
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an air pollutant that is produced by dioxide acid ion ion
the incomplete combustion of natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, and
CHAPTER 35 Respiratory Systems 669

Carbonic anhydrase also speeds this reaction. The HCO3– diffuses

out of the red blood cells to be carried in the plasma (see Fig. 35.11,
bottom left).
The release of H+ from this reaction could drastically change
the pH of the blood, which is highly undesirable, because cells
require a normal pH in order to remain healthy. However, the H+
is absorbed by the globin portions of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin
that has combined with H+ is called reduced hemoglobin and has
the formula HbH+. HbH+ plays a vital role MP3
in maintaining the normal pH of the blood. Gas Transport

Blood that leaves the systemic capillaries is

a dark maroon color, because red blood cells Gas Exchange
During Respiration
contain reduced hemoglobin.

Check Your Progress 35.2

1. Describe how the mechanism of ventilation in reptiles and Figure 35.13 Strep throat. Pharyngitis caused by the bacterium
Streptococcus pyogenes can cause swollen tonsils, as shown here. The
mammals is similar to changing the volume of a flexible
whitish patches are areas of pus formation, indicating that white blood
cells are fighting the infection.
2. Explain how the carotid bodies and aortic bodies affect
the rate of respiration.
3. Define the role of oxyhemoglobin, reduced hemoglobin,
and carbaminohemoglobin in homeostasis. hundred strains of these viruses, we usually have no immunity to
the next strain that “goes around,” and vaccines are very difficult to
develop. As with all viral infections, antibiotics such as penicillin
are useless in treating colds.
35.3 Respiration and Human Health
Strep Throat
Learning Outcomes Most cases of pharyngitis, or inflammation of the pharynx, are
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to caused by viruses, but strep throat is an acute pharyngitis caused
1. Describe several common disorders that mainly affect the by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes.
upper respiratory tract as well as several that affect the
lower respiratory tract. Disorders of the Lower Respiratory Tract
2. Classify several common respiratory disorders according
to whether they are mainly caused by allergies, infections,
a genetic defect, or toxin exposure. If infections of the upper respiratory tract spread into the lower
respiratory tract, acute bronchitis, or inflammation of the bronchi,

The human respiratory tract is constantly exposed to environmental

air, which may contain infectious agents, allergens, tobacco smoke,
or other toxins. This results in the respiratory tract being suscep-
tible to a number of diseases. Some of the most important of these
are summarized here.

Disorders of the Upper Respiratory Tract

The upper respiratory tract consists of the nasal cavities, sinuses,
pharynx, and larynx. Because the upper part of the respiratory tract
filters out many pathogens and other materials that may be present
in the air, it is commonly affected by a variety of infections, which
may also spread to the middle ear or the sinuses.

The Common Cold

Most “colds” are relatively mild viral infections of the upper respi-
ratory tract characterized by sneezing, rhinitis (runny nose), and
perhaps a mild fever. Most colds last a few days, after which the
immune response is able to eliminate the inciting virus. However,
since colds are caused by several different viruses, and by several
670 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

mucus asbestos

a. Acute Bronchitis f. Pulmonary Fibrosis

Airways are inflamed Fibrous connective tissue
due to infection or due builds up in lungs, reducing
to an irritant. Coughing their elasticity.
brings up mucus and pus.


b. Asthma c. Pneumonia d. Pulmonary Tuberculosis e. Emphysema

Airways are inflamed due Alveoli fill with pus and fluid, Tubercles encapsulate Alveoli burst and fuse into
to irritation, and bronchioles making gas exchange difficult. bacteria, and elasticity of enlarged air spaces. Surface area
constrict due to muscle spasms. lungs is reduced. for gas exchange is reduced.
Figure 35.14 Common bronchial and pulmonary diseases. Exposure to infectious pathogens and/or polluted air, including tobacco smoke,
causes the diseases and disorders shown here.

often results (Fig. 35.14a). Other causes of acute bronchitis include narrowing of the diameter of the airways (Fig. 35.14b).
allergic reactions and damage from environmental toxins, such as
those present in cigarette smoke. It is estimated that approximately Disorders Affecting the Lungs
5% of the U.S. population suffers from a bout of acute bronchitis A
in any given year. Symptoms include fever, a cough that produces Pneumonia is a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection of the lungs
phlegm or pus, and chest pain. Depending on the cause, acute in which bronchi and alveoli fill with a discharge, such as pus and
bronchitis may be treatable with antibiotics, or it may resolve with fluid (Fig. 35.14c). Along with coughing and difficulty breathing,
time or progress to more serious conditions. people suffering from pneumonia often have a high fever, sharp chest
If the inciting cause (such as smoking) persists, acute bronchitis pain, and a cough that produces thick phlegm or even pus. Several
can develop into chronic bronchitis, in which the airways are inflamed
and filled with mucus. Over time, the bronchi undergo degenerative bacteria can cause pneumonia, as can the influenza virus, espe-
changes, including the loss of cilia and their normal cleansing action. cially in the very young, the very old, and people with a suppressed
Under these conditions, infections are more likely to occur. Smoking immune system. AIDS patients are subject to a particularly rare form
and exposure to other airborne toxins are the most frequent causes of of pneumonia caused by a fungus of the genus Pneumocystis, but
chronic bronchitis. Along with emphysema, chronic bronchitis is a they suffer from many other types of pneumonias as well.
major component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.
Asthma is a disease of the bronchi and bronchioles marked by Emphysema is a chronic and incurable lung disorder in which
coughing, wheezing, and breathlessness. The airways are unusu- the alveoli are distended and their walls damaged, so that the sur-
ally sensitive to various irritants, which include allergens such as face area­ available for gas exchange is reduced (Fig. 35.14e). As
pollen, animal dander, dust, and cigarette smoke. Even cold air or mentioned, emphysema often contributes to COPD in smokers. Air
exercise can be an irritant. trapped in the lungs leads to alveolar damage and a noticeable bal-
An asthmatic attack results from inflammation in the airways looning of the chest. The elastic recoil of the lungs is reduced, so not
and the contraction of smooth muscle lining their walls, resulting in a only are
­ the airways narrowed but the driving force behind expira-
tion is also reduced.
672 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Inhaling particles such as silica (sand), coal dust, or asbestos can Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an example of a lung disease that is
lead to pulmonary fibrosis, a condition in which fibrous connec- genetic rather than infectious, although infections also play a role
tive tissue builds up in the lungs. The lungs cannot inflate properly in the disease. One in 31 Americans carries the defective gene, but
and are always tending toward deflation (Fig. 35.14f ). Breathing a child must inherit two copies of the gene to have the disease. Still,
asbestos is also associated with the development of cancer, including CF is the most common genetic disease in the U.S. white population.
a type called mesothelioma. In the United States, the use of asbestos The gene that is defective in CF codes for cystic fibrosis
as a fireproofing and insulating agent has been limited since the transmembrane regulator (CFTR), a protein needed for proper
1970s; however, many thousands of lawsuits are filed each year by
patients suffering from asbestos-related illnesses.

Figure 35.15 Smoking

and lung disorders.
Smoking causes 90% of
all lung cancers and is a
major cause of emphysema.
a. Normal lung. b. The lung
of a person who died from
emphysema, shrunken and
blackened from trapped tumor
smoke. c. The lung of a person
who died from lung cancer,
blackened from smoke except
for the presence of the tumor,
which is a mass of malformed
soft tissue. a. Normal lung b. Emphysema c. Lung cancer
Circulation and
In his late fifties, Denver Broncos football coach John Fox needed
surgery to repair a faulty heart valve he had had since birth.

Chapter Outline
32.1 T ransport in Invertebrates 601
C oaching professional sports is a stressful job, and the 2013 season was a tough
one for some NFL head coaches. During the same week in November, Denver
Broncos coach John Fox and Houston Texans coach Gary Kubiak were both hospital-
32.2 Transport in Vertebrates 603
ized for cardiovascular-related illnesses.
32.3 The Human Cardiovascular The Broncos coach became dizzy while playing golf and was immediately taken to a
System 605
local hospital, where he learned that he needed surgery to replace a failing heart valve. As
32.4 Blood 613 he was recovering after surgery, Fox explained that he had been diagnosed in childhood
with an abnormal aortic valve. Blood is ejected through this valve from the left ventricle
into the aorta, and then to the rest of the body, with every heartbeat. Over time, the abnor-
Before You Begin mal valve can become scarred and narrowed, eventually interfering with blood flow to the
Before beginning this chapter, take a body. Aortic valve abnormalities are actually the most common congenital heart defect,
few moments to review the following occuring in 1–2% of the population, many of whom never develop symptoms. However,
discussions. more than 60,000 aortic valve replacements are performed each year in the United States.
Figure 8.1 Animal cells use glucose and In Kubiak’s case, the problem was not his heart, but a transient ischemic attack, or “mini
oxygen for what specific purpose(s)? stroke.” He was able to return to work after about a week, as his body presumably dissolved
Where is carbon dioxide generated? the clot that temporarily obstructed blood flow to part of his brain. The word i­schemia refers
Figure 29.11 How do the circulatory to a restricted blood supply to any tissue, but the brain is particularly sensitive to being
pathways of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, deprived of the oxygen and nutrients that blood distributes throughout the body.
birds, and mammals resemble each other? As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions:
How are they different?
1. What are the essential components of any circulatory system, and their functions?
Section 31.3 What types of tissues constitute
2. Why are the processes that occur in capillaries essential to life?
the various parts of the cardiovascular

Following the Themes

Chapter 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems
Unit 7

Animal Biology

The circulatory systems of animals show a distinct pattern of evolution—from no

Evolution discrete system to open systems to closed cardiovascular systems.

Experimentation and observation have increased our understanding of circulatory

Nature of Science systems, in some cases resulting in the ability to treat or prevent cardiovascular disease.

Circulatory systems carry out critical functions in most animals, helping provide the
Biological Systems cells of the body with oxygen and nutrients and removing wastes.

CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems 601

32.1 Transport in Invertebrates

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to food
1. Describe the common features that determine why
some invertebrates, such as sponges, cnidarians, and waste products
flatworms, do not require a circulatory system. mouth
2. Explain two differences between blood and hemolymph. enzymes
3. Compare and contrast the open circulatory system of an
arthropod with the closed system of an annelid.
All animal cells require a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients, and
their waste products must be removed. In most animals, these tasks
are facilitated by a circulatory system, which moves fluid between nutrient
uptake by
various parts of the body. However, some invertebrates, such as endocytosis
sponges, cnidarians (e.g., hydras, sea anemones), and flatworms
(e.g., planarians), lack a circulatory system (Fig. 32.1a, b). Their thin
a. Hydra
body wall makes a circulatory system unnecessary.
eyespot pharynx
In hydras, cells either are part of an external layer or line
the gastrovascular cavity. Each cell is exposed to water and
can independently exchange gases and rid itself of wastes.
The cells that line the gastrovascular cavity are special-
ized to complete the digestive process. They pass nutrient
molecules to other cells by diffusion. In planarians, a trilobed
gastrovascular cavity branches throughout the small, flattened 7×
body. No cell is very far from one of the three digestive branches, gastrovascular
b. Flatworm cavity
so nutrient molecules can diffuse from cell to cell. Similarly, diffu-
sion meets the respiration and elimination needs of the cells.
Pseudocoelomate invertebrates, such as nematodes, use the
coelomic fluid of their body cavity for transport purposes. The arm
coelomate echinoderms also rely on movement of coelomic fluid
within a body cavity as a circulatory system (Fig. 32.1c).
aboral side

Invertebrates with a Circulatory System

Most invertebrates have a circulatory system that transports oxygen
and nutrients, such as glucose and amino acids, to their cells. There
it picks up wastes, which are later excreted from the body by the
lungs or kidneys. There are two types of circulatory fluids: blood, bivalve mollusc
which is always contained within blood vessels, and hemolymph,
a mixture of blood and interstitial fluid, which fills the body cavity
and surrounds the internal organs. c. Red sea star, Mediastar

Open Circulatory Systems Figure 32.1 Aquatic animals without a circulatory system.
a. In a hydra, a cnidarian, the gastrovascular cavity makes digested
Hemolymph is seen in animals that have an open ­circulatory material available to the cells that line the cavity. These cells can also
system that consists of blood vessels plus open spaces. Open cir- acquire oxygen from the watery contents of the cavity and discharge
culatory systems were likely the first to evolve, as they are present their wastes there. b. In a planarian, a flatworm, the gastrovascular cavity
in simpler and evolutionarily older animals. For example, in most branches throughout the body, bringing nutrients to body cells. c. In a sea
molluscs and arthropods, the heart pumps hemolymph via vessels star, the coelomic fluid distributes oxygen and picks up wastes.
into tissue spaces that are sometimes enlarged into saclike sinuses
(Fig. 32.2a). Eventually, hemolymph drains back to the heart. The ­hemolymph of a grasshopper is colorless, because it does
In the grasshopper, an arthropod, the dorsal tubular heart pumps not contain hemoglobin or any other respiratory pigment. It c­ arries
­hemolymph into a dorsal aorta, which empties into the ­hemocoel. nutrients but no oxygen. Oxygen is taken to cells, and carbon dioxide
When the heart contracts, openings called ostia (sing., ostium) are is removed from them, by way of air tubes called tracheae, which are
closed; when the heart relaxes, the hemolymph is sucked back into found throughout the body. The tracheae provide efficient transport
the heart by way of the ostia. and delivery of respiratory gases while restricting water loss.
602 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Closed Circulatory Systems from small veins into the dorsal blood vessel (a vein). This ­dorsal
Blood is seen in animals that have a closed circulatory system, in blood vessel returns blood to the heart for repumping.
which blood does not leave the vessels. For example, in annelids, The earthworm has red blood that contains the respiratory
such as earthworms, and in some molluscs, such as squid and octo- pigment hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is dissolved in the blood and is
puses, blood consisting of cells and plasma (a liquid) is pumped by not contained within blood cells. The earthworm has no specialized
the heart into a system of blood vessels (Fig. 32.2b). Valves prevent organ, such as lungs, for gas exchange with the external environ-
the backward flow of blood. ment. Gas exchange takes place across the body wall, which must
In the segmented earthworm, five pairs of anterior hearts (aor- always remain moist for this ­purpose.
tic arches) pump blood into the ventral blood vessel (an artery),
which has a branch, called a lateral vessel, in every segment of the Check Your Progress 32.1
worm’s body. Blood moves through these branches into capillar- 1. List the general functions of all circulatory systems.
ies, the thinnest of the blood vessels, where exchanges with inter- 2. Explain how blood differs from hemolymph.
stitial fluid take place. Both gas exchange and nutrient-for-waste 3. Regarding oxygen transport, deduce the specific
exchange occur across the capillary walls. Most cells in the body additional step that must occur in animals with a closed
of an animal with a closed circulatory system are not far from a circulatory system, compared to those with an open system.
capillary. In an earthworm, after leaving a capillary, blood moves

dorsal tubular
aorta ostia heart


ventral blood
blood vessel

valve heart


hemocoel capillaries

a. Open circulatory system b. Closed circulatory system

Figure 32.2 Open versus closed circulatory systems. a. Top: The grasshopper, an arthropod, has an open circulatory system. Bottom: A
hemocoel is a body cavity filled with hemolymph, which freely bathes the internal organs. The heart, a pump, sends hemolymph out through vessels and
collects it through ostia (openings). This open system probably could not supply oxygen to wing muscles rapidly enough. These muscles receive oxygen
directly from tracheae (air tubes). b. Top: The earthworm, an annelid, has a closed circulatory system. The dorsal and ventral blood vessels are joined by
five pairs of anterior hearts, which pump blood. Bottom: The lateral vessels distribute blood to the rest of the worm.
CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems 603

32.2 Transport in Vertebrates Outer layer Middle layer Inner layer

Learning Outcomes fibrous connective tissue smooth elastic endothelium

muscle tissue
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
1. Distinguish among the structure and functions of arteries,
veins, and capillaries.
2. Compare the path of blood in animals with a one-circuit
circulatory pathway vs. a two-circuit pathway.
3. Identify the number of atria and ventricles in each type
of vertebrate animal: fish, amphibians, most reptiles,
crocodilians, birds, and mammals.

All vertebrate animals have a closed circulatory system, which is a. Artery

called a cardiovascular system (Gk. kardia, “heart”; L. vascular,
“vessel”). It consists of a strong, muscular heart in which the atria endothelium
(sing., atrium) receive blood and the muscular ventricles pump
blood through the blood vessels. There are three kinds of blood ves-
sels: arteries, which carry blood away from the heart; ­capillaries
(L. capillus, “hair”), which exchange materials with interstitial
fluid (the fluid between the body’s cells); and MP3
veins (L. vena, “blood vessel”), which return Classification of
Blood Vessels b. Capillary
blood to the heart (Fig. 32.3).
An artery or a vein has three distinct layers (Fig. 32.3a, c).
The outer layer consists of fibrous connective tissue, which is rich Outer layer Middle layer Inner layer
in elastic and collagen fibers. The middle layer is composed of
smooth muscle and elastic tissue. The innermost layer, called the fibrous connective tissue smooth elastic endothelium
muscle tissue
endothelium, is similar to squamous epithelium.
Arteries have thick walls, and those attached to the heart are
resilient, meaning that they are able to expand and accommodate
the sudden increase in blood volume that results after each heart-
beat. Arterioles are small arteries whose diameter can be regulated
by the nervous and endocrine systems. Arteriole constriction and
dilation affect blood pressure in general. The greater the number of
vessels dilated, the lower the blood pressure.
Arterioles branch into capillaries, which are extremely narrow,
microscopic tubes with a wall composed of only one layer of cells. closed valve
Capillary beds, which consist of many interconnected capillaries
(Fig. 32.4), are so prevalent that in humans almost all cells are c. Vein
within 60–80 µm of a capillary. But only about 5% of the capillary
Figure 32.3 Transport in vertebrates. a. Arteries have well-
beds are open at the same time. After an animal has eaten, precapil- developed walls with a thick middle layer of elastic tissue and smooth
lary sphincters relax, and the capillary beds in the digestive tract muscle. b. Capillary walls are only one cell thick. c. Veins have flabby walls,
are usually open. During muscular exercise, the capillary beds of particularly because the middle layer is not as thick as in arteries. Veins
the muscles are open. Capillaries, which are usually so narrow that have valves, which ensure one-way flow of blood back to the heart.
red blood cells pass through in single file, allow exchange of nutri-
ent and waste molecules across their thin walls.
circulatory pathway through the body. The heart has a single atrium
Venules and veins collect blood from the capillary beds and
and a single ventricle (Fig. 32.5a).
take it to the heart. First, the venules drain the blood from the capil-
The pumping action of the ventricle sends blood under pres-
laries, and then they join to form a vein. The wall of a vein is much
sure to the gills, where gas exchange occurs. After passing through
thinner than that of an artery, and this may be associated with a
the gills, blood returns to the dorsal aorta, which distributes
lower blood pressure in the veins. Valves within the veins point, or
blood throughout the body. Veins return oxygen-poor blood to
open, toward the heart, preventing a backflow of blood when they
an enlarged chamber called the sinus venosus, which leads to the
close (see Fig. 32.3c).
atrium. The atrium pumps blood back to the ventricle. This single
circulatory loop has an advantage in that the gill capillaries receive
Comparison of Circulatory Pathways oxygen-poor blood and the capillaries of the body, called systemic
Two different types of circulatory pathways are seen among verte- capillaries, receive fully oxygen-rich blood. It is disadvantageous
brate animals. In fishes, blood follows a one-circuit (single-loop) in that after leaving the gills, the blood is under reduced pressure.
604 artery UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

arteriole to the right atrium. Oxygen-rich blood returning from the lungs
passes to the left atrium. Both of the atria empty into the single
ventricle. Oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood are kept some-
what separate, because oxygen-poor blood is pumped out of the
O2-rich precapillary ventricle before the oxygen-rich blood enters. When the ventricle
blood flow sphincter
contracts, the division of the main artery also helps keep the
arteriovenous blood somewhat separated. More oxygen-rich blood is distrib-
shunt uted to the body, and more oxygen-poor blood is delivered to the
lungs, and perhaps to the skin, for recharging with oxygen.
In most reptiles, a septum partially divides the ventricle. In
venule these animals, mixing of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood is
kept to a minimum. In crocodilians (alligators and crocodiles),
blood flow the septum completely separates the ventricle. These reptiles have
vein a four-chambered heart. The heart of birds and mammals is also
Figure 32.4 Anatomy of a capillary bed. When a capillary divided into left and right halves (Fig. 32.5c). The right ventricle
bed is open, sphincter muscles are relaxed and blood flows through the pumps blood to the lungs, and the larger left ventricle pumps blood
capillaries. When precapillary sphincter muscles are contracted, the bed to the rest of the body. This arrangement provides adequate blood
is closed and blood flows through an arteriovenous shunt that carries pressure for both the pulmonary and systemic circuits.
blood directly from an arteriole to a venule.
Check Your Progress 32.2
As a result of evolutionary changes, other vertebrates have a
two-circuit (double-loop) circulatory pathway. The heart pumps 1. List and describe the functions of three types of
vessels in a cardiovascular system.
blood to the tissues through a systemic circuit, as well as pumping
2. Explain why veins are the only blood vessels that
blood to the lungs through a pulmonary circuit (L. pulmonarius,
contain valves.
“of the lungs”). This double-pumping action is an adaptation to
3. Examine the evolutionary benefits of a two-circuit
breathing air on land.
circulatory pathway compared to a one-circuit pathway,
In amphibians, the heart has two atria and a single ventricle especially for animals that breathe air on land.
(Fig. 32.5b). Oxygen-poor blood from the systemic veins returns

pulmonary pulmonary
capillaries capillaries

gill capillaries

pulmonary pulmonary
circuit circuit

right left
right left
atrium atrium
ventricle atrium atrium
heart ventricle right left
atrium heart ventricle ventricle
aorta aorta
systemic systemic
circuit systemic circuit systemic
capillaries capillaries


a. b. c.

Figure 32.5 Comparison of circulatory pathways in vertebrates. a. In fishes, the blood moves in a single circuit. Blood pressure created by
the pumping of the heart is dissipated after the blood passes through the gill capillaries. This is a disadvantage of this one-circuit system. b. Amphibians and
most reptiles have a two-circuit system in which the heart pumps blood to both the pulmonary capillaries in the lungs and the systemic capillaries in the body
itself. Although there is a single ventricle, little mixing of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood takes place. c. The pulmonary and systemic circuits are completely
separate in crocodiles (a reptile) and in birds and mammals, because the heart is divided by a septum into right and left halves. The right side pumps blood to the
lungs, and the left side pumps blood to the rest of the body.
CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems 605

32.3 The Human Cardiovascular The Human Heart

System The heart is a cone-shaped, muscular organ about the size of a
fist (Fig. 32.6). It is located between the lungs directly behind the
Learning Outcomes sternum (breastbone) and is tilted so that the apex (the pointed end)
is oriented to the left.
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
1. List the major components of the human heart, including
the four chambers and four valves. Structure of the Heart
2. Trace the path of blood through the human heart, lungs, The major portion of the heart, called the myocardium, consists
and major vessels leading to the lower leg. largely of cardiac muscle tissue. The myocardium receives oxy-
3. Discuss how the SA and AV nodes control the contractions gen and nutrients from the coronary arteries, not from the blood
of the heart muscle, as well as how these electrical changes
it pumps. The muscle fibers of the myocardium are branched and
result in the characteristic patterns seen in an ECG.
tightly joined to one another at intercalated disks.
4. Describe the major categories of cardiovascular disease
The heart lies within the pericardium, a thick, membra-
that occur in the United States.
nous sac that ­secretes a small quantity of lubricating liquid. The
inner ­surface of the heart is lined with endocardium, a mem-
brane composed of connective tissue and endothelial tissue. The
In the cardiovascular system of humans, the pumping of the heart lining is continuous with the endothelium lining of the blood
keeps blood moving primarily in the arteries. Skeletal muscle con- vessels.
traction pressing against veins is the main force responsible for the Internally, a wall called the septum separates the heart into a
movement of blood in the veins. right side and a left side (Fig. 32.7). The heart has four chambers.

left subclavian artery
left common carotid artery
brachiocephalic artery

superior vena cava

aortic arch
left pulmonary artery
pulmonary trunk
left pulmonary veins
right pulmonary artery

right pulmonary veins

b. heart diaphragm

left atrium
left cardiac vein
right atrium
right coronary artery

left ventricle

right ventricle

Figure 32.6 External heart anatomy.

a. The venae cavae and the pulmonary trunk are
attached to the right side of the heart. The aorta and
inferior vena cava the pulmonary veins are attached to the left side of
the heart. Blood vessels are colored red if they carry
apex oxygen-rich blood and blue if they carry oxygen-poor
blood. b. Photograph of a mammalian heart in its
a. natural position in the chest.
606 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

left subclavian artery

left common carotid artery intercalated
brachiocephalic artery disk

superior vena cava
aorta cardiac
left pulmonary artery muscle cell

pulmonary trunk
left pulmonary veins
right pulmonary artery
right pulmonary veins

semilunar valve
left atrium
right atrium
left atrioventricular gap junction
(bicuspid) valve
right atrioventricular
(tricuspid) valve

chordae tendineae b.

papillary muscles
Figure 32.7 Internal view of the heart.
right ventricle a. The heart has four chambers; the two chambers on
the right are separated from the two chambers on the
septum left by a septum. When the atrioventricular valves open,
blood passes from the atria to the ventricles, and when
left ventricle
the semilunar valves open, blood passes out of the
inferior vena cava heart. b. Intercalated disks contain gap junctions, and
these allow muscle cells to contract simultaneously.
a. Desmosomes at the same location allow the cells to bend
and stretch.

The two upper, thin-walled atria (sing., atrium) have wrinkled, Path of Blood Through the Heart
protruding appendages called auricles. The two lower chambers Even though both atria and then both ventricles contract simultane-
are the thick-walled ventricles, which pump the blood away from ously due to the presence of intercalated disks (Fig. 32.7b), we can
the heart. trace the path of blood through the heart in the following manner:
The heart also has four valves, which direct the flow
of blood and prevent its backward movement. The two valves • The superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava, which
that lie between the atria and the ventricles are called the carry oxygen-poor blood that is relatively high in carbon
­atrioventricular valves. These valves are supported by strong, dioxide, empty into the right atrium.
­fibrous strings called chordae tendineae. The ­chordae, which are • The right atrium sends blood through an atrioventricular
attached to muscular projections of the ventricular walls, sup- valve (the tricuspid valve) to the right ventricle.
port the valves and prevent them from ­inverting when the heart • The right ventricle sends blood through the pulmonary
contracts. The atrioventricular valve on the right side is called the semilunar valve into the pulmonary trunk and the two
tricuspid valve, because it has three flaps, or cusps. The valve on pulmonary arteries to the lungs.
the left side is called the bicuspid (or the mitral), because it has • Four pulmonary veins, which carry oxygen-rich blood,
two flaps. empty into the left atrium.
The remaining two valves are the semilunar valves, whose • The left atrium sends blood through an atrioventricular valve
flaps resemble half-moons, between the ventricles and their (the bicuspid, or mitral, valve) to the left ventricle.
­attached vessels. The pulmonary semilunar valve lies between the • The left ventricle sends blood through the aortic semilunar
right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk. The valve into the aorta and to the rest of the body.
aortic semilunar valve lies between the left ven- Heart Structure
and Function
From this description, it is obvious that oxygen-poor blood never
tricle and the aorta. mixes with oxygen-rich blood and that blood must go through the
CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems 607

lungs in order to pass from the right side to the left side of the heart, or cardiac cycle, consists of the following phases, which are also
as is typical in a double-loop circulatory system. Because the left depicted in Figure 32.8.
ventricle has the harder job of pumping blood to the entire body,
its walls are thicker than those of the right ventricle, which pumps Cardiac Cycle
blood a relatively short distance to the lungs.
People often associate oxygen-rich blood with all arteries and Time Atria Ventricles
oxygen-poor blood with all veins, but this idea is incorrect: Pul-
monary arteries and pulmonary veins are just the reverse. That is 0.15 sec Systole Diastole
why pulmonary arteries are colored blue and pulmonary veins are
0.30 sec Diastole Systole
colored red in Figures 32.6 and 32.7.
The pumping of the heart sends blood out under pressure 0.40 sec Diastole Diastole
into the arteries. Because the left side of the heart is the stronger
pump, blood pressure is greatest in the aorta. Blood pressure then First the atria contract (while the ventricles relax), then the ven-
decreases as the cross-sectional area of arteries and then arterioles tricles contract (while the atria relax), and then all c­ hambers rest.
increases. Therefore, a different mechanism is needed to move Note that the heart is in diastole about 50% of the time. The short
blood in the veins, as we will discuss later. systole of the atria is appropriate because the atria send blood
only into the ventricles. It is the muscular ventricles that actually
The Heartbeat pump blood out into the cardiovascular system proper.
The average human heart contracts, or beats, about 70 times a The volume of blood that the left ventricle pumps per minute
minute, so each heartbeat lasts about 0.85 second. This adds up into the systemic circuit is called the cardiac output. A person
to about 100,000 beats per day. Over a 70-year lifespan, the aver- with a heartbeat of 70 beats per minute has a cardiac output
age human heart will have contracted about 2.5 billion times! The of 5.25 liters a minute. This is almost equivalent to the amount
term systole (Gk. systole, “contraction”) refers to contraction of of blood in the body, and it adds up to about 2,000 gallons a
the heart chambers, and the word diastole (Gk. diastole, “dilation, day. During heavy exercise, the cardiac output can increase
spreading”) refers to relaxation of these chambers. Each heartbeat, manyfold.

semilunar aortic semilunar valve bicuspid valve

valves close
semilunar superior
aorta valves vena cava

atrium right
right atrium

left inferior
ventricle vena cava c.

right d.
ventricle trunk
Figure 32.8 Stages in the cardiac cycle.
a. When the atria contract, the ventricles are relaxed
and filling with blood. The atrioventricular valves are
open, and the semilunar valves are closed. b. When the
ventricles contract, the atrioventricular valves are closed,
the semilunar valves are open, and the blood is pumped
atrioventricular (AV) into the pulmonary trunk and aorta. c. When the heart
valves close is relaxed, both the atria and the ventricles are filling
(“lub”) with blood. The atrioventricular valves are open, and the
semilunar valves are closed. d. Aortic
represents Tutorial
contraction semilunar valve (shown on left) and Cardiac Cycle
bicuspid or mitral atrioventricular valve
(shown on right).
608 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

When the heart beats, the familiar lub-dub sound is heard as way of large fibers terminating in the more numerous and smaller
the valves of the heart close. The longer and lower-pitched lub is Purkinje fibers.
caused by vibrations of the heart when the atrioventricular valves Although the heart muscle will contract without any external
close due to ventricular contraction. The shorter and sharper dub nervous stimulation, input from the brain can increase or decrease
is heard when the semilunar valves close due to back pressure of the rate and strength of heart contractions. In addition, the hor-
blood in the arteries. A heart murmur, a slight slush sound after the mones epinephrine and norepinephrine, secreted into the blood
lub, is often due to ineffective valves, which allow blood to pass by the adrenal glands, also stimulate the heart. When a person is
back into the atria after the atrioventricular valves have closed. frightened, for example, the heart pumps faster and stronger due
The pulse is a wave effect that passes down the walls of the to both nervous and hormonal stimulation.
arterial blood vessels when the aorta expands and then recoils fol- The Electrocardiogram. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is
lowing ventricular systole. Because there is one arterial pulse per a recording of the electrical changes that occur in the myocar-
ventricular systole, the arterial pulse rate can be used to determine dium during a cardiac ­cycle. Body fluids contain ions that conduct
the heart rate. electrical currents, and therefore these electrical changes can be
The rhythmic contraction of the atria and ventricles is due detected on the body surface. During an ECG
to the internal (intrinsic) conduction system of the heart. Nodal procedure, these changes pass from electrodes MP3
Cardiac Cycle
tissue, which has both muscular and nervous characteristics, is a placed on the skin through wires to an instru-
unique type of cardiac muscle located in two regions of the heart. ment, generating “waves” that can be traced Animation
The SA (sinoatrial) node is found in the upper dorsal wall of the onto paper. Figure 32.9b depicts the pattern Cardiac Cycle

right atrium; the AV (atrioventricular) node is found in the base of that results from a normal cardiac cycle.
the right atrium very near the septum (Fig. 32.9a). The SA node When the SA node triggers an impulse, the atrial fibers produce
initiates the heartbeat about every 0.85 second by automatically an electrical change called the P wave. The P wave indicates that the
sending out an excitation impulse, which causes the atria to con- atria are about to contract. After that, the QRS complex signals that
tract. Therefore, the SA node is called the pacemaker, because the ventricles are about to contract and the atria are relaxing. The
it usually keeps the heartbeat regular. When the impulse reaches electrical changes that occur as the ventricular muscle fibers recover
the AV node, the AV node signals the ventricles to contract by produce the T wave.


SA node
b. Normal ECG

AV node

branches of
c. Ventricular fibrillation
Purkinje fibers

a. d. Recording of an ECG
Figure 32.9 Conduction system of the heart. a. The SA node sends out a stimulus (black arrows), which causes the atria to contract. When
this stimulus reaches the AV node, it signals the ventricles to contract. Impulses pass down the two branches of the atrioventricular bundle to the Purkinje
fibers, and thereafter the ventricles contract. b. A normal ECG usually indicates that the heart is functioning properly. The P wave occurs just prior to atrial
contraction; the QRS complex occurs just prior to ventricular contraction; and the T wave occurs when the ventricles are recovering from contraction.
c. Ventricular fibrillation produces an irregular electrocardiogram due to irregular stimulation of the ventricles. d. The recording of an ECG.
CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems CO2 O2 609
head and arms
jugular vein carotid artery
(also subclavian (also subclavian
Various types of abnormalities can be detected by an electro- artery to arms)
vein from arms)
cardiogram. One of these, called ventricular fibrillation, is caused
by uncoordinated contraction of the ventricles (Fig. 32.9c). Ven-
tricular fibrillation is of special interest, because it can be caused
by an injury or a drug overdose. It is the most common cause of
CO2 O2
sudden cardiac death in a seemingly healthy person. When the
ventricles are fibrillating, they can be defibrillated by applying a O2
strong electrical current for a short period of time. Then, the SA
node may be able to reestablish a coordinated beat. Many public
places, and even private homes, have automatic external defibrilla-
tors (AEDs). These are small devices that can be used to determine
whether a person is suffering from ventricu- Animation lungs
lar fibrillation. If so, the AED administers an Conducting System
pulmonary pulmonary
of the Heart artery vein
appropriate electrical shock to the chest.
vena cava
Comparison of Circulatory Circuits
As mentioned, the human cardiovascular system includes two heart
major circular pathways, the pulmonary circuit and the systemic
circuit (Fig. 32.10).
vena cava
The Pulmonary Circuit
In the pulmonary circuit, the path of blood can be traced as
follows: Oxygen-poor blood from all regions of the body col-
lects in the right atrium and then passes into the right ventricle,
which pumps it into the pulmonary trunk. The pulmonary trunk vein mesenteric
divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries, which carry arteries
blood to the lungs. As blood passes through pulmonary capillaries,
carbon dioxide is given off and oxygen is picked up. Oxygen- hepatic digestive
rich blood returns to the left atrium of the heart, through pulmonary portal tract
venules that join to form pulmonary veins. vein renal
The Systemic Circuit renal
The aorta and the venae cavae (sing., vena cava) are the major vein
blood vessels in the systemic circuit. To trace the path of blood to
iliac vein iliac
any organ in the body, you need only start with the left ventricle, artery
mention the aorta, the proper branch of the aorta, the organ, and the
vein returning blood to the vena cava, which enters the right atrium.
In the systemic circuit, ­arteries contain oxygen-rich blood and have
a bright red color, but veins contain oxygen-poor blood and appear CO2 O2
dull red or, when viewed through the skin, blue. trunk and legs
The coronary arteries are extremely i­mportant because
they supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle itself (see Figure 32.10 Path of blood. When tracing blood from the right
Fig. 32.6). The coronary ­arteries arise from the aorta just above the to the left side of the heart in the pulmonary circuit, you must mention the
pulmonary vessels. When tracing blood from the digestive tract to the
aortic semilunar valve. They lie on the e­ xterior surface of the heart,
right atrium in the systemic circuit, you must mention the hepatic portal
where they branch into ­arterioles and then capillaries. In the capil- vein, the hepatic vein, and the inferior vena cava. The blue-colored vessels
lary beds, nutrients, wastes, and gases are exchanged between the carry oxygen-poor blood, and the red-colored vessels carry oxygen-rich
blood and the tissues. The capillary beds enter venules, which join blood; the arrows indicate the flow of blood.
to form the ­cardiac veins, and these empty into the right atrium.
A portal system (L. porto, “carry, transport”) is a structure in
which blood from capillaries travels through veins to reach another
set of capillaries, without first traveling through the heart. The
Tracing the Path of Blood. Branches from the aorta go to the
organs and major body regions. For example, this is the path of
hepatic portal system takes blood from the intestines directly to the
blood to and from the lower legs:
liver. The liver then performs such functions as metabolizing nutri-
ents and removing toxins (liver functions are explored further in left ventricle—aorta—common iliac artery—femoral artery—
Chapter 34). Blood leaves the liver by way of the hepatic vein, lower leg capillaries—femoral vein—common iliac vein—
which enters the inferior vena cava. inferior vena cava—right atrium
610 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

In most instances, the artery and the vein that serve the same region to heart to heart
are given the same name. For example, iliac and femoral are names
applied to both arteries and veins. What happens in between the
artery and the vein? Arterioles from the artery branch into capil-
laries, where exchange takes place, and then venules join to form
the vein that enters a vena cava. An exception occurs between the
digestive tract and the liver, where blood must pass through two
sets of capillaries because of the hepatic portal system.

Blood Pressure
When the left ventricle contracts, blood is forced into the aorta
and then other systemic arteries under pressure. Systolic pressure
results from blood being forced into the arteries during ventricular
systole, and diastolic pressure is the pressure in the arteries during
ventricular diastole. Human blood pressure can be mea­sured with
a sphygmomanometer, which has a pressure cuff that determines
the amount of pressure required to stop the flow of blood through
an artery.
Blood pressure is normally measured on the brachial artery,
an artery in the upper arm. Today, digital manometers are often
used to take one’s blood pressure instead of the older type with a
dial. Blood pressure is given in millimeters of MP3
mercury (mm Hg). A blood pressure reading Blood Flow and
Blood Pressure
a. Contracted skeletal muscle b. Closed valve prevents
pushes blood past open valve. backward flow of blood.

Figure 32.12 Cross section of a valve in a vein. a. Pressure

on the walls of a vein, exerted by skeletal muscles, increases blood
pressure within the vein and forces a valve open. b. When external
pressure is no longer applied to the vein, blood pressure decreases, and
back pressure forces the valve closed. Closure of the valves prevents the
blood from flowing in the opposite direction.

consists of two numbers—for example, 120/80—that represent

systolic and diastolic pressures, respectively.
As blood flows from the aorta into the various arteries and
arteries arterioles capillaries venules veins
arterioles, blood pressure falls. Also, the difference between sys-
tolic and diastolic pressure gradually diminishes. In the capillaries,
there is a slow, fairly even flow of blood. This may be related to the
very high total cross-sectional area of the capillaries (Fig. 32.11).
blood total It has been calculated that if all the blood vessels in a human body
pressure cross-sectional were connected end to end, the total distance would reach around
area of the Earth at the equator two times! Most of this distance would be
due to the large number of capillaries.
Blood pressure in the veins is low and is insufficient for mov-

ing blood back to the heart, especially from the limbs of the body.
Venous return is dependent on three factors:
• Skeletal muscles near veins put pressure on the collapsible
walls of the veins, and therefore on the blood contained in
these vessels, when they contract.
Blood Flow
• Valves in the veins prevent the backward flow of blood, and
therefore pressure from muscle contraction moves blood
Figure 32.11 Velocity and blood pressure related to
vascular cross-sectional area. In capillaries, blood is under toward the heart (Fig. 32.12). Varicose veins, abnormal
minimal pressure and has the least velocity. Blood pressure and velocity dilations in superficial veins, develop when the valves of
drop off, because capillaries have a greater total cross-sectional area the veins become weak and ineffective due to a backward
than arterioles. pressure of the blood.
CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems 611

• Variations in pressure in the chest cavity during breathing,

also known as the respiratory pump, cause blood to flow
from areas of higher pressure (such as the abdominal catheter
cavity) to lower pressure (in the thoracic cavity) during each
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in
most Western countries. According to the American Heart Asso-
ciation, CVD has been the most common cause of death in the
United States every year since 1900. The only exception to this
statistic was 1918, the worst year of a global influenza pandemic.
According to the American Heart Association’s Heart Disease
and Stroke Statistical Update 2014, about 2,150 Americans die
of CVD each day, which is an average of one death every 40 a. Artery is blocked. b. Stent is placed. c. Balloon is inflated.
seconds, and about one out of every three deaths overall. The
Nature of Science feature, “Recent Findings About Preventing Figure 32.13 Angioplasty with stent placement. a. A
plastic tube (catheter) is inserted into the coronary artery until it reaches
Cardiovascular Disease,” on page 612, emphasizes the possible the clogged area. b. A metal stent with a balloon inside it is pushed out
prevention of CVD. the end of the plastic tube into the clogged area. c. When the balloon
is inflated, the vessel opens, and the stent is left in place to keep the
Hypertension vessel open.
It is estimated that about 30% of Americans suffer from
­hypertension, which is high blood pressure. Another 30% are
brain, often results when a small c­ranial arteriole bursts or is
thought to have a condition called prehypertension, which can lead
blocked by an embolus. A lack of oxygen causes a portion of
to hypertension. Under age 45, a reading above 130/90 is hyperten-
the brain to die, and paralysis or death can result. A person is
sive, and beyond age 45, a reading above 140/95 is hypertensive.
sometimes forewarned of a stroke by a feeling of numbness in the
Hypertension is most often caused by a narrowing of arteries
hands or the face, ­difficulty speaking, or temporary blindness in
due to atherosclerosis (described next). This narrowing causes the
one eye.
heart to work harder to supply the required amount of blood. The
If a coronary ­artery becomes ­partially blocked, the individual
resulting increase in blood pressure can damage the heart, arteries,
may suffer from angina pectoris, characterized as a squeezing
and other organs. Other risk factors that can contribute to hyperten-
sensation or a flash of burning. If a coronary artery is com-
sion include obesity, smoking, chronic stress, and a high dietary
pletely blocked, ­perhaps by a thromboembolism, a portion of
salt intake (which causes retention of fluid). Only about two-thirds
the heart muscle dies due to a lack of oxygen. This is a myo-
of people with hypertension seek medical help for their condition,
cardial ­infarction, also called a heart attack. It may be neces-
and it is likely that many people with high blood pressure are
sary to place a stent, or self-expanding wire mesh tube, inside a
unaware of it.
blocked artery to keep it open. About 700,000 of these stents are
placed in U.S. patients every year (Fig. 32.13). If this approach
is unsuccessful, a coronary bypass may be required, in which
Atherosclerosis is an accumulation of soft masses of fatty mate- a surgeon replaces one or more blocked coronary arteries with
rials, particularly cholesterol, ­beneath the inner linings of arteries an artery taken from elsewhere in the patient’s body. Each year,
(see Fig. 32A). Such d­ eposits are called plaque. As deposits occur, more than 500,000 of these procedures are performed in the
plaque tends to protrude into the lumen of the vessel, interfering United States.
with the flow of blood. Plaque can also cause a clot to form on
the irregular arterial wall. As long as the clot remains stationary,
it is called a thrombus, but when and if it dislodges and moves Check Your Progress 32.3
along with the blood, it is called an embolus. If thromboembolism
is not treated, complications can arise (see the following section). 1. Name each blood vessel and heart chamber that blood
Atherosclerosis often begins in early adulthood and develops passes through on its way from the venae cavae to the
progressively through middle age, but symptoms may not appear aorta, and identify which artery carries oxygen-poor
until an individual is 50 or older. See the Nature of Science feature, blood.
“Recent Findings About Preventing Cardiovascular Disease,” on 2. Explain what specifically causes the sounds of the
page 612 for some recent recommendations on reducing risk. heartbeat.
3. Discuss why systolic blood pressure is higher than
Stroke and Heart Attack
4. Predict what type of conditions might occur as a result of
Strokes and heart attacks are associated with hypertension and chronic hypertension and plaque.
­atherosclerosis. A stroke, or disruption of blood supply to the
612 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Theme Nature of Science

Recent Findings About Preventing Cardiovascular Disease
For decades, several factors have been asso- risk of many alcohol-related problems. margarines, commercially baked goods,
ciated with an increased risk of cardiovascu- The American Heart Assocation does and deep-fried foods). Replacing these
lar disease (CVD), especially atherosclerosis not recommend that nondrinkers start harmful fats with healthier ones, such as
(Fig. 32A). Some of these cannot be avoided, using alcohol, or that drinkers increase monounsaturated fats (olive and canola
such as increasing age, male gender, family their consumption, based on these oils) and polyunsaturated fats (corn, saf-
history of heart disease, and belonging to findings. flower, and soybean oils), is beneficial.
certain races, including African American, • Resveratrol. The “red wine effect,” or In addition, the American Heart Asso-
Mexican American, and American Indian. “French paradox,” refers to the obser- ciation now recommends eating at least
Other risk factors—smoking, obesity, high vation that levels of CVD in France are two servings of fish a week, especially
cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, physi- relatively low, despite the consump- salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout,
cal inactivity—can be avoided or at least af- tion of a high-fat diet. One possible sardines, and albacore tuna, which
fected by changing one’s behavior or taking explanation is that wine is frequently are high in omega-3 fatty acids. These
medications. In recent years, however, other consumed with meals. In addition to essential fatty acids can decrease tri-
factors have been under consideration, such its alcohol content, red wine contains glyceride levels, slow the growth rate of
as the following. especially high levels of antioxidants, atherosclerotic plaque, and lower blood
including resveratrol. Resveratrol is pressure. However, children and preg-
• Alcohol. Alcohol abuse can destroy mainly produced in the skin of grapes, nant women are advised to limit their
just about every organ in the body, the so it is also found in grape juice. Res- fish consumption because of the high
heart included. But recent research veratrol supplements are also available levels of mercury contamination in some
suggests that a moderate level of alco- at health food stores. The benefits of fishes. For middle-aged and older men
hol intake can improve cardiovascular resveratrol alone are questionable, and postmenopausal women, the ben-
health by improving the blood choles- however, and most controlled studies efits of fish consumption far outweigh
terol profile, decreasing unwanted clot to date have demonstrated no ben- the potential risks.
formation, increasing blood flow in the eficial effects. The lower incidence
heart, and reducing blood pressure. of CVD in the French may be due to
According to the American Heart As- multiple factors, including lifestyle and Questions to Consider
sociation, people who consume one genetic differences. 1. Would you be helping your health if you
or two drinks per day have a 30–50% • Omega-3 fatty acids. The influence decided to eat mackerel every day and
reduction in cardiovascular disease that diet has on blood cholesterol lev- drink two glasses of red wine with it?
compared to nondrinkers. However, the els has been well studied. It is gener- Why or why not?
maximum protective effect is achieved ally beneficial to minimize our intake of 2. What would be some difficulties in try-
with only one or two drinks per day— foods high in saturated fat (red meat, ing to determine the true cause of the
consuming more than that increases the cream, and butter) and trans fats (most “French paradox”?

coronary artery ulceration

lumen of vessel

Figure 32A  Coronary arteries and plaque. cholesterol plaque
Atherosclerotic plaque is an irregular accumulation crystals
of cholesterol and fat. When plaque is present in
a coronary artery, a heart attack is more likely to
occur because of restricted blood flow.
CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems 613

32.4 Blood Plasma

Plasma contains many types of molecules, including nutrients,
Learning Outcomes wastes, salts, and hundreds of different types of proteins. Some
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to of these proteins are involved in buffering the blood, effectively
1. List the major types of blood cells and their functions. keeping the pH near 7.4. They also maintain the blood’s ­osmotic
2. Identify the major cellular and molecular events that result pressure, so that water has an automatic tendency to enter blood
in a blood clot. capillaries. Several plasma proteins are involved in blood clotting,
3. Compare and contrast the ABO and Rh blood and others transport large organic molecules in the blood.
classification systems. Albumin, the most plentiful of the plasma proteins, transports
4. Define capillary exchange and describe the two major bilirubin, a breakdown product of ­hemoglobin, and various types of
forces involved. lipoproteins transport cholesterol. Another very significant group
of plasma proteins are the antibodies, which are proteins produced
by the immune system in response to specific pathogens and other
As discussed in Chapter 31, blood is considered to be a connec- foreign materials (see Chapter 33).
tive tissue with a fluid matrix. In contrast to the hemolymph found
in open circulatory systems, blood is normally contained within Formed Elements
blood vessels. The blood of mammals has a number of functions
The formed elements are of three types: red blood cells, or eryth-
that help maintain homeostasis:
rocytes (Gk. erythros, “red”; kytos, “cell”); white blood cells, or leu-
• Transporting gases, nutrients, waste products, and hormones kocytes (Gk. leukos, “white”); and platelets, or thrombocytes (Gk.
throughout the body thrombos, “blood clot”).
• Combating pathogenic microorganisms
• Helping maintain water balance and pH Red Blood Cells
• Regulating body temperature Red blood cells (RBCs) are small, biconcave disks that at maturity
• Carrying platelets and factors that ensure clotting to prevent lack a nucleus and contain the respiratory pigment hemoglobin.
blood loss The average adult human has 5 to 6 million RBCs per cubic mil-
limeter (mm3) of whole blood, and each one of these cells con-
Blood has two main portions: a liquid portion, called plasma, and tains about 250 million hemoglobin molecules. ­Hemoglobin (Gk.
the formed elements, consisting of cells and platelets (Fig. 32.14). haima, “blood”; L. globus, “ball”) contains four globin protein

Plasma Formed Elements

Type Function Type Number (per mm3 blood)

Water Maintains blood volume; Red blood cells

(90–92% of transports molecules (erythrocytes)
Transport O2 and help
transport CO2
Plasma proteins Maintain blood osmotic pressure and pH
(7–8% of plasma) 45% 4 million–6 million
Globulins Transport; fight infection
White blood cells Neutrophils Lymphocytes
Fibrinogen Blood clotting (leukocytes)
Salts Maintain blood osmotic pressure and pH; Fight infection
(less than 1% of aid metabolism
plasma) 40–70% 20–45%
Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils
Gases Cellular respiration
(O2 and CO2)
Nutrients Food for cells
(lipids, glucose, 4–8% 1–4% 0–1%
and amino acids)
Wastes End product of metabolism; (thrombocytes)
(urea and excretion by kidneys
uric acid) Aid clotting
Hormones Aid metabolism 150,000–300,000

Figure 32.14 Composition of blood.

614 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

chains, each associated with heme, an iron-containing group. Iron Because type A blood has anti-B but not anti-A antibodies in the
combines loosely with oxygen, and in this way oxygen is carried in plasma, a donor with type A blood can give blood to a recipient
the blood. If the number of RBCs is insufficient, or if the cells do with type A blood (Fig. 32.15). However, if type A blood is given
not have enough hemoglobin, the individual suffers from anemia to a type B recipient, agglutination (Fig. 32.16), the clumping of
and has a tired, run-down feeling. RBCs, can cause blood to stop circulating in small blood vessels,
In adults, RBCs are manufactured in the red bone marrow of leading to organ damage.
the skull, the ribs, the vertebrae, and the ends of the long bones. Theoretically, a person with which blood type can donate to
The hormone erythropoietin, produced by the kidneys, stimulates all recipients? The answer is that type O RBCs have no A or B
RBC production. Now available as a drug, erythropoietin is helpful antigens, and this is sometimes called the universal donor type. A
to persons with anemia and is sometimes abused by athletes who person with which blood type can receive blood from any donor?
want to enhance the oxygen-carrying capacity of their blood. Type AB blood has no anti-A or anti-B antibodies, and thus it is
Before they are released from the bone marrow into blood, sometimes called the universal recipient. In practice, however, it is
RBCs synthesize hemoglobin and lose their nuclei. After living not safe to rely solely on the ABO system when matching blood.
about 120 days, they are destroyed chiefly in the liver and the Instead, samples of the two types of blood are physically mixed,
spleen, where they are engulfed by large phagocytic cells. When and the result is microscopically examined for agglutination before
RBCs are ­destroyed, hemoglobin is released. The iron is recovered blood transfusions are done.
and returned to the red bone marrow for reuse. The heme portions An equally important concern when transfusing blood is to
of the molecules undergo chemical degradation and are excreted by make sure that the donor is free from transmissible infectious agents,
the liver as bile pigments in the bile. The bile pigments are primar- such as the microbes that cause AIDS, hepatitis, and syphilis.
ily responsible for the color of feces.
Rh System
Blood Types Another important antigen on RBCs is the Rh factor. Eighty-five
percent of the U.S. population have this particular antigen on
The earliest attempts at blood transfusions resulted in illness and
their RBCs and are Rh-positive. Fifteen percent do not have the
even the death of some recipients. Eventually, it was discovered
that only certain transfusion donors and recipients are compat-
ible, because red blood cell membranes carry specific proteins or 500×
carbohydrates that are antigens to blood recipients. An antigen antigen
(Gk. anti, “against”; L. genitus, “forming, causing”) is a mol-
ecule, usually a protein or carbohydrate, that can trigger a specific
immune response. Several groups of RBC antigens exist, the most type A blood
significant being the ABO and Rh systems. Clinically, it is very of donor
important that the blood groups be properly cross-matched to avoid +
a potentially deadly transfusion reaction. no binding

ABO System red blood cell

anti-B antibody of
In the ABO system, the presence or absence of type A and type B type A recipient
antigens on RBCs determines a person’s blood type. For exam- no agglutination
ple, if a person has type A blood, the A antigen is on his or her
RBCs. Because it is considered by the immune system to be “self,” Figure 32.15 Matched blood transfusion. No agglutination
this molecule is not recognized as an antigen by this individual, occurs when the donor and recipient have the same type blood.
although it can be an antigen to a recipient who does not have
type A blood.
In the ABO system, there are four blood types: A, B, AB, and O. 500×
Because the A and B antigens are also commonly found on micro-
organisms present in and on our bodies, a person’s plasma usually
contains antibodies to the A or B antigens not present on his or her
type A blood
RBCs. These antibodies are called anti-A and anti-B. The follow- of donor
ing chart explains what antibodies are present in the plasma of each
blood type:
Antigen on Antibody in
Blood Type
Red Blood Cells Plasma
anti-A antibody of
A A Anti-B type B recipient
B B Anti-A
AB A, B None
O None Anti-A and anti-B
Figure 32.16 Mismatched blood transfusion. Agglutination
occurs, because blood type B has anti-A antibodies in the plasma.
CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems 615

antigen and are Rh-negative. The designation of blood type usu- enter the tissues, where they phagocytize and digest bacteria. The
ally includes whether the person has or does not have the Rh factor thick, yellowish fluid called pus that develops in some bacterial
on the RBCs—for example, type A-positive (A+). Unlike the case infections contains mainly dead neutrophils that have fought the
with the A and B antigens, Rh-negative individuals normally do infection. Basophil granules stain a deep blue and contain inflam-
not have antibodies to the Rh factor, but they may make them when matory chemicals, such as histamine. The prominent granules of
exposed to the Rh factor. ­eosinophils stain a deep red, and these WBCs are involved in fight-
During pregnancy, if the mother is Rh-negative and the father ing parasitic worms, among other actions.
is Rh-positive, the child may be Rh-positive. If the Rh-positive
Agranular Leukocytes. The agranular leukocytes, which
fetal RBCs leak across the placenta, the mother may produce
are also called mononuclear cells, lack obvious granules and
anti-Rh antibodies. In this or a subsequent pregnancy with another
include the monocytes and the lymphocytes.
Rh-positive baby, these antibodies may cross the placenta and
Monocytes are the largest of the WBCs, and they tend to
destroy the child’s RBCs. This condition, called hemolytic disease
migrate into tissues in response to chronic, ongoing infections,
of the newborn (HDN), can be fatal without an immediate blood
where they differentiate into large phagocytic macrophages
transfusion after birth.
(Gk. makros, “long”; phagein, “to eat”). These long-lived cells not
The problem of Rh incompatibility can be prevented by giving
only fight infections directly but also release growth factors that
Rh-negative women an Rh immunoglobulin injection toward the end
increase the production of different types of WBCs by the bone
of pregnancy and within 72 hours of giving birth to an Rh-positive
marrow. Some of these factors are available for medicinal use and
child. This treatment contains a relatively low level of anti-Rh anti-
may be helpful to people with low immunity, such as AIDS patients
bodies that help destroy any Rh-positive blood cells in the mother’s
or people on chemotherapy for cancer. A third function of macro-
blood before her immune system produces high levels of anti-Rh
phages is to interact with lymphocytes to help initiate the adaptive
immune response (see Chapter 33).
White Blood Cells Lymphocytes are the second most common type of WBC in
the blood. The two major types of lymphocytes, T cells and B cells,
Because they are a critical component of the immune system, the
each play a distinct role in adaptive immune responses to specific
functions of white blood cells are discussed in detail in Chapter 33
antigens. One type of T cell, the helper T cell, initiates and influ-
and only briefly here. White blood cells (WBCs), or leukocytes,
ences most of the other cell types involved in adaptive immunity.
differ from RBCs in that they are usually larger, have a nucleus,
The other type, the cytotoxic T cell, attacks infected cells that con-
lack hemoglobin, and without staining appear translucent. With
tain viruses. In contrast, the main function of B cells is to produce
staining, WBCs appear light blue unless they have granules that
antibodies. Each B cell produces just one type of antibody, which
bind with certain stains (see Fig. 32.14). There are far fewer WBCs
is specific for one type of antigen. As mentioned earlier in this
than RBCs in the blood, with approximately 5,000–11,000 WBCs
section, an antigen is a molecule that causes a specific immune
per mm3 in humans.
response because the immune system recognizes it as “foreign.”
On the basis of their structure, WBCs can be divided into
When antibodies combine with antigens, the complex is often
granular and agranular leukocytes. Within these two categories,
phagocytized by a macrophage. The activities of lymphocytes,
five main types of WBCs can be identified.
along with other aspects of animal immune systems, are discussed
Granular Leukocytes. The cytoplasm of granular leukocytes in more detail in Chapter 33.
(neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils) contains spherical ves-
icles, or granules, filled with enzymes and proteins, which these Platelets and Blood Clotting
cells use to help defend the body against invading microbes and Platelets (thrombocytes) result from fragmentation of large cells,
other parasites. called megakaryocytes, in the red bone marrow. Platelets are
Neutrophils have a multilobed nucleus, resulting in their other produced at a rate of 200 ­billion a day, and the blood contains
name, polymorphonuclear cells. They are the most abundant of 150,000–300,000 per mm3. These formed ­elements are involved in
the WBCs and are able to squeeze through capillary walls and blood clotting, or coagulation (Fig 32.17).

red fibrin
blood cell threads

platelet plug fibrin threads

2. Platelets congregate and 3. Fibrin threads form and trap

1. Blood vessel is punctured. form a plug. red blood cells.

Figure 32.17 Blood clotting. A number of plasma proteins participate in a series of enzymatic reactions that lead to the formation of fibrin threads.
616 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

from heart to heart

Arterial end Venous end
Blood pressure is higher Tissue fluid
Osmotic pressure is higher
than osmotic pressure. than blood pressure.
Net pressure out. oxygen amino carbon Net pressure in.
acids glucose dioxide

salt plasma

smooth osmotic pressure

blood pressure
arteriole muscle fiber venule
Figure 32.18 Capillary exchange. A capillary, illustrating the exchanges that take place and the forces that aid the process. At the arterial end
of a capillary, the blood pressure is higher than the osmotic pressure; therefore, water (H2O) tends to leave the bloodstream. In the midsection, molecules,
including oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), follow their concentration gradients. At the venous end of a capillary, the osmotic
pressure is higher than the blood pressure; therefore, water tends to enter the bloodstream. Notice that the red blood cells and the Capillary Exchange
plasma proteins are too large to exit a capillary.

When a blood vessel in the body is damaged, platelets move in the opposite direction. At the arterial end of a capillary,
clump at the site of the puncture and partially seal the leak. the osmotic pressure of blood (21 mm Hg) is lower than the blood
Platelets and the injured tissues release a clotting factor called pressure (30 mm Hg). Osmotic pressure is created by the presence
prothrombin activator, which converts prothrombin in the of salts and the plasma proteins. Because
plasma to thrombin. This reaction requires calcium ions (Ca2+). osmotic pressure is lower than blood pres- Capillary Exchange
Thrombin, in turn, acts as an enzyme that severs two short sure at the arterial end of a capillary, water and Bulk Flow

amino acid chains from a fibrinogen molecule, one of the pro- exits a capillary at this end.
teins in plasma. These activated fragments then join end to end, Midway along the capillary, where blood pressure is lower,
forming long threads of fibrin. the two forces essentially cancel each other, and there is no net
Fibrin threads wind around the platelet plug in the damaged movement of water. Solutes now diffuse according to their con-
area of the blood vessel and provide the framework for the clot. centration gradient: Oxygen and nutrients ­(glucose and amino
Red blood cells also are trapped within the fibrin threads; these acids) diffuse out of the capillary; ­carbon dioxide and wastes
cells make a clot appear red. A fibrin clot is present only temporar- diffuse into the capillary. Red blood cells and almost all plasma
ily. As soon as blood vessel repair is initiated, an enzyme called proteins remain in the capillaries.
plasmin destroys the fibrin network and restores the fluidity of The substances that leave a capillary contribute to interstitial
plasma. fluid. Because plasma proteins are too large to readily pass out of
The Nature of Science feature, “How Horseshoe Crabs Save the capillary, interstitial fluid tends to contain all components of
Human Lives,” describes how a clotting reaction in these arthro- plasma but has much lower amounts of protein.
pods can help identify bacterial contamination. At the venule end of a capillary, where blood pressure has
fallen even more, osmotic pressure is greater than blood pres-
sure, and water tends to move into the capillary. Almost the same
Capillary Exchange amount of fluid that left the capillary returns to it, although some
Figure 32.18 illustrates capillary exchange between a systemic excess interstitial fluid is always collected by the lymphatic capil-
capillary and interstitial fluid. Blood that enters a capillary at the laries (Fig. 32.19). interstitial fluid contained within lymphatic
arterial end is rich in oxygen and nutrients, and it is under pressure vessels is called lymph. Lymph is ­returned to the systemic venous
created by the pumping of the heart. Two forces primarily control blood when the major lymphatic vessels
the movement of fluid through the capillary wall: (1) osmotic enter the subclavian veins in the ­shoulder Fluid Exchange Across
pressure, which tends to cause water to move from interstitial fluid region. See Chapter 33 for more informa- the Walls of Capillaries

into blood, and (2) blood pressure, which tends to cause water to tion about the lymphatic system.
CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems 617

Theme Nature of Science

How Horseshoe Crabs Save Human Lives
Take a walk along a beach on the north- fatal bacterial contamination of medical required that materials be injected into rab-
eastern U.S. coast and you are likely to products such as IV solutions, vaccines, bits, took more time, and was less sensitive
see horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) and injectable medications. to low levels of contamination.
(Fig. 32B). Although not truly “crabs,” they In the summer of 1950, a scientist The only drawback of the LAL test is that
are classified in the phylum Arthropoda, named Frederick Bang was working at the it requires the removal of hemolymph from
along with insects, arachnids, and crusta- Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, the horseshoe crabs. To do this, biomedical
ceans. Because of their prehistoric appear- Massachusetts. Bang was interested in the companies hire trawlers to catch adult horse-
ance, horseshoe crabs are sometimes called immune system of primitive organisms, so shoe crabs. These are taken to a laboratory,
“living fossils,” and, in fact, they were living he chose to inject various types of bacteria then washed; about 30% of the animal’s he-
on Earth before the dinosaurs. They have an into horseshoe crabs to study their immune molymph is removed from the animal’s heart
open circulatory system, with an elongated response. What he found was that injection with a large-gauge needle. The hemolymph is
heart that pumps hemolymph between the of any bacteria of the Gram-negative type, then centrifuged to separate the amebocytes,
gills and the body, without returning to the or an extract of their cell walls, caused the distilled water is added to lyse the cells, and
heart in between. horseshoe crabs to die quickly, not from the the proteins responsible for the clotting reac-
Instead of hemoglobin, the hemolymph infection but from a massive coagulation of tion are separated and processed into the
of horseshoe crabs contains hemocyanin, their circulatory fluid. product used for the LAL test.
which binds to oxygen using copper in- After many experiments and collabora- The horseshoe crabs are usually re-
stead of iron, giving the blood a light blue tions with other scientists, Bang developed turned to the ocean within 72 hours of
color. The blood also contains amebocytes, a test using an extract of the amebocytes, bleeding, and studies suggest that most
cells that are analogous to the neutrophils which could be mixed with any sample to of them survive, perhaps to be caught and
or macrophages of higher animals, which determine if that sample contained any bled again. Because 1 quart of hemolymph
serve a similar role in protecting against contamination by Gram-negative bacte- is worth about $15,000, the companies
bacterial infections. Oddly enough, these ria. If so, the material would clot within 45 have good reason to preserve this ancient,
amebocytes turned out to be the key to de- minutes. This LAL test, as it is now called, fascinating species.
veloping a method for detecting potentially replaced the existing pyrogen test, which
Questions to Consider
1. Compared to hemoglobin, hemocya-
nins are much larger, free-floating mol-
ecules. Why might hemocyanins work
better with an open circulatory system,
compared to hemoglobin?
2. The amebocytes of horseshoe crabs
cause the animal’s hemolymph to clot
Figure 32B Horseshoe in response to certain bacteria. How
crabs. Horseshoe crabs have could this response be beneficial to the
lived on the Earth for an estimated animal?
450 million years.

precapillary sphincters lymphatic capillary excess tissue fluid

Not all capillary beds are open at the same time. When
the precapillary sphincters (circular muscles) shown in
­Figure 32.4 are relaxed, the capillary bed is open and blood
flows through the capillaries. When precapillary sphincters
are contracted, blood flows through a shunt that carries blood
directly from an arteriole to a venule.

Figure 32.19 Capillary bed. A lymphatic capillary bed

lies near a blood capillary bed. When lymphatic capillaries take up
excess tissue fluid, it becomes lymph. Precapillary sphincters can
shut down a blood capillary, and blood then flows through the shunt.

arteriole tissue fluid blood capillary lymphatic duct venule

618 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

In addition to nutrients and wastes, the blood distributes heat Check Your Progress 32.4
to body parts. When you are warm, many capillaries that serve the
skin are open, and your face is flushed. This helps rid the body of 1. List the major components of blood and the functions of
excess heat. When you are cold, skin capillaries close, conserving each.
heat, and your skin takes on a bluish tinge. 2. Name the major events, in chronological order, that result
in a blood clot.
3. Explain why Rh incompatibility is a problem only when a
fetus is Rh-positive and the mother is Rh-negative, but
not vice versa.
4. Describe the major factors that affect the rate of capillary

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• Some animals have had no adaptive • Because the circulatory system’s func- • The cardiovascular system’s function is
need to develop a circulatory system, tion is so critical, a major research effort linked with the functions of several other
because their structure allows each cell has been devoted to understanding and systems: the respiratory system (gas ex-
to exchange nutrients and wastes di- treating cardiovascular diseases. change); the urinary system (waste ex-
rectly with the environment. • Recent advances in cardiovascular dis- cretion); the digestive system (provision
• The open circulatory system most likely ease prevention and treatment range of nutrients); and the immune system
evolved first. As demands for oxygen and from lifestyle changes to drug therapies (body defenses).
efficient exchange increased with a ter- and surgical interventions. • In more complex animals, circula-
restrial lifestyle, natural selection favored tory systems also transport many sub-
the development of closed systems. stances, such as hormones, bilirubin,
• Within closed systems, the heart evolved and cholesterol; protect against micro-
from the one atrium–one ventricle heart, bial invaders; and participate in tempera-
seen in most fish, to the four-chambered ture regulation.
heart, seen in crocodilians, birds, and

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32.2 Classification of Blood Vessels 32.3 Cardiac Cycle • Conducting System 32.3 Cardiac Cycle
32.3 Heart Structure and Function • Cardiac Cycle of the Heart 32.4 Capillary Exchange
• Blood Flow and Blood Pressure 32.4 Fluid Exchange Across the Walls
32.4 Capillary Exchange and Bulk Flow of Capillaries
Summariz in cnidarians and flatworms. Roundworms make use of their pseudo­
coelom in the same way that echinoderms use their coelom to circu-
32.1 Transport in Invertebrates late materials.
Most animals have a circulatory system that provides their tissues Other invertebrates do have a transport system. Insects have
with oxygen and nutrients, and removes wastes. However, some an open circulatory system that transports hemolymph, and
invertebrates lack such a transport system. The presence of a gas- earthworms have a closed circulatory system that transports
trovascular cavity allows diffusion alone to supply the needs of cells blood.
CHAPTER 32 Circulation and Cardiovascular Systems 619

32.2 Transport in Vertebrates In a portal system, blood from one set of capillaries (e.g., in the intes-
Vertebrates have a closed cardiovascular system in which arteries tine) travels through veins directly to another set of capillaries (e.g., in
carry blood away from the heart, branch into smaller arterioles, and the liver).
then into capillaries, where exchange with interstitial fluid takes Blood pressure created by the pumping of the heart accounts
place. Venules collect blood from the capillaries, and merge into veins for the flow of blood in the arteries, but skeletal muscle contraction is
that carry blood to the heart. largely responsible for the flow of blood in the veins, which have valves
Fishes have a one-circuit circulatory pathway, because the heart, with preventing a backward flow.
the single atrium and ventricle, pumps blood to the gills and then to the Hypertension and atherosclerosis are two circulatory disorders
body, without a second pass through the heart. The other vertebrates have that can lead to angina pectoris, a heart attack, or stroke. Follow-
both pulmonary and systemic circuits. Amphibians have two atria but a ing a heart-healthy diet, getting regular exercise, maintaining a proper
single ventricle. Crocodilians, birds, and mammals, including humans, weight, and not smoking cigarettes can help protect against the devel-
have a heart with two atria and two ventricles, in which oxygen-rich blood opment of these conditions.
is always separate from oxygen-poor blood. Animals with such a two-­ 32.4 Blood
circuit circulatory pathway have a systemic circuit and a pulmonary Blood has two main parts: plasma and the formed elements. Plasma
circuit. is mostly water (90–92%), but it also contains 7–8% proteins (such as
albumin and antibodies), nutrients, and wastes.
The formed elements include red blood cells, white blood cells,
and platelets. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which functions in
pulmonary oxygen transport.
capillaries White blood cells (WBCs) also called leukocytes, which include
granular leukocytes and agranular leukocytes, defend the body
against infections. Three types of granular leukocytes are the neutro-
phils, which are phagocytes; basophils, which are involved in inflam-
mation; and eosinophils, which are important in parasitic infections.
pulmonary The two types of agranular leukocytes are the monocytes, which
circuit enter tissues to become phagocytic macrophages, and lymphocytes,
which carry out adaptive (specific) immunity to infection.
right left The platelets and two plasma proteins, prothrombin and fibrino-
atrium atrium gen, function in blood clotting, an enzymatic process that results in
right left fibrin threads. Blood clotting includes three major events: (1) Platelets
ventricle ventricle and injured tissue release prothrombin activator, which (2) enzymatically
changes prothrombin to thrombin, which is an enzyme that (3) causes
aorta fibrinogen to be converted to fibrin threads.
systemic The ABO blood-typing system is based on the presence or absence
circuit systemic of A and B antigens on the red blood cells (A and B). If a mismatched
capillaries transfusion is given, antibodies in the recipient’s blood may react to
these antigens, causing agglutination of red blood cells. A second
type of red blood cell antigen is the Rh factor. If an Rh-negative woman
becomes pregnant with an Rh-positive fetus, she may produce anti-Rh
antibodies that could damage any Rh-positive fetus she carries.
When blood reaches a capillary, water moves out at the arterial
end due to blood pressure. At the venous end, water moves in due
32.3 The Human Cardiovascular System to osmotic pressure. In between, nutrients diffuse out of, and wastes
diffuse into, the capillary according to concentration gradients. Any
The human heart is largely made of cardiac muscle (myocardium), and
excess interstitial fluid is absorbed into lymphatic vessels, where it is
it is surrounded by pericardium. The internal chambers of the heart—
known as lymph.
the left and right atria and ventricles—are separated by a septum.
During systole, the chambers contract to pump blood, and during
diastole they relax, allowing filling. The cardiac cycle (heartbeat) in
humans begins when the SA (sinoatrial) node (pacemaker) causes the
two atria to contract, and blood moves through the ­atrioventricular Choose the best answer for each question.
valves to the two ventricles. The SA node also stimulates the AV (atrio- 32.1 Transport in Invertebrates
ventricular) node, which in turn causes the two ventricles to contract.
1. Which animals lack a true circulatory system?
This electrical activity can be measured with an electrocardiogram
a. cnidarians c. nematodes
(ECG). Ventricular contraction sends blood through the semilunar
b. flatworms d. All of these are correct.
valves to the pulmonary trunk and the aorta. Then, all chambers rest.
The heart sounds, lub-dub, are caused by the closing of the valves, 2. Which one of these would you expect to be part of a closed, but
and the wave effect of blood being pumped through arteries can be not an open, circulatory system?
felt as the pulse. The amount of blood pumped by the ventricles each a. ostia d. heart
minute is the cardiac output. b. capillary beds e. All of these are correct.
In the pulmonary circuit, blood travels to and from the lungs. In c. hemolymph
the systemic circuit, the aorta divides into blood vessels that serve the 3. Which animal has a closed circulatory system?
body’s cells. The venae cavae return oxygen-poor blood to the heart. a. earthworm  b. grasshopper  c. hydra  d. sea star
620 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

32.2 Transport in Vertebrates 32.4 Blood

4. All vertebrates have 12. Which of the following is not a formed element of blood?
a. a closed circulatory system. a. leukocyte c. fibrinogen
b. a heart with at least three chambers. b. eosinophil d. platelet
c. a two-circuit circulatory pathway. 13. Which of these is an incorrect association?
d. All of these are correct. a. white blood cells—infection fighting
5. A major difference between arteries and veins is that b. red blood cells—blood clotting
a. arteries always carry oxygenated blood; veins never do. c. plasma—water, nutrients, and wastes
b. arteries carry blood away from the heart; veins return blood. d. red blood cells—hemoglobin
c. only arteries have valves. e. platelets—blood clotting
d. veins feed blood into capillaries. 14. Water enters capillaries on the venous end as a result of
6. In which animal does aortic blood have less oxygen than blood a. active transport from tissue fluid.
in the pulmonary vein? b. an osmotic pressure gradient.
a. frog d. fish c. higher blood pressure on the venous end.
b. chicken e. All of these are correct. d. higher blood pressure on the arterial side.
c. monkey e. higher red blood cell concentration on the venous end.

32.3 The Human Cardiovascular System

7. In humans, blood returning to the heart from the lungs returns to Engage
a. the right ventricle. d. the left atrium.
b. the right atrium. e. both the right and left sides Thinking Scientifically
c. the left ventricle. of the heart. 1. A few specialized human tissues do not contain any blood
8. All arteries in the body contain oxygen-rich blood, with the vessels, including capillaries. Can you think of two or three?
exception of the How might these tissues survive without a direct blood supply?
a. aorta. c. renal arteries. 2. You have to stand in front of the class to give a report. You
b. pulmonary arteries. d. coronary arteries. are nervous, and your heart is pounding. What is the specific
9. Systole refers to the contraction of the mechanism behind this reaction? How would your ECG appear?
a. major arteries. d. major veins. 3. Assume your heart rate is 70 beats per minute (bpm), and each
b. SA node. e. All of these are correct. minute your heart pumps 5.25 liters of blood to your body.
c. atria and ventricles. Based on your age to the nearest day, about how many times
10. Which of these is an incorrect statement concerning the heartbeat? has your heart beat so far, and what volume of blood has it
a. The atria contract at the same time. pumped?
b. The ventricles relax at the same time. 4. For several years, researchers have attempted to produce
c. The atrioventricular valves open at the same time. artificial blood for transfusions. Artificial blood would most likely
d. The semilunar valves open at the same time. be safer and more readily available than human blood. While
e. First the right side contracts, and then the left side contracts. artificial blood might not have all the characteristics of human
11. Label this diagram blood, it would be useful on the battlefield and in emergency
of the heart. situations. Which characteristics of normal blood must artificial
blood have to be useful, and which would probably be too
b. difficult to reproduce?



CHAPTER 25 Flowering Plants: Nutrition and Transport 461

25.2 Water and Mineral Uptake than that of the soil solution. That is to say, if there is more water
outside the root, and less water inside the root, then water moves
Learning Outcomes in by osmosis, causing osmotic pressure.
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
1. Choose the correct order of mineral uptake across the
Mineral Uptake
plasma membrane within a plant cell wall. In contrast to the passive movement of water, minerals can be
2. Describe the mutualistic relationships that assist plants in taken up by passive or active transport. Plants possess an astonish-
acquiring nutrients from the soil. ing ability to concentrate minerals until they are many times more
concentrated in the plant than in the surrounding medium. The
concentration of certain minerals in roots is as much as 10,000
There are two main ways that water and dissolved minerals can times greater than in the surrounding soil. The presence of the Cas-
enter a root. As seen in Figure 25.6, in pathway A, water weaves parian strip prevents the backflow of minerals and allows the plant
its way in between cells, diffusing from the porous cell wall of to maintain a higher mineral concentration in root xylem than can
one cell to the cell wall of adjacent cells. Entry of water past the be found in the surrounding soil. The Nature of Science feature,
cell wall is blocked at the Casparian strip, a waxy layer that sur- “Plants Can Be Used for Cleaning and Discovery of Minerals,” on
rounds endodermal cells (see Fig. 24.8). Here the water is forced page 462 explains how this ability of plants can be exploited for
to enter endodermal cells through the plasma membrane. In path- environmental cleanup and mineral exploration.
way B, water travels from the plasma membrane of one cell to the By what mechanism do minerals cross plasma membranes?
plasma membrane of another cell, connected by openings called As it turns out, the energy of ATP is involved, but only indirectly.
plasmodesmata (see Fig. 5.15). Regardless of the pathway, water Recall that plant cells absorb minerals in the ionic form: Nitrogen
enters root cells when osmotic pressure in the root tissues is lower is absorbed as nitrate (NO3–), phosphorus as phosphate (HPO42–),
potassium as potassium ions (K+), and so forth. Ions cannot cross
the plasma membrane, because they are unable to enter the nonpo-
lar portion of the lipid bilayer. Plant physiologists know that plant
endodermis cells expend energy to actively take up and concentrate mineral
ions. If roots are deprived of oxygen or are poisoned so that cellular
respiration cannot occur, mineral ion uptake is diminished.
phloem As shown in Figure 25.6b, a plasma-membrane pump, called
xylem a proton pump, hydrolyzes ATP and uses the energy released to

300× An ATP-driven The electrochemical Endodermal Cell

1 2
pump transports gradient causes K+
vascular cylinder H+ out of cell. to enter by way of a H+ NO3–
channel protein.
pericycle K+ H+ NO3–
endodermis K+
and Casparian H+
K+ NO3–


H+ NO3–
H+ K+
epidermis H+ H+ 3 Negatively charged ions
pathway A are transported along
of water and pathway B with H+ into cell.
minerals Water Outside Endodermal Cell
of water and
a. root hair minerals b.
Figure 25.6 Water and mineral uptake. a. Pathways of water and minerals. Water and minerals can travel via porous cell walls but then must
enter endodermal cells because of the Casparian strip (pathway A). Alternatively, water and minerals can enter root hairs and move from cell to cell (pathway
B). b. Transport of minerals across an endodermal plasma membrane. 1 An ATP-driven pump removes hydrogen ions (H+) from the cell. 2 This
establishes an electrochemical gradient that allows potassium (K+) and other positively charged ions to cross the membrane via a channel protein.
3 Negatively charged mineral ions (e.g., NO3–) can cross the membrane by way of a carrier when they co-transport with hydrogen ions (H+), which are
diffusing down their concentration gradient.
462 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

Theme Nature of Science

Plants Can Be Used for Cleaning and Discovery of Minerals
Phytoremediation uses plants such as mul-
berry, poplar, and canola to clean up envi-
ronmental pollutants. The genetic makeup
of these plants allows them to absorb,
store, degrade, or transform substances
that normally kill or harm other plants and
animals. “It’s an ­elegantly simple solution
to pollution problems,” says Louis Licht,
who runs Ecolotree, an Iowa City phytore-
mediation company.
The idea behind phytoremediation ­is
not new; scientists have long recognized
certain plants’ abilities to absorb and toler-
ate toxic substances. But the idea of using
these plants on contaminated sites has
gained support just in the last 25 years.
Different plants work on different contami-
nants. The mulberry bush, for ­ instance,
is effective on industrial sludge; some
grasses attack petroleum wastes; and
sunflowers remove lead.
The plants clean up sites in differ-
ent ways depending on the substance
involved. If it is an organic contaminant, Figure 25A Poplar trees cleaning up nitrogen. Poplars are able to remove large amounts
such as spilled oil, the plants, or the of nitrogen from runoff.

transport hydrogen ions (H+) out of the cell. The result is an elec- Bacterial nitrogen fixation is responsible for most of the con-
trochemical gradient that drives positively charged ions such as K+ version of nitrogen from the air (N ≡ N) into ammonium (NH4+)
through a channel protein into the cell. Negatively charged mineral and is therefore the first step in the introduction of nitrogen into
ions, such as NO3– and HPO42–, are transported, along with H+, by ecological cycles (see Fig. 45.24). Most nitrogen-fixing bacteria
carrier proteins. Because H+ is moving down its concentration gra- live independently in the soil, but some do form symbiotic associa-
dient, no energy is required. Notice that this model of mineral ion tions with a host plant. In these associations, the host plant provides
transport in plant cells is based on chemiosmosis, food and shelter, while the bacteria provide nitrogen in a form the
Animation plant can use.
the establishment of an electrochemical gradient Proton Pump
to perform work. The most common types of symbiosis occur between various
Following their uptake by root cells, minerals move into xylem genera of bacteria collectively called rhizobia and plants of the
and are transported into leaves by the upward movement of water. legume family, such as beans, clover, and alfalfa. Nitrogen fixation
Along the way, minerals can exit xylem and enter the cells that is an energy-intensive process that requires special conditions for
require them. Some eventually reach leaf cells. In any case, min- the bacteria’s enzymes. One of those conditions is an anaerobic
erals must again cross a selectively permeable plasma membrane environment, as the presence of oxygen disrupts the nitrogen-
when they exit xylem and enter living cells. fixing process. For this reason, nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in
organs called root nodules (Fig. 25.7), where oxygen levels are
maintained high enough for cellular respiration but low enough
Adaptations of Roots for Mineral Uptake so as to not inactivate important nitrogen-fixing enzymes. In addi-
Two mutualistic relationships assist roots in obtaining mineral nutri- tion, large-scale farming of legume crops often depletes the native
ents. Root nodules involve a mutualistic relationship with bacteria, populations of rhizobia, and farmers must often supplement with
and mycorrhizae are a mutualistic relationship with fungi. pellets containing these bacteria.
CHAPTER 25 Flowering Plants: Nutrition and Transport 463

microbes around their roots, break down catastrophe like the one that occurred gold accumulates in the outermost regions
the substance. The remnants can be either there in the 1980s. Back then, irrigated of plants—their leaves and bark. Leaves
absorbed by the plant or left in the soil farming caused naturally occurring sele- and bark sampled from various eucalyptus
or water. For an inorganic contaminant, nium to rise to the soil surface. When ex- trees were taken to the lab, where x-ray
such as cadmium or zinc, the plants ab- cess water was pumped onto the fields, and chemical analyses revealed the lev-
sorb the substance and trap it. The plants some selenium flowed off into drainage els of gold. The Australian scientists were
must then be harvested and disposed ditches, eventually ending up in Kesterson able to show that the trees growing directly
of, or processed to reclaim the trapped ­National Wildlife Refuge. The selenium in over a 35-meter-deep gold deposit were
contaminant. ponds at the refuge accumulated in plants the samples with the unusually high gold
and fish and subsequently deformed and readings.
Poplars Take Up Excess Nitrates killed waterfowl.
Most trees planted along the edges of Questions to Consider
farms are intended to break the wind, but Eucalyptus Trees Reveal 1. What happens to the pollutants when
another use of poplars is to remove excess Hidden Gold the plant dies?
minerals from runoff. The poplars act as The ability of plants to take up minerals, 2. Why would one plant be more adapted
vacuum cleaners, sucking up nitrate-laden called biogeochemical absorption, may at absorbing a particular pollutant than
runoff from a fertilized cornfield before not only clean up toxic messes but also another plant?
this runoff reaches a nearby brook—and serve as a valuable beacon for desirable 3. What are the ecological and eco-
perhaps other w ­ aters (Fig. 25A). Nitrate minerals. Gold, for example, is an element nomic benefits of using plants for gold
runoff into the ­Mississippi River from Mid- for which worldwide discoveries are down prospecting?
west farms is a major cause of the large by 45%. Normally, prospectors drill in sus-
“dead zone” of oxygen-depleted water pected areas, test soil samples, and dis-
that develops each summer in the Gulf of turb the ecosystem in promising areas with
Mexico. no guarantees of success.
In Australia, scientists have found
Canola Plants Take Up Selenium that Eucalyptus trees growing over deep
Canola plants (Brassica rapus and B. deposits of gold have leaves with high
napa) are grown in California’s San Joa- concentrations of this sought-after ele-
quin Valley to soak up excess selenium in ment. Gold is toxic to plants, and when
the soil to help prevent an environmental drawn up in the soil through the xylem,




Figure 25.7 Root nodules. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in nodules on the roots of plants, particularly legumes.
464 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

The second type of mutualistic relationship, called

­ ycorrhizae, involves fungi and almost all plant roots (Fig. 25.8)
(see section 22.3). Only a small minority of plants do not have
mycorrhizae, and these plants are most often limited as to the
environment in which they can grow. The fungus increases the
surface area available for mineral and water uptake and breaks
host plant
down organic matter in the soil, releasing nutrients the plant can (green)
use. In return, the root furnishes the fungus with sugars and amino
acids. Plants are extremely dependent on mycorrhizae. Orchid
seeds, which are quite small and contain lim- Animation
ited nutrients, do not germinate until a mycor- Root Nodule
Formation dodder bulbs release
rhizal fungus has invaded their cells. (brown) digestive enzymes
Other means of acquiring nutrients also occur. Parasitic plants,
such as dodders, broomrapes, and pinedrops, send out rootlike
projections, called haustoria, that tap into the xylem and phloem of
the host stem (Fig. 25.9a). Carnivorous plants, such as the Venus
flytrap and sundew, obtain some nitrogen and minerals when their
leaves capture and digest insects (Fig. 25.9b). a. Dodder, Cuscuta sp.

Sundew leaf
enfolds prey


leaf form

b. Cape sundew, Drosera capensis

plant without plant with Figure 25.9 Other ways to acquire nutrients. a. Some
mycorrhizae mycorrhizae
plants, such as the dodder, are parasitic. b. Some plants, such as the
sundew, are carnivorous.

in root cells

Check Your Progress 25.2

1. Explain the role of the endodermis and Casparian strip in
concentrating minerals in a plant.
2. Describe the relationship of nitrogen-fixing bacteria with a
100× host plant.
3. Explain how both partners benefit from a mycorrhizal
Figure 25.8 Mycorrhizae. Plant growth is better when association.
mycorrhizae are present.
CHAPTER 25 Flowering Plants: Nutrition and Transport 465
tracheid vessel element

25.3 Transport Mechanisms in Plants

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
1. Describe the relationship between water potential and
root pressure. sieve-tube
2. Identify the properties of water that influence the upward
movement of water in flowering plants.
3. Explain how environmental factors influence the opening
and closing of stomata.
4. List the correct sequence of events for the movement of cell
water in xylem, and sucrose in phloem. sieve plate


Flowering plants are well adapted to living in a terrestrial environ-

ment. Their leaves, which carry on photosynthesis, are positioned
to catch the rays of the sun, because they are held aloft by the stem
(see Fig. 25.11). Carbon dioxide enters leaves at the stomata, but
water, the other main requirement for photosynthesis, is absorbed
by the roots. Water must be transported from the roots through the
stem to the leaves.

Reviewing Xylem and Phloem Structure

Vascular plants have a transport tissue, called xylem, that moves
water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. Xylem, with its
strong-walled, nonliving cells, gives trees much-needed internal
support. Xylem contains two types of conducting cells: tracheids
and vessel elements (Fig. 25.10a).
a. Xylem b. Phloem
• Tracheids are tapered at both ends. The ends overlap
with those of adjacent tracheids, and pits allow water to Figure 25.10 Organization of conducting cells in xylem and
pass from one tracheid to the next. phloem. The specialized cells making up xylem and phloem form a
• Vessel elements are long and tubular with perforation series of interconnected and parallel cells that form a pathway for the
plates at each end. Vessel elements placed end to end movement of water and carbohydrates in a plant. Xylem cells (a) move
form a completely hollow pipeline from the roots to water from the bottom to the top. Phloem cells (b) can move sucrose
and other materials in any direction.
the leaves.
The process of photosynthesis results in sugars, which are used as
a source of energy and building blocks for other organic molecules The Role of Water Potential
throughout a plant. Phloem is the type of vascular tissue that trans- Knowing that vascular plants are structured in a way that allows mate-
ports organic nutrients to all parts of the plant. Roots buried in the rials to move from one part to another does not tell us the mechanisms
soil cannot carry on photosynthesis, but they require a source of by which these materials move. Plant physiologists have performed
energy, so that they can carry on cellular metabolism. In flowering numerous experiments to determine how water and minerals rise to
plants, phloem consists of two types of cells: sieve-tube members the tops of very tall trees in xylem, and how organic nutrients move
and companion cells (Fig. 25.10b). in the ­opposite direction in phloem. We might expect that these pro-
cesses are mechanical and based on the properties of water, because
• Sieve-tube members are the conducting cells of phloem.
water is a large part of both xylem sap and phloem sap.
The end walls are called sieve plates and have numerous
In living systems, water molecules diffuse freely across plasma
pores; strands of cytoplasm extend from one sieve-tube
membranes from the area of higher concentration to the area of lower
member to another through the pores. Sieve-tube members
concentration. Plant scientists prefer describing the movement of
lack nuclei.
water in terms of water potential: Water always flows passively from
• Companion cells, which do have nuclei, provide proteins to
the area of higher water potential to the area of lower water potential
sieve-tube members.
(Fig. 25.11). As can be seen in the Biological Systems feature, “The
In this way, sieve-tube members form a continuous sieve tube for Concept of Water Potential,” on page 467, the concept of water poten-
organic nutrient transport throughout the plant. tial involves water pressure in addition to osmotic pressure.
466 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

Leaf low water potential

spaces phloem


O2 CO2
O2 CO2


H2O Stem


sugar Root


phloem high water potential

Figure 25.11 Plant transport and water potential. Vascular tissue in plants includes xylem, which transports water and minerals from the
roots to the leaves, and phloem, which transports organic nutrients, often in the opposite direction. Notice that xylem and phloem are continuous from the
roots through the stem to the leaves, which are the vegetative organs of a plant. Water potential is higher at the roots as water moves in by osmosis. Water
potential is lower at the leaves as water escapes through stomata.
CHAPTER 25 Flowering Plants: Nutrition and Transport 467

Theme Biological Systems

The Concept of Water Potential
As you learned in Chapter 6, potential en- 1. Water pressure across a membrane solute concentration. This situation is com-
ergy is stored energy. Potential energy can 2. Solute concentration across a mon in plant cells. As water enters a plant
exist in an object’s position, such as that membrane cell by osmosis because of the higher sol-
of a boulder at the top of a hill (mechanical Pressure potential is the effect that ute concentration, water pressure increases
energy), or in chemical bonds, such as the pressure has on water potential. Water inside the cell—a plant cell has a strong cell
bonds between phosphate groups in ATP moves across a membrane from an area wall that allows water pressure to build up.
(chemical energy). Kinetic energy is the en- of higher pressure to an area of lower pres- When the pressure potential inside the cell
ergy of motion; it is energy actively engaged sure. The higher the water pressure, the balances the osmotic potential outside the
in doing work. A boulder rolling down a higher the water potential, and vice versa. cell, the flow of water in and out becomes
hillside is exhibiting kinetic energy, as is an Pressure potential is the concept that best the same.
enzyme reaction that breaks a bond, con- explains the movement of sap in xylem and Pressure potential that increases due
verting ATP to ADP and releasing energy in phloem. to osmosis is often called turgor pressure.
the process. Osmotic potential, in contrast, takes Turgor pressure is critical, because plants
Water potential is defined as the me- into account the effects of solutes on the depend on it to maintain the turgidity of
chanical energy of water. Just like the boul- movement of water. The presence of sol- their bodies (Fig. 25B). The cells of a wilted
der, ­water at the top of a waterfall has a utes restricts the movement of water, be- plant have insufficient turgor pressure, and
higher water potential than water at the cause water tends to engage in molecular the plant droops as a result.
bottom of the waterfall. As illustrated by interactions with solutes, such as hydrogen
this example, water moves from a region of bonding. Water therefore tends to move Questions to Consider
higher water potential to a region of lower across a membrane from an area of lower 1. What variables will restrict the move-
water potential. solute concentration to an area of higher ment of water across the plasma
In terms of cells, two factors usually solute concentration. The lower the con- membrane?
determine water potential, which in turn centration of solutes, the higher the water 2. What structures are necessary for a
determines the direction in which water potential, and vice versa. plant to maintain turgidity?
moves across a plasma membrane. These It is not surprising that increasing the 3. What environmental conditions might
factors concern differences in water pressure can counter the effects of cause a plant to lose its turgidity?

central vacuole Wilted central vacuole Turgid

cell wall cell wall

the cell

Extracellular fluid:
water potential Equal water

pressure potential potential inside and

osmotic potential outside the cell

Inside the cell:

water potential Pressure potential

pressure potential increases until

osmotic potential the cell is turgid

a. Plant cells need water. b. Plant cells are turgid.

Figure 25B Water potential and turgor pressure. Water flows from an area of higher water potential to an area of lower water potential.
a. The cells of a wilted plant have a lower water potential; therefore, water enters the cells. b. Equilibrium is achieved when the water potential is equal
inside and outside the cell. Cells are now turgid, and the plant is no longer wilted.
468 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

Chemical properties of water are also important in the move-

ment of xylem sap. The polarity of water molecules and the
hydrogen bonding between water molecules allow water to fill
xylem cells.

Water Transport
Recall that minerals accumulate at high concentrations beyond the
endodermis in the root xylem tissue. This solute concentration differ-
ence results in the continuous movement of water into the root, creat-
ing root pressure. For example, if the stem of a young plant is cut,
the cut end will often “leak” xylem sap. If a glass tube is sealed over
the cut end, the sap will rise, because root pressure raises the water
level in the glass tube (Fig. 25.12a). During the day, root pressure is
not as obvious, because water is being drawn out from the leaves. At
night, water continues to enter the roots, but evaporation slows down
at the surface of the leaves. This results in a phenomenon called gut-
tation. Guttation occurs when drops of water are forced out of vein
endings along the edges of leaves (Fig. 25.12b). This morning “dew”
effect is the direct result of root pressure.
Cohesion-Tension Model of Xylem Transport
Water that enters xylem must be transported against gravity to all
parts of the plant. Transporting water can appear to be a daunting
task, especially for plants such as redwood trees, which can exceed
90 m (almost 300 ft) in height.
The cohesion-tension model of xylem transport, outlined in
Figure 25.13, describes how water and minerals travel upward in
xylem yet requires no expenditure of energy by the plant. To under-
stand how it works, one must start at the bottom of Figure 25.13
in the soil. Recall that there is a higher water potential in the soil
and a lower water potential in the plant. Water will move into the
root by osmosis. All of the water entering roots creates root pres-
sure, which is helpful for the upward movement of water but is not
nearly enough to get it all the way up to the leaves—especially in
a tall tree. b.
Transpiration is the phenomenon that explains how water can Figure 25.12 Root pressure and guttation. a. Root pressure,
completely resist gravity and travel upward. Focusing on the top as measured in this experiment, is a positive pressure potential caused
of the tree, notice the water molecules escaping from the spongy by the entrance of water into root cells. b. Drops of guttation water on
mesophyll and into the air through stomata. The key is that it is not the edges of a leaf. Guttation, which occurs at night, is caused by root
just one water molecule escaping but a chain of water molecules. pressure. Often, guttation is mistaken for early morning dew.
The movement of water through xylem is like drinking water from
a straw. Drinking exerts pressure on the straw, and a chain of water
molecules is drawn upward. Water molecules are polar and “stick”
together with hydrogen bonds. Water’s ability to stay linked in a
chain is called cohesion, and its ability to stick to the inside of a The total amount of water a plant loses through transpira-
straw or a xylem vessel is adhesion. tion over a long period of time is surprisingly large. At least 90%
In plants, evaporation of water at the leaves exerts tension, of the water taken up by roots is eventually lost at the leaves.
which pulls on a chain of water molecules. Transpiration is the A single corn plant loses between 135 and 200 liters of water
constant tugging or pulling of the water column from the top due through ­transpiration during the growing season. A typical tree
to evaporation. Cohesion of water molecules and adhesion to the loses 400 liters of water per day! On a global scale, plant transpira-
inside of a xylem vessel facilitate this process. As transpiration tion has enormous effects on climate. For example, an estimated
occurs, the water column is pulled upward—first within the leaf, one-half to three-quarters of the rainfall received by the Amazon
then from the stem, and finally from the roots. In addition, unlike rain forest originates from water vapor of transpiring plants, often
other plant cells, xylem vessels offer a simple 3D Animation visible as a mist (Fig. 25.14). The evaporation of large amounts of
pipeline, with reinforced lignified walls and Plant Transport:
Water Transport in
water from plant surfaces dissipates heat and explains how plants
low resistance for the movement of water. Xylem cool themselves and their environments.
CHAPTER 25 Flowering Plants: Nutrition and Transport 469

Opening and Closing of Stomata

The way water is transported in plants has an important conse-
quence. When a plant is under water stress, the stomata close.
Now the plant loses little water, because the leaves are protected
against water loss by the waxy cuticle of the upper and lower
epidermis. When stomata are closed, however, carbon dioxide
xylem in
leaf vein cannot enter the leaves, and many plants are unable to pho-
tosynthesize efficiently. Photosynthesis, therefore, requires an
abundant supply of water, so that stomata remain open, allowing
carbon dioxide to enter.
Leaves stoma
• Transpiration Each stoma, a small pore in the leaf epidermis, is bordered by
creates tension.
H2O space guard cells. When water enters the guard cells and turgor pres-
• Tension pulls the water sure increases, the stoma opens; when water exits
column upward from
the roots to the leaves. the guard cells and turgor pressure decreases,
the stoma closes. Notice in Figure 25.15
that the guard cells are attached to
cohesion by hydrogen bonding
between water molecules each other at their ends and that the
adhesion due to inner walls are thicker than the outer
polarity of water walls. When water enters, a guard
molecules cell’s radial expansion is restricted
cell wall because of cellulose microfibrils in
the walls, but lengthwise expansion of
the outer walls is possible. When the outer
walls expand lengthwise, they buckle out from
the region of their attachment, and the stoma opens.

water molecule

• Cohesion makes
water continuous.
• Adhesion keeps
water column in

water molecule

root hair


• Water enters xylem
at root.
• Water column xylem
extends from leaves
to the root.

Figure 25.13 Cohesion-tension model of xylem transport.

Tension created by evaporation (transpiration) at the leaves pulls water Figure 25.14 Plant-transpired mist rising from a tropical
along the length of the xylem—from the roots to the leaves. rain forest. Plants transpire enormous amounts of water, creating
water vapor. Water vapor is an important source of rainfall, and the
process of evaporative cooling is responsible for cooling the plants and
affecting climate.
470 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

Open Stoma

H 2O H2O

vacuole K+

guard cell

stoma H+

K+ enters guard cells, and water follows.

a. 343×

Closed Stoma

Figure 25.15 H2O H2O

Opening and
closing of stomata.
a. A stoma opens
when turgor pressure
increases in guard
cells due to the
entrance of K+
followed by the K+
entrance of water.
b. A stoma closes
when turgor pressure
decreases due to the K+ exits guard cells, and water follows.
exit of K+ followed by
b. 370×
the exit of water.

Since about 1968, plant physiologists have known that potas- keeping time. Circadian rhythms (behaviors that occur nearly every
sium ions (K+) accumulate within guard cells when stomata open. 24 hours) and biological clocks are areas of intense investigation.
In other words, active transport of K+ into guard cells causes water Other factors that influence the opening and closing of stomata
to follow by osmosis and stomata to open. Another interesting include temperature, humidity, and stress.
observation is that hydrogen ions (H+) accumulate outside guard
cells as K+ moves into them. A proton pump run by the hydrolysis Organic Nutrient Transport
of ATP transports H+ to the outside of the cell. This establishes an
Mosses, described in Chapter 23, are short, ancient plants with no
electrochemical gradient that ­allows K+ to enter by way of a chan-
vascular tissue. Water, minerals, and the products of photosynthe-
nel protein (see Fig. 25.6b).
sis all move passively from one cell to the next. As plants evolved
The blue-light component of sunlight has been found to regulate
and moved onto land, there were many challenges for survival.
the opening and closing of stomata. Evidence suggests that a flavin
Plants evolved tissues and organs to acquire water and minerals
pigment absorbs blue light, and then this pigment sets in motion the
and to collect sunlight for photosynthesis. As plants grew taller,
cytoplasmic response that leads to activation of the proton pump. In a
the shoot system and the root system became increasingly sepa-
similar way, a receptor in the plasma membrane of guard cells could
rated, and other systems (xylem and phloem tissue) evolved for
bring about the inactivation of the pump when carbon dioxide (CO2)
long-distance travel. Phloem, specifically, is the tissue that trans-
concentration rises, as might happen when photosynthesis ceases.
locates (transfers) the products of photosynthesis. Sugar, produced
­Abscisic acid (ABA), which is produced by cells in wilting leaves,
in mature leaves, moves to areas of development and storage, such
can also cause stomata to close (see Chapter 26). Although photosyn-
as young leaves, fruit, and roots.
thesis cannot occur, water is conserved.
If plants are kept in the dark, stomata open and close about
every 24 hours, as though they were responding to the presence of Role of Phloem
sunlight in the daytime and the absence of sunlight at night. The Phloem tissue is typically found external to the xylem in vascular
implication is that some sort of internal ­biological clock must be tissues (see Fig. 24.14). In plants with woody stems, phloem makes
CHAPTER 25 Flowering Plants: Nutrition and Transport 471

2 mature leaf (source) a sink. The question now is, how does phloem sap move from the
source to the sink? The translocation of sugar can be explained
mature leaf (source)
using the pressure-flow model. As mentioned earlier, phloem
immature can travel in any direction. (For simplicity, Fig. 25.18 will later
leaf (sink) describe the movement of phloem sap from leaves, the source, to
roots, the sink.)
Photosynthesizing leaves make sugar, and that sugar is
actively transported from cells in the leaf mesophyll into the sieve
tubes of phloem. Recall that, like xylem, phloem is a continuous
pipeline throughout the plant. Active transport, or loading, of
sugar into phloem is dependent on an electrochemical gradi-
ent established by a proton pump. Sugar is co-transported with
hydrogen ions (H+) that are moving down their concentration
gradient (Fig. 25.17).
Next, high concentrations of sugar in the sieve tubes cause
water to flow in by osmosis (Fig. 25.18). Like turning the nozzle
on a hose, there is an increase in positive pressure as water flows
in. The sugar (sucrose) solution, under massive pressure at the
root source, is forced to move by bulk flow to areas of lower pressure
at the sink, like a root. This step highlights where the pressure-
flow model got its name, and indeed, phloem has been measured
moving at a velocity of 1 m an hour. The 3D Animation
same distance with passive diffusion would Plant Transport:
Translocation in
take 30 years! Phloem

When the sugar arrives at the root, it is transported out of

sieve tubes into the root cells. There, the sugar is used for cellular
a. b.
respiration or other metabolic processes. The high concentra-
Figure 25.16 The movement of phloem from source to tion of sugar in the root cells causes water to follow by osmosis,
sink. a. An illustration of an Arabidopsis plant where radioactive 14C , where it is later reclaimed by the xylem tissue.
in the form of CO2, was supplied to a mature leaf that can produce sugar. Although leaves are generally the source, storage roots and
b. An X-ray image showing the movement of radioactive phloem sap from stems such as carrots, beets, and potatoes are also examples of
the source leaf to sink leaves and roots.
sources providing much needed sugar during winter or periods of

up the inner bark. It is the location of phloem in woody stems that

helps explain why girdling a tree will cause the tree to die. If a strip
Low H+ concentration Sieve-tube cell
of bark is removed from around the tree, then the lower half of the
tree is cut off from its supply of sugar. H+ Suc
Interestingly, phloem sap does not move exclusively upward
or downward, and it is not defined by gravity, as water is in xylem. H+ Suc
In essence, phloem can travel in any direction, but these directions ATP
H+ ADP + P
have a beginning, called the source (where sugars originate) and H+
an end, or sink (where the sugars are unloaded). Sucrose–H+ Suc
Radioactive tracer studies with carbon 14 (14C) have con- co-transport
firmed that phloem transports organic nutrients from source
to sink. When 14C-labeled carbon dioxide (CO2) is supplied to
mature leaves, radioactively labeled sugar is soon found moving
down the stem into areas that cannot undergo photosynthesis,
such as immature leaves and the roots (Fig. 25.16).
As expected, the liquid traveling in phloem is mostly water H+ Suc
and sucrose, but other substances travel in the phloem as well, such H+ H+
as amino acids, hormones, RNA, and proteins involved in defense
and protection. High H+ concentration Mesophyll cell

Pressure-Flow Model of Phloem Transport Figure 25.17 Sucrose loading is dependent on a H+ ion
Figure 25.16 shows one of many experiments that plant scientists gradient. H+ ions are actively pumped into the mesophyll cell so they
have conducted proving that what starts at a source can end up in can be co-transported with sucrose into sieve-tube cells.
472 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

The high pressure of sucrose in phloem has resulted in a

very interesting observation of tiny insects called aphids. Aphids,
normally a pest in a garden, have a needlelike mouthpart, called
a stylet, that can penetrate a stem and tap into a sieve tube. The
high-pressure sucrose solution is forced through an aphid’s diges-
tive tract very quickly, resulting in a droplet of sucrose on the rear
end, called “honeydew” (Fig. 25.19a). Many ant species consume
this honeydew and, in turn, protect the aphids. Scientists also take
mesophyll cell of leaf advantage of this natural phloem-tapping system by anesthetizing
a drinking aphid, removing its body, and using the inserted stylet
Leaf to collect phloem for analysis (Fig. 25.19b). If the researcher
were to insert a needle into the stem, the phloem would clot, but
phloem aphids have a unique anticlotting property in their saliva that
water xylem keeps the initial sieve-tube clot from forming.

• Leaves are the main
source of sugar
• Sugar (pink) is actively
loaded into sieve
• Water (blue) follows by
osmosis, and high
pressure results.

xylem phloem

• Mass flow of phloem
sap from source to
• Xylem flows from roots
to leaves.

a. An aphid feeding on a plant stem

• Sugar is unloaded at
the sink.
• Water exits by osmosis
and returns to the
• Cells use sugar for
cellular respiration or

cortex cell
of root

Figure 25.18
Pressure-flow model of
phloem transport. Sugars b. Aphid stylet in place
are produced at the source
(leaves) and dissolve in water Figure 25.19 Acquiring phloem sap. Aphids are small insects
to form phloem. In the sieve xylem that remove nutrients from phloem by means of a needlelike mouthpart
tubes, water is pulled in by Root called a stylet. a. Excess phloem sap appears as a droplet after passing
osmosis. The phloem follows through the aphid’s body. b. Micrograph of a stylet in plant tissue. When
positive pressure and moves an aphid is cut away from its stylet, phloem sap becomes available for
toward the sink (root system). collection and analysis.
CHAPTER 25 Flowering Plants: Nutrition and Transport 473

Check Your Progress 25.3

1. Describe how water flows upward against gravity.
2.  Identify the cohesion and adhesion properties of water
that pertain to water transport.
3.  Describe the process in which sugars move from source
to sink in a plant.

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• Through the process of natural selection, • In addition to water, plants require miner- • The separation of the two conduction
vascular plants have evolved a vascular als from the soil, such as phosphorus, ni- systems allows plants to move differ-
system that provides efficient absorption trogen, and calcium. Active mechanisms ent nutrients simultaneously. Water can
and delivery of water via xylem and dis- have evolved to concentrate essential continue to flow upward in xylem sap,
tribution of sugars via phloem. nutrients inside the plant cells. while sugars flow downward in phloem
• The coevolution of symbiotic associa- • The ability to concentrate minerals and sap toward sinks, such as the roots.
tions with fungi and nitrogen-­fixing bac- other molecules allows some plants to • Plant conduction systems take advan-
teria have enhanced plants’ success. remove pollutants from soil and water, tage of the cohesive and adhesive prop-
aiding in environmental remediation. erties of water to move fluids as an un-
broken column through conducting cells.
• The mechanisms that control the open-
ing and closing of stomata enable plants
to regulate loss of water, even at the ex-
pense of photosynthesis.

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Animations 3D Animations

25.2 Proton Pump • Root Nodule Formation 25.3 Plant Transport: Water Transport in Xylem • Plant Transport:
Translocation in Phloem

Summarize Plant life is dependent on soil, which is formed by the mechani-
cal and chemical weathering of rock. Soil is a mixture of mineral
25.1 Plant Nutrition and Soil particles, humus, living organisms, air, and water. Soil particles are
Plants need various essential nutrients called minerals. Essential nutri- of three types, from the largest to the smallest: sand, silt, and clay.
ents needed in large quantities are called macronutrients; those needed Loam, which contains about equal proportions of all three types,
in smaller quantities are micronutrients. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen retains water but still has air spaces. Humus contributes to the texture
make up 95% of a plant’s dry weight. The other necessary nutrients are of soil and its ability to provide inorganic nutrients to plants. Cation
taken up by the roots as mineral ions. Hydroponics is a way of growing exchange is the chemical process by which minerals are absorbed by
plants in water, but it is also useful in figuring out mineral deficiencies. plant roots. Topsoil (a soil horizon of a soil profile) contains humus,
Mineral deficiencies can be avoided with the use of fertilizer. and this is the layer that is lost by soil erosion.

Every cell of this rock climber is manufacturing and using ATP.

A rock climber, a bacterium moving through a solution, an ocelot climbing a tree, or a

snail moving slowly to hide under a rock—each, including the tree, is making and
using ATP. ATP is an ancient “molecular fossil.” Its molecular structure, plus its presence
Chapter Outline
8.1 Overview of Cellular Respiration 130
8.2 Outside the Mitochondria:
in the first cell or cells that arose on Earth, accounts for its being the universal energy
Glycolysis 132
currency of cells.
8.3 Outside the Mitochondria:
ATP is unique among the cell’s storehouse of chemicals; amino acids join to make a
Fermentation 134
protein, and nucleotides join to make DNA or RNA, but ATP is singular and works alone.
8.4 Inside the Mitochondria 136
Whether you go skiing, take an aerobics class, or just hang out, ATP molecules provide
the energy needed for nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and any other cellular 8.5 Metabolism 141
process that requires energy. Cellular respiration, by which cells harvest the energy of
organic compounds and convert it to ATP molecules, is the topic of this chapter. It’s a
process that requires many steps and involves the cytoplasm and the mitochondria, the
powerhouses of the cell. Before You Begin
As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions: Before beginning this chapter, take a
1. How does the ATP molecule store chemical energy needed to run biological few moments to review the following
processes? discussions.
2. How are enzymes involved in regulating energy metabolism? Figure 6.3 How does an ATP molecule
store energy?
3. If nearly all life on Earth uses ATP, what does that indicate about its origins and
biological importance? Section 6.4 How are high-energy electrons
used to make energy for cellular work?
Figure 7.5 Where does the glucose that we
metabolize come from?

Following the Themes

chapter 8 cellular respiration
unit 1
the cell

Cellular respiration is the process by which the majority of the life on Earth
Evolution generates ATP for cellular processes.

An understanding of cellular respiration is useful in exploring the nature of human

Nature of Science diseases and nutritional needs.

The ATP produced at the cellular level is used to power all of the activities of an
Biological Systems organism.

130 unit 1 The Cell

8.1 Overview of Cellular Respiration that a hydrogen atom consists of a hydrogen ion plus an electron
(H+ + e–). Therefore, when hydrogen atoms are removed from
Learning Outcomes glucose, so are electrons; similarly, when hydrogen atoms are
added to oxygen, so are electrons.
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
Glucose is a high-energy molecule, but its breakdown prod-
1. Describe the overall reaction for glucose breakdown and ucts, CO2 and H2O, are low-energy molecules. Therefore, as the
show that it is a redox reaction.
equation shows, energy is released. This is the energy that will be
2. Examine the role of the NADH and FADH2 redox reactions
used to produce ATP molecules. The cell carries out cellular respi-
in cellular respiration.
ration in order to build up ATP molecules.
3. Summarize the phases of cellular respiration.
The pathways of cellular respiration allow the energy within
a glucose mole­cule to be released slowly, so that ATP can be pro-
Cellular respiration is the process by which cells acquire energy by duced gradually. Cells would lose a tremendous amount of energy
breaking down nutrient molecules produced by photosynthesizers. if glucose breakdown occurred all at once—most of the energy
Cellular respiration requires oxygen (O2) and gives off carbon diox- would become nonusable heat. The step-by-step breakdown of
ide (CO2), which, in effect, is the opposite of photosynthesis. In fact, ­glucose to CO2 and H2O usually produces a ­maximum yield of
it is the reason any animal, such as an ocelot or a human, breathes 36 to 38 ATP molecules, dependent on the conditions to be dis-
(Fig. 8.1) and why plants require a supply of oxygen. This chemical cussed later. The energy in these ATP molecules is equivalent to
interaction between animals and plants is important, because ani- about 39% of the energy that was available in glucose. Even though
mals, like humans, breathe the oxygen made by photosynthesizers. it might seem less efficient, this conversion is more efficient than
Most often, cellular respiration involves the complete breakdown of many others; for example, only between 20% and
30% of the energy within gasoline is converted to MP3
glucose to carbon dioxide and water (H2O): Cellular
the motion of a car. Respiration

NAD+ and FAD
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy
Cellular respiration involves many individual metabolic ­reactions,
glucose each one catalyzed by its own enzyme. Enzymes of particular
Reduction significance are those that use NAD+, a coenzyme of oxidation-
reduction (sometimes called a redox coenzyme). When a metabo-
lite is oxidized, NAD+ accepts two electrons plus a hydrogen ion
This equation shows that cellular respiration is an oxidation- (H+), and NADH results. The electrons received by NAD+ are
reduction reaction. Recall that oxidation is the loss of electrons high-energy electrons that are usually carried to the electron trans-
and reduction is the gain of electrons (see section 6.4); therefore, port chain (see Fig. 6.12):
glucose has been oxidized and
O2 has been reduced. NAD+ + 2 e– + H+ NADH
Also remember NAD+ can oxidize a metabolite by accepting electrons and can
reduce a metabolite by giving up electrons. Only a small amount
O2 from air
of NAD+ needs to be present in a cell, because each NAD+ mol-
ecule is used over and over again. FAD, another coenzyme of

O2 and glucose enter cells,

which release H2O and CO2.


glu H2O
co se
from food
cristae Mitochondria use
energy from
Figure 8.1 Cellular respiration. When an ocelot breathes, it acquires glucose to form ATP
oxygen, and when it feeds on a lizard, it acquires glucose. Both molecules enter from ADP + P .
its bloodstream and are carried to the body’s cells, where cellular respiration
occurs. Carbon dioxide and water are released as glucose breakdown in
mitochondria provides the energy for ATP production. ADP + P
CHAPTER 8 Cellular Respiration 131

oxidation-reduction, is sometimes used instead with a 4-carbon molecule, forming two 6-carbon citrate
of NAD+. FAD accepts two electrons and two Animation molecules. As citrate bonds are broken and oxidation occurs,
How the NAD+
hydrogen ions (H+) to become FADH2. Works NADH and FADH2 are formed, and two CO2 per citrate are
released. The citric acid cycle is able to produce one ATP per
Phases of Cellular Respiration turn. Because two acetyl groups enter the cycle per glucose
Cellular respiration involves four phases: glycolysis, the prepara- molecule, the cycle turns twice.
tory reaction, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain • The electron transport chain (ETC) is a series of carriers on
(Fig. 8.2). Glycolysis takes place ­outside the mitochondria and the cristae of the mitochondria. NADH and FADH2 give up
does not require the presence of oxy­gen. Therefore, glycolysis is their high-energy electrons to the chain. Energy is released and
anaerobic. The other phases of cellular respiration take place inside captured as the electrons move from a higher-energy to a lower-
the mitochondria, where oxygen is the final acceptor of ­electrons. energy state during each redox reaction. Later, this energy is used
Because they require oxygen, these phases are called aerobic. for the production of between 32 and 34 ATP by chemiosmosis.
During these phases, notice where CO2 and H2O, the end After oxygen receives electrons at the end of the chain, it
products of cellular respiration, and ATP, the main outcome of combines with hydrogen ions (H+) and becomes water (H2O).
respiration, are produced. Pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, is a pivotal metabolite; its fur-
ther treatment depends on whether oxygen is available. If oxygen is
• Glycolysis (Gk. glycos, “sugar”; lysis, “splitting”) is the
available, pyruvate enters a mitochondrion and is broken down com-
breakdown of glucose (a 6-carbon molecule) to two molecules
pletely to CO2 and H2O, as shown in the cellular respiration equation
of pyruvate (two 3-carbon molecules). Oxidation results in
(page 130). If oxygen is not available, pyruvate is further metabolized
NADH and provides enough energy for the net gain of two
in the cytoplasm by an anaerobic process called fermentation. Fer-
ATP molecules.
mentation results in a net gain of only two ATP per glucose molecule.
• The preparatory (prep) reaction takes place in the matrix of the
mitochondrion. Pyruvate is broken down from a 3-carbon (C3) Check Your Progress 8.1
to a 2-carbon (C2) acetyl group, and a 1-carbon CO2 molecule is
released. Since glycolysis ends with two molecules of pyruvate, 1. Describe how the formula for cellular respiration includes
the prep reaction occurs twice per glucose molecule. both oxidation and reduction reactions.
• The citric acid cycle also takes place in the matrix of the 2. Explain why NAD+ and FAD are needed during cellular
mitochondrion. Each 2-carbon acetyl group matches up respiration.
3. Describe the four phases of complete glucose breakdown,
including which release CO2 and which produce H2O.

Figure 8.2 The four phases of complete glucose breakdown. The

complete breakdown of glucose consists of four phases. Glycolysis in the cytoplasm
produces pyruvate, which enters mitochondria if oxygen is available. The conversion
reaction and the citric acid cycle that follow occur inside the mitochondria. Also, inside
mitochondria, the electron transport chain receives the electrons that were removed from
glucose breakdown products. Each stage generates electrons (e−)
from chemical breakdown and oxidation reactions.
e– The theoretical yield per glucose is 36 to 38
ATP, depending on the particular cell.
e– Overview of Cellular
e– Respiration
NADH and
Cytoplasm e– FADH2 Mitochondrion


Glycolysis Electron transport

Citric acid
Preparatory reaction cycle chain and
glucose pyruvate chemiosmosis


4 ADP 4 ATP total

2 ATP net gain 2 ADP 2 ATP 32 or 34 ADP 32 or 34 ATP

Heterotrophs with No slight diarrhea to much more serious
conditions. In some tropical areas,
Permanent Locomotor more than half of the population may
Apparatus be infected. The spread of amoebic
dysentery can be limited by proper

Heterotrophs with restricted mobility

Nonmotile spore-formers
Heterotrophs with flagella
Heterotrophs with no permanent
locomotor apparatus

Photosynthetic protists
The largest of the five general groups sanitation and hygiene.
of protists are primarily unicellular or-
ganisms with amoeboid forms. There
are three principle phyla: the forams Actinopoda: The Radiolarians
and the radiolarians have carbonate The pseudopodia of amoeboid cells
shells and the rhizopods lack shells. give them truly amorphous bodies.
One group, however, have more dis-
Rhizopoda: The Amoebas tinct structures. Members of the phy-
lum Actinopoda, often called radiolari-
Hundreds of species of amoebas are ans, secrete glassy exoskeletons made
found throughout the world in both of silica. These skeletons give the uni-
fresh and salt waters. They are also cellular organisms a distinct shape, ex-
abundant in soil. Many kinds of amoe- hibiting either bilateral or radial sym-
bas are parasites of animals. Reproduc- metry. The shells of different species
tion in amoebas occurs by fission, or form many elaborate and beautiful
the direct division into two cells of shapes and its pseudopodia extrude
equal volume. Amoebas of the phylum outward along spiky projections of the
Rhizopoda lack cell walls, flagella, skeleton (figure 35.8). Microtubules
meiosis, and any form of sexuality. support these cytoplasmic projections.
They do undergo mitosis, with a spin-
dle apparatus that resembles that of
Foraminifera: Forams
other eukaryotes.
Amoebas move from place to place Members of the phylum Foraminifera
by means of their pseudopods, from are heterotrophic marine protists.
the Greek words for “false” and “foot” They range in diameter from about 20
(figure 35.7). Pseudopods are flowing micrometers to several centimeters.
projections of cytoplasm that extend Characteristic of the group are pore-
and pull the amoeba forward or engulf studded shells (called tests) composed
food particles, a process called cyto- of organic materials usually reinforced
plasmic streaming. An amoeba puts a FIGURE 35.7 with grains of inorganic matter. These
pseudopod forward and then flows into Amoeba proteus. This relatively large grains may be calcium carbonate, sand,
it. Microfilaments of actin and myosin amoeba is commonly used in teaching and or even plates from the shells of echin-
similar to those found in muscles are for research in cell biology. The projections oderms or spicules (minute needles of
associated with these movements. The are pseudopods; an amoeba moves by calcium carbonate) from sponge skele-
pseudopodia can form at any point on flowing into them. The nucleus of the tons. Depending on the building mate-
the cell body so that it can move in any amoeba is plainly visible. rials they use, foraminifera—often in-
direction. formally called “forams”—may have
Some kinds of amoebas form resis- shells of very different appearance.
tant cysts. In parasitic species such as Some of them are brilliantly colored
Entamoeba histolytica, which causes red, salmon, or yellow-brown.
amoebic dysentery, cysts enable the amoebas to resist di- Most foraminifera live in sand or are attached to other
gestion by their animal hosts. Mitotic division takes place organisms, but two families consist of free-floating plank-
within the cysts, which ultimately rupture and release tonic organisms. Their tests may be single-chambered but
four, eight, or even more amoebas within the digestive more often are multichambered, and they sometimes have a
tracts of their host animals. The primary infection takes spiral shape resembling that of a tiny snail. Thin cytoplas-
place in the intestine, but it often moves into the liver and mic projections called podia emerge through openings in
other parts of the body. The cysts are dispersed in the the tests (figure 35.9). Podia are used for swimming, gath-
feces and may be transmitted from person to person in in- ering materials for the tests, and feeding. Forams eat a wide
fected food or water, or by flies. It is estimated that up to variety of small organisms.
10 million people in the United States have infections of The life cycles of foraminifera are extremely complex,
parasitic amoebas, and some 2 million show symptoms of involving an alternation between haploid and diploid gen-
the disease, ranging from abdominal discomfort with erations (sporic meiosis). Forams have contributed massive

700 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms

A representative of the Foraminifera (90×). A living foram with
podia, thin cytoplasmic projections that extend through pores in
the calcareous test, or shell, of the organism.

Actinosphaerium, a protist of the phylum Actinopoda (300×).
This amoeba-like radiolarian has striking needlelike pseudopods.

accumulations of their tests to the fossil record for more

than 200 million years. Because of the excellent preserva-
tion of their tests and the often striking differences among
them, forams are very important as geological markers.
The pattern of occurrence of different forams is often used
as a guide in searching for oil-bearing strata. Limestones
all over the world, including the famous white cliffs of
Dover in southern England, are often rich in forams (fig-
ure 35.10).

Amoebas, radiolarians, and forams are unicellular,

heterotrophic protists that lack cell walls, flagella,
meiosis, and sexuality. Amoebas move from place to
place by means of extensions called pseudopodia. The FIGURE 35.10
pore-studded tests, or shells, of the forams have White cliffs of Dover. The limestone that forms these cliffs is
openings through which podia extend that are used for composed almost entirely of fossil shells of protists, including
locomotion. coccolithophores (a type of algae) and foraminifera.

Chapter 35 Protists 701

128 Chapter 5 Eukaryotic Cells and Microorganisms

green pigment chlorophyll, a number of other pigments that

create the yellow, red, and brown coloration of some groups. Case File 5 Continuing the Case
Algae are widespread inhabitants of fresh and marine
waters. They are one of the main components of the large float- Shortly after the 2005 shellfish harvesting
ing community of microscopic organisms called plankton. In closure, the Oregon Harmful Algal Bloom
this capacity, they play an essential role in the aquatic food web Monitoring Project was initiated. The proj-
and produce most of the earth’s oxygen. Other algal habitats ect monitors water at five locations along
include the surface of soil, rocks, and plants, and several spe- the Oregon coast, retrieving samples every
cies are even hardy enough to live in hot springs or snowbanks. week or two (depending on the site) and examining each
Animal tissues would be rather inhospitable to algae, so sample for the presence of algal species that produce domoic
algae are rarely infectious. One exception is Prototheca, an unu- acid or saxitoxin. When sudden blooms lead to high levels of
sual nonphotosynthetic alga, which has been associated with harmful algae, specific harvesting controls can be instituted. In
skin and subcutaneous infections in humans and animals. Oregon, beaches are closed to clamming when domoic acid
The primary medical threat from algae is due to a type of levels reach 20 parts per million (ppm) in randomly selected
food poisoning caused by the toxins of certain marine algae. clams. Projects like this operate throughout the United States
During particular seasons of the year, the overgrowth of these to ensure the safety of harvested seafood.
motile algae imparts a brilliant red color to the water, which Officials try to keep harvest control measures as geographi-
is referred to as a “red tide.” When intertidal animals feed, cally limited and short-lived as possible. On June 21, 2006,
their bodies accumulate toxins given off by the algae that due in part to ongoing water sampling by the Oregon Harmful
can persist for several months. Paralytic shellfish poisoning Bloom Monitoring Project, the entire Oregon coast was opened
is caused by eating exposed clams or other invertebrates. It to razor clamming for the first time in 4 years (although short
is marked by severe neurological symptoms and can be fatal. stretches of beach were temporarily closed later in the summer).
Ciguatera is another serious intoxication caused by algal tox- ◾ Several months after beaches are closed to clamming,
ins that have accumulated in fish such as bass and mackerel. the same beaches can be declared safe and reopened.
Cooking does not destroy the toxin, and there is no antidote. Why are unsafe clams later deemed safe?
Several episodes of a severe infection caused by Pfiest-
eria piscicida, a toxic algal form, have been reported over the
past several years in the United States. The disease was first Protozoan Form and Function
reported in fish and was later transmitted to humans. This
newly identified species occurs in at least 20 forms, including Most protozoan cells are single cells containing the major
spores, cysts, and amoebas (see figure 5.21c), that can release eukaryotic organelles except chloroplasts. Their organelles can
potent toxins. Both fish and humans develop neurological be highly specialized for feeding, reproduction, and locomo-
symptoms and bloody skin lesions. The cause of the epidemic tion. The cytoplasm is usually divided into a clear outer layer
has been traced to nutrient-rich agricultural runoff water that called the ectoplasm and a granular inner region called the
promoted the sudden “bloom” of Pfiesteria. These microbes endoplasm. Ectoplasm is involved in locomotion, feeding, and
first attacked and killed millions of fish and later people whose protection. Endoplasm houses the nucleus, mitochondria, and
occupations exposed them to fish and contaminated water. food and contractile vacuoles. Some ciliates and flagellates4
even have organelles that work somewhat like a primitive
Biology of the Protozoa nervous system to coordinate movement. Because protozoa
lack a cell wall, they have a certain amount of flexibility. Their
If a poll were taken to choose the most engrossing and vivid outer boundary is a cell membrane that regulates the move-
group of microorganisms, many biologists would choose ment of food, wastes, and secretions. Cell shape can remain
the protozoa. Although their name comes from the Greek constant (as in most ciliates) or can change constantly (as in
for “first animals,” they are far from being simple, primitive amoebas). Certain amoebas (foraminiferans) encase themselves
organisms. The protozoa constitute a very large group (about in hard shells made of calcium carbonate. The size of most pro-
65,000 species) of creatures that although single-celled, have tozoan cells falls within the range of 3 to 300 μm. Some notable
startling properties when it comes to movement, feeding, exceptions are giant amoebas and ciliates that are large enough
and behavior. Although most members of this group are (3 to 4 mm in length) to be seen swimming in pond water.
harmless, free-living inhabitants of water and soil, a few
species are parasites collectively responsible for hundreds of Nutritional and Habitat Range Protozoa are heterotrophic
millions of infections of humans each year. Before we con- and usually require their food in a complex organic form.
sider a few examples of important pathogens, let us examine Free-living species scavenge dead plant or animal debris and
some general aspects of protozoan biology, remembering that even graze on live cells of bacteria and algae. Some species
the term “protozoan” is more of a convenience than an accu- have special feeding structures such as oral grooves, which
rate taxonomic designation. As we describe them in the next carry food particles into a passageway or gullet that packages
paragraph, you will see why they are categorized together. It
is because of their similar physical characteristics rather than 4. The terms ciliate and flagellate are common names of protozoan groups that
their genetic relatedness, as it turns out. move by means of cilia and flagella.
5.5 The Protists 129

the captured food into vacuoles for digestion. Some protozoa that does not appear to involve any of these locomotor struc-
absorb food directly through the cell membrane. Parasitic tures. Pseudopods are blunt, branched, or long and pointed,
species live on the fluids of their host, such as plasma and depending on the particular species. The flowing action of the
digestive juices, or they can actively feed on tissues. pseudopods results in amoeboid motion, and pseudopods also
Although protozoa have adapted to a wide range of habi- serve as feeding structures in many amoebas. (The structure
tats, their main limiting factor is the availability of moisture. and behavior of flagella and cilia were discussed in the first
Their predominant habitats are fresh and marine water, soil, section of this chapter.) Flagella vary in number from one to
plants, and animals. Even extremes in temperature and pH several, and in certain species they are attached along the length
are not a barrier to their existence; hardy species are found in of the cell by an extension of the cytoplasmic membrane
hot springs, ice, and habitats with low or high pH. Many pro- called the undulating membrane (figure 5.22a). In most ciliates,
tozoa can convert to a resistant, dormant stage called a cyst. the cilia are distributed over the entire surface of the cell in
characteristic patterns. Because of the tremendous variety in
Styles of Locomotion Except for one group (the Api- ciliary arrangements and functions, ciliates are among the most
complexa), protozoa can move through fluids by means of diverse and awesome cells in the biological world. In certain
pseudopods (“false feet”), flagella, or cilia. A few species have protozoa, cilia line the oral groove and function in feeding; in
both pseudopods (also called pseudopodia) and flagella. Some others, they fuse together to form stiff props that serve as primi-
unusual protozoa move by a gliding or twisting movement tive rows of walking legs.
Undulating membrane Flagellum




(a) (b)

Cytostome Food vacuoles Nucleus


(c) (d)

Figure 5.22 Examples of the four types of locomotion in protozoa. (a) Mastigophora: Trichomonas vaginalis, displaying flagella.
(b) Sarcodina: Amoeba, with pseudopods. (c) Ciliophora: Stentor, displaying cilia. (d) Sporozoan: Cryptosporidium. Sporozoa have no specialized
locomotion organelles.
Support Systems
Gymnastics requires coordination between the nervous and support systems.

G abrielle “Gabby” Douglas took her first gymnastics class when she was 2 years
old. By age 8, she had won a gymnastics title in Virginia, and she won two gold
medals at the 2012 Summer Olympics. When Gabby does a routine, her muscular and
Chapter Outline
39.1 Diversity of Skeletons 734
39.2 The Human Skeletal System 736
skeletal systems are working together under the control of her nervous system. The
same is true when eagles fly, fish swim, or animals feed, escape prey, reproduce, or 39.3 The Muscular System 742
simply play. Although some animals lack muscles and bones, they all use contractile
fibers to move about at some stage of their lives. In many invertebrates, muscles push
against body fluids located inside either a gastrovascular cavity or a coelom.
Only in vertebrates are muscles attached to a bony endoskeleton. Both the skel- Before You Begin
etal system and the muscular system contribute to homeostasis. Aside from giving Before beginning this chapter, take a
the body shape and protecting internal organs, the skeleton serves as a storage area few moments to review the following
for inorganic calcium and produces blood cells. The skeleton also protects internal discussions.
organs while supporting the body against the pull of gravity. While contributing to Figure 37.6 What is the function of
body movement, the skeletal muscles give off heat, which warms the body. This acetylcholine in the transmission of a
chapter compares locomotion in animals and reviews the musculoskeletal system of nerve impulse to skeletal muscle?
vertebrates. Sections 37.3 and 37.4 How does the
As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions: primary motor area of the cerebral
cortex generate commands to skeletal
1. What advantages do animals with a skeletal system have over animals that com-
muscle, and how does the somatic
pletely lack such a system? division of the PNS control the muscles?
2. How does the nervous system specifically control the skeletal system? Chapter 38 How do the various types of
3. How do the sensory systems exert influence over the nervous system and therefore sensory receptors provide information
over the muscular and skeletal systems? and feedback to the brain?

Following the Themes

Chapter 39 Locomotion and Support Systems
Unit 7

Animal Biology

The need for protection, support, and mobility in different environments has led to
Evolution the evolution of a number of different skeletal systems.

Investigations into bone and muscle functions have provided an understanding of how
Nature of Science animals are adapted to their lifestyles, as well as having many applications to human health.

In humans, the skeletal system protects the internal organs, stores ions and
Biological Systems contributes to homeostasis, produces blood cells for the circulatory system, and
works together with the muscular system.

734 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

39.1 Diversity of Skeletons segment has its own set of longitudinal and circular muscles and
its own nerve supply, so each segment or group of segments may
Learning Outcomes function indepen­dently. When circular muscles contract, the seg-
ments become thinner and elongate. When longitudinal muscles
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
contract, the segments become thicker and shorten. By alternating
1. Describe a typical hydrostatic skeleton and list some ­circular muscle contraction and longitudinal muscle contraction
examples of animals that possess one.
and by using its setae to hold its position during contractions, the
2. Discuss some advantages of having an endoskeleton
animal moves forward.
versus an exoskeleton.
3. Provide several examples of how mammalian skeletons Use of Muscular Hydrostats
are adapted to particular forms of locomotion.
Even animals that have an exoskeleton or an endoskeleton move
selected body parts by means of muscular hydrostats, meaning
Skeletons serve as support systems for animals, providing rigid- that fluid contained within the individual cells that constitute a
ity, protection, and surfaces for muscle attachment. Several differ- muscle assists with movement of that part. Muscular hydrostats
ent kinds of skeletons occur in the animal kingdom. Cnidarians, are used by clams to extend their muscular foot and by sea stars to
flatworms, roundworms, and annelids have a hydrostatic skeleton. extend their tube feet. Spiders depend on them to move their legs,
Typically, molluscs and arthropods have an exoskeleton (external and moths rely on them to extend their proboscis. In vertebrates,
skeleton) composed of calcium carbonate or chitin, respectively. movement of an elephant’s trunk involves a muscular hydrostat
Sponges, echinoderms, and vertebrates possess an internal skeleton, that allows the animal to reach high into trees, pick up a morsel of
or endoskeleton. In echinoderms, the endoskeleton is composed of food off the ground, or manipulate other objects.
calcareous plates; in vertebrates, the endoskeleton is composed of
cartilage, bone, or both. Exoskeletons and Endoskeletons
Molluscs and arthropods have a rigid exoskeleton, an external cov-
Hydrostatic Skeleton ering composed of a stiff material. The strength of an exoskeleton
In animals that lack a hard skeleton, a fluid-filled gastrovascular can be improved by increasing its thickness and weight, but this
cavity or a fluid-filled coelom can act as a hydrostatic skeleton. A leaves less room for internal organs.
hydrostatic skeleton utilizes fluid pressure to offer support and In molluscs, such as snails and clams, a thick and nonmobile
resistance to the contraction of muscles, so that mobility results. calcium carbonate shell is primarily used for protection against
As analogies, consider that a garden hose stiffens when filled with the environment and predators. A mollusc’s shell can grow as the
water, and that a water-filled balloon changes shape when squeezed animal grows.
at one end. Similarly, an animal with a hydrostatic skeleton can The exoskeleton of arthropods, such as insects and crusta-
change shape and perform a variety of movements. ceans, is composed of chitin, a strong, flexible, nitrogenous poly-
Hydras and planarians use their fluid-filled gastrovascular cav- saccharide. Their exoskeleton protects them against wear and tear,
ity as a hydrostatic skeleton. The tentacles of a hydra also have predators, and desiccation (drying out)—an important feature
hydrostatic skeletons, allowing them to be extended to capture food. for arthropods that live on land. Working together with muscles,
Roundworms have a fluid-filled pseudocoelom and move in a whip- the jointed and movable appendages ­of arthropods allow them to
like manner when their longitudinal muscles contract. crawl, fly, and/or swim. Because their exoskeleton is of fixed size,
The coelom of annelids, such as earthworms, is segmented however, arthropods must molt, or shed their skeleton, in order to
and has septa that divide it into compartments (Fig. 39.1). Each grow (Fig. 39.2).

anterior Figure 39.1 Locomotion in an earthworm.

a. The coelom is divided by septa, and each body
segment is a separate locomotor unit. Both circular and
longitudinal muscles are present. b. As circular muscles
contract, a few segments extend. The worm is held in
place by setae, needlelike, chitinous structures on each
a. segment of the body. Then, as longitudinal muscles
circular longitudinal septa fluid setae contract, a portion of the body is brought forward. This
muscles muscles series of events occurs down the length of the worm.

circular longitudinal circular muscles longitudinal muscles circular muscles

muscles muscles contract, and anterior contract, and segments contract, and anterior
contracted contracted end moves forward catch up end moves forward

repair than injuries to a hard skeleton. Compared to the relatively

limited mobility of arthropod appendages, vertebrate limbs are
generally more flexible and have different types of joints, allowing
for even more complex movements.
The skeletons of mammals come in many sizes and shapes, which
are often adapted to a particular mode of locomotion. Aquatic ani-
mals such as seals, sea lions, whales, and dolphins have a streamlined,
­torpedo-shaped skeleton that facilitates movement through water. Many
animals that jump, such as kangaroos and rabbits, have a compact skele-
ton with elongated hindlimbs that propel them forward. Carnivores, such
Figure 39.2 Exoskeleton. Exoskeletons support muscle as members of the cat family, walk on their toes, which is an adaptation to
contraction and prevent drying out. The chitinous exoskeleton of an running and chasing prey. (Note that when humans run, we push off with
arthropod is shed as the animal molts; until the new skeleton dries our toes to move faster.) Hoofed mammals, such as horses and deer, have
and hardens, the animal is more vulnerable to predators, and muscle evolved long legs and run on the tips of elongated phalanges. The lowest
contractions may not translate into body movements. In this photo, a
part of each limb of a horse consists entirely of a modified third digit.
cicada has just finished molting.
Humans are bipedal and walk on the soles of the feet formed by
Both echinoderms and vertebrates have an endoskeleton, the tarsal and metatarsal bones. This form of locomotion allows the
which is made up of rigid internal structures. The skeleton of hands to be free and may have evolved from the monkeys’ and apes’
echinoderms consists of spicules and plates of calcium carbonate habit of using only forelimbs as they swing through the branches of
embedded in the living tissue of the body wall. In contrast, the trees. Dexterity of hands and feet is actually the ancestral mamma-
vertebrate endoskeleton is living tissue. Sharks and rays have skel- lian condition. In humans and apes, the bones of the hands and feet
etons composed only of cartilage. Other vertebrates, such as bony are not fused, and the wrist and ankle can rotate in three dimensions.
fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, have endoskel-
etons composed of bone and cartilage. Check Your Progress 39.1
The advantages of the jointed vertebrate endoskeleton are 1. List the types of skeletons found in animals.
listed in Figure 39.3. An endoskeleton grows with the animal, so
2. Describe the type of support system that makes it
molting is not required. It supports the weight of a large animal possible to stick out your tongue.
without limiting the space for internal organs. An endoskeleton
3. Explain why an earthworm loses its cylindrical shape
also offers protection to vital internal organs, but it is protected by when it dies.
the soft tissues around it. Injuries to soft tissue are usually easier to

Advantages of Jointed Endoskeleton

Can grow with the animal

Supports the weight of large animal
Protects vital internal organs
Is protected by outer tissues
Allows flexible movements

Figure 39.3 The vertebrate

endoskeleton. The jointed vertebrate
endoskeleton has the advantages listed to
the left.
742 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

39.3 The Muscular System frontalis

Learning Outcomes orbicularis oculi

orbicularis oris
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to zygomaticus
1. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic structure of a
trapezius sternocleidomastoid
muscle fiber.
2. Explain the molecular mechanism of muscle contraction. pectoralis major
3. Indicate three ways that muscle cells can generate ATP. deltoid
4. Explain the specific role of acetylcholine (ACh) in dorsi
stimulating a muscle fiber to contract.
external brachii
Muscles are composed of contractile tissue that is capable of chang-
ing its length by contracting and relaxing. Most animals rely on triceps
muscle tissue to produce movement—to swim, crawl, walk, run,
jump, or fly. Clearly, there are strong evolutionary advantages to be
able to move into new environments, to flee from danger, to seek radialis
flexor carpi
and/or capture food, and to find new mates. Only a few animals are group
nonmotile (also called sessile), and most of these rectus
MP3 abdominis
live in water, where currents can bring a supply Muscle Tissue

of food to them.
As discussed in Chapter 31, humans and other vertebrates
have three distinct types of muscle tissue: smooth, cardiac, and
skeletal. Most of the focus in this chapter is on skeletal muscle, or
striated voluntary muscle, which is important in maintaining pos-
ture, providing support, and allowing for movement. The processes sartorius
responsible for skeletal muscle contraction also release heat, which quadriceps adductor
is distributed throughout the body, helping maintain a constant femoris longus
body temperature. group

Macroscopic Anatomy and Physiology peroneus longus

The nearly 700 skeletal muscles and their associated tissues make gastrocnemius
up approximately 40% of the weight of an average human. Muscle tibialis anterior
tissue is approximately 15% more dense than fat tissue, so a pound
of muscle takes up less space than does a pound of fat. However, extensor Figure 39.11
even at rest, muscle tissue consumes about three times more energy digitorum longus Human
than adipose tissue.
Anterior view of
Several of the major human superficial muscles are illustrated in some of the major
Figure 39.11. Skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton by bands superficial skeletal
of fibrous connective tissue called tendons (L. tendo, “stretch”). muscles.
When muscles contract, they shorten. Therefore, muscles can only
pull; they cannot push. Because of this, skeletal muscles must work
in antagonistic pairs. One muscle of an antagonistic pair flexes the muscles of the neck, trunk, and legs were to suddenly relax, the
the joint and bends the limb; the other one extends the joint and body would collapse.
straightens the limb. Figure 39.12 illustrates this principle. Muscle tone has also been implicated in the formation of facial
In the laboratory, if a muscle is given a rapid series of thresh- wrinkles. As described in the Nature of Science feature, “The Acci-
old stimuli—that is, stimuli strong enough to bring about action dental Discovery of Botox®,” on page 744, medical injections of
potentials, as described in section 37.2.—it can respond to the next Botox® interfere with muscle contraction, smoothing wrinkles.
stimulus without relaxing completely. In this way, muscle contrac-
tion builds, or summates, until maximal sustained contraction, Microscopic Anatomy and Physiology
called tetany, is achieved. Tetanic contractions ordinarily occur in A vertebrate skeletal muscle is composed of a number of muscle
the body’s muscles whenever skeletal muscles are actively used. fibers in bundles. Each muscle fiber is a cell
Even when muscles appear to be at rest, they exhibit tone, in containing the usual cellular components, Muscle Structure
which some of their fibers are contracting. As you saw in Chapter but some components have special features
38, sensory receptors called muscle spindles and Golgi tendon (Fig. 39.13).
organs are partly responsible for maintaining tone. Muscle tone The sarcolemma, or plasma membrane, forms a transverse
is particularly important in maintaining posture. If all the fibers in system, or T system. The T tubules penetrate, or dip down, into
the cell, so that they come in contact—but do not fuse—with the
sarcoplasmic reticulum, which consists of expanded portions of
biceps brachii modified endoplasmic reticulum (ER). These expanded portions
(contracted) serve as storage sites for calcium ions (Ca2+), which are essential
for muscle contraction. The sarcoplasmic reticulum encases hun-
triceps brachii dreds and sometimes even thousands of myofibrils (Gk. myos,
“muscle”; L. fibra, “thread”), which are the contractile portions of a
humerus muscle fiber.
Myofibrils are cylindrical and run the length of the muscle
insertion fiber. The light microscope shows that a m ­ yofibril has light and
dark bands, termed striations. These bands are responsible for skel-
etal muscle’s striated appearance. The electron microscope reveals
that the striations of myo­fibrils are formed by the placement of
biceps brachii protein filaments within contractile units called sarcomeres.
Examining sarcomeres when they are relaxed shows that a sar-
Figure 39.12 triceps brachii comere extends between two dark lines called Z lines (Fig. 39.13).
Antagonistic muscles. There are two types of protein filaments: thick filaments, made
Muscles can exert force only up of myosin, and thin filaments, made up of actin. The I band is
by shortening; therefore, they light-colored, because it contains only actin filaments attached to
often work as antagonistic pairs.
a Z line. The dark regions of the A band contain overlapping actin
The biceps and triceps brachii
exemplify an antagonistic pair of and myosin filaments, and its H zone has only myosin filaments.
muscles that act opposite to one
another. The biceps brachii flexes Sliding Filament Model
the elbow joint, and the triceps Examining muscle fibers when they are contracted reveals that the
brachii extends the elbow joint. sarcomeres within the myo­fibrils have shortened. When a sarcomere
shortens, the actin (thin) filaments slide past the myosin (thick)
filaments and ­approach one another. This causes Animation
the I band to shorten and the H zone to nearly or Sarcomere
completely disappear.

A muscle contains Figure 39.13 Skeletal muscle fiber structure and function. A muscle fiber
bundles of muscle contains many myofibrils, divided into sarcomeres, which are contractile. When the myofibrils of
fibers, and a muscle
fiber has many a muscle fiber contract, the sarcomeres shorten: The actin (thin) filaments slide past the myosin
myofibrils. (thick) filaments toward the center, so that the H zone gets smaller, to the point of disappearing.

bundle of sarcolemma
one myofibril


Z line one sarcomere Z line

T tubule sarcoplasmic
reticulum nucleus


H zone 6,000×
Z line I band
A band

Sarcomeres are contracted. Sarcomeres are relaxed. A myofibril has many sarcomeres.
744 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Theme Nature of Science

The Accidental Discovery of Botox®
Several of the most important bacterial nerves from communicating with muscles, their skin. The treatment worked well, and after
pathogens that cause human diseases— specifically by interfering with the release trying it on several more patients (as well as on
including cholera, diphtheria, tetanus, and of acetylcholine from the axon terminals of themselves!), the Canadian doctors spent sev-
botulism—do so by secreting potent toxins motor nerves (see section 39.3). eral years presenting their findings at scientific
capable of sickening or killing their victims. Scientists soon began testing very dilute meetings and in research journals. Although
The botulinum toxin, produced by the bac- concentrations of the toxin as a treatment for they were initially considered “crazy,” the Car-
terium Clostridium botulinum, is one of the conditions in which the muscles contract too rutherses eventually were able to convince the
most lethal substances known. Less than much, such as crossed eyes or spasms of the scientific community that diluted botulinum
a microgram of the purified toxin can kill facial muscles or vocal cords, and in 1989 the toxin is effective in treating wrinkles; however,
an average-size person, and 4 kilograms FDA first approved diluted botulinum toxin they never patented it for that use, so they
(8.8 pounds) would be enough to kill all (Botox®) for treating specific eye conditions missed out on much of the $1.3 billion in an-
the humans on Earth! Given this scary fact, called blepharospasm (eyelid spasms) and nual sales the drug now earns for the company
it seems that the scientists who discov- strabismus (crossing of the eyes). that did patent it.
ered the lethal activity of this bacterial toxin Right around this time, a lucky break oc- The uses of diluted botulinum toxin
nearly 200 years ago could never have an- curred that eventually would open the medical have been growing since it was first FDA-
ticipated that the intentional injection of a community’s eyes to the greater potential of approved for the treatment of frown lines in
very dilute form of botulinum toxin (now the diluted toxin. A Canadian ophthalmologist, 2002 (Fig. 39A). It has now been approved
known as Botox®) would become the most Jean Carruthers, had been using it to treat her for the treatment of chronic migraine head-
common nonsurgical cosmetic procedure patients’ eye conditions, when she noticed that aches, excessive underarm sweating, and
performed by many physicians. some of their wrinkles had also subsided. One facial wrinkles known as “crow’s-feet.” The
As with many breakthroughs in science night at a family dinner, Dr. Carruthers shared company is seeking approval for many other
and medicine, the pathway from thinking this information with her husband, a derma- uses of diluted botulinum toxin. The annual
about botulism as a deadly disease to using tologist, who decided to investigate whether market for Botox® is predicted to reach
botulinum toxin as a beneficial treatment he could reduce the deep wrinkles of some about $3 billion by 2018.
involved the hard work of many scientists, of his patients by injecting the dilute toxin into Perhaps all of this would have eventu-
mixed with a considerable amount of luck. ally happened even without the observations
In the 1820s, a German scientist, Justi- of an alert eye doctor, but progress would
nus Kerner (1786–1862), was able to prove have very likely been slower. As the French
that the deaths of several people had been microbiologist Louis Pasteur observed in
caused by their consumption of spoiled 1854, “Chance favors the prepared mind,”
sausage (in fact, botulism is named for the meaning that many scientific discoveries in-
Latin word for “sausage,” botulus). A few volve many investigators, and years of work,
decades later, a Belgian researcher named mixed with a flash of inspiration.
Emile Pierre van Ermengem (1851–1932)
identified the specific bacterium responsible Questions to Consider
for producing the botulinum toxin, which 1. Considering that botulism is caused
could cause symptoms ranging from droopy by a preformed toxin, how do you sup-
eyelids to paralysis and respiratory failure. pose it can be treated?
By the 1920s, medical scientists at 2. Do you think companies should be
the University of California had obtained allowed to patent a naturally occur-
the toxin in pure form, which allowed them Figure 39A Treating wrinkles ring molecule such as botulinum toxin?
to determine that it acted by preventing with diluted botulinum toxin. Why or why not?

The movement of actin filaments in relation to myosin fila- Table 39.1 Muscle Contraction
ments is called the sliding filament model of muscle contraction.
Name Function
During the sliding process, the sarcomere shortens, even though the
filaments themselves remain the same length. When you play “tug Actin filaments Slide past myosin, causing contraction
of war,” your hands grasp the rope, pull, let go, attach farther down
Ca2+ Needed for myosin to bind to actin
the rope, and pull again. The myosin heads are like your hands—­
grasping, pulling, letting go, and then repeating the process.
Myosin filaments Pull actin filaments by means of cross-
The participants in muscle contraction have the ­functions bridges; are enzymatic and split ATP
listed in Table 39.1. ATP supplies the energy for muscle contrac-
tion. Although the actin filaments slide past the myosin filaments, ATP Supplies energy for muscle contraction
it is the myosin filaments that do the work. Myosin filaments
CHAPTER 39 Locomotion and Support Systems 745

break down ATP and form cross-bridges Animation time, and lactate builds up. Whether lactate causes muscle aches and
that attach to and pull the actin filaments Breakdown of ATP and
Cross-Bridge Movement
fatigue on exercising is now being questioned.
toward the center of the sarcomere. We all have had the experience of needing to continue deep
breathing following strenuous exercise. This continued intake of
Use of ATP in Contraction oxygen, which is required to complete the metabolism of lac-
ATP provides the energy for muscle contraction. ­Although muscle tate and restore cells to their original energy state, offsets what
cells contain myoglobin, a molecule that stores oxygen, cellular res- is known as oxygen debt. The lactate is transported to the liver,
piration does not immediately supply all the ATP that is needed. In where 20% of it is completely broken down to carbon dioxide
the meantime, muscle fibers rely on creatine phosphate (phosphocre- (CO2) and water (H2O). The ATP gained by this r­ espiration is then
atine), a storage form of high-energy phosphate. Creatine phosphate used to reconvert 80% of the lactate to glucose.
cannot directly participate in muscle contraction. Instead, it anaerobi- In persons who regularly exercise, such as athletes in train-
cally regenerates ATP by the following reaction: ing, the number of mitochondria increases, and muscles rely on
them rather than on fermentation to produce ATP. Less lactate is
creatine—P  +  ADP   ATP  +  creatine
produced, and there is less oxygen debt.
This reaction occurs in the midst of sliding filaments, and therefore
this method of supplying ATP is the speediest ­energy source avail- Muscle Innervation
able to muscles. Muscles are stimulated to contract by motor nerve fibers. Nerve
When all of the creatine phosphate is depleted, mitochondria fibers have several branches, each of which ends at an axon t­ erminal
may by then be producing enough ATP for muscle contraction to in close proximity to the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber. A small
continue. If not, fermentation is a second way for muscles to supply gap, called a synaptic cleft, separates the axon terminal from the
ATP without consuming oxygen. Fermentation, which is apt to occur sarcolemma. This entire region is called Animation
when strenuous exercise first begins, supplies ATP for only a short a neuromuscular ­junction (Fig. 39.14). Function of the
Neuromuscular Junction

skeletal muscle fiber

axon branch
axon terminal



junction synaptic
a. One motor axon causes vesicle
several muscle fibers to synaptic
contract. cleft

muscle fiber (ACh)
axon branch
plasma membrane acetylcholin-
of axon esterase
axon terminal (AChE)
synaptic vesicle Na+
synaptic cleft folded
sarcolemma sarcolemma
mitochondrion ACh receptor

b. A neuromuscular junction is the juxtaposition of an axon c. The release of a neurotransmitter (ACh) causes
terminal and the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber. receptors to open and Na+ to enter a muscle fiber.

Figure 39.14 Neuromuscular junction. The branch of a motor nerve fiber (a) ends in an axon terminal (b) that meets but does not touch a muscle
fiber. A synaptic cleft separates the axon terminal from the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber. Nerve impulses traveling down a motor fiber cause synaptic
vesicles (c) to discharge a neurotransmitter that diffuses across the synaptic cleft. When the neurotransmitter is received by the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber,
impulses begin, leading to muscle fiber contraction.
746 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Axon terminals contain synaptic vesicles filled with the down acetylcholine, muscle contraction ceases due to reasons we
neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). When nerve impulses will discuss next.
traveling down a motor neuron arrive at an axon terminal, the
synaptic vesicles release ACh into the synaptic cleft. ACh quickly Role of Calcium in Muscle Contraction
diffuses across the cleft and binds to ­receptors in the sarco- Figure 39.15 illustrates the placement of two other proteins associ-
lemma. Now, the sarcolemma generates impulses that spread ated with a thin filament, which is composed of a double row of
over the sarcolemma and down T tubules to the sarcoplas- twisted actin molecules. Threads of tropomyosin wind about an
mic reticulum. The release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic actin filament, and troponin occurs at intervals along the threads.
reticulum causes the filaments in sarcomeres to slide past one Calcium ions (Ca2+) that have been released from the sarcoplas-
another. Sarcomere ­ contraction results in myofibril contrac- mic reticulum combine with t­roponin. After binding occurs, the
tion, which in turn results in muscle fiber and finally muscle tropomyosin threads shift their position, and myosin binding sites
contraction. are exposed.
Once a neurotransmitter has been released into a neuromus- Thick filaments are bundles of myosin molecules with double
cular junction and has initiated a response, it is removed from the globular heads. Myosin heads function as ATPase enzymes, split-
junction. When the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) breaks ting ATP into ADP and ○ P . This reaction activates the heads, so

actin filament troponin myosin binding sites



tropomyosin Troponin-Ca2+ complex pulls tropomyosin

away, exposing myosin binding sites.

a. Function of Ca2+

actin filament

cross-bridge myosin head

1 ATP is hydrolyzed when

myosin head is unattached.


2 ADP + P are bound to

4 Binding of ATP causes myosin as myosin head
myosin head to assume attaches to actin.
resting position.

3 Upon ADP + P release,

power stroke occurs:
head bends and pulls actin.
b. Function of myosin

Figure 39.15 The role of calcium and myosin in muscle contraction. a. Upon release, calcium binds to troponin, Tutorial
exposing myosin binding sites. b. After breaking down ATP 1 , myosin heads bind to an actin filament 2 , and later, a power Skeletal Muscle
stroke causes the actin filament to move 3 . When another ATP binds to myosin, the head detaches from actin 4 , and the cycle
begins again. Although only one myosin head is featured, many heads are active at the same time.
CHAPTER 39 Locomotion and Support Systems 747

that they can bind to actin. The ADP and ○ P remain on the myosin relaxation occurs. When a person or an animal dies, ATP produc-
heads until the heads attach to actin, forming cross-bridges. Now, tion ceases. Without ATP, the myosin heads cannot detach from
ADP and ○ P are released, and this causes the cross-bridges to actin, nor can calcium be pumped back into the sarcoplasmic
change their positions. This is the power stroke that pulls the thin reticulum. As a result, the muscles remain contracted, a phenom-
filaments toward the middle of the ­sarcomere. When more ATP enon called rigor mortis.
molecules bind to myosin heads, the cross-bridges are broken as
the heads detach from actin. The cycle begins again; the actin fila-
ments move nearer the center of the sarcomere each time the cycle Check Your Progress 39.3
is repeated.
1. Define an antagonistic pair of muscles.
Contraction continues until nerve impulses cease and cal-
2. Describe the microscopic levels of structure in a skeletal
cium ions are returned to their storage sites. The membranes of muscle.
the sarcoplasmic reticulum contain active transport proteins that 3. Discuss the specific role of ATP in muscle contraction.
pump calcium ions back into the calcium storage sites, and muscle

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• Almost all animals have evolved some • Knowledge of the skeletal and muscular • Most animals have one of three types
type of skeletal system to support the systems has come from studying a large of skeletons: a hydrostatic skeleton, an
soft tissues of the body, provide protec- variety of animals that have adapted to exoskeleton, or an endoskeleton.
tion, and provide surfaces for muscle many environments on Earth. • The cartilaginous skeleton of the human
attachment. • To understand the skeleton and muscles fetus is converted into bones, which con-
• The exoskeleton of arthropods and mol- fully, we must be familiar with the ner- tain two types of bone tissue, compact
luscs provides protection against ­enemies vous and sensory systems. bone and spongy bone.
and prevents desiccation. It must be shed • The use of a very dilute form of botuli- • The human skeleton can be divided into
during molting, which can leave the ani- num toxin for treating many diseases, an axial skeleton and an appendicular
mal vulnerable. as well as for cosmetic purposes, pro- skeleton.
• Vertebrates, which have endoskeletons, vides an example of how basic scientific • Axon terminals of motor nerve fibers
have evolved limbs with many different research can have unexpected practical release acetylcholine at a neuromus-
types of joints, allowing for more complex applications. cular junction, triggering muscle fiber
movements. contraction.
• Muscles developed to facilitate locomo- • Muscle fiber contraction is dependent on
tion, which can be critical to procuring actin and myosin filaments, as well as a
food, escaping danger, finding mates, ready supply of ATP and calcium ions.
and/or moving into new environments.

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39.2 Calcium Homeostasis • Bone Structure 39.2 Bone Growth • Osteoporosis 39.3 Skeletal Muscle Contraction
• The Skull • The Vertebral Column and 39.3 Sarcomere Contraction • Breakdown of
Thoracic Cage • The Appendicular Skeleton ATP and Cross-Bridge Movement • Function
39.3 Muscle Tissue • Muscle Structure of the Neuromuscular Junction
Plants: Control
of Growth
A photograph of sunflowers uniformly tracking the movement of the sun.

Chapter Outline
26.1 Plant Hormones 477
T he observation that sunflowers track the sun as it moves through the sky is a strik-
ing example of a flowering plant’s ability to respond to environmental stimuli. Other
responses to light can take longer than sun-tracking, because they involve hormones
26.2 Plant Growth and Movement
and an alteration in growth. For example, flowering plants will exhibit a bend toward the
Responses 485
light within a few hours, because a hormone produced by the growing tip has moved
26.3 Plant Responses to Phytochrome 489
from the sunny side to the shady side of the stem. Hormones also help flowering plants
respond to stimuli in a coordinated manner. In the spring, seeds germinate and growth
begins if the soil is warm enough to contain liquid water. In the fall, when temperatures
drop, shoot and root apical growth ceases. Some plants also flower according to the
season. The pigment phytochrome is instrumental in detecting the photoperiod and
bringing about changes in gene expression, which determine whether a plant flowers
or does not flower.
Before You Begin Plant defenses include physical barriers, chemical toxins, and even mutualistic ani-
Before beginning this chapter, take a mals. This chapter discusses the variety of ways flowering plants can respond to their
few moments to review the following environment, including other organisms.
As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions:
Figure 5.2 Which membrane proteins
are essential for the control of growth 1. Which hormones are essential for plant growth?
responses? 2. What environmental stimuli trigger the various plant responses?
Figure 5.7 What role does turgor pressure
play in the plant response to stimuli?
Figure 7.6 What wavelengths of light are
used by plants?

Following the Themes

Chapter 26 Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses
Unit 5
Plant Evolution
and Biology

Plants have evolved responses to specific stimuli that increase their chances of
Evolution survival.

Scientific research has found a variety of human applications for a number of plant
Nature of Science hormones.

Biological Systems Plants respond to stimuli by using specific signal transduction pathways.

CHAPTER 26 Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses 477

26.1 Plant Hormones utilizing signal transduction, the binding of a molecular “signal”
that initiates and amplifies a cellular response. You first encountered
Learning Outcomes the concept of signal transducers in Chapter 13 in the description of
tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes (see Figs. 13.13 and 13.14).
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
Notice in Figure 26.1 that signal transduction involves the
1. Explain the role of hormones when plant cells utilize signal following.
transduction to respond to stimuli.
2. Compare and contrast the effects of auxins, gibberellins, Receptors—proteins activated by a specific signal. Receptors can
cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene on plant growth be located in the plasma membrane, the cytoplasm, the nucleus,
and development. or even the endoplasmic reticulum. A receptor that responds to
light has a pigment component. For example, the phytochrome
receptor protein has a region that is sensitive to red light, and
All organisms are capable of responding to environmental stimuli. the phototropin receptor protein has a region that is sensitive to
Being able to respond to stimuli is a beneficial adaptation, because blue light.
it leads to organisms’ longevity and ultimately to the survival of the Transduction pathway—a series of relay proteins or enzymes
species. Flowering plants perceive and react to a variety of environ- that pass a signal until it reaches the machinery of the cell. In
mental stimuli. Some examples include light, gravity, carbon dioxide some instances, a bound receptor immediately communicates
levels, pathogen infection, drought, and touch. Their responses can with the transduction pathway, and in other Animation
be short-term, as when stomata open and close in response to light instances, a second messenger, such as Ca2+, Second
levels, or long-term, as when plants respond to gravity with the initiates the response.
downward growth of the root and the upward growth of the stem. Cellular response—the result of the transduction pathway. Very
Although we think of responses in terms of a plant structure, often, the response is either the transcription of particular
the mechanism that brings about a response occurs at the cellular genes or the end product of an activated metabolic pathway.
level. Research has shown that plant cells respond to stimuli by The cellular response brings about the overall visible change,
such as stomata closing or a stem that turns toward the light.
What role do plant hormones play in the ability of flowering
Figure 26.1 Signal transduction in plants. 1 The hormone plants to respond to a stimulus? The answer is that they serve as
auxin enters the cell and is received by a receptor in the nucleus. This chemical signals that coordinate cell responses. These molecules
complex alters gene expression. 2 A light receptor in the plasma
membrane is sensitive to and activated by blue light. Activation leads to
stimulation of a transduction pathway that ends with gene expression
changes. 3 When attacked by an herbivore, the flowering plant
produces defense hormones that bind to a plasma membrane receptor.
Again, the transduction pathway results in a change in gene expression. defense
hormone-binding site

blue light

Transduction pathway: A series

Receptor: Molecule in of relay proteins that amplify and Response: Most often
the plasma membrane, convert the original signal into one a change in gene expression
cytoplasm, or nucleus that affects cellular machinery. or a cellular process affects
that receives signal and plant growth and development.
becomes activated.
activated relay
proteins Defense
auxin phototropin responses

auxin carrier Responses

1 include bending
of stem

activated Gene
auxin receptor expression
changes Responses
include growth
of roots
Cytoplasm Nucleus
478 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

Table 26.1 Plant Hormones

Hormone Plant use Commercial use
Auxin Growth of roots and fruits, prevents the Induce fruit production without
(indoleacetic acid; IAA) CH2 COOH loss of leaves pollination, used in commercial
herbicides (2,4-D)

Structure of
indoleacetic acid (IAA) H
Gibberellins Stem elongation Increase growth and size of the plants,
(gibberellic acid; GA3) O breaks the dormancy cycle


Structure of CH3 COOH CH2

gibberellic acid (GA3)

Cytokinins Cell division, prevents senescence Prolongs the shelf life of flowers and
(zeatin) H H vegetables


Structure of zeatin N H
Abscisic acid Initiates and maintains seed and bud Commercial thinning of fruits to promote
(abscisic acid; ABA) CH3 dormancy growth in the remaining fruit


Structure of CH3
abscisic acid (ABA)
Ethylene Abscission and ripening of fruit Ripening of fruits and vegetables for
H H market


Structure of H H

are produced in very low concentrations and are active in another seedlings and specifically looked at the young seedlings’ coleop-
part of the organism. Hormones such as auxin, for example, are tile. A coleoptile, much like wearing a rubber glove, is a protective
synthesized or stored in one part of the plant, but they travel within sheath for young leaves. Bending toward light, or phototropism,
phloem or from cell to cell to another part of the plant. does not occur if the tip of the seedling is cut off or covered by a
In this section, we present descriptions of five major types of black cap. They concluded that some influence that causes curva-
plant hormones: auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ture is transmitted from the coleoptile tip to the rest of the shoot.
ethylene. Each of these affects different aspects of plant responses For many years researchers tried and failed to isolate the
to stimuli. Table 26.1 summarizes these five hormones, their chemical involved in phototropism by crushing and analyzing cole-
actions, and their commercial uses. optile tips. In 1926, Frits W. Went (1903–1990) cut off the tips
of coleoptiles and, rather than crush them, placed them on agar
blocks (agar is a gelatin-like material). Then he placed an agar
Auxins block to one side of a tipless coleoptile and found that the shoot
In 1881, Charles Darwin and his son Francis published a book curved away from that side. The bending occurred even though the
called The Power of Movement in Plants. Here they described their seedlings were not exposed to light (Fig. 26.2). Went concluded
observation that plants bend toward the light. The Darwins used oat that the agar block contained a chemical that had been produced
CHAPTER 26 Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses 479

Figure 26.2 Auxin and phototropism. Oat seedlings are protected by a hollow sheath
called a coleoptile. After coleoptile tips are removed and placed on agar, a block of the agar to one side
of the cut coleoptile can cause it to curve due to the presence of auxin (pink) in the agar. This shows that
auxin causes the coleoptile to bend, as it does when exposed to a light source.

inner leaves
“teased” from
inside of coleoptile

1. Coleoptile tip is intact 2. Coleoptile tip is 3. Tips are placed on 4. Agar block is placed 5. Curvature occurs
and contains auxin. removed. agar, and auxin to one side of the beneath the block.
diffuses into the agar. coleoptile.

by the coleoptile tips. This chemical, he decided, had caused the cell would burst. Overall, the role of auxin is to cause the wall to
shoots to bend. He named the chemical substance auxin after the weaken, so that it can be stretched and rebuilt even larger. The end
Greek word auximos, which means “promoting growth.” Since result of these activities is elongation of the stem, because only the
then, it has been determined that auxins are also produced in shoot cells on the shady side are getting larger, bending the stem toward
apical meristems (see Fig. 24.7), young leaves, flowers, fruits, and the light (Fig. 26.3b).
at lower levels in the root apical meristem. There are many varia-
tions of auxin, but the most common naturally occurring form is Auxins Affect Growth and Development
indoleacetic acid (IAA). As mentioned, auxin causes phototropism, maximizing exposure
of a plant to the sun. In addition, auxin is responsible for a process
How Auxins Cause Stems to Bend called gravitropism where, after the direction of gravity has been
When a stem is exposed to unidirectional light, auxin moves to the detected by a flowering plant, auxin moves to the lower surface
shady side, where it enters the nuclei of shady cells and attaches of roots and stems. Thereafter, roots curve downward and stems
to a receptor (Fig. 26.3a). Next, hydrogen ions are pumped into curve upward. Phototropism and gravitropism are discussed at
the cell wall, creating an acidic environment. The acid triggers more length on page 486.
enzymes to dismantle the cellulose fibers in the cell wall, resulting This versatile hormone is also responsible for a phenomenon
in a weakened wall. To test the hypothesis that acid weakens walls, called apical dominance. Experienced gardeners know that, to
scientists have neutralized the acid in shady cells and the result produce a bushier plant, they must remove the terminal bud (see
was cells that would not grow. Fig. 24.6). In a plant that has not been altered, auxin produced in
A plant with a cell wall that is weak and loose will result in a the apical meristem of the terminal bud is transported downward,
decrease in turgor pressure. The water potential inside the cell is inhibiting the growth of lateral or axillary buds. Release from api-
now less than outside the cell, and as you learned in Chapter 25, cal dominance occurs when pruning (cutting) removes the shoot
water moves from areas of high potential to low potential. Water tip. Then the axillary buds grow and the plant takes on a fuller
flows into the cell from other parts of the plant, attempting to appearance. Interestingly, if auxin were to be applied to the broken
restore turgor pressure once again. The pressure of the water begins terminal stem, apical dominance would be restored.
to stretch the wall, and the plant cell responds by rebuilding a now Auxin causes the growth of roots and fruits and prevents the
longer wall, resulting in cell growth. Without the rebuilding, the loss of leaves and fruit. The application of an auxin paste to a stem
480 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

cell in the shade

cellulose fiber
auxin in cell wall
nucleus H+
normal H+
1 Cytoplasm

H+ enzyme

less cell wall


new cell
wall that is
turgor turgor
and cell


shady side

lit side


Figure 26.3 Expansion of the cell wall on the

shady side of a plant. 1 Auxin binds to receptors.
2 Hydrogen ions are actively pumped into the cell wall
area. As the pH decreases, enzymes that can break down
cellulose fibers are activated in the cell wall. 3 Cellulose
fibers break, loosening the wall and decreasing turgor
pressure in the cell. 4 The cell expands as turgor
pressure inside the cell increases, and a new, longer wall
b. is rebuilt.
CHAPTER 26 Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses 481

cutting causes adventitious roots to develop more quickly than they

would otherwise. Auxin production by seeds promotes the growth of
fruit. As long as auxin is concentrated in leaves or fruits rather than
in the stem, leaves and fruits do not drop off. Therefore, trees can be
sprayed with auxin to keep mature fruit from falling to the ground.

Auxins Have Many Commerical Uses

The most common naturally occurring auxin, IAA, has a relatively
simple chemical structure (Table 26.1), allowing it to be easily cop-
ied and altered into various synthetic forms. Synthetic auxins are
used today in a number of applications. These auxins are sprayed
a. b.
on plants, such as tomatoes, to induce the development of fruit
without pollination, creating seedless varieties. Synthetic auxins Figure 26.4 Gibberellins cause stem elongation. a. The
have been used as herbicides to control broadleaf weeds, such as plant on the right was treated with gibberellins; the plant on the left was
dandelions and other plants. These substances have little effect on not treated. b. The grapes are larger on the right, because gibberellins
caused an increase in the space between the grapes, allowing them to
grasses. Agent Orange is a powerful synthetic auxin that was used
grow larger.
in extremely high concentrations to defoliate the forests of Vietnam
during the Vietnam War. This powerful auxin proved to be carcino-
genic and harmed many of the local people. on the breakdown of starch. Gibberellins are added to barley seeds,
so that they artificially break dormancy and provide sugar for the
Gibberellins fermentation process.
Gibberellins were discovered in 1926 when a Japanese scientist
was investigating a fungal disease of rice plants called “foolish Cytokinins
seedling disease.” Rapid stem elongation weakened the plants and Cytokinins were discovered as a result of attempts to grow plant
caused them to collapse. The fungus infecting the plants produced tissues and organs in culture vessels in the 1940s. It was found that
an excess of a chemical called gibberellin, named after the fungus cell division occurred when coconut milk (a liquid endosperm) and
Gibberella fujikuroi. It wasn’t until 1956 that a form of gibberellin, yeast extract were added to the culture medium. Although the spe-
now known as gibberellic acid, was isolated from a flowering plant cific chemicals responsible could not be isolated at the time, they
rather than from a fungus. We now know of about 136 gibberellins, were collectively called cytokinins, because, as you may recall,
and the most common of these is gibberellic acid, GA3 (the sub- cytokinesis means “division of the cytoplasm.” A naturally occur-
script designation distinguishes it from other gibberellins). Young ring cytokinin was not isolated until 1967 and was called zeatin,
leaves, roots, embryos, seeds, and fruits are places where natural because it came from corn (Zea mays) (Table 26.1).
gibberellins can be found.
Cytokinins Promote Cell Division
Gibberellins Have Commercial Uses and Organ Formation
When gibberellins are a­ pplied externally to plants, the most Cytokinins influence plant growth by promoting cell division in
obvious effect is stem elongation (Fig. 26.4a). Gibberellins can all tissues of growing plants. In addition, plant organ formation is
cause dwarf plants to grow, cabbage plants to become 2 m tall, influenced by cytokinins and its interaction with auxin. Furthermore,
and bush beans to become pole beans. cytokinins and auxins are different from all other plant hormones in
Gibberellins induce growth in a variety of crops, such as that they are required for embryo survival. Researchers have tested
apples, cherries, and sugarcane. A notable example is their use on and are aware that the ratio of auxin and cytokinin and the acidity
many of the table grapes grown in the United States. Commercial of the culture medium determine whether plant cells will form an
grapes are a genetically seedless variety that would naturally pro- undifferentiated mass of cells, called a callus, or a mass of cells with
duce small fruit on very small bunches. Treating with GA3 substi- roots, leaves, or flowers (Fig. 26.5). Cytokinins are also responsible
tutes for the presence of seeds, which would normally be the source for root nodule formation (housing nitrogen-fixing bacteria), as well
of endogenous gibberellins for fruit growth. Applications of GA3 as gall formation on wounded trees. A gall is a tumorlike growth
increase both fruit stem length and fruit size (Fig. 26.4b). caused by infections from bacteria, fungi, insects, or nematodes.
Dormancy is a period of time when plant growth is sus- These organisms can disrupt normal cytokinin function and result in
pended. Gibberellins can break the dormancy of buds and seeds. a plant growing uncontrollably in small areas.
Therefore, application of gibberellins is one way to hasten the
development of a flower bud. When gibberellins break the dor- Cytokinins Prevent Senescence
mancy of barley seeds, a large, starchy endosperm is broken down The aging of plants is called senescence. During senescence, large
into sugars to provide energy for the growing seedling. This occurs molecules within the leaf are broken down and transported to
because amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch, makes its other parts of the plant. Senescence does not always affect the
appearance. In the brewing industry, the production of beer relies entire plant at once; for example, as some plants grow taller, they
a. b. c. d.
Figure 26.5 The interaction of cytokinins and auxins in organ development. Tissue culture experiments have revealed that auxin
and cytokinin interact to affect differentiation during development. a. In tissue culture that has the usual amounts of these two hormones, tobacco cells
develop into a callus of undifferentiated tissue. b. If the ratio of auxin to cytokinin is appropriate, the callus produces roots. c. Change the ratio, and
vegetative shoots and leaves are produced. d. Yet another ratio causes floral shoots. It is now clear that each plant hormone rarely acts alone; it is the
relative concentrations of both hormones that produce an effect.

believed to function naturally in this process. Instead, the hormone

ethylene seems to bring about abscission.

ABA Promotes Dormancy

Recall that dormancy is a period of low metabolic activity and
arrested growth. Dormancy occurs when a plant organ readies
itself for adverse conditions by ceasing to grow. For example, it is
believed that the hormone ABA travels from leaves to vegetative
buds in the fall, and thereafter these buds are converted to winter
buds. A winter bud is covered by thick, hardened bud scales (see
Fig. 24.13). A reduction in the level of ABA and an increase in the
level of gibberellins are believed to break seed and bud dormancy.
Then seeds germinate, and buds send forth leaves.
Figure 26.7 shows what can happen if a plant becomes insensi-
tive to ABA. In normal corn, a home gardener can leave a cob on the
stalk to dry, then collect the dry kernels to plant the following year.
ABA will keep the dry kernels from germinating until conditions
Figure 26.6 Leaves change colors when cytokinin levels are right. In the ABA-insensitive mutant corn, the kernels exhibit
are low. Seasonal changes signal a drop in cytokinin production in
deciduous plants, causing the senescence of leaves.
vivipary—an early break in dormancy and germination while still
on the cob. The corn seedlings growing from the cob in Figure 26.7
are germinating in the wrong season and will most likely die.
naturally lose their lower leaves. In the autumn, low levels of cyto-
kinin cause leaves to change color and eventually die (Fig. 26.6).
Interestingly, it has been found that senescence of leaves can be
prevented by the appli­cation of cytokinins. Some varieties of let-
tuce have been genetically modified to produce cytokinins at the
onset of aging. The modified lettuce heads stay fresher longer and
avoid brown and wilting leaves.

Abscisic Acid
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a hormone produced in the chloroplast and
is derived from carotenoid pigments. Abscisic acid is sometimes
called the stress hormone, because it initiates and maintains seed
and bud dormancy and brings about the closure of stomata. It was
once believed that ABA functioned in abscission, the dropping of Figure 26.7 Dormancy and germination. Image of viviparous
leaves, fruits, and flowers from a plant. But although the external mutant of maize (Indian corn) showing germination on the cob due to
application of ABA promotes abscission this hormone is no longer reduced sensitivity to abscisic acid. Red arrows indicate emerging seedlings.

inside outside

K+ H2O



Open stoma Guard cell plasma Closed stoma


Figure 26.8 Abscisic acid promotes closure of stomata.

The stoma is open (left). When ABA (the first messenger) binds to its
receptor in the guard cell plasma membrane, the second messenger No abscission Abscission
(Ca2+) enters (middle). Now, K+ channels open, and K+ exits the guard
cells. After K+ exits, so does water. The stoma closes (right). Figure 26.9 Ethylene and abscission. Normally, there is no
abscission when a holly twig is placed under a glass jar for a week. When
an ethylene-producing ripe apple is also under the jar, abscission of the
holly leaves occurs.
ABA Closes Stomata
The reception of abscisic acid brings about the closing of stomata
when a plant is under water stress, as described in Figure 26.8.
Investigators have also found that ABA induces rapid depolymer-
ization of actin filaments and formation of a new type of actin that gene for ethylene
is randomly oriented throughout the cell. This change in actin orga- biosynthesis enzyme
nization may also be part of the transduction pathways involved in DNA ripe tomatoes
stomata closure. harvested

Ethylene mRNA
Ethylene (H2C ∙ CH2) is a gas formed from the amino acid methi- translation
onine. This hormone is involved in abscission (dropping leaves and functional
enzyme for
fruit) and the ripening of fruits. ethylene
Ethylene Causes Abscission
ethylene synthesis (in plant)
The absence of auxin, and perhaps gibberellin, probably initiates
abscission. But once abscission has begun, ethylene stimulates
certain enzymes, such as cellulase, which helps cause leaf, fruit,
or flower drop. In Figure 26.9, a ripe apple, which gives off eth- green tomatoes
ylene, is under the bell jar on the right, but not under the bell jar
on the left. As a result, only the holly plant on the right loses its
no ethylene
Ethylene Ripens Fruit
In the early 1900s, it was common practice to prepare citrus fruits
for market by placing them in a room with a kerosene stove. Only
later did researchers realize that an incomplete combustion prod- Figure 26.10 Ethylene and fruit ripening. Wild-type tomatoes
uct of kerosene, ethylene, ripens fruit. It does so by increasing the (top) ripen on the vine after producing ethylene. Tomatoes (bottom) are
activity of enzymes that soften fruits. For example, in addition to genetically modified to produce no ethylene and stay green for shipping.
stimulating the production of cellulase, it promotes the activity of
enzymes that produce the flavor and smell of ripened fruits and
breaks down chlorophyll, inducing the color changes associated
with fruit ripening. The use of ethylene in agriculture is extensive. It is used to
Ethylene moves freely through a plant by diffusion, and hasten the ripening of green fruits, such as melons and honeydews,
because it is a gas, ethylene also moves freely through the air. That and it is applied to citrus fruits to attain pleasing colors before being
is why a basket of ripening apples can induce ripening of a bunch put out for sale. Normally, tomatoes ripen on the vine, because the
of bananas some distance away. Ethylene is released at the site of plants produce ethylene. Today, tomato plants can be genetically
a plant wound due to physical damage or infection (which is why modified to not produce ethylene. This facilitates shipping, because
one rotten apple spoils the whole bushel). green tomatoes are not subject to as much damage (Fig. 26.10).

Theme Evolution
The Chemical Ecology of Plants
Because plants are rooted to the ground,
they are unable to escape from herbivores, membrane- proteinase
pathogens, or even competing plants in the lipase bound inhibitors
wounded receptor
area. By producing a variety of chemical leaf membrane
defenses, plants have overcome these con- systemin lipids
straints. With various organic chemicals, release salicylic acid
plants can attract mycorrhizal partners, nucleus
jasmonic acid
pollinators, and the enemies of herbivores. transduction pathway activation of
They also repel herbivores, pathogens, and proteinase
competing plants. inhibitor genes
Chemical ecology is the study of the in-
teraction between chemical signals, plants,
animals, and the environment in which they
live. Chemical ecology brings together sci-
entists from many different fields, such as Figure 26A  Defense response in tomato. Wounded leaves produce systemin, which
travels in phloem to all parts of a plant, where it binds to cells that have a systemin receptor. These
entomology, chemistry, and plant biology,
cells then produce jasmonic acid, a molecule that initiates a transduction pathway, which leads to
who work together to study the complex the production of proteinase inhibitors, which limit insect feeding.
chemical communication systems that oc-
cur in nature.
The most common research focus in response to environmental pressures. In transduction pathway that produces other
is coevolution of plants and insect herbi- this feature, four examples of chemical in- defense compounds, such as jasmonic
vores. Studying the constant battle be- teractions are highlighted. acid and salicylic acid. These defense com-
tween plants and insects helps us better pounds travel in phloem, become widely
understand the interactions that have Repelling the Herbivore distributed throughout the plant, and acti-
produced the diverse range of species in and Telling the Neighbors vate the gene expression of proteinase in-
existence today. Chemical ecology exam- After a predator chews a tomato plant leaf, a hibitors. When the next predator begins to
ines how the chemicals within plants are small protein called systemin is produced in eat the same plant, it will be poisoned or
made, how these chemicals contribute to a the wounded area in response to the pred- repelled by the bad taste of these inhibitors
plant’s overall fitness, and how they evolve ator’s saliva. Systemin is part of a signal (Fig. 26A). In addition, many of the defense

Once the tomatoes have arrived at their destination, they can be mouthparts that allow them to tap into the phloem of a nonwoody
exposed to ethylene, so that they ripen. There are many e­ thylene- stem. These examples illustrate why plants need a variety of
absorbing products on the market that consumers can buy. The defenses that are not dependent on its outer surface. The pri-
product usually consists of a tiny, ethylene-permeable pouch filled mary metabolites of plants, such as sugars and amino acids, are
with potassium permanganate (KMnO4). This chemical absorbs necessary to the normal workings of a cell. Plants also produce
ethylene in a refrigerator and prolongs the life of fruits and molecules termed ­secondary metabolites as a defense, or sur-
vegetables. vival, mechanism. Secondary metabolites were once thought to
be waste products, but now we know that they are part of a plant’s
arsenal to prevent predation or discourage competition. The Evo-
Responding to the Biotic Environment lution feature, “The Chemical Ecology of Plants,” explains the
The hormones just discussed mostly function for the plant’s re- field of chemical ecology and how plants have evolved various
sponse to abiotic stimuli, such as light, oxygen, water, pH, and chemical messages to make them more successful in a particular
temperature. Plants must also have an arsenal of chemicals to situation.
handle biotic stimuli, such as herbivory, parasitism, and competi-
tion from other plants. Check Your Progress 26.1
A plant’s epidermis and bark do a good job of discourag-
1. Explain how hormones assist in bringing about responses
ing attackers. But, unfortunately, herbivores have ways around
to stimuli.
a plant’s first line of defense. A fungus can invade a leaf via the
2. Describe how auxin causes a plant to bend toward
stomata and set up shop inside the leaf, where it feeds on nutri- light.
ents meant for the plant. Underground nematodes have sharp 3. Explain why abscisic acid is sometimes referred to as a
mouthparts to break through the epidermis of a root and establish stress hormone.
a parasitic relationship. Tiny insects called aphids have piercing

compounds are volatile (evaporate easily) and competition for nutrients while maxi-
and can stimulate defenses in nearby plants. mizing exposure to the sun.

Attracting the Enemy’s Enemy Questions to Consider

The wild tobacco (Nicotiana attenuate) 1. How have humans taken advantage of
plant of the Southwest United States and the chemicals that plants produce for
Mexico produces nicotine to poison her- their own defenses?
bivores. Unfortunately for the plant, some
2. How can you test if a defense response
herbivores, such as the hawkmoth cater-
is pathogen-specific?
pillar, have become resistant to nicotine
and decimate the weedy shrubs. Recently, 3. During the domestication of crops,
researchers from the Max Planck Institute humans have intentionally or
for Chemical Ecology in Germany found a Figure 26B Trichomes. Trichomes, or inadvertently selected for lower levels
“poison lollipops” contain sugar to attract of toxic compounds. Explain why this
new way the plant is ridding itself of the
caterpillars. Other chemicals increase the type of selection would have occurred.
hawkmoth caterpillar larva. Dubbed “poi-
predation of the caterpillars.
son lollipops,” the trichomes of some plants
produce a sugary substance irresistible to wheat
hungry caterpillars (Fig 26B). The sugar tomato
contains a volatile substance, which in turn (Fig. 26C). After vacillating for several hours,
makes the caterpillar smell good to preda- the dodder chose to latch onto the tomato
tory ants, which grab the caterpillars and plant. A subsequent experiment confirmed
carry them off to their nests. that the attractant was the volatile chemical
produced by the tomato. The tomato “per-
Smelling Your Prey fume” was isolated and placed near the dod- dodder
The dodder vine (Cuscuta pentagona) is der. The dodder “smelled” its preferred prey
a parasitic plant that winds itself around a and moved in that direction.
host plant, inserts sharp pegs called haus-
toria, and feeds on the host’s xylem and Keeping Others Away
phloem (see page 464). Noticing that dod- Some chemical toxins protect plants from
ders seemed to have a preference for cer- other plants. Black walnut trees (Juglans
tain host plants, scientists hypothesized that nigra) have roots that secrete a chemical Figure 26C Dodder plant’s response
dodders could “smell” their preferred meal. toxin that blocks the germination of nearby to multiple hosts. When placed between
To test this, a dodder seedling was placed in seeds and inhibits the growth of neighbor- two possible hosts, the dodder will choose the
a pot between a tomato and a wheat plant ing plants. This strategy minimizes shading host that will sustain the parasite the most.

26.2 Plant Growth and Movement plants, no nerves are present—instead, chemical signals are released,
and binding of these signals brings about transduction and response.
Responses In this section, we consider plant tropisms—responses caused
by external stimuli—and turgor movements—responses caused by
Learning Outcomes
internal stimuli. Note that tropisms are growth movements, and
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to turgor movements are nongrowth movements.
1. Explain the difference between a tropism and a turgor
movement. Movement Caused By External Stimuli
2. Describe how a photoreceptor works in phototropism.
3. Explain why a shoot grows upward and a root grows downward. Growth toward or away from a unidirectional stimulus is called a
tropism (Gk. tropos, “turning”). Unidirectional means that the stimu-
4. List the internal stimuli involved in closing a Venus flytrap.
lus is coming from only one direction instead of multiple directions.
Growth toward a stimulus is called a positive tropism, and growth
All living organisms respond to stimuli and exhibit movement. Plant away from a stimulus is called a negative tropism. Tropisms are due
movements are slow and difficult to notice unless seen in time-lapse to differential growth—one side of an organ elongates faster than the
video or demonstrated experimentally. Plant movement responses to other, and the result is a curving toward or away from the stimulus.
stimuli can be internal—such as changes in turgor pressure, electrical A number of tropisms have been observed in plants. The
impulses, or the action of hormones—or ­external—such as responses three best-known tropisms are phototropism (light), thigmotropism
to sunlight, water, oxygen, gravity, and barriers such as rocks. (touch), and gravitropism (gravity).
Recall from Figure 26.1 that when there is a stimulus, whether
internal or external, the first step is reception of the stimulus. The next
Phototropism: a movement in response to a light stimulus
step is transduction, meaning that the stimulus has been changed into a
Thigmotropism: a movement in response to touch
form that is meaningful to the plant. Finally, a response is made, usually
Gravitropism: a movement in response to gravity
by the plant’s genes. Animals and plants go through the same sequence
of events when they respond to a stimulus; however, in the case of
486 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

Other tropisms include chemotropism (chemicals), traumotropism Through the study of mutant Arabidopsis plants (see the Nature
(trauma), skototropism (darkness), and ­aerotropism (oxygen). of Science feature, “Why So Many Scientists Work with Arabidopsis,”
on page 488), plant scientists know that phototropism occurs because
Phototropism plants have membrane receptors that respond to wavelengths of light;
A potted plant left in the open with sunlight on all sides will grow and these receptors are called photoreceptors. Photoreceptors are proteins
develop vertically. However, if a potted plant is placed on a sunny win- embedded with pigment molecules that, in the case of phototropism,
dowsill with unidirectional light, the stems will begin to bend toward respond to blue wavelengths (400–500 nm) of light. Figure 26.11
the light (see Fig. 26.12a). Positive phototropism of stems occurs describes the steps initiating the signal transduction pathway that even-
because the cells on the shady side of the stem elongate due to the tually leads to elongation of cells and the bending of a plant.
presence of auxin. Plant growth that curves away from light is called When blue light wavelengths are absorbed (Fig. 12.11a), the
negative phototropism. Roots, depending on the species examined, are pigment portion of the photoreceptor, called phototropin (phot),
either insensitive to light or exhibit negative phototropism. changes its shape (Fig. 12.11b). This shape change results in the
transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to the protein portion of
the photoreceptor (Fig. 26.11c). The phosphorylated photoreceptor
triggers a transduction pathway that leads to the entry of auxin into
cytoplasm the cell (see Fig. 26.3).

blue light Thigmotropism (Gk. thigma, “touch”; tropos, “turning”) is a response
to touch from another plant, an animal, rocks, or the wind. An example
phot of this response is the coiling of tendrils or the stems of plants, such
as the stems of runner bean and morning glory plants (Fig. 26.12b).



blue light


ATP a. Phototropism


blue light
phot pathway

c. b. Thigmotropism

Figure 26.11 Phototropin. In the presence of blue light, (a) a Figure 26.12 Phototropism and thigmotropism. a. The stem
photoreceptor called phototropin (phot) is activated (b) and becomes of the plant curves toward the light, exhibiting positive phototropism.
phosphorylated (c). A transduction pathway begins, leading to the b. The stem of a runner bean plant, Phaseolus, coiling around a pole
accumulation of auxin. illustrates thigmotropism.
CHAPTER 26 Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses 487

A flowering plant grows straight up and down until it touches Gravitropism

something. Then the cells in contact with an object, such as a pole Gravitropism is the effect of gravity on plant growth. When a seed
or an underground rock, grow less while those on the opposite germinates, the embryonic shoot exhibits negative gravitropism by
side elongate. Thigmotropism can be quite rapid; tendrils have growing upward against gravity. Increased auxin concentration
been observed to encircle an object within 10 minutes. Several of the lower side of the young stem causes the cells in that area
minutes of touching can bring about a response that lasts for sev- to grow more than the cells on the upper side, resulting in growth
eral days. The response isn’t always immediate—tendrils touched upward. The embryonic root exhibits positive gravitropism by
in the dark will respond once they are ­illuminated. ATP rather growing with gravity downward into the soil (Fig. 26.13a).
than light initiates the response. It is possible that auxin and eth- Charles and Francis Darwin, in addition to studying coleoptiles,
ylene play a role in the process, since they are capable of inducing studied roots and discovered that if the root cap is removed, roots no
the curvature of tendrils even in the absence of touch. longer respond to gravity. Since then, investigators have developed
Thigmomorphogenesis is when a plant changes its overall an explanation as to how root cells know which way is down. The
shape due to an environmental touch stimulus, such as a barrier, root cap contains specialized cells filled with starch granules called
wind, or rain. For example, when a storm blows across a field, statoliths. The statoliths are found within organelles called amylo-
plants in the field respond to these and other mechanical stresses plasts. Like marbles in a bag, statoliths settle to the bottom of a cell
by increasing production of fibers and collenchyma tissue (see and put pressure on the other organelles, thus signaling the down-
Chapter 24). Cell elongation is inhibited, building shorter, stur- ward direction (Fig. 26.13b). This signal influences the placement
dier plants. A tree growing in a windy location often has a shorter, of auxin and instructions for growth that follow.
thicker trunk than the same type of tree growing in a more If you place a potted plant on its side, the signals from the stato-
protected location. Even simple mechanical stimulation, such liths (and light) will change, and auxin will redistribute, causing the
as rubbing a plant with a stick, can inhibit cellular elongation roots to bend downward and the shoot to grow upward. If a sideways
and produce a sturdier plant with increased amounts of support plant is put in a clinostat, it will grow straight, because gravity will
tissue. be negated if the plant is in constant motion (Fig. 26.13c).

a. b.


Figure 26.13 Gravitropism. a. This corn seed was germinated in a sideways orientation and in the dark. The shoot is growing upward (negative
gravitropism) and the root downward (positive gravitropism.) b. Sedimentation of statoliths (see arrows), which are starch granules, is thought to explain
how roots perceive gravity. c. A clinostat, a tool used by plant biologists to negate the effects of gravity. Plants are slowly rotated so that the statoliths do
not settle to the bottom of cells. Typical bending of shoots and roots in response to gravity does not occur.
488 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

Theme Nature of Science

Why So Many Scientists Work with Arabidopsis
Arabidopsis thaliana is a small flowering 2.5 billion base pairs, respec-
plant related to cabbage and mustard plants tively. However, crop plants
(Fig. 26D). Arabidopsis has no commercial have about the same number of
value—in fact, it is a weed. However, it has functional genes as Arabidop-
become a model organism for the study of sis, and they occur in the same
plant molecular genetics, including signal sequence. Therefore, knowl-
transduction. Unlike the crop plants used edge of the Arabidopsis genome
formerly, Arabidopsis has characteristics can be used to help locate spe-
that make it an ideal model ­organism. cific genes in the genomes of other
• It is small, so many hundreds of plants
The creation of Arabidopsis mu-
can be grown in a small amount of space.
tants plays a significant role in discovering
• Generation time is short. It takes Arabidopsis thaliana
what each of its genes does. For example,
only 5–6 weeks for plants to mature,
if a mutant plant lacks stomata, then we Figure 26D  Photograph of Arabidopsis
and each one produces about
know that the affected gene influences the thaliana. Arabidopsis consists of a flat
10,000 seeds.
formation of stomata. rosette of leaves, from which grows a short
• It can be self-pollinated or cross-
The application of Arabidopsis genet- flower stalk. Many investigators have turned
pollinated. This feature facilitates the
ics to other plants has been demonstrated. to this weed as an experimental organism to
production of strains with multiple study the actions of genes, including those
For example, one of the mutant genes that
mutations. that control growth and development.
alters the development of flowers has been
• It has a relatively small genome:
cloned and introduced into tobacco plants,
5 chromosomes, 125 million base
where, as expected, it causes sepals and
pairs of DNA, and 25,500 genes.
stamens to appear where petals would just as Mendel’s work with pea plants led to
In contrast to Arabidopsis, crop plants, normally develop. Knowledge about the the formulation of genetic laws. It’s far easier
such as corn, have generation times of at development of flowers in Arabidopsis can to study signal transduction in ­Arabidopsis
least several months, and they require a have far-ranging applications. It will some- cells than in human cells.
great deal of field space for a large num- day lead to more productive crops.
ber to grow. Crop plants also have much A study of the Arabidopsis genome will Questions to Consider
larger genomes than Arabidopsis. For com- undoubtedly promote plant molecular ge- 1. Why is Arabidopsis a better study or-
parison, the genome sizes for rice (Oryza netics in general. And because Arabidopsis ganism than cabbage or mustard?
sativa), wheat (Triticum aestivum), and corn is a model organism, genetic findings from 2. What are the potential applications of
(Zea mays) are 420 million, 16 billion, and this plant may have applications to humans, Arabidopsis research?

Movement Caused By Internal Stimuli In general, if water exits many cells of a leaf, the leaf goes limp.
Conversely, if water enters a limp leaf, and cells exhibit turgor, the
Internal signals causing plants to exhibit nongrowth movements
leaf moves as it regains its former position. Turgor movements
could be the result of electrical impulses (action potentials), hor-
(also called nastic movements) are dependent on turgor pressure
monal action, or most commonly, changes in turgor pressure.
changes in plant cells. In contrast to tropisms, turgor movements
Recall that a plant cell exhibits turgor when it fills with water:
do not involve growth of an organ toward or away from a stimulus.

Turgor Responses to Touch

Turgor movements can result from touch, shaking, or thermal stim-
ulation. Each leaf of the sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica, has many
smaller leaflets. Touching one leaflet collapses the whole leaf
H2O within 1 second, knocking off any munching insect (Fig. 26.14).
H2O The structure of this plant involved in controlling turgor move-
ment is a thickening called a pulvinus at the base of each leaflet.
A leaf folds and the petiole drops when the cells in the lower half
of the pulvinus, called the motor cells, lose potassium ions (K+),
Cell is turgid Cell is limp then water. When the pulvinus cells lose turgor, the leaflets of the
CHAPTER 26 Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses 489

pulvinus vascular tissue cells retaining

turgor cells losing

Before After

Figure 26.14 Turgor movement. A leaf of the sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica, before and after it is touched.

leaf collapse. An electrical mechanism may cause the response to

move from one leaflet to another. The speed of an electrical charge
26.3 Plant Responses to Phytochrome
transmission has been measured at about 1 cm/sec.
A Venus flytrap closes its trap in less than 1 second when three Learning Outcomes
hairs inside the trap, called trigger hairs, are touched by an insect. Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
When the trigger hairs are stimulated by the insect, an electrical
1. Explain the conversion cycle of phytochrome.
charge is transmitted throughout the lobes of a leaf. Exactly what
2. Compare flowering in short-day/long-night plants
causes this electrical charge is being studied. Two possible expla- and in long-day/short-night plants as it relates to
nations have been suggested: (1) Cells located near the outer region photoperiodism.
of the lobes rapidly secrete hydrogen ions into their cell walls, 3. Describe phytochrome’s role in plant spacing.
loosening them and allowing the walls to swell rapidly by osmosis 4. Describe circadian rhythms and the connection to
or (2) cells in the inner portion of the lobes and the midrib rapidly phytochrome.
lose ions, leading to a loss of water by osmosis and Video
Plant Tactile
collapse of these cells. In any case, it appears that Response
turgor movements are involved.
Sleep movements, discussed later, are another example of Plants are aware of changes in light in two different ways:
turgor movement caused by circadian rhythms and the effects of (1) Plants can sense if it is daytime, nighttime, or dawn/dusk
photosensitive pigments. and respond by adjusting metabolic processes such as pho-
tosynthesis, and (2) plants can sense the time of year, affect-
ing seasonal responses for processes such as germination or
Check Your Progress 26.2 flowering.
The ability of plants to sense these changes in light lies mostly
1. Distinguish between a positive and a negative tropism.
with the absorption of blue and red wavelengths of the visible light
2. Explain how root cells determine the downward direction.
spectrum (see Fig. 7.6.) by the light-sensing pigments phototropin
3. List examples of internal and external stimuli.
(discussed earlier) and phytochrome. The following discussion will
4. Explain how changes in turgor pressure can cause a leaf
to collapse. focus on phytochrome and its involvement in both day/night cycles
and seasonal cycles.
490 UNIT 5 Plant Evolution and Biology

Phytochrome for example, violets and tulips flower in the spring, and asters
and goldenrod flower in the fall. Photoperiodism requires the par-
Phytochrome (Gk. phyton, “plant”; chroma, “color”) is a blue-green
ticipation of a biological clock (discussed later) and the activity of
leaf pigment that is present in the cytoplasm of plant cells. A phyto-
chrome molecule is composed of two identical proteins (Fig. 26.15).
Flowering plants can be divided into three groups on the basis
Each protein has a larger portion in which a light-­sensitive region is
of their flowering status.
located. The smaller portion is a kinase that can link light absorption
with a transduction pathway within the cytoplasm. Phytochrome can 1. Short-day plants flower when the day length is shorter than a
be said to act as a light switch, because, like a light critical length. (Examples are cocklebur, goldenrod, poinsettia,
switch, it can be in the down (inactive) position or Phytochrome and chrysanthemum.)
in the up (active) position. 2. Long-day plants flower when the day length is longer than a
Phytochrome can distinguish between red wavelengths critical length. (Examples are wheat, barley, rose, iris, clover,
(650–680 nm) present during the daytime and far-red wavelengths and spinach.)
(710–740 nm) present at dawn or dusk. These two ranges of 3. Day-neutral plants are not dependent on day length for
red ­wavelengths cause the phytochrome protein to interconvert flowering. (Examples are tomato and cucumber.)
between two forms: The criterion for designating plants as short-day or long-day is
Pr (phytochrome red) absorbs red light and is converted into Pfr in not an absolute number of hours of light but a critical number that
the daytime. either must be or cannot be exceeded. Spinach is a long-day plant
Pfr (phytochrome far-red) absorbs far-red light and is converted that has a critical day length of 14 hours; ragweed is a short-day
into Pr in the evening. plant with the same critical length. Spinach, however, flowers in
the summer when the day length increases to 14 hours or more,
and ragweed flowers in the fall, when the day length shortens
Functions of Phytochrome
to 14 hours or fewer. In addition, some plants require a specific
The Pr → Pfr conversion cycle is known to control various growth sequence of day lengths in order to flower.
functions in plants. Pfr promotes seed germination, inhibits shoot Soon after the three groups of flowering plants were distin-
elongation, promotes flowering, and affects plant spacing and accu- guished, researchers began to experiment with artificial lengths of
mulation of chlorophyll. The effects of phytochrome on flower­ing, light and dark that did not necessarily correspond to a normal 24-hour
germination, and plant spacing will be discussed in this section. day. These investigators discovered that the cocklebur, a short-day
Flowering and Photoperiodism As just noted, many phys- plant, does not flower if a required long dark period is interrupted by
iological changes in flowering plants are related to a seasonal a brief flash of white light. (Interrupting the light period with dark-
change in day length. A physiological response prompted by ness has no effect.) In contrast, a long-day plant does flower if an
changes in the length of day or night in a 24-hour daily cycle is overly long dark period is interrupted by a brief flash of white light.
called ­photoperiodism (Gk. photos, “light”; periodus, “completed They concluded that the length of the dark period, not the length of
course”). In some plants, photoperiodism influences flowering; the light period, controls flowering. Of course, in nature, short days
always go with long nights, and vice versa.
To recap, let’s consider Figure 26.16.
• Cocklebur is a short-day plant (Fig. 26.16a, left). First, when
the night is longer than a critical length, cocklebur flowers.
light- Conversely, the plant does not flower when the night is
region shorter than the critical length. Cocklebur also does not
red light flower if the longer-than-critical-length night is interrupted
by a flash of light.
• Clover is a long-day plant (Fig. 26.16b, right). When the night
far-red light
is shorter than a critical length, clover flowers. Conversely,
the plant does not flower when the night is longer than a
critical length. Finally, unlike the cocklebur, clover does
kinase flower when a slightly longer-than-critical-length night is
interrupted by a flash of light.

inactive Pr active Pfr Commercial florists and nursery owners have made extensive use
of photoperiods, manipulating with artificial light the flowering
Figure 26.15 Phytochrome conversion cycle. The inactive times of poinsettias, some lilies, and other plants in order to have
form of phytochrome (Pr) is converted to the active form Pfr in the presence them flower at times of biggest demand, such as Christmas and
of red light, which is prevalent in daylight. Pfr is involved in various plant Mother’s Day.
responses, such as seed germination, shoot elongation, and flowering. Pfr
is converted to Pr whenever light is limited, such as in the shade or during Phytochrome and Germination The presence of Pfr indicates
the night. to some seeds that sunlight is present and conditions are favorable

CHAPTER 26 Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses 491

Cocklebur Clover


flash of light
24 critical
hours length



flower flower

a. Short-day (long-night) plant b. Long-day (short-night) plant

Figure 26.16 Photoperiodism and flowering. a. Short-day plant. When the day is shorter than a critical length, this type of plant flowers. The plant
does not flower when the day is longer than the critical length. It also does not flower if the longer-than-critical-length night is interrupted by a flash of light.
b. Long-day plant. The plant flowers when the day is longer than a critical length. When the day is shorter than a critical length, this type of plant does not flower.
However, it does flower if the slightly longer-than-critical-length night is interrupted by a flash of light.

for germination. This explains why some seeds, such as those from
snapdragons, poppies, and petunias, must be only partly covered
with soil when planted. The seeds of the birch tree need 8 consecu-
tive days of 10 hours of sunlight before they will germinate. Germi-
nation of other seeds, such as those of the mustard plant Arabidopsis
or corn, is inhibited by light, so they must be planted deeper.
When a deeply planted seed germinates, it uses the food
reserves stored within that seed to grow roots and elongate the
shoot until it can push its way out from the soil. Notice the shoot
in Figure 26.13a. The stem is elongated and yellow, as this seed
has been grown in the dark, simulating growth in soil. The first
flash of dim light instantly changes the developmental instruc-
tions for seedlings, and a new set of physical changes occur called
photomorphogenesis. The presence of Pfr indicates that sunlight is
available, and the seedlings begin to grow normally—the leaves
expand and become green and the stem begins branching (see
Fig. 27.11).
Next time you are in a produce aisle, notice two vegeta-
bles that are grown in the absence of light—white asparagus and
alfalfa sprouts. These vegetables are simply elongated stems that a. Normal growth b. Etiolation
are yellow, or etiolated—that is, the shoot increases in length,
and the leaves remain small and yellow (Fig. 26.17). Plants that Figure 26.17 Phytochrome controls shoot elongation and
chlorophyll production. a. If red light is prevalent, as it is in bright
are grown in the dark do not receive a different set of instruc-
sunlight, normal growth occurs. b. If far-red light is prevalent, as it is in
tions from their phytochrome pigments and thus never exhibit the shade, etiolation occurs. These effects are due to phytochrome.
Phytochrome and Competition Plant spacing is another
interesting function of phytochrome. A store-bought seed packet will of far-red light bounced back to them from neighboring plants. The
always have instructions on spacing seeds to be planted. In nature, closer together plants are, the more far-red relative to red light they
red and far-red light also signal spacing. Leaf shading increases the perceive and the more likely they are to grow taller—a strategy for
amount of far-red light relative to red light. Plants measure the amount outcompeting others for sunlight.

Circadian Rhythms
Many metabolic activities in plants, such as cellular respira-
tion and photosynthesis, cycle through periods of high activity
and low activity in a 24-hour period. These cycling changes are
referred to as circadian rhythms. Jean de Mairan, a French
astronomer, first identified circadian rhythms in 1729. He stud-
ied the Mimosa sensitive plant, which closes its leaves at night.
When de Mairan put the plants in total darkness, they continued
“sleeping” and “waking” just as they had when exposed to night
and day.
Animals, fungi, protists, and plants all experience circadian
rhythms in one way or another. In plants, the most visually strik-
ing rhythms are the sleep movements first described by de Mairan.
Another common example of sleep movements occurs in a plant Oxalis plant (morning) Oxalis plant (night)
called Oxalis, which is often sold as a “shamrock” before St. Pat- a.
rick’s Day (Fig. 26.18a). The leaves (and flowers) open during the
day and close at night. This movement is due to changes in the
turgor pressure of motor cells in swellings called pulvini, located
at the base of each leaf.
Morning glory (Ipomoea leptophylla) is a plant that opens
its flowers in the early part of the day and closes them at night
(Fig. 26.18b). In most plants, stomata open in the morning and
close at night, and some plants secrete nectar at the same time of
the day or night.
In the natural environment, circadian rhythms are entrained
to a daily cycle through the action of phytochrome and blue-light
receptors. Entrainment means to be synchronized to light at day-
break. Overall, to qualify as a circadian rhythm, the activity must
(1) occur every 24 hours; (2) take place whether or not the day/
night lighting is present; and (3) be able to be reset if external
cues are provided. For example, if you take a transcontinental
flight, you will likely suffer jet lag at the destination, because Morning glory (morning) Morning glory (night)
your body will still be attuned to the day/night pattern of its
previous environment. But after several days, you probably will
adjust and will be able to go to sleep and wake up according to Circadian Rhythm
your new time. flowers Period
open (about 24 hours)

Biological Clock
The internal mechanism by which a circadian rhythm is main-
tained in the absence of appropriate environmental stimuli is
termed a biological clock. If organisms are sheltered from
environmental stimuli, their biological clock keeps the circa-
dian rhythms going, but the cycle extends. In plants with sleep
movements, the sleep cycle changes to 26 hours when the plant
is kept in constantly dim light, as opposed to 24 hours when in
traditional day/night conditions. Therefore, it is suggested that close
biological clocks are synchronized by external stimuli to 24-hour 0 12 24 36 48
rhythms. Time (hours)
As previously mentioned, the length of daylight compared
to the length of darkness, called the photoperiod and influenced c.
by phytochrome, sets the clock. Temperature has little or no
Figure 26.18 Circadian rhythms. a. The leaves of the Oxalis
effect. This synchronization with light is adaptive, because the plant fold every 24 hours at night. b. The flowers of the morning glory,
photoperiod indicates seasonal changes better than temperature Ipomoea leptophylla, close at night. c. Graph of circadian rhythm exhibited
changes. Spring and fall, in particular, can have both warm and by morning glory plant. The period is the time between peaks in a repeating
cold days. cycle.
CHAPTER 26 Flowering Plants: Control of Growth Responses 493

Work with Arabidopsis (see the Nature of Science feature, Check Your Progress 26.3
“Why So Many Scientists Work with Arabidopsis,” on page
488) and other organisms suggests that the biological clock 1. Describe the phytochrome protein and its conversion
involves the transcription of a small number of “clock genes.” between two forms.
Although circadian rhythms are outwardly very similar in all 2. Explain why a long-day plant still flowers if the long day is
interrupted by a period of darkness.
species, the clock genes that have been identified are not the
3. Describe the various roles of phytochrome.
same, because biological clocks have evolved several times in
4. Explain the criteria for circadian rhythms.
different organisms to perform similar tasks.

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• The majority of flowering plants are an- • Scientific study of plant hormones and • Signal transduction in plants via plant
chored to one spot; they must therefore their actions has allowed agricultural re- hormones has many similarities with the
have evolved chemical signals to re- searchers to enhance food production actions of animal hormones.
spond to environmental conditions. and preservation. • Plant responses to stimuli follow a pre-
• Successful defenses that have evolved • Studies of mutations in the model or- cise series of steps that if interrupted can
have been those that act as deterrents to ganism Arabidopsis have application to significantly alter the original response.
predation, invasion, and competition. other commercial plants. • Absorption of light with photoreceptors
• Chemical ecologists study plant chemi- allows a plant to perceive its environment.
cal interactions with other organisms.

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26.1 Second Messengers 26.2 Plant Tactile Response

26.3 Phytochrome Signaling
Summariz Cytokinins cause cell division, the effects of which are especially
obvious when plant tissues are grown in culture. The absence of cyto-
26.1 Plant Hormones kinins results in aging, or senescence.
Abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene are two plant growth inhibi-
Like animals, flowering plants use a signal transduction pathway tors. ABA is well known for causing stomata to close, and ethylene is
when they respond to a stimulus. The process involves receptor known for causing abscission and causing fruits to ripen.
activation, transduction of the signal by relay proteins, and a cellular Secondary metabolites are other chemicals produced by plants
response, which can consist of the turning on of a gene or an enzy- to combat biotic stimuli, such as herbivory and parasitism.
matic pathway. There are five main plant hormones that are often the
activation or the response of these pathways. 26.2 Plant Growth and Movement Responses
Early studies using coleoptiles helped discover and define the When flowering plants respond to stimuli, growth, movement, or both
role of auxin. Auxin-controlled cell elongation is involved in phototro- occur. Tropisms are growth responses toward or away from unidirec-
pism and gravitropism. When a plant is exposed to light, auxin moves tional stimuli. The positive phototropism of stems results in a bend-
laterally from the bright to the shady side of a stem. Auxin is also ing toward light, and the negative gravitropism of stems results in a
responsible for the apical dominance of a plant. bending away from the direction of gravity. Roots that bend toward the
Gibberellin causes stem elongation between nodes and breaks direction of gravity show positive gravitropism. Positive gravitropism
bud and seed dormancy. After this hormone binds to a plasma mem- of roots is due to statoliths settling to the bottom of root cap cells.
brane receptor, a DNA-binding protein activates a gene leading to the Thigmotropism occurs when a plant part makes contact with an
production of amylase. object, as when tendrils coil about a pole.
poisoned with insecticides, have like-
wise proved effective. Research is pro-
ceeding rapidly because the presence
of tsetse flies with their associated try-
panosomes blocks the use of some 11
million square kilometers of potential
grazing land in Africa.
Some zoomastigotes occur in the
guts of termites and other wood-eat-
ing insects. They possess enzymes that
allow them to digest the wood and
thus make the components of the (a) 20 µm
wood available to their hosts. The re-
lationship is similar to that between FIGURE 35.18
certain bacteria and protozoa that Trypanosoma is the zoomastigote that causes sleeping sickness. (a) Trypanosoma among
function in the rumens of cattle and red blood cells. The nuclei (dark-staining bodies), anterior flagella, and undulating,
related mammals (see chapter 51). changeable shape of the trypanosomes are visible in this photograph (500×). (b) The tsetse
Another order of zoomastigotes,
the choanoflagellates, is most likely
the group from which the sponges (phylum Porifera) and
probably all animals arose. Choanoflagellates have a single
emergent flagellum surrounded by a funnel-shaped, con-
tractile collar composed of closely placed filaments, a
unique structure that is exactly matched in the sponges.
These protists feed on bacteria strained out of the water by
the collar.

Hiker’s Diarrhea. Giardia lamblia is a flagellate protist

(belonging to a small order called diplomonads) found
throughout the world, including all parts of the United
States and Canada (figure 35.19). It occurs in water, includ-
ing the clear water of mountain streams and the water sup-
plies of some cities. It infects at least 40 species of wild and
domesticated animals in addition to humans. In 1984 in
Pittsburgh, 175,000 people had to boil their drinking water FIGURE 35.19
for several days following the appearance of Giardia in the Giardia lamblia. Giardia are flagellated unicellular parasites that
infect the human intestine. Giardia are very primitive, having only
city’s water system. Although most individuals exhibit no
a rudimentary cytoskeleton and lacking mitochondria and
symptoms if they drink water infested with Giardia, many
chloroplasts. Sequencing of ribosomal RNA suggests that Giardia
suffer nausea, cramps, bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea. and Pelomyxa, the eukaryotes most closely related to prokaryotes,
Only 35 years ago, Giardia was thought to be harmless; should be grouped together. The name Archezoa (Greek arkhaios,
today, it is estimated that at least 16 million residents of the “ancient”) has been suggested for the group, stressing its early
United States are infected by it. divergence from bacteria as long as 2 billion years ago.
Giardia lives in the upper small intestine of its host. It
occurs there in a motile form that cannot survive outside
the host’s body. It is spread in the feces of infected individ-
uals in the form of dormant, football-shaped cysts—some-
times at levels as high as 300 million individuals per gram In the wilderness, good sanitation is important in pre-
of feces. These cysts can survive at least two months in cool venting the spread of Giardia. Dogs, which readily contract
water, such as that of mountain streams. They are relatively and spread the disease, should not be taken into pristine
resistant to the usual water-treatment agents such as chlo- wilderness areas. Drinking water should be filtered—the
rine and iodine but are killed at temperatures greater than filter must be capable of eliminating particles as small as 1
about 65°C. Apparently, pollution by humans seems to be micrometer in diameter—or boiled for at least one minute.
the main way Giardia is released into stream water. There Water from natural streams or lakes should never be con-
are at least three species of Giardia and many distinct sumed directly, regardless of how clean it looks. In other
strains; how many of them attack humans and under what regions, good sanitation methods are important to prevent
circumstances are not known with certainty. not only Giardia infection but also other diseases.

Chapter 35 Protists 709

Ciliophora: The Ciliates FIGURE 35.20
A ciliate
As the name indicates, most members of the Ciliophora (Ciliophora).
feature large numbers of cilia. These heterotrophic, unicel- Stentor, a funnel-
lular protists range in size from 10 to 3000 micrometers shaped ciliate,
long. About 8000 species have been named. Despite their showing spirally
unicellularity, ciliates are extremely complex organisms, in- arranged cilia
spiring some biologists to consider them organisms without (120×).
cell boundaries rather than single cells.
Their most characteristic feature, cilia, are usually
arranged either in longitudinal rows or in spirals around
the body of the organism (figure 35.20). Cilia are anchored
to microtubules beneath the cell membrane, and they beat
in a coordinated fashion. In some groups, the cilia have
specialized locomotory and feeding functions, becoming
fused into sheets, spikes, and rods which may then function
as mouths, paddles, teeth, or feet. The ciliates have a tough Anterior contractile vacuole
but flexible outer covering called the pellicle that enables
Food vacuole
the organism to squeeze through or move around many
kinds of obstacles. Micronucleus
All ciliates that have been studied have two very differ-
ent types of nuclei within their cells, small micronuclei
and larger macronuclei (figure 35.21). The micronuclei,
which contain apparently normal diploid chromosomes, di-
vide by meiosis and are able to undergo genetic recombina- Pellicle
tion. Macronuclei are derived from certain micronuclei in a
complex series of steps. Within the macronuclei are multi-
ple copies of the genome, and the DNA is divided into Posterior
small pieces—smaller than individual chromosomes. In one contractile Cytoproct
group of ciliates, these are equivalent to single genes. vacuole
Macronuclei divide by elongating and constricting and play
an essential role in routine cellular functions, such as the
production of mRNA to direct protein synthesis for growth FIGURE 35.21
and regeneration. Paramecium. The main features of this familiar ciliate are shown.
Ciliates form vacuoles for ingesting food and regulating
their water balance. Food first enters the gullet, which in
the well-known ciliate Paramecium is lined with cilia fused
into a membrane (figure 35.21). From the gullet, the food
passes into food vacuoles, where enzymes and hydrochloric attached to each other for up to several hours (figure
acid aid in its digestion. After the digested material has 35.22b,c). Only cells of two different genetically determined
been completely absorbed, the vacuole empties its waste mating types, odd and even, are able to conjugate. Meiosis in
contents through a special pore in the pellicle known as the the micronuclei of each individual produces several haploid
cytoproct. The cytoproct is essentially an exocytotic vesi- micronuclei, and the two partners exchange a pair of these
cle that appears periodically when solid particles are ready micronuclei through a cytoplasmic bridge that appears be-
to be expelled. The contractile vacuoles, which function in tween the two partners.
the regulation of water balance, periodically expand and In each conjugating individual, the new micronucleus
contract as they empty their contents to the outside of the fuses with one of the micronuclei already present in that in-
organism. dividual, resulting in the production of a new diploid mi-
Ciliates usually reproduce by transverse fission of the cronucleus in each individual. After conjugation, the
parent cell across its short axis, thus forming two identical macronucleus in each cell disintegrates, while the new
individuals (figure 35.22a). In this process of cell division, diploid micronucleus undergoes mitosis, thus giving rise to
the mitosis of the micronuclei proceeds normally, and the two new identical diploid micronuclei within each individ-
macronuclei divide as just described. ual. One of these micronuclei becomes the precursor of the
In Paramecium, the cells divide asexually for about 700 future micronuclei of that cell, while the other micronu-
generations and then die if sexual reproduction has not oc- cleus undergoes multiple rounds of DNA replication, be-
curred. Like most ciliates, Paramecium has a sexual process coming the new macronucleus. This kind of complete seg-
called conjugation, in which two individual cells remain regation of the genetic material is a unique feature of the

710 Part IX Viruses and Simple Organisms

Body Fluid
Regulation and
Marine organisms rid the body of excess salt; fishes extrude salt
at their gills, and turtles do so near their eyes.

I f the salt concentration in body fluids is too high, cells shrivel and die. If it is too
low, cells swell and rupture. However, animals are found in all sorts of environments,
including marine environments that are too salty, freshwater environments that don’t
Chapter Outline
36.1 Animal Excretory Systems 678
36.2 The Human Urinary System 681
have enough salt, and even terrestrial environments that are simply too dry. Animals
clearly spend a lot of energy regulating the composition of their body fluids, and chief
among the organs that help are the kidneys of the urinary system. Sometimes, animals
such as marine birds and reptiles get some assistance from accessory glands. Sea
turtles have salt glands above their eyes that, true to their name, rid the body of salt.
When the glands excrete a salty solution collected from body fluids, sea turtles appear
to cry. Humans lack salt glands and cannot survive after drinking too much salt water, Before You Begin
because the kidneys alone can’t handle all the salt. Before beginning this chapter, take a
In this chapter, you’ll learn how animals maintain their normal water-salt balance few moments to review the following
while excreting various metabolic wastes and regulating their pH. All these functions are discussions.
of primary importance to homeostasis and continued good health. Figure 5.7 What occurs when a cell is
surrounded by a solution having a higher
As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions:
or lower solute concentration than that
1. Besides salt glands, what other types of strategies have animals developed to inside the cell?
either conserve or excrete excess salt?
Section 8.5 What happens when proteins
2. If you were stranded on a desert island with plenty of food but only seawater to are used as an energy source?
drink, how long do you think you could survive? Section 34.4 What happens to excess
3. By what mechanisms is the human kidney able to regulate the salt concentration of nutrients and minerals that cannot be
urine it produces? stored?

Following the Themes

Chapter 36 Body Fluid Regulation and Excretory Systems
Unit 7

Animal Biology

Many different mechanisms for maintaining water-salt balance and excreting

Evolution metabolic wastes have evolved, molded by the environments in which animals live.

By studying many different animals in a variety of environments, scientists have

Nature of Science learned how animal excretory systems regulate water-salt balance, excrete
metabolic wastes, and maintain a healthy pH.

The urinary system plays an important role in maintaining pH and ion concentration
Biological Systems in vertebrates.

678 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

36.1 Animal Excretory Systems proteins

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to amino acids

1. Describe the overall, specific functions of animal excretion

systems. NH2
2. List the costs and benefits of the excretion of ammonia,
urea, or uric acid as nitrogenous waste products.
3. Compare and contrast the excretory organs of
earthworms, arthropods, aquatic vertebrates, and
terrestrial vertebrates.

An important part of maintaining homeostasis in animals involves

osmoregulation, or balancing the levels of water and salts in the
body. Often, the osmoregulatory system of an animal also removes most fishes and adult amphibians,
insects, birds, and
metabolic wastes from the body, a process called excretion. other aquatic sharks, and
animals mammals

Nitrogenous Waste Products

ammonia urea uric acid
The breakdown of nitrogen-containing molecules, such as amino
acids and nucleic acids, results in excess nitrogen, which must
be excreted. When the body breaks down amino acids to gener- O C
ate energy, or converts them to fats or carbohydrates, the amino C O
(—NH2) groups must be removed, because they are not needed, O C C
and they may be toxic at high levels. Depending on the species, this H H
excess nitrogen may be excreted in the form of ammonia, urea, or
uric acid. The removal of amino groups from amino acids requires
a fairly constant amount of energy; however, the amount of energy
increased water needed to excrete
required to convert amino groups to ammonia, urea, or uric acid
differs, as indicated in Figure 36.1.
increased energy needed to produce
Ammonia Figure 36.1 Nitrogenous wastes. Proteins are hydrolyzed
Amino groups removed from amino acids immediately form to amino acids, whose breakdown results in carbon chains and amino
ammonia (NH3) by the addition of a third hydrogen ion (H+). This groups (—NH2). The carbon chains can be used as an energy source, but
reaction requires little or no energy. Ammonia is quite toxic, but it the amino groups must be excreted as ammonia, urea, or uric acid.
can be a nitrogenous excretory product if sufficient water is avail-
able to wash it from the body. Ammonia is excreted by most fishes
and other aquatic animals whose gills and/or body surfaces are in conservation is needed, because uric acid can be concentrated even
direct contact with the water of the environment. more ­readily than can urea.
Uric acid is routinely excreted by insects, reptiles, and birds.
Urea In reptiles and birds, a dilute solution of uric acid passes from the
Sharks, adult amphibians, and mammals usually excrete urea as ­kidneys to the cloaca, a common reservoir for the products of the
their main nitrogenous waste. Urea is much less toxic than ammo- digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. The cloacal contents
nia and can be excreted in a moderately concentrated solution. are refluxed into the large intestine, where water is reabsorbed. The
This elimination strategy allows body water to be conserved, an white substance in bird feces is uric acid.
important advantage for terrestrial animals with limited access to Embryos of reptiles and birds develop inside completely
water. The production of urea requires the expenditure of energy, enclosed shelled eggs. The production of insoluble, relatively
however, because it is produced in the liver by a set of energy- nontoxic uric acid is advantageous for shelled embryos, because
requiring enzymatic reactions, known as the urea cycle. In this all nitrogenous wastes are stored inside the shell until hatching
cycle, carrier molecules take up carbon dioxide and two molecules takes place. For all these reasons, the evolutionary advantages of
of ammonia, finally releasing urea. uric acid production have outweighed the disadvantage of energy
expenditure needed for its synthesis.
Uric Acid Humans have retained the ability to produce uric acid, mainly
Uric acid is synthesized by a long, complex series of enzymatic from the breakdown of excess purine and pyrimidine nucleic acids in
reactions that requires the expenditure of even more energy the diet. Although the exact causes are unknown, in some individuals
than does urea synthesis. Uric acid is not very toxic, and it is uric acid builds up in the blood and can precipitate in and around the
poorly soluble in water. Poor solubility is an advantage if water joints, producing a painful ailment called gout.
CHAPTER 36 Body Fluid Regulation and Excretory Systems 679
flame cell excretory tubule

Excretory Organs Among Invertebrates

Most invertebrates have tubular excretory organs that regulate the
water-salt balance of the body and excrete metabolic wastes into
the environment.
fluid filtering
The planarians, flatworms that live in fresh water, have two into flame cell
strands of branching excretory tubules that open to the outside of the
body through excretory pores (Fig. 36.2a). Located along the tubules flame cell
are bulblike flame cells, each of which contains a cluster of beating nucleus
cilia that looks like a flickering flame under the microscope. The
beating of flame-cell cilia propels fluid through the excretory tubules cilia
and out of the body. The system is believed to function in ridding the
body of excess water and in excreting wastes. excretory
The body of an earthworm is divided into segments, and pore
nearly every body segment has a pair of excretory structures called
nephridia. Each nephridium is a tubule with a ciliated opening and tubule
an excretory pore (Fig. 36.2b). As fluid from the coelom is propelled
through the tubule by beating cilia, its composition is modified. For
example, nutrient substances are reabsorbed and carried away by a
network of capillaries surrounding the tubule. Urine is a liquid that
contains metabolic wastes, excreted salts, and water; the urine of an a. Flame-cell excretory system in planarians
earthworm is passed out of the body via the excretory pore. Although
the earthworm is considered a terrestrial animal, it excretes a very
dilute urine. Each day, an earthworm may produce a volume of urine
equal to 60% of its body weight.
Insects have a unique excretory system consisting of long, thin
Malpighian tubules attached to the gut. Uric acid is actively trans-
ported from the surrounding hemolymph into these tubules, and
water follows a salt gradient established by active transport of K+.
Water and other useful substances are reabsorbed at the rectum, but
capillary network
the uric acid leaves the body through the anus. Insects that live in
water, or eat large quantities of moist food, reabsorb little water. tubule
But insects in dry environments reabsorb most of the water and bladder
excrete a dry, semisolid mass of uric acid.
The excretory organs of other arthropods are given different
names, although they function similarly. In aquatic crustaceans (e.g.,
crabs, crayfish), nitrogenous wastes are ­generally removed by dif- entrance of
fusion across the gills. Some crustaceans also possess excretory
organs, called green glands, in the ventral portion of the head region.
Fluid collects within the tubules from the surrounding blood of the
hemocoel, but this fluid is modified before it leaves the tubules. pore
The secretion of salts into the tubules regulates the amount of urine
excreted. b. Earthworm nephridium
In shrimp and pillbugs, the excretory organs are located in the
maxillary segments and are called maxillary glands. Spiders, scorpi- Figure 36.2 Excretory organs in animals. a. Two or more
tracts of branching tubules run the length of the body and open to
ons, and other arachnids possess coxal glands, which are located near
the outside by pores. At the ends of side branches are small, bulblike
one or more appendages and are used for excretion. Coxal glands are cells called flame cells. b. The nephridium has a ciliated opening, the
spherical sacs resembling annelid nephridia. Wastes are collected nephridiostome, which leads to a coiled tubule surrounded by a capillary
from the surrounding blood of the hemocoel and discharged through network. Urine can be temporarily stored in the bladder before being
pores at one to several pairs of appendages. released to the outside via a pore called a nephridiopore.

Osmoregulation by Aquatic Vertebrates PO4– greatly affect the workings of the body systems, such as the
In most vertebrates, the kidneys are the most important organs skeletal, nervous, and muscular systems.
involved in osmoregulation. As described later in this chapter, the The kidneys produce urine, a liquid that contains a number
kidneys perform several functions critical to homeostasis, includ- of different metabolic wastes. The concentration of the urine pro-
ing maintaining the balance between water and several types of duced by an animal varies depending on its environment, as well
salts. This is a necessity, because ions such as Na+, Ca2+, K+, and as on factors such as water and salt intake.
680 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Cartilaginous Fishes Freshwater Bony Fishes

The total concentration of the various ions in the blood of sharks, rays, The osmotic problems of freshwater bony fishes and the response to
and skates is less than that in seawater. Their blood plasma is nearly their environment are exactly opposite those of marine bony fishes
isotonic to seawater, because they pump it full of urea, and this mol- (Fig. 36.3b). Freshwater fishes tend to gain water by osmosis across
ecule gives their blood the same tonicity as seawater. Excess salts are the gills and the body surface. As a consequence, these fishes never
secreted by the kidneys and by an excretory organ, the rectal gland. drink water. They actively transport salts into the blood across the
membranes of their gills. They eliminate excess water by producing
Marine Bony Fishes large quantities of dilute (hypotonic) urine. They discharge a quantity
The marine environment, which is high in salts, is hypertonic to of urine equal to one-third their body weight each day.
the blood plasma of bony fishes. The common ancestor of marine
fishes evolved in fresh water, and only later did some groups invade Osmoregulation by Terrestrial Vertebrates
the sea. Therefore, marine bony fishes must avoid the tendency to
An important evolutionary adaptation that allowed animals to sur-
become dehydrated (Fig. 36.3a).
vive on land was the development of a kidney that could produce a
As the sea washes over their gills, marine bony fishes lose water
concentrated (hypertonic) urine. The need for water conservation is
by osmosis. To counteract this, they drink seawater almost con-
particularly well illustrated in desert mammals, such as the kanga-
stantly. On the average, marine bony fishes swallow an amount of
roo rat, as well as in animals that drink seawater.
water equal to 1% of their body weight every hour. This is equivalent
to a human drinking about 700 ml of water every hour around the Kangaroo Rat
clock. But while they get water by drinking, this habit also causes
Dehydration threatens all terrestrial animals, especially those that
these fishes to acquire salt. To rid their body of excess salt, they
live in a desert, as does the kangaroo rat. During daylight hours,
actively transport it into the surrounding seawater at the gills. The
kangaroo rats remain in a cool burrow, a behavioral adaptation
kidneys conserve water, and marine bony fishes produce a scant
to conserve water. In addition, the kangaroo rat’s nasal passages
amount of isotonic urine.
have a highly convoluted mucous membrane surface that captures
passive loss
condensed water from exhaled air. Exhaled air is usually full of
of water moisture, which is why you can see it on cold winter mornings—
through the moisture in exhaled air is condensing.
gills A major adaptation that allows the kangaroo rat to conserve
water is the ability to form a very hypertonic urine—20 times more
concentrated than its blood plasma. The kidneys of a kangaroo rat
are able to accomplish this feat because the structure in their kid-
neys that is largely responsible for producing concentrated urine,
called the loop of the nephron (see Fig. 36.8), is much longer and
more efficient than that in most other animals. Also, kangaroo rats
produce fecal material that is almost completely dry.
scanty amount
of isotonic Most terrestrial animals need to drink water at least occasionally
urine contains to make up for the water lost from the skin and respiratory passages
drinks seawater salts actively some salts and through urination. However, the kangaroo rat is so adapted to
excreted by gills conserving water that it can survive by using metabolic water derived
a. Marine bony fish (a flounder) from cellular respiration, and it never drinks water (Fig. 36.4).

Marine Mammals and Sea Birds

passive gain of Reptiles, birds, and mammals evolved on land, and their kidneys
water through gills
does not drink
are especially good at conserving water. However, some of these
vertebrates have become secondarily adapted to living in or near the
sea. They can drink seawater and still manage to survive. If humans
drink seawater, we lose more water than we take in just ridding the
body of all that salt!
Little is known about how whales manage to get rid of extra
salt, but we know that their kidneys are enormous. In some marine
animals, however, the kidneys are not efficient enough to secrete
all the excess salt. As mentioned in the chapter-opening story, some
salts actively large amounts of hypotonic animals living in high-salt environments have developed special-
taken up by gills urine contain few salts ized glands for excreting these salts. These glands work by actively
b. Freshwater bony fish (a trout) transporting salt from the blood into the gland, where it can be
Figure 36.3 Body fluid regulation in bony fishes. Marine excreted as a concentrated solution.
bony fishes (a) use different mechanisms than do freshwater fishes (b) to In sea birds, salt-excreting glands are located near the eyes.
osmoregulate their body fluids. The glands produce a salty solution that is excreted through the
CHAPTER 36 Body Fluid Regulation and Excretory Systems 681

Animal fur prevents

36.2 The Human Urinary System
evaporative loss of Exhaled air is
water at skin. cooled and dried Learning Outcomes
in long, convoluted
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
Urine is the air passages.
most hypertonic 1. Trace the anatomical path that urine takes from the
known among glomeruli to its exit from the body.
animals. 2. Discuss the contributions of glomerular filtration, tubular
reabsorption, and tubular secretion to the formation of
3. Summarize the four major functions of human kidneys in
maintaining homeostasis.

Fecal pellets The major excretory organs of humans, as with most other verte-
are dry. brates, are the kidneys (Fig. 36.6). The kidneys are the ultimate
Oxidation of regulators of blood composition, because they can remove various
food results in
metabolic water. unwanted products from the body.
Human kidneys are bean-shaped, reddish-brown organs, each
about the size of a fist. They are located on each side of the vertebral
Figure 36.4 Adaptations of a kangaroo rat to a dry environ­ column just below the diaphragm, in the lower back, where they are
­ment. The kangaroo rat minimizes water loss through a variety of ways.
partially protected by the lower rib cage. The right kidney is slightly
lower than the left kidney.
Urine made by the kidneys is conducted from the body by
the other organs in the urinary system. Each kidney is connected
to a ureter, a duct that takes urine from the kidney to the urinary
­bladder, where it is stored until it is voided from the body through
the single urethra. In males, the urethra passes through the penis;
in females, the opening of the urethra is ventral to that of the vagina.
No connection exists between the genital (reproductive) and urinary
systems in females, but in males the urethra MP3
Functional Anatomy
also carries sperm during ejaculation. of the Urinary System

If a kidney is sectioned longitudinally, three major parts can be
distinguished (Fig. 36.7). The renal cortex, which is the outer
region of a kidney, has a somewhat granular appearance. The renal
medulla consists of six to ten cone-shaped renal pyramids that lie
Figure 36.5 Adaptations of marine birds to a high salt on the inner side of the renal cortex. The innermost part of the
environment. Many marine birds and reptiles have glands that pump
salt out of the body.
kidney is a hollow chamber called the renal pelvis. Urine collects
in the renal pelvis and then is carried to the bladder by a ureter.

nostrils and moves down grooves on their beaks until it drips off Nephrons
(Fig. 36.5). In marine turtles, the salt gland is a modified tear (lac- Microscopically, each kidney is composed of over 1 million tiny
rimal) gland, and in sea snakes, a salivary sublingual gland beneath tubules called nephrons (Gk. nephros, “kidney”). The nephrons
the tongue gets rid of excess salt. The work of these glands is of a kidney produce urine. Some nephrons are located primarily
regulated by the nervous system. Osmoreceptors, perhaps located in the renal cortex, but others dip down into the renal medulla,
near the heart, are thought to stimulate the brain, which then directs as shown in Figure 36.7b. Each nephron is made of several parts
the gland to excrete salt until the salt concentration in the blood (Fig. 36.8). The blind end of a nephron is pushed in on itself to
decreases to a tolerable level. form a cuplike structure called the glomerular capsule (L. glom-
eris, “ball”), also known as Bowman’s capsule. The outer layer of
Check Your Progress 36.1 the glomerular capsule is composed of squamous epithelial cells;
the inner layer is composed of specialized cells that allow easy
1. Distinguish between osmoregulation and excretion.
passage of molecules.
2. Describe two advantages of excreting urea instead of
Leading from the glomerular capsule is a portion of the n­ ephron
ammonia or uric acid.
known as the proximal convoluted tubule (L. ­proximus, “­nearest”),
3. Summarize the strategies used by kangaroo rats to
conserve water.
which is lined by cells with many mitochondria and tightly packed
microvilli. Then, simple squamous ­ epithelium appears in the
682 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Figure 36.6 The human urinary system. a. The

kidneys are well supplied with blood, as shown in the angiogram.
b. Urine is found only in the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and
1. Kidneys produce
renal artery urine.

renal vein

2. Ureters transport
inferior vena cava

3. Urinary bladder
stores urine.

4. Urethra passes
urine to outside.

a. b.

nephrons afferent arteriole, divides to form a capillary bed, the glomerulus

(L. ­glomeris, “ball”), which is surrounded by the glomerular cap-
sule. The glomerulus drains into an efferent arteriole, which sub-
sequently branches into a second capillary bed around the tubular
parts of the nephron. These capillaries, called peritubular capillar-
renal ies, lead to venules that join to form veins leading to the renal vein,
pelvis renal
cortex a vessel that enters the inferior vena cava.

Urine Formation
An average human produces between 1 and 2 liters of urine daily.
The fundamental process of urine formation involves initially fil-
tering a large amount of water and a collection of solutes out of
renal the blood, then reabsorbing much of the water, MP3
An Overview of
medulla along with other material the body needs to Urine Formation
collecting conserve.
ureter duct Urine production requires three distinct processes (Fig. 36.9a):
renal artery renal pyramid renal
and vein in renal medulla pelvis 1. Glomerular filtration at the glomerular capsule
2. Tubular reabsorption at the convoluted tubules
a. Gross anatomy b. Two nephrons
3. Tubular secretion at the convoluted tubules
Figure 36.7 Macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the
kidney. a. Longitudinal section of a kidney, showing the location of the Glomerular Filtration
renal cortex, the renal medulla, and the renal pelvis. b. An enlargement of
Glomerular filtration (Fig. 36.9a) is the movement of small mol-
one renal lobe, showing the placement of nephrons.
ecules across the glomerular wall into the glomerular capsule as a
result of blood pressure. When blood enters the glomerulus, blood
loop of the nephron (loop of Henle), which has a descending limb pressure is sufficient to cause small molecules, such as water, nutri-
and an ascending limb. This is followed by the d ­ istal ­convoluted ents, salts, and wastes, to move from the glomerulus to the inside
tubule (L. distantia, “far”). Several distal convoluted tubules enter of the glomerular capsule, especially since the glomerular walls
one c­ollecting duct. The collecting duct transports urine down are 100 times more permeable than the walls of most capillaries
through the renal medulla and delivers it to the renal pelvis. elsewhere in the body. The molecules that leave the blood and enter
Each nephron has its own blood supply (Fig. 36.8). The the glomerular capsule are called the glomerular filtrate. Plasma
renal artery branches into numerous small arteries, which branch proteins and blood cells are too large to be part of this filtrate, so
into arterioles, one for each nephron. Each arteriole, called an they remain in the blood as it flows into the efferent arteriole.
CHAPTER 36 Body Fluid Regulation and Excretory Systems 683

peritubular capillary
Renal Cortex

proximal distal
glomerular capsule convoluted convoluted
(Bowman's capsule) tubule tubule
efferent arteriole
afferent arteriole
arteriole glomerulus

b. Surface view of glomerulus and its blood supply

convoluted tubule
afferent arteriole

convoluted tubule

venule glomerular

artery renal vein peritubular c. Cross section of glomerulus and convoluted tubules 50×
network ascending limb
descending limb
collecting duct
Loop of the nephron (loop of Henle) collecting duct
descending limb
ascending limb capillaries

Renal Medulla d. Cross sections of loop of the nephron limbs and 100×
collecting duct.
a. A nephron and its blood supply

Figure 36.8 Nephron anatomy. a. You can trace the path of blood about a nephron by following the arrows. A nephron is made up of a
glomerular capsule, the proximal convoluted tubule, the loop of the nephron, the distal convoluted tubule, and the collecting duct. The micrographs
in (b), (c), and (d) show these structures.

Glomerular filtrate is essentially protein-free, but otherwise The osmolarity of the blood is essentially the same as that of
it has the same composition as blood plasma. If this composition the filtrate within the glomerular capsule, and therefore osmosis of
were not altered in other parts of the nephron, death from starvation water from the filtrate into the blood cannot yet occur. However,
(loss of nutrients) and dehydration (loss of water) would quickly sodium ions (Na+) are actively pumped into the peritubular capil-
follow. The total blood volume averages about 5 liters, and this lary, and then chloride ions (Cl–) follow passively. The osmolarity
amount of fluid is filtered every 40 minutes. Thus, 180 liters of of the blood then is such that water moves passively from the tubule
filtrate are produced daily, some 60 times the amount of blood into the blood. About 60–70% of salt and water are reabsorbed at the
plasma in the body. Most of the filtered water is obviously quickly proximal convoluted tubule, and 20–25% at the loop of the nephron.
returned to the blood, or a person would die from urination. Tubu- Nutrients such as glucose and amino acids also return to the
lar reabsorption prevents this from happening. blood, mostly at the proximal convoluted tubule. This is a ­selective
process, because only molecules recognized by carrier proteins in
Tubular Reabsorption plasma membranes are actively reabsorbed. The cells of the proxi-
Tubular reabsorption (Fig. 36.9a) takes place when substances mal convoluted tubule have numerous microvilli, which increase
move across the walls of the tubules into the a­ ssociated peritubular the surface area, and numerous mitochondria, which supply the
capillary network (Fig. 36.9a, b). Here, osmosis comes into play. energy needed for active transport (Fig. 36.9b).
You may remember that osmosis is the diffusion of water down Glucose is an example of a molecule that ordinarily is reab-
its concentration gradient across a membrane (see section 5.2). sorbed completely because the supply of carrier molecules for it
Osmolarity is a measure of the potential for osmosis; water tends is plentiful. However, if the filtrate contains more glucose than
to move from a solution with low osmolarity into a solution with there are carriers to handle it, glucose exceeds its renal threshold,
high osmolarity. or transport maximum. When this happens, the excess glucose in
684 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Glomerular Filtration capillary
Water, salts, nutrient proximal
glomerular capsule molecules, and waste convoluted
molecules move from tubule cell
H2O the glomerulus to the microvilli
urea inside of the glomerular lumen
glucose capsule. These small mitochondrion
molecules are called
the glomerular filtrate.

acid b. 250×


Tubular Reabsorption
glomerulus proximal Nutrient and salt molecules are actively
reabsorbed from the convoluted tubules
into the peritubular capillary network, and
water flows passively.


Tubular Secretion
Certain molecules (e.g., H+ and
penicillin) are actively secreted from the
peritubular capillary network into the
convoluted tubules.


renal distal
artery convoluted


H 2O
uric acid
loop of the salts
a. nephron NH4+

Figure 36.9 Processes in urine formation. a. The three main processes in urine formation are described in boxes and color coded to arrows
that show the movement of molecules into or out of the nephron at specific locations. In the end, urine is composed of the substances within the
collecting duct (blue arrow). b. This photomicrograph shows that the cells lining the proximal convoluted tubule have a brush border Tutorial
composed of microvilli, which greatly increases the surface area exposed to the lumen. The peritubular capillary adjoins the cells. Urine Formation
CHAPTER 36 Body Fluid Regulation and Excretory Systems 685

the ­filtrate appears in the urine. In diabetes mellitus, an abnormally medulla. Note that water cannot leave the ascending limb, because
large amount of glucose is present in the filtrate, because the liver this limb is impermeable to water.
cannot store all the excess glucose as glycogen. The presence of The innermost portion of the inner medulla has the highest
glucose in the filtrate results in less water being absorbed; the concentration of solutes. This cannot be due to salt, because active
increased thirst and frequent urination in untreated diabetics are a transport of salt does not start until fluid reaches the thick portion of
result of less water being reabsorbed into the peritubular capillary the ascending limb. Urea is believed to leak from the lower portion
network. of the collecting duct, and it is this molecule that contributes to the
Urea is an example of a substance that is passively ­reabsorbed high solute concentration of the inner medulla.
from the filtrate. At first, the concentration of urea within the Because of the osmotic gradient within the renal medulla,
filtrate is the same as that in blood plasma. But after water is reab- water leaves the descending limb along its entire length. This is a
sorbed, the urea concentration is greater than that of peritubular countercurrent mechanism: As water diffuses out of the descend-
plasma. In the end, about 50% of the filtered urea is reabsorbed. ing limb, the remaining fluid within the limb encounters an even
greater osmotic concentration of solute; therefore, water continues
Tubular Secretion to leave the descending limb from the top to the bottom. Filtrate
Tubular secretion is the second way substances are removed from within the collecting duct also encounters the same osmotic gradi-
blood and added to tubular fluid (Fig. 36.9a). Substances such as ent mentioned earlier (Fig. 36.10). Therefore, water diffuses out of
hydrogen ions, uric acid, salts, ammonia, creatinine, and penicillin the collecting duct into the renal medulla, and the urine within the
are eliminated by tubular secretion. The process of tubular secre- collecting duct becomes hypertonic to blood plasma.
tion may be viewed as helping rid the body of potentially harmful Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is released by the posterior
compounds that were not filtered into the glomerulus. lobe of the ­pituitary in response to an increased concentration
of salts in the blood. To understand the action of this hormone,
The Kidneys and Homeostasis consider its name. Diuresis means increased amount of urine, and
The kidneys are organs of homeostasis for four main reasons:
1. The kidneys excrete metabolic wastes, such as urea, which is
the primary nitrogenous waste of humans.
Cl –
2. They maintain the water-salt balance, which in turn affects Na+
blood volume and blood pressure.
3. Kidneys maintain the acid-base balance and therefore the
pH balance.
4. They secrete hormones. H2O

One hormone secreted by the kidneys, erythropoietin, stimulates

the stem cells in bone marrow to produce more red blood cells.
The Nature of Science feature, “The Misuse of Erythropoietin in
Sports” (p. 686), examines the potential abuse of this hormone by Renal
Increasing solute concentration in renal medulla

endurance athletes. Another substance produced by the kidneys, cortex

called renin, is discussed later in this section. Outer
Maintaining the Water-Salt Balance ascending
Most of the water and salt (NaCl) present in filtrate is reabsorbed
across the wall of the proximal convoluted tubule. The excretion H2O H2O
of a hypertonic urine (one that is more concentrated than blood) is Cl –
dependent on the reabsorption of water from the loop of the neph- descending
ron and the collecting duct. During the process of reabsorption, limb
water passes through water channels called aquaporins, which
were first discovered in 1992.
Loop of the Nephron. A long loop of the nephron, which
typically penetrates deep into the renal medulla, is made up of a
descending (­ downward) limb and an ascending (upward) limb. Salt Inner loop of the collecting
(NaCl) passively diffuses out of the lower portion of the ­ascending medulla nephron duct
limb, but the upper, thick portion of the limb actively extrudes salt
out into the tissue of the outer renal medulla (Fig. 36.10). Less Figure 36.10 Reabsorption of salt and water. Salt (NaCl)
diffuses and is actively transported out of the ascending limb of the loop
and less salt is available for transport as fluid moves up the thick of the nephron into the renal medulla; also, urea leaks from the collecting
portion of the ascending limb. Because of these circumstances, an duct and enters the tissues of the renal medulla. These actions create a
osmotic gradient is created within the tissues of the renal medulla: hypertonic environment, which draws water out of the descending limb and
The concentration of salt is greater in the direction of the inner the collecting duct. This water is returned to the cardiovascular system.
686 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Theme Nature of Science

The Misuse of Erythropoietin in Sports
For almost two decades, Lance Armstrong In addition to its legitimate
was a hero to many sports fans (Fig. 36A). medical uses, rHuEPO has been
There is no disputing that he was a seven- misused by athletes in several Peak Power Output Time to Exhaustion
time winner of the Tour de France cycling endurance sports. Research
374 W 33.5 min.
event, a survivor of testicular cancer, and has generally verified that EPO +13% + 54%
a sponsor of many charitable causes. is effective at increasing athletic 330 W 22 min.
However, in 2011 the TV news program performance. A small study
60 M­ inutes aired a segment in which Tyler published in 2007 showed a
Hamilton, a former teammate of Arm- 13% increase in peak power
strong’s, said he had witnessed Armstrong output and a 54% increase in
using performance-enhancing drugs on time to exhaustion in cyclists
several occasions. At that time, Armstrong who used rHuEPO (Fig. 36B).
denied those charges, noting that he had Because this is an unfair ad-
tested negative nearly 500 times during his vantage, rHuEPO use has been PRE 4 WK PRE 4 WK
20-year career. Accusations continued back banned by the Tour de France,
and forth until a 2013 interview with Oprah the Olympics, and other sports Figure 36B Use of rHuEPO and improved athletic
Winfrey, in which Armstrong confessed to organizations. performance. Four weeks of rHuEPO treatments
using performance-enhancing drugs during To determine whether an increased the peak power output and prolonged the time
much of his athletic career. athlete is using rHuEPO, an that relatively fit cyclists were able to ride (at 80% of their
Why was it so difficult to prove that accurate test is needed. One maximum exertion level).
Armstong had used these drugs? One sub- method of testing athletes for
stance that Armstrong admitted to using was any treatment designed to increase the material that is subjected to an electrical
erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone secreted by RBC count (including collecting the ath- field (i.e., electrophoresis).
the kidneys in response to low blood oxygen lete’s blood, storing it, and transfusing it Unfortunately, direct testing for
levels. EPO binds to a specific cellular recep- back into the athlete soon before an event) rHuEPO may also be unreliable. In one
tor, found mainly on bone marrow cells that is to monitor the hematocrit; the percent- study, eight adult male volunteers received
produce red blood cells (RBCs). The gene age of the blood that is comprised of cells. weekly rHuEPO injections, and identical
coding for EPO was isolated in 1985, and Since 1997, sports cycling governing bod- samples of their urine were submitted to
since 1989, the use of recombinant human ies have decreed that any athlete whose two labs that were approved for rHuEPO
EPO (rHuEPO) has been approved for medi- hematocrit is over 50% may be suspended testing. “Lab A” found that 6 of 16 samples
cal purposes, such as treating the anemia from competition. However, normal hema- were positive, but “Lab B” concluded that
that is often associated with kidney failure. tocrit values for men can vary widely, from all samples were negative.1
However, the use of rHuEPO can have seri- 40–54%. This means an athlete with a Because of these issues, it will be dif-
ous side effects, including increased blood naturally high hematocrit could be unfairly ficult to eliminate the misuse of rHuEPO
clotting, high blood pressure, and even sud- accused of cheating. in endurance sports, especially in partici-
den death. A better approach would be to directly pants whose motivation to win overpowers
measure levels of rHuEPO in an athlete’s their concern about the risks of abusing
body. Unfortunately, these tests have limi- rHuEPO.
tations as well. Part of the problem is that
Questions to Consider
when rHuEPO is injected, it can persist in
the body for as little as 24 hours, but its 1. Certain kidney tumors secrete large
effect continues for as long as 2 weeks. amounts of EPO. What types of symp-
Unless a test is conducted during the toms might this cause?
short time that rHuEPO is present, even 2. Some medical conditions, such as
the most accurate test may miss it. A sec- bacterial infections, cause the num-
ond issue is that rHuEPO must be dis- bers of white blood cells to increase,
tinguished from the EPO that is naturally perhaps even to twice the normal lev-
els. Why does this have very little effect
produced by an athlete’s own kidneys, and
on the hematocrit?
is also circulating in the blood. rHuEPO is
produced in cultured hamster ovary cells,
which process the protein differently than
Figure 36A  Lance Armstrong and Tyler
Hamilton. Hamilton (green and white helmet) human cells do, attaching different sugar
says he observed Armstrong (red, white, and blue molecules to the amino acids. This should 1
Lundby, C., et al. “Testing for Recombinant Human
Erythropoietin in Urine: Problems Associated with
helmet) using performance-enhancing drugs, result in slight differences in the move- Current Anti-doping Testing,” J. Applied Physiology
including rHuEPO. ment of rHuEPO versus EPO through a gel 105:417–419 (2008).
CHAPTER 36 Body Fluid Regulation and Excretory Systems 687

antidiuresis means decreased amount of urine. When ADH is pres- Atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) is a hormone secreted
ent, more water is reabsorbed (blood volume and pressure rise), by the atria of the heart when cardiac cells are stretched due to
and a decreased amount of more concentrated urine is produced. increased blood volume. ANH inhibits the secretion of renin by the
One way by which ADH accomplishes this change is by caus- juxtaglomerular apparatus and the secretion of aldosterone by the
ing the insertion of additional aquaporin water channels into the adrenal cortex. Its effect, therefore, is to promote the excretion of
epithelial cells of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct, Na+—that is, natriuresis. When Na+ is excreted, so is water, and
allowing more water to be reabsorbed. therefore blood volume and blood pressure decrease.
In practical terms, if an individual does not drink much water These examples show that the kidneys regulate the ­water bal-
on a certain day, the posterior lobe of the pituitary releases ADH, ance in blood by controlling the excretion and reabsorption of ions.
causing more water to be reabsorbed and less urine to form. On the Sodium is an important ion in plasma that must be regulated, but
other hand, if an individual drinks a large amount of water and does the kidneys also excrete or reabsorb other ions, such as potassium
not perspire much, ADH is not released. More water is excreted, ions (K+), bicarbonate ions (HCO3–), and mag- MP3
and more urine forms. Diuretics, such as caffeine and alcohol, nesium ions (Mg2+), as needed. Conservation
increase the flow of urine by interfering with the action of ADH.
ADH production also decreases at night, an adaptation that allows Maintaining the Acid-Base Balance
longer periods of sleep without the need to wake up to urinate. The functions of cells are influenced by pH. Therefore, the regula-
tion of pH is extremely important to good health. The bicarbonate
Hormones Control the Reabsorption of Salt. Usually, (HCO3–) buffer system and breathing work together to help main-
more than 99% of the Na+ filtered at the glomerulus is returned tain the pH of the blood. Central to the mechanism is the following
to the blood. Most sodium (67%) is reabsorbed at the proximal reaction, which you have seen before:
convoluted tubule, and a sizable amount (25%) is extruded by the
H+ + HCO3– H2CO3 H2O + CO2
ascending limb of the loop of the nephron. The rest is reabsorbed
from the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct. The excretion of carbon dioxide (CO2) by the lungs helps keep the
Blood volume and pressure are, in part, regulated by salt reab- pH within normal limits, because when carbon dioxide is exhaled,
sorption. When blood volume, and therefore blood pressure, is not this reaction is pushed to the right and hydrogen ions are tied up
sufficient to promote glomerular filtration, a cluster of cells near in water. As you learned in Chapter 35, when blood pH decreases,
the glomerulus called the juxtaglomerular apparatus secretes renin. chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies (in the carotid arteries) and in
Renin is an enzyme that changes angiotensinogen (a large plasma aortic bodies (in the aorta) stimulate the respiratory control center,
protein produced by the liver) into angiotensin I. Later, angiotensin and the rate and depth of breathing increase. And when blood pH
I is converted to angiotensin II, a powerful vasoconstrictor that also begins to rise, the respiratory control center is depressed, and the
stimulates the adrenal glands, which lie on top of the kidneys, to amount of bicarbonate ion increases in the blood.
release aldosterone (Fig. 36.11). Aldosterone is a hormone that pro- As powerful as this system is, only the kidneys can rid the
motes the excretion of potassium ions (K+) and the reabsorption of body of a wide range of acidic and basic substances. The kidneys
sodium ions (Na+) at the distal convoluted tubule. The reabsorption are slower-acting than the buffer/breathing mechanism, but they
of sodium ions is followed by the reabsorption of water. Therefore, have a more powerful effect on pH. For the sake of simplicity,
blood volume and blood pressure increase. we can think of the kidneys as reabsorbing bicarbonate ions and

liver kidneys
adrenal cortex


secretes renin stimulates secretes

blood vessel

angiotensin I angiotensin II

Figure 36.11 The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The liver secretes angiotensinogen into the bloodstream. Renin from the kidneys
initiates the chain of events that results in angiotensin II. Angiotensin II acts on the adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone, which causes reabsorption of
sodium ions by the kidneys and a subsequent rise in blood pressure.
688 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

excreting hydrogen ions as needed to maintain the normal pH of excreted and bicarbonate ions are not reabsorbed. The fact that
the blood: urine is typically acidic (pH about 6) shows that usually an excess
of hydrogen ions are excreted. Ammonia (NH3) provides a means
capillary for buffering these hydrogen ions in urine: (NH3 + H+ NH4+).
Ammonia is produced in tubule cells by the deami- MP3
HCO3 H+ nation of amino acids. Phosphate provides another Acid-Base
means of buffering ­hydrogen ions in urine.

kidney tubule
Check Your Progress 36.2
1. Describe which of the four major functions of the human
_ urinary system are accomplished solely by the kidneys,
H+ + NH3+ NH4+ and which are shared with other body systems.
2. Explain the effect of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system on water-salt balance.
3. Describe how the kidneys contribute to the maintenance
If the blood is acidic, hydrogen ions are excreted and bicarbonate of normal blood pH.
ions are reabsorbed. If the blood is basic, hydrogen ions are not

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• Proper salt balance has a critical effect • By studying the excretory systems of • Without removal of wastes and excess
on cellular functions, and many adapta- many different animals, scientists have salts, an animal would die. In most ani-
tions have evolved to maintain it. come to understand the great variety of mals, the kidneys are the main regulators
• Animals that live in wet or watery environ- evolutionary strategies and mechanisms of the internal environment.
ments tend to secrete nitrogenous wastes that regulate the composition of body • Human kidneys excrete nitrogenous
as ammonia; those in drier environments fluids. waste (mainly as urea), maintain the salt
secrete urea or uric acid, which requires • The production of the recombinant hor- balance, work with the respiratory sys-
more energy to produce. mone erythropoietin has tremendous tem to maintain pH, and secrete hor-
• A variety of excretory organs have benefits but also the potential for misuse. mones that affect water reabsorption,
evolved in animals, from relatively simple, blood volume and blood pressure, and
tubular structures in invertebrates to the red blood cell production.
extremely efficient kidneys found in the
kangaroo rat.

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36.2 Functional Anatomy of the Urinary System • An Overview 36.2 Urine Formation
of Urine Formation • Water Conservation • Acid-Base Balance

Summarize but much water to excrete), and land animals excrete either urea or
uric acid (which requires much energy to produce, but can conserve
36.1 Animal Excretory Systems water).
Osmoregulation, or balancing the body’s water and salt levels, Most animals have specialized excretory organs. The flame cells
includes excretion of metabolic wastes, including nitrogenous wastes. of planarians rid the body of excess water. Earthworm nephridia
Aquatic animals usually excrete ammonia (which requires little energy exchange molecules with the blood in a manner similar to that of
CHAPTER 36 Body Fluid Regulation and Excretory Systems 689

vertebrate kidneys. Malpighian tubules in insects take up metabolic out of the descending limb and the collecting duct. During this pro-
wastes and water from the hemolymph. Later, the water is absorbed cess, water passes through membrane channels called aquaporins.
by the gut. Three hormones are involved in maintaining the water-salt balance
Osmotic regulation is important to animals. Most must balance of the blood. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which makes the collect-
their water and salt intake and excretion to maintain normal solute ing duct more permeable to water, is secreted by the posterior pitu-
and water concentration in body fluids. Marine fishes constantly drink itary in response to an increase in the osmotic pressure of the blood.
water, excrete salts at the gills, and pass an isotonic urine. Freshwater ­Aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal cortex after low blood pressure
fishes never drink water; they take in salts at the gills and excrete a has caused the kidneys to release renin. The presence of renin leads
hypotonic urine. to the formation of angiotensin II, which causes the adrenal cortex to
Some terrestrial animals have adapted to extreme environments. release aldosterone. Aldosterone causes the kidneys to retain Na+; there-
For example, the desert kangaroo rat can survive on metabolic water; fore, water is reabsorbed and blood pressure rises. Atrial natriuretic
marine birds and reptiles have glands that extrude salt. hormone, in contrast, prevents the secretion of renin and aldosterone.
The kidneys also keep blood pH within normal limits. They reabsorb
36.2 The Human Urinary System
HCO3– and excrete H+ as needed to maintain the pH at about 7.4. Finally,
The human urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, urinary the kidneys help to regulate red blood cell production by secreting

bladder, and urethra. The kidneys serve four basic homeostatic func- ­erythropoietin, a hormone that is sometimes abused by athletes.
tions: excretion of metabolic waste; maintenance of water-salt bal-
ance; maintenance of pH balance; and production of hormones, such
as erythropoietin. Asse
Choose the best answer for each question.

36.1 Animal Excretory Systems

1. Which of these is not correct?
a. Uric acid is produced from the breakdown of nucleic acids.
b. Urea is produced from the breakdown of proteins.
1. Kidneys produce
renal artery urine. c. Ammonia results from the deamination of amino acids.
renal vein d. All of these are correct.
aorta 2. One advantage of the excretion of urea instead of uric acid is
2. Ureters transport that urea
vena cava urine. a. requires less energy than uric acid to produce.
b. can be concentrated to a greater extent.
c. is not a toxic substance.
3. Urinary bladder d. requires no water to excrete.
stores urine. e. is a larger molecule.
3. Which of these pairs is mismatched?
a. insects—excrete uric acid
4. Urethra passes b. humans—excrete urea
urine to outside. c. fishes—excrete ammonia
d. birds—excrete ammonia
e. All of these are mismatched.
4. Freshwater bony fishes maintain water balance by
a. excreting salt across their gills.
Kidneys are made up of nephrons, each of which has several b. periodically drinking small amounts of water.
parts. The renal artery branches into many smaller arteries, each of c. excreting a hypotonic urine.
which forms numerous arterioles. Each afferent arteriole forms a tuft d. excreting wastes in the form of uric acid.
of capillaries, called the glomerulus. From the glomerular capsule, a e. Both a and c are correct.
proximal convoluted tubule leads to the loop of the nephron, which 5. Which of these is not an adaptation that helps kangaroo rats
is followed by the distal convoluted tubule. Several nephrons enter conserve water?
one collecting duct, which transports urine through the renal medulla a. formation of a very hypertonic urine
into the renal pelvis. b. highly convoluted nasal passages
Urine formation by a nephron requires three steps: glomerular c. production of very dry feces
filtration, during which nutrients, water, and wastes enter the neph- d. relatively long loops of the nephron in kidneys
ron’s glomerular capsule; tubular reabsorption, when nutrients and e. secretion of excess salt from glands near eyes
most water are reabsorbed into the peritubular capillary network; and
tubular secretion, during which additional wastes are added to the 36.2 The Human Urinary System
convoluted tubules. 6. In the path of blood through the human kidney, the blood vessel
In order to excrete a hypertonic urine, the ascending limb of the that follows the renal artery is the
loop of the nephron extrudes salt, so that the renal medulla is increas- a. peritubular capillary.
ingly hypertonic. Since urea leaks from the lower end of the collecting b. efferent arteriole.
duct, the inner renal medulla has the highest concentration of solute. c. afferent arteriole.
Therefore, a countercurrent mechanism ensures that water diffuses d. renal vein.
690 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

7. Which of these materials is not filtered from the blood at the

a. water
b. urea Thinking Scientifically
c. protein 1. High blood pressure often is accompanied by kidney damage.
d. glucose In some people, the kidney damage is subsequent to the high
8. Excretion of a hypertonic urine in humans is associated best with blood pressure, but in others the kidney damage is the cause of
a. the glomerular capsule. the high blood pressure. Explain how a low-salt diet would enable
b. the proximal convoluted tubule. you to determine whether the high blood pressure or the kidney
c. the loop of the nephron. damage came first.
d. the collecting duct. 2. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system can be inhibited
e. Both c and d are correct. in order to reduce high blood pressure. Usually, the
9. Which of these causes blood pressure to decrease? angiotensin-converting enzyme, which converts angiotensin I
a. aldosterone to angiotensin II, is inhibited by drug therapy. Why would this
b. antidiuretic hormone (ADH) enzyme be an effective point at which to disrupt the system?
c. renin 3. In diabetes mellitus, low insulin levels can lead to high blood
d. atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) sugar levels. In diabetes insipidus, ADH levels are abnormally
10. Label this diagram of a nephron. low. What would be the effect of each condition on urine
4. Approximately one in six adults has some degree of overactive
k. a. bladder syndrome, in which the muscles of the bladder can
contract unexpectedly, causing an urge to urinate. This condition
can be treated with a medication called Detrol LA, which blocks
the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the parasympathetic
division of the autonomic nervous system. Referring ahead to
Chapter 37 if needed, predict some side effects of using this
j. f.
type of medication.
h. i.

Neurons and
The actor Michael J. Fox is also a leading advocate for Parkinson disease research.

I n his autobiography, titled Lucky Man, actor Michael J. Fox relates a story of how he
woke up one morning in 1990 after a night of partying to find that the pinky finger
on his left hand was trembling, and wouldn’t stop. Initially, the 29-year-old star of the
Chapter Outline
37.1  volution of the Nervous System 692
37.2 Nervous Tissue 695
Back to the Future movies and the Family Ties TV show assumed the strange symptom
might be a result of a bad hangover. However, the odd trembling and tingling sensation 37.3 The Central Nervous System 699
continued, even though doctors initially couldn’t find a cause. About a year later, the 37.4 The Peripheral Nervous System 707
actor consulted with a neurologist, who diagnosed Fox with early-onset Parkinson dis-
ease (PD). Over 20 years later, although he is still a working actor, Fox now suffers from
widespread tremors and difficulty walking and speaking, along with other neurological
symptoms. Before You Begin
About 1 million Americans are living with PD, which results from a degeneration of Before beginning this chapter, take a
certain neurons in the brain. Other than the distinctive collection of symptoms, there is few moments to review the following
no definitive test for the disease. There is also no cure, although symptoms can usually discussions.
be decreased with medication. Seven years after his diagnosis, Fox had an experi- Figure 5.9 How does the sodium-
mental surgical procedure called a thalamotomy, which has successfully reduced the potassium pump function?
symptoms of some PD patients. However, after a temporary improvement, Fox admit- Section 29.1 From what embryonic
ted that his symptoms had returned in full. Meanwhile, he founded the Michael J. Fox structures are the brain, spinal cord,
Foundation, which has provided over $450 million to fund PD research. and (in vertebrates) vertebral column
As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions:
Section 30.1 How has the evolution of a
1. How did the evolution of the nervous system provide advantages to animals?
large, complex brain allowed humans to
2. What specific types of processes occur uniquely in nervous tissues? become the most dominant species on
3. Why are diseases of the human nervous system generally difficult to treat? the planet?

Following the Themes

Chapter 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems
Unit 7

Animal Biology

Nervous systems have evolved in all types of animals except the simplest multicellular
Evolution animals and range from relatively simple nerve nets to the highly complex human brain.

Scientific studies have revealed much (but not all) about how the nervous system
Nature of Science functions, leading to new treatments for some neurological diseases.

Although animal nervous systems vary greatly, all are involved in controlling and
Biological Systems coordinating body functions and activities.

692 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

37.1 Evolution of the Nervous System contact with one another and with contractile cells in the body wall
­(Fig. 37.1a). They can contract and extend their bodies, move their
Learning Outcomes tentacles to capture prey, and even turn somersaults. Sea anemones
and ­jellyfish, which are also cnidarians, seem to have two nerve nets:
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
A fast-acting one allows major responses, p­ articularly in times of dan-
1. Compare the nervous systems of cnidarians, planarians, ger; the slower one coordinates slower and more delicate movements.
and annelids.
Planarians (flatworms) have a nervous ­organization that reflects
2. Describe the essential features of a typical vertebrate
their bilateral symmetry. They have a ladderlike nervous system,
nervous system.
with two ventrally located lateral or longitudinal nerve cords (bun-
3. Explain the major adaptations that evolved in the brains of
dles of nerves) that extend from the cerebral ganglia to the posterior
end of their body. Transverse nerves connect the nerve cords, as
well as the cerebral ganglia, to the eyespots. Cephalization, or
concentration of nervous tissue in the anterior or head region, has
The nervous system is vital in complex animals, enabling them to
occurred. A cluster of neuron cell bodies is called a ganglion (pl.,
seek food and mates and to avoid danger. It ceaselessly monitors
ganglia), and the anterior cerebral ganglia of flatworms receive sen-
internal and external conditions and makes appropriate changes to
sory information from photoreceptors in the eyespots and sensory
maintain homeostasis. A comparative study of animal nervous sys-
cells in the auricles (Fig. 37.1b). The two lateral nerve cords allow
tems shows the evolutionary trends that led to the nervous system
a rapid transfer of information from the cerebral ganglia to the pos-
of mammals.
terior end, and the transverse nerves between the nerve cords keep
the movement of the two sides coordinated. Bilateral symmetry plus
Invertebrate Nervous System Organization cephalization are two significant trends in the development of a ner­
The simplest multicellular animals, such as sponges, lack neurons vous organization that is adaptive for an active way of life.
(nerve cells) and therefore have no nervous system. However, their Annelids (e.g., earthworm) (Fig. 37.1c) and arthropods (e.g.,
cells can respond to their environment and can communicate with crab) (Fig. 37.1d) are complex animals with the typical inver-
each other, perhaps by releasing calcium or other ions; the most tebrate nervous system. A brain is present, and a ventral nerve
common example is closure of the osculum (central opening) in cord has a ganglion in each segment. The brain, which normally
response to various stimuli. receives sensory information, controls the activity of the ganglia
Hydras, which are cnidarians with the tissue level of organiza- and assorted nerves, so that the muscle activity of the entire animal
tion and radial symmetry, have a nerve net composed of neurons in is ­coordinated.

ventral nerve
cord with ganglia

nerve net

Figure 37.1 Evolution of the nervous

system. a. The nerve net of a hydra, a
cnidarian. b. In a planarian, a flatworm, the
paired nerve cords with transverse nerves
have the appearance of a ladder. c. The
earthworm, an annelid, has a central nervous
system consisting of a brain and a ventral
solid nerve cord. It also has a peripheral
nervous system consisting of nerves. d. The
crab, an arthropod, has a nervous system that
resembles that of annelids, but the ganglia are
larger. e. The squid, a mollusc, has a definite cords
brain with well-developed, giant nerve fibers
that produce rapid muscle contraction, so the transverse
squid can move quickly. f. A cat, like other
vertebrates, has a spinal cord (a dorsal tubular a. Hydra b. Planarian c. Earthworm
nerve cord) in the central nervous system.
CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 693

A group of molluscs called cephalopods (e.g., squid) olfactory optic spinal

bulb cerebrum thalamus lobe cerebellum cord
(Fig. 37.1e) show marked cephalization—the anterior end has a
well-defined brain and well-developed sense organs, such as eyes.
The cephalopods are widely regarded as the most intelligent inver-
tebrates; many are highly social creatures, and some, such as the
octopus, have been observed to collect, transport, and assemble
coconut shells for later use as a shelter.
hypothalamus pituitary
Vertebrate Nervous System Organization oblongata

Vertebrates have many more neurons than do invertebrates. For

example, an insect’s entire nervous system contains a total of about forebrain midbrain hindbrain
1 million neurons, while a cat’s nervous system may contain many Figure 37.2 Organization of the vertebrate brain. The
thousand times that number (Fig. 37.1f  ). The human cerebral cor- vertebrate brain is divided into the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
tex alone contains an estimated 11 billion neurons; some whales
have even more.
All vertebrates have a brain that controls the nervous system. It located at the anterior end of the animal, because this end is usu-
is customary to divide the vertebrate brain into the hindbrain, mid- ally the first to enter new environments. The optic lobes are part
brain, and forebrain (Fig. 37.2), although the relative sizes of the of the midbrain, which was originally a center for coordinating
parts vary greatly among species. The hindbrain, the most ancient reflexes involving the eyes and ears. In early vertebrate evolu-
part of the brain, regulates motor activity below the level of con- tion, the forebrain was concerned mainly with the sense of smell.
sciousness. For example, the lungs and heart function even when Beginning with the amphibians and continuing in the other ver-
an animal is sleeping. The medulla oblongata contains control tebrates, the forebrain processes sensory information. Later, the
centers for breathing and heart rate. Coordination of motor activity thalamus evolved to receive sensory input from the midbrain and
associated with limb movement, posture, and balance eventually the hindbrain and to pass it on to the cerebrum, the anterior part of
became centered in the cerebellum. the forebrain in vertebrates. In the forebrain, the hypothalamus is
Several types of paired sensory receptors, including the eyes, particularly concerned with homeostasis, and in this capacity, the
ears, and olfactory structures, allow the animal to gather infor- hypothalamus communicates with the medulla oblongata and the
mation from the environment. These sense organs are generally pituitary gland.

in forebrain




ganglion tentacle

d. Crab e. Squid f. Cat

694 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and section 37.3) are especially large and complex in primates, and
spinal cord (Fig. 37.3). The peripheral nervous system (PNS) in humans other parts of the cortex are also enlarged and form
(Gk. periphereia, “circumference”) consists of all the nerves and very complex connections with other parts of the brain. It is likely
ganglia that lie outside the central nervous system. The CNS and that this greatly increased brain capacity allowed mammals, and
PNS are considered in more detail in sections 37.3 and 37.4. especially humans, to become increasingly adept at higher mental
activities, such as manipulating the environment, complex learn-
The Mammalian Nervous System ing, and anticipating the future, all of which have provided tremen-
The hindbrain and midbrain of mammals are similar to those of dous evolutionary advantages.
other vertebrates. However, the forebrain of mammals is greatly
enlarged, due to the addition of an outermost layer called the
neocortex, which is seen only in mammals. It functions in higher Check Your Progress 37.1
mental processes, such as spatial reasoning, conscious thought,
1. Define the terms nerve net, ganglion, and brain.
and language.
2. Describe the major functions of the hindbrain, midbrain,
Although all mammals have a neocortex, all neocortexes are and forebrain.
not the same. Large variation has been observed in the number of 3. Identify the specific location of the more recently evolved
crevices and folds, which can greatly increase the surface area and parts of the brain, compared to the older parts.
numbers of connections between regions. The frontal lobes (see

Figure 37.3 Organization of the nervous system in humans.

a. The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the brain and
spinal cord; the peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of nerves.
b. In the somatic system of the PNS, nerves conduct impulses from
cranial nerves sensory receptors in the skin and internal organs to the CNS, and motor
cervical nerves impulses from the CNS to the skeletal muscles. In the autonomic system,
consisting of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, motor
impulses travel to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.


spinal cord Central Nervous

System brain and
spinal cord

nerves Peripheral Nervous
radial nerve
median nerve
ulnar nerve nerves
somatic motor
somatic sensory fibers (to skeletal
fibers (skin, muscles)
special senses)

autonomic motor
visceral sensory fibers (to cardiac
fibers (internal and smooth
organs) muscle, glands)
sciatic nerve

tibial nerve

sympathetic parasympathetic
common fibular division division

a. b.
CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 695

37.2 Nervous Tissue cell body dendrite

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
1. Describe the basic structure of a neuron and compare the
functions of the three types of neurons. direction
2. Discuss the changes in ion concentrations inside and of conduction
outside a neuron that result in an action potential.
3. Summarize the role of various neurotransmitters in terminal
propagating nerve impulses.
node of Ranvier
a. Motor neuron (multipolar)
Although complex, nervous tissue is composed of just two prin-
cipal types of cells. Neurons, also known as nerve cells, are the
functional units of the nervous system. They receive sensory infor-
mation, convey the information to an integration center such as muscle
the brain, and conduct signals from the integration center to effec-
tor structures, such as the glands and muscles. MP3
Neuroglia serve as supporting cells, providing Cells of the cell body
Nervous System
support and nourishment to the neurons. direction of
Neurons and Neuroglia b. Sensory neuron (unipolar)
Neurons vary in appearance depending on their function and loca- myelin sheath
tion. They consist of three major parts: a cell body, dendrites, and
an axon (Fig. 37.4). The cell body contains a nucleus and a vari-
ety of organelles. The dendrites (Gk. dendron, “tree”) are short,
highly branched processes that receive signals from the sensory
receptors or other neurons and transmit them to the cell body. The
axon (Gk. axon, “axis”) is the portion of the neuron that conveys
information to another neuron or to other cells. Axons can be
bundled together to form nerves. For this reason, axons are often
called nerve fibers. Many axons are covered by a white insulating
layer called the myelin sheath (Gk. myelos, “spinal cord”). axon
cell body
Neuroglia, or glial cells, greatly outnumber neurons in the
brain. Named for the Greek work for “glue,” glial cells were once
thought to simply provide structural and nutritional support for dendrite
neurons. However, some researchers now characterize glial cells
as the “supervisors” of the neurons, because some glial cells play
an important role in synapse formation and help neurons process
c. Interneuron (multipolar)
There are several types of neuroglia in the CNS, each with
some specific known functions. The most numerous type of cell Figure 37.4 Neuron anatomy. a. Motor neuron. Note the
in the brain is the astrocyte, which serves many roles in maintain- branched dendrites and the single, long axon, which branches only near
ing neuron health and function. Microglia are phagocytic cells its tip. b. Sensory neuron with dendritelike structures projecting from
the peripheral end of the axon. c. Interneuron (from the cortex of the
that help remove bacteria and debris. The myelin sheath is formed
cerebellum) with very highly branched dendrites.
from the membranes of tightly spiraled neuroglia. In the CNS,
neuroglial cells called oligodendrocytes form the myelin sheath.
In the PNS, Schwann cells perform this function, leaving gaps Types of Neurons
called nodes of ­Ranvier. Ependymal cells line the ventricles of the Neurons can be described in terms of their function and shape.
brain, where they produce the cerebrospinal fluid. Finally, satellite Motor (efferent) neurons take nerve impulses from the CNS
cells surround neuron cell bodies in ganglia (ganglia are discussed to muscles or glands. Motor neurons are said to have a multipo-
in section 37.4), where they participate in responses to injury and lar shape, because they have many dendrites and a single axon
inflammation. (Fig. 37.4a). Motor neurons cause muscle fibers to contract or
696 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

glands to secrete, and therefore they are said to innervate these Resting Potential
­structures. When the axon is not conducting an impulse, the voltmeter records
Sensory (afferent) neurons take nerve impulses from sensory a membrane potential equal to about –70 mV (millivolts), indicat-
receptors to the CNS. The sensory receptor, which is the distal end ing that the inside of the neuron is more negative than the outside
of the long axon of a sensory neuron, may be as simple as a naked (Fig. 37.5a). This is called the r­ esting potential, because the axon
nerve ending (a pain receptor), or it may be built into a highly com- is not conducting an ­impulse.
plex organ, such as the eye or ear. Almost all sensory neurons have The existence of this polarity can be correlated with a differ-
a structure that is termed unipolar (Fig. 37.4b). In unipolar neurons, ence in ion distribution on either side of the axonal membrane. As
the process that extends from the cell body divides into a branch that Figure 37.5a shows, there is a higher concentration of sodium ions
extends to the periphery and ­another that extends to the CNS. (Na+) outside the axon and a higher concentration of potassium
Interneurons (L. inter, “between”) occur entirely within the ions (K+) inside the axon.
CNS. Interneurons, which are typically multipolar (Fig. 37.4c), The unequal distribution of these ions is due in part to the
convey nerve impulses between various parts of the CNS. Some activity of the sodium-potassium pump (described in section 5.3;
lie between sensory neurons and motor neurons; some take mes- see Fig. 5.10). This pump is an active transport system in the
sages from one side of the spinal cord to the other or from the brain plasma membrane that pumps three sodium ions out of the axon
to the cord, and vice versa. They also form complex pathways in and two potassium ions into the axon. The pump is always work-
the brain, leading to higher mental functions, such as thinking, ing, because the membrane is somewhat permeable to these ions,
memory, and language. and they tend to diffuse toward areas of lesser concentration.
Because the membrane is more permeable to potassium than to
Transmission of Nerve Impulses sodium, there are always more positive ions outside the membrane
than inside; this accounts for some of the membrane potential
In the early 1900s, scientists first hypothesized that the nerve recorded by the voltmeter. The axon cytoplasm also contains large,
impulse is an electrochemical phenomenon involving the move- negatively charged proteins. Altogether,
ment of unequally distributed ions on either side of an axonal Animation
then, the ­voltmeter records that the resting How the Sodium-
membrane, the plasma membrane of an axon. It was not until the potential is –70 mV inside the cell.
Potassium Pump Works

1960s, however, that experimental techniques were developed to

test this hypothesis. Investigators were able to insert a tiny elec-
trode into the giant axon of the squid Loligo. This internal electrode Action Potential
was then connected to a voltmeter, an instrument with a screen An action potential is a rapid change in polarity across a portion
that shows voltage differences over time (Fig. 37.5). Voltage is a of an axonal membrane as the nerve impulse occurs. An action
measure of the electrical potential difference b­ etween two points, potential involves two types of gated ion channels in the axonal
which in this case is the difference between the electrode placed membrane, one that allows the passage of
inside and another placed outside the axon. An electrical potential Na+ and one that allows the passage of Animation
Action Potential
difference across a membrane is called a membrane potential. K . In contrast to ungated ion channels, Propagation

Figure 37.5 Resting and

action potential of the axonal
membrane. a. Resting potential.
A voltmeter indicates that the axonal recording reference
membrane has a resting potential of electrode electrode
inside axon outside axon
–70 mV. There is a preponderance of Na+ + + + + + + + + + + − − + + + + + + + +
outside the axon and a preponderance of − − − − − − − − − − + + − − − − − − − −

K+ inside the axon. The permeability of the axonal direction of signal

membrane to K+ compared to Na+ causes membrane − − − − − − − − − − + + − − − − − − − −
+ + + + + + + + + + − − + + + + + + + +
the inside to be negative compared to
the outside. b. During an action potential,
inside axon
depolarization occurs when Na+ gates K+
open and Na+ begins to move inside Na+
the axon. c. Depolarization continues
until a potential of +35 mV is reached. gated K+
d. Repolarization occurs when K+ gates channel
open and K+ moves outside the axon. gated Na+ open
e. Graph of an action channel Na+
Tutorial outside axon
potential. Neuron Action

a. Resting potential: Na+ outside the axon, K+ and large b. Stimulus causes the axon to reach its threshold;
anions inside the axon. Separation of charges polarizes the axon potential increases from −70 to −55.
the cell and causes the resting potential. The action potential has begun.
CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 697

which constantly allow ions across the membrane, gated ion chan- Speeds of 200 m/sec (about 450 miles per hour) have been r­ ecorded.
nels open and close in response to a stimulus, such as a signal from As you can see, this speed is considerably greater than the rate of
another neuron. travel in nonmyelinated axons and allows what seems to be an
The threshold is the minimum change in polarity across the instantaneous response.
axonal membrane that is required to generate an action potential. As soon as an action potential has moved on, the previous sec-
Therefore, the action potential is an all-or-none event. During tion undergoes a refractory period, during which the Na+ gates
depolarization, the inside of a neuron becomes positive because of are unable to open. Notice, therefore, that the action potential
the sudden entrance of sodium ions. If threshold is reached, many cannot move backward and instead always moves down an axon
more sodium channels open, and the action potential begins. As toward its terminals. The intensity of a signal traveling down a
sodium ions rapidly move across the membrane to the inside of nerve fiber is ­determined by how many nerve impulses are gener-
the axon, the a­ ction potential swings up from –70 mV to +35 mV ated within a given time span.
(Fig. 37.5c). This reversal in polarity causes the sodium chan-
nels to close and the potassium channels to open. As potassium
ions leave the axon, the membrane potential swings down from Transmission Across a Synapse
+35 mV to –70 mV. In other words, a repolarization occurs Every axon branches into many fine endings, each tipped by a small
(Fig. 37.5d). An action potential takes only 2 msec (milliseconds). swelling, called an axon terminal (Fig. 37.6). Each terminal lies very
To visualize such rapid fluctuations in voltage across the axonal close to the dendrite (or the cell body) of another neuron. This region
membrane, researchers generally find it useful to of close proximity is called a synapse. At a synapse, the membrane
plot the voltage changes over time (Fig. 37.5e). Nerve Impulse of the first neuron is called the presynaptic membrane, and the mem-
brane of the next neuron is called the postsynaptic
Propagation of Action Potentials membrane. The small gap b­ etween the neurons is Synapses

In nonmyelinated axons (such as sensory receptors in the skin), the called the synaptic cleft.
action potential travels down an axon one small section at a time, at A nerve impulse cannot cross a synaptic cleft. Trans-
a speed of about 1 m/sec (meter per second). In myelinated axons, mission across a synapse is carried out by molecules called
the gated ion channels that produce an action potential are concen- ­neurotransmitters, which are stored in synaptic vesicles. When
trated at the nodes of Ranvier. Saltar in Spanish means “to jump,” nerve impulses traveling along an axon reach an axon terminal,
so this mode of conduction, called ­saltatory conduction, means gated channels for calcium ions (Ca2+) open, and calcium enters
that the action potential “jumps” from node to node: the terminal. This sudden rise in Ca2+ stimulates synaptic vesicles
to merge with the presynaptic membrane, and neurotransmitter
action myelin node of molecules are released into the synaptic cleft. They diffuse across
potential sheath Ranvier the cleft to the postsynaptic membrane, where they bind with spe-
cific ­receptor proteins.
−− −− ++
++ −− −− Depending on the type of neurotransmitter and/or the type of
receptor, the response of the postsynaptic neuron can be toward


+40 Na+ moves K+ moves


− − − − + + + + + + + + − − − − − − − −
+ + + + − − − − − − − − + + + + + + + +
to inside to outside
+20 axon. axon. action

direction of signal direction of signal potential

Voltage (mV)


+ + + + − − − − − − − − + + + + + + + +
− − − − + + + + + + + + − − − − − − − −


open open K+ potential
Na+ channel
channel 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (milliseconds)

c. Depolarization continues as Na+ gates open d. Action potential ends: Repolarization occurs e. An action potential can be visualized if voltage
and Na+ moves inside the axon. when K+ gates open and K+ moves to outside changes are graphed over time.
the axon. The sodium-potassium pump returns
the ions to their resting positions.
698 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

excitation or toward inhibition. Excit- path of action potential

atory neurotransmitters that use
1. After an
gated ion channels are fast-acting. action
Other neurotransmitters affect potential
the metabolism of the post­ arrives at an
axon terminal,
synaptic cell and therefore are Ca2+ enters,
slower-acting. Ca2+
and synaptic
vesicles fuse
with the
Neurotransmitters presynaptic
More than 100 substances are axon
known or suspected to be neu- terminal
rotransmitters in both the CNS
and the PNS. Many of these can synaptic vesicles
cell body of enclose neuro-
have opposing effects on different postsynaptic transmitter
tissues. Acetylcholine (ACh) excites neuron
skeletal muscle but inhibits cardiac mus-
cle. It has either an excitatory or an inhibitory effect on smooth
muscle or glands, depending on their location. In the CNS,
norepinephrine is important to dreaming, waking, and mood.
Dopamine is involved in emotions, learning, and attention, and
serotonin is involved in thermoregulation, sleeping, emotions, synaptic cleft
and perception. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that bind to
natural opioid receptors in the brain. They are associated with
2. Neuro-
the “runner’s high” of exercisers, because they also produce a transmitter
feeling of tranquility. Endorphins are produced by the brain not molecules
only when there is physical stress but also when emotional stress are released
and bind to
is present. receptors
After a neurotransmitter has been released into a synaptic on the
cleft and has initiated a response, it is removed from the cleft. postsynaptic
In some synapses, the postsynaptic membrane contains enzymes
that rapidly inactivate the neurotransmitter. For example, the
enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) breaks down acetylcholine. presynaptic
In other synapses, the presynaptic cell is responsible for reuptake,
a process in which it rapidly reabsorbs the neurotransmitter, pos- neurotransmitter postsynaptic
sibly for repackaging in synaptic vesicles or for molecular break-
down. The short existence of neurotransmitters Animation
at a synapse prevents continuous stimulation (or Chemical
­inhibition) of postsynaptic membranes.
Many drugs affecting the nervous system act by interfering 3. When an
with or potentiating the action of neurotransmitters. Such drugs excitatory
can enhance or block the r­ elease of a neurotransmitter, mimic the neuro- transmitter
action of a neurotransmitter or block the receptor, or interfere with transmitter binds to a
the ­removal of a neurotransmitter from a synaptic cleft. Depres- receptor,
Na+ diffuses
sion, a common mood disorder, appears to involve imbalances in receptor into the
norepinephrine and serotonin. Some antidepressant drugs, such postsynaptic
as fluoxetine (Prozac), prevent the reuptake of serotonin, and neuron, and
an action
others, including bupropion hydrochloride (Wellbutrin), prevent potential
the reuptake of both serotonin and norepinephrine. Blocking begins.
reuptake prolongs the effects of these two neurotransmitters in neuron
networks of neurons in the brain that are involved in the emo-
tional state.
Drugs that affect neurotransmitter activity are often abused
Figure 37.6 Synapse structure and function. Transmission
for “recreational” purposes, with often unfortunate and some-
across a synapse from one neuron to another occurs when a neuro­
times deadly results. The Biological Systems feature, “Drugs transmitter is released at the presynaptic membrane, diffuses across a
of Abuse,” on page 700 describes a number of these dangerous synaptic cleft, and binds to a receptor in the post- Tutorial
drugs. synaptic membrane. An action potential may begin. Synaptic Cleft
CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 699

Synaptic Integration 37.3 The Central Nervous System

A single neuron has many dendrites plus the cell body, and both
can have synapses with many other neurons. One thousand to Learning Outcomes
10,000 synapses per single neuron is not uncommon. Therefore, Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
a neuron is on the receiving end of many excitatory and inhibi- 1. Describe the anatomy of the spinal cord and spinal
tory signals. An excitatory signal produces a potential change that nerves.
causes the neuron to become less polarized, or closer to trigger- 2. List the major regions of the human brain and describe
ing an action potential. An inhibitory signal causes the neuron to some major functions of each.
become hyperpolarized, or farther from an action potential. 3. Compare the causes and types of symptoms seen in
Neurons integrate these incoming signals, and they do so some common CNS disorders.
specifically at the area of the neuron cell body where the axon
emerges, called the axon hillock. Integration is the summing
up of excitatory and inhibitory signals (Fig. 37.7). If a neuron The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the spinal cord and
receives many excitatory signals (either from different synapses brain. It has three specific functions:
or at a rapid rate from one synapse), chances are the axon will
1. Receives sensory input—sensory receptors in the skin and
transmit a nerve impulse. In Figure 37.7b, the inhbitory signals
other organs respond to external and internal stimuli by
(shown in blue) are canceling out the excitatory signals, resulting
generating nerve impulses that travel to the CNS
in no nerve impulse.
2. Performs integration—the CNS sums up the input it receives
from all over the body
Check Your Progress 37.2 3. Generates motor output—nerve impulses from the CNS
1. Explain why a nerve impulse travels more quickly go to the muscles and glands; muscle contractions and gland
down a myelinated axon than down an unmyelinated secretions are responses to stimuli received by sensory
axon. receptors
2. Describe the movement of specific ions during the As an example of the operation of the CNS, consider the events
generation of a nerve impulse.
that occur as a person raises a glass to the lips. Continuous sen-
3. Analyze how the bite of a black widow spider, which
sory input to the CNS from the eyes and hand informs the CNS
contains a powerful AChE inhibitor, might cause each of
the common symptoms of muscle cramps, salivation, fast
of the position of the glass, and the CNS continually sums up the
heart rate, and high blood pressure. incoming data before commanding the hand to proceed. At any
time, integration with other sensory data might cause the CNS to

excitatory signal
inhibitory signal

–40 threshold

–70 resting

Time (milliseconds)

a. cell body of the neuron axon terminals 700× b.

Figure 37.7 Synaptic integration. a. Many neurons synapse with a cell body. b. Both inhibitory signals (blue) and excitatory signals (red) are
summed up in the dendrite and cell body of the postsynaptic neuron. Only if the combined signals cause the membrane potential to rise above threshold
does an action potential occur. In this example, threshold was not reached.
700 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Theme Biological Systems

Drugs of Abuse
Drug abuse is apparent when a person using tobacco products in 2012. The use of The structure of methamphetamine is
takes a drug at a dose level and under cir- chewing tobacco is about half of what it was similar to that of dopamine, and the most
cumstances that increase the potential for in the mid-1990s, but from 2011 to 2012, immediate effect of taking meth is a rush of
a harmful outcome. Addiction is present electronic cigarette use doubled among euphoria, energy, alertness, and elevated
when more and more of the drug is needed middle and high school students (see the mood. However, this is typically followed by
to get the same effect and withdrawal symp- Nature of Science feature “Is ‘Vaping’ Safer a state of agitation, which in some individu-
toms occur when the user stops taking the Than Smoking?” in Chapter 35). als leads to violent behavior. Chronic use
drug. This is true not only for teenagers and When tobacco is smoked or chewed, can result in what is called amphetamine
adults but also for newborn babies of moth- nicotine is rapidly delivered throughout the psychosis, characterized by paranoia, hal-
ers who are addicted to drugs. body. It causes a release of epinephrine lucinations, irritability, and aggressive, er-
from the adrenal glands, increasing blood ratic behavior.
Alcohol sugar levels and initally causing a feeling of Ecstasy, “X”, and “molly” are common
With the exception of caffeine, alcohol (etha- stimulation. As blood sugar falls, depres- names for MDMA (methylenedioxymeth-
nol) consumption is the most socially ac- sion and fatigue set in, causing the user to amphetamine), which is chemically similar
cepted form of drug use in the United States, seek more nicotine. In the CNS, nicotine to methamphetamine. Many users say that
although consuming alcohol is illegal for stimulates neurons to release dopamine, a X, taken as a pill that looks like an aspirin
those under 21. According to a 2011 survey, neurotransmitter that promotes a tempo- or candy, increases their feelings of well-
39% of all U.S. high school students drank rary sense of pleasure, reinforcing depen- being and love for other people. However,
some amount of alcohol, and 22% reported dence on the drug. About 70% of people it has many of the same side effects as
hazardous drinking (five or more drinks in who try smoking become addicted. other stimulants; plus, it can interfere with
one setting) during the 30 days preceding the As mentioned in earlier chapters, the body’s temperature regulation, leading
survey. Notably, 80% of college-age young smoking is strongly associated with serious to hyperthermia, high blood pressure, and
adults drink. According to a U.S. govern- diseases of the cardiovascular and respira- seizures.
ment study, drinking in college contributes to tory systems. Once addicted, however, only “Bath salts” resemble various inorganic
an estimated 1,825 student deaths, 690,000 10–20% of smokers are able to quit. Most salts that are actually added to bath water,
incidents of assault, and over 95,000 cases medical approaches to quitting involve the but the effects of smoking, snorting, or in-
of sexual assault or date rape each year. administration of nicotine in safer forms, jecting these highly addictive substances
Alcohol acts as a depressant on many such as skin patches, gum, or a nicotine are anything but relaxing. After an initial eu-
parts of the brain by increasing the action inhaler, so that withdrawal symptoms can phoria, common side effects of these drugs
of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. be minimized while dependence is gradu- include high fever, hallucinations, and ex-
Depending on the amount consumed, the ally reduced. In a 2011 trial, a vaccine called treme paranoia. Horrifying stories have also
effects of alcohol on the brain can lead to NicVAX, which stimulates the production of appeared in the news about users inflicting
a feeling of relaxation, lowered inhibitions, antibodies that prevent nicotine from enter- a variety of violent acts on themselves or
impaired concentration and coordination, ing the brain, provided no advantage over a others.
slurred speech, and vomiting. If the blood placebo in helping people give up smoking. As recently as 2010, bath salts were
level of alcohol becomes too high, coma or legal and available from head shops,
death can occur. Designer Drugs convenience stores, and online, with
Beginning in about 2005, several man- Designer drugs are those that are synthe- ­innocuous-sounding brand names such as
ufacturers began selling alcoholic energy sized, or “cooked,” in laboratories. Metham- Bliss, Cloud Nine, and Vanilla Sky. In 2011,
drinks. With names such as Four Loco, phetamine (commonly called meth or crank) the FDA banned two key ingredients—
Joose, and Sparks, these drinks combine is a powerful CNS stimulant. It is available as MDPV (methylenedioxypyrovalerone) and
fairly high levels of alcohol with caffeine a powder that can be snorted or as crystals mephedrone, but designer drug cookers try
and other ingredients. Although interac- (crystal meth or ice) that can be smoked. to stay ahead of the law by slightly altering
tions between drugs can be complex, the Meth is often produced in makeshift home the ingredients. As a result, it’s difficult to
stimulant effects of caffeine can counteract laboratories, usually starting with ephedrine predict what chemicals might be found in
some of the depressant effects of alcohol, or pseudoephedrine, common ingredients bath salts, but it’s safe to say that abusing
so that users feel able to drink more. Begin- in many cold and asthma medicines. As a these drugs often does not turn out well.
ning in 2010, the FDA began sending warn- result, many states have passed laws mak-
ing letters to the manufacturers of these ing these medications more difficult to pur- Date Rape Drugs
products, resulting in most of them being chase. The number of toxic chemicals used Drugs with sedative effects, known as date
removed from the market. to prepare the drug makes a former meth rape or predatory drugs, include Rohyp-
lab site hazardous to humans and to the nol (roofies), gamma-hydroxybutyric acid
Nicotine environment. About 11 million people in the (GHB), and ketamine (“special K”). Ket-
About 23% of U.S. high school students, United States have used methamphetamine amine is a drug that veterinarians some-
and 7% of middle school students, reported at least once in their lifetime. times use to perform surgery on animals.
CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 701

Any of these drugs can be given to an Long-term users commonly acquire ter that is important for short-term memory
unsuspecting person, who may fall into a hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, and various bacterial processing, and perhaps for feelings of con-
dreamlike state and be unable to move and infections due to the use of shared needles, tentment. The occasional marijuana user
thus vulnerable to sexual assault. and heavy users may experience convul- experiences mild euphoria, along with al-
sions and death by respiratory arrest. Some terations in vision and judgment. Heavy use
Cocaine and Crack well-publicized recent cases of heroin over- can cause hallucinations, anxiety, depres-
dose include the actors Cory Monteith and sion, paranoia, and psychotic symptoms.
Cocaine is an alkaloid derived from the Philip Seymour Hoffman. Some researchers believe that long-term
shrub Erythroxylon coca. Approximately 35 Heroin addiction can be treated with marijuana use leads to brain impairment.
million Americans have used cocaine by synthetic opiate compounds, such as metha- In recent years, awareness has been
sniffing/snorting, injecting, or smoking it. done or suboxone, that decrease withdrawal increasing about a synthetic compound
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant in the CNS symptoms and block heroin’s effects. How- (designer drug) called K2 or spice. Com-
that interferes with the reuptake of dopa- ever, methadone itself can be addictive, and pounds in K2 may be 10–100 times stronger
mine at synapses, increasing overall brain methadone-related deaths are on the rise. than THC. The chemical is typically sprayed
activity. The result is a rush of well-being onto a mixture of other herbal products and
that lasts 5–30 minutes. This is followed by Marijuana and K2 smoked. However, because there is no reg-
a crash period, characterized by fatigue, The dried flowering tops, leaves, and ulation of how it is produced, the amount or
depression, irritability, and lack of interest stems of the marijuana plant, Cannabis sa- types of chemicals in K2 can vary greatly.
in sex. In fact, men who use cocaine often tiva, contain and are covered by a resin This may account for the several reports of
become impotent. that is rich in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). serious medical problems and even deaths
Crack is the street name given to co- Marijuana can be ingested, but usually it is in K2 users.
caine that is processed to a free base form smoked in a cigarette called a “joint,” or in
for smoking. The term crack refers to the pipes or other paraphernalia. An estimated Questions to Consider
crackling sound heard when the drug is 65 million Americans have used marijuana, 1. Suppose a form of heroin had only the
smoked. Smoking allows high doses of the making it the most commonly used illegal desired effects (euphoria and pain re-
drug to reach the brain rapidly, providing an drug in the United States. As of early 2014, lief) with no side effects. Should such a
intense and immediate high, or “rush.” Ap- about 20 states have legalized its use for drug be legal for everyone to use?
proximately 8 million Americans use crack. medical purposes, such as treating cancer, 2. Should medical marijuana be legal for
Cocaine is highly addictive; with contin- AIDS, or glaucoma, and two states (Colo- use in all states? If so, how should it be
ued use, the brain makes less dopamine to rado and Washington) have legalized its regulated?
compensate for a seemingly endless supply. recreational use. 3. In November 2010, the U.S. Drug En-
The user experiences withdrawal symptoms Researchers have found that, in the forcement Agency banned the sale of
and an intense craving for the drug. Over brain, THC binds to a r­eceptor for anan- five chemicals used to make K2. Is this
time, the brain of a cocaine user becomes damide, a naturally occurring neurotransmit- an overreaction?
less active (Fig. 37A).

Heroin is derived from the resin or sap of brain activity
the opium poppy plant, which is widely
grown—from Turkey to Southeast Asia and
parts of Latin America. Drugs derived from
opium are called opiates, a class that also
includes morphine and oxycodone. The
number of heroin users in the United States
has nearly doubled in the last few years,
partly due to an increased supply.
As with other drugs of abuse, addic-
tion is common. Heroin binds to receptors in
the brain that normally bind to endorphins,
naturally occurring neurotransmitters that kill
pain and produce feelings of tranquility. After
heroin is injected, snorted, or smoked, a feel-
ing of euphoria, along with the relief of any
pain, occurs within a few minutes. With re- Before chronic cocaine
peated heroin use, the body’s production of use, brain is more active
endorphins decreases. Tolerance develops, (red areas).
so that the user needs to take more of the
drug just to prevent withdrawal symptoms After chronic cocaine use, brain is less active.
(tremors, restlessness, cramps, vomiting),
and the original euphoria is no longer felt. Figure 37A  Drug use. Brain activity before and after the use of cocaine.
702 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

command a different motion instead. The lips MP3 sensory neurons and motor neurons, as well as short interneurons
Organization of the
detect the arrival of the glass, passing this Nervous System that connect sensory and motor neurons.
information to the CNS, which then directs Myelinated long fibers of interneurons that run together in bun-
the actions of drinking. dles called tracts give white matter its color. These tracts connect
The spinal cord and the brain are both protected by bone; the the spinal cord to the brain. They are like a busy superhighway, by
spinal cord is surrounded by vertebrae, and the brain is enclosed by which information continuously passes between the brain and the
the skull. Both the spinal cord and the brain are wrapped in three rest of the body. In the dorsal part of the cord, the tracts are primarily
protective membranes known as meninges (Fig. 37.8). The spaces ascending, taking information to the brain. Ventrally, the tracts are
between the meninges are filled with cerebrospinal fluid, which primarily descending, carrying information from the brain. Because
cushions and protects the CNS. Cerebrospinal fluid, produced by a the tracts cross over at one point, the left side of the brain controls
type of glial cell, is contained in the central canal of the spinal cord the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls
and within the ventricles of the brain, which are interconnecting the left side of the body. Researchers estimate that there are about
spaces that produce and serve as reservoirs for cerebrospinal fluid. 100,000 miles of myelinated nerve fibers in the adult human brain.
Meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) is a serious disorder If the spinal cord is damaged as a result of an injury, paralysis
caused by a number of bacteria or viruses that can invade the may result. If the injury occurs in the cervical (neck) region, all
meninges. four limbs are usually paralyzed, a condition known as quadriple-
gia. If the injury occurs in the thoracic region, the lower body may
The Spinal Cord be paralyzed, a condition called paraplegia.
Other disease processes can cause paralysis. In ­amyotrophic
The spinal cord is a bundle of nervous tissue enclosed in the verte-
lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig disease, motor neurons in
bral column (see Fig. 37.12); it extends from the base of the brain
the brain and spinal cord degenerate and die, leaving patients weak-
to the vertebrae just below the rib cage. The spinal cord has two
ened, then paralyzed, then unable to breathe properly. Although
main functions: (1) it is the center for many reflex actions, which
there is no cure, some drugs slow the disease, and others are cur-
are automatic responses to external stimuli, and (2) it provides a
rently in clinical trials.
means of communication between the brain and the spinal nerves,
which leave the spinal cord.
A cross section of the spinal cord reveals that it is composed The Brain
of a central portion of gray matter and a peripheral ­region of white Nerve impulses are the same in all neurons, so how is it that the
matter. The gray matter consists of cell bodies and unmyelinated stimulation of our eyes causes us to see and the stimulation of our
fibers. In cross section, it is shaped like a butterfly, or the letter H, ears causes us to hear? Essentially, the central nervous system
with two dorsal (posterior) horns and two ventral (anterior) horns carries out the function of integrating incoming data. The brain
surrounding a central canal. The gray matter contains portions of allows us to perceive our environment, to reason, and to remember.

Figure 37.8 The human

Cerebrum opening to lateral
(telencephalon) brain. a. The right cerebral
hemisphere is shown, along
third ventricle with other, closely associated
skull structures. The hemispheres
are connected by the corpus
meninges callosum. b. The cerebrum is
(surrounds the
third ventricle) divided into the right and left
cerebral hemispheres.
corpus hypothalamus
pineal gland

pituitary gland fourth ventricle

Brain stem
midbrain Cerebellum
oblongata spinal cord

a. Parts of brain b. Cerebral hemispheres

CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 703

The exact processes by which the brain generates MP3

The parietal lobes lie posterior to the frontal lobe and are con-
these higher functions remain largely mysterious. The Brain cerned with sensory reception and integration, as well as taste. A
primary taste area in the parietal lobe accounts for taste sensations.
The Cerebrum The temporal lobes are located laterally. A primary auditory
The cerebrum is the largest, outermost portion of the brain in area in each temporal lobe receives information from the ears. The
humans (Fig. 37.8a). The cerebrum is the last center to receive sen- occipital lobes are the most posterior lobes. A primary visual area
sory input and carry out integration before commanding voluntary in each occipital lobe receives information from the eyes.
motor responses. It communicates with and coordinates the activi-
The Cerebral Cortex. The cerebral cortex is a thin (less than
ties of the other parts of the brain. The cerebrum also contains the
5 mm thick) but highly convoluted outer layer of gray matter that
two lateral ventricles; the third ventricle is sur-
MP3 covers the cerebral hemispheres. The convolutions increase the
rounded by the diencephalon, and the fourth ven- The Cerebrum
surface area of the cerebral cortex. It contains tens of billions of
tricle lies between the cerebellum and the pons.
neurons and is the region of the brain that accounts for sensation,
Cerebral Hemispheres. The cerebrum is divided into two voluntary movement, and all the thought processes required for
halves, called cerebral hemispheres (Fig. 37.8b). A deep groove learning, memory, language, and speech.
called the longitudinal fissure divides the cerebrum into the right Two regions of the cerebral cortex are of particular interest.
and left hemispheres. Each hemisphere receives information The primary motor area is in the frontal lobe just ventral to (before)
from and controls the opposite side of the body. Although the the central sulcus. Voluntary commands to skeletal muscles begin
hemispheres appear the same, the right hemisphere is associated in the primary motor area, and each part of the body is controlled
with artistic and musical ability, emotion, spatial relationships, by a certain section. The size of the section indicates the precision
and pattern recognition. The left hemisphere is more adept at of motor control. For example, controlling the muscles of the face
mathematics, language, and analytical reasoning. The two cere- and hands takes up a much larger portion of the primary motor
bral hemispheres are connected by a bridge of tracts within the area than controlling the entire trunk. The primary somatosensory
corpus callosum. area is just dorsal to the central sulcus in the parietal lobe. Sensory
Shallow grooves called sulci (sing., sulcus) divide each hemi- information from the skin and skeletal muscles arrives here.
sphere into paired lobes (Fig. 37.9). The frontal lobes lie toward When the blood supply to any area of the brain is disrupted,
the front of the hemispheres and are associated with motor control, a stroke results. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the
memory, reasoning, and judgment. For example, if a fire occurs, United States. The most common type is ischemic stroke, in which
the frontal lobes enable you to decide whether to exit via the stairs there is a sudden loss of blood supply to an area of the brain, usually
or the window, or if it is winter how to dress if the temperature due to arterial blockage or clot formation. The area(s) of the brain
plummets to subzero. The left frontal lobe contains Broca’s area, affected by a stroke will determine what type of symptoms arise. For
which organizes motor commands to produce speech. example, a stroke that affects only the motor areas of the cerebral

central sulcus
Parietal lobe
Figure 37.9 The
Frontal lobe lobes of a cerebral
primary motor area primary somatosensory area hemisphere. Each cerebral
premotor area somatosensory hemisphere is divided into
leg association area four lobes: frontal, parietal,
motor speech trunk primary taste area temporal, and occipital. These
(Broca’s) area
arm lobes contain centers for
prefrontal hand general interpretation area reasoning and movement,
area somatic sensing, hearing, and
vision, respectively.

Occipital lobe

visual area
lateral sulcus visual
Temporal lobe area
auditory association area
primary auditory area
sensory speech (Wernicke’s) area
704 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

cortex might paralyze one side of the body, while a stroke involving station for tracts passing between the cerebrum and the spinal cord
Broca’s area might render a stroke victim unable to speak. or cerebellum. The tracts cross in the brain stem, so the right side
Although strokes are most common in older people, a 2011 study of the body is controlled by the left portion of the brain and the left
noted a 51% increase in strokes in men ages 15 through 34, as well side of the body is controlled by the right portion of the brain.
as a 17% increase in women the same age. Because many of the risk The pons (L. pons, “bridge”) contains bundles of axons that
factors for stroke are similar to those for cardiovascular disease, see the form a bridge between the cerebellum and the rest of the CNS. The
Nature of Science feature “Recent Findings About Preventing Cardio- pons also works with the medulla oblongata to regulate many basic
vascular Disease” in Chapter 32 to learn how to reduce your risk. body functions.
The medulla oblongata lies just superior to the spinal cord,
Basal Nuclei. Although the bulk of the cerebrum is com-
and it contains tracts that ascend or descend between the spinal
posed of white matter (tracts), masses of gray matter are located
cord and higher brain centers. It regulates the heartbeat, breathing,
deep within the white matter. These so-called basal nuclei (basal
swallowing, and blood pressure. It also contains reflex centers for
ganglia) integrate motor commands, ensuring that proper muscle
vomiting, coughing, sneezing, hiccuping, and swallowing.
groups are activated or inhibited. As mentioned in the chapter-
The most common neurological disease of young adults is
opening essay about Michael J. Fox, P ­ arkinson disease (PD)
multiple sclerosis (MS). It typically affects myelinated nerves in
is a brain disorder characterized by tremors, speech difficulties,
the cerebellum, brain stem, basal ganglia, and optic nerve. MS is
and difficulty standing and walking. PD results from a loss of the
considered an autoimmune disease, in which the patient’s own
cells in the basal nuclei that normally produce the neurotransmit-
white blood cells attack the myelin, oligodendrocytes, and eventu-
ter dopamine. See the Nature of Science feature, “An Accidental
ally neurons in the CNS. The word sclerosis refers to the multiple
Experimental Model for Parkinson Disease,” on page 706 to learn
scars, or plaques, that can be seen through various types of scans.
about the somewhat strange history of research into PD, as well as
The myelin damage affects the transmission of nerve impulses,
some treatments for this disease.
resulting in the most common symptoms: fatigue, vision prob-
Other Parts of the Brain lems, weakness, numbness, and tingling. Nearly 400,000 people
in the United States have MS, and about 10,000 new cases are
The hypothalamus and the thalamus are in the diencephalon, a
diagnosed each year, mainly in young adults.
region that encircles the third ventricle. The hypothalamus forms
the floor of the third ventricle. It is an integrating center that helps The Reticular Activating System. The reticular activating
maintain homeostasis by regulating hunger, sleep, thirst, body system (RAS) contains the reticular formation, a complex net-
temperature, and water balance. The hypothalamus controls the work of nuclei and nerve fibers extending the length of the brain
pituitary gland and, thereby, serves as a link between the nervous stem (Fig. 37.10). The reticular formation receives sensory signals,
and endocrine systems (see Chapter 40). which it sends up to higher centers, and motor signals, which it
The thalamus consists of two masses of gray matter in the sends to the spinal cord.
sides and roof of the third ventricle. It receives all sensory input The RAS arouses the cerebrum via the thalamus and causes a
except smell. The thalamus integrates this information and sends it person to be alert. Apparently, the RAS can filter out unnecessary
on to the appropriate portions of the cerebrum. For this reason, the sensory stimuli, which explains why some individuals can study
thalamus is often referred to as the gatekeeper for sensory informa- with the TV on. If you want to awaken the RAS, surprise it with
tion en route to the cerebral cortex. The thalamus also participates a sudden stimulus, such as splashing your face with cold water; if
in higher mental functions, such as memory and emotions. you want to deactivate it, remove visual and auditory stimuli. A
The pineal gland, which secretes the hormone melatonin, is severe injury to the RAS can cause a person to be comatose, from
also located in the diencephalon. Melatonin is a hormone involved which recovery may be impossible.
in maintaining a normal sleep-wake cycle. It is sometimes recom-
mended for people suffering from insomnia, but many side effects The Limbic System
can occur. Relatively high levels of melatonin are a key ingredient The limbic system is a complex group of brain structures that
in the “relaxation brownies” that are sold at convenience stores and lie just under the cortex, near the thalamus. Although definitions
online; many states are banning their sale, however. vary somewhat, the limbic system includes the hypothalamus, hip-
The cerebellum lies under the occipital lobe of the cerebrum pocampus, amygdala, olfactory bulb, and other nearby structures
and is separated from the brain stem by the fourth ventricle. It is the (Fig. 37.11). The limbic system blends higher mental functions and
largest part of the hindbrain. The cerebellum receives sensory input primitive emotions into a united whole. It accounts for why activi-
from the eyes, ears, joints, and muscles about the present posi- ties such as sexual behavior and eating seem pleasurable and why,
tion of body parts, and it receives motor output from the cerebral for instance, mental stress can cause high blood pressure.
cortex about where those parts should be located. After integrating Two significant components of the limbic system, the hippo-
this information, the cerebellum sends motor impulses by way of campus and the amygdala, are essential for learning and memory.
the brain stem to the skeletal muscles. In this way, the cerebellum The hippocampus, a seahorse-shaped structure deep in the tem-
maintains posture and balance. It also ensures that all the muscles poral lobe, is well situated in the brain to make the prefrontal area
work together to produce smooth, coordinated voluntary move- aware of past experiences stored in sensory association areas. The
ments, such as those in playing the piano or hitting a baseball. amygdala, in particular, can cause these experiences to have emo-
The brain stem contains the midbrain, the pons, and the tional overtones. For example, the smell of smoke may serve as an
medulla oblongata (see Fig. 37.8). The midbrain acts as a relay alarm to search for fire in the house. The inclusion of the frontal
CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 705

radiations with the number. Most likely you cannot, because typically long-
to cerebral term memory is a mixture of what is called semantic memory
(numbers, words, etc.) and episodic memory (persons, events,
etc.). Skill memory is a type of memory that can exist indepen-
dently of episodic memory. Skill memory is being able to p­ erform
motor activities, such as riding a bike or playing ice hockey.
What parts of the brain are functioning when you r­emember
something from long ago? The hippocampus gathers long-term
memories, which are stored in bits and pieces throughout the sensory
association areas, and makes them available to the frontal lobe. Why
thalamus are some memories so emotionally charged? The amygdala is respon-
reticular sible for fear conditioning and associating danger with sensory infor-
formation mation received from the thalamus and the cortical ­sensory areas.
Several diseases of the brain can affect memory. Alzheimer
disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, or a loss of
ascending sensory reasoning, memory, and other higher brain functions, especially in
tracts (touch, pain,
temperature) people over age 65. AD patients have abnormal neurons through-
out the brain, but especially in the hippocampus and amygdala.
These neurons have two abnormalities: (1) plaques, containing a
Figure 37.10 The reticular activating system. The reticular protein called beta amyloid, which accumulate around the axons,
formation receives and sends on motor and sensory information to and (2) neurofibrillary tangles (bundles of f­ibrous protein) sur-
various parts of the CNS. One portion, the reticular activating system rounding the nucleus. The cause of these protein abnormalites
(RAS) (arrows), arouses the cerebrum and, in this way, controls is unknown, although several genes that predispose a person to
alertness versus sleep.
develop AD have been identified. Although no cure is available,
most of the drugs that are currently approved to treat symptoms
lobe in the limbic s­ ystem gives us the ability to restrain ourselves of AD are cholinesterase inhibitors, which effectively increase the
from acting out on strong feelings by using reason. levels of acetylcholine in the AD patient’s brain. This in turn can
improve learning and memory, at least temporarily.
Learning and Memory. Memory is the ability to hold a thought
in mind or recall events from the past, ranging from a word we learned Check Your Progress 37.3
only yesterday to an early emotional experience that has shaped our
lives. Learning takes place when we retain and use memories. 1. Trace the path of a nerve impulse from a stimulus in
an internal organ (such as food in the large intestine
The prefrontal area in the frontal lobe is active during short-
stimulating peristalsis) to the brain and back.
term memory, as when we temporarily recall a phone number.
2. Name the four major lobes of the human brain.
However, some phone numbers go into long-term memory. Think
3. List at least two common diseases of the CNS, and
of a phone number you know by heart, and see if you can bring it
describe their symptoms and causes.
to mind without also thinking about the place or person associated

corpus callosum



hippocampus Figure 37.11 The limbic system.

amygdala Structures deep within the cerebral
olfactory bulb
hemispheres and surrounding the
olfactory tract diencephalon join higher mental functions,
such as reasoning, with more primitive
feelings, such as fear and pleasure.
Theme Nature of Science
An Accidental Experimental Model for Parkinson Disease
Parkinson disease (PD) was first d ­ escribed become available on the street. When some an area of the brain called the sub-
as the “shaking palsy” in 1817 by the of this material was analyzed, one of the thalamic nucleus, which seems to be
English surgeon James Parkinson, for
­ toxicologists remembered seeing the article overactive in PD. Coincidentally, one of
whom the disease was later named. It af- about Kidston a few years earlier and quickly the original “frozen addicts,” still serv-
fects about 1 million people in the United determined that the drug all the new patients ing time in prison, had this procedure
States and over 6 million worldwide. PD is had injected contained MPTP.1 done and has had very significant im-
most common in people over 60 and rarely provement in his condition.
affects those under 40 (the actor Michael Developing Treatments for PD • Stem cell transplants. The use of fetal
J. Fox, described in the chapter-opening As news that PD could be induced by MPTP stem cells to replace diseased neurons
story, is one exception). The symptoms of in humans reached the biomedical research in PD remains controversial. However,
PD include bradykinesis (slow movements), community, scientists were quickly able to results from animal models are encour-
tremors, rigidity of the limbs and trunk, and demonstrate that MPTP could also induce aging, and groups such as the Califor-
impaired speech, balance, and coordina- PD in animals such as monkeys and mice. nia Institute for Regenerative Medicine
tion. PD is caused by injury to or the death Since the mid-1980s, animals with MPTP- and the Michael J. Fox Foundation for
of dopamine-producing neurons in the induced PD have been used in hundreds Parkinson Disease Research continue
basal ganglia (specifically, the substantia of studies that have advanced our under- to support stem cell research as a po-
nigra) deep in the forebrain, which normally standing of how PD develops, and they tential cure for PD.
help control voluntary movement. The initial have been instrumental in the development • Gene therapy. A 2014 study showed
events that cause the neuron damage are of therapies, such as the following: significant reduction in the symptoms
not well understood, and there is no cure. • Drugs that increase dopamine. These of 15 PD patients injected with Pro-
vary from L-dopa, which is converted Savin, which delivers genes for dopa-
Frozen Junkies mine synthesis directly into the brains
into dopamine in the brain, to newer
In 1976, Barry Kidston was a graduate stu- drugs, such as entacapone, which inhibit of PD patients.
dent in chemistry at the University of Mary- the normal breakdown of dopamine.
land. He wanted to experiment with hard Questions to Consider
• Surgical treatments. The most com-
drugs and decided to synthesize a narcotic mon of these is deep brain stimulation, 1. What are some other instances in which
he had read about in a 1947 scientific paper. in which an electrode is inserted into accidental findings have resulted in sci-
The drug, called MPPP, was said to be less entific discoveries?
addictive than morphine and was technically 1
Further details about these cases can be read in 2. Should the families of people like Kid­
not illegal (although it is now). Kidston was Langston, J. W., and Palfreman, J. 1995. The Case ston, who accidentally benefit medicine,
of the Frozen Addicts (Pantheon, New York). A PBS
successful initially and was apparently able to video of the same name is also available. be compensated financially?
achieve a satisfactory “high” by intravenously 3. Why is it so difficult to determine the
injecting himself with the compound, which specific causes of PD and other brain
he had synthesized in a makeshift lab in his diseases?
Cut section of the midbrain
parent’s basement. His luck ran out, however,
where a portion of the
when he accidently produced a related com- substantia nigra is visible
pound, called MPTP, instead of MPPP. Soon
after injecting the MPTP, Kidston’s speech
became slurred, he had trouble walking, and
within 3 days he could hardly move.
Kidston’s doctors were baffled, but
after a neurologist noted that his symp-
toms resembled Parkinson disease, he was
Substantia nigra
treated with anti-PD drugs, and he dramati-
cally improved. For 2 years he was able to
function well on medication, but then he
died, somewhat ironically, from a cocaine
overdose. His autopsy revealed a substan-
tial loss of dopamine-producing cells in the
substantia nigra, which is a hallmark of PD
(Fig. 37B).
Kidston’s case was published in a med-
ical journal, but it was barely noticed until
Diminished substantia Figure 37B Parkinson
1981, when six IV drug users turned up at nigra as seen in disease. Neurons in the
various emergency rooms in the San Fran- Parkinson disease substantia nigra of the brain
cisco area, all showing very similar symp- appear dark because of a
toms, as if they had “turned to stone.” Some high melanin content. In PD,
quick investigative work turned up the fact this area appears lighter due
that all had tried some new heroin that had to a loss of these neurons.
CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 707

37.4 The Peripheral Nervous System The paired cranial and spinal nerves are part of the PNS. In the
PNS, the somatic nervous system has sensory and motor functions
Learning Outcomes that control the skeletal muscles. Ascending tracts carry sensory
information to the brain, and descending tracts carry motor com-
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
mands to the neurons in the spinal cord that control the muscles.
1. Describe the overall anatomy of the PNS, including the The ­autonomic nervous system controls smooth muscle, cardiac
cranial nerves and spinal nerves.
muscle, and the glands. It is further divided into the sympathetic
2. Explain how the somatic system differs from the
and parasympathetic divisions.
autonomic system.
Humans have 12 pairs of cranial nerves attached to the brain
3. Contrast the functions of the sympathetic and para­
(Fig. 37.12a). Some of these are sensory nerves; they contain
sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
only sensory nerve fibers. Some are motor nerves, containing only
motor fibers; others are mixed nerves, with both sensory and motor
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) lies outside the central ner- fibers. Cranial nerves are largely concerned with the head, neck,
vous system and contains nerves, which are bundles of axons. and facial regions of the body. However, the vagus nerve has
Axons that occur in nerves are also called nerve fibers. The cell branches not only to the pharynx and larynx but also to most of the
bodies of neurons are found in the CNS and MP3 internal organs.
in ganglia, collections of cell bodies outside Organization of the Humans also have 31 pairs of spinal nerves (Figs. 37.12b
Nervous System
the CNS. and 37.13), which emerge from the spinal cord via two short
branches, or roots. The dorsal roots contain axons of sensory
neurons, which conduct impulses to the spinal cord from sensory
bundle of receptors. The cell body of a sensory neuron is in the dorsal root
nerve fibers ­ganglion. The ventral roots contain axons of motor neurons, which
myelin sheath conduct impulses away from the spinal cord to effectors. These two
single nerve
roots join to form a spinal nerve. All spinal nerves are mixed nerves,
fiber (axon) containing many sensory and motor fibers.

spinal cord gray matter

vertebra white matter

frontal lobe

olfactory bulb
dorsal root
olfactory tract
dorsal root
optic nerve ganglion
optic chiasma

ventral root


temporal lobe
central canal

gray matter
white matter

Figure 37.12 Cranial and spinal nerves. a. Ventral surface of the brain,
showing the attachment of the cranial nerves. b. Cross section of the vertebral column and
spinal cord, showing a spinal nerve. Each spinal nerve has a dorsal root and a ventral root
attached to the spinal cord. c. Photomicrograph of spinal cord cross section. c. 5×
708 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Somatic System on to many interneurons in the gray matter of the spinal cord. Some
of these interneurons synapse with motor neurons. The short den-
The PNS has two divisions—somatic and autonomic (Table 37.1).
drites and the cell bodies of motor neurons are also in the spinal
The nerves in the somatic system serve the skin, joints, and skel-
cord, but their axons leave the cord ventrally. Nerve impulses travel
etal muscles. Therefore, the somatic system includes nerves with
along motor axons to an effector, which brings about a response
the following functions:
to the stimulus. In this case, a muscle contracts, so you withdraw
• Take sensory information from external sensory receptors in your hand from the pin. (Sometimes an effector is a gland.)
the skin and joints to the CNS Various other reactions are possible—you will most likely
• Carry motor commands away from the CNS to the skeletal look at the pin, wince, and cry out in pain. This series of responses
muscles is explained by the fact that some of the interneurons in the white
The neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) is active in the somatic matter of the cord carry nerve impulses in tracts to the brain. The
system. brain makes you aware of the stimulus and directs subsequent reac-
Voluntary control of skeletal muscles always originates in the tions to the situation. You don’t feel pain until the brain receives the
brain. Involuntary responses to stimuli, called reflex actions, can information and interprets it. Visual information received directly
involve only the spinal cord. Reflexes enable the body to react by way of a cranial nerve may make you aware that your finger is
swiftly to stimuli that could disrupt homeostasis. For example, fly- bleeding. Then, you might decide to look for a bandage.
ing objects cause our eyes to blink, and sharp pins cause our hands
to jerk away, even without our having to think about it. Autonomic System
The Reflex Arc. Figure 37.13 illustrates the path of a reflex that The autonomic system of the PNS regulates the activity of car-
involves only the spinal cord. For instance, if your hand touches a diac and smooth muscle and glands. It carries out its duties without
sharp pin, sensory receptors generate nerve i­mpulses that move our awareness or intent. The system is divided into the sympathetic
along sensory axons through a dorsal root ganglion toward the spi- and parasympathetic divisions (Table 37.1). Both of these divi-
nal cord. Sensory neurons that enter the cord dorsally pass signals sions function automatically and usually in an involuntary manner,

Figure 37.13 A reflex arc showing the path of a spinal reflex. A stimulus (e.g., a sharp pin)
causes sensory receptors in the skin to generate nerve impulses that travel in sensory axons to the spinal
pin cord. Interneurons integrate data from sensory neurons and then relay signals to motor axons. Motor axons
convey nerve impulses from the spinal cord to a skeletal muscle, which contracts. Movement of the hand
away from the pin is the response to the stimulus.

dorsal root ganglion central canal

white matter
sensory dendrites gray matter
receptor Dorsal
(in skin) dorsal

cell body of
sensory neuron
dendrite of sensory neuron


cell body of
axon of motor neuron motor neuron

ventral root

ventral horn

CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 709

Table 37.1 Comparison of Somatic Motor and Autonomic Motor Pathways

Somatic Motor Pathway Autonomic Motor Pathways
Sympathetic Parasympathetic

Type of control Voluntary/involuntary Involuntary Involuntary

Number of neurons One Two (preganglionic shorter Two (preganglionic
per message   than postganglionic)   longer than postganglionic)
Location of motor fiber Most cranial nerves Thoracolumbar spinal nerves Cranial (e.g., vagus) and
  and all spinal nerves   sacral spinal nerves
Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine Norepinephrine Acetylcholine
Effectors Skeletal muscles Smooth and cardiac muscle, Smooth and cardiac
  glands   muscle, glands

innervate all internal organs, and use two neurons and one ganglion to as the craniosacral portion of the autonomic system. In the
for each impulse. The first neuron has a cell body within the CNS parasympathetic division, the preganglionic fiber is long and the
and a preganglionic fiber. The second neuron has a cell body within postganglionic fiber is short, because the ganglia lie near or within
the ganglion and a postganglionic fiber. the organ.
The parasympathetic division, sometimes called the “house-
CNS ganglion organ keeper” or “rest and digest division,” promotes all the internal
responses we associate with a relaxed state; for example, it causes
the pupil of the eye to contract, promotes the digestion of food, and
slows the heartbeat. The neurotransmitter used by the parasympa-
thetic division is acetylcholine (ACh).
Several disorders can affect the peripheral nerves. Guil-
preganglionic postganglionic
fiber fiber lain-Barré syndrome (GBS) results from an abnormal immune
reaction to one of several types of infectious agents. Antibodies
formed against these microbes cross-react with the myelin coating
Reflex actions, such as those that regulate blood pressure and
of peripheral nerves, causing demyelination of peripheral nerve
breathing rate, are especially important in the maintenance of
axons. The first symptom of GBS is usually weakness in the legs
homeostasis. These reflexes begin when the sensory neurons in
two to four weeks after an infection or immunization. Soon the
contact with internal organs send information to the CNS. They are
arms are affected, and in some cases the respiratory muscles may
completed by motor neurons in the autonomic system.
be weakened to the point that mechanical ventilation is required.
Sympathetic Division Fortunately, the inflammation usually subsides in a few weeks,
Most preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic division arise from and most patients fully recover within 6 to 12 months. In myas-
the middle, or thoracolumbar, portion of the spinal cord and almost thenia gravis (MG), abnormal antibodies react with the acetylcho-
immediately terminate in ganglia lying near the cord. Therefore, in line (ACh) receptor at the neuromuscular junction of the skeletal
this division, the preganglionic fiber is short, but the postganglionic muscles. When an action potential arrives at the synaptic cleft of
fiber that makes contact with an organ is long. a peripheral nerve, these antibodies block the normal action of
The sympathetic division is especially important during ACh, resulting in muscle weakness. Although there is no cure, MG
emergency situations and is associated with “fight or flight” patients often respond well to drugs that inhibit acetylcholinester-
(Fig. 37.14). In order to fend off a foe or flee from danger, ­active ase, an enzyme that normally destroys ACh after it is released into
­muscles require a ready supply of glucose and ­oxygen. The synapses.
sympathetic division accelerates the heartbeat and ­dilates the
bronchi. At the same time, the sympathetic division inhibits the
digestive tract, because digestion is not an i­mmediate ­necessity
if you are under attack. The neurotransmitter released by the Check Your Progress 37.4
postganglionic axon is primarily norepinephrine (NE). Structur- 1. Review the neurological explanation for the observation
ally, NE resembles epinephrine (adrenaline), an adrenal medulla that, after you touch a hot stove, you withdraw your hand
hormone that usually increases heart rate and contraction (see before you feel any pain.
Chapter 40). 2. Apply your knowledge of the autonomic nervous system
to explain why your stomach may ache if you exercise
Parasympathetic Division after a meal.
The parasympathetic division includes a few cranial nerves (e.g., 3. Describe the shift in autonomic system activity that
the vagus nerve) and fibers that arise from the sacral (bottom) por- occurs when you are startled from your sleep.
tion of the spinal cord. Therefore, this division is often referred
710 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Figure 37.14 Autonomic system

structure and function. Sympathetic inhibits tears stimulates tears
preganglionic fibers (left) arise from the cervical, constricts pupils
thoracic, and lumbar portions of the spinal cord;
parasympathetic preganglionic fibers (right) arise dilates ganglion
from the cranial and sacral portions of the spinal pupils
cord. Each system innervates the same organs but
has contrary effects.

inhibits salivation
Sympathetic Division Parasympathetic Division

slows heart

dilates air constricts

passages bronchioles vagus nerve

cervical stimulates liver to

nerves release glucose
stimulates gallbladder
to release bile
secretion increases activity
of stomach and

nerves inhibits activity increases
of kidneys, intestinal
stomach, and activity

intestinal activity

ganglion urination
stimulates sacral
urination nerves

contractions causes
sympathetic ganglia
of genitals Acetylcholine is neurotransmitter.
Norepinephrine is neurotransmitter.
CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 711

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• The simplest type of nervous system is • Research studies of the electrical charges • Nervous tissue is made up of cells called
the nerve net found in cnidarians, which that develop across the plasma mem- neurons, which transmit nerve impulses,
is a network of neurons in contact with brane of the giant axon of squids first and supporting cells called neuroglia.
each other and with contractile cells. helped scientists understand the action Transmission of impulses between neu-
• Most invertebrates have a brain and ven- potentials generated by neurons. rons is usually accomplished by means of
tral nerve cord with a ganglion in each • The discovery that Parkinson disease chemical neurotransmitters.
body segment. could be induced by a potent toxin ac- • The central nervous system includes the
• Vertebrates have a great increase in cidently synthesized in a home lab led brain and spinal cord; the peripheral ner-
total number of neurons that make up to useful animal models for studying PD vous system is divided into a somatic
their nervous system, as well as a well-­ and the development of new treatments. system, which controls skeletal muscles,
developed brain and, in the case of • Brain-imaging techniques are useful in and an autonomic system, which regu-
mammals, a cerebral cortex. examining the effects of illicit drugs, as lates the activity of the heart, smooth
well as other brain conditions. muscle, and glands.

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37.2 Cells of the Nervous System • Synapses 37.2 How the Sodium-Potassium Pump 37.2 Neuron Action Potentials • Synaptic
37.3 Organization of the Nervous System • Works • Action Potential Propagation • Cleft
The Brain • The Cerebrum Nerve Impulse • Chemical Synapses
37.4 Organization of the Nervous System

Central Nervous
System brain and
spinal cord

37.1 Evolution of the Nervous System Peripheral Nervous
A comparative study of the invertebrates shows a gradual increase
in the complexity of the nervous system. Cnidarians have a nerve
net made up of neurons that communicate with each other and with somatic motor
contractile cells in the body wall. Flatworms have a ladderlike ner- somatic sensory fibers (to skeletal
fibers (skin, muscles)
vous system, with cephalization and a cluster of nerve cell bodies,
special senses)
or ­ganglion, at the anterior end. Annelids have a brain, plus a gan-
glion present in each body segment. Vertebrate nervous systems autonomic motor
are much more complex, with a brain and spinal cord making up the visceral sensory fibers (to cardiac
­central ­nervous system (CNS), and an additional peripheral ­nervous fibers (internal and smooth
­system (PNS). In mammals the forebrain is greatly enlarged, with an organs) muscle, glands)
additional outer layer called the neocortex.

37.2 Nervous Tissue

The anatomical unit of the nervous system is the neuron, of which there sympathetic parasympathetic
are three types: sensory neuron, motor neuron, and interneuron. Each division division
of these is made up of a cell body, an axon, and dendrites. Axons
are often bundled together as nerve fibers, forming nerves, and many
712 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

axons are covered by a myelin sheath. Motor (efferent) neurons breathing and the heartbeat. The reticular activating system (RAS) is
take nerve impulses from the CNS to muscles or glands, and sensory involved in alertness and filtering out irrelevant information. The limbic
(afferent) neurons deliver impulses to the CNS from sensory receptors. system connects higher reasoning and memory with emotions; the
Interneurons convey messages between different areas of the CNS. ­hippocampus and amygdala also play a role.
Glial cells (neuroglia) serve important roles in supporting neu- A number of diseases affect the human nervous system. In
ron health and function. The types of glial cells include astrocytes, ­amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), motor neurons in the brain and
microglia, oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells, ependymal cells, and spinal cord degenerate and die. When a stroke occurs, the blood sup-
satellite cells. ply to the brain is disrupted. Parkinson disease (PD) and Alzheimer
When an axon is not conducting an action potential (nerve disease (AD) are brain disorders that mainly affect older individuals.
impulse), the resting potential indicates that the inside of the fiber is Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the
negative compared to the outside. The sodium-potassium pump helps myelin sheaths, disrupting nerve transmission.
maintain this resting potential. When the axon is conducting a nerve
impulse, an action potential (a change in membrane potential) travels 37.4 The Peripheral Nervous System
along the fiber. Depolarization occurs (inside becomes positive) due The nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) lie outside the
to the movement of Na+ to the inside, and then repolarization occurs CNS, and their cell bodies make up ganglia. In humans, these nerves
(inside becomes negative again) due to the movement of K+ to the include 12 paired cranial nerves, and 31 paired spinal nerves. The
outside of the fiber. In myelinated axons, the nerve impulse “jumps” cell body of a sensory nerve lies in a dorsal root ganglion.
from one nonmyelinated area (node of Ranvier) to the next, a mode The PNS contains the somatic system and the autonomic
known as saltatory conduction. Once an action potential occurs, that ­system. Reflexes are automatic, and some do not require the involve-
section of the axon undergoes a brief refractory period, during which ment of the brain. A simple reflex uses neurons that make up a reflex
the sodium gates are unable to open. arc. In the somatic system, a sensory neuron conducts nerve impulses
Transmission of the nerve impulse from one neuron to another takes from a sensory receptor to an interneuron, which in turn transmits
place across a synapse. Synaptic vesicles usually release a chemical, impulses to a motor neuron, which stimulates an effector to react.
known as a neurotransmitter, into the synaptic cleft. The binding of The motor portion of the somatic system of the PNS controls
neurotransmitters to receptors in the postsynaptic membrane can either skeletal muscle; in contrast, the motor portion of the autonomic
increase the chance of an action potential (stimulation) or decrease the system controls smooth muscle of the internal organs and glands.
chance of an action potential (inhibition) in the next neuron. A neuron can The sympathetic division, which is often associated with reactions
have as many as 10,000 synapses with other neurons; integration is the that occur during times of stress, and the parasympathetic division,
summing up of these signals. which is often associated with activities that occur during times of
relaxation, are both parts of the autonomic system.
37.3 The Central Nervous System
The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord, which are both pro-
tected by bone and covered by meninges. Cerebrospinal fluid fills Assess
the spaces between these meninges, as well as the ventricles of
the brain. When infections invade the meninges, meningitis results. Choose the best answer for each question.
The CNS receives and integrates sensory input and formulates motor 37.1 Evolution of the Nervous System
output. The gray matter of the spinal cord contains neuron cell bodies;
1. Which type of animal has a nerve net?
the white matter consists of myelinated axons that occur in bundles
a. cnidarians
called tracts. The spinal cord sends sensory information to the brain,
b. planarians
receives motor output from the brain, and carries out reflex actions.
c. sponges
The CNS contains grey matter, containing unmyelinated fibers,
d. All of these are correct.
and white matter, with myelinated fibers that run in tracts. In the
brain, the outer cerebrum has two cerebral hemispheres, connected 2. The most intelligent invertebrates are probably the
by the corpus callosum. Sensation, reasoning, learning and memory, a. annelids.
and language and speech take place in the cerebrum. The cerebral b. arthropods.
cortex is a thin layer of gray matter covering the cerebrum. c. cephalopods.
The cerebral cortex of each cerebral hemisphere has four lobes: d. None of these can be regarded as intelligent.
a frontal, a parietal, an occipital, and a temporal lobe. The primary 3. The part of the brain that is seen only in mammals is the
motor area in the frontal lobe sends out motor commands to lower a. cerebellum.
brain centers, which pass them on to motor neurons. The primary b. cerebrum.
somatosensory area in the parietal lobe receives sensory information c. neocortex.
from lower brain centers in communication with sensory neurons. d. olfactory bulb.
Association areas for vision are in the occipital lobe, and those for
hearing are in the temporal lobe. Several areas of the cortex are 37.2 Nervous Tissue
involved in memory. 4. Which of these correctly describes the distribution of ions on
The brain has a number of other regions. The hypothalamus either side of an axon when it is not conducting a nerve impulse?
controls homeostasis, and the thalamus specializes in sending sen- a. more sodium ions (Na+) outside and fewer potassium ions
sory input on to the cerebrum. The pineal gland secretes melatonin, (K+) inside
and the cerebellum primarily coordinates skeletal muscle contrac- b. K+ outside and Na+ inside
tions. In the brainstem, the midbrain is the area where nerve tracts c. charged proteins outside; Na+ and K+ inside
controlling one side of the body cross over to the other side and the d. charged proteins inside
medulla oblongata and pons have centers for vital functions such as e. Both a and d are correct.
CHAPTER 37 Neurons and Nervous Systems 713

5. When the action potential begins, sodium gates open, allowing 15. The autonomic system has two divisions, called the
Na+ to cross the membrane. Now the polarity changes to a. CNS and PNS.
a. negative outside and positive inside. b. somatic and skeletal systems.
b. positive outside and negative inside. c. efferent and afferent systems.
c. There is no difference in charge between outside and inside. d. sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.
d. None of these are correct. 16. Which of these statements about autonomic neurons is correct?
6. Transmission of the nerve impulse across a synapse is a. They are motor neurons.
accomplished by b. Preganglionic neurons have cell bodies in the CNS.
a. the release of Na+ at the presynaptic membrane. c. Postganglionic neurons innervate smooth muscles, cardiac
b. the release of neurotransmitters at the postsynaptic membrane. muscle, and glands.
c. the reception of neurotransmitters at the postsynaptic d. All of these are correct.
membrane. 17. Sympathetic nerve stimulation does not cause
d. Both a and c are correct. a. the liver to release glycogen.
7. Repolarization of an axon during an action potential is produced by b. the dilation of bronchioles.
a. inward diffusion of Na+. c. the gastrointestinal tract to digest food.
b. active extrusion of K+. d. an increase in the heart rate.
c. outward diffusion of K+. 18. Label this diagram of a reflex arc.
d. inward active transport of Na+.
8. A drug that inactivates acetylcholinesterase e. d. a. b. c.
a. stops the release of ACh from presynaptic endings.
b. prevents the attachment of ACh to its receptor.
c. increases the ability of ACh to stimulate postsynaptic cells.
d. All of these are correct.
37.3 The Central Nervous System
9. Which of these is not a specific function of the CNS?
a. generate motor output
b. perform integration
c. regulate blood sugar
d. receive sensory input g.
10. Which of the following is not part of the spinal cord?
a. grey matter
b. dorsal horn
c. association areas
d. tracts Engage
e. ventral horn
11. The largest, outermost portion of the brain in humans is the
Thinking Scientifically
a. cerebellum. c. reticular activating system. 1. In individuals with panic disorder, the fight-or-flight response is
b. cerebrum. d. thalamus. activated by inappropriate stimuli. How might it be possible to
12. The limbic system directly control this response in order to treat panic disorder?
a. includes the hippocampus and amygdala. Why is such control often impractical?
b. is responsible for our deepest emotions, including pleasure, 2. A man who lost his leg several years ago continues to experience
rage, and fear. pain as though it were coming from the missing limb. What
c. is not responsible for reason and self-control. hypothesis could explain the neurological basis of this pain?
d. All of these are correct. 3. Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter in the brain. Patients
13. Which of these pairs is mismatched? with Parkinson disease suffer from a lack of this chemical,
a. cerebrum—thinking and memory whereas the abusers of drugs such as nicotine, cocaine, and
b. thalamus—motor and sensory centers methamphetamine enjoy an enhancement of their dopamine
c. hypothalamus—internal environment regulation activity. Do you think these drugs might be a possible treatment,
d. cerebellum—motor coordination or even a cure, for Parkinson disease? Why or why not?
e. medulla oblongata—fourth ventricle 4. What are some factors that make brain diseases such as
37.4 The Peripheral Nervous System Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, and MS so difficult
to treat?
14. A spinal nerve takes nerve impulses
a. to the CNS.
b. away from the CNS.
c. both to and away from the CNS.
d. only inside the CNS.
e. only from the cerebrum.
Sense Organs

Certain snakes can detect infrared energy emitted by their prey. In this infrared image,
the red-orange areas are the warmest, and the blue-black areas are the coldest.

Chapter Outline
38.1 Sensory Receptors 715
V isible light is made up of waves of electromagnetic energy with different wave-
lengths. As you’ll see in this chapter, sensory receptors in the human eye contain
pigments that undergo a chemical change when exposed to electromagnetic energy
38.2 Chemical Senses 716
at these various wavelengths, which is then perceived by the brain as vision. Electro­
38.3 Sense of Vision 718 magnetic energy with a wavelength at the shortest end of the visible spectrum is per-
38.4 Senses of Hearing and Balance 724 ceived as violet; that with a wavelength at the highest end is perceived as red, with
38.5 Somatic Senses 729 other colors in between.
A few types of animals have evolved the ability to detect electromagnetic energy
with longer wavelengths, known as the infrared spectrum. Just about any source of
heat—the sun, a fire, or a warm body—emits energy in the infrared spectrum. Certain
kinds of snakes, such as the pit vipers, have evolved specialized infrared sensory
Before You Begin organs. Located in a pit below each eye, these organs are very sensitive to infrared
Before beginning this chapter, take a waves emitted by their warm-blooded prey; the photo above, taken using an infrared-
few moments to review the following sensitive camera, shows how a mouse might “appear” to a snake. Even when placed
discussions. in total darkness, snakes with this ability can track and find such prey quickly. Although
Sections 37.3 and 37.4 What are the roles the ability to detect infrared energy with such precision is unusual, all animals rely on
of the central and peripheral nervous many types of sensory systems to maintain homeostasis.
systems in an animal’s responses to its
environment? As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions:
Figure 37.9 How is the cerebral cortex 1. How does the ability to detect infrared energy provide snakes with a competitive
involved in the processing of sensory advantage over predators lacking this ability?
information? 2. Of the types of sensory receptors described in this chapter—chemoreceptors, photo­
Figure 37.13 How do sensory receptors in receptors, mechanoreceptors, or thermoreceptors—which is the most necessary for
the skin stimulate a spinal reflex? an animal to survive?

Following the Themes

Chapter 38 Sense Organs
Unit 7

Animal Biology

The sense organs that have evolved in animals are essential to their ability to
Evolution maintain homeostasis, avoid danger, find food, and locate mates.

Biomedical scientists are using the knowledge of the transmission of sensory

Nature of Science information to restore the abilities of deaf people to hear and of blind people to see.

Four types of sensory receptors—chemoreceptors, photoreceptors,

Biological Systems mechanoreceptors, and thermoreceptors—provide animals with information about
their internal and external environments.

CHAPTER 38 Sense Organs 715

38.1 Sensory Receptors “light”) of the eyes that detect light. M

­ echanoreceptors are stimu­
lated by mechanical forces, usually pressure of some sort. Mecha­
Learning Outcomes noreceptors are responsible for detecting changes that are perceived
as sound or touch, as well as for maintaining equilibrium (balance).
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
­Thermoreceptors, located in the hypothalamus and skin, are stim­
1. Explain the differences among sensory receptors, sensory ulated by changes in temperature.
transduction, and perception.
Although the extent to which nonhuman animals have percep­
2. Describe four types of sensory receptors and list
tions is largely unknown, it is likely that some of them perceive
examples of each.
their world in very different ways (Fig. 38.1). As noted in the

In order to survive, animals must be able to maintain homeosta­

sis as well as locate required nutrients, avoid dangers, and learn
from previous experiences. These kinds of selective pressures
have resulted in the evolution of the many different types of
­sensory receptors, which are specialized cells capable of detect­
ing changes in internal or external conditions, and of communi­
cating that information to the central nervous system.
A sensory receptor is able to convert some type of event, or
stimulus, into a nerve impulse. This process is known as sensory
transduction. Some sensory receptors are modified neurons, and
others are specialized cells closely associated with neurons.
The plasma membrane of a sensory receptor contains proteins
that react to a stimulus. For example, these membrane proteins a.
might be sensitive to temperature or react with a certain chemical.
When this happens, ion channels open, and ions flow across the
plasma membrane. If the stimulus is sufficient, nerve impulses
begin and are carried by a sensory nerve fiber within the PNS to
the CNS.
Note that there is no difference between the nerve impulses
generated by different types of sensory receptors. All these
impulses are simply the action potentials discussed in Chapter 37,
regardless of whether they arise in the eyes, ears, nose, mouth,
skin, or internal organs. The interpretation of these nerve impulses
by appropriate areas of the brain brings about a response that is
appropriate for the particular type of stimulus. That is why artificial
stimulation of the nerves that normally carry impulses generated
in the ear or the eye are interpreted by the brain as sound or light,
respectively (see the Nature of Science feature, “Artificial Retinas b.
Come into Focus,” on page 723).
What’s more, not all of these sensory impulses are received at
the conscious levels of the brain—for example, we are not aware of
the constant adjustments that are occurring in response to various
internal stimuli. Any sensory stimuli of which we become con­
scious are known as perceptions.
Based on the source of the stimulus, sensory receptors can be
classified as interoceptors or exteroceptors. Interoceptors receive
stimuli from inside the body, such as changes in blood pressure,
blood volume, and the pH of the blood. Interoceptors located
within internal organs are sometimes called visceroceptors; those
that help maintain muscle tone and posture are proprioceptors
(discussed in section 38.5).
A few types of exteroceptors enable an animal to detect informa­
tion in its environment. Chemoreceptors can respond to a diverse c.
range of chemical substances, from oxygen levels in the blood to Figure 38.1 Perception in the animal kingdom. Animals
molecules of food in the mouth or nasal passages. E­ lectromagnetic have a variety of mechanisms by which they perceive their environment.
receptors respond to heat or light energy. The infrared sensors of a. Some snakes detect thermal energy. b. Whales use echolocation.
snakes are an example, as are the p ­ hotoreceptors (Gk. photos, c. Dogs detect chemicals in the environment.
716 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

chapter-opening essay, some snakes can detect infrared energy that

is completely invisible to humans. Bats, dolphins, and whales are
38.2 Chemical Senses
capable of echolocation, meaning they can produce very high fre­ Learning Outcomes
quency sounds, and then learn about objects in their environment by
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
listening for echoes. Some whales can also hear very low frequency
sounds emitted by other whales hundreds of miles away. Dogs have 1. Discuss the locations of chemoreceptors in arthropods,
crustaceans, and vertebrates.
a sense of smell that is more sensitive than that of humans, and they
2. Describe the types and locations of taste receptors in
can be trained to detect drugs, human remains, blood, and even
bedbugs. Several scientific studies have confirmed that dogs can
3. Compare and contrast how the brain receives information
detect some types of human cancer just by sniffing the appropriate
about taste versus smell.
samples. Clearly, the sensory systems are a sub­ MP3
ject of fascination to biologists, because through Sensations and
them we experience our world.
Chemoreception is found almost universally in animals and is
Check Your Progress 38.1 therefore believed to be the most primitive sense. Chemorecep­
1. Define sensory transduction.
tors sensitive to ­certain chemical substances can be important in
2. List three examples of sensory capabilities found in
locating food, finding a mate, and detecting potentially dangerous
animals that are lacking in humans. chemicals in the environment.
The location and sensitivity of chemoreceptors vary through­
out the animal kingdom. Although chemoreceptors are present
tonsils epiglottis
throughout the body of planarians, they are concentrated in the
auricles located on the sides of the head. Many insects have taste
receptors on their mouthparts, but in the housefly, chemorecep­
tors are located primarily on the feet. Insects also detect air­
borne pheromones, which are chemical messages passed between
In crustaceans such as lobsters and crabs, chemorecep­
tors are widely distributed on their appendages and antennae.
Many fish have chemoreceptors scattered over the surface of
their skin. Snakes possess Jacobson’s organs, a pair of pitlike
sensory organs in the roof of the mouth. When a snake flicks
its forked tongue, scent molecules are carried to the Jacobson’s
organs, and sensory information is transmitted to the brain for

a. Tongue

sensory nerve fiber supporting cell taste pore


taste bud connective tissue taste cell microvilli

b. Papillae c. Taste buds d. One taste bud
Figure 38.2 Taste buds in humans. a. Papillae on the tongue contain taste buds that are sensitive to sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami.
b. Photomicrograph and enlargement of papillae. c. Taste buds occur along the walls of the papillae. d. Taste cells end in microvilli that bear receptor proteins
for certain molecules. When molecules bind to the receptor proteins, nerve impulses are generated and go to the brain, where the sensation of taste occurs.
CHAPTER 38 Sense Organs 717

Sense of Taste in Humans Sense of Smell in Humans

In adult humans, approximately 3,000 taste buds are located pri­ In humans, the sense of smell, or olfaction, is dependent on
marily on the tongue (Fig. 38.2). Many taste buds lie along the between 10 and 20 million olfactory cells. These structures are
walls of the papillae, the small elevations on the tongue that are located within olfactory epithelium high in the roof of the nasal
visible to the unaided eye. Isolated taste buds are also present on cavity (Fig. 38.3). Olfactory cells are modified neurons. Each cell
the hard palate, the pharynx, and the epiglottis. ends in a tuft of about five olfactory cilia, which bear receptor
Taste buds on the tongue open at a taste pore. Taste buds have proteins for odor molecules. Each olfactory cell has only 1 out of
­supporting cells and a number of elongated taste cells that end in 1,000 different types of receptor proteins. Nerve fibers from simi­
microvilli. The microvilli, which project into the taste pore, bear lar olfactory cells lead to the same neuron in the olfactory bulb, an
receptor proteins for certain molecules. When molecules bind to extension of the brain.
receptor proteins, nerve impulses are generated in associated sensory An odor contains many odor molecules that activate a charac­
nerve fibers. These nerve impulses travel to the brain, where they are teristic combination of receptor proteins. A rose might stimulate
interpreted as tastes. certain olfactory cells, designated by blue and green in Figure 38.3,
Humans have five main types of taste receptors: sweet, sour, salty, whereas a gardenia might stimulate a different combination. When
bitter, and umami (Japanese, “savory, delicious”). Foods rich in certain the neurons communicate this information via the olfactory tract to
amino acids, such as the common seasoning monosodium glutamate the olfactory areas of the cerebral cortex, we perceive that we have
(MSG), as well as certain flavors of cheese, beef broth, and some sea­ smelled a rose or a gardenia.
food, produce the taste of umami. Taste buds for each of these tastes For decades scientists have estimated that humans can dis­
are located throughout the tongue, although certain regions may be cern only about 10,000 different odors. However, according to a
slightly more sensitive to particular tastes. A food can stimulate more 2014 study in which human volunteers were asked to distinguish
than one of these types of taste buds. The brain appears to survey the between very similar odorant molecules, it is likely that the average
overall pattern of incoming sensory impulses and take a “weighted human can actually perceive over one trillion different smells!
average” of their taste messages as the perceived taste. Have you ever noticed that a certain aroma vividly brings to
Researchers have found chemoreceptors in the human lung mind a certain person or place? A whiff of perfume may remind
that are sensitive only to chemicals that normally taste bitter. These you of someone you knew, or the smell of boxwood may remind
receptors are not clustered in buds, and they do not send taste sig­ you of your grandfather’s farm. The olfactory bulbs have direct
nals to the brain. Stimulation of these receptors causes the airways connections with the limbic system and its centers for emotions
to dilate, leading the scientists to speculate about implications for and memory. One study found that participants with previous nega­
new medications to treat diseases such as asthma. tive experiences of visiting the dentist rated the smell of a chemical

frontal lobe of
cerebral hemisphere olfactory bulb neuron olfactory

olfactory bulb

olfactory epithelium

nasal cavity
nerve fibers

supporting olfactory
cell cell olfactory cilia of
olfactory cell
b. odor molecules

Figure 38.3 Olfactory cell location and anatomy. a. The olfactory epithelium in humans is located high in the nasal cavity. b. Olfactory cells
end in cilia that bear receptor proteins for specific odor molecules. The cilia of each olfactory cell can bind to only one type of odor molecule (signified here
by color). For example, if a rose causes olfactory cells sensitive to “blue” and “green” odor molecules to be stimulated, then neurons designated by blue
and green in the olfactory bulb are activated. The primary olfactory area of the cerebral cortex interprets the pattern of stimulation as the scent of a rose.
718 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

often encountered in dentists’ offices as unpleasant, while those Image-forming eyes are found among four invertebrate groups:
lacking such negative experiences rated it as pleasant. cnidarians, annelids, molluscs, and arthropods. Arthropods have
The number of olfactory cells declines with age, and the compound eyes composed of many independent visual units
remaining population of receptors becomes less sensitive. Thus, called ommatidia (Gk. ommation, dim. of omma, “eye”), each pos­
older people may tend to apply excessive amounts of perfume or sessing all the elements needed for light reception (Fig. 38.4). Both
aftershave. The ability to smell can also be lost as a result of head the cornea and the crystalline cone function as lenses to direct light
trauma, respiratory infection, or brain disease. This condition can rays toward the ­photoreceptors. The photoreceptors generate nerve
become dangerous if these individuals cannot smell spoiled food, impulses, which pass to the brain by way of optic nerve fibers. The
a gas leak, or smoke. outer pigment cells absorb stray light rays, so that the rays do not
Usually, the sense of taste and the sense of smell work together pass from one visual unit to the other.
to create a combined effect when interpreted by the cerebral cortex. Flies and mosquitoes can see only a few millimeters in front
For example, when you have a cold, you may think food has lost of them, but dragonflies can see small prey insects several meters
its taste, but most likely you have lost the ability to detect its smell. away. Research has shown that foraging bees use their sense of
This method works in reverse also. When you smell something, vision as a sort of “odometer” to estimate how far they have flown
some of the molecules move from the nose down into the mouth from their hive.
region and stimulate the taste buds there. There­ MP3 Most insects have color vision, but they see a limited number
fore, part of what we refer to as smell may, in Taste and Smell of colors compared to humans. However, many insects can also
fact, be taste. see some ultraviolet rays, and this enables them to locate the par­
ticular parts of flowers, such as nectar guides, that have ultraviolet
Check Your Progress 38.2 patterns (Fig. 38.5). Some fishes, all reptiles, and most birds are
believed to have color vision, but among mammals, only humans
1. Compare and contrast the senses of smell and taste.
2. List the five types of taste receptors in humans.
3. Discuss what could account for how a nerve impulse
would be interpreted by the different sense organs.

38.3 Sense of Vision

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
1. Compare the structure of the compound eyes of
arthropods with the camera-type eyes of vertebrates.
2. List all tissues or cell layers through which light passes
from when it enters the eye until it is converted to a nerve
3. Discuss the distinct roles of rod cells, cone cells, and
rhodopsin in converting a light stimulus into a nerve
Compound cornea
4. Describe several common disorders affecting vision. eye
crystalline cone

Vision is an important capability for many, but not all, animals. photoreceptor
Like the senses of smell and hearing, vision allows us to perceive cells
the environment at a distance, which can have survival value. In
this section, we review how animals detect light and how the pigment
human eye accomplishes vision. cells

How Animals Detect Light optic

As mentioned previously, photoreceptors are sensory receptors fibers
that are sensitive to light. Some animals lack photoreceptors and Fly head
instead depend on senses such as smell and hearing; other animals
have photoreceptors but live in environments that do not require Ommatidium
them. For example, moles live underground and use their senses of Figure 38.4 Compound eye. Each visual unit of a compound
smell and touch rather than eyesight. eye has a cornea and a lens, which focus light onto photoreceptors. The
Not all photoreceptors form images. The “eyespots” of pla­ photoreceptors generate nerve impulses, which are transmitted to the
narians allow these animals to sense and move away from light. brain, where interpretation produces a mosaic image.
CHAPTER 38 Sense Organs 719

nectar guides Animals with two eyes facing forward have three-dimensional
vision, or stereoscopic vision. The visual fields overlap, and each
eye is able to view an object from a different angle. Predators tend
to have stereoscopic vision, as do humans. Animals with eyes fac­
ing sideways, such as rabbits, don’t have stereoscopic vision, but
they do have panoramic vision, meaning that their visual field is
very wide. Panoramic vision is useful to prey animals, because it
makes it more difficult for a predator to sneak up on them.
Many vertebrates have a membrane in the back of their eye
called a tapetum lucidum, which reflects light back into the photo­
receptor cells of the retina to increase sensitivity to light. This
explains the eerie glowing appearance of some animals’ eyes
Figure 38.5 Nectar guides. Evening primrose, Oenothera, at night.
as seen by humans (left) and insects (right). Humans see no markings,
but insects see distinct lines and central blotches, because their eyes
respond to ultraviolet rays. These types of markings, known as nectar The Human Eye
guides, often highlight the reproductive parts of flowers, where insects The human eye, which is an elongated sphere about 2.5 cm in
feed on nectar and pick up pollen at the same time. diameter, has three layers: the sclera, the choroid, and the retina
(Fig. 38.6). The outer sclera is an opaque, white, fibrous layer that
and other primates have color ­vision. It would seem, then, that this covers most of the eye; in front of the eye, the sclera becomes the
trait was adaptive for a diurnal habit (active during the day), which transparent cornea, the window of the eye. A thin layer of epithe­
accounts for its retention in only a few mammals. lial cells forms a mucous membrane called the conjunctiva, which
Vertebrates (including humans) and certain molluscs, such as covers the surface of the sclera and keeps the eyes moist.
the squid and the octopus, have a camera-type eye. Because mol­ The middle, thin, dark-brown choroid layer contains many
luscs and vertebrates are not closely related, this similarity is an blood vessels and a brown pigment that absorbs stray light rays.
example of convergent evolution. A single lens focuses an image of ­Toward the front of the eye, the choroid thickens and forms the
the visual field on photoreceptors, which are closely packed together. ring-shaped ciliary body and a thin, circular, muscular diaphragm,
In vertebrates, the lens changes shape to aid focusing, but in mol­ the iris. The iris, the colored portion of the eye, regulates the size
luscs the lens moves back and forth. All of the photoreceptors taken of an opening called the pupil. The pupil, like the aperture of a
together can be compared to a piece of film in a camera. The human camera lens, regulates light entering the eye. The lens, which is
eye is more complex than a camera, however, as you will see. attached to the ciliary body by ligaments, divides the cavity of the

Figure 38.6 Anatomy

of the human eye.
Notice that the sclera,
choroid the outer layer of the eye,
retina becomes the cornea and
that the choroid, the middle
layer, is continuous with
ciliary body the ciliary body and the iris.
retinal blood
The retina, the inner layer,
vessels lens contains the photoreceptors
for vision. The fovea centralis
iris is the region where vision is
optic nerve most acute.
fovea centralis

posterior compartment
filled with vitreous humor
filled with
aqueous humor
retina suspensory
choroid ligament
720 ciliary muscle relaxed

lens flattened
eye into two portions and helps form images. A basic, watery solu­
tion called aqueous humor fills the anterior compartment between light rays
the cornea and the lens. The aqueous humor provides a fluid cush­
ion, as well as nutrient and waste transport, for the eye.
The inner layer of the eye, the retina, is ­located in the poste­
rior compartment. The retina contains photoreceptors called rod suspensory ligament taut
cells and cone cells. The rods are very sensitive to light, but they a. Focusing on
do not respond to colors; therefore, at night or in a darkened room, distant object
we see only shades of gray. Rods are distributed in the peripheral ciliary body
regions of the retina. The cones, which require bright light, are
sensitive to different wavelengths of light, and therefore humans ciliary muscle contracted
have the ability to distinguish colors. The retina has a central region lens rounded
called the fovea centralis, where cone cells are densely packed.
Light is normally focused on the fovea when we look d­ irectly
at an object. This is helpful because vision is most acute in the
fovea centralis.
Sensory fibers form the optic nerve, which takes nerve
impulses to the brain. No rods or cones are present where the optic
b. Focusing on suspensory ligament relaxed
nerve exits the retina (see Fig. 38.10). Therefore, no vision is pos­
near object
sible in this area, and it is termed the blind spot. You can detect
your own blind spot by putting a dot to the right of center on a piece Figure 38.7 Focusing of the human eye. Light rays from each
of paper. Use your right hand to move the paper slowly toward your point on an object are bent by the cornea and the lens in such a way that
an inverted and reversed image of the object forms on the retina. a. When
right eye while you look straight ahead. The dot will disappear at
focusing on a distant object, the lens is flat, because the ciliary muscle is
one point—this is your blind spot. relaxed and the suspensory ligament is taut. b. When focusing on a near
object, the lens accommodates; that is, it becomes rounded, because the
Focusing of the Eye ciliary muscle contracts, causing the suspensory ligament to relax.

When we look directly at something, such as the printed letters

on this page, light rays pass through the pupil and are focused on
present in the outer segment. Synaptic vesicles are located at the
the retina. The image produced is much smaller than the object,
synaptic endings of the inner segment.
because light rays are bent (refracted) when they are brought into
The visual pigment in rods is called rhodopsin. R ­ hodopsin
focus. The image on the retina is also upside down and reversed
is a complex molecule made up of the protein opsin and a light-­
from left to right. When information from the retina reaches the
absorbing molecule called retinal, which is a derivative of vita­
brain, it is processed so that we perceive our surroundings in the
min A. When a rod absorbs light, rhodopsin splits into opsin and
correct orientation.
retinal, leading to a cascade of reactions and the closure of ion
Focusing starts at the cornea and continues as the rays pass
channels in the rod cell’s plasma membrane. The release of inhibi­
through the lens. The lens provides additional focusing power as
tory transmitter molecules from the rod’s synaptic vesicles ceases.
visual accommodation occurs for close vision. The shape of the
Thereafter, nerve impulses go to the visual areas of the cerebral
lens is controlled by the ciliary muscle within the ciliary body.
cortex. Rods are very sensitive to light and therefore are suited to
When we view a distant object, the ciliary muscle is ­relaxed, caus­
night vision. Carrots and other brightly colored vegetables are rich
ing the suspensory ligaments attached to the ciliary body to be
in carotenoids, some of which can be easily converted to vitamin A
taut; therefore, the lens remains relatively flat (Fig. 38.7a). When
in the body, so eating these foods may improve night vision. Rod
we view a near object, the ciliary muscle contracts, releasing the
cells are plentiful in the peripheral region of the retina; there­
tension on the suspensory ligaments, and the lens becomes more
fore, they also provide us with peripheral vision and perception
round due to its natural elasticity (Fig. 38.7b). Because close work
of motion.
requires contraction of the ciliary muscle, it very often causes mus­
The cones, by contrast, are located primarily in the fovea
cle fatigue known as eyestrain. With normal aging, the lens loses its
centralis and are activated by bright light. They allow us to detect
ability to accommodate for near objects; thus,
MP3 the fine detail and the color of an object. Color vision depends on
many people need reading glasses once they Sense of Vision
three different kinds of cones, which contain B (blue), G (green),
reach middle age.
and R (red) pigments. Each pigment is made up of retinal and
opsin, but a slight difference is present in the opsin structure of
Photoreceptors of the Eye each, which accounts for their individual absorption patterns.
Sensory transduction occurs once light has been focused on the Various combinations of cones are believed to be stimulated
photoreceptors in the retina. Figure 38.8 illustrates the structure of by in-between shades of color. For example, the color yellow
these rod cells and cone cells. Both rods and cones have an outer is perceived when green cones are highly stimulated, red cones
segment joined to an inner segment by a stalk. Pigment molecules are partially stimulated, and blue cones are not stimulated. In
that react to light are embedded in the membrane of the many disks color blindness, an individual lacks certain visual pigments. As
membrane of disk ion
rod cell
outer segment light sca ns
d e of reactio
cone cell ion channels
in plasma

inner segment
cell body


synaptic synaptic endings

Figure 38.8 Photoreceptors in the eye. The outer segment of rods and cones contains
stacks of membranous disks, which contain visual pigments. In rods, the membrane of each disk
membrane Rhodopsin molecule
contains rhodopsin, a complex molecule containing the protein opsin and the pigment retinal. When
of disk (opsin + retinal)
rhodopsin absorbs light energy, it splits, releasing opsin, which sets in motion a cascade of reactions
that cause ion channels in the plasma membrane to close. Thereafter, nerve impulses go to the brain.

indicated in Chapter 11, some forms of color blindness are a photoreceptors can be stimulated, light must penetrate through the
sex-linked hereditary disorder. other cell layers.
The rod cells and cone cells synapse with the bipolar cells,
which in turn synapse with ganglion cells that initiate nerve impulses.
Integration of Visual Signals in the Retina Notice in Figure 38.9 that there are many more rod cells and cone
The retina has three layers of neurons (Fig. 38.9). The layer closest cells than ganglion cells. In fact, the human retina has about 150 mil­
to the choroid contains the rod cells and cone cells; the middle layer lion rod cells, 6 million cone cells, but only 1 million ganglion cells.
contains bipolar cells; and the innermost layer contains ganglion The sensitivity of cones versus rods is mirrored by how directly
cells, whose sensory fibers become the optic nerve. Only the rod they connect to ganglion cells. As many as 150 rods may excite the
cells and cone cells are sensitive to light; therefore, before these same ganglion cell, meaning that each ganglion cell receives signals

Figure 38.9 Structure and function of the retina.

a. The retina is the inner layer of the eye. Rod cells and
cone cells, located at the back of the retina nearest the sclera
choroid, synapse with bipolar cells, which synapse
with ganglion cells. Further, many rod cells choroid
share one bipolar cell, but cone cells do
not. Certain cone cells synapse
with only one ganglion
cell. Cone cells, in
general, distinguish more rod cell
detail than do rod cells. and cone
b. Micrograph of the retina. cell layer

retina cell layer
cell layer

axons of b. Micrograph of retina

ganglion cells
spot to optic nerve
light rays

a. Location of retina
722 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

from rod cells covering about 1 mm2 of retina (about the size of a image is inverted and reversed, it must be righted in the brain for
thumb tack hole). Therefore, the stimulation of rods results in vision us to correctly perceive the visual field.
that is blurred and indistinct. In contrast, some cone cells in the fovea The most surprising finding has been that the primary visual
centralis excite only one ganglion cell. This explains why cones pro­ area acts as a post office, parceling out information regarding color,
vide us with a sharper, more detailed image of an object. form, motion, and possibly other attributes to different portions of
the adjoining visual association area. Therefore, the brain has taken
From the Retina to the Visual Cortex the visual field apart, even though we see a unified visual field. The
visual association areas are believed to rebuild the field and give us
The axons of ganglion cells in the retina assemble to form the
an understanding of it at the same time.
optic nerves. The optic nerves carry nerve impulses from the eyes
to the optic chiasma. The optic chiasma has an X shape, formed
by a crossing-over of optic nerve fibers (Fig. 38.10). Fibers from
the right half of each retina converge and continue on together in
the right optic tract, and fibers from the left half of each retina con­
verge and continue on together in the left optic tract.
The optic tracts sweep around the hypothalamus, and most
fibers synapse with neurons in nuclei (masses of neuron cell bod­
ies) within the thalamus. Axons from the thalamic nuclei form
optic radiations that take nerve impulses to the visual area within
the occipital lobe. Notice in Figure 38.10 that the image arriving at
the thalamus, and therefore the visual area, has been split, because
the left optic tract carries information about the right portion of
the visual field (shown in green) and the right optic tract carries
information about the left portion of the visual field (shown in red).
Therefore, the right and left visual areas must communicate with
each other for us to see the entire visual field. Also, because the

primary visual
area of occipital

thalamic nucleus
optic tract
optic chiasma
optic nerve


Left visual

Figure 38.10 Optic chiasma. Both eyes “see” the entire visual
field. Because of the optic chiasma, data from the right half of each
retina (red lines) go to the right visual cortex, and data from the left half of
each retina (green lines) go to the left visual cortex. These data are then
combined to allow us to see the entire visual field. Note that the visual
pathway to the brain includes the thalamus, which has the ability to filter
sensory stimuli.
724 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

38.4 Senses of Hearing and Balance

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
1. Compare several strategies that different types of animals
use to hear sounds.
2. Distinguish among the parts of the human ear that make
up the outer, middle, and inner ear.
3. Review the differences between rotational and
gravitational equilibrium and how each is accomplished.
4. Describe several common disorders affecting hearing
and/or equilibrium.

Mechanoreception is sensing physical contact on the surface of the

skin or movement of the surrounding environment (such as sound
waves in air or water). The simplest mechanoreceptors are free
nerve endings in the skin. At the other end of the spectrum, the
most complex mechanoreception occurs in the middle and inner
ear of vertebrates.
The evolutionary advantage of hearing is that it allows animals
to receive information at a distance, as well as from any direction.
Hearing plays an important role in avoiding danger, detecting prey,
finding mates, and communication. In the most basic sense, hear­
ing is caused by the vibration in a surrounding medium to resonate
some part of an animal’s body. This resonance is converted into
electrical signals through some means that can then be interpreted
by the animal’s brain.

How Animals Detect Sound Waves

Many insects can detect sounds. A common structure involved in
insect hearing is a thin membrane, or tympanum, that stretches
across an air space, such as the tracheae, which also function
in insect respiration (see Chapter 35). Tympanal organs are also
located on the thorax (chest) of grasshoppers and on the front legs
of crickets. Similar to a mammalian eardrum, the membrane is
stimulated to vibrate by sound waves, but in insects this directly
activates nerve impulses in attached receptor cells.
The lateral line system of fishes (Fig. 38.12) guides them in
their movements and in locating other fishes, including predators,
prey, and mates. Usually running along both sides of a fish from
the gills to the tail, the system detects water currents and pressure
CHAPTER 38 Sense Organs 725

skin water scale external opening inner ear, and each consists of hair cells with MP3
The Senses of
stereocilia (long microvilli) that are sensitive to Hearing and
mechanical stimulation.
The ear has three distinct divisions: the outer, inner, and mid­
dle ear (Fig. 38.13). The outer ear consists of the pinna (external
“ear”) and the auditory canal. The opening of the auditory canal
is lined with fine hairs and glands. Glands that secrete earwax, or
hair cupula lateral line cerumen, are located in the upper wall of the auditory canal. Earwax
nerve lateral line
helps guard the ear against the entrance of foreign materials, such
as air pollutants and microorganisms.
The middle ear begins at the tympanic membrane (eardrum)
Figure 38.12 The and ends at a bony wall containing two small openings covered by
lateral line system of membranes. These openings are called the oval window and the
fishes. Hairs located round window. Three small bones are found between the tympanic
within cupulas near the skin
membrane and the oval window. Collectively called the ossicles,
surface detect wave vibrations and
currents, helping guide fish movements in order to individually they are the malleus (hammer), the incus (anvil), and
locate predators and prey, as well as mates. the stapes (stirrup), so named because their shapes resemble these
objects. The malleus adheres to the tympanic membrane, and the
stapes touches the oval window.
An auditory tube (eustachian tube), which extends from each
waves from nearby objects in a manner similar to the sensory middle ear to the nasopharynx, permits the equalization of air
receptors in the human ear. Water from the environment enters tiny pressure. Chewing gum, yawning, and swallowing in elevators and
canals containing hair cells with cilia embedded in a gelatinous airplanes help move air through the auditory tubes on ascent and
cupula. When the cupula bends due to pressure waves, the hair descent. As this occurs, we often hear the ears “pop.”
cells initiate nerve impulses. Whereas the outer ear and the middle ear contain air, the inner
Most terrestrial vertebrates can hear sound traveling in air, but ear is filled with fluids. Anatomically speaking, the inner ear has
some, such as amphibians and snakes, are also sensitive to vibrations three areas: the semicircular canals and the vestibule are both
from the ground, which travel to their inner ear via various parts of concerned with equilibrium; the cochlea is concerned with hear­
their skeleton. A middle ear with an eardrum that transmits sound ing. The cochlea resembles the shell of a snail, because it spirals.
waves to the inner ear via three small bones is unique to mammals.
The Auditory Canal and Middle Ear
The Human Ear The process of hearing begins when sound waves enter the audi­
The ear has two sensory functions: hearing and balance (equilib­ tory canal. Just as ripples travel across the surface of a pond, sound
rium). The mechanoreceptors for both of these are ­located in the waves travel by the successive vibrations of molecules. Ordinar­
ily, sound waves do not carry much
energy, but when a large number of
Outer ear Middle ear stapes Inner ear semicircular canals waves strike the tympanic membrane,
incus it moves back and forth (vibrates) ever
malleus so slightly. The malleus then takes the
vestibular pressure from the inner surface of the
nerve tympanic membrane and passes it by
means of the incus to the stapes in such
pinna a way that the pressure is multiplied
about 20 times as it moves. The stapes
strikes the membrane of the oval win­
nerve dow, causing it to vibrate, and in this
tympanic cochlea way, the pressure is passed to the fluid
membrane within the cochlea.

Figure 38.13 Anatomy of the
human ear. In the middle ear, the malleus
(hammer), the incus (anvil), and the stapes
(stirrup) amplify sound waves. In the inner
auditory ear, the mechanoreceptors for equilibrium
earlobe tube
round window are in the semicircular canals and the
vestibule, and the mechanoreceptors for
hearing are in the cochlea.
726 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Inner Ear
canals When the snail-shaped cochlea is examined in cross section
(Fig. 38.14), the vestibular canal, the cochlear canal, and the tym­
panic canal become apparent. The cochlear canal contains endo­
lymph, which is similar in composition to interstitial fluid. The
cochlea vestibular and tympanic canals are filled with perilymph, which
is continuous with the cerebrospinal fluid. Along the length of the
basilar membrane, which forms the lower wall of the cochlear
stapes canal, are little hair cells whose stereocilia are embedded within a
oval window gelatinous material called the tectorial membrane. The hair cells
of the cochlear canal, called the organ of Corti, or spiral organ,
synapse with nerve fibers of the cochlear nerve (auditory nerve).
round window When the stapes strikes the membrane of the oval window,
pressure waves move from the vestibular canal to the tympanic
canal across the basilar membrane, and the round window mem­
brane bulges. The basilar membrane moves up and down, and the
vestibular stereocilia of the hair cells embedded in the tectorial membrane
canal bend. Then, nerve impulses begin in the cochlear nerve and travel
cochlear to the brain stem. When they reach the Animation
canal auditory areas of the cerebral cortex, they Effects of Sound Waves
on Cochlear Structures
are interpreted as a sound.
tympanic Each part of the organ of Corti is sensitive to a different
canal wave frequency, or pitch of sound. Near the tip, the organ of Corti
cochlear responds to low pitches, such as the sound of a tuba, and near the
base, it responds to higher pitches, such as that of a bell or whistle.
Cochlea cross section
The nerve fibers from each region along the length of the organ of
Corti lead to slightly different areas in the brain. The pitch sensa­
tion we experience depends on which region of the basilar mem­
tectorial membrane brane vibrates and which area of the brain is stimulated.
stereocilia Volume is a function of the amplitude of sound waves. Loud
noises cause the fluid in the vestibular canal to exert more pressure

hair cell hair cells cilia

cochlear nerve canal
Organ of Corti

of sensory statolith

Stereocilia 3,900×

Figure 38.14 Mechanoreceptors for hearing. The organ

of Corti is located within the cochlea. In the uncoiled cochlea, the organ
consists of hair cells resting on the basilar membrane, with the tectorial
membrane above. Pressure waves move from the vestibular canal to the
tympanic canal, causing the basilar membrane to vibrate. This causes
the stereocilia (or at least a portion of the more than 20,000 hair cells) Figure 38.15 Sense of balance in an invertebrate. Within
embedded in the tectorial membrane to bend. Nerve impulses traveling in a statocyst, a small particle (the statolith) comes to rest on hair cells and
the cochlear nerve result in hearing. allows a crustacean to sense the position of its head.
and the basilar membrane to vibrate to a greater extent. The result­ In the human ear, mechanoreceptors in the semicircular canals
ing increased stimulation is interpreted by the brain as volume. It detect rotational and/or angular movement of the head (rotational
is believed that the brain interprets the tone of a sound based on the equilibrium), while mechanoreceptors in the utricle and sac­
distribution of the hair cells that are stimulated. cule detect straight-line movement of the head in any d­ irection
(­gravitational equilibrium).
Sense of Balance
Gravitational equilibrium organs, called statocysts (Fig. 38.15), are Rotational Equilibrium
found in cnidarians, molluscs, and crustaceans, which are arthro­ Rotational equilibrium (Fig. 38.16a) involves the semicircular
pods. When the head stops moving, a small particle called a stato­ canals, which are arranged so that there is one in each dimension
lith stimulates the cilia of the closest hair cells, and these cilia of space. The base of each of the three canals, called the ampulla, is
generate impulses that are interpreted as the position of the head. slightly enlarged. Little hair cells, whose stereocilia are embedded

receptor in ampulla endolymph

vestibular nerve




stereocilia otolithic
hair cell
hair cell
supporting cell
vestibular nerve cell

flow of otolithic
flow of endolymph membrane



a. Rotational equilibrium: receptors in ampullae of semicircular canal b. Gravitational equilibrium: receptors in utricle and saccule of vestibule

Figure 38.16 Mechanoreceptors for equilibrium. a. Rotational equilibrium. The ampullae of the semicircular canals contain hair cells
with stereocilia embedded in a cupula. When the head rotates, the cupula is displaced, bending the stereocilia. Thereafter, nerve impulses travel in the
vestibular nerve to the brain. b. Gravitational equilibrium. The utricle and the saccule contain hair cells with stereocilia embedded in an otolithic membrane.
When the head bends, otoliths are displaced, causing the membrane to sag and the stereocilia to bend. If the stereocilia bend toward the kinocilium, the
longest of the stereocilia, nerve impulses increase in the vestibular nerve. If the stereocilia bend away from the kinocilium, nerve impulses decrease in the
vestibular nerve. This difference tells the brain in which direction the head moved.

within a gelatinous material called a cupula, are found within

the ampullae. Because there are three semicircular canals, each
ampulla responds to head movement in a different plane of space.
As fluid (endolymph) within a semicircular canal flows over and
displaces a cupula, the stereocilia of the hair cells bend, and the
pattern of impulses carried by the vestibular nerve to the brain
changes. The brain uses information from the semicircular canals
to maintain equilibrium through appropriate motor output to vari­
ous skeletal muscles that can right our position in space as need be.

Gravitational Equilibrium
Gravitational equilibrium (Fig. 38.16b) depends on the utricle and
­saccule, two membranous sacs located in the vestibule. Both of
these sacs contain little hair cells, whose stereocilia are embedded
within a gelatinous material called an otolithic membrane. Calcium
carbonate (CaCO3) granules, or otoliths, rest on this membrane.
The utricle is especially sensitive to horizontal (back and forth)
movements of the head, while the saccule responds best to vertical
(up and down) movements.
When the head is still, the otoliths in the utricle and the saccule
rest on the otolithic membrane above the hair cells. When the head
moves in a straight line, the otoliths are displaced and the otolithic
membrane sags, bending the stereo­cilia of the hair cells beneath.
If the stereocilia move toward the largest stereocilium, called the
kinocilium, nerve impulses increase in the vestibular nerve. If
the stereocilia move away from the kinocilium, nerve impulses
decrease in the vestibular nerve. If you are upside down, nerve
impulses in the vestibular nerve cease. These data tell the brain the
direction of the movement of the head.
CHAPTER 38 Sense Organs 729

38.5 Somatic Senses receptors, which make the skin sensitive to touch, pressure, pain,
and temperature.
Learning Outcomes Four types of cutaneous receptors are sensitive to fine touch.
Meissner corpuscles and Krause end bulbs are concentrated in the
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
fingertips, palms, lips, tongue, nipples, penis, and clitoris. Merkel
1. Compare and contrast the functions of proprioceptors, disks are found where the epidermis meets the dermis. A free nerve
cutaneous receptors, and pain receptors.
ending called a root hair plexus winds around the base of a hair fol­
2. List the specific types of cutaneous receptors that are
licle and fires if a hair is touched.
sensitive to fine touch, pressure, pain, and temperature.
Two types of cutaneous receptors are sensitive to pressure.
Pacinian corpuscles are onion-shaped sensory receptors deep
inside the dermis. Ruffini endings are encapsulated by sheaths of
Senses whose receptors are associated with the skin, muscles, joints,
connective tissue and contain lacy networks of nerve fibers.
and viscera are termed the somatic senses. These receptors can be cate­
At least two types of free nerve endings in the epidermis are
gorized into three types: proprioceptors, cutaneous receptors, and pain
thermoreceptors. Both cold and warm receptors contain ion chan­
receptors. All of these send nerve impulses via the spinal cord to the
nels with activities that are affected by temperature. Cold receptors
primary somatosensory areas of the cerebral cortex (see Fig. 37.10).
generate nerve impulses at an increased frequency as the tem­
perature drops; warm receptors increase activity as the temperature
Proprioceptors rises. Some chemicals (e.g., menthol) can stimulate cold receptors.
Proprioceptors are mechanoreceptors involved in reflex actions
that maintain muscle tone, and thereby the body’s equilibrium and Pain Receptors
posture. For example, proprioceptors called muscle spindles are
The skin and many internal organs and tissues have pain receptors,
embedded in muscle fibers (Fig. 38.18). If a muscle relaxes too
also called free nerve endings or nociceptors. Regardless of the
much, the muscle spindle stretches, generating nerve impulses that
cause, damaged cells release chemicals that cause nociceptors to
cause the muscle to contract slightly. Conversely, when muscles are
generate nerve impulses, which the brain interprets as pain. Other
stretched too much, proprioceptors called Golgi tendon organs,
types of nociceptors are sensitive to extreme temperatures or exces­
buried in the tendons that attach muscles to bones, generate nerve
sive pressure.
impulses that cause the muscles to relax. Both types of receptors act
Pain receptors have arisen in evolution because they alert us
together to maintain a functional degree of muscle tone.
to potential danger. If you accidentally reach too close to a fire, for
example, the reflex action of withdrawing your hand will help pro­
Cutaneous Receptors tect you from further tissue damage, while the unpleasant sensation
As noted in Chapter 31, the skin is composed of an epidermis and your brain perceives will help you remember not to reach too close
a dermis (see Fig. 31.9). The dermis contains many ­cutaneous to a fire again.

Figure 38.18 Muscle spindles and 1

Golgi tendon organs. 1 When a muscle
is stretched, muscle spindles send sensory nerve
impulses to the spinal cord. 2 Motor nerve muscle spindle
impulses from the spinal cord cause slight muscle 2
contraction. 3 When tendons are stretched
2 muscle fiber
excessively, Golgi tendon organs cause muscle

bundle of
muscle fibers

3 sensory neuron
to spinal cord
Golgi tendon organ

730 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Unfortunately, despite the evolutionary benefit of acute the brain for another class of naturally occurring analgesics, the
pain, chronic pain often serves no such purpose. To relieve endorphins.
such nonadaptive pain, a variety of painkilling medications,
or analgesics, have been developed. If the source of the
pain is inflammation, ­anti-inflammatory medications can be Check Your Progress 38.5
used. These include natural anti-inflammatory compounds
like corticosteroids, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 1. Identify the problems that would likely occur if a person
lacked muscle spindles, or nociceptors.
(NSAIDs) like aspirin or ibuprophen. Each day an estimated
2. In evolutionary terms, assess why cutaneous receptors
17 million Americans use NSAIDs, which are generally avail­
quickly become adapted to stimuli (e.g., why we don’t
able over-the-counter, and work by inhibiting enzymes that continue to feel a chair once we settle in), whereas the
generate inflammatory chemicals called prostaglandins. For sense of pain seems to be much less adaptable (e.g.,
more intense pain, opioid medications such as morphine or many people suffer from chronic pain).
oxycodone can be prescribed. These stimulate receptors in

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• Through the evolutionary process, ani- • Scientists now have a fairly thorough • Sensory receptors convey information
mals tend to rely on those stimuli and understanding of how sensory recep- to the nervous system by converting en-
senses that are adaptive to their par- tors function; however, the processes of vironmental stimuli into nerve impulses
ticular environment and way of life. sensory transduction and, in particular, (sensory transduction).
• In humans and perhaps other animals, perception remain considerably more • Depending on the level of stimulus and
impulses received from sensory recep- mysterious. its source, the nervous system may react
tors result in perception, or conscious • Researchers in biomedical science are by altering heart rate and breathing rate,
awareness of events occurring in the developing new technologies to enable releasing hormones from glands, and
external environment. hearing, in some cases of deafness, and stimulating muscles to perform actions
• Virtually all animals are capable of learn- vision, in some cases of blindness. such as fight-or-flight, feeding, or mating
ing from their sensory experiences to en- behaviors.
gage in behavior that helps them avoid • Our knowledge of the world around us
danger, locate food, and find potential is completely dependent on functioning
mates. sensory receptors and the interpretation
of their signals.

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38.1 Sensations and Receptors 38.4 Effects of Sound Waves on Cochlear Structures
38.2 Taste and Smell
38.3 Sense of Vision
38.4 The Senses of Hearing and Equilibrium
Summariz receptors are specialized cells capable of detecting ­various stimuli, then
performing sensory transduction, or conversion of those events into
38.1 Sensory Receptors nerve impulses. Four types of sensory receptors are ­chemoreceptors,
Sensory receptors evolved to enable animals to receive and respond ­electromagnetic receptors (including p ­ hotoreceptors), mechanore-
to information about their internal and external environments. Sensory ceptors and thermoreceptors.
Hormones and
The sphinx moth (Manduca sexta) begins life as a caterpillar. The caterpillar molts
and undergoes metamorphosis, as orchestrated by hormones.

Chapter Outline
40.1 Animal Hormones 751
H ormones, chemical messengers of the endocrine system, regulate the meta-
morphosis of many insects from wormlike larval stages to their adult forms. One
hormone, ecdysone, initiates shedding of the exoskeleton as the larva passes through
40.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary
a series of growth stages. A decline in the production of another hormone triggers the
Gland 755
final metamorphosis into an adult, as shown in the inset above for the sphinx moth
40.3 Other Endocrine Glands and
(adult form), also referred to as the tobacco hornworm (caterpillar form).
Hormones 758
Along with the nervous system, the endocrine system coordinates the activities
of the body’s other organ systems and helps maintain homeostasis. In contrast to the
nervous system, the endocrine system is not centralized; instead, it consists of several
organs scattered throughout the body. The hormones secreted by endocrine glands
travel through the bloodstream and interstitial fluid to reach their target tissues. The
metabolism of a cell changes when it has a plasma membrane or nuclear receptor for
Before You Begin that hormone. In this chapter, you’ll learn how hormones exert their slow but powerful
Before beginning this chapter, take a influences on the body. You’ll see how the endocrine system maintains homeostasis
few moments to review the following when working properly, as well as some consequences of endocrine malfunction.
As you read through this chapter, think about the following questions:
Section 3.3 What are the general structure
and function of steroids? 1. Why do more complex animals, such as mammals, tend to use some of the same
hormones that are present in more primitive invertebrates, instead of evolving com-
Chapter 5 What are the general
classifications of chemical signaling pletely new hormones?
molecules? 2. What are some specific examples in which the nervous system works with the
Section 37.3 What are the location and endocrine system to control body functions?
function of the hypothalamus? 3. What are some specific examples in which the endocrine system works independently?

Following the Themes

Chapter 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems
Unit 7

Animal Biology

Animals have evolved two major organ systems that respond to changes in their
Evolution internal and external environments: the nervous system, which is capable of rapid
responses, and the endocrine system, which carries out slower, lasting responses.

Advances in the understanding of how hormones function have led to effective

Nature of Science treatments for many common disorders of the human endocrine system.

A relatively limited number of peptide and steroid hormones are able to control a
Biological Systems wide range of homeostatic processes in animals.

CHAPTER 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems 751

40.1 Animal Hormones The endocrine system functions differently. The endocrine
system is largely composed of glands (Fig. 40.2). These glands
Learning Outcomes secrete hormones, such as insulin, which are carried by the blood-
stream to target cells throughout the body. It takes time to d­ eliver
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
hormones, and it takes time for cells to respond, but the effect is
1. Distinguish between the mode of action of a longer-lasting. In other words, the endocrine system is organized
neurotransmitter and that of a hormone.
for a slower but prolonged response.
2. Identify the major endocrine glands of the human body.
Endocrine glands can be contrasted with exocrine glands.
3. Compare the mechanisms of action of peptide and steroid
­Exocrine glands secrete their products into ducts, which take them
to the lumens of other organs or outside the body. For example, the
salivary glands send saliva into the mouth by way of the salivary
The nervous and endocrine systems work together to regulate the ducts. Endocrine glands, as stated, secrete their products into the
activities of the other organs. Both systems use chemical signals bloodstream, which delivers them throughout the body.
when they respond to changes that might threaten homeostasis. Hormones influence almost every basic homeostatic function
However, they have different means of delivering these signals of an organism, including metabolism, growth, reproduction, osmo­
(Fig. 40.1). As discussed in Chapters 37 and 38, sensory recep- regulation, and digestion. Therefore, it is not surprising that hormones
tors detect changes in the internal and external environments and are produced by invertebrates as well as vertebrates. For example,
transmit that information to the CNS, which responds by stimu- the hormone insulin is a key regulator of metabolism in vertebrates,
lating muscles and glands. Communication depends on nerve and insulin-related peptides have been identified in insects and
signals, conducted in axons, and neurotransmitters, which cross ­molluscs, suggesting an early evolutionary origin of this hormone.
synapses. Axon conduction occurs rapidly, as does the diffusion Hormones also control some processes that are unique to inver-
of a neurotransmitter across the short distance of a synapse. In tebrates. As mentioned in the chapter-opening story, hormones con-
other words, the nervous system is organized to respond rapidly trol insect metamorphosis, the dramatic transformation that some
to stimuli. This is particularly useful if the stimulus is an external insects undergo while hatching from an egg as a wormlike larva,
event that endangers our safety—we can move quickly to avoid going through several molts in which the exoskeleton is shed, and
being hurt. maturing into adults. Several hormones control this process.

liver cell


b. Reception of insulin, a hormone

axon of
nerve fiber pancreas



axon terminal

a. Reception of a neurotransmitter
Figure 40.1 Modes of action of the nervous and endocrine systems. a. Nerve impulses passing along an axon cause the release of a
neurotransmitter. The neurotransmitter, a chemical signal, binds to a receptor and causes the wall of an arteriole to constrict. b. The hormone insulin, a
chemical signal, travels in the cardiovascular system from the pancreas to the liver, where it binds to a receptor and causes the liver cells to store glucose
as glycogen.
752 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Figure 40.2 Major glands of the

human endocrine system. Major
Releasing and inhibiting hormones: glands and the hormones they produce
regulate the anterior pituitary
are depicted. Also, the endocrine system
includes other organs, such as the kidneys,
the gastrointestinal tract, and the heart, which
PITUITARY GLAND also produce hormones but not as a primary
Posterior Pituitary function of these organs.
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH):
water reabsorption by kidneys
Oxytocin: stimulates uterine
contraction and milk letdown

Anterior Pituitary
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH):
stimulates thyroid
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH):
stimulates adrenal cortex
Gonadotropic hormones (FSH, LH): PINEAL GLAND
egg and sperm production; sex Melatonin: controls circadian
hormone production and circannual rhythms
Prolactin (PL): milk production
Growth hormone (GH): bone growth,
protein synthesis, and cell division PARATHYROIDS
Parathyroid hormone (PTH):
raises blood calcium level

parathyroid glands
THYROID (posterior surface
Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine of thyroid)
(T3): increase metabolic rate; regulate
growth and development
Calcitonin: lowers blood calcium level

Thymosins: production
ADRENAL GLAND and maturation of T
Adrenal cortex lymphocytes
Glucocorticoids (cortisol):
raises blood glucose level;
stimulates breakdown of protein
Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone):
reabsorption of sodium and PANCREAS
excretion of potassium Insulin: lowers blood
Sex hormones: stimulate reproductive glucose level and
functions and bring about sex promotes glycogen
characteristics buildup
Glucagon: raises blood
Adrenal medulla glucose level and
Epinephrine and norepinephrine: promotes glycogen
active in emergency situations; breakdown
raise blood glucose level

Androgens (testosterone):
male sex characteristics
Estrogens and progesterone:
female sex characteristics
ovary (female)
CHAPTER 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems 753

Sometimes evolution produces new uses for the same hor- affect the menstrual cycle of other women in the household. Stud-
mones. In the freshwater snail Lymnaea, a peptide related to insu- ies also suggest that women prefer the smell of t-shirts worn by
lin is involved in body and shell growth, as well as in energy men who have a different MHC type from themselves. As noted in
metabolism. Variable hormone functions are seen in vertebrates Chapter 33, MHC molecules are involved in immunity, and choos-
as well. All vertebrates synthesize thyroid hormones, which gen- ing a mate of a different MHC type might improve the health of
erally increase metabolism, as you’ll see later in this chapter. In offspring.
amphibians, a surge of thyroid hormones also seems to promote In a small study reported in 2011, men had lower testosterone
metamorphosis from a tadpole into an adult. In contrast, the hor- levels in their saliva after they smelled a jar containing tears from
mone prolactin inhibits metamorphosis in amphibians, stimulates women who were sad, as compared to saline droplets that were
skin pigmentation in reptiles, initiates incubation of eggs in birds, trickled down the women’s cheeks. While the significance of these
and stimulates milk production in mammals. studies is unclear, they suggest that humans may, in fact, be influ-
enced by pheromones.
Hormones Are Chemical Signals
The Action of Hormones
Like other chemical signals, hormones are a means of commu-
Hormones exert a wide range of effects on cells. Some hormones
nication between cells, between body parts, and even between
induce target cells to increase their uptake of particular molecules,
individuals. However, only certain cells, called target cells, can
such as glucose, or ions, such as calcium. Others bring about an
respond to a specific hormone. A target cell for a particular hor-
alteration of the target cell’s structure in some way.
mone carries a receptor protein for that hormone (Fig. 40.3). The
Most endocrine glands secrete peptide hormones. These hor-
hormone and receptor protein bind together the way a key fits a
mones are peptides, proteins, glycoproteins, and modified amino
lock. The target cell then responds to that hormone. For example,
acids. Steroid hormones, in contrast, all have the same molecular
in a condition called androgen insensitivity, an individual has
complex of four carbon rings, because they are all derived from
X and Y sex chromosomes, and the testes, which remain in the
cholesterol (see Fig. 3.12).
abdominal cavity, produce the sex hormone testosterone. How-
ever, the body cells lack receptors that are able to combine with The Action of Peptide Hormones. The actions of peptide
testosterone, and the individual appears to be a normal female. hormones can vary, and as an example in this section, we concen-
Chemical signals that influence the behavior of other indi- trate on what happens in muscle cells after the hormone epineph-
viduals are called pheromones. Pheromones have been well docu- rine binds to a receptor in the plasma membrane (Fig. 40.4). In
mented in several animal species, although their influence has been muscle cells, the reception of epinephrine leads to the breakdown
more difficult to prove in humans. Women who live in the same of glycogen to glucose, which provides energy for ATP production.
household tend to have synchronized menstrual cycles, perhaps The immediate result of epinephrine binding is the formation
because pheromones released by a woman who is menstruating of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which contains one
phosphate group attached to adenosine at two locations. Therefore,
the molecule is cyclic. cAMP activates a protein kinase enzyme in
nontarget cell the cell, and this enzyme in turn activates another enzyme, and so
forth. The series of enzymatic reactions that follows cAMP forma-
receptors tion is called an enzyme cascade or signaling cascade. Because
each enzyme can be used over and over again, more enzymes
become involved at every step of the cascade. Finally, many mol-
ecules of glycogen are broken down to glucose, which enters the
target cells
Typical of a peptide hormone, epinephrine never enters the
cell. Therefore, the hormone is called the first messenger, whereas
cAMP, which sets the metabolic machinery in motion, is called
the second messenger. For example, imagine that the adrenal
capillary medulla, which produces epinephrine, is like a company’s home
office, which sends out a courier (the hormone epinephrine—the
first messenger) to its factory (the cell). The courier doesn’t have
a pass to enter the factory but tells a supervisor through a screen
door that the home office wants the factory to produce a particu-
lar product. The supervisor (cAMP—the second
messenger) walks over and flips a switch that Second
starts the machinery (the enzymatic pathway),
Figure 40.3 Target cell concept. Most hormones are and a product is made.
distributed by the bloodstream to target cells. Target cells have receptors
for the hormone, and the hormone combines with the receptor, as a key The Action of Steroid Hormones. Only the adrenal cor-
fits a lock. tex, the ovaries, and the testes produce steroid hormones. Steroid
754 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

capillary steroid
1. Hormone diffuses hormone
through plasma
1. Epinephrine binds to a membrane because
receptor in the plasma it is lipid-soluble. plasma
membrane. membrane

peptide hormone

activated nuclear
receptor protein
enzyme pore

2. Hormone binds
to receptor inside

2. Binding leads to
activation of an protein
enzyme that changes receptor
ATP to cAMP. DNA protein
mRNA ribosome
ATP (second messenger)
3. cAMP activates an
enzyme cascade. glucose
(leaves cell
and goes
to blood) 3. Hormone-receptor mRNA
complex activates
4. Many molecules of gene and synthesis
glycogen are broken of a specific mRNA 4. mRNA moves to
down to glucose, glycogen
molecule. ribosomes, and protein
which enters the synthesis occurs.

Figure 40.4 Epinephrine, a peptide hormone. Peptide Figure 40.5 Steroid hormone. A steroid hormone passes
hormones (epinephrine, in this example) act as first messengers, binding directly through the target cell’s plasma membrane before binding to
to specific receptors in the plasma membrane. a receptor in the nucleus or cytoplasm. The
Tutorial Tutorial
First messengers activate second messengers Action of a hormone-receptor complex binds to DNA, and Action of a Steroid
(cAMP, in this case), which influence various Peptide Hormone gene expression follows. Hormone

cellular processes.

hormones do not bind to plasma membrane receptors; instead, they Steroids act more slowly than peptides, because it takes more
are able to enter the cell because they are lipids (Fig. 40.5). Once time to synthesize new proteins than to activate enzymes already
inside, a steroid hormone binds to an internal receptor, usually in present in cells. Their action lasts longer, however.
the nucleus but sometimes in the cytoplasm. Inside the nucleus, the Check Your Progress 40.1
­hormone-receptor complex binds with DNA and activates certain
genes. Messenger RNA (mRNA) moves to the ribosomes in the 1. Compare and contrast the nervous and endocrine
cytoplasm, and protein synthesis (e.g., an enzyme) follows. To systems with regard to their function and the types of
signals they use.
continue the analogy, a steroid hormone is like a courier who has a
2. Compare the location of the receptors for peptide and
pass to enter the factory (the cell). Once inside, the courier makes steroid hormones.
contact with the plant manager (DNA), who Animation 3. Explain why second messengers are needed for most
Mechanism of Steroid
sees to it that the factory (cell) is ready to Hormone Action peptide hormones.
produce a product.
CHAPTER 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems 755

40.2 Hypothalamus and may also play a role in the propulsion of semen through the male
reproductive tract and may affect feelings of sexual satisfaction
Pituitary Gland and emotional bonding.
Learning Outcomes
Anterior Pituitary
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to
A portal system, which consists of two capillary networks con-
1. Describe the relationship between the hypothalamus and nected by a vein, lies between the hypothalamus and the anterior
the pituitary gland.
pituitary (Fig. 40.6, right). The hypothalamus controls the anterior
2. List and describe the functions of the hormones released
pituitary by producing hypothalamic-releasing hormones and in
by the anterior and posterior pituitary gland.
some instances hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones. For exam-
3. Explain how some hormones are regulated by negative
ple, one hypothalamic-releasing hormone stimulates the anterior
feedback, and some by positive feedback, and give an
example of each. pituitary to secrete a thyroid-stimulating hormone, and a particular
hypothalamic-inhibiting hormone prevents the anterior pituitary
from secreting prolactin.
The hypothalamus helps regulate the body’s internal environment
Anterior Pituitary Hormones Affecting
in two ways. Through the autonomic nervous system, it influ-
ences the heartbeat, blood pressure, appetite, body temperature, Other Glands
and water balance. It also controls the glandular secretions of the Some of the hormones produced by the anterior pituitary affect
pituitary gland (hypophysis), a small gland other glands. Gonadotropic hormones stimulate the gonads—the
MP3 testes in males and the ovaries in females—to produce gametes and
about 1 cm in diameter connected to the hypo- Endocrine System
thalamus by a stalklike structure. The pitu- sex hormones. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimu-
itary has two portions: the posterior pituitary Animation lates the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol. Thyroid-stimulating
and the anterior pituitary. Communication hormone (TSH) stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroxine (T4)
and triiodothyronine (T3). In each instance, the blood level of the
Posterior Pituitary last hormone in the sequence exerts negative feedback control
over the secretion of the first two ­hormones. This is how it works
Neurons in the hypothalamus, called neurosecretory cells, produce for TSH:
the hormones antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (Gk. anti, “against”;
ouresis, “urination”) and oxytocin (Fig. 40.6, left). These hor- hypothalamus
mones pass through axons into the posterior pituitary, where they
are stored in axon terminals. ­Certain neurons in the hypothalamus releasing hormone
are sensitive to the water-salt balance of the blood. When these (hormone 1)
cells determine that the blood is too concentrated, ADH is released feedback
from the posterior pituitary. Upon reaching the kidneys, ADH inhibits
release of
causes water to be reabsorbed. As the blood becomes d­ ilute, ADH anterior pituitary hormone 1
is no longer released. This is an example of control by negative
­feedback—the effect of the hormone (to dilute blood) shuts down
stimulating hormone feedback
the release of the hormone. Negative feedback maintains stable
(TSH, hormone 2) inhibits
conditions and homeostasis. release of
If too little ADH is secreted, or if the kidneys become unre- hormone 2
sponsive to ADH, a condition known as diabetes insipidus results. target gland
Patients with this condition are usually very thirsty; they produce
copious amounts of urine and can become severely dehydrated if target gland hormone
the condition is untreated. (T3 / T4, hormone 3)
The consumption of alcohol inhibits ADH release. This effect
helps explain the frequent urination associated with drinking
alcohol. Anterior Pituitary Hormones Not Affecting
Oxytocin (Gk. oxys, “quick”; tokos, “birth”), the other Other Glands
­hormone made in the hypothalamus, causes uterine contractions Three hormones produced by the anterior ­pituitary do not affect
during childbirth and milk letdown when a baby is nursing. The other endocrine glands. Prolactin (PRL) (L. pro, “before”; lactis,
more the uterus contracts during labor, the more nerve impulses “milk”) is produced in quantity only after childbirth. It causes the
reach the hypothalamus, causing oxytocin to be released. Simi- mammary glands in the breasts to develop and produce milk. It also
larly, the more a baby suckles, the more oxytocin is released. In plays a role in carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
both instances, the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) (Gk. melanos,
is controlled by positive feedback—that is, the stimulus c­ ontinues “black”; kytos, “cell”) causes skin-color changes in many fishes,
to bring about an effect that ever increases in intensity. Oxytocin amphibians, and reptiles having melanophores, skin cells that


1. Neurosecretory cells produce

hypothalamic-releasing and
hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones.

2. These hormones are secreted into

a portal system.

1. Neurosecretory cells produce ADH

and oxytocin. optic 3. Each type of hypothalamic
chiasma hormone either stimulates or
inhibits production and secretion
of an anterior pituitary hormone.
2. These hormones move down
axons to axon endings.
portal system
4. The anterior pituitary secretes
its hormones into the bloodstream,
3. When appropriate, ADH and whereby they are then delivered to
oxytocin are secreted from axon specific cells, tissues, and glands.
endings into the bloodstream.

Thyroid: Adrenal cortex:

thyroid-stimulating adrenocorticotropic
Posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary hormone (TSH) hormone (ACTH)

Kidney tubules: Smooth muscle Mammary glands: Mammary glands: Bones, tissues: Ovaries, testes:
antidiuretic in uterus: oxytocin prolactin (PRL) growth hormone gonadotropic
hormone (ADH) oxytocin (GH) hormones (FSH, LH)

Figure 40.6 Hypothalamus and the pituitary. In this diagram, the name of the hormone is given below its target organ, which is depicted
in the circle. Left: The hypothalamus produces two hormones, ADH and oxytocin, which are stored and secreted by the posterior pituitary. Right: The
hypothalamus controls the secretions of the anterior pituitary, and the anterior pituitary controls the secretions of the thyroid, adrenal cortex, and gonads,
which are also endocrine glands.

produce color variations. The concentration of this hormone in If too little GH is produced d­ uring childhood, the indi-
humans is very low. vidual has pituitary dwarfism, characterized by normal propor-
Growth hormone (GH), or somatotropic hormone, promotes tions but small stature. Such children also have problems with
skeletal and muscular growth (Fig. 40.6, right). It increases the low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), because GH normally helps
rate at which amino acids enter cells and protein synthesis occurs. oppose the effect of insulin on glucose uptake. Through the
It also promotes fat metabolism, as opposed to glucose metabo- administration of GH, growth patterns can be restored and blood
lism. The amount of GH produced is greatest during childhood sugar problems alleviated. If too much GH is secreted during
and adolescence. childhood, the person may become a giant (Fig. 40.7b). ­Giants

a. b.

Figure 40.7 Effect of growth hormone. a. The amount of growth hormone produced by the anterior pituitary during childhood affects the
height of an individual. Plentiful growth hormone produces very tall basketball players. b. Too much growth hormone can lead to gigantism, whereas an
insufficient amount results in limited stature and even pituitary dwarfism.

usually have poor health, ­primarily because elevated GH can-

cels out the effects of insulin, promoting diabetes mellitus (see
section 40.3).
On occasion, GH is overproduced in the adult, and a condition
called acromegaly results. Because long bone growth is no longer
possible in adults, only the feet, hands, and face (particularly the
chin, nose, and eyebrow ridges) can respond, and these portions of
the body ­become overly large (Fig. 40.8).
A quick Internet search reveals that many websites offer human
growth hormone for sale as a “fountain of youth” that can help adults
lose weight, add muscle, and reduce the effects of aging. Indeed, sev-
eral professional actors and athletes have ­admitted to using human
Normal hand
GH to build muscle and reduce body fat. Note that GH is not a
steroid, which refers to testosterone or related steroid hormones.
However, using human GH in this manner can have many undesired
side effects, such as joint and muscle pain, high MP3
blood pressure, and diabetes mellitus. Secretion Action Acromegaly hand

Check Your Progress 40.2 Figure 40.8 Acromegaly. Acromegaly is caused by

overproduction of GH in the adult. It is characterized by enlargement of
1. Explain how the hypothalamus communicates with the the bones in the face, fingers (as shown here), and toes as a person ages.
endocrine system.
2. List the hormones produced by the posterior pituitary, and
provide a function for each.
3. List the hormones produced by the anterior pituitary, and
provide a function for each.
758 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

40.3 Other Endocrine Glands glucose is broken down, and more energy is used. Interestingly,
even though T3 and T4 are peptide hormones because they are
and Hormones derived from the amino acid tyrosine, their Animation
receptor is actually located inside cells, more Mechanism of
Learning Outcomes like a steroid hormone receptor.
Thyroxine Action

Upon completion of this section, you should be able to To produce T3 and T4, the thyroid gland actively acquires
1. Distinguish among the functions of T3, T4, calcitonin, and iodine. The concentration of iodine in the thyroid gland is approxi-
parathyroid hormone. mately 25 times that found in the blood. If a person consumes an
2. Compare and contrast the mineralocorticoids and insufficient amount of iodine, the thyroid gland is unable to produce
glucocorticoids. the required amount of T3 and T4. This results in constant stimula-
3. Identify the causes and major symptoms of the major tion of the thyroid by the TSH released by the anterior pituitary. The
conditions associated with the endocrine system. thyroid gland enlarges, resulting in a simple goiter (Fig. 40.9a). In
the 1920s, scientists discovered that the use of iodized salt allows
the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones and therefore helps pre-
In this section, we discuss the thyroid and parathyroid glands, adre- vent simple goiter. However, iodine deficiency is still extremely
nal glands, pancreas, pineal gland, thymus, and other tissues that common in some parts of the world, with an estimated 2 billion
produce hormones secondarily. All the hormone products of these people (one-third of the world’s population) still suffering from
glands and tissues play a role in health and homeostasis. some degree of iodine deficiency.
An insufficiency of T3 and T4 in the newborn is called congeni-
Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands tal hypothyroidism (cretinism) (Fig. 40.9b). Babies with this condi-
The thyroid gland is attached to the trachea just below the larynx tion are short and stocky, and many are intellectually disabled. The
(see Fig. 40.2). Weighing approximately 20 grams, the thyroid gland causes vary from iodine deficiency in the pregnant mother to genetic
is composed of a large number of follicles, each a small, spherical defects affecting the production of TSH, T3, T4, or the receptor for
structure made of thyroid cells that produce the hormones triiodo- any of these hormones. Once detected, iodine deficiency is easily
thyronine (T3), which contains three iodine atoms, and t­hyroxine treated by ensuring appropriate levels of iodine consumption. How-
(T4), which contains four iodine atoms. Cells that reside outside ever, according to the American Thyroid Association, congenital
the follicles of the thyroid gland produce the hormone calcitonin. hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency remains the most common
The parathyroid glands, which produce parathyroid hormone, are preventable cause of intellectual disability in the world.
embedded in the posterior surface of the thyroid gland. Even mild iodine deficiency during pregnancy, which may be
present in some women in the United States, may be associated
Effects of T3 and T4 with low intelligence in children. In cases due to problems with
Both of these thyroid hormones increase the overall metabolic the thyroid gland itself, thyroxine therapy is curative, but it must
rate. They do not have a single target organ; instead, they stimulate begin as early as possible to avoid permanently stunted growth and
most of the cells of the body to metabolize at a faster rate. More intellectual disability.

affected eye

a. Simple goiter b. Congenital hypothyroidism c. Exophthalmic goiter

Figure 40.9 Abnormalities of the thyroid. a. An enlarged thyroid gland is often caused by a lack of iodine in the diet. Without iodine, the thyroid
is unable to produce its hormones, and continued anterior pituitary stimulation causes the gland to enlarge. b. Individuals who develop hypothyroidism during
infancy or childhood do not grow and develop as others do. Unless medical treatment is begun, the body is short and stocky; intellectual disability is also likely.
c. In exophthalmic goiter, a goiter is due to an overactive thyroid, and the eye protrudes because of edema in eye socket tissue.
CHAPTER 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems 759

Hypothyroidism can also occur in adults, most often when

the immune system produces antibodies that destroy the thyroid calcitonin
gland. Untreated hypothyroidism in adults results in myxedema,
which is characterized by lethargy, weight gain, loss of hair, slower
heart rate, lowered body temperature, and thickness and puffiness
of the skin. The administration of thyroxine usually restores nor-
mal body functions and appearance.
Hyperthyroidism results from the oversecretion of T3 or
T4. In Graves disease, antibodies are produced and react with the Thyroid gland
TSH receptor on thyroid follicular cells, mimicking the effect of secretes
TSH and causing the overproduction of T3 and T4. One typical calcitonin
into blood. Bones
sign of Graves disease is exophthalmos (exophthalmia), or exces- take up Ca2+
sive protrusion of the eyes due to edema in eye socket tissues and from blood.
inflammation of the muscles that move the eyes (Fig. 40.9c). The
patient usually becomes hyperactive, nervous, and irritable and
suffers from insomnia. Graves disease is the most common cause Blood Ca2+
of hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents, and it is five to ten lowers.
times more common in females. Available treatments include drugs
that block iodine uptake by the thyroid gland, surgical removal of
part or all of the gland, and the administration of radioactive iodine hig
to destroy the overactive tissue. dC
a 2+
Hyperthyroidism can also be caused by thyroid cancer, the
most common cancer of the endocrine system. Thyroid cancer is
Homeostasis (normal blood Ca2+)
usually detected as a lump during physical examination. Again,
the treatment is surgery in combination with the administration of low
radioactive iodine. The prognosis for most patients is ­excellent. dC
a 2+

Effects of Calcitonin
Calcium (Ca2+) plays a significant role in both nervous con-
duction and muscle contraction. It is also necessary for blood
clotting and the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. The
blood calcium level is regulated in part by calcitonin, a hormone
secreted by the thyroid gland when the blood calcium level rises.
Blood Ca2+
The primary effect of calcitonin is to bring about the deposit of rises.
calcium in the bones (Fig. 40.10, top). It does this by temporarily Parathyroid
reducing the activity and number of osteoclasts. When the blood release PTH
calcium lowers to normal, the thyroid’s release of calcitonin is into blood.
Although calcitonin appears to play a very important role
in regulating calcium homeostasis in fish and a few other ani- vitamin D
mals, it appears to be less significant in humans. As evidence
for this, a deficiency of calcitonin (as occurs when the thyroid parathyroid
glands are removed) is not linked with any specific disorder. hormone
However, because of its bone-building effects, calcitonin is an
FDA-approved drug for reducing bone loss in osteoporosis.
Intestines Kidneys Bones
Parathyroid Glands absorb Ca2+ reabsorb Ca2+ release Ca2+
from digestive from kidney into blood.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), produced by the parathyroid tract. tubules.
glands, causes the blood calcium level to increase and the blood
phosphate (HPO42–) level to decrease. Low blood calcium stimu-
lates the release of PTH, which promotes the activity of osteo- Figure 40.10 Regulation of blood calcium level. Top: When
clasts, releasing calcium from the bones. PTH also promotes the the blood calcium (Ca2+) level is high, the thyroid gland secretes calcitonin.
Calcitonin promotes the uptake of Ca2+ by the bones, and therefore the
kidneys’ reabsorption of calcium, lessening its excretion. In the
blood Ca2+ level returns to normal. Bottom: When the blood Ca2+ level
kidneys, PTH also brings about activation of vitamin D. Vitamin is low, the parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH
D, in turn, stimulates the absorption of calcium from the small causes the bones to release Ca2+ and the kidneys to reabsorb Ca2+ and
intestine (Fig. 40.10, bottom). These effects bring the blood calcium activate vitamin D; thereafter, the intestines absorb Ca2+. Therefore, the
level back to the normal range, and PTH secretion stops. Calcitonin blood Ca2+ level returns to normal.
760 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

and PTH are therefore considered to be antago- MP3 and consists of an inner portion called the adrenal medulla and
nistic hormones, because their action is opposite Homeostasis an outer portion called the adrenal cortex. These portions, like
one another and both hormones work together to the anterior and posterior pituitary, are two functionally distinct
regulate the blood calcium level. endocrine glands. Stress of all types, including both emotional and
Many years ago, the four parathyroid glands were sometimes physical trauma, prompts the hypothalamus to stimulate both por-
mistakenly removed during thyroid surgery because of their small tions of the adrenal glands. The adrenal cortex is also involved in
size and hidden location. Gland removal caused insufficient para- regulating the salt and water balance, as well as secreting a small
thyroid hormone production, or hypoparathyroidism. This condi- amount of male and female sex hormones.
tion leads to a dramatic drop in the blood calcium level, followed
by excessive nerve excitability. Nerve signals happen spontane- Adrenal Medulla
ously and without rest, causing a phenomenon called tetany. In
As noted in Chapter 37, during emergency situations that call for a
tetany, the body shakes from continuous muscle contraction. With-
“fight-or-flight” reaction, the hypothalamus sends nerve impulses
out treatment (usually with intravenous calcium), severe hypopara-
by way of sympathetic nerve fibers to many organs, including the
thyroidism causes seizures, heart failure, and death.
adrenal medulla (see Fig. 37.14). This neurological response to
Untreated hyperparathyroidism (oversecretion of PTH) can
danger quickly dilates the pupils, speeds the heart, dilates the air
result in osteoporosis because of continuous calcium release from
passages, and inhibits many nonessential bodily functions. Mean-
the bones. Hyperparathyroidism can also cause the formation of
while, the adrenal medulla secretes ­epinephrine (adrenaline) and
calcium kidney stones.
norepinephrine (nor­adrenaline) into the bloodstream (Fig. 40.11).
These hormones continue the response to stress throughout the
Adrenal Glands body—for example, by accelerating the breakdown of glucose
The adrenal glands sit atop the kidneys (see Fig. 40.2). Each to form ATP, triggering the mobilization of glycogen reserves
adrenal gland is about 5 cm long and 3 cm wide, weighs about 5 g, in skeletal muscle, and increasing the cardiac rate and force of



cells produce Stress Response:
hypothalamic- Long Term
spinal cord
(cross section)
path of nerve hormone Glucocorticoids
neuron Protein and fat metabolism
cell body instead of glucose
anterior Reduction of inflammation;
pituitary immune cells are
sympathetic fibers secretes suppressed.

ACTH Mineralocorticoids
norepinephrine Sodium ions and water
are reabsorbed by kidney.

Stress Response: Blood volume and

Short Term pressure increase.

Heartbeat and blood

pressure increase. glucocorticoids
Blood glucose level rises.
Muscles become
adrenal medulla adrenal cortex

Figure 40.11 Adrenal glands. Both the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla are under the control of the hypothalamus when they help us
respond to stress. Left: Nervous stimulation causes the adrenal medulla to provide a rapid, but short-term, stress response. Right: ACTH from the anterior
pituitary causes the adrenal cortex to release glucocorticoids. Independently, the adrenal cortex releases mineralocorticoids. The adrenal cortex provides
a slower, but long-term, stress response.
CHAPTER 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems 761

contraction. These effects are usually short-lived however, as these atrial natriuretic
two hormones are rapidly metabolized by the liver. hormone (ANH)

Adrenal Cortex
In contrast to the rapid response of the sympathetic nervous sys-
tem and adrenal medulla, the hypothalamus produces a longer-
term response to stress by stimulating the anterior pituitary to
produce ACTH, which in turn causes the adrenal cortex to secrete
Heart secretes Kidneys excrete
Glucocorticoids. Cortisol is the most important g­ lucocorticoid atrial natriuretic Na+ and water
produced by the human adrenal cortex. Cortisol raises the blood hormone (ANH) in urine.
glucose level in at least two ways: into blood.

1. It promotes the breakdown of muscle proteins to amino

acids, which are taken up by the liver from the bloodstream
and converted into glucose. Blood pressure
2. It promotes the catabolism of fatty acids rather than
carbohydrates, and this spares glucose. The rise in blood
glucose is beneficial to an animal under stress, because
glucose is the preferred energy source for neurons. hig
Glucocorticoids also counteract the inflammatory response, includ- dN
ing the type of reaction that leads to the pain and swelling of joints
in arthritis and bursitis. Cortisone, a glucocorticoid, is often used to Homeostasis (normal blood pressure)
treat these conditions, because it reduces inflammation. However,
very high levels of glucocorticoids in the blood can suppress the low
b loo
body’s defense system, rendering an individual Animation dN
more susceptible to injury and infection. Glucocorticoid

Mineralocorticoids. Mineralocorticoids produced by the

adrenal cortex regulate salt and water balance, leading to i­ ncreases
Blood pressure
in blood volume and blood pressure. Aldosterone is the most rises.
important of the mineralocorticoids. Aldosterone primarily targets
the kidneys, where it promotes the renal absorption of sodium
(Na+) and renal excretion of potassium (K+), thereby helping
regulate blood volume and blood pressure. Kidneys secrete
The secretion of mineralocorticoids is not controlled by the renin into blood.
anterior pituitary. In Chapter 36, you saw that when the atria of the
heart are stretched due to increased blood volume, cardiac cells
release a hormone called atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH), Kidneys
reabsorb Na+ renin
also called atrial natriuretic peptide, which inhibits the secretion and water from
of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. (Note that the heart is kidney tubules.
one of several organs in the body that release a hormone but are
not considered among the major endocrine organs.) The effect of
ANH is to cause natriuresis, the excretion of sodium ions (Na+). aldosterone I and II
When sodium is excreted, so is water, and therefore blood pres-
sure lowers to normal (Fig. 40.12, top). ANH can further lower Adrenal cortex
blood pressure by dilating smooth muscle in blood vessels. aldosterone
We also noted in Chapter 36 that when the blood sodium (Na+) into blood.
level, and therefore blood pressure, is low, the kidneys secrete
renin (Fig. 40.12, bottom). Renin is an enzyme that converts the Figure 40.12 Regulation of blood pressure and volume.
plasma protein angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, which is changed Top: When the blood Na+ is high, a high blood volume causes the heart
to angiotensin II by an enzyme in lung capillaries. Angiotensin II to secrete atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH). ANH causes the kidneys to
excrete Na+, and water follows. The blood volume and pressure return to
stimulates the a­ drenal cortex to release aldosterone. The effect of
normal. Bottom: When the blood sodium (Na+) level is low, a low blood
this renin-­angiotensin-aldosterone system is to raise blood pres- pressure causes the kidneys to secrete renin. Renin leads to the secretion
sure in two ways: (1) Angiotensin II ­constricts the arterioles, and of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone causes the kidneys
(2) aldosterone causes the kidneys to reabsorb sodium. When the to reabsorb Na+, and water follows, so that blood volume and pressure
blood sodium level rises, water is reabsorbed, in part because the return to normal.
762 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

a. b.
Figure 40.13 Addison disease. Addison disease is characterized by a peculiar bronzing of the skin, particularly noticeable in light-skinned
individuals. Note the color of the face (a) and the hands (b) compared to the hand of an individual without the disease.

hypothalamus secretes ADH (see section 40.2). Then, blood pres- Excessive levels of glucocorticoids result in Cushing syndrome.
sure rises to normal. This disorder can be caused by tumors that affect either the pituitary
gland, resulting in excess ACTH secretion, or the adrenal cortex
Malfunctions of the Adrenal Cortex. Insufficient secretion itself. The most common cause, however, is the administration of
of hormones by the adrenal cortex, also known as Addison disease, glucocorticoids to treat other conditions (e.g., to suppress chronic
is relatively rare. The most common cause is an inappropriate attack inflammation). Regardless of the source, excess glucocorticoids
on the adrenal cortex by the immune system. Because the disease cause muscle protein to be metabolized and s­ubcutaneous fat to
affects the secretion of both glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, be deposited in the midsection (Fig. 40.14). Excess production of
a variety of symptoms may occur, such as dehydration, weakness, adrenal male sex hormones in women may result in masculinization,
weight loss, and hypotension (low blood pressure). The presence of including an increase in body hair, deepening of the voice, and beard
excessive but ineffective ACTH often causes increased pigmentation growth. Depending on the cause, the treatment of Cushing syndrome
of the skin, because ACTH, like MSH, can stimulate melanocytes to may involve a careful reduction in the amount of cortisone being
produce melanin (Fig. 40.13). Treatment involves the replacement of taken, the use of cortisol-inhibiting drugs, or surgery to remove any
the missing hormones. Left untreated, Addison disease can be fatal. existing pituitary or adrenal tumor.

Figure 40.14 Cushing

syndrome. This 40-year-old
woman was diagnosed with
a small tumor in her pituitary
gland, which secreted large
amounts of ACTH. The high
ACTH levels stimulated the
adrenal glands to produce
excessive amounts of cortisol.
Left: The patient at the time of
surgery to remove her pituitary
tumor. Right: The patient’s
appearance 1 year later.
CHAPTER 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems 763

Pancreas insulin

The pancreas (see Fig. 40.2) is a slender, fish-shaped organ that

stretches across the abdomen behind the stomach and near the
duodenum of the small intestine. Approximately 6 inches long and Liver stores
weighing about 80 grams, the pancreas is composed of two types of glucose from
blood as
tissue: Exo­crine tissue produces and secretes digestive juices that glycogen.
go by way of ducts to the small intestine; endocrine tissue, called Pancreatic islet
the pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans), produces and secretes of Langerhans
the hormones insulin and glucagon directly into the blood. The
Nature of Science feature, “Identifying Insulin as a Chemical Mes-
senger,” on page 764 describes the discovery of insulin.
The pancreas is not under pituitary control. Insulin is secreted Muscle cells
store glycogen
when there is a high blood glucose level, which usually occurs just and build protein.
after eating (Fig. 40.15, top). Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose
After eating,
by cells, especially liver cells, muscle cells, and adipose tissue cells. pancreas
In liver and muscle cells, glucose is then stored as glycogen, and in secretes insulin
fat cells the breakdown of glucose supplies ­glycerol for the forma- into blood.
tion of fat. In these ways, insulin lowers the blood glucose level. Adipose tissue
Glucagon is secreted from the pancreas, usually b­etween uses glucose
from blood to
meals, when blood glucose is low (Fig. 40.15, bottom). The major form fat.
target tissues of glucagon are the liver and adipose tissue. Gluca-
gon stimulates the liver to break down glycogen to glucose and
to use fat and protein in preference to glucose as energy sources. hb
loo Blood glucose
Adipose tissue cells break down fat to glycerol and fatty acids. The dg
luc level lowers.
liver takes these up and uses them as substrates for glucose forma-
tion. In these ways, glucagon raises the blood glucose level. Insu- Homeostasis (normal blood glucose)
lin and glucagon are another example of antagonistic hormones,
which work together to maintain the blood glucose level. blo
Diabetes Mellitus e

In 2013, the American Diabetes Association reported that nearly

26 million Americans (8.3% of the population) have diabetes
­mellitus, often referred to simply as diabetes. Of these, an estimated Blood glucose
level rises.
7 million are undiagnosed. In people under age 20, about 215,000
(1 in 400) have diabetes. Diabetes is characterized by an inability
of the body’s cells, especially liver and muscle cells, to take up Before eating,
glucose as they should. This causes blood glucose to be higher than pancreas secretes
glucagon into
normal, and cells rely on other fuels, such as fatty acids, for energy. blood.
Therefore, cellular famine exists in the midst of plenty. As the blood
glucose level rises, glucose, along with water, is excreted in the Liver breaks
urine (Gr. mellitus, “honey, sweetness”). This results in frequent down glycogen
to glucose.
urination and causes the diabetic to be extremely thirsty. Glucose enters
Other symptoms of diabetes include fatigue, constant hunger, blood.
and weight loss. Diabetics often experience vision problems due to
diabetic retinopathy (see section 38.2) and swelling in the lens of Pancreatic islet
the eye due to the high blood sugar levels. If untreated, diabetics of Langerhans
often develop serious and even fatal complications. Sores that don’t Adipose tissue
heal develop into severe infections. Blood vessel damage causes glucagon
breaks down fat.
kidney failure, nerve destruction, heart attack, or stroke.
Two types of diabetes have been identified: type 1 diabetes, Figure 40.15 Regulation of blood glucose level.
sometimes called juvenile diabetes, and type 2 diabetes, or adult- Top: When the blood glucose level is high, the pancreas secretes insulin.
onset diabetes. Despite their names, however, both diseases may Insulin promotes the storage of glucose as glycogen and the synthesis of
occur in children or adults. proteins and fats (as opposed to their use as energy sources). Therefore,
insulin lowers the blood glucose level to normal. Bottom: When the blood
Type 1 Diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas is not pro- glucose level is low, the pancreas secretes glucagon. Glucagon acts
ducing enough insulin. This condition is believed to be brought on opposite to insulin; therefore, glucagon raises the blood glucose level
by exposure to an environmental agent, most likely a virus, whose to normal.
764 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Theme Nature of Science

Identifying Insulin as a Chemical Messenger
The pancreas is both an exocrine gland upon the idea of ligating (tying off) the pan- The amino acid sequence of insulin
and an endocrine gland. It sends digestive creatic duct, which he knew from previous was determined in 1953. Insulin is now syn-
juices to the duodenum by way of the pan- research would lead to the degeneration thesized using recombinant DNA technol-
creatic duct, and it secretes the hormones only of the cells that produce digestive ogy, using the bacterium E. coli to produce
insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream. juices and not of the pancreatic islets (of the hormone. Banting and Best performed
In 1920, physician Frederick Banting Langerhans), where insulin is made. His the required steps (given in the accompany-
(1891–1941) decided to try to isolate insulin professor, J. J. Macleod, made a laboratory ing table) to identify a chemical messenger.
in order to identify it as a chemical messen- available to him at the University of Toronto
Questions to Consider
ger. Previous investigators had been un- and assigned a graduate student, Charles
able to do this, because the enzymes in the Best (1899–1978), to assist him. 1. What type of disease or symptoms
digestive juices destroyed insulin (a protein) Banting and Best (Fig. 40A) had lim- would you expect to occur after ligat-
during the isolation procedure. Ban­ting hit ited funds and spent that summer working, ing the pancreatic ducts of dogs?
sleeping, and eating in the lab. By the end 2. What are some advantages, and po-
of the summer, they had obtained pancre- tential disadvantages, of producing a
atic extracts that lowered the blood glu- medicine destined to be injected into
cose level in diabetic dogs. Macleod then humans (such as insulin) in a bacte-
brought in biochemists, who purified the rium such as E. coli?
extract. Insulin therapy for the first human 3. Some people oppose the use of ani-
patient began in 1922, and large-scale pro- mals for medical research. Do you
duction of purified insulin from pigs and think that insulin would have eventu-
cattle followed. Banting and Macleod re- ally been discovered without animal
ceived a Nobel Prize for their work in 1923. experimentation? Why or why not?

Steps to Identify a Chemical Messenger as Used by Banting and Best

Experimental Procedure Results from Banting and Best Experiment

1. Identify the source of the chemical Pancreatic islets are source

2. Identify the effect to be studied Presence of pancreas in body lowers blood
Figure 40A  Early insulin 3. Isolate the chemical Insulin isolated from pancreatic secretions
experiments. Charles H.
Best and Sir Frederick Banting 4. Show that the chemical has Insulin lowers blood glucose
in 1921 with the first dog to be the desired effect
kept alive by insulin.

presence causes cytotoxic T cells to destroy the pancreatic islets. or two glucose tablets, hard candy, or orange juice. If the problem
The body turns to the metabolism of fat, which leads to the buildup is hyperglycemia, the treatment is insulin. Better control of blood
of ketones in the blood, called ketoacidosis, increasing the acidity glucose levels can often be achieved with an insulin pump, a small
of the blood and potentially leading to coma and death. device worn outside the body that is connected to a plastic catheter
Individuals with type 1 diabetes must have daily insulin injec- inserted under the skin.
tions. These injections control the diabetic symptoms but can cause Because diabetes is such a common problem, many researchers
inconveniences, because the blood sugar level may swing between are working to develop more effective methods for treating it. The
hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) and hyperglycemia (high blood most desirable would be an artificial pancreas, defined as an auto-
glucose). Without testing the blood glucose level, it is difficult to mated system that would provide insulin based on real-time changes
be certain which of these is present, because the symptoms can be in blood sugar levels. It is possible to transplant a working pancreas,
similar. These symptoms include perspiration, pale skin, shallow or even fetal pancreatic islet cells, into patients with type 1 diabe-
breathing, and anxiety. Whenever these symptoms appear, immedi- tes. Another possibility is xenotransplantation, in which insulin-
ate attention is required to bring the blood glucose back within the producing islet cells of another species, such as pigs, are placed
normal range. If the problem is hypoglycemia, the treatment is one inside a capsule that allows insulin to exit but prevents the immune
CHAPTER 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems 765

system from attacking the foreign cells. Finally, researchers are androgens (e.g., testosterone), the male sex hormones. The ovaries
now testing a “reverse vaccine,” which, instead of stimulating an produce estrogens and progesterone, the female sex hormones.
immune response, seems to block the immune system’s attack on These hormones provide feedback that controls the hypothalamic
the islet cells, perhaps by inducing T cells capable of suppressing secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The pitu-
these responses. itary gland secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinizing hormone (LH), the gonadotropic hormones, is con-
Type 2 Diabetes. Most adult diabetics have type 2 ­diabetes.
trolled by feedback from the sex hormones, too. The activities of
Often, the patient is overweight or obese, and adipose tissue pro-
FSH and LH are discussed in Chapter 41.
duces a substance that impairs insulin receptor function. However,
Under the influence of the gonadotropic hormones, the testes
complex genetic factors can be involved, as shown by the tendency
release an increased amount of testosterone at the time of puberty,
for type 2 diabetes to occur more often in certain families, or even
which stimulates growth of the penis and testes. Testosterone also
ethnic groups. For example, the condition is 77% more common in
brings about and maintains the male secondary sex characteristics
African Americans than in non-Hispanic whites.
that develop during puberty. These include the growth of facial,
Normally, the binding of insulin to its plasma membrane recep-
axillary (underarm), and pubic hair. It prompts the larynx and vocal
tor causes the number of protein carriers for glucose to increase,
cords to enlarge, causing the voice to lower. Testosterone also stim-
causing more glucose to enter the cell. In the type 2 diabetic,
ulates the activity of oil and sweat glands in the skin. Another side
insulin still binds to its receptor, but the number of glucose carriers
effect of testosterone is baldness. Genes for baldness are i­nherited
does not increase. Therefore, the cell is said to be insulin-resistant.
by both sexes, but baldness is seen more often in males because of
It is possible to prevent or at least control type 2 diabetes by
the presence of testosterone.
adhering to a low-fat, low-sugar diet and exercising regularly. If this
Testosterone is partially responsible for the muscular strength
fails, oral drugs are available that stimulate the pancreas to secrete
of males, and this is the reason some athletes take supplemental
more insulin and enhance the metabolism of glucose in the liver
amounts of ­anabolic steroids, which are either testosterone or
and muscle cells. Millions of Americans may have type 2 diabetes
related chemicals. The dangerous side effects of taking anabolic
without being aware of it; however, the effects of untreated type 2
steroids are listed in Figure 40.16.
diabetes are as serious as those of type 1 diabetes.
The female sex hormones, estrogens (often referred to in the
singular) and progesterone, have many effects on the body. In
Testes and Ovaries particular, estrogen secreted at the time of puberty stimulates the
The activity of the testes and ovaries is controlled by the hypo- growth of the uterus and vagina. Estrogen is necessary for egg
thalamus and pituitary. The testes are located in the scrotum, and maturation and is largely responsible for the secondary sex charac-
the ­ovaries are ­located in the pelvic cavity. The testes produce teristics in females, including female body hair and fat distribution.

balding in men and women; 'roid rage–

hair on face and chest in delusions and hallucinations;
women depression upon withdrawal;
violent or aggressive behavior

deepening of voice in women severe acne

breast enlargement in men

and breast reduction in women high blood cholesterol and
atherosclerosis; high blood
pressure and damage to heart
liver dysfunction
and cancer
in women, increased
size of ovaries;
kidney disease and cessation of ovulation
retention of fluids, and menstruation
called "steroid bloat"

stunted growth in
reduced testicular adolescents by pre-
size, low sperm count, maturely halting fusion
and impotency of the growth plates

Figure 40.16 The effects of anabolic steroid use.

766 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

In general, females have a more rounded appearance than males children whose pineal glands have been destroyed due to a brain
because of a greater accumulation of fat beneath the skin. Also, tumor experience early puberty.
the pelvic girdle is wider in females, resulting in a larger pelvic
cavity. Both estrogen and progesterone are required for breast Thymus
development and ­regulation of the uterine cycle. This includes
The lobular thymus lies just beneath the sternum (see Fig. 40.2). This
monthly menstruation ­(discharge of blood and mucosal tissues
organ reaches its largest size and is most active during childhood.
from the uterus). The ovaries and adrenal glands of women also
With aging, the thymus gets smaller and becomes fatty. Lymphocytes
normally produce a small amount of testosterone, which plays
that originate in the bone marrow and then pass through the thymus
a role in the development of muscle and bone strength, overall
become T lymphocytes. The lobules of the thymus are lined by epi-
energy level, sex drive (libido), and sexual pleasure.
thelial cells that secrete hormones called thymosins. These hormones
aid in the differentiation of T lymphocytes packed inside the lobules.
Pineal Gland
The pineal gland (epiphysis), located deep in the human brain (see Hormones from Other Organs
Fig. 40.2), produces the hormone melatonin, primarily at night.
Melatonin is involved in our daily sleep-wake cycle; normally, we or Tissues
grow sleepy at night when melatonin levels increase and awaken Some organs not usually considered endocrine glands do secrete
once daylight returns and melatonin levels are low (Fig. 40.17). hormones. Two examples already mentioned are renin excreted by
Daily 24-hour cycles such as this are called circadian rhythms the kidneys and atrial natriuretic hormone excreted by the heart. A
(L. circum, “around”; dies, “day”), and circadian rhythms are con- number of other tissues produce hormones.
trolled by an internal timing mechanism called a biological clock.
Instead of being buried deep in the brain, the pineal gland of some Leptin
vertebrates is on top of the brain, and in certain fossilized reptiles Leptin is a peptide hormone produced by adipose tissue throughout
and even some primitive extant reptiles and amphibians, an additional the body. Leptin acts on the hypothalamus, where it signals satiety, or
opening in the skull is present, covered only by a thin layer of skin. fullness. After leptin was discovered in the 1990s, researchers hoped
This, along with the presence of light-sensing cells in the pineal gland, that it could be used to control obesity in humans. Unfortunately, the
has led some investigators to conclude that this gland functioned as trials have not yielded satisfactory results. In fact, the blood of obese
a “third eye” at some point in evolution. The exact functions of this individuals may be rich in leptin. It is possible that the leptin they
structure are not completely understood, although it may have aided in produce is ineffective because of a genetic mutation or because their
determining the position of the sun or in establishing circadian rhythms. hypothalamic cells lack a suitable number of receptors for leptin.
Animal research suggests that melatonin also regulates sexual
development. In keeping with these findings, it has been noted that Erythropoietin
As mentioned in Chapter 36, the kidneys secrete erythropoietin
(EPO) in response to a low blood oxygen level. EPO stimulates the
production of red blood cells in the red bone marrow. People with ane-
mia, which is common in kidney disease, cancer, and AIDS, may be
effectively treated with injections of recombinant EPO. In recent years,
some athletes have practiced blood doping, in which EPO is used to
a. experimental
improve performance by increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of
the blood. The potential dangers of blood doping far outweigh the tem-
porary advantages, however. Because EPO increases the number of
red blood cells, the blood becomes thicker, blood pressure can become
elevated, and the athlete is at increased risk of heart attack or stroke.
b. winter

Prostaglandins are potent chemical signals produced in cells from
arachidonate, a fatty acid. Prostaglandins are not distributed in the
6 P.M. 6 A.M. blood. They act locally, quite close to where they were produced.
c. summer In the uterus, prostaglandins cause muscles to contract; therefore,
they are implicated in the pain and discomfort of menstruation in
Figure 40.17 Melatonin production. Melatonin production some women. Also, prostaglandins mediate the effects of pyrogens,
is greatest at night when we are sleeping. Light suppresses melatonin chemicals believed to reset the temperature regulatory center in the
production (a), so its duration is longer in the winter (b) than in the brain. Aspirin reduces body temperature and controls pain because it
summer (c). prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins.
CHAPTER 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems 767

Certain prostaglandins increase the secretion of protective Check Your Progress 40.3
mucus in the stomach and thus are used to prevent gastric ulcers.
Others lower blood pressure and have been used to treat hyperten- 1. Explain how the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
sion. Still others inhibit platelet aggregation and have been used raises blood pressure.
to prevent thrombosis. Because prostaglandins can affect various 2. List the endocrine gland that secretes each of the
following hormones: aldosterone, melatonin, epinephrine,
tissues, however, unwanted side effects can be a problem. For
EPO, leptin, glucagon, ANH, cortisol, and calcitonin.
example, Misoprostol, a prostaglandin commonly used to prevent
3. Name one hormone that stimulates the activity of
stomach ulcers, should not be taken by pregnant women, as it may
osteoclasts and one that inhibits them.
cause uterine contractions, resulting in miscarriage or premature

Connecting the Concepts with the Themes

Evolution Nature of Science Biological Systems
• The cells of even the simplest multicel- • Through scientific research, we now have • Invertebrates use hormones to control
lular animals have evolved the ability a better understanding of the structures some unique processes, such as the
to communicate with each other using and functions of the endocrine system. metamorphosis of larvae to form adults.
chemical signals. • A relatively large number of disorders af- • In vertebrates, the hypothalamus con-
• The nervous and endocrine systems fect the human endocrine system, but trols the function of the pituitary gland,
have evolved together, so the two sys- many of these, such as diabetes and which in turn controls several other en-
tems are structurally and functionally thyroid disorders, are treatable because docrine glands.
related. of our understanding of how hormones • Hormones exhibit control and influence
• The nervous system has developed to be work. over a wide range of body systems and
able to bring about a rapid response to functions, including salt balance, growth,
stimuli, while the endocrine system pro- metabolism, sexual development, and
vides a slower, longer-lasting response. responses to stimuli.
• Some tissues and organs having other
main functions also produce hormones,
and certain cells produce locally acting

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40.2 Endocrine System • Hormonal 40.1 Second Messengers • Mechanism 40.1 Action of a Peptide Hormone • Action
Secretion Action of Steroid Hormone Action of a Steroid Hormone
40.3 Calcium Homeostasis 40.2 Hormonal Communication
40.3 Mechanism of Thyroxine Action •
Glucocorticoid Hormones
768 UNIT 7 Comparative Animal Biology

Summarize other endocrine glands: gonadotropic hormones influence the

gonads; ­adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the adre-
nal glands; and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) acts on the
40.1 Animal Hormones
thyroid gland.
The nervous system and endocrine system both use chemical sig- Three anterior pituitary hormones act directly on tissues:
nals to maintain homeostasis. Endocrine glands secrete hormones ­prolactin (PRL) causes mammary gland development and milk
into the bloodstream, and from there they are distributed to target production; melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) affects skin
organs or tissues. In contrast, exocrine glands secrete their products color; and growth hormone (GH) causes skeletal and muscular
via ducts. growth.
Hormones are chemical signals that usually act at a distance
between body parts. Pheromones are chemical signals that influence 40.3 Other Endocrine Glands and Hormones
the behavior of other individuals. Hormones are either peptides or The thyroid gland, controlled by TSH, requires iodine to produce
steroids. Reception of peptide hormones at the plasma membrane thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which increase the metabolic
activates an enzyme cascade inside the cell. The hormone is the first rate. Depending on the age of an individual, a deficiency of T3 and T4
messenger, and key intermediates that are formed inside the cell, may result in congenital hypothyroidism, simple goiter, or myxedema.
such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), are the second Hyperthyroidism may be the result of Graves disease (exophthalmos
­messenger. Steroid hormones combine with a receptor inside the is a common sign) or thyroid cancer. The thyroid gland also produces
cell, and the complex attaches to and activates DNA. Protein synthe- calcitonin, which lowers blood calcium levels by increasing calcium
sis follows. deposition in bones.
The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH),
which raises the blood calcium and decreases the blood phosphate
The adrenal glands respond to stress: Immediately, the a ­ drenal
medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine, which bring
about responses we associate with emergency situations. On a long-
term basis, the adrenal cortex, controlled by ACTH, produces the
glucocorticoids (e.g., cortisol) and the mineralocorticoids (e.g.,
aldosterone). Cortisol stimulates hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids
that are converted to glucose; in this way, it raises the blood glucose
level. Aldosterone causes the kidneys to reabsorb sodium ions (Na+)
and to excrete potassium ions (K+). Addison disease develops when
the adrenal cortex is underactive, and Cushing syndrome occurs when
the adrenal cortex is overactive.
Atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) is secreted by the heart when
its atria are stretched due to high blood pressure. ANH increases
renal excretion of sodium ions and water. When blood pressure is
too low, the kidneys release renin, resulting in the formation of angio-
tensin II, which causes arterioles to constrict, and aldosterone to be
The pancreas has pancreatic islets that secrete insulin, which
lowers the blood glucose level, and glucagon, which has the opposite
effect. The most common illness caused by hormonal imbalance is
diabetes mellitus, which is due to the failure of the pancreas to pro-
duce insulin or the failure of the cells to take it up.
The testes and ovaries, controlled by gonadotropic hormones,
40.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland produce the sex hormones. The major male sex hormone (­androgen)
The hypothalamus and pituitary gland exert control over the endo- is testosterone, and the major female sex hormones are estrogen and
crine system. Neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus produce progesterone. Some athletes abuse anabolic steroids to increase
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin, which are stored in axon strength and athletic performance.
endings in the posterior pituitary until they are released. As with most Tissue and organs having other functions also produce ­hormones.
hormones, secretion of ADH is regulated by negative feedback; the The pineal gland produces melatonin, which may be involved in
effect of the hormone shuts down its release. In contrast, during child- ­circadian rhythms and the development of the ­reproductive organs.
birth and milk letdown, oxytocin secretion is regulated by positive The thymus produces hormones that aid in T lymphocyte development,
feedback; a stimulus brings about ever-increasing hormone levels. leptin from adipose tissue regulates appetite, and ­ erythropoietin
The hypothalamus produces hypothalamic-releasing hor- from the kidneys stimulates the production of red blood cells.
mones and hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones, which pass to the ­Prostaglandins are produced and act locally, with a ­variety of effects
anterior pituitary by way of a portal system. The anterior ­pituitary on different tissues.
produces several types of hormones. Some of these ­ stimulate
CHAPTER 40 Hormones and Endocrine Systems 769

Assess 40.3 Other Endocrine Glands and Hormones

11. Which association related to thyroid hormones is
Choose the best answer for each question. mismatched?
40.1 Animal Hormones a. iodine deficiency in pregnancy—congenital hypothyroidism
For questions 1–5, match each hormone to a gland in the key. b. hypothyroidism in adults—myxedema
c. hyperthyroidism in adults—Graves disease
Key: d. calcitonin deficiency in adults—goiter
a. pancreas 12. Parathyroid hormone causes
b. anterior pituitary a. the kidneys to excrete more calcium ions.
c. posterior pituitary b. bone tissue to break down and release calcium into the
d. adrenal medulla bloodstream.
e. adrenal cortex c. fewer calcium ions to be absorbed by the intestines.
1. cortisol d. more calcium ions to be deposited in bone tissue.
2. growth hormone (GH) 13. Diabetes mellitus is associated with
3. oxytocin storage a. too much insulin in the blood.
b. too much glucose in the blood.
4. insulin
c. blood that is too dilute.
5. epinephrine d. Both b and c are correct.
6. Which of the following is not associated with the action of a 14. The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that
peptide hormone? a. for type 2 diabetes, insulin is produced but not used; type 1
a. Hormone is released into the blood by an endocrine results from lack of insulin production.
gland. b. treatment for type 2 involves insulin injections, whereas
b. Hormone binds to a plasma membrane receptor on type 1 can be controlled, usually by diet.
target cells. c. only type 1 can result in complications such as kidney
c. Hormone enters cells and binds to internal receptors. disease, reduced circulation, or stroke.
d. Hormone triggers the activity of second messengers. d. type 1 can be a result of lifestyle, and type 2 is thought to be
e. All of these typically occur with peptide hormones. caused by a virus or other agent.
7. Steroid hormones are secreted by 15. Which hormone is found in females?
a. the adrenal cortex. a. estrogen
b. the gonads. b. testosterone
c. the thyroid. c. follicle-stimulating hormone
d. Both a and b are correct. d. Both a and c are correct.
e. Both b and c are correct. e. All of these are correct.

40.2 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland

8. Which one of the following statements about the pituitary gland Engage
is incorrect? Thinking Scientifically
a. The pituitary lies inferior to the hypothalamus.
b. Growth hormone and prolactin are secreted by the anterior 1. Even though some of their functions overlap, why is it
pituitary. advantageous for animals to have both a nervous system and an
c. The anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary communicate endocrine system?
with each other. 2. Caffeine inhibits the breakdown of cAMP in the cell. According
d. Axons run between the hypothalamus and the posterior to Figure 40.4, how would this influence a stress response
pituitary. brought about by epinephrine?
9. The anterior pituitary controls the secretion(s) of both 3. Certain endocrine disorders, such as Cushing syndrome, can be
a. the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex. caused by excessive secretion of a hormone (in this case, ACTH)
b. the thyroid and the adrenal cortex. by the pituitary gland or by a problem with the endocrine gland
c. the ovaries and the testes. itself (in this case, the adrenals). If you determined the ACTH
d. Both b and c are correct. levels of a Cushing patient, how could you tell the difference
10. Which hormone and condition are mismatched? between a pituitary problem and a primary adrenal problem?
a. insufficient ADH—diabetes insipidis 4. In animals, pheromones can influence many different behaviors.
b. too much ADH—diabetes mellitus Because humans produce a number of airborne hormones,
c. insufficient growth hormone—pituitary dwarfism what human behaviors might be influenced by these? How
d. too much growth hormone in adults—acromegaly would these hormones be received by others, and would we
e. too much growth hormone in children—gigantism necessarily be aware of their effects on us?

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