The Future of Mobile Phones Lesson 10 12

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The future of mobile phones CEFR A2

Piotr Steinbrich Age 10-12

45-50 minutes

January 2012

1.What can mobile phones do?

- access the internet - take photos

- play music - make films

- play video - check emails

2.Look at the features of mobile phones. Which three are important for
you? Discuss with a partner.

- a big screen - games

- internet - size

- music and video - good camera

A mobile phone should have a big screen because I like watching films.

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3.Can you read the text messages?

2MORO L8R Are you OK? lough out loud

B3 LOL before oh my God

B4 OMG blah, blah, blah see you

CU RUOK great thanks

GR8 THX later tomorrow

4.Read the text quickly. Which topics does it discuss? Put a tick or a

1.The first mobile phone ❑

2.Mobile phones in cars ❑
5.The future of mobile phones ❑

5.Read the text again. Are the statements true or false?

1.The first mobile phone was very heavy.

2.Motorola DynaTAC was for everybody.

3.Nokia 3310 was very popular because it was strong.

4.Smartphones can do more things than normal mobile phones.

5.Future mobile phones will look like the phones we use now.

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Mobile phones - past, present and future
Modern mobile phones take photos, access the internet, check emails,
store music, videos and games.
In 1956, Ericsson, a company from Sweden, made the first mobile
phone. It weighed 40 kilos! Ten years later, Ericsson made a smaller phone
- it was 'only' 9 kilos. The first 'normal' mobile phone was Motorola Dyna-
TAC, but it was very expensive - it cost 4,000 dollars.
Mobile phones appear in films. In the movie The Matrix (1999), Neo
(Keanu Reeves) and Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne), had Nokia 8110
phones. The model became a real bestseller.
Some mobile phones become really very popular. One of the most fa-
mous phones was Nokia 3310. It was very strong so people called it the
Nowadays, people use smartphones. They are like ordinary mobile
phones, but you can do more things with them. They have big screens and a
lot of memory. You can listen to music, watch videos, play games or access
the internet. But what about the future of mobile phones? They will be even
faster. They will have flexible screens that you can open to the size of the
computer screen, and then put it back into your pocket. How will they look?
Scientists say they will look different. Like a watch or like a bracelet. And
they will use modern technologies to do a lot of unusual things.

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6.Match the underlined words in the text to the definitions given be-
low. Then give a translation.

word translation

1. part of the computer with all the informa-

tion _________ _________

2. costing a lot of money _________ _________

3. a hard block used for building walls _________ _________

4. people who work in science _________ _________

5. something you wear at your wrist as a

decoration _________ _________

6. take part in a film _________ _________

7. elastic _________ _________

8. usual _________ _________

9. keep information in your computer _________ _________

10.find information in a computer or a mobile

phone _________ _________

7.In pairs ask and answer the questions.
1.How often do you use your mobile phone?
2.Do you use your mobile phone only to make calls and send text messages?
3.Would you like to have a different mobile phone?

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