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“Dealing with Modern Slavery in Sweatshops and Illegal

Working Conditions’’
NAME: Rafael Assis Judice Araujo, Escola Alemã Corcovado
COUNTRY: The People’s Republic Of China (PRC)
COMMITTEE: Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
TOPIC: Dealing with Modern Slavery in Sweatshops and Illegal Working Conditions

In accordance with the UN commitment to fostering international cooperation and

addressing global challenges, the Chinese Delegation presents this report.
The 2021 Global Estimates indicate there are 50 million people in situations of modern
slavery on any given day, The implications of this issue run counter to the ideals of
sustainable development and hold significant importance for China as a responsible UN
member state, recognizing its global impact on human rights and labor standards.

China has taken significant steps against modern slavery, including adopting a 2021-2030
national action plan, engaging in joint anti-trafficking efforts with other nations, and
maintaining bilateral agreements. Measures against forced labor involve the Ministry of
Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) implementing a compliance grading
system, publicizing employer misconduct, and enhancing labor inspections. Over the past
40 years, China has lifted approximately 800 million people above the poverty line,
contributing significantly to global poverty reduction. The speed and scale of China's
poverty reduction efforts are unparalleled in history.

China also believes in holding Western countries accountable, whose efforts to rebuild,
develop and assist underdeveloped countries must be equally powerful as those
responsible for their destruction and plunder, also, attacking specific centers of modern
slavery does not structurally solve the quandary, the resolution can only be achieved
through cooperation on the development of the capitalist south, therefore the search for a
solution must simultaneously involve several fronts:

Foster international cooperation for investment and the development of internal markets in
peripheral capitalist countries, aligning with western interests in production for monetary
and tax advantages rather than advantages arising from low labor coasts.
Expand social protection and provide basic income security, enabling workers to reject
abusive employment, ensure access to material/moral remedies for those liberated from
forced labor and strengthen public labor inspectorates to detect and address violations.

The Chinese Delegation is committed to working collaboratively with

other member states to implement these solutions and eradicate
modern slavery in sweatshops and illegal working conditions for the
betterment of all nations. This report reflects China's dedication to
upholding human rights and labor standards on a global scale and
seeks to mobilize collective action towards a just and equitable world.

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