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Hum – Module 1

Activity 1
Directions. In your own words, answer the following questions based on the
lessons provided.
1. Differentiate Art History from Art Appreciation
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2. Choose 2 definition of Art from the lesson and give your personal


3. Explain the following:

a. Art is universal
b. Art is not nature
c. Art involves experience
d. Art is Cultural

Activity 2

Directions. Fill in the blanks. Write the proper term/word asked in each
1.____________is the study of works of art in their historical and stylistic
2.____________refers to the exploration and analysis of art forms that we
are exposed to it.
3.____________is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality
4.____________is putting things, ideas, feelings or images together, initially in
the artist’s mind.
5.____________is a creation of man utilizing thoughtful skills and artistry.
6.____________is the art that is made with the assistance of electronic device .
7.____________is the application of design and decoration in everyday objects
to make them aesthetically pleasing.
8.____________is a specialized field where function and fashion collide.
9.____________is an artist’s process of effective communication by
combining words, images and symbols to create a vivid
representation of ideas.
10.___________is the application of pigments on any flat two-dimensional surface.
11.___________is the carving, casting and assembling of materials and objects
into primarily dimensional works of art.
12.___________is the movement of body in a rhythmic way, usually to music
and within the given space for the purpose of expressing an
idea or emotion.
13.___________is an art form and cultural activity whose medium Is sound
organized in time.
14.___________is a collaborative form of art that uses live performers.
15.___________is a poetry specifically composed for or during a
performance before an audience rather than on print
mostly open to improvisation.


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