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Tk bas Y asseyNIT 1; A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL - Getting started listen and read: h A primary schoo. i. temple) nyo dn sng HS hee 2. pagoda @ chia 3. church ) nthe 22, te get to Koow 4. mosque (n) tinh dudng HBi ido tin Fiek §. The Temple of Literature (n) : Vin Miéu Quée Tit Gidmm 6 TheHistory Museum (a): Bao ting Lich sir 7. Hanoi Opera House (n) nha hat lon HN 8. Malaysia (n) nude MA lai > Malaysian (a) thudc Ma lai 9. I'm from Viet Nam. =I come from Viet ‘Nam. = I’m Vietnamese. Tdi la ngudi Vigt nam. => What nationality are you? Quéc tich ban la gi? 10. every + period of time Eg, Take these tablets every 4 hours. 1, takes.ot0 . 12, mausoleum (n) 1, aswell as 14, tovisitso =topay a visitto so (¥) 15, to walk past 16. Attheend of + Noun In the end = finally (adv) ccéch bao lu m@t lin ‘Uéng nhng vien thude nay dual dat ai dén .. Tang tim cing nhu 1a cach 4 tigng 1 lan sthim ai 2 thiim ai di bo ngang qua cudi khoang thai_gian no, vi tr eudi 6 dau + eu6i ciing, sau hét 17, To havea trip abroad (v) di ngoai qués 18, To keep in touch with s.0 # to lose touch with s.0 19. Muslim (n) Muslim @ 20, areas for recreation (n) 1B. STRUCTURE + git ign lee véi ai mt lign lac voi ai ‘tin db Hi gido thude vé Hi gido hu vui choi gia tr 1,PRESENT WISH ( diéu woe @ hién tai) + S#Wish 48+ V2/Ved; didn’t +V_ / Were, weren't ‘Didu ude cho nhiing gi su tht minh khdng ¢d,ma minh muén ¢6 & hign tai hoe twong lai. Eg. | wish I had a comfortable car.( true : | don’t have a comfortable car.) I wish didn't have to work tomorrow.( true : Ihave to work tomorrow.) UL SUSED TO" +-V (+) St used to + V (bare inf. ) Eg, There used to be a big house on that hill He used to go fishing on Sundays, OS* didn't use 0+ V (bare inf.) —— Eg. He didn’t use to go fishing on Sundays. (2) Did + use to V (are inf)? Eg. Did you use to have long hair? UNITI # -sibuin 1. talk to s.0. :ndi chuyén véi ai /talk about something : ndi vé diéu gi wait for s.0 : cho ai 3. be different from: khée véi.../be similar to : tuong ty nbu.. 4. be in the same in some ways :giéng nhau 6 vai diém nio 46 SOME EXPRESSIONS : VAI CACH DIEN DAT (Y NGHI...) 1.4: You must be Maryam. : Chie ban la Maryam. Bs That's right, Iam 2.LOI CHAO LAU DAU GAP AL - How do you do ? : Han hanh dure biét ban (rit trang trong ) - Pleased/ Nice/ Happy / Glad to meet you. Rat vui dé biét ban. (than thign ) tg: Nice to see you again: Rét vu db gp Ia ban @Ne 3. My pleasure : Buge ding nh 1 eéch lich sy 48 dip li Idi cdm on, 4. With pleasure : Duge ding nhw 1 cach lich sy dé chap nhén Idi yéu c&u, xin phép Ex: May I sit here? ~ Yes, with pleasure. UNITI :LISTEN Vocabulary 1, downtown (n) _:khu budn ban kinh doanh ( ca 1 thanh phé) > downtown (a) :thude vé khu buén bén kinh doanh Ex: Downtown Manhattan: khu thuong mai Manhattan ai Go downtown — : di phd oD aan uc’ che aii lain (nd See ) downtown (adv.) idm, chr ay be leig oy “pheiev Ya : pond (n) cdi ao T's time 4 $2 4 Simple pas past (¢ . sign (0): bang béo atts dive: the bud ? 4. tocatch sight of: nhin théy Bale a ei Fg. She caught sight ofa car in distnce,| «Pring luc cho eal Kim 9 5. I's up to you. tay ban vay tine fy 8.0 +o- Vy Wig g 11's hme: far ws te © ‘One of + plural noun + singular verb Fe, One of the books on the table is mine, be known as to comprise (¥) = unit of eurrency (n) be comprised of = consist of UNIT 1 :READ mot rong ahding ..1a.. duge biét dén nhu la. bao gdm don vj tién 1@ hign hanh_ 4 5, population (n) 6. language of instruction (n) e 7. area (0) ign tich Independence Day (n) = National Day (n) : ngay qube khiénh 9, concemed (a) # unconcerned (8) quan # khong 06 lién quan te concerned about (v) = be worried about Toling ve 10. far a8 ‘zim concerned : theo t6i biét so far as by, As far as Lam eoncemed, you can do what you ike Li secondary school (n) truéng trung hoe 12, primary school () truing tiéu hoe UNIT 1: WRITE, Vocabulary 1, arive ata smal village: én mot g6i Tang nho arrive at the airport : dén sin bay arrive at school + dén trudng, rive in London, arrive in America : dén Ludn don, dn M5 rive on Phu Quoc Island: dén dio Phii Quée 2. reach + place 1 én... Eg. We reached Paris late in the evening. We arrived in Paris. tomeet so atthe airport, (V) to see s.o off wo to collect s.0 = to pick 5.0 up mention w outline @ totry +t w totry + V-ing/noun w 1 widely (adv) dn ai 6 sin bay tin ai di du dn ai bang xe hoi dé cép diny +06 ging lam gi... hit Lam gi cdi gl rOng ri, Khdp noi UNIT 1: WORD FORM LIST . tact) action (n) setvity (mn) shogt dong sctivist a) sive (a) nha hogt dng x8 hai khdng) tich eye , ning GOng/ (in)actively (adv.) anh dOng, dign Vinh dng / take acti =) (vy). strao Gi thr tir voi ai... 2. tocorrespond with s0 bein correspondence with so ( : pekalbcedt paral (nur tr, vigetrao 46i thu tr v6i ai. correspondent 3. modern modernize modernizati ‘modernity 4. to impress impression “make a deep (un)impressive impressively (adv.) be impressed by 5. to beautify (v) beauty (n) beautiful (a) 6. tobefriend () friendship (n) (un) friendliness (un) friendly practical practically 8. worship worshipper 9. toenjoy enjoyment (unjenjoyable (unjenjoyably 10. peace peaceful peacefully peacefulness to depend on dependent on independent of (in)dependence (independently (n) : phéng vien @ © (a) ; (n) ssw hign dai ) iy an tung, ) impression on somebody (a): diy dn tong / khéng gity dn trong + duge /bi gay dn tong béi Ham cho dep ve dep :dgp => beautifully (advyhay rkét ban : tinh ban (o) —:sw (Khong ) than thign (@) (khong ) than thign / friendless (a) khOng ban bé (n) (v) sluygn tap hs racial) sang ed» hing tage é (ays): the: phung (2): tings (©) cthich, hudg thie (n) sw thuing thie (a) s(khOng ) thich this (aav.) () —:hoa binh (a) :yén binh (adv.) () ss thank binh (©) cphu thuge (a) :phy thude 2 1, de tp (n) : Su phu thude sw ade Ig (eg Oh thude swage tap Diese \ 12.different — (8) differ (adv.) difference (®) to differ from (¥) 13. to introduce (v) introduction (n) introductions (n) introductory (a) 14. industry () (a) lize (v) industrially (adv.) 15, to divide (into) (ndivisible 16. region regional 17. eurreney current currently 18. tropic tropical the tropies 19, climate climatic climatically 20. atmosphere atmospheric 23 coeducation coeducational ie haw sy khde nhaw im cho khie + gidi thigu gidi thigu ing hurdng din chi tiét dé sir dung edi gi ‘lanl gi thi = nén cdng nghigp ‘thude cong mghiép redng nghigp héa (vy) :ehiara (n) :syehia ra (a) :(khdng ) 66 thé chia (n) ving, mién (a): thuge ving, mién (o) sq hiru bab, ti (@) chign inh (adv.) shign nay (n) :ehituyén (a) :thuge nhige a6 :mién mhigt dé (king (@) —:thude khi hau (adv.) :vé phuong dign khi hau (n) bau khdny (ante) blu thong xa (0) lich sir ()sirgia (2) indl tiéng hofe quan trong trong lich sit tude st hge ,e6 tht trong lich si (adv.) : v8 phurong dign lich sir 24, arrive rival 25. disappoint disappointment atsappointing disappointed disappointedly 26. religion religious religiously additionally 28. simple simply 29. to instruct instructor instruction instructive 30. to compel s.o todo sth (v) compulsion compulsory ‘compulsorily 31. to separate ... from separation separate separately 32. (unofficial (un)officially 33. option ional 34. recreate recreational (v) —: Ham that vong (n) — :sw that vong (a): giy tht von (a) with so. / sth. that vong vé ai / gi (adv.)/ disappointingly (adv) (n) — : ton gido (a) sing dgo , thuge t6n gido (adv,) (n) chong din (n):ngudi huréng din buge ai lam gi (n) ssw bit buge @ bude (adv.) 1t cach bit bude () phi cach @) ssw phiin each, @) chia eéeh (adv.) mt each tach bigt (@) #(khdng ) chinh thi a 8) chinh thie (n) squyén, sir wa chon (a) iy ¥,twehon w) enghi ngoi, tigu khién () 289" gid tr @ mang tinh wii tri @) i o) thich, quan tam interest (mn) ‘sy quan tim (be) 4) quan tim Gen interestedly (ady.) (uninteresting @) = (khong ) th vi voamstingly (adv, == mt cdch thd vi rc) Samii (n) 2 Hoi moi 37. majority @) + phan Kon, da sb major @ cehii yéu 38. nation (n) iquée gia , dan tbe national @) sthuge qué gia, dn te nationally (adv.) = nationwide(adv.) : ton quée ternational (a) qube internationally (2d¥.) © = thi viéng @ :sartham vidng pay a visit to so. /sth tham ai / efi gi visitor, (n) :du khach nhiie nhdai vé... 40, remind someone of «...(¥) hi digu nie nhor reminder @) 41, treat oS) + dixie dieu tri treatment i) 1 sw d6i xir diéu tr} 42, atmosphere ) + bd khong khi atmospheric @ + (dhuge ) bau khng khi EXERCISES : USE THE CORECT FORM OF THE WORDS 1. Correspond 2) We've ...Corresperaled — with each other for years but I have never actually met him. ©) Your account of events doesn’t .. carr with hers €) Thave been in ..coyeres perdent.. withthe manager of the store. 4) She's the BBC's political’... coxesespamok 2. Impress m) Iwas young andcaily ca tmpanensed sncten Pi. sinh b) The results failed to .... » E sveneneess US. ©) Thad the wrong Jay tne. about 4) ‘The film is technic Themis eel dep but lacks tel excitement ——___ 3 Friend 2 a) Does your sister have any single gen, yards me. 'b) Lam sorry He was always ma terms. ©) We have managed to rem: 4d) He was jealous of the ©) He died alone and 4. Divide 8). The county is... i Al b) She works in the ‘marketing riven ©) He argued that all matter was infinitely 4) Twelve is ited, @) The mountains which divi che. and Iyries are virtually, up into by four. Europe from Asia 4) I believe we should respect all ...2u ofthe world equally ) He distanced himselt fom the silly agape. ©) Yoga is essentially ..... Aahigus. and not just physical 4d) She followed the instructions na ig. 1). She is a botanist and spent several years resear 1) Theres some ways to treatment of izass fom te... fy tea, rainforest. aspects of the music. 6. Tropical inthe areas of the world ©) The Amazon river basin contains the world’s largest 7. Compulsory ) its coon a seis cote WU cute saute ¢) You're under no ........ 2 (A edn. to take part. d) ‘The court has powers to. 8. History a). She has a long .-....--2hisheny.. You must place these events in their .. hide. cc) During the last vacation, I visited many ..... hig bse uC. as well as a distinguished modern ....hgheci. astern, witnesses to attend, --- of mental illness. context sites. d) Sheisa @) The party has won a... +» Vietory atthe polls. 9, Atmosphere a) ‘The new restaurant is highly ...o tm phant. b) The barhasareaxed,fiendly aha or. ¢) The whole ca aught. vvovomin the stadium changed dramatically OE ell ate 10. Sep 1a) The women are kept He, from the men, fb) The two groups are essentially Sepa... and independent c) She is visiting her family after a long ..... Sopana hin 4) Last year's figures are shown .... Gf 11, Beautiful a) She was never considered ... at school ) He found her exquisitely ©) She sings Very rset. : : 3) Tm just going. nail Should only take afew hours. 12, Pence 4) Although the two countries were officially at oa fighting continued. 1b) I fell into a deep oo... BR. ©) The baby slept seve lef. UNIT 1 : GRAMMAR NOTES + EXERCISES |LWISH -SENTENCES pRUseNT WISH: DIEU UGCO HIENTAL Ep, What a pity! I don’t have a ca. © Lwish Ihad acar./Ifonly I had acer. (IF ONLY: gid ma.) ‘$1 + wish +S2+V2/V-ed; { Foo: | Be => were iin ctu nyt in wc mun a gh a6 kv ob tng bn tlh wink mt dtd ngiege voi thiec 18 Note 1. Be => were (all of the subjects) Ta diing “were” voi tat ca céc chi ngtt Note. ‘Tab thé thay Ifonly cho S + wish(es) Eg. You are not very tall, => I wish I were taller= If only I were taller. Note 13 ‘Trong cu sy that 6 “ would like, want , like” => céu di a 7 sb" wold ke, want ke” => a dibs eb * woud Te, want Heng i log ti ehinh cn ir dang, ma eh La vé qua Kh mot th Eg. I's so hot. You want to be in the swimming pool = wish were in 1 were inthe swimming pool now. = IFonly L were inthe swimming pool now . i sang tinh wv trang tir tich ¢ Néu trong edu ed tinh tr va trang tir mang nghhatiBu eve, ta GOH sane Me Ky 81 dOng tt trai dang Eg. True: They are travelling on uncomfortable buses. We => They wish they were travelling on ( much more ) comfortable buses True : My room is very narrow. => I wish my room were larger Eg. John can’t come to the next meeting. = We wish John could come to the next meeting. S+ WISH +$+ COULD + V-inf. © Miu edu nay thé hign wéc mudn mot vige gi dé hoc mot diéu tt dep hom sé xéy ra trong try lai Eg.1 _1ean’t speak Spanish. © Ifonly /I wish I could speak Spanish. Eg2 They are sorry they can't come to our party tonight. = Ifonly / we wish they could come to our party tonight. 3. Wish with WOULD / WOULDN'T ... Cau diéu woe véi * WOULD / WOULDN’T ..." Eg. She talks too much in class wish she wouldn’t talk too much in class. He is always making such a mess. =>I wish he wouldn’t make such a mess, ‘Si+ WISH +82 +WOULD/ WOULDN'T +V © Mw edu nay hd hin lt phan man hank dng, hay thi quen ai dé @ ign gh 4, Wish + to-inf. Muda lim gi Eg, This cours is designed for people wishing to update their computer skill 1 wish to speak to the manager. 5, Wish + sb. + something Chic ai diéu gi Eg. I wished her a happy birthday. He wishes me 200d \uck 4 vier LAT CAU SU DUNG “WISH” —-tavide phn nga, cr d8 6 “not taba ‘not va gue Ii hoe e6 the i dung tinh tri nga 7 ong itd cfu dB WISH 1 ‘Amal is! are e were not 2 am not/ isn’t aren't were 3 Vi VsiVes ° didn't + V 4 don’t + Ink senien l= ° v2ied 5 can +nf. 2 could not + V 6 can't + Inf. © could +V I's a pity (hat) What a pity (that) I'm sorry to correct tenses EXERCISE 1. Put the verbs in bracke 1 ish go) ll... tothe movie with ou 2A wish I (have)... ned day off. 53, 1wish I (study)...Canld..hud..... Latin instead of Greek. 4c Lowish I (not /spend).-..dHln>.., much money. 5. L wish the weather (be) ede... Warm, 80 we could go swimming. EXERCISE 2 GK You dort havea spite See Lbad..n..compuler. You ve very fi from school. nn eal, bid. ca You draw very body = ‘p.ullh 2. duaw.. bese... | Yount hve yur names cee mee fek fad plod dpanber rit a ap Gon anders what ema a Seen de ditt Ftd aed. hed fhe, wart 66h. : Wa igo atalino dle hee. = nail ane 8 Ms ser cast ot Sis nied food. 2 Son care deny ot ey seat pal 10.ia sa re incl, 24... Hele toe nach ta elt 1. I don't know more people. I wish.. 2. 1 don't have a key, I wish, 3. Ann isn't here. I wish: 4. Ibis cold [WSR 5. I live in a big city (1 don't like it), I wish. 6.1 can't go to the party (and I ike i. I wish... 7. [have to work tomorrow (I like to stay in bed). I wish. 8. I don't get good marks. I wish 9.1m not lying on a beautiful sunny beach, wish... 10, Hoa and Ba can’t go fishing this weekend, They wish | AB (noi vé mt thoi quen trong qui khit, hign tai théi quen 46 da 11, SUSED TO” + Vo! 48 ti chim ditt.) (4) S+ used to+ V ‘There used to be a big house on that hill, He used to go fishing on Sundays, (9 S+ didn’t usefo+V: ‘There didn’t use to be a big house on that hill He didn’t use to go fishing on Sundays. Did she use to live in the countryside? (0) Did +S + use to+V +*Vidt lai cu sit dung “used to +1 _ Nolonger / not ... any more / not ... any longer (khdng cn nia) tp, He mo longer gets up late/ He doesn't get up late anv longer. / He doesn’t get uP late any. more. => He used to get up late. = Stop /give up + V-ing.(ngimg/ tir bd vige gl) Eg. He stops smoking. => He used to smoke. = Always/ usually/ often + V-ed / V-2 (di thuimg xuyén lam vige gi Ep. Lan often_ walked past the mosque.— Lan used to walk past the mosque, He usuall soccer in the school yard when he was a boy. He used to play soccer in the school yard when he was @ boy. cercises: Rewrite the following sentences, using “used to" 1. Sam had a sports car when he was a student. Sam__uzgl Yo 2. He doesn’t drink a lot of beer any more, He ed do 3, Sally often went jogging every morning when she was atthe university Sally 4, Jane doesn’t wear bright clothes these days. Jane__uyl_ te 5. Julia gets up early every morning now. Sulia__ did’ oy 6. David plays tennis every day now. David_ 4 7. ‘This cy had old buildings, but pone can be found nowadays. There used, & Asa boy, my father often rode o Schoo! Myfather used Jo pyide Schon! when was 0 bey We no longer correspond with each other Weused 46 earns 10.1 ke jazz now I did't we 1 Ef mW Eg. She was used to driving om the left. + Use + (pro) noun + To— infinitive He used this knife to cut these flowers. +S (things }+ be used + To — infinitive ‘This knife was used to cut these flowers. Rewrite the following sentences, using be (not to+V-ing : quen (Kkhdns voi... Eg.1 [find easy to get up early © Lam used to getting up early. Eg. 2 He has dificulty driving on the left. © He doesn’t get used to driving on the left. Eg. 3 The warm weather makes her feel pleasant. She is used to the warm weather. 1. Living ina big city no longer fels strange tous. Weare_ysed fer [Diy Jn bi Ci 2.__Driving on the left no longer feels strange o her. Ste _nsel a ceg oy fla Bf 3. We find it easy to do morning exercise. We are 4, We usually drink coffe every moming We are 5. We don’t normally have tea For breakfast We aren't 6. They don’t usually get up late, They aren't ial do opting 7. Mary doesn’t often stay up late .' Mary isn’t wed Aa tet le ha 8. Jame finds it uncomfortable to livejl «hat Jame isn't used by os 9, Jack finds it difficult to drive on the right. ore Jack isn't _ yred_o Obriviyy gyn oh 10, We find it comfortable to have dinner at home, We are i 7 Vocabulary 1. twencourage somebody + rin) khuyén khich 2. twmake s.o feel equal (v) lim ai eam thy binh ding 3) to bear — bore ~ born (v) sinh ra sinh loi 44, self-confident (a) :ttin 5. live (a) (adv, tye tiép 6. lively (@) _:sinh dng 7, point of view (n) = outlook () quan diém 8. to sum up () :tém Iai 9, Member of Parliament (n) = MP : nghi st Ex: He's a member of Parliament. = He's an MP 10. One-eyed (@) + 06 mot mit Ex: He's a one-eyed man. 1's an BP pencil. 11. to carry on togo.on as |+V-ing = to continue + to-inf / V-ing :tiép tue lim gi tokeep on Fg, They carried on / went an / kept on working “They continued to work/ working. 12, ay attention £0... 13. make sth + adj. Ex: Autumn makes Hanoi more impressive. chit ¥ vo. ‘Hm cho edi gi nhur thé no UNIT 2: WORD FORM LIST 1. loth () vai clothes (n) (plural) quan 4o/ clothing (n) (non-count) — :quin do + thoi trang, mét 2 style) stylist (n) P :nguéi tgo miu kiéu ding cho dé vat solsha) = fashionable(a) :hop thoi trang stylishly (adv.) mt each hgp thoi trang , kiéu cach + muse) + fim nhge musician (n) : nhge st musical (@) : thuge am nhge . : rah zai tho poem (0): bh ry : thor ea poetic (a) smén the, thi vi S. witerote wri é mre -riten (0) : vide writen (a) ane rduyeviét/ written exam ; ky thi viet 6 tradition (w) 4 aac raya thbng ao sthuge trayén hdr: Elia aus) yagieod > Funbe dja bog RY tiomathyl ————__ 2. 13. 16, V. 18, 1. novel (n) novelist (n) novelty (a) 0 design (¥) (n) (ny r clothes (n) oceasion (n) oceasional (a) oceasionally (adv.) (in)convenienee (n) (in Jeonvenient (a) (in Jeonveniently (adv.) fashion (m) (un)fashionable (a) to inspire (v) inspiration (n) take / draw inspiration from... minor (a) # major (a) minority (n) # majority (n) symbol (n) symbolize (v) symbolic (a) to deseribe (¥) description (n) descriptive (a) (dis)comfort (n) (un)eomfortable (a) (un)comfortably (adv.) toencourage (Vv) encouragement (0) encouraging (a) discourage (v) discouragement (n) discouraging (a) color (n)/(¥) colorful (a) colored (a) # colorless (a) ings vit tig mang tinh moi + thidt ke osu thigt xé rnb thitké qui do duege thiét ké dip : theo dip :thinh thoang : sw (khOng)thudn tign khéng)thuin : mot cach (kh6ng)thufi oi cm hiemg nguén edim hing sky ngudn edi hing ti... ; khong quan trong + quantrong soz Ga so twong : twgng trung cho sduge ding kim biéu twgng Fm6 ta sumo ti mang tinh miéu ta + su (kh6ng) thoai mai (khéng) tign nghi Ot eich (Ikhéng) thoai mai : Khuyén khich w Khuyén Khich # day Khuyén khich 1m nan long sy nan long # ply nan tong nau stie/ 10 mau diy mau sie £6 miu # khong mix 20, sleeve (n) sleeved (a) # sleeveless (a) - i 21, tw embroider (9 snbroidery (0) 6 théu, durge embroidered (3) economize) 2 ti6t kigem economy ) enén kint {uneconomic (2) = thuge kinb khong {uneconomical (@) 1 i6t kgm, khong tit kgm economically (adv.) mgt efich e6 Igi economist(a) ‘aha Kinh t& hge/ economies (0): Kinb 48 hoe 23, need w) sein necessity (a) + sur cdnthiét, nhu clu +: (kkhdng) edn thiét (unnecessary — (a) (un)necessarily (adv.) mt céch ( khng) cin thiét ya culture (0) tvinhos —/eultural (a): thugeviin hés culturally (adv) ve phurong dign vin héa 35, salle (n) sw ban hing sales () sb hang héa duge ban /saleable (a) dé bin 16, to pride... om (¥) to take pride in tur hao ve = be proud of = pride oneself on pride (0) slong ty hio proud (8) sty hio, hank dign mgt cdich ty hao proudly dv.) + tam bigh ding 27. equalize (¥) equal to... (@) binh ding v equally (adv) dt cich binh ding equality (0) : sy binh ding 28, free (from ..)_(¥) + gi thost (khéi...) free : @ ty do / freely (adv.) : mt eéch ty do freedom () + sy tudo 29, to choose ~ chose ~ chosen (v) + chon Iya choice (0) :sur la chon choosy (2) 2kh6 chigu so complete (9) :hoan thimh completion —(n) sy hoan thm complete @ hoa ton / completely (adv) 9 mee ” sin xudt roduce (a) ning sin Motion) sy simxut eet (a) inh sinxudt met (a) sim phdm +: (chong ) dat mang suat ,c6 higu quit (um)produetive (a) (umproduetively (adv.) ) @) (a) relaxing, (@) 33. casualty (nm) casual (a) casually (adv) M. to live ) alive (a) # dead (a) live (a) (adv.) lively f@) 35. announce w) announcer (ny announcement (n) 36. argue o) argument (a) argumentative (a) argumentatively (adv.) ww) (n) attractive (@) attractively (adv.) 38. frequency (a) frequent (@) frequently (adv.) 39. improve ) improvement (n) 40. prefer @ preference (n) preferable to. (a) preferably (adv. 41, fade w faded @) 2, inform @) information —_(n) (un)informative (a) 43, attend w) attender(n) ~ attendee (n) attendance (n) attention (n) *pay attention to (attentive (a) (attentively (adv.) \ a 2 the gitin + sy thr gidn Seam thay th gin mang tinh the sy tinh ca tinh ei é q {mot edeh tinh cd, kh6ng trang trong, i séng f :edn séng # da chét tiép :sink dng thongbio ssw théng bio vaiyeB sy tranh lugn Z +: dé tranh lugn, hay cai 1é i mét céeh Iy su hap dn, 10i cuén :métcéch hap dan, 16i cuén : su thurdmgxuyén thurdngxuyén imgteieh thudngxuyén sw edi tién thich hon sy thich hon ‘thich hyp hon 2 tt mhat la + Hamm bae mau + bi bac mau + eung cip thong tin théng tin khong ) c6 nhidu thong tin stham dy ngudi tham dy sur tham diy ur chi y hay dle dim chit (oleh mt eich chim eh J fog gurdi gidi chigu (chong trinh dai phat thanh ) 2) 44, stripe striped (a) 4s bag (0) bagey — @) x ‘ing think 46. favor) + thign J, im hug favorite (a) 2 duge wa chudng nbdt 4. to o) + di thuyén budm sail (2) ednh budm sailor (2) ‘iy thei is label”) fan nhiin label (a) nha, nbn higu XPRCISES Complete the sentences withthe correet form ofthe ‘words in bracke fie nT Ao dais wor by ta nd YD (tradition) 3. Kodai fs not usually wor at work because it s___——-__— (convenience) F People often wearmodem = _____ at WOM (cloth) Be Pocket joie Ey oem many tinge te inspire ) Collen ofthe ethale a= fan now agra 0 8912 school. (minor) 6, These pants are too big for me. (bag) 7. Our —_ BE {situation is getting better and better. (economy) 8, Both of them like this ear because itis (economy) 9, They wear uniforms to school and clothes on the weekend. (color) 10. Are you in the new uniform? (comfort) 11, Uniforms make students of their school. (pride) 12. My parents usually ‘me to study harder. (encouragement) 13. Jeans and T-shirts are his clothes. (favor) 14, He s training to bea (cail) 15, Fashion are very creative. (design) 16. Jean cloth was made from cotton, (complete) 17. She usually wears very _ clothes. (fashion) 18. She is a(n) ‘mother who doesn’t allow her daughter to phone her friends. (fashion) 19, Nowadays women. (frequency) 20. Mary is wearing a long- (sleeve) 21. We need you here to offer words of (encourage) 22. Ao Dai is the dress of Vietnamese women. (wadition) 23, He often goes fishing for : (relax) 24, Nguyen Du isa best-loved Hi are interesting. (poetry) 25, Wearing clothes makes students feel comfortable. (casualty ) Ps ‘Attention please. Here is a special (announce) fo a of clothes always goes up. (ell) 28, Traveling by subway is fast, and cheap, (convenience) Is collection of poems was very famous (Poetry) 29, Walt Whitman is an American for some writes (inspire) 30. Dreams are a rich source of 3 ieee the fashion show ofaleading (design) 5° Vietnamese women usually Wear ao daion special ee fal occasional) 3, Se efbedhim an handkerchiet (embroider) me 34. is jo have long hair again, (fashion) ree! _————— oe RR EE Tl (proud) 35.1 wear my school uniform with — 36. Do you have any particular ag od 37. Teenagers are now dressed. (fashion) 38. Trinh Cong Son is one of the most well-known ___in Viet Nam. (music) 39. 1 like wearing loose clothes. (comfort) 40. What type of clothing is for survival at these altitudes? (neeg) A1.Tll do the job as ‘as possible. (economy) 42. My brother is the man in a shirt. (stripe) 43.By____ nobody interrupts an MP's maiden speech. (tradition) 44, The children listened to her story. (attend) 43. Her father is waiting for her at the desk. (inform) 46. The ao dai the grace of Vietnamese women. (symbol) (argue ) 47. Everyone in his family was very 48. We should the workload among the teaching staff. (equal) 49. Children are allowed much more___—=——_ these days. (free) 50. Today young generation is stil fond of wearing _____jeans. ( fade) 51. Itis unfair to a small baby naughty . (labeling) UNIT 2: GRAMMAR I. Present perfect / Simple past ¢2 Present perfect, 1, Present perfect : (thi hin tai han thanh) a. Affirmative:| S + havelhas + Viea Ex: I have lived in HCM city for 5 years, Nam has studied English since 2019. b. Negarive:|S + haven’t /hasn’t + Vie Ex: I haven't lived in HCM city for 5 years. ince 2015. Nam hasn't lived in HCM ¢.Question:|Have/has +S + Vsie..2 é Ex: Have you lived in HM city for 5 years? ed in HCM city since 2015? Has Nam li iu nf bi) Since Or, jst already recently, never, ever yt , 4d. Signals (che ich dig: th ni i hoi thin ding UBB hah dng, 1s vige xy va omg qua khit va kéo dai dén hign tgi, Hay | hnh dong da xay ra khong ¢6 thoi gian xée dink eu thé dusimple pasts Prone! perfot 0h gu hi dum < chin a hn ha 2 Lan cudi cing ai dé Lim gi... 1d khi ndo: [Fine tase timer S + V3 was +n on/at+ moe thoi gian + khosing thei gian “ago”. aed time she went out with him was in June. Ex: The last t with him was 4 months ago. "The last time she went out 2. Ai lan cudi lim gi vio Hic.../ cich day. bao lau Soest Va Ved im/on/at + mbe thoi giam [Ex She last went out with him in June She last went out with him 4 months ago 3, Dabao lau ké tir khi (lin cudi) ai da lam gx? + khoiing thai gian + since +5 (last) +¥2) he. dept Itis two years since I last saw Jane. Ithas been two years since I last saw Jane. 4. Chun bao gid lim gi inde day 2 Lin div ttn... Eg. before ‘Se have bas + never + V3/ Veo + VI Ved «before s+ V3) Ved St haven't/ hasn't ‘© This is the first time S* have / ha: 1d before. ‘This is the first time we have eaten this kind of food. Ex: We haven't eaten this kind of fo0« Thave never written to a foreigner before. =>This is the first time I have written to a foreigner . bo é Oe 5. Qué khir dom khdng dinh ¢> bign tai hodn thinh phi dink . ngoai tri“ started” va“ began” Ex SazThe last time I heard from him was in June. /The last time | heard from him was four months ago. => | haven‘t heard from him since June. / haven't heard from him for four months. ExSb: ay sister stabeéd cleaning her room half an hour ago. => Mysister hag cleaned her room for half an hour. ExSe These boys bey to play football one hour ago. > Tpese boys have played football for one hour le is week, You are late again . You “ve already been Ln ones => Thisis the second_time you've been late this This is his first visit to Paris He has never been to Paris before. 6. Ciu hai bit aiu bing When (Eo ae ein thi qué khit dom ) How long ago When did you start doing your homework? How long ago. did he sar studying English? 7. Cw hoi bat aa bing : ‘How long is it since + S-+V2/V-ed ? ( duge theo sau la qué khir don khing dinh) How long has it been since +S +V2/V-ed? When was the last time 48 4V2/ V-ed, rr Ex How long isit since you started learning English ? ‘How long has it been since you last saw Peter? When was the last time you watched an action movie ? 8. Cau hoi bit du bing : How long + bave/ has +S + V3/V-ed (iu ht cia hi hig i hodn anh) Ex8: ‘When did you start doing your homework? © How long have you done your homework ? How longage did he begin to study English? © How long Pag Fe studied English? How long is it since you started leaming English ? © How long have you learned English 2 How long hs it ben since you began to pay the piano? How long have you played the piano? ) ———— le \ 9,54 stopped gave up got rid of _Ex9: 1LMy father stopped drinking bee ast yea, > My father hasn't drunk beer since last year 2.My brother gave up smoking 2 years ago. = My brother hasn’t smoked for 2 years 10. They moved to this neighborhood 5 years ago. => They have lived in this neighborhood for 5 years 11, The last time we-went to the concert was over two Years 280 was We haven't been to the concert for over two years « 12 It is ten years since he last went back to his hometown, > He hasn't been back to his hometown for ten years - IL PASSIVE FORM : DANG BI DONG Lpresentsimple: _V.Vs,Ves > am /is/are + V3/ V-ed Ex: The gardener waters the flowers every day. > The flowers are watered by the gardener every day. 2.Present progressi ‘am/isiaret V-ing > am /is/ are + being + V3/ V-ed Ex: The postman is delivering the mail. > The mail is being delivered by the postman. 3.Present perfect + havelhas+Ved/V3/ > have /has + been + V3/ V-ed Ex: They have discovered oil atthe North Pole. Oil has been discovered at the North Pole. 4, Past simple : ‘y2/Ved > was / were + V3/ V-ed Ex: The police stopped us on our way home. We were stoped on our way home by the police. as /were + being + V3 /V-ed S_Past progressive : was jwere+ V-ing > Fx: She was cooking dinner at that time > Dinner was being eooked at that time 6,Future simple : will + V > will + be + V3 /V-ed Eg. The Queen will open the new hospital. > The new hospital will be opened by the Queen. 7.Modal verbs: will, would, should, can, could, may, might, must, have to, has to + y > will, would, should, can, could, may, might, must, have to , has to + be + V3Veq Eg. The manager must sign the cheque. The cheque must be signed by the manager. 8_Be going to / used to+ V > be Eg. We are going to bake the bread. ‘=> The bread is going to be baked. My mother used to pay the bills. =>The bills used to be paid by my mother Chuyén cu chit dong sang bi déng: Active voice: Subject 1g to used to-+ be + V3/V-ed ‘Object Passive voice: | Subject*——BE + V3/V-ed ( by agent Tim ding tr chinh . nde inh th, dang cia dong -Phan tch cfu, S/ V/ O (ADV. + Lly in ng (O) ed chi dng Kim chi nga (8) cub dong. - Ap dung cdng thie bin i timg thi dua dng ti chi ‘ed)( murgn d6ng tir “be theo thi va dang cia dOng tir chi ngit méi trong céu bj déng) ng thanh dong tir bj dng (d8i sang be + V3/ V- inh trong edu chi ding .s6 it hay higu theo chi {Chit ng en cfu chi dng thn te nn trong cau bj dng va rude pha co ei ta ~ Mot 6 truamg hop e6 the bo “hy + O° néu di tuong khong vac dnc Heatts oy them by i by her, by people, by someone by somebody...) seen + Trang tr chi noi chén ding murde by agent Trang urchi thei gian_dimg sou by agent” —_ ‘Active T.simple present :V.Va,Ves 2 present continuons : am/ilare® V-ing am/ is /are+ being + V3/ Ved 3. past simple: V2/Ved_——— “tte sts 3. past simple | S#was7 were+ Va7Vea =a

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