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How Does Distance or Sub Space Sessions work? Long Distance Healing is wireless technology and works
on a principle similar to the cell phone. The cell phone uses specific II • • numbers to make a connection.
The SCIO uses several factors to iffilliellif tune into a particular person. A person's name and location are
part of the equation. It is fairly well accepted that the garage door remote control and the television
remote work by wireless methods. The cell phone works at even greater distances. There simply has to
be a sender and a receiver. In this case the sender is the SCIO device and the receiver is the person.

Because of the nature of energetic therapy, it is also very effective when done at a distance. If you
wonder how this works, think of your cell phone. It has a specific number or "frequency" that rings when
it is called. There are no wires or visible connections.

Your body also has a very specific frequency. After obtaining and inputting specific information that we
gather from you (such as your date of birth and place of birth), we can connect with you vibrationally, on
what we call a "subspace" level. This can only be done effectively when you have asked for the distant
session and are open to it.

People often become very skeptical when they hear that this work can be done at a distance. Distance
or Subspace sessions are another way that you can experience the SCIO. You can either sit across from
the practitioner without being hooked up with the harnesses, or you can relax in the comfort of your
home anywhere in the world. For people with pace makers this is the only way to use this device.

Long Distance Healing is the SCIO energetic healing process done through quantum physics principles. In
scientific circles this is known as non-local healing. It is a proven scientific fact that this method of
healing is extremely effective. Harvard University holds seminars in non-local healing. The medical
establishment has performed many double-blind studies that also prove the effectiveness of this type of

How does the SCIO locate you? You have a specific frequency through your name, birth date and birth
location. If you have your birth time then that is also added. This signature is very specific to you. To
understand this better, this signature is similar to your cell phone number. People can call you with your
specific number, regardless of where you are located. You don't see the physical connections between
you and your caller, but you are still connected through a wireless network. All that is required is to have
a sender and a receiver. With the SCIO, your personal information creates the connection between it
and your unique quantum energy fields. In this case, the sender is the SCIO device and the receiver is
you. There are many other examples that exist of this type of invisible connectivity.

For years, the Hubbell telescope has sent back more than 700,000 photos from the deepest portions of
space that we have ever seen. The Hubbell sends these pictures as wavelengths that are then
deciphered by highly advanced receivers that can show us these results. We can't see the wavelengths,
but just look at these pictures, very real, from very far away with nothing but space between the camera
and the receiver. We act as receivers and transmitters, just like the Hubbell telescope. The SCIO picks up
the information that our body transmits and creates a cybernetic feedback loop. Then, the SCIO sends
information to your body and reads your response. This all happens in a quantum dimension that knows
no time or space called "subspace."

Using a sample of hair, which contains DNA, assists in making an even stronger connection for the
treatments, but is not a necessity.

What can the Long Distance Healing session tell us about physical details of the healing? You can be
filled in on details of the session. There is a large array of information, if a person requires to know. The
SCIO device takes over 10 000 measurements on the human system during the session. The process is
known as electro-dermal screening and it electronically measures the biological energies of the human
system. Long Distance Healing assessments have a 98% accuracy compared with individuals connected
to the SCIO machine by wires. Your practitioner will be able to tell you many important details of the
system. We are able give you an assessment of stressors on your system, from the state of various
organs in the body, to viruses, bacteria, fungus in the system, as well as cellular health, emotional
balance, and hundreds of other areas.

How can we treat a person around the world? The SCIO device works on clients anywhere they are
located at any time of the day or night. Quantum physicists now tell us that time is not linear but
happening all together. Cell phones and radar, and many other electronic devices work at the speed of
light and we never see the subspace rays. And we use them every day. Once the clients "frequency" is
programed into the software and the client is "calibrated", it just works. Actually, in some practitioners
opinions, the device gets better corrections and results during a subspace distant session, because the
client is not distracted by the practitioner, or the laptop computer screen.

How does Quantum SCIO distance healing find the right person? Through intent, but also through the
resonant frequency number that the device locates for a particular human being. It is similar to a
universal cell phone number. To locate this number, it is necessary to have a person's name, date and
place of birth. What makes the SCIO unique and very powerful is the connection that is made between
the device and the clients subconscious since it is the sub-conscious that is aware of everything that is
going on within the body at that point in time. Moreover the subconscious has access to a total history
of trauma that has occurred within the body.

...All matter (be it tissue, organ, mineral, compound or any substance) vibrates at its own specific and
unique frequency resulting from electric charges of the particles at the atomic level. This fact is
demonstrated through the science of spectroscopy.

...The quantum level (atomic) electromagnetic fields of the human body, including conscious and sub-
conscious energy forces have been measured and proven to extend beyond the confines of the human
body. This can be demonstrated on the SCIO for both the heart and the sub-conscious....There is no
known limit to the travel distance of these measured energy forces.

...The SCIO uses patented technology to identify and connect to the body's unique quantum energy
fields. This dimension, unique to the SCIO, allows distant sessions between the SCIO and the client in
Subspace mode.
Do I need to be on the phone when the healing is being done? No, but we will let you know the
approximate time of the session so you can relax or nap, or just be aware that the healing is taking
place. You will set up a scheduled phone consultation to discuss your session. Each session is custom-
designed for you and your individual health situation. We do need the permission of the person wanting
to be healed.

How effective is Long Distance Healing? It is extremely effective. Clients literally can call or email from
any part of the world. Some recipients feel the energy almost immediately or may feel nothing at all, as
the energies are balanced. Depending on the situation, an additional session or more may be called for.
There are no side effects from Long Distance Healing. Long Distance Sessions are simple and very

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