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Table of Contents
10: Network / SMS / Report Settings ................................................................................................. 3
Network Tab ................................................................................................................................................... 3
SMS/CALL Tab ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Report Settings Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 10
11: Assign Headers – Status Report ............................................................................................... 16
12: Assign Headers – Alert Report .................................................................................................. 17
13: Alert Config 1 .............................................................................................................................. 18
14: Alert Config 2 .............................................................................................................................. 26
16: Mode Configuration and Profile Settings.................................................................................. 34
Mode Config Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Profile Setting Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 38
17: Ignition / Inputs / Outputs .......................................................................................................... 42
Ignition Tab ................................................................................................................................................... 42
Inputs Tab ................................................................................................................................................... 44
Outputs Tab .................................................................................................................................................. 46
18: Registered 1-Wire Driver IDs ..................................................................................................... 48
1800-1899: Driver ID 1-100 ........................................................................................................................... 48
19: Accelerometer / Power / RS232 / 1 Wire .................................................................................... 48
Accelerometer Tab........................................................................................................................................ 48
Power Tab ................................................................................................................................................... 51
Serial RS232 Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 52
Wire Settings Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 53
23: Accessory Parameters ............................................................................................................... 56
25: RF Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 60
30: Change Password / Fine Tracking............................................................................................. 62
Change Password Tab.................................................................................................................................. 62
Fine Tracking ................................................................................................................................................ 62
40: BLE Parameter ............................................................................................................................ 63
50: Geofence ..................................................................................................................................... 63
60: Poly Geofence............................................................................................................................. 65
90: Geofence Config ......................................................................................................................... 66
Geofence Config ........................................................................................................................................... 66
Parameter Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 66
Programming Parameter Format ..................................................................................................... 66
Structure 66
Examples 67
Requesting Parameter Value Format .............................................................................................. 67
Structure 68
Examples 68
Revisions .............................................................................................................................................. 70

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Suntech International Ltd.

This document belongs to intellectual property of Suntech
International Ltd. and shall neither be copied nor be given to any
3rd parties without prior written consent from the company.

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10: Network / SMS / Report Settings

Network Tab
Network parameters control how the device connects to the Cellular Network, Report Server, and Maintenance

1000: Authentication
Select the correct GPRS/HSPA Authentication for the network you are connecting the device to. The options for
this parameter are:
• 0 = PAP
• 1 = CHAP
• 2 = Automatic
• 3 = None

1001: APN
Input the Access Point Name for the carrier/network you are connecting the device to

1002: User ID
This is the ID for GPRS/HSPA Access if your network requires an ID and password to access the network.

1003: User Password

This is the password for GPRS/HSPA Access if your network requires an ID and password to access the network.

1004: PIN Number

Pin number to release PIN lock if it is enabled on the SIM

1005: Server IP
IP address of the Server/Platform the device will send it’s reports to

1006: Server Port

Port of the Server/Platform that the device will send it’s reports to

1007: Server Type

Select the type of server the device will be connected to
• 0 = TCP
• 1 = UDP

1008: Backup Server IP

IP address of the Backup Server/Platform the device will send it’s reports to if it cannot connect to the Server IP

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1009: Backup Server Port

Port of the Server/Platform that the device will send it’s reports to if it cannot connect to the Server IP

1010: Backup Server Type

Select the type of the backup server the device will be connected to
• 0 = TCP
• 1 = UDP

1011: UDP ACK

When using a UDP server type, this parameter will select whether or not to acknowledge or ‘ACK’ the messages
that are sent from the device to the server.

Setting this parameter to 0 will disabled the acknowledge message, otherwise the Bitmap below shows the options
to select which reports to require an acknowledgement for.

• Bit 0 = Status Report (ASTT)
• Bit 1 = Alert ID Report (AALT)
• Bit 2 = Travel Report (ATRV)
• Bit 3 = External Serial Report (AUEX)
• Bit 4 = OBDII Travel Report (AOTR)
• Bit 5 = OBDII Report (AOBD)
• Bit 6 = RFA Report(ARFA)
• Bit 7 = PID Report(APID)
• Bit 8 = OVD Report(AOVD)
• Bit 9-15: reserved

1012: Device Port

When using a UDP server type, this parameter sets the port for receiving commands from the server via UDP.

If ‘0’ or empty, the device would use port 9000.

1013: Connection Type

When using TCP server type, this parameter can be used to determine the connection type with the server
• 0 = Keep connected
o Device always keeps TCP connection and can receive a command via GPRS.
• 1 = Close Connection
o Device maintains TCP connection while the device is sending the data to the server. Within 3
minutes after sending all the data that the device has been keeping, the device disconnects GPRS
and TCP connection as there is no data to be sent any more inside the device. In this case, the
device cannot receive a command via GPRS.

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1060: Keep Alive Interval

Interval to send the Keep Alive report (0-43200 minutes)

The Device will send the keep alive report in Driving mode & Parking mode & Sleep mode. It will also wake the
device from sleep in Park Mode.

The mobile network automatically disconnects when there is no data communication for a long time in order to
manage limited network IP resources.
For example, if there is no data communication between the server and the device for 1 hour(it’s depends on the
network service provider), the mobile network cut the connection.
To prevent this, if you set Keep Alive Interval to 58 minutes, it sends a short message "KEEP_ALIVE" to the server
before 60 minutes.
As a result, the mobile network leaves the connection between server and device.


1061: Jamming Detection

Range: 0~5
Default: 0

• 0 = Disabled
• X = enabled jamming detection and if detected first, check assist functions and then triggered by
JAM_DET mode as follows.

JAMM_DETC Alert Active Immobilizer Active Buzzer

‘1’ O X X
‘2’ O O X
‘3’ O X O
‘4’ O O O
‘5’ Jamming detection cycle(Only supported by LATAM)

X – Inactive, O – Activated if jamming is detected.

Immobilizer: You can disable it by command.
Buzzer: It is disabled automatically after being released from jamming.
Device will send an alert after recovering the GSM network.
It takes about 2 minutes

1062: Check distance for jamming[meter]

Range: 0~60000
Units: Meter
Default: 500

This is complementary to the detection function of device described above on the GPRS/HSPA jamming by utilizing
a distance value as a parameter when jamming is done.
Once jamming on the GPRS/HSPA network starts being detected, the device will also check the distance between
the current location of the vehicle and the First geographical Point (‘Fp’) where the jamming started being detected.
If the distance is greater than JAM_CHK_DIST for a while, triggered by JAM_DET mode.
If ‘0’, skip this procedure.

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1063: Check no GPS duration for jamming[sec.]

Range: 0~43200
Units: Seconds
Default: 300

It is complementary to the function of GPRS/HSPA jamming detection in an area ‘without GPS connectivity’ (‘No
After detecting jamming first in such a bad GPS connecting area, the device begins to count the 2 time-length
factors (A and B) to make a sum (A + B = C) if the vehicle moves in the area:
 A: time length that needs to complete the jamming detection
 B: time length that the vehicle driver needs to complete driving in the area.

If C (the sum) is longer than the length of the jamming detection (‘JAM_CHK_TM’) the device judges that jamming
was done in the area. Please refer to the table for more details.
If the device has not moved in the area, ignore jamming detection until the jamming detection function is released.
If ‘0’, skip this procedure.

1065: Jamming detection cycle timer 1

Range: 0~43200
Units: Seconds
Default: 60

Device activate buzzer after this time from jamming detection.

(Only supported by LATAM)

1066: Jamming detection cycle timer 2

Range: 0~43200
Units: Seconds
Default: 60

Device activate immobilizer and deactivate buzzer after this time from buzzer activation.
(Only supported by LATAM)

1067: Jamming detection cycle timer 3

Range: 0~43200
Units: Seconds
Default: 60

Device deactivate immobilizer after this time.

(Only supported by LATAM)

1068: Jamming detection cycle timer 4

Range: 0~43200
Units: Seconds
Default: 60

Device check if jammer is still activated.

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See below diagram for details.

(Only supported by LATAM)

1020: Maintenance Server IP

The IP address of the Maintenance Server that can be used to update firmware or configurations to the device

1021: Maintenance Server Port

The IP address of the Maintenance Server that can be used to update firmware or configurations to the device

1022: Access interval

Range: 0, 24 – 999
Units: Hours

The interval in which the device will check-in with the maintenance server

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• 0 = Disabled/Does not report to maintenance server. Will only access the maintenance server by
• X = Time duration in hours that the device will periodically check in with maintenance server

1023: Access time

Format: hh:mm

The time when the device will check-in with the maintenance server.
Device try to check-in with the maintenance server in this time every day.

• Set to 00:00 if you want to disable this feature

• Set to 24:00 if you want for the device to check in with the maintenance server at midnight.

Note. The SCUTI(Maintenance server) server in Suntech is running for the customer separately.
The Suntech provides the command to change the setting values (ex: IP, port, interval) which are the
configuration of the maintenance server if the customer is running it separately.
Please be advised that the command should be used only by the customer who has the maintenance server

1070: TCP Keep Alive

Range: 0 or 1
Units: N/A

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

Enable or disable TCP keep-alive probe. This function prevents tcp connection from being teared down on some
network operator when there’s no data transfer.
(Only supported by LATAM)

1071: TCP Keep Alive Idle Time

Range: 60 to 7200
Units: Seconds
Default: 60

Interval time for TCP keep-alive probe when TCP keep-alive function enabled.
(Only supported by LATAM)

Parameters under the SMS tab control SMS reporting and what numbers can SMS the device to change the
existing parameter values.

1025: SMS Number

Phone Number that will receive SMS reports sent by the device

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1030: SMS Lock

Range: 0 or 1
Units: N/A

Lock of Receiving Commands by SMS

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

If enabled, only the phone numbers listed in parameters 1031 through 1034 (MT1-MT4) will be able to send SMS
commands to the device. All other commands received by phone numbers that are not defined in these parameters
will be ignored by the device.

1031: SMS MT1

When SMS Lock is set, the device will accept SMS commands from the phone number listed in this parameter.

1032: SMS MT2

When SMS Lock is set, the device will accept SMS commands from the phone number listed in this parameter.

1033: SMS MT3

When SMS Lock is set, the device will accept SMS commands from the phone number listed in this parameter.

1034: SMS MT4

When SMS Lock is set, the device will accept SMS commands from the phone number listed in this parameter.

1035: MT Call Lock

Range: 0 or 1
Units: N/A

Lock of Incoming Call

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

If enabled, only a call which have been received from CALL_MT1 ~ MT5 numbers can be accepted.

1036: CALL MT 1
Phone number for calling.

1037: CALL MT 2
Phone number for calling.

1038: CALL MT 3
Phone number for calling.

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1039: CALL MT 4
Phone number for calling.

1040: CALL MT 5
Phone number for calling.

1041: CALL MO 1
Phone number for outgoing call from device.

1042: CALL MO 2
Phone number for outgoing call from device.

1043: Call Support

Range: 0 or 1
Units: N/A

Support Call with headset:

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

Report Settings Tab

This section will cover the parameters that can be found in the “Report Settings” tab of SyncTrak. This section will
go over the functionality of the parameters that control how the device sends its different reports.

1055: Zip/Normal
Selects whether or not to use the ‘Normal’ or ‘Zip’ reporting format
• 0 = Zip is Disabled, so ‘Normal’ reporting format will be used
• 1 = Zip is enabled, so ‘Zip’ reporting format will be used

1058: Command Response Direction

Sets how the device will send a response message when it receives a command from SMS or Server/Platform.

For example, if you set 2 and server send a command to device through GPRS communication, the device will try
to send a response through SMS (SMS_NO)

How to set direction of Command response

0: No Use
1: Server
2: SMS

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1059: GPS Antenna Check

GPS Antenna Error Check

1064: Speed Above Alerting by Buzzer

Range: 0 or 1
Units: N/A

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

In a case that the Output type is set to ‘Buzzer’ and exceed the ‘Speed Threshold (1621)’, the buzzer alerts.

1080: Status Report Map

Binary map of the standard headers that will be included in the Status Reports
• Bit 0: Report Map
• Bit 1: Model
• Bit 2: Software Version
• Bit 3: Message Type
• Bit 4: Date
• Bit 5: Time
• Bit 6: Cell ID
• Bit 7: MCC
• Bit 8: MNC
• Bit 9: LAC – Local Area Code
• Bit10: RX_LVL
• Bit11: Latitude
• Bit12: Longitude
• Bit13: Speed
• Bit14: Course/Heading
• Bit15: Satellite Count
• Bit16: GPS Fix Status
• Bit17: Input States
• Bit18: Output States
• Bit19: Mode
• Bit20: Status Report Type
• Bit21: Message Number
• Bit22: reserved
• Bit23: Assign Map

1081: Status Assign Map

Map of the Assign headers that will be included in the Status Reports from the device
• Bit 0: S_ASSIGN1
• Bit 1: S_ASSIGN2
• Bit 2: S_ASSIGN3

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• Bit 3: S_ASSIGN4
• Bit 4: S_ASSIGN5
• Bit 5: S_ASSIGN6
• Bit 6: S_ASSIGN7
• Bit 7: S_ASSIGN8
• Bit 8: S_ASSIGN9
• Bit 9: S_ASSIGN10
• Bit 10: S_ASSIGN11
• Bit 11: S_ASSIGN12
• Bit 12: S_ASSIGN13
• Bit 13: S_ASSIGN14
• Bit 14: S_ASSIGN15
• Bit 15: M_ASSIGN1
• Bit 16: M_ASSIGN2
• Bit 17: M_ASSIGN3
• Bit 18: M_ASSIGN4
• Bit 19: M_ASSIGN5
• Bit 20: M_ASSIGN6
• Bit 21: M_ASSIGN7
• Bit 22: M_ASSIGN8
• Bit 23: L_ASSIGN1
• Bit 24: L_ASSIGN2
• Bit 25: L_ASSIGN3
• Bit 26: L_ASSIGN4
• Bit 27: L_ASSIGN5
• Bit 28: L_ASSIGN6
• Bit 29: L_ASSIGN7
• Bit 30: L_ASSIGN8
• Bit 31: reserved

1082: Alert ID Report Map

Binary map of the standard headers that will be included in the Alert ID reports
• Bit 0: Report Map
• Bit 1: Model
• Bit 2: Software Version
• Bit 3: Message Type
• Bit 4: Date
• Bit 5: Time
• Bit 6: Cell ID
• Bit 7: MCC
• Bit 8: MNC
• Bit 9: LAC – Local Area Code
• Bit10: RX_LVL
• Bit11: Latitude

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• Bit12: Longitude
• Bit13: Speed
• Bit14: Course/Heading
• Bit15: Satellite Count
• Bit16: GPS Fix Status
• Bit17: Input States
• Bit18: Output States
• Bit19: Alert ID
• Bit20: Alert Modifier
• Bit21: Alert ID Data
• Bit22: reserved
• Bit23: Assign Map

1083: Alert ID Assign Map

Map of the Assign headers that will be included in the Alert ID Reports from the device
• Bit 0: S_ASSIGN1
• Bit 1: S_ASSIGN2
• Bit 2: S_ASSIGN3
• Bit 3: S_ASSIGN4
• Bit 4: S_ASSIGN5
• Bit 5: S_ASSIGN6
• Bit 6: S_ASSIGN7
• Bit 7: S_ASSIGN8
• Bit 8: S_ASSIGN9
• Bit 9: S_ASSIGN10
• Bit 10: S_ASSIGN11
• Bit 11: S_ASSIGN12
• Bit 12: S_ASSIGN13
• Bit 13: S_ASSIGN14
• Bit 14: S_ASSIGN15
• Bit 15: M_ASSIGN1
• Bit 16: M_ASSIGN2
• Bit 17: M_ASSIGN3
• Bit 18: M_ASSIGN4
• Bit 19: M_ASSIGN5
• Bit 20: M_ASSIGN6
• Bit 21: M_ASSIGN7
• Bit 22: M_ASSIGN8
• Bit 23: L_ASSIGN1
• Bit 24: L_ASSIGN2
• Bit 25: L_ASSIGN3
• Bit 26: L_ASSIGN4
• Bit 27: L_ASSIGN5
• Bit 28: L_ASSIGN6

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• Bit 29: L_ASSIGN7

• Bit 30: L_ASSIGN8
• Bit 31: reserved

1084: External Serial Report Map

Binary map of the standard headers that will be included in the External Serial report
• Bit 0: Report Map
• Bit 1: Model
• Bit 2: Software Version
• Bit 3: Message Type
• Bit 4: Date
• Bit 5: Time
• Bit 6: Cell ID
• Bit 7: MCC
• Bit 8: MNC
• Bit 9: LAC – Local Area Code
• Bit10: RX_LVL
• Bit11: Latitude
• Bit12: Longitude
• Bit13: Speed
• Bit14: Course/Heading
• Bit15: Satellite Count
• Bit16: GPS Fix Status
• Bit17: Input States
• Bit18: Output States
• Bit19: Length of Data
• Bit20: Data
• Bit21: Checksum
• Bit22: reserved
• Bit23: reserved

1086: Travel Event

This is a function that reports summarized driving information when the engine is turned off.
• 0 = Disabled
• 1 = Enabled

1087: Travel Report Map

Binary map of the standard headers that will be included in the Travel Report.
• Bit 0: Report Map
• Bit 1: Model
• Bit 2: Software Version
• Bit 3: Message Type
• Bit 4: Date
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• Bit 5: Time
• Bit 6: Travel Start Latitude
• Bit 7: Travel Start Longitude
• Bit 8: Travel End Latitude
• Bit 9: Travel End Longitude
• Bit10: Driver ID
• Bit11: Travel Distance
• Bit12: Driving Time meter in seconds for current trip
• Bit13: Time spent in Idle Mode for the entire trip in seconds (Ignition On to Ignition Off)
• Bit14: Number of Idle events during 1 trip (Ignition On to Ignition Off)
• Bit15: Time spent in Speed Mode in seconds
• Bit16: Number of times Speed Mode was entered from Drive Mode
• Bit17: Maximum Speed as calculated from GPS data
• Bit18: Average Speed as calculated from GPS data
• Bit19: Odometer as calculated from GPS data
• Bit20: Speed Histogram
• Bit21: Reserved
• Bit22: Reserved
• Bit23: Reserved
• Bit24: Reserved
• Bit25: Reserved
• Bit26: Reserved
• Bit27: Reserved
• Bit28: Reserved
• Bit29: Reserved
• Bit30: Reserved
• Bit31: Reserved
• Bit32: Reserved
• Bit33: Reserved
• Bit34: Reserved
• Bit35: Reserved
• Bit36: Reserved
• Bit37: Reserved
• Bit38: Reserved
• Bit39: Reserved

1092: ST25T Report Map

Binary map of the standard headers that will be included in the ST25T Report.
• Bit 0: Report Map
• Bit 1: Model
• Bit 2: Software Version
• Bit 3: Message Type
• Bit 4: Date
• Bit 5: Time

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• Bit 6: Cell ID
• Bit 7: MCC
• Bit 8: MNC
• Bit 9: LAC – Local Area Code
• Bit10: RX_LVL
• Bit11: Latitude
• Bit12: Longitude
• Bit13: Speed
• Bit14: Course/Heading
• Bit15: Satellite Count
• Bit16: GPS Fix Status
• Bit17: Input States
• Bit18: Output States
• Bit19: Pack Number
• Bit20: Total Packet Size
• Bit21: Packet Size
• Bit22: Packet Data

1072: AES128
Selects whether or not to use the AES128.
When using Auto Enc. Key, the device uses IMEI as the key.

Range: 0 – 2
Units: N/A

0 = Disable
1 = Auto Enc. Key
2 = User Enc. Key

1073: AES128 Key

This Parameter will be setting User AES128 Key
User AES128 Key should be 32 characters and possible range of each character are:
‘0’~’9’, ‘a’~’f’, ‘A’~’F’

11: Assign Headers – Status Report

The Status Assign Headers consist of 3 different data options that can be added to the end of the Status Reports:
• Small Assign:
o 2 Byte Data Field
o Each option is assigned an ID value from 00 to FF
• Medium Assign
o 4 Byte Data Field
o Each option is assigned an ID value from 00 to FF
• Large Assign
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o 8 Byte Data Field

o Each option is assigned an ID value from 00 to FF

1100 – 1114: Small Assign options 1 – 15

2-byte parameter to designate the ID from the Small Assign Table
• 1100 = S_ASSIGN1
• …
• 1114 = S_ASSIGN15

1140 – 1147: Medium Assign options 1 – 8

4-byte parameter to designate the ID from the Small Assign Table
• 1140 = M_ASSIGN1
• …
• 1147 = M_ASSIGN8

1160 – 1167: Large Assign options 1 – 8

8-byte parameter to designate the ID from the Large Assign Table
• 1160 = L_ASSIGN1
• …
• 1167 = L_ASSIGN8

12: Assign Headers – Alert Report

The Alert Assign Headers consist of 3 different data options that can be added to the end of the Alert Reports:
• Small Assign:
o 2 Byte Data Field
o Each option is assigned an ID value from 00 to FF
• Medium Assign
o 4 Byte Data Field
o Each option is assigned an ID value from 00 to FF
• Large Assign
o 8 Byte Data Field
o Each option is assigned an ID value from 00 to FF

1200 – 1214: Small Assign options 1-15 (ALT Report)

2-byte parameter to designate the ID from the Small Assign Table
• 1200 = S_ASSIGN1
• …
• 1214 = S_ASSIGN15

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1240 – 1247: Medium Assign options 1- 8 (ALT Report)

4-byte parameter to designate the ID from the Small Assign Table
• 1240 = M_ASSIGN1
• …
• 1247 = M_ASSIGN8

1260 – 1267: Large Assign options 1 – 8 (ALT Report)

8-byte parameter to designate the ID from the Large Assign Table
• 1260 = L_ASSIGN1
• …
• 1267 = L_ASSIGN8

13: Alert Config 1

2-byte Parameters that designate whether or not the Alert Report is enabled, and the value of the Alert ID that will
be sent when the Alert Report is generated.

1300: Ignition On (33)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when Ignition On is detected

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)
• Example:
o 0x01 0x21
o Enabled with Alert ID decimal value of 33

1301: Ignition Off (34)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when Ignition Off is detected

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)
• Example:
o 0x01 0x22
o Enabled with Alert ID decimal value of 34

1302: Enter Drive Mode (29)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it has entered Drive Mode

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Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1304: Enter Park Mode (31)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it has entered Park Mode

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1306: Enter Idle Mode (68)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it has entered Idle Mode

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1308: Excess Idle (35)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it has been in Idle Mode, and has exceeded the Excess Idle threshold

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1311: Enter Speeding Mode (36)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it has entered Speeding Mode 1

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
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o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1313: Over Speed (1)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it has exceeded the Speed threshold

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1314: Under Speed (2)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it has gone below the Speed threshold

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1321: Enter Towing Mode (58)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it has entered Towing Mode

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1325: Enter Sleep (9)

This Alert ID is sent before the device enters sleep mode.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

The ALERT_MOD field in the Alert Report will denote which type of sleep the device is utilizing in the first Byte
• 0x00 0x_ _ = Normal Sleep
• 0x01 0x_ _ = Deep Sleep

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1326: Exit Sleep (10)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it wakes up from sleep mode.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1328: Back-Up Battery Low (43)

This Alert ID is sent by the device right before it shuts down due to low back-up battery voltage.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1329: Power Up (99)

This Alert ID is sent by the when the device powers up from no battery or main power connection.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1330: Main Power Connected (40)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when it is connected to main Power.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1331: Main Power Disconnected (41)

This Alert ID is sent by the device is disconnected from Main power.

Note this Alert ID is only sent by devices that support a back-up battery, that is currently connected to the device.
Without the back-up battery, the device will not be able to generate and send this Alert Report.

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Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1332: Connected to Back-up Battery (44)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the back-up battery is connected.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1333: Disconnected from Back-Up Battery (45)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the back-up battery is disconnected.

Note the device must be connected to main power in order for this Alert Report to be sent. Without connection to
main power, the device will not be able to generate and send this report.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1334: Battery Error (13)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1335: Battery Low (14)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

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1336: GPS Antenna Disconnected (3)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1337: GPS Antenna Connected (4)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1338: GPS Antenna Shorted (8)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1339: Sim Card Removed (72)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1350: Shocked (15)

Accident detected while in park mode
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1351: Collision has occurred to vehicle (16)

Accident detected while in Drive, Speed, or Idle Mode (Ignition On)
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Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1354: Alert of Fast Acceleration: Driver Pattern (46)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1355: Alert of Harsh Brake: Driver Pattern (47)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1356: Sharp turn left alert: Driver Pattern (48)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1357: Sharp turn right alert: Driver Pattern (49)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1365: Vehicle Exit Circular Geo-Fence (5)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
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o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1366: Vehicle Enter Circular Geo-Fence (6)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1367: Vehicle Exit Poly Geo-Fence(74)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1368: Vehicle Enter Poly Geo-Fence(79)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1371: Alert Input goes to Open status (11)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1372: Alert Input goes to Ground (12)

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

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14: Alert Config 2

2-byte Parameters that designate whether or not the Alert Report is enabled, and the value of the Alert ID that will
be sent when the Alert Report is generated.

1400: Temp High (75)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the 1-Wire Temperature probe detects that the temperature has exceeded
the defined High threshold for the specified Temperature Probe.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

The ALERT_MOD field in the Alert Report will denote which temperature probe has triggered the Temp High Alert
Report utilizing in the first Byte
• Zip Report Type
o 0x01 0x_ _ = Temp Probe 1
o 0x02 0x_ _ = Temp Probe 2
o …
o 0x08 0x_ _ = Temp Probe 8
• Normal Report Type
o 1 = Temp Probe 1
o 2 = Temp Probe 2
o …
o 8 = Temp Probe 8

1401: Temp Low (76)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the 1-Wire Temperature probe detects that the temperature has gone
below the defined Low threshold for the specified Temperature Probe.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

The ALERT_MOD field in the Alert Report will denote which temperature probe has triggered the Temp Low Alert
Report utilizing in the first Byte
• Zip Report Type
o 0x01 0x_ _ = Temp Probe 1
o 0x02 0x_ _ = Temp Probe 2
o …

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o 0x08 0x_ _ = Temp Probe 8

• Normal Report Type
o 1 = Temp Probe 1
o 2 = Temp Probe 2
o …
o 8 = Temp Probe 8

1402: Temp Return (77)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the 1-Wire Temperature probe detects that the temperature has returned
to a temperature that is between the defined Low and High threshold for the specified Temperature Probe.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

The ALERT_MOD field in the Alert Report will denote which temperature probe has triggered the Temp Return
Alert Report utilizing in the first Byte
• Zip Report Type
o 0x01 0x_ _ = Temp Probe 1
o 0x02 0x_ _ = Temp Probe 2
o …
o 0x08 0x_ _ = Temp Probe 8
• Normal Report Type
o 1 = Temp Probe 1
o 2 = Temp Probe 2
o …
o 8 = Temp Probe 8

1403: iButton inserted/read (59)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the 1-Wire iButton Reader detects that an iButton key has been placed on
the reader.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

The ALERT_MOD field in the Zip Type Alert Report will denote the length of the ALERT_DATA field.
• Zip Report Type
o 0x00 0x08
 Byte 1
• 0 = ID is not contained in the registered list of 100 possible saved IDs
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• 1 = ID is contained in the registered list of 100 possible saved IDs

 Byte 2 = length of the ALERT_DATA field
• Normal Report Type
o 0 = ID is not contained in the registered list of 100 possible saved IDs
o 1 = ID is contained in the registered list of 100 possible saved IDs

The ALERT_DATA field will contain the ID of the iButton key that has been read by the device

1405: RFID Tag Detection (93)

This alert ID is sent by the device when the RFID tag reader is detected by the reader.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1406: Voice Call(67)

Alert is sent when Voice Call is connected, released or failed.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1407: RS232 Connection/Disconnection(69)

This alert id is sent when the RS232 is connected or disconnected.

1417: GPS Fix(97)

This alert id is sent when the GPS is Fixed or Not Fixed.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1418: ST25T Connect (85)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST25T is connected.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
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o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1419: ST25T Disconnect (86)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST25T is disconnected.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1420: RS232 Fuel Net Address Scan Fail (87)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST25T Fuel scan Fail.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

• The ALERT_MOD indicates the RS232 or RS485 number.

o 0 = RS232 1
o 1 = RS232 2

1421: RS232 Fuel Max Level Excess (88)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST25T Fuel max level excess.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

• The ALERT_MOD indicates the RS232 or RS485 number.

o 0 = RS232 1
o 1 = RS232 2

1422: Fuel Connect (89)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST25T Fuel connect.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
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o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

• The ALERT_MOD indicates the RS232 or RS485 number.

o 0 = RS232 1
o 1 = RS232 2
o 2 = RS485 1
o 3 = RS485 2
o 4 = RS485 3
o 5 = RS485 4

1423: Fuel Disconnect (90)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST25T Fuel disconnect.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

• The ALERT_MOD indicates the RS232 or RS485 number.

o 0 = RS232 1
o 1 = RS232 2
o 2 = RS485 1
o 3 = RS485 2
o 4 = RS485 3
o 5 = RS485 4

1424: Fuel Level Lower (91)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST25T Fuel level lower.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

• The ALERT_MOD indicates the RS232 or RS485 number.

o 0 = RS232 1
o 1 = RS232 2
o 2 = RS485 1
o 3 = RS485 2
o 4 = RS485 3
o 5 = RS485 4

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1425: Fuel Level Upper (92)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST25T Fuel level upper.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

• The ALERT_MOD indicates the RS232 or RS485 number.

o 0 = RS232 1
o 1 = RS232 2
o 2 = RS485 1
o 3 = RS485 2
o 4 = RS485 3
o 5 = RS485 4

1426: Engine :Exceed Speed (61)

When the ST20U Speed Data detects that the Exceed Speed value has been exceeded, an alarm ID is sent to the

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1427: Engine :Vehicle Speed Violation (62)

If the ST20U Speed Data detects that the configured Vehicle Speed Violation value has been exceeded, an alert ID
will be sent to the unit.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1428: Engine :Coolant Temperature Violation (63)

When the ST20U Coolant Temperature Violation Data detects that the Engine Coolant Temp value has been
exceeded, an alarm ID is sent to the unit.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
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o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1429: Engine :Oil Pressure Violation (64)

When the ST20U Oil Pressure Violation Data detects that the oil pressure value has been exceeded, an alarm ID is
sent to the unit.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1430: Engine :RPM Violation (65)

When the ST20U RPM Data detects that the Engine RPM value has been exceeded, an alarm ID is sent to the unit.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1431: Engine :Error Code(DTC) (66)

When the ST20U DTC Data Error Code occurs, an alarm ID is sent to the device.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1432: ST20U Connect (70)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST20U is connected.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
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o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1433: ST20U Disconnect (71)

This Alert ID is sent by the device when the ST20U is disconnected.

Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1434: Over Speed in Polygon (100)

This alert ID is sent by the device when the device has exceeded the buzzer speed limit within the polygon area.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1435: Under Speed in Polygon (101)

This alarm ID is sent when the device falls below the buzzer speed limit within the polygon area.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1436: Magnet Detected (56)

This alarm ID is sent when the device sense a magnet.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1437: Magnet Released (57)

This alarm ID is sent when the device miss a magnet.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
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o 01 = Enabled
• 2 Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1438: Power Key Pressed (55)

This alarm ID is sent when the power is on/off by power key.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report
o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

1439: I-VUE Event (102)

This alarm ID is sent when the I-VUE is detects an event.
Parameter Structure:
• 1st Byte is the enable feature
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled

• 2nd Byte is the ID that will be generated for the report

o Option of Hex : 00 to FF (Decimal : 0-255)

• The ALERT_MOD indicates the RS232 or RS485 number.

o 0 = None
o 1 = Drowsiness 1
o 2 = Drowsiness 2
o 3 = Negligence in looking
o 4 = Departure
o 5 = Smoking
o 6 = Smartphone

16: Mode Configuration and Profile Settings

Mode Config Tab

The Mode Configuration parameters control the different modes that will be utilized on the device. These modes
are built in to cover the standard functions, and can be configured and customized by the following parameters.

1600: Drive Mode Profile/Enable

This parameter is used to select the Profile that will be assigned to Drive Mode.
• 0 = Mode is Disabled
• X = Reporting Profile that is assigned to Drive Mode

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1601: Drive Mode Entry Delay

Range: 0 – 255
Units: Seconds

Delay in entering Drive mode from an Ignition On Alert.

1605: Park Mode Profile/Enable

This parameter is used to select the Profile that will be assigned to Park Mode.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Reporting Profile that is assigned to Park Mode

1606: Park Mode Entry Delay

Range: 0 – 255
Units: Seconds

Delay in entering Park mode from an Ignition Off Alert.

1610: Idle Mode Profile/Enable

This parameter is used to select the Profile that will be assigned to Idle Mode.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Reporting Profile that is assigned to Idle Mode

1611: Idle Entry – GPS No Move Delay

Range: 0 – 65535
Units: Seconds

This delay is to configure the amount of time that the GPS must detect no movement before Idle mode can be
• 0 = Disabled
o This means Idle is disabled, or the device will only look at accelerometer movement
• X = Seconds GPS must detect no movement before Idle mode condition is met

1612: Idle Entry – Acc. No Move Delay

Range: 0 – 65535
Units: Seconds

This delay is to configure the amount of time that the Accelerometer must detect no movement before Idle mode
can be entered.
• 0 = Disabled
o This means Idle is disabled, or the device will only look at GPS movement
• X = Seconds Accelerometer must detect no movement before Idle mode condition is met

1613: Idle Exit – GPS Move Delay

Range: 0 – 255
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Units: Seconds

This delay is to configure the amount of time that the GPS must detect movement before Idle mode can be exited.
• 0 = Disabled
o This means Idle is disabled, or the device will only look at accelerometer movement
• X = Seconds GPS must detect movement before the device will exit Idle mode

1614: Idle Exit – Acc. Move Delay

Range: 0 – 255
Units: Seconds

This delay is to configure the amount of time that the Accelerometer must detect movement before Idle mode can
be exited.
• 0 = Disabled
o This means Idle is disabled, or the device will only look at GPS movement
• X = Seconds Accelerometer must detect movement before Idle mode condition is met

1615: Excess Idle Threshold 1

Range: 0 – 86400
Units: Seconds

Amount of time in Idle mode before the device sends and Excess Idle Mode Alert

1616: Excess Idle Threshold 2

Range: 0 – 86400
Units: Seconds

Amount of time in Idle mode before the device sends and Excess Idle Mode Alert

1617: Excess Idle Threshold 3

Range: 0 – 86400
Units: Seconds

Amount of time in Idle mode before the device sends and Excess Idle Mode Alert

1620: Speeding Mode Profile/Enable

This parameter is used to select the Profile that will be assigned to Speeding Mode.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Reporting Profile that is assigned to Speeding Mode

1621: Speed Threshold

Range: 0-300
Units: km/h

Monitors the speed of the vehicle for 2 functions:

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1. If the Speeding Alert report is enabled, the device will send an alert report if the speed goes above/below
the value in this parameter for the time defined in Above Alert Delay
2. If Speeding Mode is enabled, the device will look at the delay conditions and potentially enter/exit
Speeding Mode
The settings for this parameter are as follows:
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Speed in km/h that the device monitors

1622: Speed Mode Entry Delay

Range: 0 – 255
Units: Seconds

This delay is used to configure the amount of time that the GPS Speed must be above the Speed Threshold before
the device will enter Speeding Mode.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Seconds GPS Speed must be above the Speed Threshold before Speeding Mode condition is met

1623: Speed Mode Exit Delay

Range: 0 – 255
Units: Seconds

This delay is used to configure the amount of time that the GPS Speed must be below the Speed Threshold before
the device will exit Speeding Mode.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Seconds GPS Speed must be below the Speed Threshold before Speeding Mode is exited

1624: Speed Above Alert Delay

Range: 0 – 255
Units: Seconds

This delay is used to configure the amount of time that the GPS Speed must be above the Speed Threshold before
the device will send the Alert ID Over Speed.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Seconds GPS Speed must be above the Speed Threshold before Above Speed Alert

1625: Speed Below Alert Delay

Range: 0 – 255
Units: Seconds

This delay is used to configure the amount of time that the GPS Speed must be below the Speed Threshold before
the device will send the Alert ID Below Speed.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Seconds GPS Speed must be below the Speed Threshold before Below Speed Alert

1636: Towing Mode Profile/Enable

This parameter is used to select the Profile that will be assigned to Towing Mode.
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• 0 = Disabled
• X = Reporting Profile that is assigned to Towing Mode

1637: Enable Report Schedule

If this function is enabled, report to server is sent on allowed hour range and the day of week. Only status report
with configured interval is influenced by scheduling function.
• 0 = Disable
• 1 = Enable

1638: Start Hour for Working(24H)

This parameter sets the start time of the report.
Range: 0 – 23
Units: Hour

1639: End Hour for Working(24H)

This parameter sets the end time of the report.
Range: 1 – 24
Units: Hour

1640: Day of Week For Working

Indicate the day of week, on which report schedule should be run. These values are composed of each day of the
week from Sunday to Saturday. ‘Y means the day of working, and ‘N’ means the day of not-working. If you want to
allow the report to server on Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday, you can input the value as ‘YNYNNNY’.
If all day should be working, you can input as ‘YYYYYYY’
Default : YYYYYY

Profile Setting Tab

This section will cover the Reporting Profile Settings that can be assigned to each Mode

1670: Profile 1 Time

Range: 0, 5 – 86,400 (24 hour maximum)
Units: Seconds

Time Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 1.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Timer value that the device will “OR” condition with the Distance and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 1

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1671: Profile 1 Distance

Range: 0, 50 – 65,535
Units: meters

Distance Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 1.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Distance value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 1

1672: Profile 1 Heading/Angle

Range: 0, 10 – 179
Units: degrees

Heading/Angle Change value for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 1.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Heading/Angle change value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Distance values in
Profile 1

1673: Profile 2 Time

Range: 0, 5 – 86,400 (24 hour maximum)
Units: Seconds

Time Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 2.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Timer value that the device will “OR” condition with the Distance and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 2

1674: Profile 2 Distance

Range: 0, 50 – 65,535
Units: meters

Distance Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 2.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Distance value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 2

1675: Profile 2 Heading/Angle

Range: 0, 10 – 179
Units: degrees

Heading/Angle Change value for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 2.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Heading/Angle change value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Distance values in
Profile 2

1676: Profile 3 Time

Range: 0, 5 – 86,400 (24 hour maximum)
Units: Seconds

Time Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 3.
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• 0 = Disabled
• X = Timer value that the device will “OR” condition with the Distance and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 3

1677: Profile 3 Distance

Range: 0, 50 – 65,535
Units: meters

Distance Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 3.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Distance value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 3

1678: Profile 3 Heading/Angle

Range: 0, 10 – 179
Units: degrees

Heading/Angle Change value for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 3.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Heading/Angle change value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Distance values in
Profile 3

1679: Profile 4 Time

Range: 0, 5 – 86,400 (24 hour maximum)
Units: Seconds

Time Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 4.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Timer value that the device will “OR” condition with the Distance and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 4

1680: Profile 4 Distance

Range: 0, 50– 65,535
Units: meters

Distance Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 4.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Distance value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 4

1681: Profile 4 Heading/Angle

Range: 0, 10 – 179
Units: degrees

Heading/Angle Change value for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 4.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Heading/Angle change value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Distance values in
Profile 4

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1682: Profile 5 Time

Range: 0, 5 – 86,400 (24 hour maximum)
Units: Seconds

Time Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 5.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Timer value that the device will “OR” condition with the Distance and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 5

1683: Profile 5 Distance

Range: 0, 50 – 65,535
Units: meters

Distance Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 5.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Distance value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 5

1684: Profile 5 Heading/Angle

Range: 0, 10 – 179
Units: degrees

Heading/Angle Change value for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 5.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Heading/Angle change value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Distance values in
Profile 5

1685: Profile 6 Time

Range: 0, 5 – 86,400 (24 hour maximum)
Units: Seconds

Time Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 6.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Timer value that the device will “OR” condition with the Distance and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 6

1686: Profile 6 Distance

Range: 0, 50 – 65,535
Units: meters

Distance Interval for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 6.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = Distance value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Heading/Angle Change values in
Profile 6

1687: Profile 6 Heading/Angle

Range: 0, 10 – 179
Units: degrees

Heading/Angle Change value for which the device will send Status Reports in Profile 6.
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• 0 = Disabled
• X = Heading/Angle change value that the device will “OR” condition with the Time and Distance values in
Profile 6

17: Ignition / Inputs / Outputs

Ignition Tab
This section will cover the parameters that can be found in the “Ignition” tab of SyncTrak. The Ignition parameters
are used to configure how the device will determine the Ignition ON and OFF states.

1700: Ignition
Determines which type of Ignition detection to use.
• 1 = Use Ignition Line
• 2 = Virtual Ignition – Power
o Determines Ignition based on change in the vehicle voltage (this is a result of the alternator
raising the battery voltage when the vehicle is on)
• 3 = Virtual Ignition – Motion
o Determines ignition based on Motion/Accelerometer
o Selecting this option disables the Idle and Tow Modes

1701: Ignition Off Delay

Range: 0 – 255
Units: Seconds

This parameter contains the time required for the Ignition input to be ‘Off’ before the device will recognize the
Ignition Off state, and send out the Alert ID for Ignition Off.

1702: Ignition On Delay

Range: 0 – 255
Units: Seconds

This parameter contains the time required for the Ignition input to be ‘On’ before the device will recognize the
Ignition On state, and send out the Alert ID for Ignition On

1705: VI-M: Ignition On Threshold

Range: 3 – 30
Units: 1/255G

When using Virtual Ignition Motion, this setting is the motion threshold used to determine Ignition On.

1706: VI-M: Ignition On Delay

Range: 3 – 999
Units: Seconds

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When using Virtual Ignition Motion, this setting is the delay time for Motion Ignition On.

1707: VI-M: Ignition On Percent

Range: 30 – 100
Units: %

When using Virtual Ignition Motion, this setting is the percentage of time that Motion must be detected during the
VI-M Ignition On Delay.

1708: VI-M: Ignition Off Threshold

Range: 3 – 30
Units: 1/255G

When using Virtual Ignition Motion, this setting is the motion threshold used to determine Ignition Off.

1709: VI-M: Ignition Off Delay

Range: 3 – 999
Units: Seconds

When using Virtual Ignition Motion, this setting is the delay time for Motion Ignition Off.

1710: VI-M: Ignition Off Percent

Range: 30 – 100
Units: %

When using Virtual Ignition Motion, this setting is the percentage of time that No Motion must be detected during
the VI-M Ignition Off Delay.

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1715: VI-V: Ignition High (V)

Range: 0 – 30
Units: Volts DC
• 0 = Device check parking and driving automatically
When using Virtual Ignition Power, this setting determines the Ignition On threshold voltage. Once the vehicle
voltage rises above this level, the device will recognize this as Ignition On.

1716: VI-V: Ignition Low (V)

Range: 0 – 30
Units: Volts DC
• 0 = Device check parking and driving automatically

When using Virtual Ignition Power, this setting determines the Ignition Off threshold voltage. Once the vehicle
voltage drops below this level, the device will recognize this as Ignition Off.

Inputs Tab
This section will cover the parameters that can be found in the “Inputs” tab of SyncTrak. The Input parameters are
used to configure how the device will interact with devices connected to the available inputs.

Input Options Table:

Input Voltage range of 0-30VDC

0 = Falling Edge
• Sends an Event report when the Input goes from High to Low
• Low threshold of 0.56VDC
1 = Rising Edge
• Sends an Event report when the Input goes from Low to High
• High threshold of 1.96VDC
2 = Both Edge (Falling & Rising)
• Both Falling and Rising Edge reports
4 = Call 1 Button (audio option)
• Call the number which is set CALL MO 1 in SMS/CALL tab
• Call Support should be enabled
5 = Call 2 Button (audio option)
• Call the number which is set CALL MO 2 in SMS/CALL tab
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• Call Support should be enabled

6 = ADC
• Enable ADC
13 = Disable Immob. if activated by JAM (Only jammer function models are support)
• Disable immobilizer. if activated by jammer
16 = Speaker Volume Up Button (audio option)
• Change the volume of speaker while phone calling
• Volume Range: 1 ~ 6
• Volume Default value: 3
• Volume Change order: 3 → 4 → 5 → 6 → 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 …
18 = 1-Wire
• Use input as 1-wire

1720: Input 1 Type

Select Input Type

1721: Input 1 Chat

Range: 0 – 9999
Units: 100ms

This parameter defines the length of time that the input transition must be held in order for a report to be sent. This
prevents reports from being sent by noise on the input line, and looks only for the signal transitions.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = X * 100ms

1722: Input 2 Type

Select Input Type

1723: Input 2 Chat

Range: 0 – 9999
Units: 100ms

This parameter defines the length of time that the input transition must be held in order for a report to be sent. This
prevents reports from being sent by noise on the input line, and looks only for the signal transitions.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = X * 100ms

1724: Input 3 Type

Select Input Type

1725: Input 3 Chat

Range: 0 – 9999
Units: 100ms
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This parameter defines the length of time that the input transition must be held in order for a report to be sent. This
prevents reports from being sent by noise on the input line, and looks only for the signal transitions.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = X * 100ms

1726: Input 4 Type

Select Input Type

1727: Input 4 Chat

Range: 0 – 9999
Units: 100ms

This parameter defines the length of time that the input transition must be held in order for a report to be sent. This
prevents reports from being sent by noise on the input line, and looks only for the signal transitions.
• 0 = Disabled
• X = X * 100ms

Outputs Tab
This section will cover the parameters that can be found in the “Outputs” tab of SyncTrak. The Output parameters
are used to configure how the device will interact with devices connected to the available outputs.

<Output Action Comment>

The lease command and driver id tag and enable, disable commands related to starting the car will be executed
first regardless of the condition. In addition, execution of the output due to overspeed, polygon buzzer speed,
circular and jammer will be executed if the conditions are met.
However, the outputs within the polygon area are executed first.

Output Types:
0 = GPIO
1 = Immobilizer
2 = Immobilizer Auto
• Auto Active means that immobilizer is activated automatically when the vehicle starts being parked.
3 = Pulse
4 = Call LED(Support Only Audio Model)
5 = Buzzer
17 = Horn Pulse(Support Only on 3 or more OUTPUTs Model)
18 = Buzzer Pulse(Support Only on 3 or more OUTPUTs Model)

** In case of pulse, pulse time may have tolerance about dozens of ms.
** Immobilizer, LED Blink line and Buzzer type cannot set both OUT1 and OUT2 simultaneously.

1760: Output 1 Type

Selectable Output Type

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1761: Output 1 Active

When the output is activated, this parameter controls whether the line is left Open or Grounded
• 0 = Open when output is activated
• 1 = Ground when output is activated

1762: Output 2 Type

Selectable Output Type

1763: Output 2 Active

When the output is activated, this parameter controls whether the line is left Open or Grounded
• 0 = Open when output is activated
• 1 = Ground when output is activated

1764: Output 3 Type

Selectable Output Type

1765: Output 3 Active

When the output is activated, this parameter controls whether the line is left Open or Grounded
• 0 = Open when output is activated
• 1 = Ground when output is activated

1766: Output 4 Type

Selectable Output Type

1767: Output 4 Active

When the output is activated, this parameter controls whether the line is left Open or Grounded
• 0 = Open when output is activated
• 1 = Ground when output is activated

1775: Pulse 1 Number

The number of Pulses for the output when it is set to Pulse 1

1776: Pulse 1 On
Range: 0 – 9999
Units: 100ms

The length of the On or High Pulse for the output when Pulse 1 is selected

1777: Pulse 1 Off

Range: 0 – 9999
Units: 100ms

The length of the Off or Low Pulse for the output when Pulse 1 is selected

1780: Pulse 2 Number

The number of Pulses for the output when it is set to Pulse 2

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1781: Pulse 2 On
Range: 0 – 9999
Units: 100ms

The length of the On or High Pulse for the output when Pulse 2 is selected

1782: Pulse 2 Off

Range: 0 – 9999
Units: 100ms

The length of the Off or Low Pulse for the output when Pulse 2 is selected

18: Registered 1-Wire Driver IDs

Contain the registered Driver IDs that are stored on the device.

1800-1899: Driver ID 1-100

Once the Driver ID function has been enabled for the 1-Wire line, then the device will check these parameters
when an ID is scanned to see if the scanned ID is registered on the pre-defined list. A total of 100 IDs can be
stored locally on the device.

If there is no Driver ID in the parameter when requested it will respond with “NoData”

To erase an existing ID field, the value “0000000000000000”

Driver ID Parameters.
• 1800 = Driver ID 1
• …
• 1899 = Driver ID 100

Driver ID No.
The complete HEX value of the Driver ID
• [CRC] [ID Number] [Family Code]
• [FE] [000012B9FB8B] [01]
• Input as: FE000012B9FB8B01

19: Accelerometer / Power / RS232 / 1 Wire

This section will cover the parameters that can be found in the “Accelerometer” tab of SyncTrak.

Accelerometer Tab

1900: Motion Sensor

This parameter controls the enable for the Motion Sensor

Bit Map:
• Bit 0 = Motion
o 0 = Disabled
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o 1 = Enabled
• Bit 1 = Shock
o 0 = Disabled
o 1 = Enabled
• Bit 2 = Collision
o 0 = Disabled
o 1 = Enabled
• Bit 3-7 = reserved

1901: Motion Threshold

Range: 0.06 – 8.0
Units: G’s (Gravity)

Detection level of motion violation:

Recommend: 0.06.

1902: Shock Detection Delay

Range: 1 – 21600
Units: Seconds

Delay in entering shock detection mode after ignition off:

0 – Disable.

Recommend: 600 (10 min).

1903: Shock Threshold

Range: 0.06 – 8.0
Units: G’s (Gravity)

Detection level of shock violation. This Parameter must be equal or greater than Motion Threshold:

Recommend: 0.7

1904: Collision Threshold

Range: 0.1 – 8.0
Units: G’s (Gravity)

Gravity for collision report. This Parameter must be equal or greater than Shock Threshold:

Recommend : 1.5

1910: Driver Pattern Function

This parameter controls whether or not the Driver Pattern Behavior functions are enabled on the device.
• 0 = Disable
• 1 = Enable
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1911: DP – Base Speed

Units: km/h

Base speed limitation value

Device will be checking Driver Pattern Data when the current speed is over this value.

1912: DP – Fast Accel

Range: 1-512
Units: 1/256G

Fast acceleration violation value

This value is based on the difference value of speed during 1 second.

1913: DP – Harsh Brake

Range: 1-512
Units: 1/256G

Harsh brake violation value

1914: DP – Sharp Turn

Range: 1-512
Units: 1/256G

Sharp turn violation value

1915: Crash Construction Report

This parameter controls whether or not the Crash Construction Report is enabled on the device. It is necessary to
set the ‘Motion Sensor (1900)’ value to ‘Collision’.
• 0 = Disable
• 1 = Enable

1916: Before collision (Sec.)

Range: 1-15
Units: Second

Record time before collision occurring.

1917: After collision (Sec.)

Range: 1-15
Units: Second

Record time after collision occurring.

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1918: Sampling Rate (Hz)

Range: 4, 100, 800
Units: Hz

Sample count per 1 second.

Power Tab
This section will cover the parameters that can be found in the “Power” tab of SyncTrak.

1930: Power Down Type

Power saving type
• 0 = Disabled
o Sleep and deep sleep service are disabled, so the device will leave GPS and Cell on all the time
• 1 = Enable deep sleep
o GPS and Cell are both turned off during sleep
• 2 = Enable sleep.
o Only GPS is turned off during sleep
• 3 = Enable deep sleep 2.
o Both GPS and cells are turned off during sleep and can't receive events. Only SUB MCU stays
turned on.

1931: Main Power Check

Checking Main Power Disconnection
• 0 = Disabled
• 1 = Enabled

1932: Battery Error Check

Backup Battery Error Check
• 0 = Disabled
• 1 = Enabled

1933: Decide Vehicle Battery 12V or 24V

Range: 16.0 ~ 20.0
Units: Volts DC

Voltage value to check if the vehicle’s battery is 12V or 24V. If this parameter is set to 18V, then any voltage below
18V will be considered 12V battery and anything above 18V will be considered 24V battery.

This will then use the appropriate Shutdown Threshold Voltage to monitor when to put the device into deep sleep
mode to prevent draining the vehicle battery.

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1934: Shutdown Threshold 12V Vehicle Battery

Units: Volts DC

Voltage value to protect vehicle battery in case of 12V vehicle, the device stops operation if car battery voltage gets
lower than this value. Monitors the input voltage to the device, and powers the device down if the supplied voltage
drops below this set value.

1935: Shutdown Threshold 24V Vehicle Battery

Units: Volts DC

Voltage value to protect vehicle battery in case of 24V vehicle, the device stops operation if car battery voltage gets
lower than this value. Monitors the input voltage to the device, and powers the device down if the supplied voltage
drops below this set value.

1936: Use Low Battery Shutdown

Enables protective shut down of the device if the back-up battery falls below a specified voltage
• 0 = Doesn’t power off the device
• 1 = Power off the device when vehicle battery is disconnected and Backup battery voltage is low

1937: Low Battery Shutdown Threshold

Range: 3.4 – 3.8
Units: Volts DC

Threshold of backup battery voltage for power off.

1938: Low Battery Alert Threshold

Range: 3.5 – 3.8
Units: Volts DC

Threshold of backup battery voltage for the Alert.

Serial RS232 Tab

This section will cover the parameters that can be found in the “Serial RS232” tab of SyncTrak.

1950: RS232 Device

This parameter assigns the accessory that will be connected to the RS232 port.
• 0 = None
• 1 = RFID Reader
o Setting: Setting the RS232 line to RFID Reader will change the RS232 port to look for the RFID
o Functionality: When a supported RFID reader is connected to the RS232 line, the device will send
an Alert when an ID is read. The Alert Report will contain the ID in the ALERT_DATA field.
• 6 =ST25T
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o If ST25T is set, baud rate must be set to 9600bps for normal operation.

• 7 = ST20U
o If ST20U is set, baud rate must be set to 115200bps for normal operation.

1951: Baud Rate

This setting selects the baud rate to be used on the RS232 port of the device. The baud rate options are shown
• 0 = No use
• 1 = 4800bps
• 2 = 9600bps
• 3 = 19200bps
• 4 = 38400bps
• 5 = 115200bps
• 6 = 2400bps

1956: Disconnect Timeout(Sec.)

If there is no “SttReq” message received during the set timeout period after receiving “SttReq” with rs232
An alert occurs.
Range: 30 – 72000
Units: Seconds
Default: 30

Wire Settings Tab

1970: 1-Wire Selection

Select which function the 1 wire will be used for:
• 0 = Disabled
o Setting: The 1-Wire line is disabled on the device
• 1 = Driver ID
o Setting: When the Driver ID function is selected for the 1-Wire line, the device will be set to have
the supported DS9092+ iButton reader connected to the 1-Wire line.
o Functionality: When an iButton is placed on the reader, the device will read the ID and send an
Alert Report to the platform. The Alert Report will contain the ID in the ALERT_DATA field, but
you can also assign the DID header to one of the Large Assign fields to have the DID reported with
each report
• 2 = Temperature Sensors
o Setting: When the Temperature Sensor function is selected for the 1-Wire line, the device will be
set to have the supported DS28EA00 temperature sensors connected to the 1-Wire line. A total of
8 of these temperature sensors can be chained together and connected to the device.
o Functionality: When 1-Wire Selection Parameter has been set to Temperature Sensors, the
device will look at the Parameters Threshold for Temp High and Temp Low to send Alerts for each
temp prove for Temp High, Temp Return, and Temp Low.

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1980: Temp 1 High Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: 100

High temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1981: Temp 1 Low Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: -50

Low temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1982: Temp 2 High Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: 100

High temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1983: Temp 2 Low Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: -50

Low temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1984: Temp 3 High Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: 100

High temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1985: Temp 3 Low Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: -50

Low temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1986: Temp 4 High Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: 100

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High temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1987: Temp 4 Low Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: -50

Low temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1988: Temp 5 High Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: 100

High temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1989: Temp 5 Low Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: -50

Low temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1990: Temp 6 High Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: 100

High temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1991: Temp 6 Low Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: -50

Low temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1992: Temp 7 High Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: 100
High temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

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1993: Temp 7 Low Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: -50

Low temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1994: Temp 8 High Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: 100

High temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

1995: Temp 8 Low Threshold

Range: -55 to +125
Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: -50

Low temperature threshold in which the device will send an Alert

23: Accessory Parameters

This section will cover the parameters about Accessory Device(ST25T, ST20U, …) features.
Accessory Device parameters are available only for Accessory Device.

2300: RS232 Ext1 Dev

This parameter specifies the accessory to be connected to the ST25T RS232 port.
• 0 = None
• 1 = Omnicomm Fuel Sensor
• 2 = RFID
• 3 = Serial Camera
• 4 = AT Cmd
• 5 = I-VUE

2301: RS232 Ext2 Dev

This parameter specifies the accessory to be connected to the ST25T RS232 port.
• 0 = None
• 1 = Omnicomm Fuel Sensor
• 2 = RFID
• 3 = Serial Camera
• 4 = AT Cmd
• 5 = I-VUE

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2302: RS232 Ext1 Baudrate

This setting selects the baud rate to be used on the RS232 port of the device. The baud rate options are shown
• 0 = None
• 1 = 2400 bps
• 2 = 4800 bps
• 3 = 9600 bps
• 4 = 19200 bps
• 5 = 38400 bps
• 6 = 115200 bps

2303: RS232 Ext2 Baudrate

This setting selects the baud rate to be used on the RS232 port of the device. The baud rate options are shown

• 0 = None
• 1 = 2400 bps
• 2 = 4800 bps
• 3 = 9600 bps
• 4 = 19200 bps
• 5 = 38400 bps
• 6 = 115200 bps

2304: RS232 Ext1 Fuel Alert Level

Range: 0 – 4095

This parameter defines the fuel level change value in the ALT report.

2305: RS232 Ext1 Fuel Alert Level

Range: 0 – 4095

This parameter defines the fuel level change value in the ALT report.

2306: RS485 Fuel Baudrate

This setting selects the baud rate to be used on the RS485 port of the device. The baud rate options are shown
• 0 = None
• 1 = 2400 bps
• 2 = 4800 bps
• 3 = 9600 bps
• 4 = 19200 bps
• 5 = 38400 bps
• 6 = 115200 bps

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2307: RS485 Fuel1 Alert Level

Range: 0 – 4095

This parameter defines the fuel level change value in the ALT report.

2308: RS485 Fuel2 Alert Level

Range: 0 – 4095

This parameter defines the fuel level change value in the ALT report.

2309: RS485 Fuel3 Alert Level

Range: 0 – 4095

This parameter defines the fuel level change value in the ALT report.

2310: RS485 Fuel4 Alert Level

Range: 0 – 4095

This parameter defines the fuel level change value in the ALT report.

2311: Expansion ADC1

Range: 0 or 1
Units: N/A

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

Selects whether or not to use the ADC1.

Since adc1 and input1 use one line in ST25T, they can not be set at the same time.

2312: Expansion ADC2

Range: 0 or 1
Units: N/A

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

Selects whether or not to use the ADC2.

Since adc1 and input1 use one line in ST25T, they can not be set at the same time.

2313: Expansion Input1 Type

Selects whether or not to use the Input1.
• 0 = None
• 1 = Falling Edge
• 2 = Rising Edge
• 3 = Both Edge

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2314: Expansion Input1 Chat

Range: 0 – 30
Units: 100msec
Default: 1

Input1 Chattering Time, If 0, Input1 is not checked

2315: Expansion Input2 Type

Selects whether or not to use the Input2.
• 0 = None
• 1 = Falling Edge
• 2 = Rising Edge
• 3 = Both Edge

2316: Expansion Input2 Chat

Range: 0 – 30
Units: 100msec
Default: 1

Input1 Chattering Time, If 0, Input1 is not checked

2330: Exceed Vehicle Speed(ST20U)

This parameter checks if the ST20U Speed Data exceeds the set value.

Range: 0 – 250
Units: km/h
Default: 120

2331: Speed Limit(ST20U)

This parameter checks if the ST20U Speed Data exceeds the set value.

Range: 0 – 250
Units: km/h
Default: 0

2332: Limit Value for Engine Coolant Temperature(ST20U)

This parameter checks if the ST20U coolant temperature data exceeds the set value.

Range: -40 – 210

Units: Degrees Celsius
Default: 0

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2333: Limit Value for Oil Pressure(ST20U)

This parameter confirms that the ST20U oil pressure data exceeds the set value.

Range: 0 – 1000
Units: kPa
Default: 0

2334: Limit Value Engine RPM(ST20U)

This parameter checks if the ST20U Engine RPM data exceeds the set value.

Range: 0 – 8031
Units: rpm
Default: 0

2336: J1939 Resource Address(ST20U)

J1939 Resource Address(You must always set to ‘0’)

Range: 0

25: RF Parameters
This section will cover the parameters about RF features.
RF parameters are available only for RF device.

2500: RF Enable
This parameter controls the enable for RF features.

Range: 0(Disable) or 1(Enable)

2501: RF Channel
This parameter controls the channel for RF.

Range: 1 ~ 10
Default: 1

2502: Status of Battery

This parameter controls if RF message includes field for voltage and status of battery.

Range: 0(Disable) or 1(Enable)

2503: Normal Wait Delay

This parameter controls time that the device stays in reception mode for command.

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Range: 0 ~ 65535
Default: 25

2504: Sleep Delay

This parameter controls time that the device keeps its RF circuit turned off in order to reduce power consumption.

Range: 0 ~ 65535
Default: 100

2505: Customer Code

This parameter controls the customer code

Range: 6 to 10 numeric digits.

Default code is selected if it is empty.

2561: Type of Presence Function

These parameters control the type of Presence function.

Range: 0 ~ 2
0: Disable
1: Slave
2: Master

2562: Action of Presence Function

These parameters control the action of Presence function.

Range: 0 or 2
0: No action
2: Report Alert only.

2563: Timeout of Presence Function

These parameters control the timeout of Presence function.

Range: 0 ~ 65535

2564: GPS Included

These parameters control if Presence message include GPS information.

Range: 0(Disable) or 1(Enable)

2571 to 2580: Serial No. of Presence device

These parameters control the serial no. of Presence function.

It is consist of 10 numeric digits.

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30: Change Password / Fine Tracking

Change Password Tab

When connecting to synctrack, it is controlled by password.
The user can define the configuration of the password.

3000: Password Use

Use Synctrak Password
0 = Disable
1 = Enable

3001: Current Password

The password is the ID for entering the current password before changing it

3002: New Password

The ID for entering the new password to change.

Fine Tracking
The fine tracking configuration parameter is used when using the gps tracking report on the device.
You can configure and customize with the following parameters.

3010: Fine Tracking/Enable

This parameter selection is used to enable the tracking report.
When Fine Tracking Enable is enabled, the STT Report interval can only be set to 60 seconds over.
• 0 = Disable
• 1 = Enable

3011: GPS interval for Fine Tracking

Range: 1 – 5
Units: Seconds
Default: 1

This parameter is used to set the time to tracking the GPS position.

3012: GPS Count for Fine Tracking

Range: 5 – 10
Units: Seconds
Default: 5

This parameter is used to set the number of GPS positions to be sent to the Report.

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40: BLE Parameter

This section will cover the parameters about BLE features.
BLE parameters are available only for BLE device.

4000: BLE UUID 1

BLE Filter by entering the target UUID you want to scan. If not entered, all BEACONs will be scanned and reported.


The parameter is limit the number reported in the BLE Report.
ex) max cnt: 5, scan ble: 15 >> The device reports the strongest RSSI signal information.
Range: 1 – 10

4011: BLE SCAN TIME(Sec.)

This parameter set scan time.
Range: 20 – 120
Units: Seconds
Default: 60

50: Geofence
The points of the Poly Geofence must be defined in either clockwise or counter clockwise order. The zone will be
constructed by connecting each of the point defined in the list of parameters below in order from 00 through 99.

5025 – 5279: Circular Geo-Zone Point 1 – 255

Point Parameters:
• 5025 = Circular Geo-Zone Point 1
• …
• 5279 = Circular Geo-Zone Point 255

5025: Circular Geo-Zone Point 1

• Latitude: +37.479323
• Longitude: +126.887827
• Distance: 00A5
o Radius is meters for Circular Geo-Zone
o Range : 30~65500
• In Alert: 01
Determines whether or not an Alert ID Report will be generated when the device enters the defined
Circular Zone
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
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• Out Alert: 01
Determines whether or not an Alert ID Report will be generated when the device exits the defined
Circular Zone
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled

• Out Act: 01
This Output is activated if the vehicle comes into the Geo-fence territory(Only supported by LATAM.)
o 00 = No
o 01 = Output1 Active
o 02 = Output2 Active
o 03 = Output3 Active
o 04 = Output4 Active
o 05 = Output All Active
o 06 = Output1 Keep Active
o 07 = Output2 Keep Active
o 08 = Output3 Keep Active
o 09 = Output4 Keep Active
o 0A = Output All Keep Active

• Out Act Delay: 01312D00

Delayed time period that lasts for a while before the Output is activated in a case that the vehicle comes
into the Geo-fence territory(Only supported by LATAM), and the delay time is measured when Not Sleep
and GPS Fix is in effect

- Range : 0~3600
- 0x01312D00 = 20 x 1000000

• Example Parameter Hex Value:

o 02B3E39B0790279300A501010101312D00

5300 – 5329: Poly Geofence Zone 1-30 Settings

Defined settings for each of the 30 available Polygon Geofence Zones

5300: Poly Geofence Zone 1 Example

• Poly Geofence position counter

The number of geofence points you set
o 00, 3~ 100(03 ~ 64 Hex)
o 0 : Not used
o 3 : Minimum
o 100 : Maximum
• In Alert: 01

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Determines whether or not an Alert ID Report will be generated when the device enters the defined
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• Out Alert: 01
Determines whether or not an Alert ID Report will be generated when the device exits the defined Poly
o 00 = Disabled
o 01 = Enabled
• Buzzer Speed limit: 01C9C380
If the device exceeds the speed set in the defined area, Buzzer will operate. (Only supported by LATAM.)
- 0x01C9C380 = 30.00 x 1000000

• Example Parameter Hex Value: Position Counter : 31, In Alert : Enable, Out Alert : Enable, Buzzer Speed :
o 1F010101C9C380

60: Poly Geofence

6000 – 8999: Poly Geofence Points

6000-6099: Poly Geo-Zone 1 Points
6100-6199: Poly Geo-Zone 2 Points
6200-6299: Poly Geo-Zone 3 Points

8800-8899: Poly Geo-Zone 29 Points
8900-8999: Poly Geo-Zone 30 Points

Point Definition Example:

If the coordinates are positive.
• Latitude: +37.479323
• Longitude: +126.887827
• Example Parameter Hex Value:
o 02B3E39B07902793

If the coordinates are negative.

• -
Latitude: 37.479323

• -
Longitude: 126.887827
• Example Parameter Hex Value:
o 82B3E39B87902793

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90: Geofence Config

Geofence Config
synctrak polygon, circular Controls the setting items.
Users can configure polygon and circular configuration through setting

9000: Polygon Buzzer Speed Limit

Determines whether to use the buzzer speed item of the polygon item.( Only supported by LATAM.)

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

9001: Circular Output Active

Determines whether to use the output active & delay item of the circular item.( Only supported by LATAM.)

0 = Disable
1 = Enable

Parameter Configuration

Before a device starts being operated, its parameters should be set first. This chapter shows the string to be sent to

There are 3 options of sending string.

Option 1: by using PC.

Option 2: by using GPRS/HSPA network.
Option 3: by messaging via SMS.

In practice, configuration can be made more efficiently with ‘SyncTrak’, i.e. a setting tool provided by Suntech.

Once a device receives a command from the server, it gets back to the server with a relevant response. Device
also changes some parameters (if it is required to do so) or takes an action as instructed below as per the
command sent by the server.

Programming Parameter Format

Here are some examples for programming parameters of the device
PRG and REQ Command can use maximum 20 items at one time.

Program Command
• Parameter of XXYY are equal to:
o XX = Group Param ID
o YY = Param ID
• Program structure
o PRG;[DEVICE ID];[Group Param ID];[Param ID]#[Param Value]
o PRG;[DEVICE ID];[Group Param ID];[Param ID]#[Param Value];[Param ID]#[Param Value]

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Response Options:
• RPR;[DEVICE ID];[Parameter]
o Will list the XXYY Parameter in the response for each parameter that was successfully received
and programmed.
o Error with no successful programming completed
• ERR;[Parameter]
o Error with the listed parameter, but other parameters programmed successfully
• USP;[Parameter]
o A parameter was given in the command that is not listed in the supported parameter of the device
(or FW version of the device).

This section will cover some examples of program commands and device reposes

Example 1: Basic Command

Program command for parameter numbers 1000: Authentication and 1001: APN
• Command sent to device:
o PRG;[DEVICE ID];10;00#1;01#testapn.test
• Response sent back from device:
o RPR;[DEVICE ID];1000;1001

Example 2: ERR incorrect data given

Program command for parameter numbers 1000: Authentication and 1001: APN
• Command sent to device:
o PRG;[DEVICE ID];10;00#99;01#testapn.test
 Parameter number 1000 does not support value 99, so the device encounters an error
when trying to program this value
• Response sent back from device:
o RPR;[DEVICE ID];1001

Note: In this case the “OK” response means that the device successfully programmed parameter ID 1001, but the
ERR in the response designates that the parameter ID 1000 was not able to be written to the device.

Example 3: Errors
• Command sent to device:
o PRG;[DEVICE ID];1;00#1;01#testapn.test
• Response sent back from device:

• Command sent to device

o PRG;[DEVICE ID];10;00#1;01testapn.test
• Response sent back from device:
o RPR;[DEVICE ID];1000;

Requesting Parameter Value Format

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Program Command
• Parameter of XXYY are equal to:
o XX = Group Param ID
o YY = Param ID
• Request structure
o REQ;[DEVICE ID];[Group Param ID];[Param ID];
o REQ;[DEVICE ID];[Group Param ID];[Param ID],[Param ID]

Response Options:
• Response with Parameter values:
o RRE;[DEVICE ID];[Group Param ID];[Param ID]#[Param Value]
o RRE;[DEVICE ID];[Group Param ID];[Param ID]#[Param Value];[Param ID]#[Param Value]
o Error with no successful request completed

This section will cover some examples of request parameter commands and device reposes

Example 1: Basic Command

• Command sent to device:
o REQ;[DEVICE ID];10;00,01
• Response sent back from device:
o RRE;[DEVICE ID];10;00#1;01#testapn.test

Example 2: USP parameter

• Command sent to device:
o REQ;[DEVICE ID];10;00,01,15
• Response sent back from device:
o RRE;[DEVICE ID];10;00#1;01#testapn.test

Example 3: Errors
• Command sent to device:
o REQ;[DEVICE ID];1;00,01
• Response sent back from device:

• Command sent to device:

o REQ;[DEVICE ID];10;00,1
• Response sent back from device:
o RRE:[DEVICE ID];10;00#1

10: Network / SMS&Call / Report Settings Parameters

Configuring Authentication, APN, Server IP, Server Port, Server Type

• Authentication = Param 1000
o PAP is setting of 1

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• APN = Param 1001

o Setting of testapn.test
• Server IP = Param 1005
o Setting of 123.456.789.012
• Server Port = Param 1006
o Setting of 1234
• Server Type = Param 1007
o Setting of U for UDP

Command: PRG;6009999001;10;00#1;01#testapn.test;05#123.456.789.012;06#1234;07#U
Response: RPR;6009999001;1000;1001;1005;1006;1007

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Rev. No. Date Modifications were made on: Writer
Rev. 1.00 2016-11-30 Draft M.Hieda
Added for new setting parameter for Alerting by Buzzer (1064)
Rev. 1.01 2018-01-27 S.E PARK
Edit incorrect descriptions for INPUT/OUTPUS
Rev. 1.02 2018-10-04 Removed unused functions KJH
Rev. 1.03 2018-10-09 Added chapter for “Parameter Configuration” S.E Park
Rev. 1.04 2018-10-12 Removed unused functions KJH
Rev. 1.05 2018-10-22 Changed the Heading/Angle range from “0-180” to “0-179” S.E Park
Moved 1060: Keep Alive Interval to Network Parameter
Rev. 1.06 2018-10-26 Fixed some words for Synctrak V5 KJH
Removed unused functions
Rev. 1.07 2018-10-26 Add caution statement when using management server command. S.E Park
Rev. 1.08 2018-12-04 Change the ‘|’ to ‘#’ on the PRG command string & RRE string. S.E Park
Rev. 1.09 2018-12-12 Fixed 1936: Use Low Battery Shutdown KJH
Rev. 1.10 2019-02-15 Fixed description of Keep Alive Interval. KJH
Rev. 1.11 2019-02-27 Fixed description of the Programming / Requesting Parameter Structure. S.E Park
Rev. 1.12 2019-02-28 Changed the shock threshold and collision threshold recommend value SJSONG
Rev. 1.13 2019-03-06 Fixed description of Keep Alive Interval. KJH
Rev. 1.14 2019-03-25 Add Password Change Tab SJSONG
Rev. 1.15 2019-04-01 Add Fine Tracking Tab SJSONG
Rev. 1.16 2019-04-04 Fixed Table of Contents KJH
Add for new setting parameter for MT Call Lock(1035) ~ Call Support(1043) and TCP
Rev. 1.17 2019-04-04 SJSONG
Keep Alive(1070), TCP Keep Alive Time(1071)
Rev. 1.18 2019-04-18 Add input options for audio KJH
Rev. 1.19 2019-05-11 Add UPD_ACK options for AOTR, AOBD KSH
Rev. 1.20 2019-06-17 Add Jamming setting parameter SJSONG
Rev. 1.21 2019-07-05 Add RS232 Timeout Parameter, Alert Config2(ID 1407, 1417), Geofence Config Tab SJSONG
Rev. 1.22 2019-07-10 Add RF parameters(for RF devices only) JH KIM
Add ST25T, ST20M Support Parameter
Rev. 1.23 2019-07-12 RF Serial number is changed to 10 digits
Remove Alert and Emergency from Presence Function type
Rev. 1.24 2019-07-26 Added Report Schedule Support Parameter SJSONG
Rev. 1.25 2019-08-06 Added Description About Programming Parameter Format SJSONG
Rev. 1.26 2019-08-09 Change the Motion/Shock/Collision range maximum value from 2g to 8g HSPark
Rev. 1.27 2019-08-13 Remove ERB features JH KIM
Rev. 1.28 2019-08-19 Added Alert Config2(ID : 1434, 1435) SJSONG
Added Access time for maintenance server, Changed Polygon buzzer speed name,
Rev. 1.29 2019-08-20 JH KIM
Changed the name(ST20M -> ST20U)
Rev. 1.30 2019-09-04 Added input option table(num:13(Disable Immob. if activated by JAM)) SJSONG
Rev. 1.31 2019-09-09 Added UDP ACK Bitmap SJSONG
Rev. 1.32 2019-09-11 Added Output Action Comment, Add Input Options Table (1-wire) SJSONG
Rev. 1.33 2019-09-24 Remove parameter(2335: Limit Value for Sudden Hard Brake(ST20U)) SJSONG
Rev. 1.34 2019-09-25 Cleaning up the contents of a document SJSONG
Rev. 1.35 2019-10-02 Change Combo List Description(Output 1&2&3&4 ->Output All) SJSONG
Rev. 1.36 2019-10-04 Change the range(255->65535) of ID 1611,1612 SJSONG
Added Crash Construction Report parameter (ID : 1915 ~ 1918), Cleaning up the contents
Rev. 1.37 2019-10-11 HSPark
of a document
Rev. 1.38 2019-10-14 Added Comment of Horn Pulse, Buzzer Pulse, Cleaning up the contents SJSONG
Rev. 1.39 2019-10-31 Added AES128 Parameters(ID:1072, 1073) SJSONG
Rev. 1.40 2019-11-08 Cleaning up the contents of a document SJSONG
Added Route Deviation function(ID: 4500 ~ 4999)
Rev. 1.41 2019-11-23 HSPark
Added Alert Config2(ID: 1436 ~ 1440)

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Rev. 1.42 2019-11-25 Added Output4(ID: 1766, 1767) HSPark

Rev. 1.43 2019-12-05 Added Description of Circular Geofence Output Delay SJSONG
Rev. 1.44 2019-12-06 Added the parameter and alert id (102) of I-VUE in the ST25T. JHSIM
Rev. 1.45 2019-12-06 Removed Route Deviation function HSPark
Rev. 1.46 2019-12-13 Added deep sleep 2 of Power Down Type(ID : 1930) SJSONG

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