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ACDC Project Management System



CHAPTER I researcher established a valuable tool to

make projects more manageable. This
1. Introduction project management system can boost
productivity, enhancement of project
ACDC Electrical Services Program delivery, give an accurate picture of the
Management System is a program built to project's status, and secure data because it
monitor the booking and deployment of has a database.
services provided by ACDC Electrical
Services in Sta Maria, San Jose, and 3. Theoretical Framework
Norzagaray Bulacan. This tool will allow
the company to track its technical support Thomassen defines customer
teams' progress with each service scheduled, satisfaction as “1the perception of the
assigned, and delivered to its valued and customer as a result of consciously or
new customers. unconsciously comparing his experiences
The technical support team will also be with their expectations.” Kotler & Keller
able to update the company regarding any build on this definition and states that
unforeseen events or circumstances that may customer satisfaction is determined by “1the
occur during service delivery. This system degree to which someone is happy or
will allow the company and the technical disappointed with the observed performance
support team to provide better customer of a product in relation to his or her
service. expectations.”
Performance below expectations leads
2. Background of the Study to a dissatisfied customer, while
performance that satisfies expectations
As a business grows, managing more produces satisfied customers. Exceeding
projects can take much work for a company expectations leads to a “1very satisfied or
to use manual or traditional system. Many even pleasantly surprised customer.”
businesses have arisen, and competitors also
increased. Companies need a more helpful
tool to create innovative and unique projects Yang, Shaohua & Chen, Xingxing & Shen, Xiaoli.
and minimize spending. Additionally, the (2017). An Exploratory Study of Customer
Satisfaction with International Student Recruitment
data must be secured and occasionally Agencies: A Case Study in New Zealand.
susceptible to damage. Therefore, the International Journal of Business and Management.
of met needs. Overfulfillment can be
Word-of- Personal satisfying if it provides additional
mouth needs unexpected pleasure; an underfulfillment
can be satisfying if it gives greater pleasure
Past than anticipated in a given situation."
experiences Thomassen's definition is the most
relevant to the aims of this project, given the
emphasis it places on unconscious
perception. According to Thomassen, the so-
called "value proposition" and other
Needs/expectations influences impact final customer
Value- satisfaction.
proposition In his satisfaction model theory (Figure
1), Thomassen shows that word-out-mouth,
personal needs, and past experiences
determine customers' needs and
expectations. This model is also essential for
this project as it allows the researchers to
determine the extent to which the customers
Customer are satisfied and where improvements can be

Figure 1. Thomassen’s customer satisfaction

model theory

Hansemark and Albinsson, marketing

professors and researchers, define customer
satisfaction slightly different from that of
Thomassen: It is "2an overall customer
attitude towards a service provider, or an
emotional reaction to the difference between
what customers anticipate and what they
receive, regarding the fulfillment of some
need, goal or desire."
Richard Oliver, author of Satisfaction: A
Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer,
defines satisfaction as "3the consumer's
fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a
product/service feature, or the product or
service itself, provided (or is providing) a
pleasurable level of consumption-related 12. 130-140. 10.5539/ijbm.v12n11p130.
fulfillment, including levels of under- or Hansemark, Ove C. and Maria E. Albinsson.
over-fulfillment." He also mentions that “Customer satisfaction and retention: the experiences
of individual employees.” Managing Service
"3individuals can be satisfied just to get back Quality 14 (2004): 40-57.
to normalcy or neutrality, as in the removal 3
Oliver, Richard L. Satisfaction: A Behavioral
of an aversive state. Moreover, fulfillment Perspective on the Consumer. 2nd ed., Routledge,
does not need to be constrained to the case 2015.

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4. Conceptual Framework researchers will investigate ways to maintain
or keep accurate records of bookings and
Using the theoretical framework, the deployment.
researchers developed with the following
research paradigms. INPUT
1. Demographic profile of the Assurance
respondents Tangibility
2. What factors do customers Empathy
identify as characteristics of
good service delivery?
3. What are the factors to consider
in minimizing redundancy?
4. How do we keep an accurate PROCESS
record of services?

Service Quality

1. Data Gathering
2. Data Analysis OUTPUT
3. Statistical Analysis
4. Interpretation of Data Customer
Figure 3. The figure above is the schematic diagram
of the conceptual framework researchers found
OUTPUT relevant for improving customer satisfaction.

Figure 3 is a schematic diagram

Customer Satisfaction
highlighting service dimensions that
researchers will consider in developing the
project management system. These five
Figure 2. The figure above is the schematic model to essential dimensions of service are essential
describe the flow of the project. in promoting a better quality of service,
leading to customer satisfaction.
Figure 2 utilizes the input-process-output
(IPO) framework describing parameters and 5. Statement of the Problem
determinants to be measured and observed
in the project. The input contains the How will the company be able to
variable: the respondents' profile in terms of monitor or track its past, ongoing, and future
age and gender preference. The researchers projects assigned to its technical support
will also investigate the factors consumers team accurately and efficiently? How will
identified as good service delivery the company improve and give its customers
characteristics. They will also investigate the a better quality of service?
factors to minimize redundancy. Lastly, the

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This project aims to answer the of Sta Maria, San Jose, and Norzagaray
following questions: Bulacan.

a. What is the demographic profile of the 8. Definitions of Terms

respondents according to:
a. i. Gender The researchers use the following terms as a
a. ii. Age guide for readers to understand the primary
b. What factors do customers identify as and critical concepts of the proposed project.
characteristics of good service delivery? Definitions were taken from different
c. What are the factors to consider in resources, such as dictionaries and other
minimizing redundancy? publications.
d. How do we keep an accurate record of
services? Project management system. It is a model
for overseeing the execution of a project. It
6. Significance of the Study can provide a framework for managing
expectations, delegating responsibilities, and
The findings of this study will redound creating procedures. A project management
to the benefit of its new and valued system may use specialized or standard
customers, considering that electricity plays professional software packages.
a huge role in today's generation. Through
this proposed project management system, Service quality. It is a measure of how a
the company can monitor the bookings and company delivers its services compared to
services provided by their technical support the expectations of its customers. They can
team, including their second and electrical either consciously or unconsciously have
third parties, and how well the services are specific standards and expectations for how
provided to their customers. a company's delivery of services fulfills
those needs.
7. Scope and Delimitations of the Study
Responsiveness. It is the company's
The general intent of this study is to dedication and ability to provide customers
improve the quality of service that ACDC with prompt services. A high service quality
Electrical Services in Sta Maria, San Jose, always responds to customer communication
and Norzagaray Bulacan can provide to its as soon as possible, often indicating the
valued and new customers by transitioning value a company places on customer
from a traditional system to a new advanced satisfaction.
This study will mainly identify and Reliability. It refers to a company's ability
assess disparate ways to improve their and consistency in performing a service that
services and track how long their technical satisfies its customers' needs.
support team takes to track how many
services are delivered each day, wrap up Assurance. It is the confidence and trusts
each service, and how well the services were that customers have in a particular company.
delivered to its customers. It is vital with services that a customer might
The delimitation of this study is that its perceive as being above their ability to
coverage will only be toward the vicinities understand and properly evaluate, meaning
that there has to be a particular element of

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trust in the servicing company's ability to  customer satisfaction from a
deliver. marketing-based perspective
 service operations in an operations
Tangibility. It refers to the company's management context
ability to portray service quality to its  energy supply service founded in the
customers. Many factors give a company infrastructure of electric power
highly tangible quality, such as the systems.
appearance of its headquarters, its Tse and Wilton's research article,
employees' attire and demeanor, its "Models of consumer satisfaction formation:
marketing materials, and its customer an extention," states that 5consumer
service department. satisfaction can be defined as the consumer's
response to the perceived discrepancy
Empathy. It refers to how a company between prior expectations (or some other
delivers its services in a way that makes it performance norm) and the actual
seem empathetic to its customer's desires performance.
and demands. Customer who believes a Oliver James's research article
company truly cares about their needs will "Managing Citizens' Expectations of Public
likely be more loyal to that company. Service Performance: Evidence from
Observation and Experimentation in Local
Government" heavily relies on the
Chapter II expectations approach and 6proves that high
1. Foreign Literature satisfaction with the local government's
services involves low expectations rather
One of the critical elements that than simply performing public services well.
entrepreneurship assumes as a road to At the same time, low satisfaction rating
success is fulfilling customers’ expectations point to too poorly performing services and
regarding products/services offered. high expectations.
However, when it comes to electrical power Gronroos, a researcher in Rio de Janeiro,
supply customer satisfaction, it is supports the idea that service quality must
automatically inferred to a specific sector be, above all, "7what the customers
that is strongly regulated and often perceive." After combining the different
approached as a monopoly. approaches relating to customer satisfaction,
According to Jaime Dagostim Picolo's we define quality as consistent conformity
research article entitled "Influence and with customers' expectations.
performance of spatial variables in Gaither and Frazier's research article,
interaction with pedagogical and structural "Production Management and Operations,"
aspects on student satisfaction," it states that define service operations as a "8long-term
since competition could be low or action plan for the production of products
inexistent, there is a loss in competitiveness and service of a company and establish a
and dynamicity. The relevant factors map of what the production must execute if
supporting economic and business activities it wants to realize their business' strategies."
could differ from traditional scenarios. In developing and managing a service
Electrical power supply customer operation, one of the critical decision areas
satisfaction is a multidisciplinary theme that is how to structure operations, i.e., divide up
could be approached through three the activities and assign them to people or
knowledge areas: machines. While there could be constraints

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of various types that restrict the set of
available choices, there is usually
considerable discretion.
Gouveia et al.'s research article,
"Benchmarking of maintenance and outage
repair in an electricity distribution company
using the value-based DEA method," states
that 9electrical energy is at the heart of
modern society, as an essential lifestyle
component and a determining factor in the
economy's competitiveness.
The electrical power supply system can
be mistaken by the very topography of the
cities, branched throughout their streets and
avenues to physically connect the supply
system, or even medium or large-scale
unities of power generation, to the electric
power's final customers.
The connection, the treatment (or
service), and the adequate electric power
supply to the regulated environment
customer occur by the Electrical energy
distributors. Therefore, Distributed energy is
the adequate electric power supplied to the
customers connected to an electrical
network of a determined distribution
Picolo, Jaime Dagostim, Josiane Brighenti, and Paulo
Roberto Cunha. “Influência e Desempenho Das Variáveis
Espaciais Em Interação Com Os Aspectos Pedagógicos e
Estruturais Na Satisfação Dos Alunos.” Revista Gestão
Universitária na América Latina - GUAL, 2018, 92–115.
Tse, G.K., Wilton, P.C. 1988. Models of consumer
satisfaction formation: an extention. Journal of Marketing
Research. 25(2): 204-212.
JAMES, OLIVER. “Managing Citizens' Expectations of
Public Service Performance: Evidence from Observation
and Experimentation in Local Government.” Public
Administration 89, no. 4 (2011): 1419–35.
Esteves-Alves, Marcelo. “Marketing: Gerenciamento e
Serviços.” Revista de Administração Contemporânea 14,
no. 2 (2010).
Gaither, N., Frazier, G. 2001. Administração da produção
e operações. Thomson Learning, São Paulo.
Gouveia, M. C. D., Antunes, L.C., Boucinha, C. H.,
Inácio, J. M., Catarina, F. 2015. Benchmarking of
maintenance and outage repair in an electricity distribution
company using the value-based DEA method. Journal
Omega. 53: 104.

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