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Team Name: Zealous

Name of Team Member/s:

1)Mayank Somani

Email Add:

Phone No: 7003017735

EID Phase -I
1. Introduction

My idea is to create a user-friendly ecosystem in which the customer will be

able to buy online good quality and low-cost product at the comfort of their
house, that is found in local stores of India.
For example, customer will be able to buy products online from places like
Burrabazar, Chandni, Radhabazar and many more in Kolkata, Sarojini Nagar
and many more in Delhi, and so on, without going to that particular store
Everything will be handled efficiently Online.
People from other cities in India also come from long distance to buy product
from these local stores, but if they are not satisfied by the products, then their
coming and spending time there is full of waste. So, all these things can be
overcome efficiently by bringing these stores online, where the user can see the
products sell by that particular store and their review based on which they can
make their decision regarding buying that product or not, from that particular
store or from other place.
Seller will be able sell their product both offline as well as online. So, as a
result of which the seller will be able to earn money that he used earn by selling
thing offline, but also, he will earn more money by sell product online along
with offline mode. Also, if some customer if they have doubt like they will get
some defective or wrong item online can also go to that store physically to buy
that particular product at their own convenience.
Customer will also be able to contact the seller whenever they want to enquiry
about a particular product. We will also like to create a chat system in which
the user can have chat with the seller regarding buying of a particular product
and they can also bargain regarding the price of a particular product. We will
like to give the user the same experience they get while buying products
We will also try to incorporate product searching by its image in our website
and app, as it will be more convenient for our users. For example, if a person
needs to buy something he saw in Google, Instagram, Facebook or some other
sites or in someone house and many more then, he can easily look up for that
product by just providing its image. We will also like to provide live- tracking
of our product delivery, so that the customer gets surety and are satisfied,
regarding delivery of products we serve. We will also like to work on better
return-policy system, so that the customers are satisfied with the products they

EID Phase -I
The customer will able to get wide-range of product at the cost at which they
are willing to buy it. They don’t need to do so much of hustle, firstly, looking
for a particular product and then running over everywhere to find a good price
for it, which they are willing to pay.
2. Problem Definition

 Firstly, our main aim is to provide low-cost and good quality product to
various people of India. As we know that middle-class people and people
belonging to lower class are worried so much about money, so if we
provide good quality product at low-cost to them, then they can buy
various products rather than limited product at a time and utilise their
money to fulfil their needs and wants.
 Secondly, User don’t need to go to that particular store physically to buy
a product. This, will save their transportation cost as well as their most
precious time, which they can utilise somewhere else, as everything can
be handled very effectively online by providing them same interface they
get in offline mode of buying.
 Thirdly, this will help local stores of India to expand their network to
more range of people, other than offline customer as a result they will be
able to gain more profit than before, they get by selling product only in
offline mode of sale.
 As customer will get same facility he gets in offline mode, therefore they
are likely to prefer online mode over offline. This will help to reduce
traffic in these places, which otherwise block the road and create jam. As
a result, needy people will be able travel to respective place without any
delay created due to traffic.
 Also, in case of natural calamities like rain, windstorm, thunderstorm,
cyclone and many more, when it is difficult for both customer and seller
to go to store physically to buy and sell the product, then everything can
handle very effectively online, by providing same interface as in case of
offline mode of sale. As a result of which the seller will also be able to
sell product and earn money even in case of natural calamities, which
they otherwise cannot do as they are not able to open their shop and do
sale in such cases.
 This will also help people from different parts to explore the local stores
present in different cities of India and they can easily buy products
present in these stores at the comfort of their house only.
 We will also be able to provide job to various people of different field as
large number of people would be require to run the project. As a result, it

EID Phase -I
will help to increase employment, which is one of the major problem of
our country.

3. Description of Project

We need to contact the distributers of these local stores and ask them if they are
willing to sell their product online as well along with their offline sale and try
to influence and encourage a greater number of distributers to be a part of this
mission by telling them about our goal, vision, problems that our project solves
in the society and what are advantages to them.
We need to teach these local retailers about e-commerce and tell them benefits
of coming online and tell them that we are not hampering their offline business;
we are just taking it to next level so that they can earn more and have a better
life. We will have regular meetup with them and ask them what all problems
they are facing and how can we help them to solve these problems and have a
good bonding with them as they are one of the main part of our project and we
want them to be happy for efficient working of the project.
Then, we need to contact various delivery service partner and ask them if they
would like to contribute on our mission or not by distributing smiles to
customers across our commodity or we can try to build our own delivery
service system, that can deliver products to our customer at the earliest. We
will also like to keep delivery cost minimal or for free for our customers. We
need to have a good delivery network to achieve all this thing.
We need to create a user-friendly website and app, having required
functionalities we want for the given project in which user and seller will be
able to buy sell products.
Then, we need to work on low-cost marketing strategy of given project so that
the mission and vision of our project can reach to larger number of audiences at
minimum cost and many people can take advantage of this thing. We can do so
by associating it with a story as people are able to grasp better understanding of
a particular thing if we connect it with a story.
We will also take regular feedback from our customers and try to work on our
limitations as a better company is that which work for their customer by
proving them low-priced and quality-based services and consider that they are
nothing without them. We will work on the signal provided by our customers.
Firstly, we will work in smaller scale, i.e. for a group of 100 people and see if
the given project is working successfully or not. We will try to rectify whether
fault we have in our project by taking feedback from these groups of people.
Then, we will work for a group of 500 people and see of it working fine or not.

EID Phase -I
Like this, we will keep on increasing the number of people and finally take it to
national level. After successful implementation on national level, we can also
scale up our project to international level as well, where people outside India
will also be able to take benefit of it.
4. Advantages, Disadvantages & Applications

I. More saving for middle-class people and people belonging to lower class,
which they can utilise to fulfil their needs and wants.
II. Convenience of shopping at home
III. Save precious time and energy of the customer, which they can utilise
somewhere else.
IV. Wide range of products available.
V. More Profit to Seller.
VI. Reduce traffic in these local store’s places.
VII. Increase employment of our country.

I. Many people will become lazy and unhealthy.
II. People will be spending too much time online and wasting their time over
things which will decrease their productivity.
III. Internet Connection is necessary.
IV. Some people may not trust online shopping.

Our project is Consumer to Consumer (C2C) E-Commerce in which the retailer
of the local stores will be selling their product to their customer online as well,
along with offline mode of sale. In this project, party which is present on both
sides, i.e., seller as well as buyer are going to gain benefits.
Large variety of products of different categories will be available, so users will
be able to buy whatever product he needed at his desired price and in limited
time, at the comfort of his house only.

EID Phase -I
Offline mode of sale will keep on go on as it used to be, so, if someone is
satisfied by buying products offline only, then that option will also be available
to the customer.

EID Phase -I

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