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AIM: To draw the structural view diagram for the system: Class diagram, object diagram.


Class Diagram:

A class diagram is a fundamental tool in object-oriented modeling and design. It represents

the static structure of a system by illustrating classes, their attributes, methods, and the
relationships between classes. Here are the key concepts related to class diagrams:

1. Class: A class is a blueprint or template for creating objects. It defines the attributes
(data members) and methods (functions) that the objects of that class will have.
2. Attributes: Attributes represent the data members or properties of a class. They are
typically shown as name: type pairs, indicating the name of the attribute and its data
3. Methods: Methods represent the functions or behaviors associated with a class. They
are typically shown with their names, input parameters, and return types.
4. Associations: Associations depict the relationships between classes. They can be one-
to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships, and they are often annotated
with multiplicity to indicate how many instances of each class are involved in the
5. Inheritance: Inheritance relationships are shown by connecting a subclass to its
superclass with a solid line and a hollow arrowhead. This represents an "is-a"
relationship, where the subclass inherits attributes and methods from the superclass.

Object Diagram:

An object diagram is a specific instance of a class diagram that represents a snapshot of the
system at a particular point in time. It shows objects (instances of classes) and the
relationships between them. Here are the key concepts related to object diagrams:

1. Object: An object is an instance of a class. It represents a concrete entity with

specific attribute values.

2. Attributes: In an object diagram, objects have values assigned to their attributes,
which reflect the current state of the system.
3. Links: Links connect objects and represent relationships between them. These
relationships can be instances of associations defined in the corresponding class

Procedure for Drawing Class and Object Diagrams:

1. Identify Classes: Start by identifying the classes in your system. These are the key
entities that encapsulate data and behavior.
2. Define Class Attributes and Methods: Specify the attributes and methods for each
class. This information is derived from the system requirements and analysis.
3. Draw Class Diagram: Create a class diagram that shows the classes, their attributes,
methods, and associations. Use appropriate UML symbols and notations.
4. Identify Objects: In the context of your experiment, you will need to identify specific
instances (objects) of these classes.
5. Draw Object Diagram: Create an object diagram to represent the state of the system
at a specific moment, showing the objects and their attribute values, as well as the
links between them.
6. Ensure Consistency: Ensure that the object diagram corresponds to the class
diagram, meaning that the objects and their relationships align with the class

The class diagram and object diagram provide valuable insights into the structural aspects of
the system, aiding in system understanding, design, and documentation. These diagrams are
essential tools for communication between designers, developers, and stakeholders.

Class Diagram:-


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