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Year 8 BC Inspire English Comprehension / Unseen Comprehension

Q1 . What did Alex Use to hook the door and close it?

Q2. What two dangers does Alex face in the extract?

Q3. At the end of the first paragraph, Alex thinks he is safe. Why does he think
this? Why has Alex gone to the junkyard?

Q4. In the second paragraph, Alex realises he is not safe. Using your own
words, explain what happens in this paragraph. Make sure you include details
of what happens to the car and to Alex himself.

Q5. Carefully reread the rest of the extract, from the third paragraph to the
end. Copy and complete a graph like the one below to show how safe Alex is as
the story develops

Q6. What is the emotions Alex is feeling throughout the extract?




c) How old is Alex Rider?

Q10. You are to write a PETAL-style paragraph on the felling, emotions and pain
Alex felt. Explain the setting through various words.

PETAL : Amount of Marks

Spelling /2
Punctuation /2
Relevance /2
Total Marks / 10
Examiner Response:


2nd Extract
Q1. What is the title of the story?

Q2. This is an
a) An extract from a short story b) An extract of an opening of a story
c) A story from the Shakspere d) A story from a child’s mind

Q3. Reread the first two paragraphs of the extract on page 22.
a) How is Justin feeling as he leaves the Baxters’ house?

b) How is Justin feeling when he thinks about the time he has spent with

c) Why is Justin leaving ?

Q4. Look again at the third and fourth paragraphs of the story.
a) Justin finds a number of things about this evening unusual or surprising.
Note down as many of them as you can find.
b) What do you think the writer is trying to suggest in these paragraphs?

Q5. Reread the final two paragraphs of the extract.

a) What do you think might have happened between Justin and Dale Corkland?

b) What do you think might happen next in the story

Q6. Do you think there was a lion or any sort of beats there? Use evidence
from the text to support your answer.

Q7. You are to write a PETAL-style paragraph on the felling and emotions Justin
felt when he was leaving. Explain the setting through various words.

PETAL : Amount of Marks

Spelling /2
Punctuation /2
Relevance /2
Total Marks / 10

Examiner Response:



Q9. Look at the sentences below from the extract on page 22. Sentence A is the
first sentence of the story and sentences B–E are other key sentences which set
the scene for the reader. Any of these sentences could have been the first
sentence in the story, although some would need one minor change.

A Justin sensed the tiger as soon as he reached the street.

B Leaving the warm safety of the Baxters’ porch light behind him, he Justin
started down the sidewalk that fronted State Street, feeling the night
swallow him in a single hungry gulp.
C They Justin and Steve had played The Shot Brothers down in Steve’s
basement while Mr and Mrs Baxter watched TV upstairs.
D When Mrs Baxter had finally called down that it was time to go...
E Then Justin had stepped out into the night, and Mrs Baxter had closed the
door behind him...

a) Order the sentences to show the order in which the events actually took

b) Which sentence(s) tell the reader about one of the characters’ thoughts or
c) Which sentence(s) tell the reader about an event that happened?

d) Which sentence(s) create a sense of danger or tension?

e) Which sentence(s) make the reader want to find out what will happen next?

f) Do you think the writer chose the most effective opening sentence? Why is
this? Write one or two sentences to explain your ideas

3rd Extract
Q1. Identify four things you learn from the extract on page 26 about Great
Aunt Jampot.
Q2. The writer implies one reason why Great Aunt Jampot has come to stay.
What is it? Support your ideas with a quotation from the extract.

Q3. Where do Marcus and Cleo live?

Q4. Describe Aunt Jampot’s appearance

Q5. Look again at the following passage from the extract.

“Aunt Jampot fixed her with those eyes, and smiled, exposing steel-grey teeth
like a snare.”
a) What figurative language device is used in this line ?

b) What does this suggest about Great Aunt Jampot’s thoughts and feelings at
this point in the story?

Q6, In your opinion, will the twins be happy while Great Aunt Jampot looks
after them? Write a short PETAL paragraph in which you:
• explain how the writer has given you this impression throughout the extract
• comment on why the writer might want to give this impression
• use evidence from the extract to support your ideas

PETAL : Amount of Marks

Spelling /2
Punctuation /2
Relevance /2
Total Marks / 10

Examiner Response:

Q7. Explain the twin's emotions and feelings.

4th Extract

Q1 . Complete the table below

Marshall: His Appearance His Background
Relationship and Personality and Setting

Q2. At the start of the summary on page 28, the reader is told about Marshall
King’s financial situation.
a) Why is it important to the story that Marshall has very little money?

b) Why is it important to the story that Marshall will inherit a fortune from his

c) What is Marshall’s state? Why had he visited Everard?

Q3. For most of the story, the writer suggests that Everard King is kind and
a) How does the writer suggest this?

b) Why does the writer suggest this? Why do you think Everard King’s wife is so
unfriendly and unwelcoming to Marshall King? Why do you think the writer
decided that Everard King should have gone to Brazil to collect all his animals?

Q4. Think about how The Brazilian Cat fits into this structure. Copy and
complete the table below with your answers to the following questions.
The exposition:
a) What is Marshall King’s situation at the start of the story?
The conflicts:
b) What is the first problem that Marshall needs to solve?
c) How does Marshall think he might be able to solve the problem?
d) How is Marshall wrong about this?
The climax:
e) What major event happens as a result of the problems?
The resolution:
f) How are the problems resolved

a) Who is the hero of the story? What problems does Marshall face?

b) How did Marshall try to solve his problems?

c) Who is the villain in The Brazilian Cat?

d) When was this book published and by whom?
e) How did Marshall solve his problems?

f) How did the story end? How did Marshall get justice and Everard get what he
deserved? 09

a) What kind of ending does Story A have?

b) What kind of ending does Story B have?

c) What kind of ending does Story C have?

d) Do you think each ending was meant to happen?

What impression is created of each of the key characters in the three-story
synopses on page 32? You could choose from the suggestions below, or use
your own ideas.
good | perfect | bad | cruel | clever | cunning | funny kind | lucky | unlucky |
foolish | mysterious
a) In Story A: i) the orphan ii) the criminals iii) the owner of the burgled house
b) In Story B: i) the piper ii) the mayor iii) the children
c) In Story C: i) the driver ii) the hitch-hiker iii) the police officer

Think again about the different characters in the stories and your response to
a) Which characters in which of the three stories do you feel sympathy for?
b) Which characters in which of the three stories do you feel happy for?

c) Which characters in which of the three stories do you feel got what they

In story

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