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The birthday disaster

Sunlight flowed through the gaps of my curtains, filling my room with light. I could hear
the ticking of the clock. I was so happy because tomorrow was my birthday that I had
barely gotten any sleep the night before before! I couldn’t believe I was hosting a
birthday party with my loved ones, and it meant so much to me so I quickly I stepped
down the stairs to enter my living room and to eat breakfast but I found my siblings and
parents with the birthday decorations and they were knee deep into decorating the
backyard for the party we were all hosting the next day. I ate my breakfast quickly so I
can help my family with decoration. I jumped to help my family as soon as I was done
with my breakfast, a much needed fuel for the next event.

we kept laughing during the process of decorating our house as the balloons kept flying
away and we discussed our plans for the party and time flew by slowly at some points
throughout the few hours we were decorating and at last we were finally done but it was
getting late and we’ve come to a few realisations one of them that my sister had
commented, “we still didn’t get the cake.” My mom had a face of regret and she had
forgotten to get the cake and that’s the moment she realized that she had forgotten to get
the cake, few moments later “lets order the cake tomorrow because it’s pretty late and
we’re all tired,” I suggested, my mom agreed so we all got ready for bed. Next morning I
went to get my makeup bag ready so I could look pretty for my big day. I was incredibly
anxious about the planning and I kept thinking about something going wrong, my
stomach was hurting because of my anxiety although my sister reassured me I did calm
down and my mood instantly changed to excited because my friends coming over. I did
feel like something was missing but who cares about gut feelings when you have a
birthday party to prepare for, right?

All the guests had arrived and we were a few hours into the party and it was 8 pm and
during that moment time was going by slow as we were waiting on the food to arrive so
we could get to the gift opening as soon as possible because we were behind schedule and
we the food was gonna take some time we just wished it would take time faster. The
guests were getting hungry, so I had asked my mom when the food was gonna reach,
“i’m not sure, it should’ve reached by now,” my mother stated. We called the number for
the restaurant and there wasn’t an answer and we realised that we had completely
forgotten about the cake and that’s when my mom and I started panicking like crazy and
we called the restaurant multiple times and at last we got an answer. We found out that
they had a dinner rush in their dine in so they were too busy and apologised dearly for
causing us stress and told us to wait around 30 minutes more, “it’s already 8:30 how
much more do they want us to wait?!?” my mom panicked. 9 pm passed and the guests
politely asked, “when is the food gonna arrive, our toddlers are getting hungry and are
throwing tantrums.” I replied, “i’m so sorry about this mishap I promise the food will be
here soon.” We called the restaurant in a panic, and they apologized saying “i’m so sorry
ma’am this will never happen again would you like a compensatory cake just please if
possible we hope this experience doesn’t ruin the restaurant for you.” I thought it
would’ve been a great idea since we all completely forgot about the cake so I agreed on
the deal. I tried giving fruits to the guests, my best friend helped me but we both knew
that it wasn’t enough and if we waited any long our ears would be filled with lovely
noises caused by a symphony of tantrums. time flew by fast and it was already 9:30; the
food and with the compensatory cake had finally arrived. While my mom was arguing on
the phone with the restaurant manager; I had been serving the food and cake to the guests
along with my sister helping me in such a situation and in the end the guests and toddlers
got their food and the cake ended up looking perfect. 1 hour after serving the food we
went directly to gift opening so I could thank the people in person rather than on text and
we learned an important lesson. The lesson we had learned is to never leave things till
the last minute because it will come to bite back at you.

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