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MBBS 1st Professional Examination

Subject/Paper: Physiology (SAQs)

Total Marks: 60 Time: 02 hours and 25 minutes

(Attempt two sections on different sheets)

Section A (30 Marks)


a. Define hemostasis? Give two examples of positive feedback mechanism. (3)

b. Tabulate four differences between apoptosis and necrosis. (2)


Final year student during his OT rotation suddenly felt dizziness, blurry vision and

experiences brief period of unconsciousness. His pulse was 86 BPM and blood

pressure was 110/70 on record

a. What has happened to student?

What mechanism is responsible for bringing back blood pressure to normal and
Maintaining consciousness. (2)
b. What is the gain of a control system? (3)


An unidentified dead body was found in a street. The dead body was having

rigidity. It was handed over to the police. After about 24 hours the rigidity of body
has disappeared

a. Why was the dead body having rigidity and what is the condition called? (2.5)

b. Why did the rigidity disappeared and what all events are involved in above (2.5)
mention scenario?


A 20 years old female comes with bilateral ptosis proximal muscle weakness

and she also complains that she can’t comb her hair, she also complains of
difficulty in chewing swallowing and walking.
a. What is your diagnosis? Give sequence of events of power stroke. (2.5)
b. Tabulate the differences between fast and slow muscle fibers? (2.5)


A young woman received a cut during cutting an apple which starting bleeding

But after sometime the bleeding stopped spontaneously

a. Give mechanism involved in the spontaneous arrest of bleeding in this woman. (3)
b. What is the process of spontaneous arrest of bleeding called? What is the role (2)
of calcium ions in the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways.


Ahmed had an accident while out walking his dog on a tight bend a car came too

Close to pavement and Ahmed falls into the ditch, badly cutting his leg. On admission

He was prescribed a blood transfusion. He has developed tachycardia he is facing

Breathlessness and is experiencing palpitation.

a. What is the normal RBC’s count of a healthy adult male? (2.5)

Explain physiological changes underlying each of Ahmed symptoms.

b. Name the hormone that stimulates the production RBC’s and how level of these (2.5)
Hormones are controlled?
Section B (30 Marks)

A patient 54 years old male presented in ER of MOTH with complains of chest pain
radiating towards shoulder, shortness of breath and vomiting. His BP was 140/90mm
Hg, ECG showed no visible P waves and irregularly irregular QRS complex
a. What is your diagnosis? Explain the irregularity of Ventricular Rhythm in the
Condition. (3)
b. Write a short note on specialized excitatory and conductive system of heart. (2)


a. Define and explain Frank-Starling mechanism of heart. (2.5)

b. Explain the role of Renin-Angiotensin system in maintaining of a normal Arterial (2.5)


a. What are peripheral chemoreceptors? (3)

Give their role in control of respiration.
b. What are the factors that shift Oxygen-Hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right? (2)


A 48 years old female presented in the hospital having cough, wheezing and dyspnea.
Her vitals were stable with HR of 76 BPM, BP 110/70mmHg. During examination there

Was decreased breath sound in the left lung. Spirometry showed [FEV¹] 2.20L [FVC] 3.45

FEV¹/FVC 60%. Her skin prick test was positive for house-dust mites.

a. What is your diagnosis and how will you justify your diagnosis? (2.5)

b. Give the pathophysiology of above condition. (2.5)

A man with minimal cloths is sitting in a room having temperature of 36⁰C
a. Give various methods by which heat is lost from his skin to the surrounding. (2.5)
b. What all are temperature increasing mechanisms when the body is too cold. (2.5)


A person went on journey with a group to Gilgit in winter, during hiking he got lost
From group. 2 days later he was found buried in ice. His body’s surface area was
a. Which likely condition he was suffering from? (1.5)
What happens to a person when he is exposed to extreme cold?
b. What is cold-induced vasodilation?
How temperature is detected by the receptors in skin and deep body tissue? (3.5)


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