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instruction sheet

Rainwater tank
What is a rainwater tank diversion?

A rainwater tank diversion is a great into the stormwater system. By diverting

Handy hint – A rainwater tank diversion is
way to keep your garden green, help the the rainwater tank overflow directly on
most effective when water from the hose
environment and keep our rivers, creeks to your garden you are allowing water to
flows over a garden or grassed area and
and bays healthy. infiltrate naturally back into the ground
is allowed to infiltrate back into the soil.
and create a new water source for your
The hard surfaces created by urban If the area around the house is primarily
existing garden. You are also helping to
development have significantly increased paved or concrete, then a rainwater tank
reduce the amount of stormwater that
stormwater run-off and reduced the volume diversion is not ideal.
flows into our waterways.
of water able to infiltrate back into the
ground. These urban flows eventually Easily fitted to an existing rainwater tank, Please note: A licenced plumber must
end up in our waterways causing damage a rainwater tank diversion is just one of the be used for stormwater connections
through erosion and pollution. many things you can do around your home and modifications.
to help better manage stormwater. You may
Heavy storm events often result in rainwater even consider building a raingarden or swale.
tanks filling to capacity at which point
excess water runs through the overflow and
Rainwater tank diversion

Step 1 – getting started C) A rainwater tank diversion is most A rainwater tank diversion is fitted into
effective when the water can the existing overflow and includes the
The first thing to do is determine whether or flow over the garden or grass and diverter and hose positioned 1000mm
not a diversion from your tank is appropriate. penetrate into the soil. Soil types above the surrounding ground level.
A diversion is most effective when the water also need to be considered before The hose attached to the diverter should
can flow over a garden bed or grassed area diverting an overflow. See next page be no more than 13mm in diameter
and infiltrate back into the soil. If the area soil types for more information. and a length of between 1 metres and
around the tank is paved, then a rainwater 5 metres – depending on the property’s
tank diversion is not ideal. Step 3 – rainwater tank soil types. See next page soil types for
diversion arrangement further information.
Step 2 – identifying
Any modifications to stormwater or The 90mm diameter bypass mechanism
the right location a downpipe must be carried out by is connected into the overflow 500mm
The following points need to be a licensed plumber. above and 500mm below the diverter
considered before diverting a hose, and is positioned to reconnect with
When full of water, the overflow from your the stormwater downpipe. See diagram
rainwater tank overflow:
rainwater tank is designed to prevent the (next page). A rainwater tank diversion
A) If the rainwater tank is located where tank overflowing in an uncontrolled manner. of this type will redirect approximately
the surrounding ground slopes towards It is important that the overflow not be 90% of all rainfall onto your garden and
the house then it should not be diverted. entirely disconnected from the stormwater away from our precious waterways.
B) A rainwater tank diversion should system. Instead, a bypass mechanism should
not discharge water directly over be installed to manage the risk of flooding.
impervious surfaces (surfaces
that can’t absorb water) .


Step 4 – operating the For all diversions, a minimum distance Soil types
rainwater tank diversion from any building to the point of discharge
(i.e. end of the hose) is required. If you are unsure of the soil types on the
When the lever on the rainwater tank property, your local council may be able
diverter is pushed closed, water overflowing Table 1 provides a guide to these minimum to help. Alternatively, you can conduct this
from the rainwater tank will flow through setbacks depending on soil types. following test:
the hose and onto the garden or grassed Table 1: Setback requirements – 1. Dig a hole – 100mm diameter x 350mm
area. When opened, overflow water will flow footing distance from hose end. deep.
into the stormwater system. To maximise
2. Place 90mm diameter PVC pipe of
the benefits of the diversion, the lever Soil Type minimum distance
from footings (m) at least 300mm long into the hole.
should remain closed.
Sand 1 3. Pour 1.3 litres of water into the pipe.
Step 5 – setback requirements Loam 2 4. Observe how quickly the water infiltrates
Medium sand 4 the soil. If the water disappears in less
When determining if the diversion is reactive Clay 5 than 1 minute, then the soil type is most
appropriate for your rainwater tank, consider likely sandy. If the water takes 3 minutes
the location of the tank in relation to your or more, then the property has clay type
house and other buildings on the property, 1
soils. Repeat this test a few times until
as well as those on neighbouring properties. the infiltration rate is consistent.
Check the likely path that the water will
travel from the diversion.


2. Existing stormwater downpipe.
3. bypass mechanism for larger storm events.
6. Lever to close or open waterflow*.

500mm 4

* Diverter most effective when lever pushed closed

If you are still unsure of the soil types on Step 6 – monitoring the diversion
your property, the diverter hose should be
set to discharge water 5 metres away from Monitoring the rainwater tank diversion
any building or foundation on the property. will ensure that there is no flooding of
the property and neighbouring properties,
Handy hint – Water infiltration into the soil and that water flow is not causing erosion
near permanent structures can cause the to surrounding areas.
ground to sink or swell which can cause
cracking, subsidence or foundation failure. Need help?
It is important to ensure that the discharge If you have any questions about rainwater
point from the rainwater tank diversion tank diversions, downpipe diversion or
meets the setback requirements outlined building a raingarden, your landscape
in Table 1. gardener or local plumber may be able
to help. For more information visit

Materials List – what you need

for a rainwater tank diversion

Table 2: Details the materials required for a rainwater tank diversion.

You can purchase the materials yourself, or a licensed plumber will be able to supply
them when fitting the diversion to the rainwater tank. While prices may vary depending
on the materials selected, one rainwater tank overflow diversion is likely to cost $120
(plus the cost of a plumber). A basic diversion is likely to take your plumber 1 hour.
Quantity Material
1 No. 90mm diameter water diverter with on/off lever and 13mm diameter outlet
2 No. upvc 90mm diameter tee
2 No. upvc 90mm diameter 90 degree bend (preferably with inspection cap)
2 l/m 90mm diameter pipe
6 l/m 13mm diameter nylon hose

mm= millimetres l/m = lineal metres dia. = diameter

Note: Lengths are subject to change depending on your downpipe arrangements.
The above quantities are based on the downpipes being 90mm diameter.

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ISBN 978-1-921911-70-5 (print) for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from
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ISBN 978-1-921911-71-2 (web)
© Copyright 2012
Version 2, November 2013
Melbourne Water Corporation.
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