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Working with Sections and Columns

Creating and formatting sections
Working with multiple columns
Working with text in columns

Formatting Tables
Table formatting
Borders and shading
Table Styles

Working with Styles and Building Blocks

Applying styles
Modifying and deleting styles
Using styles to create outlines
Quick Parts

Working with Headers and Footers

Creating section headers and footers
Page numbering

Working with Graphics

Inserting pictures
Using SmartArt
Inserting WordArt and symbols
Applying watermarks
Using shapes

Document Templates
Using templates
Creating templates

Working with Forms

Creating forms
Modifying forms
Protecting and printing forms

Working with Large Documents

Master documents
Footnotes and endnotes
Bookmarks and cross-references
PowerPoint Design Tips and Techniques
What's new in PowerPoint

Customising Presentation Templates

Modifying templates
Building custom templates and themes
Building custom slide masters
Advanced slide master techniques

Enhancing Presentations
Advanced drawing techniques
Using alignment tools
Sourcing and enhancing images
Adding movies and sound
Using animations and transitions

Using SmartArt, Tables and Charts

Inserting and editing SmartArt
Creating organisation charts
Formatting and modifying tables
Inserting and designing charts and graphs
Working with Excel – linking tables and charts

Advanced Presentation Techniques

Advanced slideshow delivery options
Organising your presentation effectively

Printing and Handouts

Printing options
Working with Word - exporting handouts and notes
Exporting to other formats – PDF and video
What's new in Access

Database Concepts
Database concepts and terminology
Exploring the Access environment
Planning and designing databases
Getting help
Closing a database and Access

Access Basics
Exploring tables
Examining queries
Exploring reports

Creating Databases
Creating a database
Using the table wizard
Working in design view

Working with Fields and Records

Changing the design of a table
Adding and deleting records
Finding and editing records
Sorting and filtering records Querying Tables
Creating and using queries
Modifying query results and queries
Using calculations in queries

Creating and Using Forms

Creating forms by using AutoForm
Using the form wizard
Using design view
Finding, sorting and filtering records

Creating and Using Reports

Using the report wizard and queries
Creating, modifying and printing reports

Importing, Exporting and Linking Objects

Importing Access objects
Exporting Access objects
Linking Access objects
What's new in Excel

Getting Started
Spreadsheet terminology
Exploring the Excel window
Getting help
Opening and navigating workbooks
Closing workbooks

Entering and Editing data

Creating workbooks
Entering and editing labels and values
Entering and editing formulas
Saving and updating workbooks

Modifying a Worksheet
Moving and copying data
Moving and copying formulas
Using absolute references
Inserting and deleting ranges

Using Functions
Entering functions
Using AutoSum

Formatting Worksheets
Formatting text
Formatting rows and columns
Number formatting
Using Format Painter and AutoFormat

Preparing to print
Page Setup options
Printing worksheets

Creating Charts
Chart basics
Modifying charts
Printing charts

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