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(AIS 160)

Group project

October 2022 – January 2023



Word Processing Software (5%) 12/1/2023
Spreadsheet Software (5%) 12/1/2023
Presentation Software (5%) 26/1/2023
Presentation (5%) 26/1/2023

Word Processing Software : 5%

1. Please find two (2) articles from one of the topics below & do a summary:
 netiquette
 cybercrime
 cybersecurity
 information privacy
 digital IP
 cyber bullying
 health risk of using computers
 environmental issues related to computers

The articles must contain at least 4 pages.

(4 marks)
2. Create cover page for the summary that include following elements:
 Title of the assignment : Group Project AIS 160
 Subject : Articles summary for (topic - refer to no 1)
 Student’s information: Name and Id
 Instructor’s Information: Name, Designation, Faculty
 Date of submission
 UiTM’s logo
(3 marks)
3. Create table of contents using References section.
(2 marks)
4. Header
 Group members’ full name
 Font : Arial
 Font size : 9
(2 mark)
5. Footer
 Page number
 Font : Arial
 Font size : 9
(2 mark)
6. Summary/content:
 Sentence case
 Font Arial font size 11 or Times New Roman size 12
 1.5 Spacing
 Justified
 1 to 1 and half page for each article summary
(6 marks)

7. Create watermark “AIS 160”

(2 marks)
8. Please insert one (1) related picture for each article summary.
(2 marks)

9. Create references using bibliography.
(2 marks)

10. Save the edited article as Microsoft Word .doc format and name your document as

11. Upload your file and the two articles in UFUTURE ASSIGNMENT.


Presentation Software : 5%

Prepare the interactive slides using Microsoft Power Point to summarize the articles used in
Word Processing Software Project using your own word. Your slides should contain the
following items:

 Graphics and animations (sound effect and slide transition).

 Use your custom template. You are NOT ALLOWED to use default or downloaded
 Find a video related to the topic and add to your slide.

The marks will be given based on your creativity, hard work and level of understanding of
using Microsoft Power Point in creating the interactive slides.

Presentation : 5%

Prepare a 5 minutes video presentation to discuss and express your opinion on the articles
that you choose in Microsoft Word project. Your video presentation will be graded on the basis
of contents, focus, organization, style, delivery (including adhering to the time limit). All
members share the grade equally.

Spreadsheet Software: 5%

You are required to prepare a Five-years Projected Income Statement for Megah Jaya Sdn
1. Enter title:
Cell Descriptions Font
A1 MEGAH JAYA SDN BHD Britannic Bold, 22
Merge and center align the titles from cell A through cell F.

2. Enter the following data in the appropriate cell:

Cell Descriptions Font
B4 2023
C4 2024 Arial Black, 11
D4 2025
E4 2026
F4 2027

A5 Sales Revenue Arial, 11
A6 Cost of Good Sold
A7 Gross Profit
A9 Expenses: Arial Black, 11
A10 Administrative Expenses Arial, 11
A11 Selling & Distribution Expenses
A12 Other Expenses
A13 Total Expenses
A15 Net Profit Arial Black, 11
A17 Maximum Arial, 11
A18 Minimum
A19 Average
A21 Assumptions: Arial Black, 11
A22 Unit Sold Arial, 11
A23 Unit Price
A24 Annual Sales Growth
B22 5000
B23 90

3. Insert formula in the following cell:

Cell Formula Format
B5 Unit Sold X Unit Price
C5-F5 Sales growth of 20% from the previous Font: Arial, 11
B6-F6 Cost is 50% of Sales Number: No decimal
B10-F10 10% of Sales place and use ,
B11-F11 7% of Sales separator.
B12-F12 5% of Administrative Exp
B13-F13 Total Expenses
B15-F15 Gross Profit – Total Expenses
F17 Maximum of net profit
F18 Minimum of net profit
F19 Average of net profit

4. Use appropriate border according to the output in your worksheet.

5. Format the number to 0 decimal point and use “,” separator.
6. Insert charts in the worksheet;
a. A line chart with markers for the Projected Net Profit for 2023-2027. Insert
appropriate title, X and Y axis labels.
b. a 3-D pie chart that shows the Projected Net Profit for 2023-2027. Remove
the legend and set the label to show the percentage and years.
7. Save your file as : group_name_UiTM No

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