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Alchemical Properties of

Colloidal Gold
The alchemists believed that gold represented the
perfection of matter, and that its presence in the
body enlivens, rejuvenates, and cures a multitude of
diseases. Gold never corrodes or even tarnishes, is
completely non-toxic, and exhibits no interactions
with other drugs. Gold is the only heavy metal that
has a right-hand atomic spin and is therefore easily
tolerated by the body.

The mystical metal has been used for both spiritual

and medical purposes as far back as ancient Egypt.
Over 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians used gold in
dentistry and ingested it for mental, bodily, and
spiritual purification. The ancients believed that gold
in the body worked by stimulating the life force and
raising the level of vibration on all levels. In
Alexandria, alchemists developed a powerful elixir
known as “liquid gold,” which reportedly had the
ability to restore youth and perfect health. In ancient
Rome, gold salves were used for the treatment of
skin ulcers, and today, gold leaf plays an important
role in the treatment of chronic skin ulcers. The great
alchemist and founder of modern medicine,
Paracelsus, developed many highly successful
medicines from metallic minerals including gold. In
medieval Europe, gold-coated pills and “gold waters”
were extremely popular. Alchemists mixed powdered
gold into drinks to "comfort sore limbs," and today, it is widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis. In the 1900s, surgeons implanted a $5.00 gold piece under the skin near an inflamed joint,
such as a knee or elbow. In China, peasants still cook their rice with a gold coin in order to help
replenish gold in their bodies, and fancy Chinese restaurants put 24-karat gold-leaf in their food
preparations. Since 1885 gold has been prescribed for healing heart disease and improving blood
circulation, in addition to its widespread use in treating arthritis.

If metallic gold is divided into fine particles with sizes ranging from one to one hundred billionths of
a meter, the particles are permanently suspended in solution (it becomes colloidal) and exhibits
completely new properties due to the larger amount of gold surface area available. Pure colloidal
gold was first prepared in 1857 by the English scientist, Michael Faraday, and many uses were
found for the amazing solutions of “activated gold.” In 1890, the distinguished German
bacteriologist Robert Koch discovered that compounds made with gold inhibited growth of the
bacillus that caused tuberculosis and his work won the Nobel Prize. Today, gold is used in surgery
to patch damaged blood vessels, nerves, bones, and membranes. Injection of microscopic gold
helps retard prostate cancer in men; women with ovarian cancer are treated with colloidal gold.
Gold vapor lasers seek out and destroy cancerous cells without harming their healthy neighbors or
give new life to patients with once inoperable heart conditions and tumors. Doctors Nilo Cairo and
A. Brinckmann wrote a best selling treatment guide entitled Materia Medica (Sao Paulo, Brazil) in
which colloidal gold was listed as the number one remedy against obesity. In his article "Colloidal
Gold in Inoperable Cancer," Dr. Edward H. Ochsner (Chicago-Consulting Surgeon at Augustana
Hospital) stated: "When the condition is hopeless, colloidal gold helps prolong life and make life
much more bearable, both to the patient and to those about them, because it shortens the period of
terminal cachexia (general physical wasting and malnutrition) usually associated with chronic
disease and greatly reduces pain and discomfort and the need of opiates (narcotics) in a majority
of instances."

One experimental new gold compound blocks virus replication in infected cells and is being tested
for the treatment of AIDS. Some researchers are placing gold atoms into DNA to study the hybrid
genetic material in cells, while others are using it to determine how cells respond to toxins, heat,
and physical stress. Because it is biologically benign and easy to trace, biochemists use gold to
form compounds with proteins to create new lifesaving drugs. The body's temperature stabilizing
mechanism is restored to balance with gold, particularly in cases of chills, hot flashes, and night
sweats. Gold has a direct effect on the heart and improves blood circulation. It is beneficial for
rejuvenating sluggish organs, especially the brain and digestive system, and has been used in
cases of glandular and nervous congestion and poor physical coordination. Other traditional
treatments include bone pain, obesity, skin ulcers, puncture wounds, nerve damage (neuropathy),
hot flashes, night sweats, detoxification, motor skills, restless leg syndrome, hyperactivity, poor
eyesight, and poor hand-to-eye coordination. It is also used to alleviate the wasting and
malnutrition associated with many chronic diseases.

Colloidal gold has a balancing and harmonizing effect on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. It has
also been shown to increase libido and stabilize mental aberrations. It is used to improve mental
attitude and treat unstable mental and emotional states such as depression, melancholy, sorrow,
anxiety, anger, fear, despair, anguish, frustration, suicidal tendencies, and other emotional
imbalances. In the nineteenth century, colloidal gold was commonly used in the United States to
cure alcoholism, and today it is used to cure addictions to drugs, nicotine, caffeine, carbohydrates,
and alcohol by actually weakening the cravings for those substances. Colloidal gold increases
mental acuity and the ability to concentrate and is used to treat attention deficit disorder,
hyperactivity, dyslexia, seasonal affective disorder, poor memory, poor concentration, and many
other unbalances in mind and spirit. Recent studies have shown a 20% increase in I.Q. in people
who took daily doses of colloidal gold for only three to four weeks. Colloidal gold is thought to
strengthen mental function by increasing the conductivity between nerve endings in the body and
on the surface of the brain. Because of its powerful mental transformative effects, however,
colloidal gold is not recommended for use by people with bi-polar disorder who have difficulty in
adjusting to emotional and mental changes.

Our gold colloid is produced by a proprietary process which produces very small particles which
are just a few times the diameter of the gold atoms themselves. Our product is true colloid, which
means it consists of nanometer size (.001 microns) particles of gold held in constant suspension in
the liquid. The purity of the gold used to make our colloid is 0.9999! The mean size of the gold
particles is 1.4 nanometers; the minute particles contain only about 85 gold atoms each. To
separate gold atoms from the pure metal requires a using a manmade bolt of lightning – a very
high voltage, high frequency, and high amperage arc of electricity. Most other products claiming to
be colloidal gold are actually ionic gold, which are chemically reactive and could cause damage to
nerve cells. Ionic gold is easy to identify because it is a clear liquid and looks like water; if it does
not have the light red-purple signature of gold, then it is not true colloidal gold. (Interestingly, the
red color of ruby gems is also attributed to the gold content of the stones.) We are the only
producers who make "spagyric colloids," that is, purest colloids created alchemically at the
appropriate time and environment to incorporate not only the physical metal but also its living
planetary signature or archetypal energy.

Dosage: One teaspoon (5 ml) to one tablespoon (15 ml) taken three times daily. A teaspoon per 70
pounds of body weight is a good approximation. Children under 70 pounds: 1/2 teaspoon daily or
as recommended by a health care provider. For topical (skin) application, use a fine mist and spray
several times daily to reduce pain and promote healing.

8 oz. Item # 420. 32 oz. Item # 421.


CRUCIBLE CATALOG | | (877) 782-7389

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