GIFT DEED Model-Assignment

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Question No.


The Gift settlement deed has been executed on this ..................

day of 20..... executed by Rakesh, Son of ............................, residing

at .................................... Taluk, .............. District in favor of Ramya,

daughter of ........................ having the permanent resident

at ................................................ Taluk, .............. District, now working as a

employee in a Software Company at Chennai, as follows:

1. You are the daughter of my brother. I have been retired from

the job of Central Government and I am an unmarried one.

2. I am the owner of the tea estate which is in Ooty and that is

myself acquired property earned from out of my own income.

3. To confirm my decision to do arrange something to you on love

and affection towards you and to make sure to my decision I

have executed this Gift settlement deed of my properties

mentioned as in the schedule which had been entitled by me by

virtue of a deed registered as in Doc No............................

dated ...................... with SRO, Ooty, the value of the property

has not been mentioned in this deed of Gift Settlement. The

property is in my absolute possession and enjoyment as on date,

has been handed over the possession to you today on this date

of execution of Gift settlement deed in favor of you.

4. From today onwards you can pay the Government Taxes and to

enjoy the property with all the rights. I assure that there was

no encumbrance on the settlement deed property mentioned in

the schedule I have also filed the application to transfer the

name of the property in the revenue records in favor of you.

Except you alone, from now on nobody has got right in the gift

settlement deed property including me and any other legal heirs

of mine either prior or afterwards has got no rights to claim the


5. I did not receive any value for the execution of this settlement

deed. I assure that I would not cancel this settlement deed.

Even if I do so, that the same will be invalid. I agree to transfer

the already obtained electric service connection in your name.

This Gift settlement deed is irrevocable.

6. As so with my full consent I have executed this settlement



In Witnesses thereof the parties have executed this deed of

partition on this day ....................... of 20.....



Ooty Registration District, Ooty Sub Registration

District................... Village, the Tea Estate, bearing in

S.F.No..................................... an extent of .................................

With the Following Boundaries:






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