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Microeconomics 2.


 Concerned primarily with the market 4 Forms of Business

activities on individual economic units
 Sole/Single Proprietorship
such as consumers, resource owners.
 Partnership
and business firms.
 Corporation
 Concerned with the flow of goods and
- Stockholders
services from business firms to
- Shareholders
- Stakeholders
 Also concerned with the flow of
resources ( or services) from resources INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS
owners to business firms
- Employees
- Owner
1. Microeconomics looks at the decisions of

2. Microeconomics, often called as Price Theory - Customer / consumer

- Suppliers
3. Microeconomics is concerned with social
- Investors
- Creditors
4. Microeconomics has a limited focus. - Government

5. Microeconomics develops skills. FORMS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE

• Scarcity. It means that there are never enough  Centralized – direct, applicable in
resources to satisfy all human wants partnership
 Decentralized – indirect, applicable in
• Economics. It is the study of the trade-offs
and choices that we make, given the fact of
 Cooperative – composed of board of
directors, “unanimous agreement”
• Opportunity Cost. It is what we give up when businesses owned by member-owners.
we choose one thing over another
 WHOLESALING - is the act of buying
 Government goods in bulk from a manufacturer at a
 Business discounted price and selling to a retailer
 Households for a higher price, for them to
repackage and in turn resell in smaller
1. Government quantities at an even higher price to
3 Branches of Government consumers.
 RETAILING - the sale of goods or
 Executive (ex. President) services from a business directly to a
 Legislative (ex. Senators) consumer for their own use.
 Judicial (ex. Supreme Court)  SERVICING - is a company that performs
tasks for the benefit of their customers.
These tasks can include transportation, 3. Technique of production
cleaning, traveling, hospitality,
> resources are used and combined in
maintenance or consulting.
 MERCHANDISING - is a business that
purchases finished products and resells production is described as:
them to consumers. Consider your
local grocery store or retail clothing a. capital - intensive (large amt of
store. investment)

3.HOUSEHOLDS – one or more person living b. labor - intensive (large amt of labor)
in the same dwelling. > the basic activities of man constitute the
 BIR – Bureau of Internal Revenue basic exchange that takes place between the
- TAX EVASION (illegal) business and the consumers.
 PSE – Philippine Stock Exchange
 IPO – Initial Public Offering Land Rent


Man’s Basic Economic Activity: Capital Interest

Man’s basic economic activity consists of efforts Entrepreneurship Profit

to satisfy human wants with the use of goods CONSUMPTION
and services.
> Household is the basic consuming unit in
3 Elements: the economy
1. human wants > human wants are unlimited
> unlimited and vary from the needs of > humans maximize satisfaction through the
survival proper allocation or mix of expenditures within
> man is subject to create wants, develop the context of budget limitations
them due to the effects of advertising and The business firm serves as the economy’s
consumption as dictated by our culture producing unit to satisfy human wants with
2. the use of resources goods and services

> basic economic resources consists of land, Some Economic Problems:

labor, capital, and entrepreneurship 1. Unemployment
> resources are available in limited amounts 2. Economic instability that causes highs and
> man has to learn to allocate them properly lows in production and investment levels.
in order to maximize the number of wants that 3. Low levels of growth and development,
can be satisfied which is more difficult for underdeveloped and
developing nations to rise from their low levels
of income and employment.
4. Inequality in income distribution resulting in
the concentration of the nation’s wealth in the
hands of a few.

5. Determination of the type of economic

system to be adopted to meet the country’s
peculiar conditions and needs.

Among the best- known economic models is 7

the competitive market or “ supply and FACTORS THAT AFFECTS DEMAND
demand.” The supply and demand relationships 1. Price of product – impactful in demand.
can be expressed in three different forms: 2. Tastes and Preferences – depends on a
> verbal ( or logical ) person (like go with the flow). It
changes from time to time. Possible to
> mathematical decrease or increase the sale.
> graphical 3. Consumer’s Income – plays a huge role
in demand. If the income increase, then
4 TYPES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEM the demand also increases.
4. Availability of Substitutes - If a product
1. Traditional Economic System – based
has reliable substitutes in the market,
on our beliefs, tradition, and culture.
its demand undergoes a significant
(not welcoming the change)
change. The more substitutes available,
2. Command Economy – no freedom of
the more elastic the demand for the
enterprise, everything has been
good or service will be.
dictated by government.
5. Number of Consumer in the Market -
3. Market Economy – freedom of
demand is determined by how many
enterprise, they can produce what they
people are buying a particular product.
want. It is the place where transaction
Therefore, the more consumers
occurs, products and services in
available, the greater the demand.
exchange for money.
6. Consumers Expectations – expect the
4. Mixed Economy – combination of
quality of a product on the brand’s
traditional, command, and Market
7. Elasticity – the concept of economics
DEMAND that change the prices between the
- refers to the consumer’s willingness
to buy or purchase product to a 10 FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE QUANTITY
given capacity. DEMAND BASED ON PRICE
- Part of our needs or wants
income, expectation on future prices, prices
- Quantity and quality
of related goods (substitutes/compliments),
- From producers to
size of the population, quality of the
product, tastes and preferences, promotion
and/or advertisements, religion, customs &
traditions, fad or fashion.

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