Goosebumps 3

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In the city, Smiljan Croatia Slappy, the living dummy was typing on the
magical typewriter. “Aha, my book is finished, now I will rule over the world
with the help of my book, hahaha.”

While he was laughing three kids heard him laugh loudly from a closed house.
So, they went into the house by breaking the lock. Then they saw the living
dummy and they hid behind a pile of boxes. Then Mark saw a book on his right.
He lifted the book in his hand which caused a sound that warned Slappy, and he
saw them with his book in their hand.

He suddenly, appear in front of them. They were shocked and scared, suddenly,
they ran out of the house. Slappy chased them and they ran on the footpath as
fast as they could.

When they got exhausted, they through the book on the footpath behind them
and in a second, the book’s lock broke, after that R.L. Stine came out of it. The
kids were astonished.

“How’re you”, said R.L. Stine. They introduced themselves to R.L. Stine and
told him about Slappy. They also told that Slappy was chasing him for some
time and then disappeared. So, R.L. Stine told them about Slappy and his evil
powers, and also told that he will not leave you easily. James offered R.L. Stine
and his friends to come to his house as his parents were not in the city.

So, they started planning, how to stop Slappy and his evil plans. R.L. Stine told
them about his typewriter which was precious to him and only that typewriter
helps him to create monsters, and Slappy was his first monster who was the
most powerful and deadliest monster which was made by him. Slappy has
attacked the city twice and he was never caught the second time instead he
caught him in the book.
R.L. Stine discusses “Slappy is a really smart dummy and doesn’t like people
calling him dummy, and he gets extremely angry when people call him a

Meanwhile Slappy was activating his Slappy army with an artificial body. His
army contained Slappys with a different type of personalities Many were too
smart, many were short-tempered, some had all these personalities, but one only
one of them was generous and kind.

The generous Slappy does some thinking and then he goes on thinks on the
good side then he runs out new Slappy basement hiding place and he found
Mark, James, Maria.

And all Mark, his friends, and R.L. Stine were shocked so ran out of the house
and there was a lot of chasing and rushing, then Slappy explained them about
his kindness and also about Slappy’s plan. Good slappy help them as a

R.L. Stine created the way the good Slappy said so and he told all plans of the
Slappy army to destroy this city by a defensive way with 100 Slappys at the
back and then there will be me in the attackers and I will use my magical power
to attack at the city. Good Slappy also told them that Slappy will attack on
Monday next and they have two days to plan how to defeat Slappy and his evil

They plan to steal the typewriter from Slappy with the help of generous Slappy.
They plan that generous Slappy goes to the basement and distracts other
Slappys with the help of his magical powers, and they will steal the typewriter
behind the Slappys. So, at night they do as their plan was and they were
successful to steal the typewriter. Then R.L. Stine started writing a book to
capture all the Slappys and save the whole world, but their plan was not
successful as all the Slappys knew that generous Slappy was helping them.

Slappy thought a lot about the typewriter and all the Slappy made a plan to
attack R.L. Stine so he cannot finish his book. Slappy started his attack on the
city and tried to rule over the city before R.L. Stine complete his book.

Mark, James, and Maria tried to stop Slappy army by using their brain. They
said loudly “All Slappys listen the original Slappy is your boss and he will not
need you after he rules over the world, he will capture you in your book.”

So, all Slappys started fighting to become KING SLAPPY! They got enough
time to complete the book because of the fight. The original Slappy told other
Slappys that it was a trick from them so that they can finish their book. They
immediately stopped fighting and attacked on R.L. Stine and the three children.
Then they ran in a car with the typewriter but slappy and his army chase him.
They destroy their car and thought that R.L. Stine, and the three children killed
in the crash of the car, but they did not die and hide from the slappy army
behind a clump of bushes. One of the Slappy's find them and attacked them.
They finished their book and then trapped one of the Slappys who was attacking

Original Slappy controlled the generous Slappy with their magical powers as
generous Slappy was also attacking R.L. Stine and the three children. Mark,
James, and Maria attracted all the Slappys, so R.L. Stine could trap all the
Slappys, but one Slappy took the book from R.L. Stine.

When Mark saw that he immediately jumps on the Slappy and open the book.
One by one all the Slappy went into the book but when generous Slappy was
going into it, they quickly closed the book so generous Slappy will not go inside
the book.

Generous Slappy said “we finished all the evil Slappys. Yes, now give the
book…” R.L. Stine gave the book to Slappy.” Slappy has taken the book and
hide it from everyone at a secret place. At night, all the party, but Slappy was
doing something else in a secret place.

Suddenly a monster came and started attacking the city and all the people were
scared and thought about how it is possible. They all tried to stop the monster,
but it is too big. It is a snow monster and he was freezing the city. All were
shocked and half of the city was frozen. Then Slappy came and stop the monster
with his magical powers and secretly teleport him to a secret place.

Then suddenly the next night, there was a werewolf who attacked the city and
this time Slappy was not there when all were trying to stop the werewolf.

They all doubted Slappy but Slappy told them that he was thinking about the
mystery of these two monsters, how they came and from where, and who was
releasing these monsters. They were ready for the next night but there was no
monster and they noticed the fire on some of the houses.

They were surprised to see that, and they thought who was doing this. R.L.
Stine guessed that he could be the invisible boy and he said “it can be the
invisible boy, so I know his weaknesses, one is paint. You Mark, you go and
bring buckets of paint and James, you go bring my typewriter and finally you
Maria, get me a chair and table with wheels under, so I can run while typing.”

R.L. Stine started typing with quiet and rapidly. Meanwhile Slappy was
thinking that his team would lose the typewriter so when R.L. Stine was typing,
Slappy make a duplicate of the typewriter in front of R.L. Stine. The next night
there was a large group of witches. They were the largest disaster for the city of
Smiljan Croatia. What a surprise R.L. Stine gave the kids some weapons to fight
the monsters.

R.L. Stine gave magical gloves to James, a brain controller to Mark and a
powerful robot to Maria. R.L. Stine made these weapons with the help of his

But there is another surprise that Slappy is again on the bad side because
Original Slappy was controlling generous Slappy from inside the book. When
they saw that generous Slappy was now evil Slappy, they all were very upset.
The three children were fighting with the witches and with Slappy also, but
Slappy was too strong. Maria’s robot killed all the witches one by one. Slappy
was making his most powerful monsters army with his typewriter.

In Slappy’s army, there was a giant werewolf, a dino army, a sandman and an
army of vampires, and many more terrible monsters.

R.L. Stine wanted an army like slappy’s army, so he thought of creating an

army of slappy’s for his own as R.L. Stine is smart thought of making one real
difference he gave his army of Slappys a green suit. He thought if his army of
Slappys will be the same as the original slappy’s army his Slappys could try to
attack his Slappy.

R.L. Stine made an army containing more than 100 Slappy soldiers with his
typewriter, but when Slappy saw him, he immediately destroys R.L. Stine’s
typewriter. Now there is only one typewriter which is with Slappy. Fortunately,
the typewriter which was destroyed was the duplicate typewriter which was
made by slappy.

Slappy has the original typewriter and Slappy was making his army larger and
bold. Slappy said,” kill those three children. I’ll eat them for dinner.”

The kids attacked Slappy’s army with their army. Slappy’s army was too weak
to stand a chance against R.L. Stine’s army. Successfully, Slappy’s army was
caught. Then R.L. Stine created another book titled “the book. “In which kept
the book safe and He kept his slappy army for security in case a monster or
monsters came out for a safeguard.

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